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Feast/famine growth environments and activated sludge population selection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of feast/famine growth conditions on activated sludge cultures indicates that nonfilamentous cultures can be selected by providing proper substrate gradients and extended periods of endogenous metablism. Reactor operating strategies providing intermittently high substrate concentrations result in cultures characterized by high peak substrate and oxygen uptake activities, rapid settling rates, and high resistance to starvation. Sludge settleability can be manipulated using controlled variations in growth environment with corresponding changes noted in sludge activity. In combination with the low net growth rates associated with activated sludge systems, feast/famine environments would logically convey a selection advantage to microbes capable of readily assimilating substrate materials and maintaining viability during extended starvation periods.  相似文献   

Among the more recently discovered agents of human disease are small, free-living amebae belonging to the generaNaegleria andAcanthamoeba. An overview of the distribution ofAcanthamoeba in recent surveys of the near shore waters of the northeastern United States is presented. There appears to be a particular association between the presence ofAcanthamoeba in marine sediments and the sites of oceanic sludge dumping. Amebae belonging to the genusNaegleria have not been isolated from these marine sediments which routinely yieldedAcanthamoeba. Starch gel electrophoretic analysis of enzymes suggests that some isolates ofAcanthamoeba from oceanic sludge dump-sites are not members of previously recognized pathogenic species.  相似文献   

This article shows the development of a quantitative sludge reduction test method, which uses the sludge consuming aquatic worm Lumbriculus variegatus (Oligochaeta, Lumbriculidae). Essential for the test are sufficient oxygen supply and the presence of a non-stirred layer of sludge for burrowing of the organisms. The test eliminates the unwanted effects of the organisms' movements, so-called bioturbation, on oxygen transport and (therefore) on sludge reduction. We used fresh untreated activated sludge grown on sewage, in order to stay close to the daily practice of sludge treatment. By separating sludge and worms, sludge reduction and worm growth are quantified independently and accurately. Predation by L. variegatus approximately doubles the decay rate of activated sludge. A minimum ratio of initial worm to sludge biomass (W(0)/S(0)) of about 0.4g worm/g sludge dry mass is required. Under the test conditions 20-40% of the predated sludge is converted into worm biomass. Our test is simple, reproducible and accurate and is done with equipment generally available in any laboratory, yielding results within a few days. The test can also be used to assess the application of mixtures of different aquatic organisms, but does not provide enough information for the design of a sludge treatment reactor.  相似文献   

Growth characteristics of the batch-cultured and continuously cultured activated sludge were compared. The batch-cultured activated sludge was found to show a far higher rate of glucose uptake but a comparable rate of true growth, that is, growth accompanied by synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins. A large portion of the glucose rapidly taken up is accumulated in sludge in the form of polyglucose and similar polysaccharides, which later decreases gradually with the progress of DNA, RNA and protein synthesis. A decline in DO, as a result of rapid oxygen absorption, was observed upon uptake of glucose. At the same time, certain metabolic functions were found to develop under anaerobic conditions, including an organics-uptake system accompanied by phosphate release. This development leads to the increase in the amount of polyphosphate in sludge, while the rapid uptake of organics not directly conjugate with growth correlates with bulking suppression.  相似文献   

研究了以厌-好氧交替运行方式序批式反应器(SBR)中接种普通活性污泥(CAS)、膜生物反应器(MBR)污泥、好氧颗粒污泥(AGS)的特性,研究结果表明,三种类型的污泥表现出不同的特性.  相似文献   

A GFPmut3b-tagged derivative of broad host-range plasmid RP4 was used to monitor the conjugative transfer of the plasmid from a Pseudomonas putida donor strain to indigenous bacteria in activated sludge. Transfer frequencies were determined to be in the range of 4 x 10(-6) to 1 x 10(-5) transconjugants per recipient. In situ hybridisation with fluorescently labeled, rRNA-targeted oligonucleotides was used to phylogenetically affiliate the bacteria that had received the plasmid.  相似文献   

Upgrading activated sludge systems and reduction in excess sludge   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Most of 200 Activated Sludge Plant in Iran are overloaded and as a result, their efficiency is low. In this work, a pilot plant is manufactured and put into operation in one of the wastewater treatment plants in the west of Tehran. Instead of conventional activated sludge, a membrane bioreactor and an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor used as a pretreatment unit in this pilot. For the sake of data accuracy and precision, an enriched municipal wastewater was opted as an influent to the pilot. Based on the attained result, the optimum retention time in this system was 4h, and the overall COD removal efficiency was 98%. As a whole, the application of this retrofit would increase the plant's capacity by a factor of 5 and reducing the excess sludge by a factor of 10. The sludge volume index in the anaerobic reactor was about 12 after granulation occurred.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of microbial functional potential and community structure between three different WWTPs using the Lorenz curve method and to find the effect of seasonal variation on patterns of substrate utilization. Lorenz curve method was sensitive enough to detect short-term changes in microbial functional diversity between Riqqa, Umm Al-Haiman and Al-Jahra activated sludge systems and showed seasonal variations of the utilized carbon sources. Gini coefficient ranged from 0.21 to 0.8. Lorenz curves seemed particularly suitable to present microbial heterogeneity in term of inequality and to highlight the relative contribution of low-and high functional diversity for the three different types of mixed liquors. Correlation analysis of the experimental data show that the complement of the Gini coefficient was strongly and positively correlated with the Shannon index (r(xy)=0.89), evenness (r(xy)=0.91), and AWCD (r(xy)=0.95) at the 95% level of significance (alpha=0.05).  相似文献   

Following enrichment at 70 degrees C and 80 degrees C, five highly thermophilic aerobic eubacteria have been isolated from cool soil environments. These organisms show a temperature range for growth of 40-80 degrees C and have optimal and very high growth rates around 70 degrees C with generation times less than 30 min. All isolates are narrow rods, which stain Gram-negative, but have a Gram-positive cell wall structure and only one of five isolates is a spore former. All cultures contain a small proportion of previously unreported extremely long flexuous rods, which can be seen to divide eventually. Biochemical testing of five strains reveals a significant ability to utilize alkanes and some aromatic hydrocarbons. Using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of 16S rDNA the five strains were differentiated into three categories, which paralleled the biochemical results. 16S rDNA sequences showed high similarity with thermophilic Bacillus species now reclassified as Geobacillus. These bacteria are present in high numbers in apparently all soils and the question is raised of how these organisms, which are apparently unable to grow at the temperatures experienced in these cool soils, are so prominent.  相似文献   

The response of activated sludge characteristics to the presence of 2,4-dinitrophenol (dNP) in batch cultures was investigated in this study. The sludge yield slightly decreased with an increase in dNP concentration. At 10 mg l(-1), or lower, dNP significantly reduced sludge yield and relative specific growth rates (mu/mu0), but didn't substantially affect its relative specific chemical oxygen demand removal rate (q/q0). Presence of dNP at 1-20 mg l(-1) increased the specific oxygen uptake rate of activated sludge, and slightly changed its hydrophobicity. An analysis on inhibition indicated that the reduction in sludge yield in the presence of dNP was mainly attributed to the significant decreased sludge growth, rather than the reduced substrate degradation.  相似文献   

Ecology of Vibrio mimicus in aquatic environments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
An environmental study was done to examine the prevalence of Vibrio mimicus in some aquatic environments of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and of Okayama, Japan. Water samples from Dhaka environments and water and plankton samples from Okayama environments were quantitatively as well as qualitatively analyzed throughout the seasons for V. mimicus. The organism was isolated from Bangladesh environments throughout the year, whereas it was not isolated in Okayama when the water temperature fell below 10 degrees C. Samples with as many as 9.0 x 10(2) CFU of V. mimicus per 100 ml of water in Dhaka and 1.5 x 10(4) CFU of V. mimicus per 100 ml of water in Okayama were detected during the study period. V. mimicus was not found in any environment with an average salinity of 10% or more. Brackish environments with an average salinity of 4% were observed to be the optimal natural condition for the pathogen. Using the API 20E system with the conventional test methods, we observed variations in biochemical properties within the V. mimicus species. This study reveals the inefficacy of the API 20E system to identify a significant percentage of V. mimicus. Therefore, in addition to the API 20E system, a salt tolerance test and a string test are recommended for identification of this species. Susceptibility testing of strains isolated from Okayama environments showed higher resistance to ampicillin and susceptibility to trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole when compared with environmental isolates of V. mimicus from Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Analysis of the survival ability of faecal streptococci/enterococci in the environment has almost invariably been conducted using the standard culture method (CFU counts) despite the demonstration that these microorganisms are capable of entering a viable but nonculturable (VBNC) state. In this study we evaluated the fate, in terms of culturability and viability, of different enterococcal species under laboratory stress conditions mimicking those of the aquatic environment. The results indicate that enterococcal species may activate two different survival strategies, namely starvation and the VBNC state, depending on the specific environmental condition. Moreover, the different enterococcal species can be divided into three groups on the basis of the time needed to activate the VBNC state and the resuscitation capability. The differences in activation of the two survival strategies and the different kinetics observed among the enterococcal species reaching the VBNC state should be taken into consideration when the microbiological quality of waters has to be evaluated and because of their role as faecal contamination indicators.  相似文献   

Significance of bacterial ectoenzymes in aquatic environments   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Chróst  R. J. 《Hydrobiologia》1992,(1):61-70
The report presents studies on temporal and spatial variations of kinetics (Vmax and Km) of bacterial ectoenzyme activity (-glucosidase - Glc, leucine aminopeptidase - Leu-amp) in the naturally eutrophic Plusee. Glc and Leu-amp activity were positively correlated with the flux of polymeric materials (polysaccharides, proteins) in the lake. Glc activity was low when algal populations grew actively, but during the algal bloom breakdown Glc activity increased rapidly. Leu-amp displayed the highest rates of activity in the epilimnion and was tightly coupled to bacterial production. The synthesis of studied ectoenzymes was under control of a repression/derepression mechanism. The significance of ectoenzymes for the transformation and bacterial utilization of organic matter, and their role in the microbial loop in aquatic environments is discussed.  相似文献   

Activated sludge, as an aerobic environment rich in organic matter, often provides the optimum conditions for the development of colourless filaments. From the taxonomic point of view, these colourless filaments can be divided into three groups of basic characteristics: bacteria, cyanophyceae and fungi. The effort to distinguish these three groups is not only inspired by the endeavour to classify them taxonomically correctly, but rather by possible different physiological efficiencies of the individual groups. This may be their basic significance for the determination of technical parameters of the activated sludge process.  相似文献   

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