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Passive detection of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) using spectroscopy has been proposed as a proxy to quantify changes in photochemical efficiency at canopy level under natural light conditions. In this study, we explored the use of imaging spectroscopy to quantify spatio‐temporal dynamics of SIF within crop canopies and its sensitivity to track patterns of photosynthetic activity originating from the interaction between vegetation structure and incoming radiation as well as variations in plant function. SIF was retrieved using the Fraunhofer Line Depth (FLD) principle from imaging spectroscopy data acquired at different time scales a few metres above several crop canopies growing under natural illumination. We report the first maps of canopy SIF in high spatial resolution. Changes of SIF were monitored at different time scales ranging from quick variations under induced stress conditions to seasonal dynamics. Natural changes were primarily determined by varying levels and distribution of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR). However, this relationship changed throughout the day demonstrating an additional physiological component modulating spatio‐temporal patterns of SIF emission. We successfully used detailed SIF maps to track changes in the canopy's photochemical activity under field conditions, providing a new tool to evaluate complex patterns of photosynthesis within the canopy.  相似文献   

Accurate estimation of terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP) remains a challenge despite its importance in the global carbon cycle. Chlorophyll fluorescence (ChlF) has been recently adopted to understand photosynthesis and its response to the environment, particularly with remote sensing data. However, it remains unclear how ChlF and photosynthesis are linked at different spatial scales across the growing season. We examined seasonal relationships between ChlF and photosynthesis at the leaf, canopy, and ecosystem scales and explored how leaf‐level ChlF was linked with canopy‐scale solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) in a temperate deciduous forest at Harvard Forest, Massachusetts, USA. Our results show that ChlF captured the seasonal variations of photosynthesis with significant linear relationships between ChlF and photosynthesis across the growing season over different spatial scales (R= 0.73, 0.77, and 0.86 at leaf, canopy, and satellite scales, respectively; P < 0.0001). We developed a model to estimate GPP from the tower‐based measurement of SIF and leaf‐level ChlF parameters. The estimation of GPP from this model agreed well with flux tower observations of GPP (R= 0.68; P < 0.0001), demonstrating the potential of SIF for modeling GPP. At the leaf scale, we found that leaf Fq/Fm, the fraction of absorbed photons that are used for photochemistry for a light‐adapted measurement from a pulse amplitude modulation fluorometer, was the best leaf fluorescence parameter to correlate with canopy SIF yield (SIF/APAR, R= 0.79; P < 0.0001). We also found that canopy SIF and SIF‐derived GPP (GPPSIF) were strongly correlated to leaf‐level biochemistry and canopy structure, including chlorophyll content (R= 0.65 for canopy GPPSIF and chlorophyll content; P < 0.0001), leaf area index (LAI) (R= 0.35 for canopy GPPSIF and LAI; P < 0.0001), and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) (R= 0.36 for canopy GPPSIF and NDVI; P < 0.0001). Our results suggest that ChlF can be a powerful tool to track photosynthetic rates at leaf, canopy, and ecosystem scales.  相似文献   

Mid‐to‐high latitude forests play an important role in the terrestrial carbon cycle, but the representation of photosynthesis in boreal forests by current modelling and observational methods is still challenging. In particular, the applicability of existing satellite‐based proxies of greenness to indicate photosynthetic activity is hindered by small annual changes in green biomass of the often evergreen tree population and by the confounding effects of background materials such as snow. As an alternative, satellite measurements of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) can be used as a direct proxy of photosynthetic activity. In this study, the start and end of the photosynthetically active season of the main boreal forests are analysed using spaceborne SIF measurements retrieved from the GOME‐2 instrument and compared to that of green biomass, proxied by vegetation indices including the Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from MODIS data. We find that photosynthesis and greenness show a similar seasonality in deciduous forests. In high‐latitude evergreen needleleaf forests, however, the length of the photosynthetically active period indicated by SIF is up to 6 weeks longer than the green biomass changing period proxied by EVI, with SIF showing a start‐of‐season of approximately 1 month earlier than EVI. On average, the photosynthetic spring recovery as signalled by SIF occurs as soon as air temperatures exceed the freezing point (2–3 °C) and when the snow on the ground has not yet completely melted. These findings are supported by model data of gross primary production and a number of other studies which evaluated in situ observations of CO2 fluxes, meteorology and the physiological state of the needles. Our results demonstrate the sensitivity of space‐based SIF measurements to light‐use efficiency of boreal forests and their potential for an unbiased detection of photosynthetic activity even under the challenging conditions interposed by evergreen boreal ecosystems.  相似文献   

We have developed a laser induced fluorescence transient (LIFT) technique and instrumentation to remotely measure photosynthetic properties in terrestrial vegetation at a distance of up to 50 m. The LIFT method uses a 665 nm laser to project a collimated, 100 mm diameter excitation beam onto leaves of the targeted plant. Fluorescence emission at 690 nm is collected by a 250 mm reflective telescope and processed in real time to calculate the efficiency of photosynthetic light utilization, quantum efficiency of PS II, and the kinetics of photosynthetic electron transport. Operating with peak excitation power of 125 W m−2, and duty cycle of 10–50%, the instrument conforms to laser safety regulations. The LIFT instrument is controlled via an Internet connection, allowing it to operate from remote locations or platforms. Here we describe the theoretical basis of the LIFT methodology, and demonstrate its applications in remote measurements of photosynthetic properties in the canopy of cottonwood and oak trees, and in the rosette of Arabidopsis mutants.  相似文献   

In photosynthesis, light energy is absorbed by light‐harvesting complexes and used to drive photochemistry. However, a fraction of absorbed light is lost to non‐photochemical quenching (NPQ) that reflects several important photosynthetic processes to dissipate excess energy. Currently, estimates of NPQ and its individual components (qE, qI, qZ and qT) are measured from pulse‐amplitude‐modulation (PAM) measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence yield and require measurements of the maximal yield of fluorescence in fully dark‐adapted material (Fm), when NPQ is assumed to be negligible. Unfortunately, this approach requires extensive dark acclimation, often precluding widespread or high‐throughput use, particularly under field conditions or in imaging applications, while introducing artefacts when Fm is measured in the presence of residual photodamaged centres. To address these limitations, we derived and characterized a new set of parameters, NPQ(T), and its components that can be (1) measured in a few seconds, allowing for high‐throughput and field applications; (2) does not require full relaxation of quenching processes and thus can be applied to photoinhibited materials; (3) can distinguish between NPQ and chloroplast movements; and (4) can be used to image NPQ in plants with large leaf movements. We discuss the applications benefits and caveats of both approaches.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis simulations by terrestrial biosphere models are usually based on the Farquhar's model, in which the maximum rate of carboxylation (Vcmax) is a key control parameter of photosynthetic capacity. Even though Vcmax is known to vary substantially in space and time in response to environmental controls, it is typically parameterized in models with tabulated values associated to plant functional types. Remote sensing can be used to produce a spatially continuous and temporally resolved view on photosynthetic efficiency, but traditional vegetation observations based on spectral reflectance lack a direct link to plant photochemical processes. Alternatively, recent space‐borne measurements of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) can offer an observational constraint on photosynthesis simulations. Here, we show that top‐of‐canopy SIF measurements from space are sensitive to Vcmax at the ecosystem level, and present an approach to invert Vcmax from SIF data. We use the Soil‐Canopy Observation of Photosynthesis and Energy (SCOPE) balance model to derive empirical relationships between seasonal Vcmax and SIF which are used to solve the inverse problem. We evaluate our Vcmax estimation method at six agricultural flux tower sites in the midwestern US using spaced‐based SIF retrievals. Our Vcmax estimates agree well with literature values for corn and soybean plants (average values of 37 and 101 μmol m?2 s?1, respectively) and show plausible seasonal patterns. The effect of the updated seasonally varying Vcmax parameterization on simulated gross primary productivity (GPP) is tested by comparing to simulations with fixed Vcmax values. Validation against flux tower observations demonstrate that simulations of GPP and light use efficiency improve significantly when our time‐resolved Vcmax estimates from SIF are used, with R2 for GPP comparisons increasing from 0.85 to 0.93, and for light use efficiency from 0.44 to 0.83. Our results support the use of space‐based SIF data as a proxy for photosynthetic capacity and suggest the potential for global, time‐resolved estimates of Vcmax.  相似文献   

Extremely high temperatures represent one of the most severe abiotic stresses limiting crop productivity. However, understanding crop responses to heat stress is still limited considering the increases in both the frequency and severity of heat wave events under climate change. This limited understanding is partly due to the lack of studies or tools for the timely and accurate monitoring of crop responses to extreme heat over broad spatial scales. In this work, we use novel spaceborne data of sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF), which is a new proxy for photosynthetic activity, along with traditional vegetation indices (Normalized Difference Vegetation Index NDVI and Enhanced Vegetation Index EVI) to investigate the impacts of heat stress on winter wheat in northwestern India, one of the world's major wheat production areas. In 2010, an abrupt rise in temperature that began in March adversely affected the productivity of wheat and caused yield losses of 6% compared to previous year. The yield predicted by satellite observations of SIF decreased by approximately 13.9%, compared to the 1.2% and 0.4% changes in NDVI and EVI, respectively. During early stage of this heat wave event in early March 2010, the SIF observations showed a significant reduction and earlier response, while NDVI and EVI showed no changes and could not capture the heat stress until late March. The spatial patterns of SIF anomalies closely tracked the temporal evolution of the heat stress over the study area. Furthermore, our results show that SIF can provide large‐scale, physiology‐related wheat stress response as indicated by the larger reduction in fluorescence yield (SIFyield) than fraction of photosynthetically active radiation during the grain‐filling phase, which may have eventually led to the reduction in wheat yield in 2010. This study implies that satellite observations of SIF have great potential to detect heat stress conditions in wheat in a timely manner and assess their impacts on wheat yields at large scales.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(7):2980-2996
Leaf fluorescence can be used to track plant development and stress, and is considered the most direct measurement of photosynthetic activity available from remote sensing techniques. Red and far‐red sun‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) maps were generated from high spatial resolution images collected with the HyPlant airborne spectrometer over even‐aged loblolly pine plantations in North Carolina (United States). Canopy fluorescence yield (i.e., the fluorescence flux normalized by the light absorbed) in the red and far‐red peaks was computed. This quantifies the fluorescence emission efficiencies that are more directly linked to canopy function compared to SIF radiances. Fluorescence fluxes and yields were investigated in relation to tree age to infer new insights on the potential of those measurements in better describing ecosystem processes. The results showed that red fluorescence yield varies with stand age. Young stands exhibited a nearly twofold higher red fluorescence yield than mature forest plantations, while the far‐red fluorescence yield remained constant. We interpreted this finding in a context of photosynthetic stomatal limitation in aging loblolly pine stands. Current and future satellite missions provide global datasets of SIF at coarse spatial resolution, resulting in intrapixel mixture effects, which could be a confounding factor for fluorescence signal interpretation. To mitigate this effect, we propose a surrogate of the fluorescence yield, namely the Canopy Cover Fluorescence Index (CCFI) that accounts for the spatial variability in canopy structure by exploiting the vegetation fractional cover. It was found that spatial aggregation tended to mask the effective relationships, while the CCFI was still able to maintain this link. This study is a first attempt in interpreting the fluorescence variability in aging forest stands and it may open new perspectives in understanding long‐term forest dynamics in response to future climatic conditions from remote sensing of SIF.  相似文献   

Stomata mediate gas exchange between the inter‐cellular spaces of leaves and the atmosphere. CO2 levels in leaves (Ci) are determined by respiration, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance and atmospheric [CO2]. [CO2] in leaves mediates stomatal movements. The role of guard cell photosynthesis in stomatal conductance responses is a matter of debate, and genetic approaches are needed. We have generated transgenic Arabidopsis plants that are chlorophyll‐deficient in guard cells only, expressing a constitutively active chlorophyllase in a guard cell specific enhancer trap line. Our data show that more than 90% of guard cells were chlorophyll‐deficient. Interestingly, approximately 45% of stomata had an unusual, previously not‐described, morphology of thin‐shaped chlorophyll‐less stomata. Nevertheless, stomatal size, stomatal index, plant morphology, and whole‐leaf photosynthetic parameters (PSII, qP, qN, FV′/FM′) were comparable with wild‐type plants. Time‐resolved intact leaf gas‐exchange analyses showed a reduction in stomatal conductance and CO2‐assimilation rates of the transgenic plants. Normalization of CO2 responses showed that stomata of transgenic plants respond to [CO2] shifts. Detailed stomatal aperture measurements of normal kidney‐shaped stomata, which lack chlorophyll, showed stomatal closing responses to [CO2] elevation and abscisic acid (ABA), while thin‐shaped stomata were continuously closed. Our present findings show that stomatal movement responses to [CO2] and ABA are functional in guard cells that lack chlorophyll. These data suggest that guard cell CO2 and ABA signal transduction are not directly modulated by guard cell photosynthesis/electron transport. Moreover, the finding that chlorophyll‐less stomata cause a ‘deflated’ thin‐shaped phenotype, suggests that photosynthesis in guard cells is critical for energization and guard cell turgor production.  相似文献   

Bioengineering of photoautotrophic microalgae into CO2 scrubbers and producers of value‐added metabolites is an appealing approach in low‐carbon economy. A strategy for microalgal bioengineering is to enhance the photosynthetic carbon assimilation through genetically modifying the photosynthetic pathways. The halotolerant microalgae Dunaliella posses an unique osmoregulatory mechanism, which accumulates intracellular glycerol in response to extracellular hyperosmotic stresses. In our study, the Calvin cycle enzyme sedoheptulose 1,7‐bisphosphatase from Chlamydomonas reinhardtii (CrSBPase) was transformed into Dunaliella bardawil, and the transformant CrSBP showed improved photosynthetic performance along with increased total organic carbon content and the osmoticum glycerol production. The results demonstrate that the potential of photosynthetic microalgae as CO2 removers could be enhanced through modifying the photosynthetic carbon reduction cycle, with glycerol as the carbon sink.  相似文献   

Solar‐induced chlorophyll fluorescence (SIF) has been increasingly used as a proxy for terrestrial gross primary productivity (GPP). Previous work mainly evaluated the relationship between satellite‐observed SIF and gridded GPP products both based on coarse spatial resolutions. Finer resolution SIF (1.3 km × 2.25 km) measured from the Orbiting Carbon Observatory‐2 (OCO‐2) provides the first opportunity to examine the SIF–GPP relationship at the ecosystem scale using flux tower GPP data. However, it remains unclear how strong the relationship is for each biome and whether a robust, universal relationship exists across a variety of biomes. Here we conducted the first global analysis of the relationship between OCO‐2 SIF and tower GPP for a total of 64 flux sites across the globe encompassing eight major biomes. OCO‐2 SIF showed strong correlations with tower GPP at both midday and daily timescales, with the strongest relationship observed for daily SIF at the 757 nm (R2 = 0.72, p < 0.0001). Strong linear relationships between SIF and GPP were consistently found for all biomes (R2 = 0.57–0.79, p < 0.0001) except evergreen broadleaf forests (R2 = 0.16, p < 0.05) at the daily timescale. A higher slope was found for C4 grasslands and croplands than for C3 ecosystems. The generally consistent slope of the relationship among biomes suggests a nearly universal rather than biome‐specific SIF–GPP relationship, and this finding is an important distinction and simplification compared to previous results. SIF was mainly driven by absorbed photosynthetically active radiation and was also influenced by environmental stresses (temperature and water stresses) that determine photosynthetic light use efficiency. OCO‐2 SIF generally had a better performance for predicting GPP than satellite‐derived vegetation indices and a light use efficiency model. The universal SIF–GPP relationship can potentially lead to more accurate GPP estimates regionally or globally. Our findings revealed the remarkable ability of finer resolution SIF observations from OCO‐2 and other new or future missions (e.g., TROPOMI, FLEX) for estimating terrestrial photosynthesis across a wide variety of biomes and identified their potential and limitations for ecosystem functioning and carbon cycle studies.  相似文献   

  • Knowledge on the metabolism of polysaccharide reserves in wild species is still scarce. In natural sites we collected tubers of Arum italicum Mill. and A. maculatum L. – two geophytes with different apparent phenological timing, ecology and chorology – during five stages of the annual cycle in order to understand patterns of reserve accumulation and degradation.
  • Both the entire tuber and its proximal and distal to shoot portion were utilised. Pools of non‐structural carbohydrates (glucose, sucrose and starch), glucose‐6‐phosphate and ATP were analysed as important markers of carbohydrate metabolism.
  • In both species, starch and glucose content of the whole tuber significantly increased from sprouting to the maturation/senescence stages, whereas sucrose showed an opposite trend; ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate were almost stable and dropped only at the end of the annual cycle. Considering the two different portions of the tuber, both ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate concentrations were higher in proximity to the shoot in all seasonal stages, except the flowering stage.
  • Our findings suggest that seasonal carbon partitioning in the underground organ is driven by phenology and occurs independently of seasonal climate conditions. Moreover, our results show that starch degradation, sustained by elevated ATP and glucose‐6‐phosphate pools, starts in the peripheral, proximal‐to‐shoot portion of the tuber, consuming starch accumulated in the previous season, as a ‘Last In–First Out’ mechanism of carbohydrate storage.

An instrument capable of imaging chlorophyll a fluorescence, from intact leaves, and generating images of widely used fluorescence parameters is described. This instrument, which is based around a fluorescence microscope and a Peltier-cooled charge-coupled device (CCD) camera, differs from those described previously in two important ways. First, the instrument has a large dynamic range and is capable of generating images of chlorophyll a fluorescence at levels of incident irradiance as low as 0.1 μmol m?2 s?1. Secondly, chlorophyll fluorescence, and consequently photosynthetic performance, can be resolved down to the level of individual cells and chloroplasts. Control of the instrument, as well as image capture, manipulation, analysis and presentation, are executed through an integrated computer application, developed specifically for the task. Possible applications for this instrument include detection of early and differential responses to environmental stimuli, including various types of stress. Images illustrating the instrument's capabilities are presented.  相似文献   

In this Perspective article, we describe the visions of the PhotoRedesign consortium funded by the European Research Council of how to enhance photosynthesis. The light reactions of photosynthesis in individual phototrophic species use only a fraction of the solar spectrum, and high light intensities can impair and even damage the process. In consequence, expanding the solar spectrum and enhancing the overall energy capacity of the process, while developing resilience to stresses imposed by high light intensities, could have a strong positive impact on food and energy production. So far, the complexity of the photosynthetic machinery has largely prevented improvements by conventional approaches. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop concepts to redesign the light-harvesting and photochemical capacity of photosynthesis, as well as to establish new model systems and toolkits for the next generation of photosynthesis researchers. The overall objective of PhotoRedesign is to reconfigure the photosynthetic light reactions so they can harvest and safely convert energy from an expanded solar spectrum. To this end, a variety of synthetic biology approaches, including de novo design, will combine the attributes of photosystems from different photoautotrophic model organisms, namely the purple bacterium Rhodobacter sphaeroides, the cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 and the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. In parallel, adaptive laboratory evolution will be applied to improve the capacity of reimagined organisms to cope with enhanced input of solar energy, particularly in high and fluctuating light.  相似文献   

1,4‐Dithiothreitol (DTT) has wide applications in cell biology and biochemistry. Development of effective methods for monitoring DTT in biological systems is important for the safe handling and study of toxicity to humans. Herein, we describe a two‐photon fluorescence probe (Rh‐DTT) to detect DTT in living systems for the first time. Rh‐DTT showed high selectivity and sensitivity to DTT. Rh‐DTT can be successfully used for the two‐photon imaging of DTT in living cells, and also can detect DTT in living tissues and mice.  相似文献   

Cyanobacterial blooms are found in many freshwater ecosystems around the world, but the effect of environmental factors on their growth and the proportion of species still require more investigation. In this study, the physiological responses of bloom‐forming cyanobacteria M icrocystis aeruginosa FACHB912, M icrocystis flos‐aquae FACHB1028 and P seudanabaena sp. FACHB1282 to iron deficiency were investigated. Their specific growth rates were found to decrease as the available iron concentration decreased. At low available iron concentrations of 1 × 10?7 M (pFe 21.3) and 5 × 10?8 M (pFe 21.6), M . aeruginosa had the lowest specific growth rate among three studied species. The cell sizes of M . flos‐aquae and Pseudanabaena sp. were significantly smaller under the lowest iron concentration. The chlorophyll a content of the three species decreased at the lowest iron concentration. The maximal relative electron transport rate, photosynthetic efficiency, and light‐saturation parameter of M . aeruginosa were lower than the other two cyanobacteria at pFe 21.3. Therefore, M . aeruginosa was the least able to adapt to iron deficiency. Under iron deficiency, the functional absorption cross‐section of PSII and electron transport rate on the acceptor side of PSII decreased in M . aeruginosa, while the connectivity factor between individual photosynthetic units increased in M . flos‐aquae, and the electron transport rate on the acceptor side of PSII and between PSII and PSI decreased in P seudanabaena sp. The ability to store iron was highest in M . flos‐aquae, followed by P seudanabaena sp. and M . aeruginosa. Thus, these results provide necessary information for detecting the role of iron in the succession of cyanobacterial species in Lake Taihu, the third largest freshwater lake in China, because all three species were isolated from this lake.  相似文献   

Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key protein kinase that regulates cell growth, metabolism, and autophagy to maintain cellular homeostasis. Its activity is inhibited by adverse conditions, including nutrient limitation, hypoxia, and DNA damage. In this study, we demonstrate that Che‐1, a RNA polymerase II‐binding protein activated by the DNA damage response, inhibits mTOR activity in response to stress conditions. We found that, under stress, Che‐1 induces the expression of two important mTOR inhibitors, Redd1 and Deptor, and that this activity is required for sustaining stress‐induced autophagy. Strikingly, Che‐1 expression correlates with the progression of multiple myeloma and is required for cell growth and survival, a malignancy characterized by high autophagy response.  相似文献   

Plants release volatiles in response to caterpillar feeding that attracts natural enemies of the herbivores, a tritrophic interaction which has been considered to be an indirect plant defence against herbivores. On the other hand, the caterpillar‐induced plant volatiles have been reported to either repel or attract conspecific adult herbivores. This work was undertaken to investigate the response of both herbivores and natural enemies to caterpillar‐induced plant volatiles in apple orchards. We sampled volatile compounds emitted from uninfested apple trees, and apple trees infested with generalist herbivore the pandemis leafroller moth, Pandemis pyrusana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae) larvae using headspace collection and analysed by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. Infested apple trees uniquely release six compounds (benzyl alcohol, phenylacetonitrile, phenylacetaldehyde, 2‐phenylethanol, indole and (E)‐nerolidol). These compounds were tested on two species of herbivores and one predator in apple orchards. Binary blends of phenylacetonitrile + acetic acid or 2‐phenylethanol + acetic acid attracted a large number of conspecific male and female adult herbivores. The response of pandemis leafroller to herbivore‐induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) was so pronounced that over one thousand and seven hundred conspecific male and female adult herbivores were caught in traps baited with HIPVs in three‐day trapping period. In addition, significantly higher number of male and female obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Lepidoptera, Tortricidae), was caught in traps baited a binary blend of 2‐phenylethanol + acetic acid, or a ternary blend contains 2‐phenylethanol and phenylacetonitrile + acetic acid. This result challenges the current paradigm hypothesized that HIPVs repel herbivores and question the indirect defensive function proposed for these compounds. On the other hand, a ternary blend of phenylacetonitrile and 2‐phenylethanol + acetic acid attracted the largest numbers of the general predator, the common green lacewing, Chrysoperla plorabunda. To our knowledge, this is the first record of the direct attraction of conspecific adult herbivores as well as a predator to the caterpillar‐induced plant volatiles in the field.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of zinc or lead on growth and on exudation of fluorescent dissolved organic matter (FDOM) by the marine toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella (Whedon & Kofoid) Balech. The species was exposed to increasing free zinc (1.34 × 10?7 M–3.98 × 10?6 M) or lead (5.13 × 10?9 M–1.82 × 10?7 M) concentra‐tions. Low metal levels ([Zn2+] = 1.34 × 10?7 M; [Pb2+] = 5.13 × 10?9 M) had no effect on cell growth. Toxic effects were observed from higher metal contamination ([Zn2+] = 3.98 × 10?6 M; [Pb2+] = 6.54 × 10?8 M), as a conversion of vegetative cells into cysts. Analysis of the released FDOM by three‐dimensional (3‐D) fluorescence spectroscopy was achieved, using the parallel factor analysis (PARAFAC). The PARAFAC modeling revealed four components associated with two contributions: one related to the biological activity; the other linked to the organic matter decomposition in the culture medium. The C1 component combined a tryptophan peak and characteristics of humic substances, whereas the C2 component was considered as a tryptophan protein fluorophore. The two others C3 and C4 components were associated with marine organic matter production. Relea‐sed fluorescent substances were induced by low ([Zn2+]= 1.34 × 10?7 M; [Pb2+] = 5.13 × 10?9 M) and moderate ([Zn2+] = 6.21 × 10?7 M; [Pb2+] = 2.64× 10?9 M) metal concentrations, suggesting the activation of cellular mechanisms in response to metal stress, to exudate FDOM that could complex metal cations and reduce their toxicity toward A. catenella cells.  相似文献   

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