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Two peaks of glutamine synthetase (GS) activity were resolved by anion-exchange chromatography from the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum Grev. The second peak of activity accounted for greater than 93% of total enzyme activity, and this isoform was purified over 200-fold. Results from denaturing gel electrophoresis and gel-filtration chromatography suggest that six 70-kD subunits constitute the 400-kD native enzyme. The structure of the diatom GS, therefore, appears more similar to that of a type found in bacteria than to the type common among other eukaryotes. Apparent Michaelis constant values were 0.7 mM for NH4(+), 5.7 mM for glutamic acid, and 0.5 mM for ATP. Enzyme activity was inhibited by serine, alanine, glycine, phosphinothricin, and methionine sulfoximine. Polyclonal antiserum raised against the purified enzyme localized a single polypeptide on western blots of S. costatum cell lysates and recognized the denatured, native enzyme. Western analysis of the two peak fractions derived from anion-exchange chromatography demonstrated that the 70-kD protein was present only in the later eluting peak of enzyme activity. This form of GS does not appear to be unique to S. costatum, since the antiserum recognized a similar-sized protein in cell lysates of other chromophytic algae.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The uptake of nitrate by phytoplankton is a central issue in biological oceanography due to its importance to primary production and vertical flux of biogenic carbon. Nitrate reductase catalyzes the first step of nitrate assimilation, the reduction of NO(3) to NO(2). A cytometric protocol to detect and quantify relative changes in nitrate reductase (NR) protein content of the marine centric diatom Skeletonema costatum is presented. METHODS: Immunolabeling of NR protein was achieved with polyclonal antibodies raised against S.costatum NR. Antisera specific to a NR protein subunit and to a NR polypeptide sequence were compared, and cytometric results of NR protein abundance were related to Western analyses. Changes in cellular NR abundance and activity were followed during an upwelling simulation experiment in which S. costatum was exposed to a shift from ammonia to nitrate as major nitrogen source. RESULTS: NR protein could be detected in NO(3)-grown cells and at extremely low levels hardly discernible by Western Blot densiometry in NH(4)-grown cells. The protocol allowed observation of early stages of NR induction during an upwelling simulation. NR abundance increased after the nutrient shift to reach a new physiological "steady-state" 96 hrs later. NR activity exhibited diel variation with maxima at mid-day. NR abundance as estimated by both flow cytometry and Western analysis exhibited a hyperbolic relationship to NR activity. This pattern suggests post-translational activation of NR protein. CONCLUSIONS: The presented protocol allows the differentiation of NH(4)- versus NO(3)-grown algae as well as the monitoring of early stages in the induction of nitrate assimilatory capacities.  相似文献   

A photobioreactor with pH control for cultivation of algae isdescribed. The magnetically stirred culture flask is connectedto separate reservoirs for medium and for acid and base (dilutedHCl and NaOH, respectively). A pH electrode is inserted intothe culture flask and coupled to a pH controller, which activatesacid and base titration at set points of pH 8.1 and 7.8, respectively.Illumination is provided by light tubes with a diel light :dark cycle. The use of the photobioreactor in batch mode isillustrated by showing pH curves in different growth phasesof the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum. The photobioreactorcan also be run as a semicontinuous or continuous reactor withslight modifications.  相似文献   

A novel death-specific gene, ScDSP, was obtained from a death stage subtraction cDNA library of the diatom Skeletonema costatum. The full length of ScDSP cDNA was 921 bp in length, containing a 699-bp open reading frame encoding 232 amino acids and two stretches of 66 and 156 bp in the 5' and 3' untranslated regions, respectively. Analysis of the peptide structure revealed that ScDSP contained a signal peptide domain, a transmembrane domain, and a pair of EF-hand motifs. When S. costatum grew exponentially at a rate of 1.3 day(-1), the ScDSP mRNA level was at 2 mumol . mole 18S rRNA(-1). In contrast, when the culture entered the death phase with a growth rate decreasing to 0.5 day(-1), ScDSP mRNA increased dramatically to 668 mumol . mole 18S rRNA(-1), and a high degree of DNA fragmentation was simultaneously observed. Under the influence of a light-dark cycle, ScDSP expression in both exponential and stationary phases clearly showed a diel rhythm, but the daily mean mRNA level was significantly higher in the stationary phase. Our results suggest that ScDSP may play a role in the molecular mechanism of self-destructive autolysis in phytoplankton under stress.  相似文献   

Diatoms are unicellular plants broadly present in freshwater and marine ecosystems, where they play a primary role in sustaining the marine food chain. In the last 10 years, there has been accumulating evidence that diatoms may have deleterious effects on the hatching success of zooplankton crustaceans such as copepods, thus affecting dynamics of planktonic populations and limiting secondary production. At the molecular level, failure to hatch is ascribed to the presence of a family of inhibitory oxylipins, which we propose to collectively name polyunsaturated short-chain aldehydes (abbreviated here as PUSCAs). Here we describe the origin of PUSCAs produced by the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum via a lipoxygenase-mediated pathways involving non-esterified polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Experiments with complex lipids proved the pivotal role of chloroplast-derived glycolipids, especially monogalactosyldiacylglycerol (MGDG), in providing hexadecatrienoic acid (C16:3 omega-4), hexadecatetraenoic acid (C16:4 omega-1) and eicosapentaenoic acid (C20:5 omega-3) to the downstream process leading to 2E,4Z-octadienal (C8:2 omega-4), 2E,4Z,7-octatrienal (C8:3 omega-1) and 2E,4Z-heptadienal (C7:2 omega-3), respectively. Under physiological conditions, the hydrolytic process is associated to galactolipid hydrolyzing enzyme capable of removing fatty acids from both sn positions of glycerol.  相似文献   

Nutrient-sufficient cultures of a Trondheimsfjord (Norway) cloneof the marine centric diatom Skeleionema costatum (Grev.) Clevewere grown at 75 µmol m–2 s–1 and 15C at24 and 12 h daylength to study diurnal variations and the effectof daylength on pigment and chemical composition, photosyntheticparameters, dark respiration rates and scaled fluorescence excitationspectra (F), the latter used as estimates for the absorptionof energy available to Photosystem II. Specific growth rateswere 1.06 and 0.56 day in 24 and 12 h daylength, respectively,while dark respiration rates were generally 85% of the net growthrate. The Chla-normalized photosynthetic coefficients PBm andaB were {small tilde}20–25% higher in continuous lightthan at 12 h daylength, while the Chla:C ratio was {small tilde}15%lower (0.051 versus 0.061 w:w). Thus, the carbon-normalizedcoefficients Pcm and ac were <11% lower at 24 h than at 12h daylength. The maximum quantum yield max, the Chla:C ratioand F differed negligibly, as did the light saturation indexlk, the N:C ratio and the ratios Chlc:Chla and Fucoxanthin:Chla. PBm and lk did not exhibit diurnal variations at 24 hdaylength, and varied within 23% of the daily mean at 12 h daylength.Predictions of the daily gross photosynthetic rate based ondata for a given time of the day should thus not be >10%in error relative to an integrated value based on several datasets collected through 24 h. max was 0.084–0.117 mol O2(mol photons) for gross oxygen evolution. However, ifused in mathematical models for predicting the gross and netgrowth rates (i.e. the gross and net carbon turnover rates),‘practical’ values of 0.076 and 0.040 g-at C (molphotons), respectively, should be employed. Correspondingly,values for aB and PBm should be adjusted pro rata. 1Present address: College of Marine Studies, Sjmannsveien 27,N-6008 lesund, Norway  相似文献   

Ammonium-limited cultures of Skeletonema costatum were grownat dilution rates from 0.019 to 0.038 h–1 at an averagesalinity of 22.4 For a few days cultures were exposed to a freshwaterpulse. When salinity was decreased to 8.6 (average minimum)photosynthesis and cell division were inhibited. Both in vivoand DCMU-enhanced fluorescence per cell were statistically constant:photosystems I and II were not inhibited by a gradual salinitydecrease. Ammonium assimilation was affected via an inhibitionof carbon fixation. Ammonium concentrations increased in thecontinuous cultures, whereas the overcapacity of ammonium uptakedeclined: the nitrogen limitation was relieved. When salinitywas increased again, photosynthesis and cell division were stimulated.Salinity fluctuations were accompanied by a fluctuation in thepools of aspartic acid (0.5–1.0 mM), glutamine acid (0.9–4.1mM) and glutamine (0.5–2.0 mM). The pool of glutamic acidfollowed the salinity pattern (r=0.67, P<0.05). The correlationbetween the amino acid pool and the osmotic value of the mediumwas significant (r=0.72, P<0.05). Cellular glutamic acidand glutamine levels increased until the nitrogen limitationwas restored.  相似文献   

We determined the effects of temperature and nutrients on thechain length of a diatom, Skeletonema costatum, in batch cultureand enclosure experiments with estuarine water from San FranciscoBay, USA, using the recently developed CytoBuoy flow cytometer.Determination of the number of cells per diatom chain by CytoBuoyflow cytometer and associated software correlated well withbut was much more precise and time efficient than microscopicquantification. Increasing temperatures (from 6, 8 to 17°C)and nutrient concentrations induced high growth rates and dominanceby longer chains in a cultured S. costatum strain that was originallyacclimatized to a temperature range of 11–30°C. Similarly,a positive correlation between growth rate and chain lengthwas observed in S. costatum in batch culture and natural communitiesin enclosure experiments. Maximal chain lengths of S. costatumwere greater in natural populations than in the batch culture.Longer chains affect sinking rates and thus likely help thediatom remain suspended in the upper part of the water columnwhere physical and chemical parameters are more favorable forgrowth.  相似文献   

Wu  Min  Gao  Guang  Jian  Youwen  Xu  Juntian 《Journal of applied phycology》2022,34(1):43-50
Journal of Applied Phycology - Lipid and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) from microalgae can be used as biodiesel and health care products. How to enhance their productivity is crucial for...  相似文献   

Exploiting the negative biochemical interference between plants and algal species has been suggested as a method to control harmful algal blooms. In this work, we investigated the inhibitory effect of the salt marsh halophyte Salicornia europaea against the marine alga Skeletonema costatum. S. europaea suppressed the growth of S. costatum in a nutrient-sufficient co-culture system, indicating that the inhibition of algal growth was because of the phytotoxic effect of S. europaea, rather than nutrient competition. We tested aqueous and organic extracts from S. europaea roots against S. costatum. The organic extracts inhibited growth and affected the cell size and chlorophyll a content of S. costatum in a dose-dependent manner. Among the three tested organic extracts, the methanol extract had the greatest effects on S. costatum, followed by butanol extract, and then the chloroform extract. Two flavonoids, rutin and quercetin-3-??-D-glucoside, were identified in the methanol extract by high performance liquid chromatography. The concentration of rutin was much higher than that of quercetin-3-??-D-glucoside. In an algal bioassay, rutin inhibited the growth of S. costatum and the inhibitory effect increased with increasing rutin concentration and with decreasing initial algal density. Therefore, we concluded that S. europaea negatively affects the growth of S. costatum, and that rutin, a metabolite of S. europaea, may play a role in this inhibitory effect.  相似文献   

Turbidity measurements revealed that the circadian rhythm in the growth rate of the marine diatom Skeletonema costatum (Greville) Cleve was insensitive to temperature between 5 and 22°C. Growth of the alga was inhibited by lithium ions at concentrations higher than 2 m M . Lengthening of the circadian period was observed in the presence of 0.5–1.5 m M Li+. The results indicate that the lithium effect generally observed on circadian rhythms should not necessarily be ascribed to changes in an intercellular coupling of cellular oscillators.  相似文献   

In a laboratory study, metal contamination experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of two free copper concentrations (10?9 and 10?8 M) on cell growth and on dissolved organic matter exudation by a marine diatom Skeletonema costatum. Throughout incubation, the growth kinetics and exudation of extracellular molecules (i.e. dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the fluorescent organic matter) were determined. Results revealed an inhibition of S. costatum growth when the free copper level increased (from 10?9 to 10?8). Furthermore, DOC release was more significant in cultures contaminated by 10?9 M Cu2+ than in control, suggesting a coping mechanism developed by this species. In this study, samples were daily analysed by 3D-fluorescence and PARAFAC algorithm, in order to compare the fluorescent material produced during growth under different contaminations. PARAFAC treatment revealed two main contributions: one related to the biological activity (C1), the other linked to the marine organic matter (C2). The third component C3 was typically protein-like. This fluorophore was considered as a tryptophan-like fluorophore, whereas the C1 and the C2 components were associated to marine production such as humic matter.  相似文献   

Massive fish kills caused by bloom‐forming species of the Raphidophyceae occur in many marine coastal areas and often cause significant economic losses. The ultrastructure and phylogeny of marine raphidophytes from the Brazilian coast have not been fully analyzed. Here, we present the first combined morphological and genetic characterization of raphidophyte strains from the Brazilian coast. Ten strains of four raphidophyte species (Chattonella subsalsa, C. antiqua, Heterosigma akashiwo, and Fibrocapsa japonica) were characterized based on morphology (including ultrastructure) and LSU rDNA sequences. Chattonella subsalsa and C. antiqua formed two distinct genetic clades. We found that the cell size is the only phenotypic feature separating C. subsalsa and C. antiqua strains from Brazil, whereas traditional characteristics used for species separation in the genus Chattonella (i.e., tail size, chloroplast presence in the tail, ‘oboe‐shaped’ mucocysts, and presence of thylakoids in the pyrenoid matrix) were not sufficiently discriminative, due to their overlapping in the two taxa. The phylogenetic analysis indicated intra‐specific geographic differences among C. subsalsa sequences, with two subclades: one formed by isolates from Brazil, USA, and Iran, and another by a sequence from the Adriatic Sea (Italy). Fibrocapsa japonica also showed intra‐specific geographic differences, with a sequence from a Brazilian strain grouped with strains from Japan, Australia, and Germany, all of them distinct from the Italian isolates. This is the first combined morphological and phylogenetic analysis of raphidophytes from the South Atlantic. Our findings broaden knowledge of the biodiversity of this important bloom‐forming algal group.  相似文献   

以东海原甲藻和中肋骨条藻为研究对象,采用室内单种培养和混合培养,设置不同的氮、磷营养条件,研究了不同营养条件对两种微藻的生长状况和种间竞争参数的影响.结果表明:随着氮、磷浓度的增加,两种藻的最大生物量均呈增加趋势,混合培养中两种微藻的比生长率低于单独培养.在混合培养中,生长前期中肋骨条藻是优势种,随着培养时间的延长,东海原甲藻成为优势种,且优势种发生变化的时间与营养条件有关.混合培养中,东海原甲藻拐点出现时间在0.5 ~4.9 d,中肋骨条藻为0~2.6d,东海原甲藻拐点出现时间晚于中肋骨条藻.在各营养条件下,东海原甲藻对中肋骨条藻的竞争抑制参数β均高于中肋骨条藻对东海原甲藻的竞争抑制参数α,当N为128μmol·L-1、P为32 μmol·L-1时,东海原甲藻的竞争能力是中肋骨条藻的3.8倍,两者差异最为明显.  相似文献   

The photosynthesis of cellular materials by phytoplankton isaccompanied by release of organic molecules from the algal cellsinto the water. The patterns of carbon fixation in particulateand dissolved pools were investigated in Skeletonema costatumcultured under 12 h light/12 h dark cycles. The short-term production(1–15 min) of particulate organic carbon (POC) and extracellularorganic carbon (EOC) compounds was studied by measuring theuptake of 14C-labelled sodium bicarbonate and its subsequentincorporation and release into organic compounds. Slightly modifiedtraditional 14C radiotracer protocols were used, including separationby electrophoresis and thin-layer chromatography and detectionby autoradiography. Results indicated that there was a distinctdifference between radiolabelled compounds in the POC and EOCpools. Several metabolites found in the EOC pool were not presentin the POC pool, indicating the active release of these productsfrom the cells into the ambient water during short-term incubations,and indicating that inorganic carbon fixation pathways in marineautotrophs might be partly extracellular.  相似文献   

Three sets of comparisons of net and gross inorganic carbonassimilation and 14C uptake were made with an axenic cultureof Skdetonema costatum. The comparisons showed that in the physiologicalwindow studied (10–20% of the intrinsic generation timeand gross photosynthesis/respiration ratios of 2–3), 14Cuptake into the paniculate plus the dissolved fractions approximatedto net photosynthesis. Rate constants derived from the chemicallydetermined changes were used to parameterize models that accountedfor the respiration of photosynthetic products and for the recyclingof respiratory CO14. The conclusion drawn was that over thetime scale studied, the 14C technique was measuring net photosynthesis,consistent with essentially 100% recycling of respiratory CO2.The study has shown that we now possess the basis to make arigorous analysis of net, gross CC4 fixation and net 14C uptake,and forms the first step in the development of algorithms forthe interpretation of 14C field observations.  相似文献   

Diatoms of the genus Skeletonema were found in bottle samples of phytoplankton that were collected in Paris Bay (Bosfor-Vostochny Strait, the Sea of Japan) in June–December 2013 at a water temperature of–1.8 to 21.6°C and a salinity of 25.4–33.2‰. Using electron microscopy, we identified the predominant species of the autumn phytoplankton bloom as S. marinoi Sarno et Zingone. This is the first find of the species in the marine waters of Russia. The morphology of S. marinoi is described; further data on its ecology and distribution are provided.  相似文献   

Diatoms are one of the key phytoplankton groups in the ocean, forming vast oceanic blooms and playing a significant part in global primary production. To shed light on the role of redox metabolism in diatom's acclimation to light–dark transition and its interplay with cell fate regulation, we generated transgenic lines of the diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana that express the redox‐sensitive green fluorescent protein targeted to various subcellular organelles. We detected organelle‐specific redox patterns in response to oxidative stress, indicating compartmentalized antioxidant capacities. Monitoring the GSH redox potential (EGSH) in the chloroplast over diurnal cycles revealed distinct rhythmic patterns. Intriguingly, in the dark, cells exhibited reduced basal chloroplast EGSH but higher sensitivity to oxidative stress than cells in the light. This dark‐dependent sensitivity to oxidative stress was a result of a depleted pool of reduced glutathione which accumulated during the light period. Interestingly, reduction in the chloroplast EGSH was observed in the light phase prior to the transition to darkness, suggesting an anticipatory phase. Rapid chloroplast EGSH re‐oxidation was observed upon re‐illumination, signifying an induction of an oxidative signaling during transition to light that may regulate downstream metabolic processes. Since light–dark transitions can dictate metabolic capabilities and susceptibility to a range of environmental stress conditions, deepening our understanding of the molecular components mediating the light‐dependent redox signals may provide novel insights into cell fate regulation and its impact on oceanic bloom successions.  相似文献   

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