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The spatial distribution of plants (and other primarily sessile organisms) depends on the interplay between their ecological requirements and the spatial template set before, during, and after the dispersal process. In the case of animal‐dispersed plants, the spatial characteristics of animal behaviour during the seed dispersal process are likely to leave a lasting imprint on plant distribution. Here, we hypothesize that the activity patterns of the frugivorous lizard Podarcis lilfordi directly influence the spatial distribution of the fleshy‐fruited shrub Daphne rodriguezii. To evaluate this hypothesis, we first analysed lizard activity, following radio‐tracked lizards during the plant's fruiting period, and identified its main determinants at several spatial scales of habitat aggregation (from 12.5 to 150 m). We hypothesised that lizard activity depends on differential habitat features explaining its territory use plus habitat preferences associated with each movement bout. In a second step, the most important determinants of lizard activity plus the variables describing habitat structure were used to predict the presence of adult and juvenile plants. Predictability of lizard activity (based on AUC and Pearson regression coefficients) was higher at broad spatial‐scales of habitat aggregation (75 m). The two best predictors of lizard activity were the habitat features of and the distance to the core area (defined as the area enclosing the 0.50 cumulative probability of lizard locations). Plant presence was best predicted by models based on a combination of lizard activity and habitat features at local spatial scales (1.5 m). Best models included habitat features and lizard activity for adult plants, and local‐scale habitat features, the proximity of adult plants and lizard activity for juveniles. In both cases, most plants (50–60%) were located at ‘optimal sites’ (both favourable for lizards and with adequate habitat features), whereas a small fraction of them (3–10%) were located at dispersal‐limited sites (i.e. with adequate habitat features but suboptimal for lizards). Our results thus suggest that the interplay between lizard activity and local habitat features determines the spatial patterns of juvenile‐plant presence and leaves a lasting signature on adult‐plant distribution.  相似文献   

Endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) are ubiquitous in aquatic ecosystems where they have adverse effects on exposed organisms. In addition to causing physiological changes, EDCs often target fitness‐related behaviors such as locomotion and courtship. Ethinylestradiol (EE2) is an estrogen mimic that has been found to reduce courtship and aggression in males. However, the consequences of these reductions are not always explicitly addressed. One way in which EE2 may lead to decreased fitness occurs when males respond differently to exposed vs. unexposed conspecifics. To examine this, video playback was used to determine whether male Siamese fighting fish, Betta splendens, respond differently to exposed and unexposed males. Males were presented with four different combinations of videos of males played simultaneously: exposed swimming and unexposed swimming, exposed courting and unexposed courting, unexposed courting and unexposed courting, and exposed courting and exposed courting. Males directed more behaviors to the unexposed than the exposed courting male when presented simultaneously, likely because these unexposed males were perceived as a greater threat to mating success. Additionally, males spent more time tracking and gill flaring, two behaviors that are indicative of fight intent, when presented with two courting unexposed males. This combination could be considered the most threatening because there are two rival vigorously courting males present. These results suggest that EE2 exposure could result in exposed males receiving decreased attention from other males. However, since EE2 exposure also decreases competitive and courtship abilities, this would be far outweighed by the costs.  相似文献   

The short-horned lizard Phrynosoma douglassi was studied in a montane habitat (elevation of 2290 m) in the Guadalupe Mountains of Texas. The body temperatures (Tb) of active lizards were consistently between 35–36°C (grand mean=35.5°C) in the period from 0900 to 1800 h during the months of May through September. The lizards began their spring activity during April when environmental temperatures were still low. Although Tbs in April were significantly lower than during May through September, on sunny April days the lizards were able to maintain Tbs near 30°C even when air temperatures were as low as 1.5°C. P. douglassi at this site thermoregulated very effectively whenever they were not limited by the physical environment.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of retinal ganglion cells provides valuable insight into the importance species place on observing objects in specific regions of their visual field with higher spatial resolving power. We estimate the total number, distribution and peak density of ganglion cells in retinal wholemounts of the sleepy lizard, Tiliqua rugosa, a scincid lizard endemic to southern Australia. Ganglion cells were readily discernable from amacrine cells by their size and shape, prominent nuclei and the accumulation of Nissl-positive substances in their cytoplasm. A total of 1,654,200 (±59,400) presumed ganglion cells were estimated throughout the retina, distributed irregularly and forming a loose horizontal streak of high cell density peaking at 15,500 cells per mm2. With a post nodal distance of 6.25 mm, we calculate an upper limit of visual acuity of 6.8 c/deg.  相似文献   

The conditioning of dolphins to human‐interaction behaviors has been documented in several areas worldwide. However, the metrics used to report human‐interaction behaviors vary among studies, making comparison across study areas difficult. The purpose of this study was to develop standard metrics for reporting human‐interaction behaviors and utilize these metrics to quantify the prevalence of human‐interaction behaviors by common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near Savannah, Georgia. The four metrics used were percentage of days with human‐interaction behaviors, percentage of sightings with human‐interaction behaviors, percentage of the catalog that interacted with humans, and spatial extent of human‐interaction behaviors. Human‐interaction behaviors were observed on 69.6% of days and 23.5% of sightings near Savannah. In addition, 20.1% of the animals in the catalog were observed interacting with humans. These rates are much higher than those found in other areas with known issues with human‐interaction behaviors. These behaviors were observed across an area of 272.6 km2, which is larger than other reported areas. The four metrics used in this study proved to be a valuable way to report human‐interaction behaviors, and their use is recommended for future studies to allow for comparison among areas.  相似文献   

Habitat heterogeneity, structural complexity and habitat quality are key features of the environment that drive species' distribution and patterns of biological organization. Traditionally, pattern‐based studies have focused on faunal responses to biological systems. However, the influence of non‐biological environments such as insular rock outcrops on patterns of vertebrate distribution is conceivably as important, but has received less attention. Granite inselbergs are a naturally heterogeneous and spatially‐limited habitat. As such, they provide an opportunity for investigating whether environmental attributes influence social behaviour in animals that use these kinds of habitat, particularly lizards that are well adapted to saxicoline environments. We applied ecological theory to investigate the influence of habitat heterogeneity, structural complexity and habitat quality on patterns of home‐site occupancy in the crevice skink Egernia striolata (Lygosominea: Scincidae) from insular granite outcrops located within fragmented agricultural landscapes. We compared home‐site occupancy among solitary juveniles, solitary adults and lizard aggregations. We found significant differences in home‐site occupancy between aggregations and solitary lizard outcrop attributes measured at multiple spatial scales. The probability of a home‐site being occupied by an aggregation increased where large rock masses were present, on northern aspects near the core of the outcrop and in structurally variegated landscapes. Significantly more aggregations occupied home‐sites surrounded by high boulder cover and crevice microhabitat. We provide evidence that geophysical attributes of granite inselbergs and landscape context can influence patterns of lizard aggregation. Thus, we clearly document the environmental correlations of variability in sociality among subpopulations of Egernia striolata.  相似文献   

New technologies for quantifying animal locations enable us to document habitat‐selection patterns of cryptic taxa in extraordinary detail. Northern bluetongues (Tiliqua scincoides intermedia) and centralian bluetongues (Tiliqua multifasciata) are large heavy‐bodied scincid lizards that are broadly sympatric in the wet–dry tropics of north‐western Australia. We used data from GPS‐based radiotelemetry (n = 49 lizards, tracked for 2–121 days, total n = 61 640 locations) to examine the size, internal structure and overlap of lizard home ranges. Despite substantial habitat differences at our two study sites (semi‐arid and relatively pristine habitat at Keep River National Park, Northern Territory, vs. highly disturbed and fragmented flood plain habitat in an agricultural area near Kununurra, Western Australia), home ranges were similar between the two areas, and between the two species. Our radio‐tracked lizards continued to disperse into previously unused areas throughout the duration of the study, so that the total areas used by lizards continued to increase. Based on the minimum convex polygon method, total home ranges averaged 4 ha (range 2–12 ha), but only about two‐thirds of each home range was used intensively. Each home range had multiple core areas, and overlap of core as well as peripheral areas (especially with same‐sex conspecifics) was high at the disturbed (Western Australia) site where lizard densities were high. The concentration of lizard activity within small core areas, often used by multiple individuals, suggests that these heavily used sites are critical to lizard conservation. However, the lizards' infrequent long‐distance displacements also make them vulnerable to changes in the wider landscape mosaic. Because GPS‐based radiotelemetry can quantify habitat use at finer spatial and temporal scales than earlier technologies, it can provide a robust base for management of at‐risk fauna.  相似文献   

Nonsessile animals could partition the use of resources in different axes, reducing the effects of competition and allowing coexistence. Here, we investigated the spatial and trophic niche dimensions in four lizard assemblages in the Neotropical semiarid Caatinga to investigate the determinants of resource use and the extent to which lizards partition their niches. We sampled each lizard assemblage once, for 10 days, in the dry season of 2017 and 2018. In two lizard assemblages, we detected nonrandom niche overlap patterns that were higher or lower than expected by chance. The high niche overlap patterns suggest that either there is intense current competition for available microhabitats or an abundance of microhabitats. The lower niche overlap may be influenced by the presence of species adapted to sandy habitats (psammophilous), suggesting that spatial partitioning detected has historical basis, which is supported by the pPCA results and by the lack of patterns in the realized niche distribution of species across niche space. We detected trophic niche partitioning in three lizard assemblages. In one assemblage, we discovered random spatial and trophic niche overlap patterns, revealing that competition is not a determining factor in the structure of that assemblage. In fact, phylogenetic effects were predominantly the main determinants of resource use in the four studied lizard assemblages. Arid and semiarid habitats cover about one third of land surface of the world. Comparisons between our findings and those from other regions of the world may aid identify general trends in the lizard ecology of dry environments.  相似文献   

Males of many animal species are reproductively limited by the difficulty and time costs of finding mates. Males of such species should be selected to take advantage of any cues that might reveal the location of prospective mates. Cues to female location are not restricted to those produced by females, but might also include the highly apparent courtship displays of males that have already found a female. By “eavesdropping” on these courting rivals, initiating sexual displays when courting rivals are detected (i.e., social facilitation of displays); males might effectively exploit the mate-searching efforts of their rivals. We tested the possibility that male Schizocosa ocreata wolf spiders exhibit social facilitation of courtship behaviors using a combination of live behavioral trials and video playback with single stimulus presentations. When exposed to visual cues from another male, male S. ocreata can discern the presence of another individual whether that individual is courting or not. However, we found no evidence of social facilitation of courtship or chemoexploratory behaviors in response to seismic or visual cues presented in isolation or combined. While complex, multimodal, male courtship signals are important in mate choice by female S. ocreata, males do not appear to use these cues to socially facilitate their own courtship.  相似文献   

Low concentrations of psychiatric drugs are commonly found in surface waters around the world, and their ability to alter behaviors in aquatic fauna has raised concerns about ecological effects. One critical effect that contamination can have in aquatic systems is modifications of reproductive behaviors. In this study, we hypothesized that oxazepam, a common anxiolytic drug and aquatic contaminant previously shown to induce anti-anxiety behavior in salmonids, also affects the reproductive behavior of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). To test this hypothesis, small sexually mature Atlantic salmon males (mature parr) were exposed to concentrations of oxazepam comparable to that of effluent water (1.9 µg/L). After 5 days of exposure, their reproductive behavior was compared with that of unexposed control individuals. Behavior was monitored in a large-scale flume aquarium that also contained a large male and a female to mimic natural spawning conditions for Atlantic salmon. Three behaviors were quantified for the mature parr; (a) amount of courting behavior towards female, (b) proximity to female, and (c) amount of attacks received from the large male. In contrast to our hypothesis, no difference in either courting behavior, proximity to female, or received aggression could be found between exposed and control male parr. Hence, our results indicate that there is no acute effect of the highest levels of oxazepam concentration reported for urban environments on spawning behavior of mature male parr, although chronic effects could not be ruled out.  相似文献   

Red-sided garter snakes (Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis) courtand mate in early spring around large communal overwinteringdens in central Manitoba. Emerging females are immediately coveredby dozens or hundreds of vigorously-courting males, potentiallyimposing significant costs to the female. By manipulating numbersof courting males (both directly and by applying anticourtshippheromones), we quantified the degree to which female dispersalfrom the den is hindered by courtship. Courted females dispersedonly about half as fast as did solitary females. Blood lactatelevels were higher in mating than in courting or noncourtingsnakes of both sexes; the high levels of lactate in mating femalessupport the idea that courtship is physiologically stressfulto these animals, perhaps via constraints to female respiration.In arena trials, females that were exercised to exhaustion beforecourtship mated with smaller males than did control females.The spatial distribution of snakes around the den exhibits substantialheterogeneity, with densities often varying markedly betweenadjacent areas. Arena trials mimicking this heterogeneity showedthat unmated females avoided parts of the enclosure containingscent cues from males. Our data support the hypothesis thatcourtship in T. s. parietalis confers significant costs to females,and that female behaviors have evolved to reduce those costs.  相似文献   

Microfungi were isolated from soils, mosses, algae and lichens in the Windmill Islands region of Antarctica. From a total of 1,228 isolates, 22 genera were identified. The most frequently isolated fungi from mosses were Mycelia sterilia (47% of total isolates), Phoma spp. (18%), Penicillium spp. (11%), Chrysosporium spp. (7%) and Thelebolus microsporus (6%). Mycelia sterilia, Penicillium spp., Mortierella spp., Chrysosporium cf. pannorum and Thelebolus microsporus were also frequently isolated from algae. Fungal distribution and diversity were poor in samples of lichens, compared to samples from mosses and algae. The frequency of occurrence of microfungi was most often associated with strong biotic influence. There was a marked increase in fungal diversity in human-disturbed sites. Twelve taxa were restricted to soils from near the Australian Casey Station, suggesting significant introduction of fungi into this environment by human activities. Away from the station, fungal distribution appeared to be related to substrata and nutrient status rather than dispersal opportunities. Suggestions for future research and the need for constant monitoring to clarify the role of human disturbance on Antarctic fungi are discussed. Received: 1 April 1997 / Accepted: 17 August 1997  相似文献   

  The Australian lizard, Egernia striolata, can distinguish its own scats from those of unfamiliar conspecific individuals. This appears to be unrelated to diet, because there is no difference in the response to scats from unfamiliar lizards fed on diets that are the same or different from the test lizard. The signal that induces the response is not a visual or tactile property of scat structure, because test lizards respond equally to crushed and intact scats. We suggest that a pheromone is secreted onto the scat as it is produced. Water solutions of scats did not contain signal components that allowed lizards to distinguish their own scats from others. However, solutions of scats in dichloromethane (DCM) retained unique characteristics, and test lizards responded more strongly to the solution from scats of an unfamiliar lizard that to the solution from their own scats. Further fractionation of the DCM solution in pentane and in methanol led to loss of the unique signals needed for individual recognition, but those were restored when the pentane and methanol fractions were recombined. We infer that these lizards can distinguish between scats of different individuals on the basis of signals they receive from a complex combination of chemicals. Received: 14 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 9 April 1999 / Accepted: 12 April 1999  相似文献   

Female mate choice is fundamental to sexual selection, and determining molecular underpinnings of female preference variation is important for understanding mating character evolution. Previously it was shown that whole‐brain expression of a synaptic plasticity marker, neuroserpin, positively correlates with mating bias in the female choice poeciliid, Xiphophorus nigrensis, when exposed to conspecific courting males, whereas this relationship is reversed in Gambusia affinis, a mate coercive poeciliid with no courting males. Here we explore whether species‐level differences in female behavioral and brain molecular responses represent ‘canalized’ or ‘plastic’ traits. We expose female G. affinis to conspecific males and females, as well as coercive and courting male Poecilia latipinna, for preference assays followed by whole‐brain gene expression analyses of neuroserpin, egr‐1 and early B. We find positive correlations between gene expression and female preference strength during exposure to courting heterospecific males, but a reversed pattern following exposure to coercive heterospecific males. This suggests that the neuromolecular processes associated with female preference behavior are plastic and responsive to different male phenotypes (courting or coercive) rather than a canalized response linked to mating system. Further, we propose that female behavioral plasticity may involve learning because female association patterns shifted with experience. Compared to younger females, we found larger, more experienced females spend less time near coercive males but associate more with males in the presence of courters. We thus suggest a conserved learning‐based neuromolecular process underlying the diversity of female mate preference across the mate choice and coercion‐driven mating systems.  相似文献   

The home range ofTakydromus tachydromoides was studied in a grassland area from April 1977 to November 1978. The mean size of home range did not differ markedly between sexes; 136.5 m2 for males and 130.8 m2 for females. Home ranges of adults overlapped greatly in each sex, and the lizard was considered to be non-territorial. Individuals showed return movement to a definite area (sleeping site) within the home range, and the home range did not shift within a year or between years. Characteristics of the home range of this grassland-inhabiting lizard were discussed in relation to resource abundance and predation pressure.  相似文献   

Intraspecific interactions of araneomorph spiders have received considerable attention, but there are few detailed studies on intraspecific interactions of mygalomorph spiders. Moreover, a thorough understanding of theraphosid biology and ecology is necessary from a conservation standpoint because natural populations may be threatened by habitat disturbances and captures for pet commerce. We described the behavior of conspecific individuals of Grammostola schulzei during non-sexual interactions, under laboratory conditions. Pairs of individuals involving adult males, adult females and juveniles were confronted and observed in resident and intruder conditions, totalizing 115 trials. When confronted two adult females, they retreated or grappled, and performed gaping display with bite attempts, usually resulted in severe injury of the intruder spiders. When confronted females with large juveniles, we frequently observed cannibalism on juveniles. Juveniles exposed to females or to other juveniles retreated or made leg tapping with forelegs and palpal drumming, which are common displays of courting adult males. Adult males courted and clasped some juveniles, but juveniles avoided or reject clasping. The behaviors observed during intraspecific interactions could play an important role determining spatial distribution and could lead to behavioral adaptations of territoriality.  相似文献   

The population and production ecology of aZizania latifolia stand at a sheltered shore of the Hitachi-Tone River were investigated. Shoot emergence was observed twice a year; the fist was a synchronized shoot emergence in April and the second was from August to October. Aboveground biomass was mostly occupied by leaves and peaked at 1500 g dry weight m−2 in August. The belowground biomass also reached its peak, 750 g dry weight m−2, in August. The secondary shoots were small in spite of their high density. Leaves were produced continuously throughout the season. The leaf life span was as short as 55.6 days for cohorts that emerged from May through to September. Total annual net production ofZ. latifolia could be more than 3400 g dry weight m−2. Shoot clusters of several centimeters were observed in April. The following self-thinning caused a regular distribution of the remaining shoots in August. Most shoots produced in August to October were found near a shoot persisting since April. They showed more concentrated distribution than shoots in April. A large biomass allocation to leaves and the ability to produce many clump shoots during the late growing period may facilitate dominance ofZ. latifolia in relatively sheltered sites.  相似文献   

To understand the mechanism of spread of pine wilt disease caused by the pinewood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, which is vectored by a cerambycid, Monochamus alternatus, the spatial distribution of trees weakened by the nematode was examined within a Pinus thunbergii stand from June to October for 4 years. The weakened trees were distributed in a clumped pattern in 1980 and 1981, at an early stage of infestation. In many cases, they showed a double-clumped pattern. The degree of aggregation was higher in June or July than after August. They were uniformly distributed in June or July 1982 and in June 1983 whereas they showed a double-clumped pattern after August. The trees were frequently weakened in June or July when they were near the trees weakened during the previous year. At quadrat sizes of more than 25 m2, spatial overlapping was pronounced between trees weakened during June–July of the current year and those weakened in the previous year. The seasonal changes in spatial distribution of weakened trees were explained by the interaction among M. alternatus, B. xylophilus and Pinus trees.  相似文献   

1. As many invertebrates are nocturnal, their spatial distribution and habitat preferences may change from day to night. Both aspects are examined for Gammarus pulex by testing the hypotheses: (i) a power function was a suitable model for the spatial distribution of the shrimps in both day and night; (ii) diurnal and nocturnal spatial distributions were significantly different; (iii) diurnal and nocturnal habitat preferences were significantly different. Five different life‐stages were treated separately. To ensure that the conclusions were consistent, large samples were taken near midday and midnight in April, June and November over 4 years at two sites about 3 km apart in a stony stream: downstream (n = 30) and upstream (n = 50). 2. The first and second hypotheses were supported at both sites. A power function, relating spatial variance (s2) to mean (m), was an excellent fit in all analyses (P < 0.001, r2 > 0.91), i.e. the spatial variance was density‐dependent. All five life‐stages were aggregated in the day. At night, the degree of aggregation increased for juveniles at higher densities but decreased for juveniles at lower densities, increased for immature females and males, but decreased slightly for mature females and especially mature males, the latter being close to a random distribution. There were no significant differences between sites, in spite of the lower numbers at the downstream site. 3. The third hypothesis was tested at only the upstream site and supported by comparisons between shrimp densities and 13 physical variables (distance from bank, water depth, water velocity, ten particle size‐classes), and three non‐physical variables (dry weights of bryophytes, leaf material, organic detritus). During the day, densities were strongly related to particle sizes with the following preferences: 0.5–8 mm for juveniles, 8–256 mm for the other life‐stages with a weaker relationship for males. There were no significant positive relationships with the other variables, apart from bryophytes for immature shrimps and adults. At night, densities were unrelated to particle size; juveniles and immature shrimps preferred low water velocities near the banks, often where leaf material and organic detritus accumulated, females often preferred medium water velocities slightly away from the banks, and males showed no habitat preferences. 4. Day samples do not provide a complete picture of habitat preferences and probably identify refuge habitats. Day–night changes in spatial distribution and habitat preferences are an essential part of the behavioural dynamics of the shrimps and should be investigated in other species.  相似文献   

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