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Ocean sandy beaches are iconic recreational assets to society and have undergone rapid degradation caused by both natural and anthropogenic pressures. A major effect of urbanisation on biota stems from artificial structures placed in aquatic systems. While the installation of these structures has been widespread, our understanding of how they impact shoreline habitats and fauna is relatively limited. On the sandy Leirosa Beach, on the European Atlantic coast (Portugal), a decade of cumulative impacts was recorded, with disruption of the frontal dune, dune nourishment and the incorporation of geotextiles to reconstruct the dune and maintain it as an artificial structure. Two years after the dune rehabilitation process at Leirosa Beach, seasonal sampling campaigns (from spring 2010 to winter 2011) were carried out to assess the effects of the artificial dune (and the first signs of its eventual disruption) on macrofauna compared to a natural dune on the same beach. During the study period, the rehabilitated foredune maintained the average slope, with similar sediment characteristics (finer sediments) when compared with the natural dune system, with no physical significant differences being appreciated between the two sites. The macrofaunal assemblages were represented especially by crustaceans (amphipods and isopods), with similar mean total density, taxon richness and diversity between sites. Special attention was given to the supralittoral species, and the results revealed that the natural zone harboured a significantly higher density of sandhopper Talitrus saltator with respect to the artificial zone. PERMANOVA results detailed the significant difference that occurred, particularly during the warmer seasons (spring and summer 2010), the recruitment period described for this species along this coast. In fact, SIMPER analysis revealed that T. saltator accounted for 46% of the dissimilarities between the natural and artificial dune sites. The presence of geotextiles extending across the supralittoral zone appeared, on the one hand, to allow for the presence of talitrids, but the application of textiles around the area prevented them from burrowing, thus causing them to avoid the rehabilitated area. The results highlighted the potentially negative effects of this artificial dune system if textile disruption continues, and the usefulness of T. saltator as an effective and reliable ecological indicator for these ecosystems. Thus, evaluating the risks and magnitude of human interventions is a major challenge for sandy beach ecologists, and baseline information is required if we are to better understand how resident macrofaunal species deal with future impact scenarios.  相似文献   

Yellow-legged gull Larus michahellis populations have been studied on three archipelagos consisting of 20 islands distributed along 80 km of the French Mediterranean coastline. Population changes were analyzed between 1920 and 2006. In the first decades following their settlement on these islands, the yellow-legged gull populations showed a continuous exponential growth in the three archipelagos, in agreement with an annual geometric growth rate λ above 1. The population growth ceased to fit this model during the 1980s for the older colonies (Riou and Hyères Islands archipelagos). Thus, we focused on population changes occurring during the period 1982–2000, a pivotal period for which we have both precise census and anthropogenic food resource data, in order to determine environmental factors influencing these population changes using multiple linear regression models. An average annual growth rate of colony size was 1.02 for the last two decades. The changes in landfill availability, the gull density in 1982, and the nesting area in 1982 explained 84.4% of variation in colony size changes between 1982 and 2000. The yellow-legged gull changes on the islands in the last two decades increased as availability in anthropogenic food resources increased near the colony (positive ΔK). As a consequence, given no reduction in landfill activity or in accessibility for gulls, we expect this region to sustain continuous species expansion in the future.  相似文献   

Floren  Andreas  Linsenmair  K. Eduard 《Plant Ecology》2001,153(1-2):153-167
In the framework of our research, aimed at understanding the processes structuring tropical arthropod communities, we investigated the changes occurring in tree crown communities of forests of different disturbance levels. These were a mixed dipterocarp primary lowland rain forest in Kinabalu National Park (in Sabah, Malaysia) and, some kilometres away, three forests of regeneration periods 5, 15, and 40 years following a clear-cut. These disturbed forest sites were adjacent to one another and merged into mature forest. From each forest at least ten individuals of one tree species were sampled using the fogging method. In the primary forest relative proportions of some arthropod taxa differed on the ordinal and familial level significantly within trees. The dominance of Formicidae was characteristic as was the almost complete lack of less mobile arthropods such as Lepidoptera larvae. In the five-year- old forest, differences in relative proportions among most taxa had almost disappeared. Formicidae abundances had declined drastically which coincided with an increase of Lepidoptera larvae. With progressing forest succession, arthropod communities increasingly converged on the pattern of primary forest, and total ant abundance as well as diversity increased significantly. Ant communities in the most disturbed forest were of low structural complexity, and to a large degree predictable in species arrangement, but became more and more unpredictable as the complexity of the forest increased. Several species of Coleoptera and non-formicine Hymenoptera occurred in high numbers in the youngest forest, contrasting with the mature forest where all species were typically rare. These changes may indicate a change in the structuring mechanisms from predominantly deterministic processes in disturbed forests to stochastic processes in mature forest.  相似文献   

The young successional stages of boreal forests are an important habitat for many saproxylic species. These habitats are formed by disturbances such as forest fires and they are characterized by large volumes of dead wood and sun-exposed conditions. Today, young successional stages of natural origin are very rare in Fennoscandia and there is need for restoration. We constructed a large-scale field experiment in which we studied the effects of two restoration practices on beetle diversity: controlled burning and partial harvesting with creating different volumes of dead wood. We sampled beetles with flight-intercept traps recording a total of 56,031 individuals and 755 species. The species richness and abundance of both saproxylic and non-saproxylic beetles were increased by burning and harvesting but the volume of dead wood created on harvested sites had no short-term effect on species richness or abundance. Rare species, especially saproxylic ones, preferred burned sites and a similar trend was observed among red-listed and pyrophilous species. Burning and harvesting also resulted in different species assemblages and there were some additional differences according to the volume of dead wood. We conclude that fire can be successfully used in restoration of managed boreal forests to increase species diversity and to facilitate the recovery of declined species. However, long-term monitoring is needed to clarify the effects of the restoration practices, in particular those of creating dead wood without using fire.  相似文献   

We analyze the spatial patterns of natural dune cover patches and their plant richness, comparing coastal sites with different levels of human pressure in central Italy. We created a detailed land cover map of dune sites. The spatial pattern of natural dune cover types was characterized by computing a set of patch-based metrics. To quantify patch plant richness, we used 16 m2 vegetation plots, randomly distributed on coastal dune cover types. For each patch, the richness of the entire pool of species and of three guilds (i.e., typical dune, ruderal, and alien species) was considered. We compared different levels of human pressure on coastal dunes focusing on pattern metrics and floristic information by using the nonparametric Kruskal–Wallis test. In sites with high human pressure, we have observed a general simplification in the natural dune spatial pattern and a decline of plant richness but with a specific response for each cover type. Alien and ruderal species presented low richness in all patches. In coastal dunes, the harsh ecological conditions and the strong sea–inland gradient shape the distribution of human activities and control the number of ruderal species. The approach effectively describes fragmentation and biodiversity in dune ecosystems.  相似文献   

Juniperus macrocarpa is a threatened taxon growing on coastal areas of the Mediterranean region. A remarkable part of its communities are included in Juniperion turbinatae, considered as priority habitats for conservation in the Habitats Directive 92/43 EEC. We have summarized the current status of this type of vegetation, including the described associations of this alliance in order to analyse the variability of the syntaxa, based on its floristic composition and geographic distribution. The available relevés were arranged in a synthetic table and subjected to a detendred correspondence analysis. Two new suballiances (Juniperenion turbinatae and Asparago orientalis-Juniperenion macrocarpae) have been proposed. A typological classification of these communities with ecological and biogeographical diagnoses is given.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Weekly samples of Malaise trapped Coleoptera from regenerating shrubland and an adjacent mature, podocarp-broadleaved forest, in the North Island, New Zealand, were compared over one season. Three traps were monitored in each site.
2. Diversity indices did not group samples by site whereas the divisive polythetic classification analysis TWINSPAN showed that the two sites possessed clearly different communities. In the classification, site was of primary importance, with time of year, and trap position within site of secondary and tertiary importance respectively.
3. Samples were compared at different taxonomic levels and using different subsets of the database. Determination of the main families, morphotyped to species or species complex, was found to be sufficient to classify most samples to the appropriate community group.
4. The divisive classification procedure applied to four consecutive weekly Coleoptera samples over early summer, is suggested as a means of describing and identifying terrestrial arthropod communities characteristic of site and year of collection. This approach provides a potentially sensitive tool for monitoring terrestrial ecosystems.  相似文献   

地中海沿岸沙丘微生境对幼苗出现时空格局的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验样地设在地中海沿岸沙丘,选择了3个不同的微生境代表:(1)稳定沙丘上的开阔地片段,(2)稳定沙丘上的灌丛下区域,(3)不稳定沙丘的路径区域;从2001年11月至2002年4月的整个生长季节,每一个微生境出现的幼苗在4个日期被监测,并在每一个取样日把每一株幼苗鉴定、计数后,用剪刀把地上部分移去;研究调查了3种微生境幼苗出现的时空分布格局,并分析了雨量与幼苗出现数量的关系。结果发现:在地中海沿岸沙丘生态系统,幼苗出现在时间上具有明显的分布特征,大多数幼苗出现在第一观测期,整个生长季幼苗都不断出现,但幼苗出现的数目却逐渐下降;各功能群的幼苗占幼苗总数的比例分别为:1年生阔叶草47.4%,多年生阔叶草2.5%,豆科植物17,0%,菊科植物14.5%,1年生禾草为11.7%,多年生禾草为1.9%,十字花科植物3.7%,伞形科植物1,4%。在空间上,总幼苗密度、物种丰富度和物种多样性等显示出重要的微生境差异,开阔地区域具有最大的幼苗密度、物种丰富度和物种多样性;3个微生境的幼苗出现不是同步的,微生境影响种子萌发的时间分布格局,灌丛下种子萌发具有滞后现象;大多数功能群的幼苗密度分布基本上具有显著的微生境差异,主要物种的幼苗分布也具有显著的微生境差异。雨量和萌发的幼苗数量间未发现显著的关系。  相似文献   

Marine recreational tourism is one of a number of threats to the Belize Barrier Reef but, conversely, represents both a motivation and source of resources for its conservation. The growth of tourism in Belize has resulted in the fact that many coastal communities are in varying stages of a socio-economic shift from dependence on fishing to dependence on tourism. In a nation becoming increasingly dependent on the health of its coral reef ecosystems for economic prosperity, a shift from extractive uses to their preservation is both necessary and logical. Through examining local perception data in five coastal communities in Belize, each attracting different levels of coral reef related tourism, this analysis is intended to explore the relationship between tourism development and local coral reef conservation awareness and support. The results of the analysis show a positive correlation between tourism development and coral reef conservation awareness and support in the study communities. The results also show a positive correlation between tourism development and local perceptions of quality of life, a trend that is most likely the source of the observed relationship between tourism and conservation. The study concludes that, because the observed relationship may be dependent on continued benefits from tourism as opposed to a perceived crisis in coral reef health, Belize must pay close attention to tourism impacts in the future. Failure to do this could result in a destructive feedback loop that would contribute to the degradation of the reef and, ultimately, Belize’s diminished competitiveness in the ecotourism market.
A. DiedrichEmail:

《Plant Ecology & Diversity》2013,6(2-3):115-126
Background: Understanding the processes that determine community assembly and their dynamics is a central issue in ecology. The analysis of functional diversity can improve our understanding of these dynamics by identifying community assembly processes.

Aims: We studied the effect of environment–community covariations on both functional diversity and functional structure of xerophytic shrub communities for inferring the community assembly processes shaping this vegetation type.

Methods: Functional diversity was quantified using (1) community-weighted mean of the studied traits, (2) functional groups, defined using Ward’s hierarchical agglomerative clustering method and (3) Rao’s quadratic entropy. Relationships between functional diversity and environmental gradients were identified by Spearman correlations and modelled using generalised additive models.

Results: Variations in community composition and functional diversity correlated with soil nutrient availability and aridity. Increasing nutrient availability resulted in both greater average plant height and higher abundance of plants with green photosynthetic organ colour, whereas the abundance of nanophanerophytes increases with aridity.

Conclusions: The species composition and trait structure of the studied Mediterranean xerophytic shrub communities varies along nutrient and aridity gradients. This supports the importance of environmental filters for the local assembly and dynamics of these inland dune communities.  相似文献   

Livestock grazing and the collection of bamboo shoots are the main threats to giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) habitat in the Liangshan Mountains in China. It is important to clarify the effect of these disturbances to the giant panda to formulate targeted management policies. Based on species distribution models and daily activity models, we investigated the effects of livestock grazing and bamboo shoot collection on giant pandas from May 2021 to July 2022. Our results indicated the giant panda's suitable habitat in the reserve covered 51.83 km2 (15.02% of the reserve area). Grazing and bamboo shoot collection led to losses of 19.08 km2 and 7.68 km2 of suitable habitat, respectively. Together, the 2 activities resulted in a loss of 28.35 km2 of suitable habitat, which was more than half of the area of panda habitat. The areas of suitable habitat for giant pandas significantly overlapped with the areas affected by both disturbances. Giant pandas did not show significant differences in daily activity rhythms under a single disturbance, but the daily activity rhythms of giant pandas differed when we compared the area combining the 2 disturbances with the undisturbed area. Our study reveals that the anthropogenic disturbances in the reserve have varying effects on the suitable habitat range and daily activity rhythm of giant pandas and evidence of a synergistic effect. Therefore, when formulating relevant conservation policies, it is important to fully evaluate the extent and characteristics of anthropogenic disturbances in shaping the population distribution and habitat preferences of the giant panda and other wildlife to enhance the efficacy of conservation management practices.  相似文献   

Questions: 1. Is there a primary role of disturbance at local scale and of environmental stress at regional scale? 2. Does disturbance increase or decrease environmental stress at local scale? Location: The Atlantic coastal dune system of the Aquitaine Region (France). Methods: Species biomass and 16 environmental variables were sampled in 128 quadrats along a local beach‐inland gradient and a regional North‐South gradient. Environmental data were analysed with ANOVAs and vegetation‐environment relationships with Canonical Correspondence Analysis. Results: At the local scale community composition was primarily driven by disturbance due to sand burial, whereas water and nutrient stress better explained regional differences. However, random biogeographical events are very likely to also affect community composition at the largest scale. The main interaction between environmental stress and disturbance was the mitigation of nutrient stress induced by disturbance at a local scale. This was due to a positive direct effect of sand burial and a positive indirect effect of wind (decrease in VPD by ocean spray). Although wind had also a significant effect on soil conductivity and pH, there was no evidence that these factors had any role in community composition. Conclusions: Our results support the hypothesis that disturbance had a primary role at local scale and environmental stress at regional scale but further research is needed to separate the effect of stress from that of dispersal at regional scale. We also demonstrated that environmental stress in primary succession may not always decline with decreasing disturbance.  相似文献   

The spring and summer distribution of adults and larval fish stages of Sparids and Scorpaenids was studied in two sites in the western Mediterranean. Fish adults and larvae of those two taxa were identified and sorted according to their life stages in order to study their distribution and develop suitable habitat maps. Study areas were located on French coastal waters, the “Côte Bleue” Marine Park (CBMP) has an east-west orientation with substratum dominated by Posidonia beds and the Marine Reserve of Cerbère-Banyuls (MRCB) runs north–south and is dominated by rocky substrates. Generalised Additive Models (GAM) combined with Geographic Information System (GIS), were used to model the suitable habitats for fish larvae and adults. During spring months, waters exhibit low Sea Surface Temperatures (SST), low Photosynthetically Active Radiation (PAR), high values of Sea Surface Chlorophyll-a concentration (Chl-a), and mostly negative values of Sea Level Anomaly (SLA) indicating anticyclonic eddies. During summer months, waters have higher values of SST, lower values of Chl-a and positive values of SLA indicating cyclonic eddies. The results revealed different environmental responses in the distribution of fish adults and larvae in the CBMP and MRCB. Suitable habitats for adult were mainly dependent on the substrate types (Posidonia meadows and sand) and they were found close to the coast, whereas fish larvae were dependent on environmental cues (Chl-a, SLA, SST) with a sparse spatial distribution.  相似文献   

Rocky shores provide a harsh environment for marine organisms andwe briefly discuss natural sources of variation in community structure beforeconsidering anthropogenic impacts in detail. We review impacts caused by (a) acutedisturbances: oil spills, toxic algal blooms and (b) chronic disturbances: nutrient pollution,oil, heavy metals, pesticides, antifouling paints, collecting, trampling/habitatdegradation, siltation and introduced species. Community level effects are emphasisedthroughout and illustrative examples are drawn from field-based case studies. Particularattention is given to the lessons learned from oil spills and the effect of chronicpollution by tributyltin on dogwhelks, the impacts of which ranged from the biochemical tocommunity levels of organisation. Impacts are placed in a global and historicalperspective and the potential for the recovery of shores under appropriate management isdiscussed. Finally we consider the relative merits of the multivariate and univariateapproaches to studying impacted communities and suggest priorities for future research.  相似文献   

Ectomycorrhizal (ECM) communities of mature trees and regenerating seedlings of a non-native tree species Pinus mugo grown in a harsh environment of the coastal region of the Curonian Spit National Park in Lithuania were assessed. We established three study sites (S1, S2, and S3) that were separated from each other by 15 km. The ECM species richness was rather low in particular for mature, 100-year-old trees: 12 ectomycorrhizal taxa were identified by molecular analysis from 11 distinguished morphotypes. All 12 taxa were present on seedlings and on mature trees, with between 8–11 and 9–11 taxa present on seedlings and mature trees, respectively. Cenococcum geophilum dominated all ECM communities, but the relative abundance of C. geophilum mycorrhizas was nearly two times higher on seedlings than on mature trees. Mycorrhizal associations formed by Wilcoxina sp., Lactarius rufus, and Russula paludosa were also abundant. Several fungal taxa were only occasionally detected, including Cortinarius sp., Cortinarius obtusus, Cortinarius croceus, and Meliniomyces sp. Shannon’s diversity indices for the ECM assemblages of P. mugo ranged from 0.98 to 1.09 for seedling and from 1.05 to 1.31 for mature trees. According to analysis of similarity, the mycorrhizal communities were similar between the sites (R = 0.085; P = 0.06) and only slightly separated between seedlings and mature trees (R = 0.24; P < 0.0001). An incidental fruiting body survey that was conducted weakly reflected the below-ground assessment of the ECM fungal community and once again showed that ECM and fruiting body studies commonly supply different partial accounts of the true ECM fungal diversity. Our results show that P. mugo has moved into quite distinct habitats and is able to adapt a suite of ECM symbionts that sufficiently support growth and development of this tree and allow for natural seedling regeneration.  相似文献   

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