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We have previously cloned a novel guanine nucleotide-binding protein (G-protein)-coupled receptor, H218, that has sequence similarity to a lysophosphatidic acid receptor, edg2. We present here Northern analysis indicating that the H218 mRNA is expressed in undifferentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. The H218 message is down-regulated and its stability is decreased during retinoic acid- and dibutyryl cAMP-induced differentiation. Treatment by various receptor-selective retinoids indicated that retinoic acid receptor β or γ signaling, but not retinoid X receptor activation, is required for the down-regulation of H218 mRNA. Activation of the H218 receptor may contribute to the phenotype of undifferentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma cells.  相似文献   


Vitronectin (Vtn), one of the extracellular matrix proteins, has been reported to result in cell cycle exit, neurite formation, and polarization of neural progenitor cells during neurogenesis. The underlying mechanism, however, has not been fully understood. In this study, we investigated the roles of Vtn and its integrin receptors, during the transition of neurites from multipolar to bipolar morphology, accompanying the cell cycle exit in neural progenitor cells. We used mouse neuroblastoma cell line Neuro2a as a model of neural progenitor cells which can induce cell cycle exit and the morphological transition of neurites by retinoic acid (RA)-stimulation. Treatment with an antibody for Vtn suppressed the RA-induced cell cycle exit and multipolar-to-bipolar transition. Furthermore, immunostaining results showed that in the cells displaying multipolar morphology Vtn was partially localized at the tips of neurites and in cells displaying bipolar morphology at both tips. This Vtn localization and multipolar-to-bipolar transition was perturbed by the transfection of a dominant negative mutant of cell polarity regulator Par6. In addition, a knockdown of β5 integrin, which is a receptor candidate for Vtn, affected the multipolar-to-bipolar transition. Taken together, these results suggest that Vtn regulates the multipolar-to-bipolar morphological transition via αvβ5 integrin.


Abstract. In five lines of mouse embryonal carcinoma cells, PCC3/A1, PCC4, PCC4/Aza-R1, PCC7-S/Aza-R1, and F9, collagen synthesis was examined by immunofluorescence reaction using specific antibodies directed against collagen. All the embryonal carcinoma cell lines showed type IV collagen, and PCC7-S/Aza-R1 revealed the additional presence of type III collagen. When the F9 and PCC3/A1 EC cells were treated with retinoic acid and dibutyryl-cAMP, they differentiated into morphologically different cellular types. These cellular types showed new types of collagen. Thus, in treated F9 cells, type I, type III, and type V collagen were detected and in treated PCC3/A1 cells, type III and type V collagen were detected.
In two established cellular strains, PYS-2 corresponding to parietal endoderm and 3TDM-1 corresponding to trophoblastoma, collagen was identified by immunological reaction and electrophoretic mobility. The trophoblastoma cell line was characterized by the production of type I, type III, and type IV collagen, whereas endodermal PYS-2 revealed type IV collagen.  相似文献   

This paper describes the expression profile of the CD44 glycoprotein during differentiation of embryonal carcinoma (EC) and embryonic stem (ES) cells. We have recently shown that CD44 is expressed in discrete embryonic structures and, in view of this, we sought an in vitro differentiation model of development in which we could study more readily the structure and function of the CD44 molecule. The P19 EC and CGR8 ES cells were chosen as they have the capacity to develop down the cardiac muscle pathway and we have previously demonstrated that CD44 is expressed abundantly in the embryonic myocardium. The differentiation process in both cell types is accompanied by an induction of CD44 mRNA and protein. However, in differentiated cultures CD44 is not expressed in contractile cells, indicating that these P19 cells do not represent CD44-positive embryonic cardiomyocytes. Expression of CD44 is observed on fibroblast-like cells which appear to migrate over and out from the plated aggregates. Hyaluronan, the major ligand for CD44, is also associated with these CD44-positive fibroblast-like cells. It is suggested that expression of both receptor and ligand by the fibroblastic cells is required for cell:matrix adhesion and cell motility. As CD44 is up-regulated in these cultures, P19 cells are now established as a useful model system to study the factors regulating expression of the CD44 gene.  相似文献   

Retinoids are known to induce the differentiation and cell cycle arrest of human myeloid leukemia cells in vitro. Differential display was used to identify putative early regulatory genes that are differentially expressed in HL-60 human promyelocytic leukemia cells treated with retinoic acid. One of the cDNAs cloned encodes sequences identifying Burkitt's lymphoma receptor 1 (BLR1), a recently described chemokine receptor. Northern blot analysis demonstrates that blr1 mRNA expression increases within 9 h of retinoic acid treatment, well before functional differentiation or G1/G0 growth arrest at 48 h or onset of morphological changes, suggesting a possible regulatory function. The expression of blr1 mRNA is transient, peaking at 72 h when cells are differentiated. blr1 mRNA also is induced by other differentiation-inducing agents, 1α,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 and DMSO. Induction of blr1 mRNA by retinoic acid is not blocked by the protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide. In HL-60 cells stably transfected with blr1 cDNA, ectopic expression of blr1 causes an increase in ERK2 MAPK activation and promotes retinoic acid-induced G1/G0 growth arrest and cell differentiation. The early expression of blr1 mRNA during differentiation, its ability to increase ERK2 activation, and its enhancement of retinoic acid-induced differentiation suggest that blr1 expression may be involved in retinoic acid-induced HL-60 differentiation.  相似文献   

Dual parameter flow cytoenzymology was used to detect biochemical differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells, the undifferentiated, multipotent stem cells of teratocarcinomas. With the use of fluorogenic substrates, two enzyme systems, alkaline phosphatase (EC and carboxyl esterase (EC 3.1.1.), were studied. Embryonal carcinoma cells passaged in vitro for several years retained high alkaline phosphatase activities similar to those of embryonal carcinoma cells in embryoid bodies grown in vivo. Similar to the embryonal carcinoma cells in vivo, the in vitro embryonal carcinoma cells were capable of giving rise to progeny with greatly decreased levels of alkaline phosphatase. The embryonal carcinoma cell alkaline phosphatase was inhibited by l-p-bromotetramisole, suggesting a relationship between this enzyme and somatic, nonintestinal alkaline phosphatase isoenzymes. Determinations of esterase activities in viable teratocarcinoma cells showed that prior to any evidence of morphologic differentiation, the embryonal carcinoma cells are quite heterogeneous with regard to esterase activities.  相似文献   

We recently revealed that myeloid master regulator SPI1/PU.1 directly represses metallothionein (MT) 1G through its epigenetic activity of PU.1, but the functions of MT1G in myeloid differentiation remain unknown. To clarify this, we established MT1G-overexpressing acute promyelocytic leukemia NB4 (NB4MTOE) cells, and investigated whether MT1G functionally contributes to all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA)-induced NB4 cell differentiation. Real-time PCR analyses demonstrated that the inductions of CD11b and CD11c and reductions in myeloperoxidase and c-myc by ATRA were significantly attenuated in NB4MTOE cells. Morphological examination revealed that the percentages of differentiated cells induced by ATRA were reduced in NB4MTOE cells. Since G1 arrest is a hallmark of ATRA-induced NB4 cell differentiation, we observed a decrease in G1 accumulation, as well as decreases in p21WAF1/CIP1 and cyclin D1 inductions, by ATRA in NB4MTOE cells. Nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction assays revealed that the proportions of NBT-positive cells were decreased in NB4MTOE cells in the presence of ATRA. Microarray analyses showed that the changes in expression of several myeloid differentiation-related genes (GATA2, azurocidin 1, pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase 1, matrix metallopeptidase -8, S100 calcium-binding protein A12, neutrophil cytosolic factor 2 and oncostatin M) induced by ATRA were disturbed in NB4MTOE cells. Collectively, overexpression of MT1G inhibits the proper differentiation of myeloid cells.  相似文献   

Human DIXDC1 is a member of Dishevelled-Axin (DIX) domain containing gene family which plays important roles in Wnt signaling and neural development. In this report, we first confirmed that expression of Ccd1, a mouse homologous gene of DIXDC1, was up-regulated in embryonic developing nervous system. Further studies showed that Ccd1 was expressed specifically in neurons and colocalized with early neuronal marker Tuj1. During the aggregation induced by RA and neuronal differentiation of embryonic carcinoma P19 cells, expressions of Ccd1 as well as Wnt-1 and N-cadherin were dramatically increased. Stable overexpression of DIXDC1 in P19 cells promoted the neuronal differentiation. P19 cells overexpressing DIXDC1 but not the control P19 cells could differentiate into Tuj1 positive cells with RA induction for only 2 days. Meanwhile, we also found that overexpression of DIXDC1 facilitated the expression of Wnt1 and bHLHs during aggregation and differentiation, respectively, while inhibited gliogenesis by down-regulating the expression of GFAP in P19 cells. Thus, our finding suggested that DIXDC1 might play an important role during neurogenesis, overexpression of DIXDC1 in embryonic carcinoma P19 cells promoted neuronal differentiation, and inhibited gliogenesis induced by retinoic acid. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. XT Jing and HT Wu contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   


Mouse embryonal carcinoma cell line PCC7–Mz1 can be induced by retinoic acid (RA) to differentiate into several well defined phenotypes of neuroectodermal origin (Lang, E. et al. (1989) J. Cell. Biol. 109, 2481–2493). Several subclones of the cell line (clonal variants) differ from each other in their developmental potential. To test whether these differences in cellular fate are due to somatic mutations in specific genes of these cells, we have cloned full length cDNAs coding for the α1 and β2 isoforms, and partial length cDNAs coding for the α2 β1 and β3 isoforms of the retinoic acid nuclear receptór (RAR). The cloned cDNAs did not differ in sequence from those of normal mouse cells. Using as probe the β2–RAR promotor region from mouse liver, we also checked for restriction fragment length polymorphism in the promotor regions of RA-inducible and RA-resistent cell variants. No alterations in this region of RAR genes was found in the clonal variants tested. The different patterns of derivatives produced by the variants upon exposure to RA therefore cannot be caused by somatic mutations in RAR genes of the tumor cell lines.  相似文献   

Embryonal carcinoma cells (EC cells) can form a wide variety of differentiated cell types and thus resemble the pluripotential stem cells of the normal embryo. Certain EC cell derivatives acquire the biochemical and morphological features of primitive endoderm and have been called 'END' or endodermlike cells. Although these have also been called 'giant' because of their large size, their nuclear DNA contents are not known. Since cell size often corresponds to DNA content and primitive endoderm becomes polyploid during the course of normal development, EC-derived endoderm has been studied cytophotometrically. Thus, EC- and embryo-derived endoderm were found to be similar in that both of these tissues undergo polyploidization. Moreover, the polyploid cells of either EC or embryonic origin do not appear to be terminal cell types, since they can occasionally enter renewed cell division in spite of their large size.  相似文献   

Although testicular germ cell tumors are generally quite responsive to treatment with cisplatin, a small fraction of them acquire resistance during therapy. Even when cisplatin treatment is successful the patient is often left with a residual teratoma at the site of the primary tumor suggesting that cisplatin may trigger differentiation in some tumors. Using the human embryonal carcinoma cell line NTera2/D1, we confirmed that exposure to the differentiating agent retinoic acid produced a reduction in pluripotency markers NANOG and POU5F1 (Oct3/4) and an acute concentration-dependent increase in resistance to both cisplatin and paclitaxel that reached as high as 18-fold for cisplatin and 61-fold for paclitaxel within four days. A two day exposure to cisplatin also produced a concentration-dependent decrease in the expression of the NANOG and POU5F1 and increased expression of three markers whose levels increase with differentiation including Nestin, SCG10 and Fibronectin. In parallel, exposure to cisplatin induced up to 6.2-fold resistance to itself and 104-fold resistance to paclitaxel. Paclitaxel did not induce differentiation or resistance to either itself or cisplatin. Neither retinoic acid nor cisplatin induced resistance in cervical or prostate cancer cell lines or other germ cell tumor lines in which they failed to alter the expression of NANOG and POU5F1. Forced expression of NANOG prevented the induction of resistance to cisplatin by retinoic acid. We conclude that cisplatin can acutely induce resistance to itself and paclitaxel by triggering a differentiation response in pluripotent germ cell tumor cells.  相似文献   

As a result of transfecting Dictyostelium discoideum with an actin 6/ lac Z fusion transgene, strain HW80 was created which expresses the β-galactosidase gene product uniformly throughout development. When mixed with an excess of unmarked wild-type cells, however, HW80 cells selectively migrate to the positions of anterior-like cells surrounding the prespore cell mass, and differentiate as if they were anterior-like cells. As the proportion of HW80 cells is increased, they also sort to positions adjacent to anterior-like cells and some differentiate as prespore cells. Thus sorting of HW80 cells toward the opposite ends of the prespore cell zone supersedes how they differentiate, suggesting that position influences whether cells differentiate as anterior-like or prespore cells.  相似文献   

A novel mesoderm-specific cDNA clone has been isolated by differential screening of cDNA library from an embryonal carcinoma (EC) cell line MC12. The cDNA clone 121a is about 2.5 kb in length and apparently encodes a putative polypeptide of 335 amino acids which may be secreted or membrane anchored glycoprotein since it has a possible signal sequence and a potential N-linked glycosylation site. In situ hybridization using mouse embryos revealed that 121a expression was confined to mesoderm and its derivatives such as allantois, the mesodermal layer of amnion, chorion and yolk sac, somites, heart, etc. These findings suggest that 121 a may be essential for mesodermal differentiation or function, although nothing definite is known. Conservation of 121a homolog in mammals and even in Drosophila seems to support this presumption. Fluorescence in situ hybridization successfully localized 121a to B1 band of mouse chromosome 6.  相似文献   

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