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The movement of soil organic carbon (SOC) during erosion and deposition events represents a major perturbation to the terrestrial carbon cycle. Despite the recognized impact soil redistribution can have on the carbon cycle, few major carbon accounting models currently allow for soil mass flux. Here, we modified a commonly used SOC model to include a soil redistribution term and then applied it to scenarios which explore the implications of unrecognized erosion and deposition for SOC accounting. We show that models that assume a static landscape may be calibrated incorrectly as erosion of SOC is hidden within the decay constants. This implicit inclusion of erosion then limits the predictive capacity of these models when applied to sites with different soil redistribution histories. Decay constants were found to be 15–50% slower when an erosion rate of 15 t soil ha?1 yr?1 was explicitly included in the SOC model calibration. Static models cannot account for SOC change resulting from agricultural management practices focused on reducing erosion rates. Without accounting for soil redistribution, a soil sampling scheme which uses a fixed depth to support model development can create large errors in actual and relative changes in SOC stocks. When modest levels of erosion were ignored, the combined uncertainty in carbon sequestration rates was 0.3–1.0 t CO2 ha?1 yr?1. This range is similar to expected sequestration rates for many management options aimed at increasing SOC levels. It is evident from these analyses that explicit recognition of soil redistribution is critical to the success of a carbon monitoring or trading scheme which seeks to credit agricultural activities.  相似文献   

基于华北地区3个长期定位试验站点(河南郑州、山东禹城和河北曲周)的试验数据,用站点实测作物产量和土壤有机碳(SOC)双标准对Daycent模型进行校验和验证.结果表明: 模型参数组合对作物产量和SOC的长期变化动态拟合效果良好,表明Daycent模型可较好地模拟作物产量和SOC的动态变化.用校验和验证了的模型对3个站点在气候情景RCP 4.5下4种不同管理措施(单施化肥NPK、化肥+有机肥MNPK、秸秆还田SNPK、免耕+秸秆NT)下SOC的变化动态进行模拟.结果表明: 郑州站点NPK、MNPK、SNPK处理中,MNPK处理的SOC相对年平均增幅最高,2001—2050年间的SOC年增幅达1.7%,其次为SNPK处理(年均增幅为1.3%)和NPK处理(年均增幅为0.8%),从长远角度看,增施有机肥对灌溉轻壤土有机碳的增加有明显效果.在禹城站点,研究期间,MNPK处理的SOC年均增幅(0.4%)高于NPK处理(0.3%),由于该站点土壤有轻度盐化特征,因此各措施下SOC的增幅较低.在曲周站点,NT处理更有利于SOC的增加,研究期间的SOC年均增幅达1.3%,远高于SNPK处理(0.7%)和NPK处理(0.4%).华北地区气温适宜、灌溉条件好、具备秸秆还田及免耕机械条件,免耕+秸秆还田是该地区增加SOC的较好农作管理措施.  相似文献   

Quantifying soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics at a high spatial and temporal resolution in response to different agricultural management practices and environmental conditions can help identify practices that both sequester carbon in the soil and sustain agricultural productivity. Using an agricultural systems model (the Agricultural Production Systems sIMulator), we conducted a high spatial resolution and long‐term (122 years) simulation study to identify the key management practices and environmental variables influencing SOC dynamics in a continuous wheat cropping system in Australia's 96 million ha cereal‐growing regions. Agricultural practices included five nitrogen application rates (0–200 kg N ha?1 in 50 kg N ha?1 increments), five residue removal rates (0–100% in 25% increments), and five residue incorporation rates (0–100% in 25% increments). We found that the change in SOC during the 122‐year simulation was influenced by the management practices of residue removal (linearly negative) and fertilization (nonlinearly positive) – and the environmental variables of initial SOC content (linearly negative) and temperature (nonlinearly negative). The effects of fertilization were strongest at rates up to 50 kg N ha?1, and the effects of temperature were strongest where mean annual temperatures exceeded 19 °C. Reducing residue removal and increasing fertilization increased SOC in most areas except Queensland where high rates of SOC decomposition caused by high temperature and soil moisture negated these benefits. Management practices were particularly effective in increasing SOC in south‐west Western Australia – an area with low initial SOC. The results can help target agricultural management practices for increasing SOC in the context of local environmental conditions, enabling farmers to contribute to climate change mitigation and sustaining agricultural production.  相似文献   

We can effectively monitor soil condition—and develop sound policies to offset the emissions of greenhouse gases—only with accurate data from which to define baselines. Currently, estimates of soil organic C for countries or continents are either unavailable or largely uncertain because they are derived from sparse data, with large gaps over many areas of the Earth. Here, we derive spatially explicit estimates, and their uncertainty, of the distribution and stock of organic C in the soil of Australia. We assembled and harmonized data from several sources to produce the most comprehensive set of data on the current stock of organic C in soil of the continent. Using them, we have produced a fine spatial resolution baseline map of organic C at the continental scale. We describe how we made it by combining the bootstrap, a decision tree with piecewise regression on environmental variables and geostatistical modelling of residuals. Values of stock were predicted at the nodes of a 3‐arc‐sec (approximately 90 m) grid and mapped together with their uncertainties. We then calculated baselines of soil organic C storage over the whole of Australia, its states and territories, and regions that define bioclimatic zones, vegetation classes and land use. The average amount of organic C in Australian topsoil is estimated to be 29.7 t ha?1 with 95% confidence limits of 22.6 and 37.9 t ha?1. The total stock of organic C in the 0–30 cm layer of soil for the continent is 24.97 Gt with 95% confidence limits of 19.04 and 31.83 Gt. This represents approximately 3.5% of the total stock in the upper 30 cm of soil worldwide. Australia occupies 5.2% of the global land area, so the total organic C stock of Australian soil makes an important contribution to the global carbon cycle, and it provides a significant potential for sequestration. As the most reliable approximation of the stock of organic C in Australian soil in 2010, our estimates have important applications. They could support Australia's National Carbon Accounting System, help guide the formulation of policy around carbon offset schemes, improve Australia's carbon balances, serve to direct future sampling for inventory, guide the design of monitoring networks and provide a benchmark against which to assess the impact of changes in land cover, land management and climate on the stock of C in Australia. In this way, these estimates would help us to develop strategies to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change.  相似文献   

Soil monitoring programmes face significant challenges as there is an important trade‐off between detecting significant changes in soil properties on the one hand (which can be achieved by minimizing variability by higher sampling density or stratification approaches), and identifying the driving forces responsible for these changes on the other hand (which requires enough variability). This study aims to reconcile these two objectives by identifying the driving forces of soil organic carbon (SOC) evolution over a long period, based on an extensive but stratified soil monitoring programme. Data at both the finest level (questionnaires to the farmers) and the large scale (agricultural census, climate and soil databases for southern Belgium) were used in a cluster analysis, multiple linear regressions and mixed odels in order to discriminate between the driving forces involved. Results indicated that the negative ‘baseline effect’ (i.e. the inversely proportional effect of the initial SOC content on the SOC evolution) was responsible for an important part of the SOC variability. Consequently, the systems are not at steady state when starting the observations, although this assumption is used by most SOC dynamic models. Moreover, the baseline effect resulted in a trend of the soils to converge towards a regional SOC stock which significantly differed according to land use (36.4 t C ha?1 for the plough depth of cropland and 92.2 t C ha?1 for the 0–30 cm layer of grassland). Despite this strong effect, the main driving forces of the SOC decrease of cropland (?0.2 t C ha?1 yr?1) and SOC increase of grassland (+0.2 t C ha?1 yr?1) over a period of 50 years were discriminated. The agricultural management (cropland) and the clay content (grassland), together with the change in precipitation (to a lesser degree for cropland) were highlighted as the predominant factors involved in SOC evolution, when land use change is excluded. The use of questionnaires allowed to better understanding the impact of an intensive agricultural management on the SOC content, as the lowest SOC stocks were associated to the most intensively managed fields. The mixed models partly succeeded in predicting SOC evolution as they presented still large uncertainties after validation (mean error from 3% to 25%, root mean square error of prediction from 21% to 242%). While SOC monitoring schemes are increasingly being implemented, our results will likely apply to those using a similar design. It was shown that this strategy succeeded to reconcile both the SOC change detection and the distinction of the driving forces involved at the regional scale.  相似文献   

放牧是影响草地土壤碳固存的重要因素。本研究选取黄土高原水蚀风蚀交错区西部、中部、东部地区及水蚀区,以各区20年以上退耕封禁地为对照,分析3个放牧强度下(羊粪球密度分别为0~10、10~20、>20 ind·m-2)退耕草地0~20 cm土层土壤有机碳储量的分布特征,研究放牧及其强度对退耕草地土壤固碳效应的影响。结果表明: 放牧对交错区西部0~20 cm、东部0~10 cm,水蚀区0~5 cm土层土壤有机碳储量有显著影响,对交错区中部各土层均无显著影响;羊粪球密度0~10、>20 ind·m-2强度的放牧使交错区西部0~20 cm土层土壤有机碳储量显著降低了34.8%~50.9%,而在其他3个区域,放牧对有机碳储量的影响较退耕封禁地差异不显著。在交错区东部,放牧强度是影响退耕草地土壤有机碳储量的主要因素,而其他3个区域有机碳储量主要受土壤理化性质和(或)枯落物生物量的影响。羊粪球密度10~20 ind·m-2强度的放牧对各区域退耕草地0~20 cm土层土壤有机碳储量无显著影响。  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics are regulated by the complex interplay of climatic, edaphic and biotic conditions. However, the interrelation of SOC and these drivers and their potential connection networks are rarely assessed quantitatively. Using observations of SOC dynamics with detailed soil properties from 90 field trials at 28 sites under different agroecosystems across the Australian cropping regions, we investigated the direct and indirect effects of climate, soil properties, carbon (C) inputs and soil C pools (a total of 17 variables) on SOC change rate (rC, Mg C ha?1 yr?1). Among these variables, we found that the most influential variables on rC were the average C input amount and annual precipitation, and the total SOC stock at the beginning of the trials. Overall, C inputs (including C input amount and pasture frequency in the crop rotation system) accounted for 27% of the relative influence on rC, followed by climate 25% (including precipitation and temperature), soil C pools 24% (including pool size and composition) and soil properties (such as cation exchange capacity, clay content, bulk density) 24%. Path analysis identified a network of intercorrelations of climate, soil properties, C inputs and soil C pools in determining rC. The direct correlation of rC with climate was significantly weakened if removing the effects of soil properties and C pools, and vice versa. These results reveal the relative importance of climate, soil properties, C inputs and C pools and their complex interconnections in regulating SOC dynamics. Ignorance of the impact of changes in soil properties, C pool composition and C input (quantity and quality) on SOC dynamics is likely one of the main sources of uncertainty in SOC predictions from the process‐based SOC models.  相似文献   

Soil organic carbon (SOC) sequestration is a promising climate change mitigation option. In this context, the formation of the relatively long-lived mineral-associated organic carbon (MAOC) is key. To date, soils are considered to be limited in their ability to accumulate MAOC, mainly by the amount of clay and silt particles present. Using the comprehensive German Agricultural Soil Inventory, we selected 189 samples with a wide range of SOC (5–118 g kg−1) and clay contents (30–770 g kg−1) to test whether there is a detectable upper limit of MAOC content. We found that the proportion of MAOC was surprisingly stable for soils under cropland and grassland use across the whole range of bulk SOC contents. Soil texture influenced the slope of the relationship between bulk SOC and MAOC, but no upper limit was observed in any texture class. Also, C content in the fine fraction (g C kg−1 fraction) was negatively correlated to fine fraction content (g kg−1 bulk soil). Both findings challenge the notion that MAOC accumulation is limited by soil fine fraction content per se.  相似文献   

Most estimates of regional and global soil carbon stocks are based on extrapolations of mean soil C contents for broad categories of soil or vegetation types. Uncertainties exist in both the estimates of mean soil C contents and the area over which each mean should be extrapolated. Geographic information systems now permit spatially referenced estimates of soil C at finer scales of resolution than were previously practical. We compared estimates of total soil C stocks of the state of Maine using three methods: (1) multiplying the area of the state by published means of soil C for temperate forests and for Spodosols; (2) calculating areas of inclusions of soil taxa in the 1:5,000,000 FAO/UNESCO Soils Map of the World and multiplying those areas by selected mean carbon contents; and (3) calculating soil C for each soil series and map unit in the 1:250,000 State Soil Geographic Data Base (STATSGO) and summing these estimates for the entire state. The STATSGO estimate of total soil C was between 23% and 49% higher than the common coarse scale extrapolations, primarily because STATSGO included data on Histosols, which cover less than 5% of the area of the state, but which constitute over one-third of the soil C. Spodosols cover about 65% of the state, but contribute less than 39% of the soil C. Estimates of total soil C in Maine based on the FAO map agreed within 8% of the STATSGO estimate for one possible matching of FAO soil taxa with data on soil C, but another plausible matching overestimated soil C stocks. We also compared estimates from the 1:250,000 STATSGO database and from the 1:20,000 Soil Survey Geographic Data Base (SSURGO) for a 7.5 minute quadrangle within the state. SSURGO indicated 13% less total soil C than did STATSGO, largely because the attribute data on depths of soil horizons in SSURGO are more specific for this locality. Despite localized differences, the STATSGO database offers promise of scaling up county soil survey data to regional scales because it includes attribute data and estimates of areal coverage of C-rich inclusions within map units. The spatially referenced data also permit examination of covariation of soil C stocks with soil properties thought to affect stabilization of soil C. Clay content was a poor predictor of soil C in Maine, but drainage class covaried significantly with soil C across the state.  相似文献   

Sequestration of soil organic carbon (SOC) has been recognized as an opportunity to off‐set global carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Flipping (full inversion to 1–3 m) is a practice used on New Zealand's South Island West Coast to eliminate water‐logging in highly podzolized sandy soils. Flipping results in burial of SOC formed in surface soil horizons into the subsoil and the transfer of subsoil material low in SOC to the “new” topsoil. The aims of this study were to quantify changes in the storage and stability of SOC over a 20‐year period following flipping of high‐productive pasture grassland. Topsoils (0–30 cm) from sites representing a chronosequence of flipping (3–20 years old) were sampled (2005/07) and re‐sampled (2017) to assess changes in topsoil carbon stocks. Deeper samples (30–150 cm) were also collected (2017) to evaluate the changes in stocks of SOC previously buried by flipping. Density fractionation was used to determine SOC stability in recent and buried topsoils. Total SOC stocks (0–150 cm) increased significantly by 69 ± 15% (179 ± 40 Mg SOC ha‐1) over 20 years following flipping. Topsoil burial caused a one‐time sequestration of 160 ± 14 Mg SOC ha‐1 (30–150 cm). The top 0–30 cm accumulated 3.6 Mg SOC ha‐1 year‐1. The chronosequence and re‐sampling revealed SOC accumulation rates of 1.2–1.8 Mg SOC ha‐1 year‐1 in the new surface soil (0–15 cm) and a SOC deficit of 36 ± 5% after 20 years. Flipped subsoils contained up to 32% labile SOC (compared to <1% in un‐flipped subsoils) thus buried SOC was preserved. This study confirms that burial of SOC and the exposure of SOC depleted subsoil results in an overall increase of SOC stocks of the whole soil profile and long‐term SOC preservation.  相似文献   

土壤有机碳(SOC)是陆地生态系统碳库的核心组成部分,其动态平衡受气候、土壤、植被、地形及人类活动等的影响,但在不同的空间尺度上,这些影响因素的相对重要性和差异还不明确。为阐明不同尺度和不同土层深度土壤有机碳密度(SOCd,kg/m3土壤)的环境影响因子差异,选用全球113571个土壤剖面SOCd测量数据以及38个环境协变量数据,利用数据挖掘方法,分析了全球尺度和生物群系尺度不同土层深度SOCd的控制因子,并量化了空间自相关对相关结果的影响。研究结果表明:仅空间自相关就能解释全球尺度不同土壤深度13%-20%的SOCd空间变异,但是随土壤深度的增加,空间自相关的解释率降低。在剔除空间自相关的影响后,分析结果表明:全球尺度上,气候因素对SOCd空间变异的解释率最高,但只能解释17%-20%,这种解释率在不同土层之间没有显著差异。在生物群系尺度上,除北方森林地区,气候因素能够解释SOCd空间变异的24%-37%;而在北方森林地区,地形是影响SOCd空间变异的重要因素,对SOCd的解释率为21%-43%。这些结果表明,SOCd的控制因子在不同的尺度上明显不同。无论是在全球尺度上,还是生物群系尺度上,如果不考虑空间自相关,地形的影响会被低估,其他环境因素的影响被严重高估。为了准确计算全球与生物群系尺度上各土层SOCd分布的控制因子及其分异情况,空间自相关必须被考虑。  相似文献   

In addition to forest ecosystems, wood products are carbon pools that can be strategically managed to mitigate climate change. Wood product models (WPMs) simulating the carbon balance of wood production, use and end of life can complement forest growth models to evaluate the mitigation potential of the forest sector as a whole. WPMs can be used to compare scenarios of product use and explore mitigation strategies. A considerable number of WPMs have been developed in the last three decades, but there is no review available analysing their functionality and performance. This study analyses and compares 41 WPMs. One surprising initial result was that we discovered the erroneous implementation of a few concepts and assumptions in some of the models. We further described and compared the models using six model characteristics (bucking allocation, industrial processes, carbon pools, product removal, recycling and substitution effects) and three model‐use characteristics (system boundaries, model initialization and evaluation of results). Using a set of indicators based on the model characteristics, we classified models using a hierarchical clustering technique and differentiated them according to their increasing degrees of complexity and varying levels of user support. For purposes of simulating carbon stock in wood products, models with a simple structure may be sufficient, but to compare climate change mitigation options, complex models are needed. The number of models has increased substantially over the last ten years, introducing more diversity and accuracy. Calculation of substitution effects and recycling has also become more prominent. However, the lack of data is still an important constraint for a more realistic estimation of carbon stocks and fluxes. Therefore, if the sector wants to demonstrate the environmental quality of its products, it should make it a priority to provide reliable life cycle inventory data, particularly regarding aspects of time and location.  相似文献   

137Cs和210Pbex示踪黑土区坡耕地土壤侵蚀对有机碳的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过在野外28.5 hm2的坡耕地上采集土壤样品,定量评价了利用137Cs和210Pbex研究土壤有机碳(SOC)动态的潜力,以探讨东北黑土区土壤侵蚀对土壤有机碳的影响.结果表明:农耕地土壤137Cs、210Pbex和SOC在平面和垂直深度上均具有相似的分布特征.在平面上,尽管受土壤侵蚀沉积的影响,137Cs、210Pbex面积活度及SOC储量变异很大,但它们具有相同的变化趋势.在垂直断面上,侵蚀区137Cs、210Pbex和SOC在0~25 cm耕层内分布均匀,25 cm以下放射性活度减小,SOC含量也相应下降;沉积区0~100 cm深度上137Cs和210Pbex呈现先增加后减小的分布规律,SOC也具有类似的变化特征.农耕地SOC与137Cs、210Pbex呈显著线性相关,表明它们在黑土区农耕地上具有相似的物理运移特征,137Cs和210Pbex可直接用来定量评价黑土侵蚀下SOC的时空分布特点.  相似文献   

Forestry practitioners contacted us with their concerns about a recent review article by Buchholz T, Friedland AJ, Hornig CE, Keeton WS, Zanchi G, Nunery J (2013) GCB Bioenergy who questioned the way soil carbon is treated in many models and protocols, and indicated that an increasing number of research studies showed meaningful soil organic carbon (SOC) loss as a result of forest management. We revisit the major studies cited in the review and present a more complete look at the results, consistently treat forest floor carbon as a separate pool, discuss differences in interpretation, and suggest opportunities to advance the state of knowledge regarding SOC and forest carbon accounting. Overall, we conclude that the literature continues to support the current default assumption of little or no change in mineral SOC when sound forest management practices are followed.  相似文献   

Precise estimations of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks are of decided importance for the detection of C sequestration or emission potential induced by land use changes. For Germany, a comprehensive, land use–specific SOC data set has not yet been compiled. We evaluated a unique data set of 1460 soil profiles in southeast Germany in order to calculate representative SOC stocks to a depth of 1 m for the main land use types. The results showed that grassland soils stored the highest amount of SOC, with a median value of 11.8 kg m?2, whereas considerably lower stocks of 9.8 and 9.0 kg m?2 were found for forest and cropland soils, respectively. However, the differences between extensively used land (grassland, forest) and cropland were much lower compared with results from other studies in central European countries. The depth distribution of SOC showed that despite low SOC concentrations in A horizons of cropland soils, their stocks were not considerably lower compared with other land uses. This was due to a deepening of the topsoil compared with grassland soils. Higher grassland SOC stocks were caused by an accumulation of SOC in the B horizon which was attributable to a high proportion of C‐rich Gleysols within grassland soils. This demonstrates the relevance of pedogenetic SOC inventories instead of solely land use–based approaches. Our study indicated that cultivation‐induced SOC depletion was probably often overestimated since most studies use fixed depth increments. Moreover, the application of modelled parameters in SOC inventories is questioned because a calculation of SOC stocks using different pedotransfer functions revealed considerably biased results. We recommend SOC stocks be determined by horizon for the entire soil profile in order to estimate the impact of land use changes precisely and to evaluate C sequestration potentials more accurately.  相似文献   

Elevated CO2 concentrations generally stimulate grassland productivity, but herbaceous plants have only a limited capacity to sequester extra carbon (C) in biomass. However, increased primary productivity under elevated CO2 could result in increased transfer of C into soils where it could be stored for prolonged periods and exercise a negative feedback on the rise in atmospheric CO2. Measuring soil C sequestration directly is notoriously difficult for a number of methodological reasons. Here, we present a method that combines C isotope labelling with soil C cycle modelling to partition net soil sequestration into changes in new C fixed over the experimental duration (Cnew) and pre‐experimental C (Cold). This partitioning is advantageous because the Cnew accumulates whereas Cold is lost in the course of time (ΔCnew>0 whereas ΔCold<0). We applied this method to calcareous grassland exposed to 600 μL CO2 L?1 for 6 years. The CO2 used for atmospheric enrichment was depleted in 13C relative to the background atmosphere, and this distinct isotopic signature was used to quantify net soil Cnew fluxes under elevated CO2. Using 13C/12C mass balance and inverse modelling, the Rothamsted model ‘RothC’ predicted gross soil Cnew inputs under elevated CO2 and the decomposition of Cold. The modelled soil C pools and fluxes were in good agreement with experimental data. C isotope data indicated a net sequestration of ≈90 g Cnew m?2 yr?1 in elevated CO2. Accounting for Cold‐losses, this figure was reduced to ≈30 g C m?2 yr?1 at elevated CO2; the elevated CO2‐effect on net C sequestration was in the range of≈10 g C m?2 yr?1. A sensitivity and error analysis suggests that the modelled data are relatively robust. However, elevated CO2‐specific mechanisms may necessitate a separate parameterization at ambient and elevated CO2; these include increased soil moisture due to reduced leaf conductance, soil disaggregation as a consequence of increased soil moisture, and priming effects. These effects could accelerate decomposition of Cold in elevated CO2 so that the CO2 enrichment effect may be zero or even negative. Overall, our findings suggest that the C sequestration potential of this grassland under elevated CO2 is rather limited.  相似文献   

The effects of agricultural land use and management practices on soil organic carbon (SOC) are of great concern. In this study, SOC changes were investigated in sandy loam soils (Ustochrepts, USDA Soil Taxonomy) under orchard, vegetable, corn (Zea maize L.), and soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivation in northern China. The corn fields were further classified into three categories based on their inputs, i.e. high-input, mid-input, and low-input corn fields. In April 2005, a total of 197 soil samples were collected from 42 soil sites within 100 cm soil depth in Yanhuai Basin, Beijing, China. SOC contents were determined using rapid dichromate oxidation, and ANOVA statistical analysis was used to test the significances between land use and management practices at p<0.05. The results showed that: (1) the effects of land use and management practices on SOC primarily occurred within the topsoil (0–25 cm), and the SOC contents sharply decreased with the increase in soil depth. (2) SOC content and density values of orchard, vegetable, and high-input corn fields were higher than those of soybean, mid- and low-input corn fields.  相似文献   

以集约和粗放经营的毛竹(Phyllostachys heterocycla ‘Pubescens’)林为研究对象, 探讨了春季毛竹林集约经营后土壤有机碳的变化。结果表明: (1)集约经营后毛竹林0-10和10-20 cm土层土壤总有机碳含量分别下降了7.01%和18.90%, 易氧化碳含量分别下降了31.22%和46.03%, 0-20 cm土层轻组有机质含量下降了19.87%。(2)两种毛竹林的土壤有机碳含量在剖面上整体上均随土层深度的增加而呈下降趋势, 但下降幅度不同。粗放经营的毛竹林土壤易氧化碳的剖面特征与总有机碳相似, 而集约经营的毛竹林存在明显差异。轻组有机质具有表聚性, 主要分布在土壤表层(0-20 cm)。(3)土壤总有机碳、易氧化碳、轻组有机质与土壤养分之间的相关性均达到极显著水平(p < 0.01), 总有机碳与速效磷显著相关(p < 0.05)。(4)集约经营后, 毛竹林0-10 cm土层土壤易氧化碳的碳素有效率和土壤碳库活度分别下降了26.01%和50.52%, 差异显著(p < 0.05); 10-20 cm土层分别下降了35.51%和54.41%。因此, 施加适当配比的有机肥和无机肥, 有利于土壤中各种有机碳的积累, 也可改善土壤的生物化学活性。  相似文献   

Zhang X Y  Chen L D  Fu B J  Li Q  Qi X  Ma Y 《农业工程》2006,26(10):3198-3203
The effects of agricultural land use and management practices on soil organic carbon (SOC) are of great concern. In this study, SOC changes were investigated in sandy loam soils (Ustochrepts, USDA Soil Taxonomy) under orchard, vegetable, corn (Zea maize L.), and soybean (Glycine max L.) cultivation in northern China. The corn fields were further classified into three categories based on their inputs, i.e. high-input, mid-input, and low-input corn fields. In April 2005, a total of 197 soil samples were collected from 42 soil sites within 100 cm soil depth in Yanhuai Basin, Beijing, China. SOC contents were determined using rapid dichromate oxidation, and ANOVA statistical analysis was used to test the significances between land use and management practices at p<0.05. The results showed that: (1) the effects of land use and management practices on SOC primarily occurred within the topsoil (0–25 cm), and the SOC contents sharply decreased with the increase in soil depth. (2) SOC content and density values of orchard, vegetable, and high-input corn fields were higher than those of soybean, mid- and low-input corn fields.  相似文献   

Applications of fertilizer, often thought to enhance carbon sequestration in agricultural soils, are of no value to the mitigation of climate change if the carbon dioxide released during the production and distribution of nitrogen fertilizer exceeds the incremental carbon storage in soils from its use. Nitrogen fertilizer is also a source of the greenhouse gas nitrous oxide. The recent analysis of carbon sequestration in cropland soils of China does not apply these ‘discounts’ to the global warming mitigation expected from greater use of fertilizer; doing so would likely eliminate all the climate benefits of the postulated enhanced carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

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