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Increasing terrestrial vegetation activity in China, 1982—1999   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The搊pening?policiesimplementedinChinainthepasttwodecadeshaveresultedinextensivechangesinlanduseandlandcover.Vegetationactivityhasincreasedthroughagriculturalpracticessuchasafforestation,irrigation,andintensiveagriculturalmanagement[1,2].Ontheotherhand,vegetationcover-agehasdecreasedduetorapidurbanization,industri-alization,andovergrazing[3,4].Thus,therearecon-flictingreportsregardingthestatusofChina抯vegeta-tion,asnointegrativeanalysisatthenationallevelhasyetbeenconducted.Thisstudyaimstoexpl…  相似文献   

Increasing terrestrial vegetation activity in China, 1982—1999   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
Variations in vegetation activity during the past 18 years in China were investigated using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the 3rd generation time series dataset of NOAA-AVHRR from 1982 to 1999. In order to eliminate the effects of non-vegetation factors, we characterized areas with NDVI < 0.1 as “sparsely vegetated areas” and areas with NDVI ≥ 0.1 as “vegetated areas”. The results showed that increasing NDVI trends were evident, to varying extents, in almost all regions in China in the 18 years, indicating that vegetation activity has been rising in recent years in these regions. Compared to the early 1980s, the vegetated area increased by 3.5% by the late 1990s, while the sparsely vegetated area declined by 18.1% in the same period. The national total mean annual NDVI increased by 7.4% during the study period. Extended growing seasons and increased plant growth rates accounted for the bulk of these increases, while increases in temperature and summer rainfall, and strengthening agricultural activity were also likely important factors. NDVI changes in China exhibited relatively large spatial heterogeneity; the eastern coastal regions experienced declining or indiscernibly rising trends, while agricultural regions and western China experienced marked increases. Such a pattern was due primarily to urbanization, agricultural activity, regional climate characteristics, and different vegetation responses to regional climate changes.  相似文献   

Variations in vegetation activity during the past 18 years in China were investigated using the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) derived from the 3rd generation time series dataset of NOAA-AVHRR from 1982 to 1999. In order to eliminate the effects of non-vegetation factors, we characterized areas with NDVI < 0.1 as “sparsely vegetated areas” and areas with NDVI ≥0.1 as “vegetated areas”. The results showed that increasing NDVI trends were evident, to varying extents, in almost all regions in China in the 18 years, indicating that vegetation activity has been rising in recent years in these regions. Compared to the early 1980s, the vegetated area increased by 3.5% by the late 1990s, while the sparsely vegetated area declined by 18.1% in the same period. The national total mean annual NDVI increased by 7.4% during the study period. Extended growing seasons and increased plant growth rates accounted for the bulk of these increases, while increases in temperature and summer rainfall, and strengthening agricultural activity were also likely important factors. NDVI changes in China exhibited relatively large spatial heterogeneity; the eastern coastal regions experienced declining or indiscernibly rising trends, while agricultural regions and western China experienced marked increases. Such a pattern was due primarily to urbanization, agricultural activity, regional climate characteristics, and different vegetation responses to regional climate changes.  相似文献   

The effect of α-ketoglutarate deficiency on the oxidative phosphorylation in yeast mitochondria was studied. By determining the properties of electron transport and energy transduction systems of mutant mitochondria it was found that the lack of α-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase activity in mitochondria does not result in any functional defect in the oxidative phosphorylation system.  相似文献   

Foster PL 《Mutation research》1999,436(2):179-184
The levels of proteins required for methyl-directed mismatch repair appear to decline in stationary-phase and nutritionally-deprived cells of Escherichia coli. It has been hypothesized that error-correction by the system also declines, and this decline is responsible for adaptive or stationary-phase mutations. However, evidence in support of this hypothesis is lacking. The mismatch repair system is no less effective in correcting errors during prolonged selection than it is during growth. Furthermore, mismatch repair proteins supplied in excess reduce both growth-dependent and adaptive mutation.  相似文献   

Are there real differences among aquatic and terrestrial food webs?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, aquatic and terrestrial ecologists have put forward several hypotheses regarding similarities and differences in food-web structure and function among these ecosystem types. Although many of these hypotheses explore why strong top-down effects and trophic cascades might be less common in terrestrial than in aquatic ecosystems, there is little theoretical or empirical evidence available to support or refute these hypotheses. Many unanswered questions remain about potential differences across ecosystem types: progress will require empirical studies designed within a broader context that allows for more direct comparisons.  相似文献   

A review of pest-exclusion fences throughout New?Zealand shows that the goals of fence projects are frequently not achieved and cost-benefit analyses often do not adequately quantify ongoing costs. The creation of these sanctuaries enclosed by predator-proof fences often creates small expensive zoos surrounded by degraded habitat that will never be able to sustain the animal and plant species contained within the fence. We examine what fence proponents and conservation trusts believe they are achieving and ask whether the evidence available demonstrates that fenced areas are capable of fulfilling these objectives.  相似文献   

Digestive capabilities, such as the rates nutrient hydrolysis and absorption, may affect energy intake and ultimately feeding behavior. In birds, a high diversity in gut biochemical capabilities seems to support the existence of a correlation between the morphology and physiology of the intestinal tract and chemical features of the natural diet. However, studies correlating the activity of digestive enzymes and the feeding habits at an evolutionary scale are scarce. We investigated the effect of dietary habits on the digestive physiological characteristics of eight species of passerine birds from Central Chile. The Order Passeriformes is a speciose group with a broad dietary spectrum that includes omnivorous, granivorous and insectivorous species. We measured the activity of three enzymes: maltase, sucrase and aminopeptidase-N. Using an autocorrelation analysis to remove the phylogenetic effect, we found that dietary habits had no effect on enzymatic activity. However, we found that granivorous and omnivorous species had higher levels of disaccharidase activities and insectivores had the lowest. The major difference in enzymatic activity found at the inter-specific level, compared to the reported lower magnitude of enzyme modulation owing to dietary acclimation, suggests that these differences to some extent have a genetic basis. However, the lack of a clear association between diet categories and gut physiology suggested us that dietary categorizations do not always reflect the chemical composition of the ingested food.  相似文献   

Avian and mammalian endothermy results from elevated rates of resting, or routine, metabolism and enables these animals to maintain high and stable body temperatures in the face of variable ambient temperatures. Endothermy is also associated with enhanced stamina and elevated capacity for aerobic metabolism during periods of prolonged activity. These attributes of birds and mammals have greatly contributed to their widespread distribution and ecological success. Unfortunately, since few anatomical/physiological attributes linked to endothermy are preserved in fossils, the origin of endothermy among the ancestors of mammals and birds has long remained obscure. Two recent approaches provide new insight into the metabolic physiology of extinct forms. One addresses chronic (resting) metabolic rates and emphasizes the presence of nasal respiratory turbinates in virtually all extant endotherms. These structures are associated with recovery of respiratory heat and moisture in animals with high resting metabolic rates. The fossil record of nonmammalian synapsids suggests that at least two Late Permian lineages possessed incipient respiratory turbinates. In contrast, these structures appear to have been absent in dinosaurs and nonornithurine birds. Instead, nasal morphology suggests that in the avian lineage, respiratory turbinates first appeared in Cretaceous ornithurines. The other approach addresses the capacity for maximal aerobic activity and examines lung structure and ventilatory mechanisms. There is no positive evidence to support the reconstruction of a derived, avian-like parabronchial lung/air sac system in dinosaurs or nonornithurine birds. Dinosaur lungs were likely heterogenous, multicameral septate lungs with conventional, tidal ventilation, although evidence from some theropods suggests that at least this group may have had a hepatic piston mechanism of supplementary lung ventilation. This suggests that dinosaurs and nonornithurine birds generally lacked the capacity for high, avian-like levels of sustained activity, although the aerobic capacity of theropods may have exceeded that of extant ectotherms. The avian parabronchial lung/air sac system appears to be an attribute limited to ornithurine birds.  相似文献   

The possible role of LH or dcAMP induced changes in polyphosphorylated phospholipid metabolism in the regulation of cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity has been studied in tumour Leydig cells. Mitochondria isolated from LH-stimulated Leydig cells were 400% more active in pregnenolone production than mitochondria from control cells. Steroid production in isolated mitochondria from control cells could be stimulated only 25% by cytosol fractions from stimulated cells and 100 microM phosphatidyl inositol-4'-phosphate (PtdIns4P). Other polyphosphorylated phospholipids were either inactive or showed aspecific effects. During a preincubation period tumour cells were labelled with [32P]phosphate and steady-state labelling was obtained for the pholyphosphorylated phospholipids after 40-60 min. [32P]Phosphate incorporation in Ptd Ins4P, phosphatidyl inositol (PtdIns), phosphatidyl choline (PtChl), phosphatidyl ethanolamine (PtdEtn) and cardiolipin (CL) was not affected by treatment of the Leydig cells with LH which stimulated (6-fold), or with cycloheximide which suppressed (4-fold) steroid production. A 25% increase of phosphate incorporation by LH was observed only in phosphatidyl inositol-4',5'-biphosphate (PtdIns4,5P2). 32P Incorporation in PtdIns4,5P2, PtdIns,PtdEtn and CL was stimulated by quinacrine 50 microM. Under these conditions the LH-stimulated pregnenolone production but not the 25-hydroxycholesterol dependent pregnenolone production, was completely inhibited. The results obtained with isolated mitochondria and intact cells indicate that increased levels of polyphosphorylated phospholipids are not consistently correlated with increased mitochondrial pregnenolone production. This argues against an important role of polyphosphorylated phospholipids in the hormonal regulation of cholesterol side-chain cleavage activity in tumour Leydig cells.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2020,30(21):R1283-R1285

Mammalian terrestrial locomotion has many unifying principles. However, the Macropodoidea are a particularly interesting group that exhibit a number of significant deviations from the principles that seem to apply to other mammals. While the properties of materials that comprise the musculoskeletal system of mammals are similar, evidence suggests that tendon properties in macropodoid marsupials may be size or function dependent, in contrast to the situation in placental mammals. Postural differences related to hopping versus running have a dramatic effect on the scaling of the pelvic limb musculoskeletal system. Ratios of muscle fibre to tendon cross-sectional areas for ankle extensors and digital flexors scale with positive allometry in all mammals, but exponents are significantly higher in macropods. Tendon safety factors decline with increasing body mass in mammals, with eutherians at risk of ankle extensor tendon rupture at a body mass of about 150 kg, whereas kangaroos encounter similar problems at a body mass of approximately 35 kg. Tendon strength appears to limit locomotor performance in these animals. Elastic strain energy storage in tendons is mass dependent in all mammals, but exponents are significantly larger in macropodid. Tibial stresses may scale with positive allometry in kangaroos, which result in lower bone safety factors in macropods compared to eutherian mammals.  相似文献   

In the epiphytic tillandsioids, Guzmania monostachia, Werauhia sanguinolenta, and Guzmania lingulata (Bromeliaceae), juvenile plants exhibit an atmospheric habit, whereas in adult plants the leaf bases overlap and form water-holding tanks. CO2 gas-exchange measurements of the whole, intact plants and δ13C values of mature leaves demonstrated that C3 photosynthesis was the principal pathway of CO2 assimilation in juveniles and adults of all three species. Nonetheless, irrespective of plant size, all three species were able to display features of facultative CAM when exposed to drought stress. The capacity for CAM was the greatest in G. monostachia, allowing drought-stressed juvenile and adult plants to exhibit net CO2 uptake at night. CAM expression was markedly lower in W. sanguinolenta, and minimal in G. lingulata. In both species, low-level CAM merely sufficed to reduce nocturnal respiratory net loss of CO2. δ13C values were generally less negative in juveniles than in adult plants, probably indicating increased diffusional limitation of CO2 uptake in juveniles.  相似文献   

Background and Aims Polyploidization, the doubling of chromosome sets, is common in angiosperms and has a range of evolutionary consequences. Newly formed polyploid lineages are reproductively isolated from their diploid progenitors due to triploid sterility, but also prone to extinction because compatible mating partners are rare. Models have suggested that assortative mating and increased reproductive fitness play a key role in the successful establishment and persistence of polyploids. However, little is known about these factors in natural mixed-ploidy populations. This study investigated floral traits that can affect pollinator attraction and efficiency, as well as reproductive success in diploid and tetraploid Gymnadenia conopsea (Orchidaceae) plants in two natural, mixed-ploidy populations.Methods Ploidy levels were determined using flow cytometry, and flowering phenology and herbivory were also assessed. Reproductive success was determined by counting fruits and viable seeds of marked plants. Pollinator-mediated floral isolation was measured using experimental arrays, with pollen flow tracked by means of staining pollinia with histological dye.Key Results Tetraploids had larger floral displays and different floral scent bouquets than diploids, but cytotypes differed only slightly in floral colour. Significant floral isolation was found between the two cytotypes. Flowering phenology of the two cytotypes greatly overlapped, and herbivory did not differ between cytotypes or was lower in tetraploids. In addition, tetraploids had higher reproductive success compared with diploids.Conclusions The results suggest that floral isolation and increased reproductive success of polyploids may help to explain their successful persistence in mixed-ploidy populations. These factors might even initiate transformation of populations from pure diploid to pure tetraploid.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3Ks) play key roles in synaptic plasticity and cognitive functions in the brain. We recently found that genetic deletion of PI3Kγ, the only known member of class IB PI3Ks, results in impaired N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-dependent long-term depression (NMDAR-LTD) in the hippocampus. The activity of RalA, a small GTP-binding protein, increases following NMDAR-LTD inducing stimuli, and this increase in RalA activity is essential for inducing NMDAR-LTD. We found that RalA activity increased significantly in PI3Kγ knockout mice. Furthermore, NMDAR-LTDinducing stimuli did not increase RalA activity in PI3Kγ knockout mice. These results suggest that constitutively increased RalA activity occludes further increases in RalA activity during induction of LTD, causing impaired NMDARLTD. We propose that PI3Kγ regulates the activity of RalA, which is one of the molecular mechanisms inducing NMDARdependent LTD. [BMB Reports 2013; 46(2): 103-106]  相似文献   

Forman BM 《Cell metabolism》2005,1(3):153-155
The identification of phospholipids ligands for the nuclear receptors SF-1 and LRH-1 raise exciting new questions in the areas of signaling and metabolism. Do these receptors provide cells with a mechanism to alter genomic activities in response to phospholipid flux? The tools now exist to address these questions, and more.  相似文献   

Long-term studies have revealed population declines in fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. In birds, and particularly amphibians, these declines are a global phenomenon whose causes are often unclear. Among reptiles, snakes are top predators and therefore a decline in their numbers may have serious consequences for the functioning of many ecosystems. Our results show that, of 17 snake populations (eight species) from the UK, France, Italy, Nigeria and Australia, 11 have declined sharply over the same relatively short period of time with five remaining stable and one showing signs of a marginal increase. Although the causes of these declines are currently unknown, we suspect that they are multi-faceted (such as habitat quality deterioration, prey availability), and with a common cause, e.g. global climate change, at their root.  相似文献   

In this paper I argue, first, that ecologists have routinely treated humans—or more specifically, anthropogenic causal factors—as disturbing conditions. I define disturbing conditions as exogenous variables, variables “outside” a model, that when present in a target system, inhibit the applicability or accuracy of the model. This treatment is surprising given that (1) humans play a dominant role in many ecosystems and (2) definitions of ecology contain no fundamental distinction between human and natural. Second, I argue that the treatment of humans as disturbing conditions is an idealization: since it is, and has long been, known that humans are pervasive, this treatment amounts to an intentionally introduced theoretical distortion. Finally, characterizing this treatment as idealization forces us to confront the question of its justification, and so, drawing on three different kinds of idealization, I evaluate how this treatment may be justified.  相似文献   

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