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The vertebrate fauna of the Cretaceous Blackleaf Formation of southwest Montana remains largely undocumented. A microsite (BL1) discovered in the Flood Member in the Lima Peaks area, Montana, consists of a green siltstone and yields taxa previously unreported from the formation, including several dinosaurs: a hypsilophodont, dromaeosaurid, tyrannosauroid, hadrosaurid and an ankylosaurian. Non-dinosaurian taxa include goniopholidid and Bernissartia crocodilians; Glyptops, cf. chelydrid and other turtles and at least two neopterygiian fish. This diversity corresponds well with the fluvial–deltaic–estuarine environment interpreted for the uppermost unit of the Flood Member. Taphonomic data and sedimentologic relationships suggest that this assemblage represents a floodplain depression accumulation. Comparisons with contemporaneous faunas from around the Western Interior of the USA suggest a remarkably consistent faunal makeup, at least at the family level, existed across western North America in the mid-Cretaceous.  相似文献   

In Saxony (southeast Germany), the global early Late Cretaceous transgression is reflected by the onlap of shallow-marine siliciclastics of the lower Upper Cenomanian Oberhäslich Formation (Calycoceras naviculare Zone) onto the eastern Erzgebirge, the central part of the emergent Mid-European Island. Based on detailed logging of sections south of Dresden and the study of extensive collection material, the depositional environment and macroinvertebrate assemblages of the Oberhäslich Formation have been reconstructed. This unit, with a mean thickness of 10–15 m, usually shows a fining-upward trend that may become reversed towards the top, was laid down in a single 3rd-order sea-level cycle and is capped by an unconformity at the base of the overlying upper Upper Cenomanian Dölzschen Formation (sequence boundary Cenomanian 5; junction of the Calycoceras naviculare and Metoicoceras geslinianum zones). The macroinvertebrate assemblage of the Oberhäslich Formation, collected mainly from bioturbated, fine- or rarely medium-grained, quartz-rich sandstones, is fairly diverse, comprising nearly 50 taxa, predominantly bivalves (94.3%). Most conspicuous and abundant are relatively large forms such as Rhynchostreon (R.) suborbiculatum (25%) and Inoceramus pictus spp. (21%), eponymous taxa of the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum/Inoceramus pictus assemblage. Non-bivalve benthic invertebrates are rare and represented by rather poorly preserved irregular and regular echinoids, siliceous sponges, a few gastropods, crustacean remains and a single starfish. Common Thalassinoides and Ophiomorpha burrows indicate that crustaceans were an important part of the infauna. Pervasive bioturbation resulted in a post-depositional homogenization of the sediments while all body fossils are preserved as (composite) internal moulds. The guild structure of the Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum/Inoceramus pictus assemblage shows a predominance of epifaunal and semi-infaunal suspension feeders (95.3%), suggesting eutrophic and unstable “green-water conditions” of an inner-shelf setting. Deposit-feeding biota are rare. The common occurrence of articulated bivalves and storm-induced shell beds indicate episodic rapid burial, most probably by tempestites. A current-influenced, well-oxygenated and nutrient-rich environment slightly below fair-weather base is inferred for the fine-grained sandy, fossiliferous sediments of the Oberhäslich Formation.  相似文献   

Integrated facies and diagenetic analyses within a sequence stratigraphic framework were carried out on mid-Cretaceous Sarvak carbonate reservoirs in five giant and supergiant oilfields in the central and southern parts of the Dezful Embayment, SW Iran. Results of facies analysis indicate a homoclinal ramp-type carbonate platform for this formation with the frequencies of different facies associations in six wells reflecting their approximate position in the sedimentary model. Diagenetic studies indicate periods of subaerial exposure with different intensities and durations in the upper Sarvak carbonates producing karstified profiles, dissolution-collapse breccias, and thick bauxitic-lateritic horizons. Sequence stratigraphic interpretations show that the tectonic evolution of the NE margin of the Arabian Plate (Zagros Basin) during Cenomanian–Turonian times shaped the facies characteristics, diagenetic features, and strongly influenced reservoir formation. Reactivation of basement-block faults and halokinetic movements (related to the Hormoz salt series) in the middle Cretaceous, resulted in the development of several paleohighs and troughs in the Dezful Embayment hydrocarbon province. Movements on these structures generated two and locally three disconformities in the upper parts of Sarvak Formation in this region. The paleohighs played an important role in reservoir evolution within the Sarvak Formation in three giant-supergiant oilfields (including Gachsaran, Rag-e-Safid, and Abteymour oilfields) but where these structures are absent reservoir quality is low.  相似文献   

A marine Cretaceous succession (Barremian–Albian) of a cored borehole (BGS 81/40), located in the Central North Sea Basin, has been examined with respect to its planktic and benthic foraminiferal content, as well as for calcareous nannofossils. The distribution patterns of foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils allow for a two fold division of the investigated interval. (1) The Barremian–earliest Aptian interval, which reflects a marine, temporary restricted setting. This is indicated by sporadic occurrences of planktic foraminifera with very rare planispiral forms suggesting short-term connections of the Boreal and Tethyan Realms. The benthic foraminiferal assemblages indicate aerobic, sometimes dysaerobic bottom-water conditions. High abundances of nannoconids in the Barremian suggest enhanced stratification and/or warm, oligotrophic surface water. (2) The late Aptian–early Albian interval, which was characterised by an open-oceanic environment with cool and aerobic surface water conditions. Planktic foraminifera are more abundant and diverse than in the lower interval. Trochospiral hedbergellids dominate the foraminiferal assemblages. The episodic occurrences of planispiral, clavate and trochospiral-flattened planktic morphotypes indicate the existence of a seaway between the Boreal and the Tethyan Realms. Aerobic to dysaerobic bottom-water conditions are suggested by the composition of the benthic foraminiferal assemblages. High abundances of cool-water taxa within the calcareous nannofossil assemblages indicate a cooling trend across the latest Aptian and earliest Albian.  相似文献   

Late Mesozoic–Cenozoic non-marine deposits are well developed in the Jiaolai Basin, eastern Shandong Province, China, yielding abundant fossils including ostracods. In order to further understand the geological settings of the basin during the Late Cretaceous–Paleogene, three boreholes (JK-1, JZK-01 and JZK-02) were drilled in the city of Jiaozhou. Nine genera and sixteen species (including six indeterminate species) of ostracods are described from the Jiaozhou Formation in the three boreholes, including Cypridea, Mongolocypris, Talicypridea, Candona, Eucypris, Cyprois, Porpocypris, Sinocypris and Timiriasevia. Of these, Porpocypris sphaeroidalis Guan, 1978 is reported from northern China for the first time, indicating that this species has great potential to be an indicator of the K/Pg boundary. Correlation of these species with the known Cretaceous–Paleogene ostracod assemblages suggests that the age of the Jiaozhou Formation could be latest Cretaceous–Paleocene in borehole JK-1, Campanian–Maastrichtian in borehole JZK-01, and Maastrichtian–Danian in borehole JZK-02. The exact position of K/Pg boundary, however, is unavailable for the present in the Jiaozhou Formation from boreholes JK-1 and JZK-01.  相似文献   

The siliciclastic, up to 4,000 m thick Upper Triassic–Bajocian Shemshak Formation is widespread across the Iran Plate, especially in the Alborz Mountains of northern Iran. In contrast to its lower, generally non-marine part, the upper part is marine. Based on the Tazareh section of the eastern Alborz, an integrated analysis of this marine interval is presented. The 1,700 m thick marine sedimentary succession records a gradual deepening from inner to mid and outer shelf environments from the Middle Toarcian to early Late Aalenian. During the Late Aalenian–Early Bajocian, the trend was reversed and infilling of the basin by a large delta system occurred. This general facies development reflects a nearly symmetrical transgressive–regressive (T–R) megacycle, terminated by the inter-regional mid-Cimmerian tectonic event. A renewed transgression in the early Late Bajocian initiated a subsequent sedimentary megacycle. The bioturbated mid and outer shelf sediments contain a low to moderately diverse benthic fauna dominated by deep burrowing bivalves, often preserved in the growth position. A hierarchy of four orders of sedimentary cycles can be recognized (parasequences, parasequence sets, unconformity-bounded third-order depositional sequences, and the 13 ma long second-order T–R megacycle). A regional correlation with the Jajarm area (200 km to the east) shows a very similar temporal facies pattern of the upper Shemshak Formation. The eastern Alborz T–R cycle is completely out-of-phase with other (eustatic) sea-level curves, suggesting regional tectonic control. Rough estimates of subsidence rates give an average value of 126 m/ma. However, much higher values for the Aalenian (230 m/ma), particularly the Late Aalenian (700 m/ma), indicate a distinct increase in subsidence rate towards the Early Bajocian mid-Cimmerian tectonic event. These high subsidence rates suggest that the sediments of the Shemshak Formation of the eastern Alborz formed in a (young) rift basin.  相似文献   

Three sections of the Gachal Formation, Tang-e Vaveila, Rahdar, and Bakhshi, located in the Kalmard area near the Tabas town (Central Iran) are revised. Tang-e Vaveila is dated as latest Tournaisian (upper MFZ8) to early Viséan (upper MFZ9); Rahdar is latest Tournaisian (latest MFZ8); and Bakhshi exposes the whole early Viséan (lower and upper MFZ9) succession. The upper MFZ8 subzone is indicated by the presence of Eoparastaffellina ex gr. rotunda; the lower MFZ9 subzone by the appearance of Eoparastaffella ex gr. simplex, and the upper MFZ9 subzone by the more or less concomitant appearances of Eostaffella and Lapparentidiscus. Among the foraminiferal assemblages, the endothyroids and loeblichioids are diversified, whereas the eoparastaffellins, tournayelloids and lituotubelloids remain rare. Regionally, the tetrataxins are interesting, because five species of Tetrataxis succeed one another across the MFZ9 biozone. Rich populations of Eotextularia were also observed. Incertae sedis algae are relatively diversified with the classical moravamminales and aoujgaliales. An interesting true alga is mentioned, but left in open nomenclature, as Epimastoporeae indet. Among the other microfossils, Cryptophyllus, Hamulusella?, Draffania, and hexaphyllids are noteworthy. The new taxa are: Eoparastaffellinae n. subfam., Endolaxina paralaxa n. sp., and Vissarionovella? iranica n. sp.  相似文献   

The facies and sequence stratigraphic analyses of the Padeha Formation (Early–Middle Devonian) in the East-Central Iran are based on two measured stratigraphic sections in the Ozbak-Kuh (type section) and Deranjal (Dahaneh-Kalot section) Mountains in the northern Tabas Block, with a thickness of 492 and 320 m respectively. The field observations and laboratory studies were used to identify sixteen lithofacies and four architectural elements. The facies associations were classified into five categories including sandstone (St, Sp, Sr, Sh, Sl), fine grained (siltstone–claystone) or mud rock (Fl), interbedded sandstone–mud rock (Sr(Fl), Sr/Fl, Fl(Sr)), dolomite (Dl and Ds), and evaporate (El, Efl, Efm, Edl). Structural (wave and interference ripples, planar cross-bedding and herringbone, flaser-wavy and lenticular beddings, tepee and stromatolite structures, entrolothic foldings, shrinkage and syneresis cracks, rain drop imprints, and salt casts) and textural (mature–supermature quartzarenite) features, as well as predominant bimodal pattern of paleocurrents in most lithofacies, show that sediments of the Padeha Formation have been deposited in a tidal flat environment. The sandstone, interbedded sandstone–mud rock, and dolomite facies (SB and LA architectural elements) are related to subtidal and intertidal settings, and fine-grained sediments and evaporate facies (consisting of FF and E architectural elements) were deposited in the supratidal and sabkha settings. Detail sequence stratigraphic study led to identification of two 3rd order complete depositional sequences (DS2 and DS3) with SB1 sequence boundaries and two incomplete sequences (DS1 and DS4). Supratidal and sabkha facies were formed during the fall of relative sea level and are related to the lowstand systems tract (LST). The intertidal facies were formed at a rise of relative sea level and are interpreted as transgressive (TST) and highstand (HST) systems tracts.  相似文献   

The historically-famous Lotus Fortress site, a deep 1.5–3.0-meter-high, 200-meter-long horizonal notch high up in near-vertical sandstone cliffs comprising the Cretaceous Jiaguan Formation, has been known since the 13th Century as an impregnable defensive position. The site is also extraordinary for having multiple tetrapod track-bearing levels, of which the lower two form the floor of part of the notch, and yield very well preserved asseamblages of ornithopod, bird (avian theropod) and pterosaur tracks. Trackway counts indicate that ornithopods dominate (69%) accounting for at least 165 trackmakers, followed by bird (18%), sauropod (10%), and pterosaur (3%). Previous studies designated Lotus Fortress as the type locality of Caririchnium lotus and Wupus agilis both of which are recognized here as valid ichnotaxa. On the basis of multiple parallel trackways both are interpreted as representing the trackways of gregarious species. C. lotus is redescribed here in detail and interpreted to indicate two age cohorts representing subadults that were sometimes bipedal and larger quadrupedal adults. Two other previously described dinosaurian ichnospecies, are here reinterpreted as underprints and considered nomina dubia. Like a growing number of significant tetrapod tracksites in China the Lotus Fortress site reveals new information about the composition of tetrapod faunas from formations in which the skeletal record is sparse. In particular, the site shows the relatively high abundance of Caririchium in a region where saurischian ichnofaunas are often dominant. It is also the only site known to have yielded Wupus agilis. In combination with information from other tracksites from the Jiaguan formation and other Cretaceous formations in the region, the track record is proving increasingly impotant as a major source of information on the vertebrate faunas of the region. The Lotus Fortress site has been developed as a spectacular, geologically-, paleontologically- and a culturally-significant destination within Qijiang National Geological Park.  相似文献   

Middle to Late Ordovician brachiopods from the Huadan Formation (upper Darriwilian–Sandbian) of Ningnan County, southern Sichuan Province, are systematically documented here for the first time. The locality belongs to the western margin of the Upper Yangtze Platform, South China palaeoplate, and the brachiopod fauna includes one new genus and three new species as well as five other constituents: Hingganoleptaena sp., Acculina zhongliangziensis n. sp., Ningnanmena longisepta n. gen. n. sp., Kassinella (Trimurellina) minuta n. sp., Lepidorthis typicalis Wang, 1955, Protoskenidioides weixinensis Zhan and Jin, 2005, Porambonites transversus Xu, Rong and Liu, 1974, and Psilocamerella sp. Taxonomically it is a typical representative of a Middle to early Late Ordovician brachiopod fauna, and, together with some other evidence from other fossil groups like trilobites, conodonts, chitinozoans, a late Darriwilian–Sandbian age could be inferred for the horizon yielding this fauna. According to the richness of each constituent, this fauna is suggested to be called the Acculina-Ningnanmena fauna (ANF). Numerical palaeogeographical analysis shows that two broad palaeobiogeographic provinces could be recognized during this particular time interval, and, although the ANF is grouped into the South China cluster, it shares very little similarity with other representatives of that group except for two cosmopolitans. It further confirms that the Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE), in other words the Ordovician radiation, was actually manifested by the strong localization of major marine organisms such as brachiopods, trilobites, graptolites, etc.  相似文献   

Toxin–antitoxin systems are genetic modules usually consisting of two genes encoding a stable toxin and labile antidote (antitoxin). These systems are localized on plasmids, phages, and chromosomes and are widespread in bacteria and archaea. The review summarizes recent data regarding the classifications of toxin–antitoxin systems, their mechanisms of action and toxin targets, as well as their functional significance for bacterial cells and possibility of use.  相似文献   

Enigmatic, abundant mammalian teeth from the medial Cretaceous of Utah are shown to belong to antemolar loci, based on dentulous jaw fragments; isolated teeth representing several upper premolar loci and the reconstructed c-p4 series are identified. Three species, differing in size and morphology, can be recognized. Morphological appropriateness, relative abundance, and distributional data indicate that the teeth can be referred with some confidence to the three symmetrodonts known from the Cedar Mountain Formation: Spalacolestes cretulablatta, S. inconcinnus, and Spalacotheridium noblei. If the specimens represent replacement or successional teeth, they are strikingly atypical for Mesozoic mammals, particularly in their low crowns and high degree of molarization at posterior loci. Jaw structure, wear pattern, and aspects of tooth morphology (e.g., proportions, degree of molarization, enamel thickness) favor the alternative hypothesis that these teeth are deciduous. Diphyodonty at all antemolar loci is generally assumed to represent the primitive condition for mammals, though fossil evidence is scant; some of the earliest mammals are known to undergo replacement only at the last premolar locus, with ontogenetic loss (rather than replacement) mesially. Available evidence suggests that, like the eupantothere Dryolestes, North American spalacotheriid symmetrodonts probably underwent single replacement at most or all premolar loci and that the deciduous series became progressively more molariform distally, particularly at the p3–4 loci. Assuming that these teeth are deciduous, their great abundance in the Cedar Mountain Formation (and, apparently, elsewhere in the Cretaceous of North America) suggests that North American spalacotheriids were subject to unusually high juvenile mortality rates or, more probably, that succession at premolar loci took place late in ontogeny, compared to other Mesozoic mammals.  相似文献   

Markus Wilmsen  Emad Nagm 《Facies》2012,58(2):229-247
The Cenomanian–Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) Galala and Maghra el Hadida formations of the Southern Galala Plateau in Wadi Araba (northern Eastern Desert, Egypt) represent marine depositional systems developing in response to the early Late Cretaceous transgression at the southern margin of the Neotethyan Ocean in tropical paleolatitudes. A facies analysis (litho-, bio- and microfacies) of these successions shows the presence of 22 facies types (FTs, six are related to the Galala Formation, while the Maghra el Hadida Formation is represented by 16 FTs). The Galala Formation was deposited in a fully marine lagoonal environment developing in response to a latest Middle to early Late Cenomanian transgression. The rich suspension- and deposit-feeding macrobenthos of the Galala Formation indicate meso- to eutrophic (i.e., green water) conditions. The facies types of the uppermost Cenomanian–Turonian Maghra el Hadida Formation suggest deposition on a homoclinal carbonate ramp with sub-environments ranging from deep-subtidal basin to intertidal back-ramp. Major and rapid shifts in depositional environments, related to (relative) sea-level changes, occurred in the mid-Late Cenomanian, the Early–Middle Turonian boundary interval, the middle part of the Middle Turonian and the Middle–Late Turonian boundary interval.  相似文献   

Permian–Triassic boundary sections in the Julfa (NW Iran) and Abadeh (Central Iran) regions display a succession of three characteristic rock units, (1) the Paratirolites Limestone with the mass extinction horizon at its top, (2) the ‘Boundary Clay’, and (3) the earliest Triassic Elikah Formation with the conodont P–Tr boundary at its base. The carbonate microfacies reveals a facies change, in the sections near Julfa, within the Paratirolites Limestone with an increasing number of intraclasts, Fe–Mn crusts, and biogenic encrustation. A decline in carbonate accumulation occurs towards the top of the unit with a sponge packstone in the sections, and finally resulting in a complete demise of the carbonate factory. The succession of the ‘Boundary Clay’ differs in the two regions; thin horizons of sponge packstone are present in the Julfa region and ‘calcite fans’ of probably inorganic origin in the Abadeh Region. The skeletal carbonate factory of the Late Permian was restored with the deposition of microbial carbonates at the base of the Elikah Formation, where densely laminated bindstone, floatstone with sparry calcite spheres, and oncoid wackestone/floatstone predominate.  相似文献   

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