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Purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are known to couple the carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling in euxinic environments. This is the first study with multiple strains and species of okenone‐producing PSB to examine the carbon (C), nitrogen (N), and sulfur (S) metabolisms and isotopic signatures in controlled laboratory conditions, investigating what isotopic fractionations might be recorded in modern environments and the geologic record. PSB play an integral role in the ecology of euxinic environments and produce the unique molecular fossil okenane, derived from the diagenetic alteration of the carotenoid pigment okenone. Cultures of Marichromatium purpuratum 1591 (Mpurp1591) were observed to have carbon isotope fractionations (13εbiomass – CO2), via RuBisCO, ranging from ?16.1 to ?23.2‰ during exponential and stationary phases of growth. Cultures of Thiocapsa marina 5653 (Tmar5653) and Mpurp1591 had a nitrogen isotope fractionation (15εbiomass – NH4) of ?15‰, via glutamate dehydrogenase, measured and recorded for the first time in PSB. The δ34SVCDT values and amount of stored elemental sulfur for Mpurp1591 cells grown autotrophically and photoheterotrophically were dependent upon their carbon metabolic pathways. We show that PSB may contribute to the isotopic enrichments observed in modern and ancient anoxic basins. In a photoheterotrophic culture of Mpurp1591 that switched to autotrophy once the organic substrate was consumed, there were bulk biomass δ13C values that span a broader range than recorded across the Late Devonian, Permian–Triassic, Triassic–Jurassic, and OAE2 mass extinction boundaries . This finding stresses the complexities in interpreting and assigning δ13C values to bulk organic matter preserved in the geologic record.  相似文献   

Purple sulfur bacteria (PSB) are important photoautotrophs inhabiting chemoclines in euxinic and meromictic lakes. These organisms are the only producers of the carotenoid, okenone, a compound that has been targeted as a biomarker for photic zone euxinia, particularly in ancient sedimentary environments. Although the natural occurrence and geochemistry of this compound has been studied previously, this is the first systematic and comprehensive report on the microbial physiology of okenone production in pure cultures. Four strains/species: Marichromatium purpuratum DSMZ 1591, Marichromatium purpuratum DSMZ 1711, Thiocapsa marina DSMZ 5653, and FGL21 (isolated from Fayetteville Green Lake, New York) were chosen because they produce okenone and Bacteriochlorophyll a (Bchl a). We developed a new, in vivo technique for the quantification of okenone allowing for more rapid and accurate quantification. The ratio of okenone to Bchl a differs among species and strains of PSB, varying from 0.463 ± 0.002 to 0.864 ± 0.002. Photoheterotrophically grown PSB have statistically significant, lowered okenone:Bchl a ratios, decreasing from 0.784 ± 0.009 under autotrophic metabolism to 0.681 ± 0.002, which we interpret to indicate a decreased requirement for okenone when PSB are provided with a complex (> C1) carbon source. The variation in okenone production raises the question on whether okenone expression is constitutive or inducible. The broader implication is that concentrations of okenone in sediments are dependent on metabolism and species composition, and not solely on PSB cell density.  相似文献   

Chromium‐isotope compositions (expressed as δ53Cr) of recent and ancient skeletal and non‐skeletal carbonates are currently explored as a (paleo‐) redox‐proxy for shallow seawater. The idea behind this approach is that biogenic and non‐biogenic carbonates could potentially be used as archives recording the Cr‐isotope composition of seawater in which they formed, and with this contribute to the reconstruction of past paleo‐environmental changes in the marine realm, and potentially to climate changes on land. However, investigations addressing the behavior and uptake mechanism of Cr, and the potential isotope fractionations between seawater and biogenic carbonates are scarce. Here, we present a study of Cr‐isotope variations in three species of corals and contemporary seawater from the Rocas Atoll, NE, Brazil. Cr‐isotope values of the studied coral species (Siderastrea stellata, Porites sp., and Montastrea cavernosa) vary from ?0.5 to +0.33‰ and point to significant isotopic disequilibrium with coexisting seawater characterized by a Cr‐isotope value of +0.92 ± 0.2‰. This isotopic offset requires reduction of hexavalent Cr(VI) in the sequestration process of all the studied coral species. Cr‐isotope values in a profile across an S. stellata colony returned homogeneous, slightly positively fractioned δ53Cr values of +0.07 ± 0.08‰ (n = 8, 2σ), which we interpret to reflect a constant reductive uptake during the 20‐year growth period recorded in this coral. In contrast, samples across a 12‐year growth profile from Porites sp. display rather heterogeneous Cr‐isotope values with δ53Cr varying from ?0.50 to +0.10‰, indicating Cr incorporation under changing redox processes during its growth intervals. We propose a mechanism whereby initial photoreduction of isotopically heavy Cr(VI) to isotopically lighter Cr(III) in the endodermal layer of corals must be followed by efficient and effective re‐oxidation of reduced Cr species to favor subsequent chromate () substitution during the calcifying processes ultimately leading to the formation of the coral skeleton.  相似文献   

The carbon and nitrogen isotopic signatures of chloropigments and porphyrins from the sediments of redox‐stratified lakes and marine basins reveal details of past biogeochemical nutrient cycling. Such interpretations are strengthened by modern calibration studies, and here, we report on the C and N isotopic composition of pigments and nutrients in the water column and surface sediment of redox‐stratified Fayetteville Green Lake (FGL; New York). We also report δ13C and δ15N values for pyropheophytin a (Pphe a) and bacteriochlorophyll e (Bchl e) deposited in the Black Sea during its transition to a redox‐stratified basin ca. 7.8 ka. We propose a model for evolving nutrient cycling in the Black Sea from 7.8 to 6.4 ka, informed by the new pigment data from FGL. The seasonal study of water column nutrients and pigments at FGL revealed population dynamics in surface and deep waters that were also captured in the sediments. Biomass was greatest near the chemocline, where cyanobacteria, purple sulfur bacteria (PSB), and green sulfur bacteria (GSB) had seasonally variable populations. Bulk organic matter in the surface sediment, however, was derived mainly from the oxygenated surface waters. Surface sediment pigment δ13C and δ15N values indicate intact chlorophyll a (Chl a) was derived from near the chemocline, but its degradation product pheophytin a (Phe a) was derived primarily from surface waters. Bacteriopheophytin a (Bphe a) and Bchl e in the sediments came from chemocline populations of PSB and GSB, respectively. The distinctive δ13C and δ15N values for Chl a, Phe a, and Bphe a in the surface sediment are inputs to an isotopic mixing model that shows their decomposition to a common porphyrin derivative can produce non‐specific sedimentary isotope signatures. This model serves as a caveat for paleobiogeochemical interpretations in basins that had diverse populations near a shallow chemocline.  相似文献   

The stable isotope composition (δ13C and δ15N values) of harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) is influenced by their diet. Young‐of‐the‐year during lactation and postweaning fast are expected be enriched in 15N compared to foraging seals. We studied the temporal variation of stable isotope composition of young‐of‐the‐year and adults to determine from which point in time the young‐of‐the‐year tissues (i.e., muscles and vibrissae) are influenced by independent foraging only. These results were compared with the development of trophically transmitted parasitic infections. The δ15N values in young‐of‐the‐year muscles decreased from June (20.3‰ ± 0.5‰) to October (18.5‰ ± 0.4‰), while those of foraging seals were all year long below 19.2‰. This decrease coincides with the increase of parasitic infections in young‐of‐the‐year, reflecting a shift to fish diet. Together these results suggest that the muscles of the young‐of‐the‐year older than 5–6 mo reflect independent foraging and that they can therefore be used in community diet studies. The nursing signal in vibrissae was unclear, as the δ15N values of young‐of‐the‐year were stable over time, whereas those of adults varied seasonally. However, δ15N values of nursing pups were significantly higher than those of adults in May and June, maybe due to their reliance on milk.  相似文献   

The cosmopolitan, bloom‐forming diatom, Skeletonema costatum, is a prominent primary producer in coastal oceans, fixing CO2 with ribulose 1,5‐bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RubisCO) that is phylogenetically distinct from terrestrial plant RubisCO. RubisCOs are subdivided into groups based on sequence similarity of their large subunits (IA–ID, II, and III). ID is present in several major oceanic primary producers, including diatoms such as S. costatum, coccolithophores, and some dinoflagellates, and differs substantially in amino acid sequence from the well‐studied IB enzymes present in most cyanobacteria and in green algae and plants. Despite this sequence divergence, and differences in isotopic discrimination apparent in other RubisCO enzymes, stable carbon isotope compositions of diatoms and other marine phytoplankton are generally interpreted assuming enzymatic isotopic discrimination similar to spinach RubisCO (IB). To interpret phytoplankton δ13C values, S. costatum RubisCO was characterized via sequence analysis, and measurement of its KCO2 and Vmax, and degree of isotopic discrimination. The sequence of this enzyme placed it among other diatom ID RubisCOs. Michaelis‐Menten parameters were similar to other ID enzymes (KCO2 = 48.9 ± 2.8 μm ; Vmax = 165.1 ± 6.3 nmol min?1 mg?1). However, isotopic discrimination (ε = [12k/13k ? 1] × 1000) was low (18.5‰; 17.0–19.9, 95% CI) when compared to IA and IB RubisCOs (22–29‰), though not as low as ID from coccolithophore, Emiliania huxleyi (11.1‰). Variability in εvalues among RubisCOs from primary producers is likely reflected in δ13C values of oceanic biomass. Currently, δ13C variability is ascribed to physical or chemical factors (e.g. illumination, nutrient availability) and physiological responses to these factors (e.g. carbon‐concentrating mechanisms). Estimating the importance of these factors from δ13C measurements requires an accurate εvalue, and a mass‐balance model using the εvalue for S. costatum RubisCO is presented. Clearly, appropriate εvalues must be included in interpreting δ13C values of environmental samples.  相似文献   

Female northern elephant seals, Mirounga angustirostris, from Año Nuevo (AN) in central California feed offshore in mid‐latitude waters (40°–55°N). Migratory patterns and foraging locations of seals from Mexico are unknown. Rookeries on San Benitos (SB) islands in Baja California Sur, Mexico, are ~1,170 km south of AN. Although the colonies are similar in size, seals from SB begin breeding earlier and have an earlier breeding birthing peak than seals from AN. To determine if the foraging location of seals from Mexico was similar to that of seals from California, we measured δ13C and δ15N values in the hair of 48 suckling pups at SB and 37 from AN, assuming that their isotopic signatures reflected those of mothers' milk, their exclusive diet. The mean δ13C and δ15N values for SB pups (?16.1‰± 0.9‰ and 17.7‰± 0.9‰, respectively) were significantly higher than those for AN pups (?17.6‰± 0.4‰ and 15.6‰± 1.0‰, respectively). From data on environmental isotope gradients and known behavior of SB and AN populations, we hypothesize that the isotope differences are due to females in the SB colony foraging ~8° south of seals from AN. This hypothesis can be tested by deployment of satellite tags on adult females from the SB colony.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis endospore‐mediated forsterite dissolution experiments were performed to assess the effects of cell surface reactivity on Mg isotope fractionation during chemical weathering. Endospores present a unique opportunity to study the isolated impact of cell surface reactivity because they exhibit extremely low metabolic activity. In abiotic control assays, 24Mg was preferentially released into solution during forsterite dissolution, producing an isotopically light liquid phase (δ26Mg = ?0.39 ± 0.06 to ?0.26 ± 0.09‰) relative to the initial mineral composition (δ26Mg = ?0.24 ± 0.03‰). The presence of endospores did not have an apparent effect on Mg isotope fractionation associated with the release of Mg from the solid into the aqueous phase. However, the endospore surfaces preferentially adsorbed 24Mg from the dissolution products, which resulted in relatively heavy aqueous Mg isotope compositions. These aqueous Mg isotope compositions increased proportional to the fraction of dissolved Mg that was adsorbed, with the highest measured δ26Mg (?0.08 ± 0.07‰) corresponding to the highest degree of adsorption (~76%). The Mg isotope composition of the adsorbed fraction was correspondingly light, at an average δ26Mg of ?0.49‰. Secondary mineral precipitation and Mg adsorption onto secondary minerals had a minimal effect on Mg isotopes at these experimental conditions. Results demonstrate the isolated effects of cell surface reactivity on Mg isotope fractionation separate from other common biological processes, such as metabolism and organic acid production. With further study, Mg isotopes could be used to elucidate the role of the biosphere on Mg cycling in the environment.  相似文献   

Using both oxygen isotope ratios of leaf water (δ18OL) and cellulose (δ18OC) of Tillandsia usneoides in situ, this paper examined how short‐ and long‐term responses to environmental variation and model parameterization affected the reconstruction of the atmospheric water vapour (δ18Oa). During sample‐intensive field campaigns, predictions of δ18OL matched observations well using a non‐steady‐state model, but the model required data‐rich parameterization. Predictions from the more easily parameterized maximum enrichment model (δ18OL–M) matched observed δ18OL and observed δ18Oa when leaf water turnover was less than 3.5 d. Using the δ18OL–M model and weekly samples of δ18OL across two growing seasons in Florida, USA, reconstructed δ18Oa was ?12.6 ± 0.3‰. This is compared with δ18Oa of ?12.4 ± 0.2‰ resolved from the growing‐season‐weighted δ18OC. Both of these values were similar to δ18Oa in equilibrium with precipitation, ?12.9‰. δ18Oa was also reconstructed through a large‐scale transect with δ18OL and the growing‐season‐integrated δ18OC across the southeastern United States. There was considerable large‐scale variation, but there was regional, weather‐induced coherence in δ18Oa when using δ18OL. The reconstruction of δ18Oa with δ18OC generally supported the assumption of δ18Oa being in equilibrium with precipitation δ18O (δ18Oppt), but the pool of δ18Oppt with which δ18Oa was in equilibrium – growing season versus annual δ18Oppt – changed with latitude.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic activity in carbonate‐rich benthic microbial mats located in saline, alkaline lakes on the Cariboo Plateau, B.C. resulted in pCO2 below equilibrium and δ13CDIC values up to +6.0‰ above predicted carbon dioxide (CO2) equilibrium values, representing a biosignature of photosynthesis. Mat‐associated δ13Ccarb values ranged from ~4 to 8‰ within any individual lake, with observations of both enrichments (up to 3.8‰) and depletions (up to 11.6‰) relative to the concurrent dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC). Seasonal and annual variations in δ13C values reflected the balance between photosynthetic 13C‐enrichment and heterotrophic inputs of 13C‐depleted DIC. Mat microelectrode profiles identified oxic zones where δ13Ccarb was within 0.2‰ of surface DIC overlying anoxic zones associated with sulphate reduction where δ13Ccarb was depleted by up to 5‰ relative to surface DIC reflecting inputs of 13C‐depleted DIC. δ13C values of sulphate reducing bacteria biomarker phospholipid fatty acids (PLFA) were depleted relative to the bulk organic matter by ~4‰, consistent with heterotrophic synthesis, while the majority of PLFA had larger offsets consistent with autotrophy. Mean δ13Corg values ranged from ?18.7 ± 0.1 to ?25.3 ± 1.0‰ with mean Δ13Cinorg‐org values ranging from 21.1 to 24.2‰, consistent with non‐CO2‐limited photosynthesis, suggesting that Precambrian δ13Corg values of ~?26‰ do not necessitate higher atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Rather, it is likely that the high DIC and carbonate content of these systems provide a non‐limiting carbon source allowing for expression of large photosynthetic offsets, in contrast to the smaller offsets observed in saline, organic‐rich and hot spring microbial mats.  相似文献   

Determining how marine predators partition resources is hindered by the difficulty in obtaining information on diet and distribution. Stable isotopes (SI) of carbon (13C/12C, δ13C) and nitrogen (15N/14N, δ15N) provide a two‐dimensional estimate of the dietary space of consumers; an animal's isotopic composition is directly influenced by what they consume and where they feed. Harp (Pagophilus groenlandicus) and hooded (Cystophora cristata) seals are abundant phocid species found in the North Atlantic. We measured and contrasted SI values between seals sampled at nearshore and offshore sites to test for effects of sampling location, sex, age‐class, and body size to gain insight into how these species partition space and prey resources. In addition we contrasted previously published results for gray seals (Halichoerus grypus). Isotope values differed significantly by age class and location in harp and hooded seals. We found significant differences in SI values (mean δ13C and δ15N ± SE) between all species. Hooded seals, a continental shelf‐edge, deep‐diving species, exhibited low SI values (juveniles: ?20.9‰ ± 0.03‰, 13.36‰ ± 0.05‰; adults: ?20.41‰ ± 0.03‰, 14.81‰ ± 0.04‰) characteristic of feeding on meso‐ to bathypelagic prey. Harp seals, which dive to moderate depths primarily on the shelf had intermediate SI values (juveniles: ?20.53‰ ± 0.01‰, 13.91‰ ± 0.01‰; adults: ?20.13‰ ± 0.01‰, 14.96‰ ± 0.01‰) characteristic of feeding on epipelagic prey, whereas gray seals, which feed on or near the sea floor in shallow shelf waters, had high SI values (juveniles: ?19.74‰ ± 0.04‰, 17.51‰ ± 0.05‰; adults: ?18.86‰ ± 0.01‰, 17.23‰ ± 0.02‰) characteristic of feeding on demersal prey. In all species, δ13C values increased with body size and age in the same manner, indicating that seals exploit or forage in deeper habitats as they get larger and older. We hypothesize that the consistent ontogenetic shift in foraging niche, despite large differences between species in their diving behavior, geographic range and habitat use, not only reflects increased access to different prey due to increased diving capacity, but a progressive adjustment to balance energy budgets by reducing foraging costs.  相似文献   

We measured the δ98Mo of cells and media from molybdenum (Mo) assimilation experiments with the freshwater cyanobacterium Anabaena variabilis, grown with nitrate as a nitrogen (N) source or fixing atmospheric N2. This organism uses a Mo‐based nitrate reductase during nitrate utilization and a Mo‐based dinitrogenase during N2 fixation under culture conditions here. We also demonstrate that it has a high‐affinity Mo uptake system (ModABC) similar to other cyanobacteria, including marine N2‐fixing strains. Anabaena variabilis preferentially assimilated light isotopes of Mo in all experiments, resulting in fractionations of ?0.2‰ to ?1.0‰ ± 0.2‰ between cells and media (εcells–media), extending the range of biological Mo fractionations previously reported. The fractionations were internally consistent within experiments, but varied with the N source utilized and for different growth phases sampled. During growth on nitrate, A. variabilis consistently produced fractionations of ?0.3 ± 0.1‰ (mean ± standard deviation between experiments). When fixing N2, A. variabilis produced fractionations of ?0.9 ± 0.1‰ during exponential growth, and ?0.5 ± 0.1‰ during stationary phase. This pattern is inconsistent with a simple kinetic isotope effect associated with Mo transport, because Mo is likely transported through the ModABC uptake system under all conditions studied. We present a reaction network model for Mo isotope fractionation that demonstrates how Mo transport and storage, coordination changes during enzymatic incorporation, and the distribution of Mo inside the cell could all contribute to the total biological fractionations. Additionally, we discuss the potential importance of biologically incorporated Mo to organic matter‐bound Mo in marine sediments.  相似文献   

The winter‐flowering succulent Aloe marlothii provides nectar for many opportunistic avian nectarivores in southern African savannas. We assessed the importance of A. marlothii nectar sugar for opportunistic nectarivores by analysing temporal changes in stable carbon isotope ratios (δ13C) in the tissues of birds in Suikerbosrand Nature Reserve, South Africa. The blood of the 11 most common non‐granivorous opportunistic nectarivores at our site was enriched in 13C by 3.4 ± 1.5‰ during the flowering period of A. marlothii, reflecting the enriched crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) isotopic signature of nectar (?12.6 ± 0.5‰). This relatively small contribution of A. marlothii nectar to assimilated carbon in whole blood contrasted with that of exhaled CO2 in African Red‐eyed Bulbuls Pycnonotus nigricans and Cape White‐eyes Zosterops capensis. In both these species, the δ13C of breath samples was significantly enriched compared with blood and feathers, and closely resembled that of the nectar, revealing combustion of ingested nectar rather than assimilation. Although our analysis was complicated by the presence of C4 grasses, whose δ13C values are similar to those of CAM photosynthesizers, when considered with previously published feeding observations our data reveal that opportunistic nectarivores feeding on A. marlothii nectar obtain a relatively small fraction of their assimilated carbon, but most of their metabolized carbon, from this seasonally available carbohydrate food resource. Because the δ13C values of insects associated with C3 plants also became enriched during the flowering season, some insect‐eating opportunistic nectarivores may have assimilated A. marlothii carbon indirectly from insects. This study highlights the importance of understanding isotopic routing when assessing the nutritional significance of specific dietary items to consumer communities.  相似文献   

Multiple sulphur (S) isotope ratios are powerful proxies to understand the complexity of S biogeochemical cycling through Deep Time. The disappearance of a sulphur mass‐independent fractionation (S‐MIF) signal in rocks <~2.4 Ga has been used to date a dramatic rise in atmospheric oxygen levels. However, intricacies of the S‐cycle before the Great Oxidation Event remain poorly understood. For example, the isotope composition of coeval atmospherically derived sulphur species is still debated. Furthermore, variation in Archaean pyrite δ34S values has been widely attributed to microbial sulphate reduction (MSR). While petrographic evidence for Archaean early‐diagenetic pyrite formation is common, textural evidence for the presence and distribution of MSR remains enigmatic. We combined detailed petrographic and in situ, high‐resolution multiple S‐isotope studies (δ34S and Δ33S) using secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to document the S‐isotope signatures of exceptionally well‐preserved, pyritised microbialites in shales from the ~2.65‐Ga Lokammona Formation, Ghaap Group, South Africa. The presence of MSR in this Neoarchaean microbial mat is supported by typical biogenic textures including wavy crinkled laminae, and early‐diagenetic pyrite containing <26‰ μm‐scale variations in δ34S and Δ33S = ?0.21 ± 0.65‰ (±1σ). These large variations in δ34S values suggest Rayleigh distillation of a limited sulphate pool during high rates of MSR. Furthermore, we identified a second, morphologically distinct pyrite phase that precipitated after lithification, with δ34S = 8.36 ± 1.16‰ and Δ33S = 5.54 ± 1.53‰ (±1σ). We propose that the S‐MIF signature of this secondary pyrite does not reflect contemporaneous atmospheric processes at the time of deposition; instead, it formed by the influx of later‐stage sulphur‐bearing fluids containing an inherited atmospheric S‐MIF signal and/or from magnetic isotope effects during thermochemical sulphate reduction. These insights highlight the complementary nature of petrography and SIMS studies to resolve multigenerational pyrite formation pathways in the geological record.  相似文献   

Toxin analysis of 15 species of Kareniaceae revealed the presence of karlotoxin, KmTx 2, in only a single species (Karlodinium veneficum) but with variable activity in strains from the Swan (KmSwanTx 2‐1, 2.1 pg · cell?1; and KmSwanTx 2‐2, 0.53 pg · cell?1), Huon (KmHuonTx 2, 0.86 pg · cell?1), and Derwent rivers (<0.001 pg · cell?1) in Australia. A newly isolated Southern Ocean species, Karlodinium conicum, contained a novel poorly hemolytic karlotoxin analogue (KmconicumTx, 2.8 pg · cell?1). The hemolytic potency (HD50%) of the Australian karlotoxins were as follows: KmSwanTx 2‐1 (65.9 ± 4.8 ng) and KmSwanTx 2‐2 (63.4 ± 3.7 ng), KmHuonTx 2 (343 ± 4.9 ng), and KmconicumTx (>4,000 ng). Species from the closely related genera Takayama (T. helix, T. tasmanica, T. tuberculata), Karenia (K. asterichroma, K. brevis, K. mikimotoi, K. papilionacea, K. umbella), and Karlodinium (Ka. australe, Ka. antarcticum, Ka. ballantinum, Ka. corrugatum, Ka. decipiens) were all consistently negative for karlotoxin production. Brevetoxin (PbTx) was only detected in K. brevis, and hemolytic activity was only observed in Ka. veneficum strains.  相似文献   

We determined the magnitude of isotopic fractionation of carbon and nitrogen stable isotope ratios (as enrichment factors, Δδ13C and Δδ15N, respectively) between the tissues and diets of captive Japanese macaques (Macaca fuscata) using a controlled feeding experiment, to provide basic data for reconstructing their feeding habits. The Δδ13C and Δδ15N values, respectively, were 0.9 ± 0.2 ‰ (mean ± standard deviation, SD) and 3.0 ± 0.3 ‰ for whole blood, 1.3 ± 0.2 ‰ and 4.3 ± 0.3 ‰ for plasma, and 0.8 ± 0.2 ‰ and 3.0 ± 0.2 ‰ for red blood cells. However, the Δδ13C and Δδ15N values for hair were 2.8 ± 0.3 ‰ and 3.4 ± 0.2 ‰, respectively. No difference was detected in the δ13C and δ15N values of hair sampled from different parts of the body. We investigated the effects of diet on δ13C in growing hair by alternating the diet of the macaques each month between two diets that differed markedly in δ13C. Hair regrown after shaving repeatedly recorded the δ13C of the diet consumed during the time of hair growth. On the other hand, hair naturally grown during the diet-change experiment did not show a clear pattern. One possible reason is that the hair had grown abnormally under unnatural indoor conditions and showed complicated isotope signatures. To reconstruct the long-term feeding history of Japanese macaques, we need to further clarify the relationships between the stable isotope signature of diet and various body tissues.  相似文献   

In the deep biosphere, microbial sulfate reduction (MSR) is exploited for energy. Here, we show that, in fractured continental crystalline bedrock in three areas in Sweden, this process produced sulfide that reacted with iron to form pyrite extremely enriched in 34S relative to 32S. As documented by secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) microanalyses, the δ34Spyrite values are up to +132‰V‐CDT and with a total range of 186‰. The lightest δ34Spyrite values (?54‰) suggest very large fractionation during MSR from an initial sulfate with δ34S values (δ34Ssulfate,0) of +14 to +28‰. Fractionation of this magnitude requires a slow MSR rate, a feature we attribute to nutrient and electron donor shortage as well as initial sulfate abundance. The superheavy δ34Spyrite values were produced by Rayleigh fractionation effects in a diminishing sulfate pool. Large volumes of pyrite with superheavy values (+120 ± 15‰) within single fracture intercepts in the boreholes, associated heavy average values up to +75‰ and heavy minimum δ34Spyrite values, suggest isolation of significant amounts of isotopically light sulfide in other parts of the fracture system. Large fracture‐specific δ34Spyrite variability and overall average δ34Spyrite values (+11 to +16‰) lower than the anticipated δ34Ssulfate,0 support this hypothesis. The superheavy pyrite found locally in the borehole intercepts thus represents a late stage in a much larger fracture system undergoing Rayleigh fractionation. Microscale Rb–Sr dating and U/Th–He dating of cogenetic minerals reveal that most pyrite formed in the early Paleozoic era, but crystal overgrowths may be significantly younger. The δ13C values in cogenetic calcite suggest that the superheavy δ34Spyrite values are related to organotrophic MSR, in contrast to findings from marine sediments where superheavy pyrite has been proposed to be linked to anaerobic oxidation of methane. The findings provide new insights into MSR‐related S‐isotope systematics, particularly regarding formation of large fractions of 34S‐rich pyrite.  相似文献   

We present sulfur isotope ratio measurements of bone collagen from animals (n = 75) and humans (n = 120) from five sites dating to four chronological periods (Chalcolithic, Punic, Late Antiquity‐Early Byzantine, and Islamic) from the Balearic Islands of Ibiza and Formentera, Spain. This study is a follow up to previously published δ13C and δ15N values by [Fuller et al.: Am J Phys Anthropol 143 (2010) 512–522] and focuses on using δ34S values to better understand the dietary patterns of these populations through time and to possibly identify immigrants to these islands. The range of δ34S values (10.5–17.8‰) observed for the animals was relatively broad, which suggests that a significant sea spray effect has added marine sulfates to the soils of Formentera and Ibiza. The mean δ34S values of the different human populations were found to be: Chalcolithic (16.5 ± 1.4‰), Punic rural (13.6 ± 1.7‰), Punic urban (12.9 ± 1.8‰), Late Antiquity‐Early Byzantine (12.3 ± 2.1‰), and Islamic (9.1 ± 2.7‰). These human δ34S results are similar to the animal data, a finding that supports the notion that there was little marine protein consumption by these societies and that the diet was mainly based on terrestrial resources. During the Punic and Late Antiquity‐Early Byzantine periods the δ34S values were used to identify individuals in the population who likely were not born or raised on the islands. In addition, 18 of the 20 individuals analyzed from the Islamic period have δ34S values that indicate that they were immigrants to Ibiza who died before acquiring the new local sulfur isotopic signature. Am J Phys Anthropol 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The mollusc genus Mytilus is abundant in various modern marine environments and is an important substrate for palaeo‐proxy work. The redox‐sensitive chromium (Cr) isotope system is emerging as a proxy for changes in the oxidation state of the Earth's atmosphere and oceans. However, potential isotopic offsets between ambient sea water and modern biogenic carbonates have yet to be constrained. We measured Cr concentrations ([Cr]) and isotope variations (δ53Cr) in recent mollusc shells (Mytilus) from open and restricted marine environments and compared these to ambient sea water δ53Cr values. We found a large range in mollusc [Cr] (12–309 ppb) and δ53Cr values (?0.30 to +1.25‰) and in the offset between δ53Cr values of mollusc shells and ambient sea water (, ?0.17 to ?0.91‰). Step digestions of cultivated Mytilus edulis specimens indicate that Cr is mainly concentrated in organic components of the shell (periostracum: 407 ppb, n = 2), whereas the mollusc carbonate minerals contain ≤3 ppb Cr. Analyses of individual Cr‐hosting phases (i.e., carbonate minerals and organic matrix) did not reveal significant differences in δ53Cr values, and thus, we suggest that Cr isotope fractionation may likely take place prior to rather than during biomineralisation of Mytilus shells. Heterogeneity of δ53Cr values in mollusc shells depends on sea water chemistry (e.g., salinity, food availability, faeces). The main control for δ53Cr values incorporated into shells, however, is likely vital effects (in particular shell valve closure time) since Cr can be partially or quantitatively reduced in sea water trapped between closed shell valves. The δ53Cr values recorded in Mytilus shells may thus be de‐coupled from the redox conditions of ambient sea water, introducing additional heterogeneity that needs to be better constrained before using δ53Cr values in mollusc shells for palaeo‐reconstructions.  相似文献   

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