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The hindbrain and pharyngeal arch-derived structures of vertebrates are determined, at least in part, by Hox paralog group 2 genes. In sarcopterygians, the Hoxa2 gene alone appears to specify structures derived from the second pharyngeal arch (PA2), while in zebrafish (Danio rerio), either of the two Hox PG2 genes, hoxa2b or hoxb2a, can specify PA2-derived structures. We previously reported three Hox PG2 genes in striped bass (Morone saxatilis), including hoxa2a, hoxa2b, and hoxb2a and observed that only HoxA cluster genes are expressed in PA2, indicative that they function alone or together to specify PA2. In this paper, we present the cloning and expression analysis of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) Hox PG2 genes and show that all three genes are expressed in the hindbrain and in PA2. The expression of hoxb2a in PA2 was unexpected given the close phylogenetic relationship of Nile tilapia and striped bass, both of which are members of the order Perciformes. A reanalysis of striped bass hoxb2a expression demonstrated that it is expressed in PA2 with nearly the same temporal and spatial expression pattern as its Nile tilapia ortholog. Further, we determined that Nile tilapia and striped bass hoxa2a orthologs are expressed in PA2 well beyond the onset of chondrogenesis whereas neither hoxa2b nor hoxb2a expression persist until this stage, which, according to previous hypotheses, suggests that hoxa2a orthologs in these two species function alone as selector genes of PA2 identity.  相似文献   

As a result of a whole genome duplication event in the lineage leading to teleosts, the zebrafish has seven clusters of Hox patterning genes, rather than four, as described for tetrapod vertebrates. To investigate the consequences of this genome duplication, we have carried out a detailed comparison of genes from a single Hox paralogue group, paralogue group (PG) 1. We have analyzed the sequences, expression patterns and potential functions of all four of the zebrafish PG1 Hox genes, and compared our data with that available for the three mouse genes. As the basic functions of Hox genes appear to be tightly constrained, comparison with mouse data has allowed us to identify specific changes in the developmental roles of Hox genes that have occurred during vertebrate evolution. We have found variation in expression patterns, amino acid sequences within functional domains, and potential gene functions both within the PG1 genes of zebrafish, and in comparison to mouse PG1 genes. We observed novel expression patterns in the midbrain, such that zebrafish hoxa1a and hoxc1a are expressed anterior to the domain traditionally thought to be under Hox patterning control. The hoxc1a gene shows significant coding sequence changes in known functional domains, which correlate with a reduced capacity to cause posteriorizing transformations. Moreover, the hoxb1 duplicate genes have differing functional capacities, suggesting divergence after duplication. We also find that an intriguing function 'shuffling' between paralogues has occurred, such that one of the zebrafish hoxb1 duplicates, hoxb1b, performs the role in hindbrain patterning played in mouse by the non-orthologous Hoxa1 gene.  相似文献   

Here, we report the cloning and expression analysis of two previously uncharacterized paralogs group 2 Hox genes, striped bass hoxa2a and hoxa2b, and the developmental regulatory gene egr2. We demonstrate that both Hox genes are expressed in the rhombomeres of the developing hindbrain and the pharyngeal arches albeit with different spatio-temporal distributions relative to one another. While both hoxa2a and hoxa2b share the r1/r2 anterior boundary of expression characteristic of the hoxa2 paralog genes of other species, hoxa2a gene expression extends throughout the hindbrain, whereas hoxa2b gene expression is restricted to the r2-r5 region. Egr2, which is used in this study as an early developmental marker of rhombomeres 3 and 5, is expressed in two distinct bands with a location and spacing typical for these two rhombomeres in other species. Within the pharyngeal arches, hoxa2a is expressed at higher levels in the second pharyngeal arch, while hoxa2b is more strongly expressed in the posterior arches. Further, hoxa2b expression within the arches becomes undetectable at 60hpf, while hoxa2a expression is maintained at least up until the beginning of chondrogenesis. Comparison of the striped bass HoxA cluster paralog group 2 (PG2) genes to their orthologs and trans-orthologs shows that the striped bass hoxa2a gene expression pattern is similar to the overall expression pattern described for the hoxa2 genes in the lobe-finned fish lineage and for the hoxa2b gene from zebrafish. It is notable that the pharyngeal arch expression pattern of the striped bass hoxa2a gene is more divergent from its sister paralog, hoxa2b, than from the zebrafish hoxa2b gene. Overall, our results suggest that differences in the Hox PG2 gene complement of striped bass and zebrafish affects both their rhombomeric and pharyngeal arch expression patterns and may account for the similarities in pharyngeal arch expression between striped bass hoxa2a and zebrafish hoxa2b.  相似文献   

The previously described expression patterns of zebrafish and mouse Hoxa1 genes are seemingly very disparate, with mouse Hoxa1 expressed in the gastrula stage hindbrain and the orthologous zebrafish hoxa1a gene expressed in cell clusters within the ventral forebrain and midbrain. To investigate the evolution of Hox gene deployment within the vertebrate CNS, we have performed a comparative expression analysis of Hoxa1 orthologs in a range of vertebrate species, comprising representatives from the two major lineages of vertebrates (actinopterygians and sarcopterygians). We find that fore/midbrain expression of hoxa1a is conserved within the teleosts, as it is shared by the ostariophysan teleost zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the distantly related acanthopterygian teleost medaka (Oryzias latipes). Furthermore, we find that in addition to the described gastrula stage hindbrain expression of mouse Hoxa1, there is a previously unreported neurula stage expression domain, again located more anteriorly at the ventral fore/midbrain boundary. A two-phase expression profile in early hindbrain and later fore/midbrain is shared by the other tetrapod model organisms chick and Xenopus. We show that the anterior Hoxa1 expression domain is localized to the anterior terminus of the medial longitudinal fasciculus (MLF) in mouse, chick, and zebrafish. These findings suggest that anterior expression of Hoxa1 is a primitive characteristic that is shared by the two major vertebrate lineages. We conclude that Hox gene expression within the vertebrate CNS is not confined exclusively to the segmented hindbrain and spinal cord, but rather that a presumptive fore/midbrain expression domain arose early in vertebrate origins and has been conserved for at least 400 million years.  相似文献   

Expression of two zebrafish developmental posterior hoxa genes, hoxa11b and hoxa13b, was studied by in situ hybridization during pectoral and caudal fin development and regeneration. Expression was restricted to cells of the bony rays region. During fin development, molecular cytological analysis revealed that a subpopulation of mesenchymal cells expressed these two hoxa genes during their early differentiation in the subapical region of the developing ray. These cells were identified as differentiating dermal bone making cells (scleroblasts). During fin regeneration, hoxa11b and hoxa13b genes are both induced in undifferentiated cells of the distalmost blastema region (DMB) and the proliferating zone (PZ) and later in differentiating bone-forming cells. In addition, the transient regionalization of the hoxa13b expression pattern in differentiated bone-forming cells along the proximodistal axis of the regenerating ray suggests that hoxa13b could participate in ray patterning. This study is the first to establish a correlation between hoxa gene expression and dermal bone cell differentiation.  相似文献   

Consequences of hoxb1 duplication in teleost fish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vertebrate evolution is characterized by gene and genome duplication events. There is strong evidence that a whole-genome duplication occurred in the lineage leading to the teleost fishes. We have focused on the teleost hoxb1 duplicate genes as a paradigm to investigate the consequences of gene duplication. Previous analysis of the duplicated zebrafish hoxb1 genes suggested they have subfunctionalized. The combined expression pattern of the two zebrafish hoxb1 genes recapitulates the expression pattern of the single Hoxb1 gene of tetrapods, possibly due to degenerative changes in complementary cis-regulatory elements of the duplicates. Here we have tested the hypothesis that all teleost duplicates had a similar fate post duplication, by examining hoxb1 genes in medaka and striped bass. Consistent with this theory, we found that the ancestral Hoxb1 expression pattern is subdivided between duplicate genes in a largely similar fashion in zebrafish, medaka, and striped bass. Further, our analysis of hoxb1 genes reveals that sequence changes in cis-regulatory regions may underlie subfunctionalization in all teleosts, although the specific changes vary between species. It was previously shown that zebrafish hoxb1 duplicates have also evolved different functional capacities. We used misexpression to compare the functions of hoxb1 duplicates from zebrafish, medaka and striped bass. Unexpectedly, we found that some biochemical properties, which were paralog specific in zebrafish, are conserved in both duplicates of other species. This work suggests that the fate of duplicate genes varies across the teleost group.  相似文献   

In this study we analysed the function of the Meinox gene prep1.1 during zebrafish development. Meinox proteins form heterotrimeric complexes with Hox and Pbx members, increasing the DNA binding specificity of Hox proteins in vitro and in vivo. However, a role for a specific Meinox protein in the regulation of Hox activity in vivo has not been demonstrated. In situ hybridization showed that prep1.1 is expressed maternally and ubiquitously up to 24 hours post-fertilization (hpf), and restricted to the head from 48 hpf onwards. Morpholino-induced prep1.1 loss-of-function caused significant apoptosis in the CNS. Hindbrain segmentation and patterning was affected severely, as revealed by either loss or defective expression of several hindbrain markers (foxb1.2/mariposa, krox20, pax2.1 and pax6.1), including anteriorly expressed Hox genes (hoxb1a, hoxa2 and hoxb2), the impaired migration of facial nerve motor neurons, and the lack of reticulospinal neurons (RSNs) except Mauthner cells. Furthermore, the heads of prep1.1 morphants lacked all pharyngeal cartilages. This was not caused by the absence of neural crest cells or their impaired migration into the pharyngeal arches, as shown by expression of dlx2 and snail1, but by the inability of these cells to differentiate into chondroblasts. Our results indicate that prep1.1 has a unique genetic function in craniofacial chondrogenesis and, acting as a member of Meinox-Pbc-Hox trimers, it plays an essential role in hindbrain development.  相似文献   

A partial zebrafish tenascin-C cDNA clone was isolated from an embryonic zebrafish cDNA library on the basis of homology to mouse tenascin-C. The expression pattern in the head of embryonic zebrafish was analyzed by in situ hybridization. Tenascin-C mRNA was detected in neural crest cells during the period of their migration and differentiation. Expression also occurred in differentiating placodal tissues and in mesodermal cells. In the developing brain, tenascin-C mRNA was expressed in specific domains. In the hindbrain the pattern of the domains was dynamic. At 18 to 22 h postfertilization, expression was widespread in rhombomeres 3, 5, and 6, confined to periventricular cells in rhombomere 2, and not detectable in rhombomere 4. At 32 h postfertilization, tenascin-C was expressed at the rhombomere boundaries. In contrast to the hindbrain, the pattern in the forebrain and midbrain did not show any major changes between 22 and 32 h postfertilization. Domains expressing tenascin-C alternated with regions devoid of it. The most anterior domain of expression was observed at the telencephalic-diencephalic border, surrounding the optic recess. A second domain, at the border between the diencephalon and the midbrain, and a third domain, in the caudal midbrain tegmentum, appeared restricted to the basal plate. Additionally, expression of tenascin-C mRNA was detected in the hypothalamus and in the developing epiphysis. These expression patterns suggest that tenascin-C may play a role in neural crest cell migration and during the differentiation of neural crest, placodal, and mesodermal derivatives. In the developing brain, tenascin-C may be involved in the consolidation of different regional identities. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

We have used a morpholino-based knockdown approach to investigate the functions of a pair of zebrafish Hox gene duplicates, hoxb1a and hoxb1b, which are expressed during development of the hindbrain. We find that the zebrafish hoxb1 duplicates have equivalent functions to mouse Hoxb1 and its paralogue Hoxa1. Thus, we have revealed a 'function shuffling' among genes of paralogue group 1 during the evolution of vertebrates. Like mouse Hoxb1, zebrafish hoxb1a is required for migration of the VIIth cranial nerve branchiomotor neurons from their point of origin in hindbrain rhombomere 4 towards the posterior. By contrast, zebrafish hoxb1b, like mouse Hoxa1, is required for proper segmental organization of rhombomere 4 and the posterior hindbrain. Double knockdown experiments demonstrate that the zebrafish hoxb1 duplicates have partially redundant functions. However, using an RNA rescue approach, we reveal that these duplicated genes do not have interchangeable biochemical functions: only hoxb1a can properly pattern the VIIth cranial nerve. Despite this difference in protein function, we provide evidence that the hoxb1 duplicate genes were initially maintained in the genome because of complementary degenerative mutations in defined cis-regulatory elements.  相似文献   

spiel ohne grenzen/pou2 is required for zebrafish hindbrain segmentation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Segmentation of the vertebrate hindbrain leads to the formation of a series of rhombomeres with distinct identities. In mouse, Krox20 and kreisler play important roles in specifying distinct rhombomeres and in controlling segmental identity by directly regulating rhombomere-specific expression of Hox genes. We show that spiel ohne grenzen (spg) zebrafish mutants develop rhombomeric territories that are abnormal in both size and shape. Rhombomere boundaries are malpositioned or absent and the segmental pattern of neuronal differentiation is perturbed. Segment-specific expression of hoxa2, hoxb2 and hoxb3 is severely affected during initial stages of hindbrain development in spg mutants and the establishment of krx20 (Krox20 ortholog) and valentino (val; kreisler ortholog) expression is impaired. spg mutants carry loss-of-function mutations in the pou2 gene. pou2 is expressed at high levels in the hindbrain primordium of wild-type embryos prior to activation of krx20 and val. Widespread overexpression of Pou2 can rescue the segmental krx20 and val domains in spg mutants, but does not induce ectopic expression of these genes. This suggests that spg/pou2 acts in a permissive manner and is essential for normal expression of krx20 and val. We propose that spg/pou2 is an essential component of the regulatory cascade controlling hindbrain segmentation and acts before krx20 and val in the establishment of rhombomere precursor territories.  相似文献   

Development of the facial skeleton depends on interactions between intrinsic factors in the skeletal precursors and extrinsic signals in the facial environment. Hox genes have been proposed to act cell-intrinsically in skeletogenic cranial neural crest cells (CNC) for skeletal pattern. However, Hox genes are also expressed in other facial tissues, such as the ectoderm and endoderm, suggesting that Hox genes could also regulate extrinsic signalling from non-CNC tissues. Here we study moz mutant zebrafish in which hoxa2b and hoxb2a expression is lost and the support skeleton of the second pharyngeal segment is transformed into a duplicate of the first-segment-derived jaw skeleton. By performing tissue mosaic experiments between moz(-) and wild-type embryos, we show that Moz and Hox genes function in CNC, but not in the ectoderm or endoderm, to specify the support skeleton. How then does Hox expression within CNC specify a support skeleton at the cellular level? Our fate map analysis of skeletal precursors reveals that Moz specifies a second-segment fate map in part by regulating the interaction of CNC with the first endodermal pouch (p1). Removal of p1, either by laser ablation or in the itga5(b926) mutant, reveals that p1 epithelium is required for development of the wild-type support but not the moz(-) duplicate jaw-like skeleton. We present a model in which Moz-dependent Hox expression in CNC shapes the normal support skeleton by instructing second-segment CNC to undergo skeletogenesis in response to local extrinsic signals.  相似文献   

The expression patterns of region-specific neuroectodermal genes and fate-map analyses in zebrafish gastrulae suggest that posterior neural development is initiated by nonaxial signals, distinct from organizer-derived secreted bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) antagonists. This notion is further supported by the misexpression of a constitutively active form of zebrafish BMP type IA receptor (CA-BRIA) in the zebrafish embryos. It effectively suppressed the anterior neural marker, otx2, but not the posterior marker, hoxb1b. Furthermore, we demonstrated that the cells in the presumptive posterior neural region lose their neural fate only when CA-BRIA and Xenopus dominant-negative fibroblast growth factor (FGF) receptors (XFD) are coexpressed. The indications are that FGF signaling is involved in the formation of the posterior neural region, counteracting the BMP signaling pathway within the target cells. We then examined the functions of Fgf3 in posterior neural development. Zebrafish fgf3 is expressed in the correct place (dorsolateral margin) and at the correct time (late blastula to early gastrula stages), the same point that the most precocious posterior neural marker, hoxb1b, is first activated. Unlike other members of the FGF family, Fgf3 had little mesoderm-inducing activity. When ectopically expressed, Fgf3 expands the neural region with suppression of anterior neural fate. However, this effect was mediated by Chordino (zebrafish Chordin), because Fgf3 induces chordino expression in the epiblast and Fgf3-induced neural expansion was substantially suppressed in dino mutants with mutated chordino genes. The results obtained in the present study reveal multiple actions of the FGF signal on neural development: it antagonizes BMP signaling within posterior neural cells, induces the expression of secreted BMP antagonists, and suppresses anterior neural fate.  相似文献   

A number of studies have suggested that retinoic acid (RA) is an important signal for patterning the hindbrain, the branchial arches and the limb bud. Retinoic acid is thought to act on the posterior hindbrain and the limb buds at somitogenesis stages in chick and mouse embryos. Here we report a much earlier requirement for RA signalling during pre-segmentation stages for proper development of these structures in zebrafish. We present evidence that a RA signal is necessary during pre-segmentation stages for proper expression of the spinal cord markers hoxb5a and hoxb6b, suggesting an influence of RA on anteroposterior patterning of the neural plate posterior to the hindbrain. We report the identification and expression pattern of the zebrafish retinaldehyde dehydrogenase2 (raldh2/aldh1a2) gene. Raldh2 synthesises retinoic acid (RA) from its immediate precursor retinal. It is expressed in a highly ordered spatial and temporal fashion during gastrulation in the involuting mesoderm and during later embryogenesis in paraxial mesoderm, branchial arches, eyes and fin buds, suggesting the involvement of RA at different times of development in different functional contexts. Mapping of the raldh2 gene reveals close linkage to no-fin (nof), a newly discovered mutant lacking pectoral fins and cartilaginous gill arches. Cloning and functional tests of the wild-type and nof alleles of raldh2 reveal that nof is a raldh2 mutant. By treating nof mutants with RA during different time windows and by making use of a retinoic acid receptor antagonist, we show that RA signalling during pre-segmentation stages is necessary for anteroposterior patterning in the CNS and for fin induction to occur.  相似文献   

Hox paralog group 2 (PG2) genes function to specify the development of the hindbrain and pharyngeal arch-derived structures in the Osteichthyes. In this article, we describe the cDNA cloning and embryonic expression analysis of Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes) Hox PG2 genes. We show that there are only two functional canonical Hox genes, hoxa2a and b2a, and that a previously identified hoxa2b gene is a transcribed pseudogene, psihoxa2b. The functional genes, hoxa2a and b2a, were expressed in developing rhombomeres and pharyngeal arches in a manner that was relatively well conserved compared with zebrafish (Danio rerio) but differed significantly from orthologous striped bass (Morone saxatilis) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) genes, which, we suggest, may be owing to effects of post-genome duplication loss of a Hox PG2 gene in the medaka and zebrafish lineages. psihoxa2b was expressed at readily detectable levels in several noncanonical Hox expression domains, including the ventral aspect of the neural tube, the pectoral fin buds and caudal-most region of the embryonic trunk, indicative that regulatory control elements needed for spatio-temporal expression have diverged from their ancestral counterparts. Comparative expression analyses showed medaka hoxa2a and b2a expression in the 2nd pharyngeal arch (PA2) beyond the onset of chondrogenesis, which, according to previous hypotheses, suggests these genes function redundantly as selector genes of PA2 identity. We conclude that Hox PG2 gene composition and expression have diverged significantly during osteichthyan evolution and that this divergence in teleosts may be related to lineage-dependent differential gene loss following an actinopterygian-specific whole genome duplication.  相似文献   

The duplication-degeneration-complementation (DDC) model predicts that subfunctionalization of duplicated genes is a common mechanism for their preservation. The additional Hox complexes of teleost fish constitute a good system in which to test this hypothesis. Zebrafish have two hoxb complexes, with two hoxb5 genes, hoxb5a and hoxb5b, the expression patterns of which suggest subfunctionalization of an ancestral hoxb5 gene. We characterized conserved non-coding elements (CNEs) near the zebrafish hoxb5 genes. One CNE, J3, is only retained in the hoxb5a locus, whereas the others, J1 and J2, are present in both hoxb5 loci. When tested individually, the enhancer activity of individual CNEs, including J3, extensively overlapped and did not support a role in subfunctionalization. By contrast, reporter transgene constructs encompassing multiple CNEs were able to target reporter gene expression to unique domains of hoxb5a and hoxb5b expression. The deletion of J3 from the hoxb5a locus resulted in expression that approached that of hoxb5b, whereas its insertion in the hoxb5b locus increased reporter expression and rendered it more similar to that of hoxb5a. Our results highlight the importance of interactions between CNEs in the execution of complementary subfunctions of duplicated genes.  相似文献   

Although Wnt signaling plays an important role in body patterning during early vertebrate embryogenesis, the mechanisms by which Wnts control the individual processes of body patterning are largely unknown. In zebrafish, wnt3a and wnt8 are expressed in overlapping domains in the blastoderm margin and later in the tailbud. The combined inhibition of Wnt3a and Wnt8 by antisense morpholino oligonucleotides led to anteriorization of the neuroectoderm, expansion of the dorsal organizer, and loss of the posterior body structure-a more severe phenotype than with inhibition of each Wnt alone-indicating a redundant role for Wnt3a and Wnt8. The ventrally expressed homeobox genes vox, vent, and ved mediated Wnt3a/Wnt8 signaling to restrict the organizer domain. Of posterior body-formation genes, expression of the caudal-related cdx1a and cdx4/kugelig, but not bmps or cyclops, was strongly reduced in the wnt3a/wnt8 morphant embryos. Like the wnt3a/wnt8 morphant embryos, cdx1a/cdx4 morphant embryos displayed complete loss of the tail structure, suggesting that Cdx1a and Cdx4 mediate Wnt-dependent posterior body formation. We also found that cdx1a and cdx4 expression is dependent on Fgf signaling. hoxa9a and hoxb7a expression was down-regulated in the wnt3a/wnt8 and cdx1a/cdx4 morphant embryos, and in embryos with defects in Fgf signaling. Fgf signaling was required for Cdx-mediated hoxa9a expression. Both the wnt3a/wnt8 and cdx1a/cdx4 morphant embryos failed to promote somitogenesis during mid-segmentation. These data indicate that the cdx genes mediate Wnt signaling and play essential roles in the morphogenesis of the posterior body in zebrafish.  相似文献   

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