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This study investigated sex‐specific effects of repeated stress and food restriction on food intake, body weight, corticosterone plasma levels and expression of corticotropin‐releasing factor (CRF) in the hypothalamus and relaxin‐3 in the nucleus incertus (NI). The CRF and relaxin‐3 expression is affected by stress, and these neuropeptides produce opposite effects on feeding (anorexigenic and orexigenic, respectively), but sex‐specific regulation of CRF and relaxin‐3 by chronic stress is not fully understood. Male and female rats were fed ad libitum chow (AC) or ad libitum chow and intermittent palatable liquid Ensure without food restriction (ACE), or combined with repeated food restriction (60% chow, 2 days per week; RCE). Half of the rats were submitted to 1‐h restraint stress once a week. In total, seven weekly cycles were applied. The body weight of the RCE stressed male rats significantly decreased, whereas the body weight of the RCE stressed female rats significantly increased compared with the respective control groups. The stressed female RCE rats considerably overate chow during recovery from stress and food restriction. The RCE female rats showed elevated plasma corticosterone levels and low expression of CRF mRNA in the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus but not in the medial preoptic area. The NI expression of relaxin‐3 mRNA was significantly higher in the stressed RCE female rats compared with other groups. An increase in the expression of orexigenic relaxin‐3 and misbalanced hypothalamic‐pituitary‐adrenal axis activity may contribute to the overeating and increased body weight seen in chronically stressed and repeatedly food‐restricted female rats .  相似文献   

Apelin is the recently identified endogenous ligand for the G-protein-coupled receptor, APJ. Preproapelin and APJ mRNA are found in hypothalamic regions known to be important in the regulation of food and water intake, and pituitary hormone release. The effects of intracerebroventricular (ICV) administration of pyroglutamylated apelin-13 on food and water intake and pituitary hormone release in rats were investigated. Apelin-13 had little effect on food intake, but dose-dependently increased drinking behaviour and water intake at 1 h. Apelin-13 (10 nmol) increased water intake by up to sixfold compared to saline. Compared to saline control, apelin-13 (10 nmol) significantly increased plasma ACTH and corticosterone and decreased plasma prolactin, LH and FSH at 30 min. In vitro, apelin-13 stimulated the release of CRH and AVP from hypothalamic explants, but had no effect on NPY release. These results suggest that apelin may play an important role in the hypothalamic regulation of water intake and endocrine axes.  相似文献   

The trade‐offs involved in allocating carotenoid pigments and food to healing and regrowing damaged caudal fin tissue v . other functions were examined in guppies Poecilia reticulata , a species in which females prefer males that display larger amounts of carotenoids in their skin. The guppies were derived from four natural populations in Trinidad that differed in resource availability but not predation intensity. Carotenoids, food and site of origin did not affect either absolute or relative fin regrowth, which suggested that fin regeneration in guppies was not constrained by carotenoid availability. It is possible that carotenoid intake influences fin regeneration in the presence of natural stressors such as predators. There was a significant negative interaction between food level in the laboratory and resource availability in the field: males from low‐resource‐availability sites regrew more fin tissue when raised on the high food level, and males from high‐resource‐availability sites regrew more fin tissue when raised on the low food level. The direction of this interaction runs counter to theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

Immediate early genes (IEG) such as c‐Fos and Fos‐related antigens (FRA) have been used as markers of neuronal activation. In this study, we determined whether the expression of c‐Fos/FRAs is increased in the brains of adult male Acheta domesticus crickets following agonistic interactions. We looked for c‐Fos/FRA proteins in the brain of un‐fought, control male crickets and of dominant and subordinate male crickets sacrificed at different time periods following an agonistic interaction. Using immunoblot analysis, we found four different c‐Fos/FRA‐like proteins in the adult cricket brain. Continuous agonistic interaction increased c‐Fos/FRA protein expression in the brains of subordinate males compared to control and dominant males. In addition, direct electrical stimulation of the male cricket antennae increased c‐Fos/FRA‐like protein in the brain. We identified the specific brain regions that exhibit c‐Fos/FRA‐like immunoreactivity in crickets. We detected c‐Fos/FRA‐like cellular immunoreactivity in different functional regions of the adult brain including the pars intercerebralis, protocerebrum, deutocerebrum, and the cortex of the mushroom bodies. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Corticotropin releasing factor (CRF) appears to be critical for the control of important aspects of the behavioral and physiological response to stressors and drugs of abuse. However, the extent to which the different brain CRF neuronal populations are similarly activated after stress and drug administration is not known. We then studied, using double immunohistochemistry for CRF and Fos protein, stress and amphetamine-induced activation of CRF neurons in cortex, central amygdala (CeA), medial parvocellular dorsal, and submagnocellular parvocellular regions of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVNmpd and PVNsm, respectively) and Barrington nucleus (Bar). Neither exposure to a novel environment (hole-board, HB) nor immobilization (IMO) increased Fos-like immunoreactivity (FLI) in the CeA, but they did to the same extent in cortical regions. In other regions only IMO increased FLI. HB and IMO both failed to activate CRF+ neurons in cortical areas, but after IMO, some neurons expressing FLI in the PVNsm and most of them in the PVNmpd and Bar were CRF+. Amphetamine administration increased FLI in cortical areas and CeA (with some CRF+ neurons expressing FLI), whereas the number of CRF+ neurons increased only in the PVNsm, in contrast to the effects of IMO. The present results indicate that stress and amphetamine elicited a distinct pattern of brain Fos-like protein expression and differentially activated some of the brain CRF neuronal populations, despite similar levels of overall FLI in the case of IMO and amphetamine.  相似文献   

Many antipsychotics cause weight gain in humans, but usually not in rats, when injected once or twice daily. Since blood antipsychotic half-lives are short in rats, compared to humans, chronic administration by constant infusion may be necessary to see consistent weight gain in rats. Male and female rats were implanted with mini-pumps for constant infusion of olanzapine (5 mg/kg/day), clozapine (10 mg/kg/day) or vehicle for 11 days. Food intake and body weight were measured; blood drug levels were measured by HPLC. Olanzapine increased food intake and body weight in female, but not male rats. Serum olanzapine concentrations were 30-35 ng/ml. Clozapine had no effect on food intake or body weight in female or male rats. Serum clozapine concentrations were about 75 ng/ml. Single-dose pharmacokinetic analysis revealed a serum terminal half-life of 1.2-1.5 h for each drug, with no sex differences. Despite the fact that olanzapine and clozapine promote weight gain in humans, these drugs appear to have minimal effects on body weight and food intake in rats, except for a modest effect of olanzapine in female rats, even though therapeutic levels of olanzapine are achieved in serum during chronic infusion. Hence, the rapid clearance of drug following single administration in previous studies cannot explain the weak or absent effects of antipsychotics on weight gain in this species. The rat thus appears to be an inadequate model of weight gain produced by some antipsychotics in humans.  相似文献   

Opioid receptor antagonist naltrexone reduces alcohol consumption and relapse in both humans and rodents. This study investigated whether hypothalamic proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons (producing beta‐endorphin and melanocortins) play a role in alcohol drinking behaviors. Both male and female mice with targeted deletion of two neuronal Pomc enhancers nPE1 and nPE2 (nPE?/?), resulting in hypothalamic‐specific POMC deficiency, were studied in short‐access (4‐h/day) drinking‐in‐the‐dark (DID, alcohol in one bottle, intermittent access (IA, 24‐h cycles of alcohol access every other day, alcohol vs. water in a two‐bottle choice) and alcohol deprivation effect (ADE) models. Wild‐type nPE+/+ exposed to 1‐week DID rapidly established stable alcohol drinking behavior with more intake in females, whereas nPE?/? mice of both sexes had less intake and less preference. Although nPE?/? showed less saccharin intake and preference than nPE+/+, there was no genotype difference in sucrose intake or preference in the DID paradigm. After 3‐week IA, nPE+/+ gradually escalated to high alcohol intake and preference, with more intake in females, whereas nPE?/? showed less escalation. Pharmacological blockade of mu‐opioid receptors with naltrexone reduced intake in nPE+/+ in a dose‐dependent manner, but had blunted effects in nPE?/? of both sexes. When alcohol was presented again after 1‐week abstinence from IA, nPE+/+ of both sexes displayed significant increases in alcohol intake (ADE or relapse‐like drinking), with more pronounced ADE in females, whereas nPE?/? did not show ADE in either sex. Our results suggest that neuronal POMC is involved in modulation of alcohol ‘binge’ drinking, escalation and ‘relapse’, probably via hypothalamic‐mediated mechanisms, with sex differences.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous administration of oxytocin (OT) increases water intake and sodium/urine excretion in food-deprived male rats. This study analyzes the effect of OT administration (at 0830 and 1430h) on the consumption of water and hypertonic NaCl (1.5%). In the first experiment, injections of OT increased the intake of hypertonic NaCl (but not of water) in food-deprived rats but not in ad lib-fed animals during the second 12 h (2030 to 0830) of the treatment day. The net concentration of the fluid consumed by OT/deprived animals was close to isotonic. In the second experiment, the initial effect of OT administration was an increase in urine volume and urinary sodium excretion and concentration by food-deprived animals during the first 12 h (0830 to 2030). These findings suggest that in food-deprived animals, systemic administration of OT induces NaCl intake as a consequence of previous urine loss and urinary sodium excretion.  相似文献   

目的:在参考Davis等建立的侧脑室注射(ICV)法的基础上,建立鸡ICV法。方法:利用改建的鸡ICV法研究梯度注射神经肽Y(NPY,2.5p.g/bird和5μg/bird)对鸡采食量的影响。结果:ICV套管安装手术的成功率为88%(37/42),注射成功率为64%(23/36);NPY可显著提高注射后1~4h和24h鸡的采食量(P〈0.05),提高幅度在6.88%(5μg/bird,注射后24h)-138.95%(注射后1h)之间,注射后3h内,采食量随注射剂量增加而增加。结论:本研究建立的鸡ICV注射法是适用的,NPY是鸡重要的诱食因子之一,利用建立的ICV法,2.5μg/bird的外源性NPY就足以使鸡产生采食反应,为今后进一步开展鸡行为学研究提供方法和依据。  相似文献   

The relaxin family peptide receptors have been implicated in numerous physiological processes including energy homeostasis, cardiac function, wound healing, and reproductive function. Two family members, RXFP3 and RXFP4, are class A GPCRs with endogenous peptide ligands (relaxin-3 and insulin-like peptide 5 (INSL5), respectively). Polymorphisms in relaxin-3 and RXFP3 have been associated with obesity, diabetes, and hypercholesterolemia. Moreover, central administration of relaxin-3 in rats has been shown to increase food intake, leading to body weight gain. Reported RXFP3 and RXFP4 ligands have been restricted to peptides (both endogenous and synthetic) as well as a low molecular weight positive allosteric modulator requiring a non-endogenous orthosteric ligand. Described here is the discovery of the first potent low molecular weight dual agonists of RXFP3/4. The scaffold identified is competitive with a chimeric relaxin-3/INSL5 peptide for RXFP3 binding, elicits similar downstream signaling as relaxin-3, and increases food intake in rats following acute central administration. This is the first report of small molecule RXFP3/4 agonism.  相似文献   

Primeaux SD 《Peptides》2011,32(6):1270-1275
Pyroglutamylated arginine-phenylalanineamide peptide (QRFP) is a neuropeptide involved in feeding behavior. Central administration of QRFP selectively increases the intake of a high fat diet in male rats. QRFP administration also stimulates the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis via gonadotrophin-releasing hormone in male and female rats. Prepro-QRFP mRNA is expressed in localized regions of the mediobasal hypothalamus which are abundant in neurotransmitters, neuropeptides and receptor systems important for food intake regulation and reproductive behaviors. The current experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of centrally administered QRFP-26 on the intake of a high fat diet (HFD, 60% kcal from fat) in female rats and to investigate alterations in hypothalamic prepro-QRFP and its receptors, GPR130a and GPR103b, mRNA levels over the estrous cycle. In Experiment 1, female rats were administered QRFP-26 (intracerebroventricular; 0.3 nmol, 0.5 nmol, 1.0 nmol) in rats consuming either a HFD or a low fat diet. All doses of QRFP-26 selectively increased the intake of the HFD in female rats. These data suggest that QRFP-26 regulates the intake of energy dense foods in female rats, which is similar to previous findings in male rats. In Experiment 2, hypothalamic levels of prepro-QRFP mRNA and its receptors were assessed during diestrus, proestrus, or estrus. The level of prepro-QRFP mRNA in the ventromedial/arcuate nucleus (VMH/ARC) of the hypothalamus was increased during proestrus, which suggests that endogenous estrogen levels regulate QRFP expression in the VMH/ARC. These data suggest that QRFP may play a role in coordinating feeding behaviors with reproductive function when energy demand is increased.  相似文献   

Corticosterone plays an important role in feeding behavior. However, its mechanism remains unclear. Therefore, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of corticosterone on feeding behavior. In this study, cumulative food intake was increased by acute corticosterone administration in a dose‐dependent manner. Administration of the 5‐HT2c receptor agonist m‐chlorophenylpiperazin (mCPP) reversed the effect of corticosterone on food intake. The anorectic effects of mCPP were also blocked by the 5‐HT2c receptor antagonist RS102221 in corticosterone‐treated mice. Both corticosterone and mCPP increased c‐Fos expression in hypothalamic nuclei, but not the nucleus of the solitary tract. RS102221 inhibited c‐Fos expression induced by mCPP, but not corticosterone. In addition, mCPP had little effect on TH and POMC levels in the hypothalamus. Furthermore, mCPP antagonized decreasing effect of the leptin produced by corticosterone. Taken together, our findings suggest that 5‐HT2c receptors and leptin may be involved in the effects of corticosterone‐induced hyperphagia.  相似文献   

Acute fasting induced antidepressant‐like effects. However, the exact brain region and mechanism of these actions are still largely unknown. Therefore, in this study the antidepressant‐like effects of acute fasting on c‐Fos expression and BDNF levels were investigated. Consistent with our previous findings, immobility time was remarkably shortened by 9 hrs fasting in the forced swimming test. Furthermore, these antidepressant‐like effects of 9 fasting were inhibited by a 5‐HT2A/2C receptor agonist (±)‐1‐(2, 5‐dimethoxy‐4‐iodophenyl)‐2‐aminopropane hydrochloride (DOI), and the effect of DOI was blocked by pretreatment with a selective 5‐HT2A receptor antagonist ketanserin. Immunohistochemical study has shown that c‐Fos level was significantly increased by 9 hrs fasting in prefrontal cortex but not hippocampus and habenular. Fasting‐induced c‐Fos expression was further enhanced by DOI in prefrontal cortex, and these enhancements were inhibited by ketanserin. The increased BDNF levels by fasting were markedly inhibited by DOI in frontal cortex and hippocampus, and these effects of DOI on BDNF levels were also blocked by ketanserin. These findings suggest that the antidepressant‐like effects of acute fasting may be exerted via 5‐HT2A receptor and particularly sensitive to neural activity in the prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, these antidepressant‐like effects are also mediated by CREB and BDNF pathway in hippocampus and frontal cortex. Therefore, fasting may be potentially helpful against depression.  相似文献   

Short-term treatment of lean and obese mice with the fatty acid synthase (FAS) inhibitor, C75, alters expression of hypothalamic neuropeptides thereby reducing food intake, body weight, and body fat. Here we report the long-term effects of C75 on obese (Ob/Ob) mice. A low dose of C75 administered every third day for 30 days reduced food intake by 62% and body weight by 43% whereas body weight of ad lib-fed controls increased by 11%. Loss of body weight correlated with decreased adipose and liver tissue mass. Decreased food intake correlated with decreased expression of hypothalamic neuropeptide mRNAs for NPY, AgRP, and MCH and an increased expression of neuropeptide mRNAs for alphaMSH (i.e., POMC) and CART. Consistent with increased energy expenditure, C75 treatment caused greater weight loss than pair-fed controls and increased expression of skeletal muscle UCP-3 mRNA. Lowered blood glucose was due largely to restriction of food intake. C75 blocked the normal fasting-induced rise in blood free fatty acids and ketones due either to decreased adipose tissue lipolysis and hepatic ketogenesis or increased fatty acid and ketone utilization by peripheral tissues, notably skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Interventions against obesity, are mainly around changing calorie intake and energy expenditure. Recently, some studies focused on the influence of circadian time of food intake on metabolic status. Here, we compare the role of calorie restriction and time restricted feeding followed by high-fat diet started post weaning, First, 52 male Wistarrats (3 weeks old) were divided into two groups: the high-fat diet (HFD, n = 42) and the control group (CON1, n = 11). After 17 weeks, five rats were randomly selected from each group for sample preparation. In the second phase, the animals in HFD group were assigned into four groups (n = 9): (1) 30% calorie restriction (CR), (2) day intermittent fasting (DIF), (3) night intermittent fasting (NIF), (4) adlibitum food intake (AL), (5) remained animal from the first phase control (CON2). Seventeen weeks of HFD started post-weaning did not cause fatty liver but it caused a significant difference in the body and the adipose tissue weight (P0.05). The results showed that longtime HFD did not lead to liver steatosis while the incorrect time of food intake predisposes the animal to the upcoming liver disease. This data indicate a significant role of timing of food intake rather than nutrition composition itself.  相似文献   

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