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A DNA-peptide complex that is soluble in 0.2m-sodium chloride can be prepared by trypsin digestion of calf thymus nucleoprotein. The trypsin-digested nucleoprotein molecule contains about 70% of DNA and 30% of peptides by weight, and consists of one DNA molecule associated with arginine-rich peptides. A series of trypsin-digested nucleoprotein preparations differing only in molecular weight were prepared by blending. The intrinsic viscosity and average sedimentation coefficient were determined for each of these preparations. Then the DNA was isolated from each preparation and the hydrodynamic measurements were repeated on the DNA. From a comparison of these results it was concluded that the presence of the complex-forming peptides causes a large decrease in intrinsic viscosity of the DNA and an increase in sedimentation coefficient. In addition, the hydrodynamic data indicate that the DNA-peptide complex behaves like a coil in solution but is more compact than the same length of DNA. The ;melting' profiles, streptomycin precipitation curves and maximum viscosities obtained with ethidium bromide binding for the trypsin-digested nucleoprotein are similar to those of purified DNA, and markedly different from those of undigested nucleoprotein. These findings suggest that the peptides are not strongly associated with the DNA, and that secondary valency forces are involved in the binding.  相似文献   

Some chemical aspects of dose-response relationships in alkylation mutagenesis   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Alkylation of DNA can lead to induction of potentially miscoding groups (promutagenic) or potentially template-inactivating groups (lethal). The proportions of these are found to vary with the chemical nature of the alkylating agent. Agents of low Swain and Scott s factor (or those tending to Ingold's SNi type) react relatively more extensively at O-atom sites in DNA, and yield relatively more of the miscoding O6-alkylguanine residues. Phosphotriester formation is also relatively more extensive with SNi agents.Inactivation of DNA can result from depurinations, strand breakage, and cross-linkage.Both promutagenic and lethal lesions are subject to repair; 3 principal enzymatic systems appear to exist; one for excision and repair of cross-links or aralkyl groups resembles the uvr system; others for repair of single-strand breaks parallel repair of X-ray-induced breaks (exr, rec systems); another, less well defined at present, recognizes certain methylated bases, and depurinated sites (probably Goldthwait's endonuclease II).These factors can be shown to influence dose-response in alkylation mutagenesis. This, broadly, can be classified as linear with the promutagenic group-inducing or directly miscoding agents, and is independent of cytotoxicity; whereas with other agents non-linear response parallels the occurrence of “shouldered” survival curves, and reflects mutation induction by “repairs errors”.Additionally, alkylation of cellular constituents other than DNA, e.g. repair enzymes, may influence dose response, and will again depend on chemical reactivity of the agent.  相似文献   

The challenge of stabilization of small molecules and proteins has received considerable interest. The biological activity of small molecules can be lost as a consequence of chemical modifications, while protein activity may be lost due to chemical or structural degradation, such as a change in macromolecular conformation or aggregation. In these cases, stabilization is required to preserve therapeutic and bioactivity efficacy and safety. In addition to use in therapeutic applications, strategies to stabilize small molecules and proteins also have applications in industrial processes, diagnostics, and consumer products like food and cosmetics. Traditionally, therapeutic drug formulation efforts have focused on maintaining stability during product preparation and storage. However, with growing interest in the fields of encapsulation, tissue engineering, and controlled release drug delivery systems, new stabilization challenges are being addressed; the compounds or protein of interest must be stabilized during: (1) fabrication of the protein or small molecule-loaded carrier, (2) device storage, and (3) for the duration of intended release needs in vitro or in vivo. We review common mechanisms of compound degradation for small molecules and proteins during biomaterial preparation (including tissue engineering scaffolds and drug delivery systems), storage, and in vivo implantation. We also review the physical and chemical aspects of polymer-based stabilization approaches, with a particular focus on the stabilizing properties of silk fibroin biomaterials.  相似文献   

Microbial, chemical and physical aspects of citrus waste composting.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Citrus waste supplemented with calcium hydroxide and with a C/N ratio of 24:1, pH of 6.3 and moisture content of 60% was composted by piling under shelter. With regular turning over of the pile and replenishment of moisture, the thermic phase lasted for 65-70 days and composting was completed after 3 months. Compost thus prepared had an air-filled porosity of 14%, water-holding capacity of 590 ml l(-1), bulk density of 1.05 g cm(-3) and conductivity of 480 mS m(-1). Phosphorus content (in mg l(-1)) was 15, potassium 1,170, calcium 362, magnesium 121, sodium 32, chloride 143, boron 0.31, and water-soluble nitrogen and organic matter 126 and 4788, respectively. Total carbon amounted to 8.85% and total nitrogen to 1.26% of the dry weight, giving a C/N ratio of 7. Mature compost showed some, but acceptable, levels of phytotoxicity. Raw citrus waste was predominantly colonised by mesophilic yeasts. Thermophilous microorganisms present during the thermic phase mainly comprised the bacterial species Bacillus licheniformis, B. macerans and B. stearothermophilus and, to a lesser extent, fungi such as Absidia corymbifera, Aspergillus fumigatus, Emericella nidulans, Penicillium diversum, Paecilomyces variotii, Rhizomucor pusillus, Talaromyces thermophilus and Thermomyces lanuginosus. Bacteria prevalent in the final product included B. licheniformis, B. macerans, Proteus vulgaris, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, P. fluorescens, P. luteola and Serratia marcescens, whereas fungi isolated most frequently comprised Aspergillus puniceus, A. ustus, E. nidulans. Paecilomyces lilacinus, T lanuginosus, yeasts and a basidiomycetous species, probably Coprinus lagopus.  相似文献   

Certain chemical properties, which may determine the biological actions of the recently discovered histamine H2-receptor antagonists burimamide and metiamide, are identified, partly by considering the derivation of these antagonists. Examples are given of attempts to design antagonists using histamine as starting point. A partial agonist was eventually obtained through modifying the side chain of histamine but retaining the imidazole ring. Further developments led to the synthesis of uncharged thioureido analogues and to the discovery of the antagonist, burimamide. Consideration of the relative concentration of imidazole tautomers led to the replacement of a methylene group (-CH2-) with an isosteric thioether (-S-) link in the side chain, and incorporation of a methyl group in the imidazole ring; these changes afforded metiamide, an orally active antagonist. These developments emphasize that the imidazole ring appears to have a special importance at H2 receptors. Burimamide and metiamide are hydrophilic molecules that resemble histamine in having an imidazole ring but differ in the side chain which, though polar, is uncharged. By contrast, the H1-receptor antihistaminic drugs are lipophilic molecules; their resemblance to histamine is in having a positively charged ammonium side chain. These substantial chemical differences between the respective antagonists probably determine their selectivity in distinguishing between the two types of histamine receptor. Furthermore, the very low lipophilicities of these H2-receptor antagonists probably account for the lack of central nervous system and local anesthetic effects normally associated with the use of antihistaminic drugs.  相似文献   

Some physical and chemical characteristics of an arctic beaded stream   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Imnavait Creek is a tundra stream in the Arctic Foothills of Alaska. The stream is beaded, i.e. consists of pools (up to ∼ 2 m deep) connected by narrow channels. Peat dominates pool and channel substrate materials with occasional rock and moss substrates. The watershed is underlain by ice-bonded till and is hydrologically watertight. Because of low rates of weathering, bedrock and till do not contribute significantly to ionic composition of the stream water. Breakup occurs in late May to early June with surface flow until September. During periods of low rainfall, channel flow is reduced and pools become hydrologically isolated and thermally stratified (with very high surface water temperatures). Streamwater is acidic (pH values 5.3–6.1) with very low alkalinity (≤3 mg l−1). The major transport of ions occurs in early flow derived from snow melt. Organic carbon concentrations are high with very high ratios of dissolved to particulate organic carbon. Dissolved inorganic nitrogen concentrations appear to be very low. High concentrations of dissolved organic material may indicate a central role for DOM in trophic dynamics.  相似文献   

Parameters of exercise physiology were studied in nearly 300 subjects to resolve whether these indices were equally suitable under laboratory and field conditions to assess the level of physical fitness and optimum work load. Respiratory gas exchange, heart rate and exercise acidosis parameters were studied. The inference drawn on the basis of the obtained data has been that both the mode and the intensity of the imposed exercise exert significant influence on the variation of physiological parameters. During running either on the treadmill or in the field test, blood lactate levels were comparable, but performances related to these concentrations were not the same. When different modes of exercise were employed, also lactate levels differed between the laboratory and field studies. The performance of patients under or after exercise rehabilitation following acute myocardial infarction by using instrumental monitoring in the laboratory was found to excel that attained during rehabilitation exercise training. Any change in the level of physical fitness can only be reliably followed when physiological parameters are obtained with the same mode of exercise and intensity under the same environmental conditions. Modern training planning of sports and exercise should take into account the data derived from both the laboratory and the field studies concerning cardiorespiratory system and metabolism.  相似文献   

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