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Summary A method for Tn1 insertion mutagenesis in Escherichia coli has been developed using pTH10, a mutant plasmid of RP4 temperature-sensitive for maintenance. The mutagenesis involves three steps. Firstly, from strains carrying pTH10 showing resistance to the antibiotics kanamycin, tetracycline, and ampicillin at 30° C but not at 42° C, clones are isolated resistant to kanamycin at 42° C. Such temperature-independent, drug resistant clones probably carry pTH10 integrated into the host chromosome. Secondly, they are cultivated at 30° C. At this temperature segregants carrying pTH10, which has been excised from the host chromosome, accumulate. Thirdly, to cure such segregants of autonomous pTH10, they are cultivated at 42° C. By these procedures, clones free of pTH10, but carrying Tn1 insertions on the host chromosome, were obtained.About 3% of the clones carrying Tn1 insertions were auxotrophic. Distribution of auxotrophic mutations was not random, indicating the existence of preferential integration sites of Tn1 on the host chromosome. The frequency of precise excision of Tn1 was less than 10-10.The pTH10 plasmid has a wide host range among Gram-negative bacteria and thus may serve as a excellent vector for insertion mutagenesis of Tn1 in many Gram-negative bacterial species.  相似文献   

We have investigated conditions in vitro for the analysis of replication of ultraviolet-irradiated ColE1 DNA in cell extracts from Escherichia coli. In wild-type extracts substantial replication was obtained; however, this could be greatly reduced when the irradiated plasmid was incubated in extracts prepared from a uvrA recB strain. Modest stimulation of DNA replication was then obtained by addition of extracts from the same strain previously ultraviolet-irradiated. However, this stimulating activity proved to be highly unstable and has so far proved unsuitable as a basis for purification of specific factors involved in replication on irradiated templates. We also investigated the mutagenesis of pBR325 DNA replicated in cell extracts from a strain expressing the SOS response constitutively. Conditions for efficient recovery and transformation by plasmid DNA replicated in vitro were determined and, using this system, a more than 10-fold increase in reversion frequency of a mutation in the tet gene, compared to that with wild-type extracts, was obtained. This mutagenesis appeared to be independent of replication, indicating the presence of an error-prone repair system in the extract. This effect was not enhanced by the presence of the muc gene products in the extracts. This suggests that the observed mutagenesis is also independent of the lexA-controlled umuCD genes.  相似文献   

The pulse label of NRL plasmid-containing mini-cells has been shown to be localized mainly in DNA with a floating density in the CsCl-EtBr gradient different from the floating density of supercoil and open circle DNAs. During the chase of the pulse label, the DNA is transfered from the fraction with the intermediate floating density varying between the values for the supercoil and open circle DNA fractions to the fraction located below supercoil DNA in the equilibrium gradient and further to the open circle fraction. Electron microscopic analysis of the material with a higher floating density as compared to supercoil DNA has demonstrated the presence of "heavy" intermediates--covalently closed loosely supercoiled molecules. It is also supported by the sedimentation pattern of the characterized fraction in neutral and alkaline saccharose gradients. Molecules located in the CsCl-EtBr gradient between supercoil and open circle DNAs have the sedimentation constant characteristic for the elongation intermediates. It is suggested that NRL DNA molecules in E. coli mini-cells pass through all the basic stages of replication which results in the formation of open circle DNA or supercoil relaxation complexes.  相似文献   

Effect of restoration by transposon Tn5 of genetic damage in RP1 plasmid replication (named transposon suppression) was described. Hybrid plasmid, a derivative of RP1 and RP4, having ts mutation for replication--tsr12 and deletion in the aphA gene controlling kanamycin resistance, was constructed. Five of derivatives of this plasmid containing transposon Tn5 were made, and the strains containing both the Tn5 integrated into the chromosome and intact hybrid plasmid or the parental plasmid with the replication ts mutation, were constructed. It was shown that transposon Tn5 comprised within the hybrid plasmid or in the chromosome promotes maintenance of these replication defective plasmids in the bacterial culture at a non-permissive temperature and thus suppresses plasmid mutation tsr12. It was determined that the extent of suppression of plasmid replication ts mutation depends on the localization of transposon Tn5.  相似文献   

Insertion of transposon Tn3 into the chimeric R/Ent plasmid pCG86 occurred preferentially into a replication control gene, generating mutants with increased plasmid copy number. In two mutants, the nucleotide sequence of the region of the gene containing the Tn3 insertion was determined.  相似文献   

Summary The mobile genetic element Tn4430, originating from the gram-positive bacterium, Bacillus thuringiensis, and previously described as the Th-sequence, is the first transposon isolated from the genus Bacillus. In the present work a gene (APH-III) conferring resistance to kanamycin was inserted into this 4.2 kb transposon. Transposition experiments showed that Tn4430APH-III could transpose in the gram-negative host Escherichia coli when its insertion functions were supplied by an intact copy of Tn4430. By transposing Tn4430APH-III directly onto pBR322, it was possible to determine the nucleotide sequence of the terminal inverted repeats of Tn4430 and of the target DNA site. Identical 38 bp in inverted orientation are situated at each end of the transposon and there is a direct duplication of 5 bp at the insertion site. Thus, it is clear that Tn4430 is closely related to the transposons belonging to the Tn3 family (class II elements).  相似文献   

Abstract Ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of five Torulopsis glabrata isolates resulted in the appearance of a wide variety of auxotrophic variants. 16 auxotrophic phenotypes were observed. These results suggest that typical isolates of this amictic yeast are haploid.  相似文献   

Studying the replication of NR1 plasmid in E. coli mini-cells it was shown that the character of bond between plasmid DNA and membrane depends on the stage of replication cycle of the plasmid. On initiation the DNA-membrane complex is sensitive to the action of ionic force. In the process of elongation the bond of DNA molecules with the membrane is unstable if exists at all, and can be broken even by the nonionic detergent. At the final stage of replication the newly synthesized molecules form a complex with the membrane structures which is unstable in the presence of 0,5 M NaCl. The destruction of the complex followed by the open cycle of plasmid DNA coming out of it takes place under the action of ionic detergent.  相似文献   

After nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis, a mutant Escherichia coli strain harboring the Clo DF13::Tn901 plasmid pJN03 was isolated that is thermosensitive (Ts) for growth at 43 degrees C. The mutation responsible for this thermosensitive phenotype resides on the pJN03 plasmid genome. Cells harboring the pJN03 cop-1(Ts) plasmid mutant showed a large increase in plasmid copy number at 43 degrees C accompanied by an increase in the synthesis of plasmid-specified gene products like cloacin DF13 and beta-lactamase. The pJN03 cop-1(Ts) mutant showed uncontrolled plasmid DNA replication at the nonpermissive temperature. Analysis of plasmid deletions showed that the mutation is located in the Clo DF13 map interval from 0 to 12% or 29 to 45%. This implies that native cloacin DF13 and the Clo DF13-specified polypeptides B, C, D, E, and G are not involved in the pleiotropic phenotype of the plasmid mutant pJN03 cop-1(Ts).  相似文献   

The control of beta-galactosidase specified by the lactose transposon Tn951 (inserted into RP1 to give pGC9114) has been studied in Escherichia coli K12, Proteus mirabilis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Pseudomonas putida; in the first two species comparison could be made with Flac. In E. coli K12, the Tn951 and chromosomally encoded enzymes showed marked qualitative differences in regulatio, the former giving a substantially lower maximum induced level and induction ratio. Several parameters were slightly affected by strain background. In P. mirabilis, beta-galactosidase control determined by both Flac (in accord with earlier work) and pGC9114 was markedly different from E. coli in that maximal induced levels were about an order of magnitude lower and the induction ratio was reduced to 3 to 5. In Ps. aeruginosa and Ps. putida, Tn951-specified lac expression was qualitatively similar to that in P. mirabilis. Possible reasons for anomalous expression in Proteus and Pseudomonas are discussed.  相似文献   

Transfer factor pBFTM10, isolated from the obligate anaerobic bacterium Bacteroides fragilis, carries a clindamycin resistance determinant which we have suggested is part of a transposable element. DNA homologous to this determinant is found in many Clnr Bacteroides isolates, either in the chromosome or on plasmids. We have now established that Ccr resides on a transposon, Tn4400. In addition to the Ccr determinant that functions under anaerobic conditions in B. fragilis, Tn4400 also carries a determinant for tetracycline resistance (Tcr) which only functions in Escherichia coli under aerobic conditions. The presence of Tn4400 on pBFTM10 does not confer tetracycline resistance on B. fragilis cells containing it. DNA from pBFTM10 was cloned in E. coli, with pDG5 as the cloning vector, to form pGAT500. Using a mobilization assay involving pGAT500 and an F factor derivative, pOX38, we determined that a 5.6-kilobase region of pBFTM10 DNA was capable of mediating replicon fusion and transposition. Most of the mobilization products resulted from inverse transposition reactions, while some were the result of true cointegrate formation. Analysis of the cointegrate molecules showed that three were formed by the action of one of the ends of Tn4400 (IS4400), and one was formed by the action of the whole element (Tn4400). The cointegrate molecule carrying intact copies of Tn4400 at the junction of the two plasmids could resolve to yield an unaltered donor plasmid (pGAT500) and a conjugal plasmid containing a copy of Tn4400 or a copy of one insertion sequence element (pOX38::Tn4400 or pOX38::IS4400). Thus, Tn4400 is a compound transposon containing active insertion sequence elements as directly repeated sequences at its ends.  相似文献   

Summary A cloned gene with an insertion, which was made by introducing cat, was ligated to the cloning site of the phage gt11. P1 phage grown on cells lysogenized with the recombinant phage could transduce the mutant gene into the original site on the Escherichia coli chromosome.  相似文献   

Summary An E. coli strain which carries a mutation conferring clorobiocin resistance and temperature sensitivity for growth has recently been described and evidence has been presented suggesting that the mutation is located in the gyrB gene (Orr et al. 1979). The replication of the ColE1 plasmid was analysed in cell-free extracts from this thermosensitive strain. These extracts were totally deficient in the replication of exogenous plasmid DNA and were unable to maintain the superhelical structure of the plasmid DNA. Both defects could be fully complemented by addition of purified gyrB protein.  相似文献   

L Liu  W Whalen  A Das    C M Berg 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(22):9461-9469
A new approach to determining the sequence of cloned DNA is described. Unique regions near each end of the transposable element gamma-delta provide a pair of "portable" primer-specific sites for bidirectional sequencing by the dideoxy chain termination method. A set of gamma-delta insertions positioned about 200 bp apart over the entire cloned DNA allowed us to determine the sequence of both strands in a single parental plasmid without subcloning. The avtA (alanine-valine transaminase) gene of E. coli K-12 was sequenced by this approach. Surprisingly, gamma-delta insertions downstream of the coding region were found to significantly reduce avtA expression. We suggest that these nondisruptive insertions probably change the DNA topology and thereby alter gene expression.  相似文献   

We recently reported (Clewell et al., 1972) on an inhibitory effect of rifampicin on Col E1 plasmid replication. The present study represents a further characterization of this phenomenon as well as a study of the effects of two other known inhibitors of RNA synthesis, Streptolydigin and actinomycin D.During treatment of cells with chloramphenicol the colicinogenic factor E1 (Col E1) continues to replicate for more than ton hours. During this time 4 to 5 S RNA is also synthesized. When varying concentrations of rifampicin were included during chloramphenicol treatment, inhibition of plasmid DNA synthesis correlated very closely with inhibition of cellular RNA synthesis. Similar experiments testing the effects of Streptolydigin and actinomycin D (during chloramphenicol treatment) showed that cellular RNA synthesis was at least 100 times more sensitive to these drugs than was plasmid DNA synthesis.When actively growing cells (i.e. cells not treated with chloramphenicol) were treated with a high concentration of rifampicin (250 μg/ml), chromosomal DNA synthesis continued to an extent representing about a 50% increase in DNA, while plasmid DNA synthesis appeared to stop abruptly.  相似文献   

E P Ogryz'ko  V G Nikiforov 《Genetika》1988,24(10):1894-1896
A multicopy plasmid pLMN1 expressing a wild type rpoB gene encoding Escherichia coli RNA polymerase beta subunit gene was constructed. Introduction of this plasmid into rifampicin-resistant RpoB mutants makes them rifampicin-sensitive. Rifampicin-resistant clones appear in such strains with frequencies up to 10(-3), due to recombinational (recA-dependent) transfer of rif-r mutations from chromosome to pLMN1. This provides a simple selection procedure for transfer of any rpoB mutation, together with a rif-r mutation from a chromosome to pLMN1. In this way, we transferred rpoB22 amber mutation to pLMN1 for localization of the mutant codon by DNA sequencing.  相似文献   

M Abe 《Journal of bacteriology》1980,141(3):1024-1030
The replication of ColE1 deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) took place at the restrictive temperature in a dnaA mutant, dnaA167(Ts). It proceeded at a constant rate at 42 degrees C for at least 3 h. The replication was insensitive to rifampin, which blocked replication at the permissive temperature or in the presence of chloramphenicol, even at the restrictive temperature. A linear DNA strand of ColE1 longer than unit genome size was synthesized. The structure of the replicating molecules observed by electron microscopy was mostly sigma shaped, composed of a circle of a unit genome length with a double-stranded tail. These observations suggest that the replication of ColE1 DNA proceeds via a rolling-circle type of structure in the absence of dnaA function.  相似文献   

A phoR strain was constructed with transposon Tn10 inserted near the phoM+ locus. This was done without any prior knowledge of the phoM map location. Subsequently, we defined the phoM map position by screening tetracycline-sensitive (Tcs) derivatives for mutants which were both alkaline phosphatase negative (ther phoR phoM double mutant phenotype) and auxotrophic simultaneously. Some of these mutants were Thr-. Bacteriophage P1-mediated transductions were used to confirm that phoM and its nearby Tn10 insertion were closely linked to thr. Unexpectedly, 7 of 10 mutants analyzed also had mutations unlinked to the phoM-thr-Tn10 region. These may represent a new type of Tn10-promoted molecular event which is caused by transposition of a Tn10 end (IS10).  相似文献   

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