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选用分布在粗山羊草14条染色体上的32对SSR引物,对来自中国河南、陕西、新疆和中东地区共147份粗山羊草材料进行遗传分化及多样性分析,结果表明在26个多态性位点中,等位基因数平均为4.15,Ne i基因多样性指数(He)平均为0.243,多态性信息含量指数(PIC)平均为0.226;居群间遗传变异差异明显,中东粗山羊草居群具有丰富的遗传变异(He=0.607,PIC=0.551),而来自陕西和河南的粗山羊草资源遗传多样性较低(He=0.055,PIC=0.047)和(He=0.024,PIC=0.021)。AMOVA分子变异分析显示,居群间遗传变异占总变异的52%,达到显著水平;河南粗山羊草和陕西粗山羊草间发生了一定的遗传分化(Fst=0.210),为研究中国粗山羊草资源的起源与分化问题提供了有用的信息与证据。  相似文献   

中国黄牛mtDNA D-loop遗传多样性及起源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房兴堂  周艳  陈宏  蔡欣  方南洙 《动物学报》2007,53(5):928-933
黄牛自古以来就是我国一个重要的畜种,其经济、文化价值很高。我国是世界上黄牛品种资源最丰富的国家之一。据《中国牛品种志》介绍,把一些地区同种异名的黄牛品种合并以后,尚有28个地方黄牛品种,按照其地理分布区域分为北方黄牛、中原黄牛和南方黄牛三大类型(邱怀,1986)。如果把中国地方黄牛品种分得更细,则有49个固有品种(常洪,1995)。关于中国黄牛的起源,历来有不同的观点。一般认为,中国黄牛是多元起源的,但究竟起源于哪几个牛种,观点不一(陈宏等,1993;于汝梁等,1993;Yu et al.,1999;陈幼春,1990)。主要的观点有:(1)中国黄牛主要起源于…  相似文献   

To determine the origin and genetic diversity of Chinese cattle, we analyzed the complete mtDNA D-loop sequences of 84 cattle from 14 breeds/populations from southwest and west China, together with the available cattle sequences in GenBank. Our results showed that the Chinese cattle samples converged into two main groups, which correspond to the two species Bos taurus and Bos indicus. Although a dominant lineage was clearly discerned in both B. taurus and B. indicus mtDNAs, network analysis of the lineages in each of the two species further revealed multiple clades that presented regional difference. The B. taurus samples in China could be grouped into clades T2, T3, and T4, whereas B. indicus harbored two clades I1 and I2. Age estimation of these discerned clades showed a time range of 14,100-44,500 years before present (YBP). The phylogenetic pattern of Chinese cattle was consistent with the recently described cattle matrilineal pool from northeast Asia, but suggested that B. indicus contributed more to the cattle from south and southwest China. The genetic diversity of Chinese cattle varied among the breeds studied.  相似文献   

To evaluate the gene admixture on the current genetic landscape in Gansu Corridor (GC) in China, the upper part of the ancient Silk Road which connects the Eastern and Central Asia, we examined mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) polymorphisms of five ethnic populations in this study. Using PCR-RFLP and sequencing, we analyzed mtDNA haplotypes in 242 unrelated samples in three ethnic populations from the GC region and two ethnic populations from the adjacent Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region of China. We analyzed the data in comparison with the previously reported data from Eastern, Central and Western Asia and Europe. We found that both European-specific haplogroups and Eastern Asian-specific haplogroups exist in the Gansu Corridor populations, while a modest matrilineal gene flow from Europeans to this region was revealed. The Gansu Corridor populations are genetically located between Eastern Asians and Central Asians, both of who contributed significantly to the maternal lineages of the GC populations. This study made the landscape of the gene flow and admixture along the Silk Road from Europe, through Central Asia, to the upper part of the Silk Road more complete.  相似文献   

Hmong-Mien (H-M) is a major language family in East Asia, and its speakers distribute primarily in southern China and Southeast Asia. To date, genetic studies on H-M speaking populations are virtually absent in the literature. In this report, we present the results of an analysis of genetic variations in the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) hypervariable segment 1 (HVS1) region and diagnostic variants in the coding regions in 537 individuals sampled from 17 H-M populations across East Asia. The analysis showed that the haplogroups that are predominant in southern East Asia, including B, R9, N9a, and M7, account for 63% (ranging from 45% to 90%) of mtDNAs in H-M populations. Furthermore, analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA), phylogenetic tree analysis, and principal component (PC) analysis demonstrate closer relatedness between H-M and other southern East Asians, suggesting a general southern origin of maternal lineages in the H-M populations. The estimated ages of the mtDNA lineages that are specific to H-M coincide with those based on archeological cultures that have been associated with H-M. Analysis of genetic distance and phylogenetic tree indicated some extent of difference between the Hmong and the Mien populations. Together with the higher frequency of north-dominating lineages observed in the Hmong people, our results indicate that the Hmong populations had experienced more contact with the northern East Asians, a finding consistent with historical evidence. Moreover, our data defined some new (sub-)haplogroups (A6, B4e, B4f, C5, F1a1, F1a1a, and R9c), which will direct further efforts to improve the phylogeny of East Asian mtDNAs.  相似文献   

滇牡丹遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:36,自引:0,他引:36  
应用ISSR标记对中国西南地区特有植物滇牡丹(Paeonia delavayi)的遗传多样性进行了研究。从100个引物中筛选出10个用于正式扩增,在取自16个自然居群和1个迁地保护居群的511个个体中,检测到92个多态位点。在居群水平上,多态位点百分率(PPB)为44.61%,Nei′s基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.1657和0.2448。在物种水平上,多态位点百分率(PPB)为79.31%,Nei′s基因多样性指数(H)和Shannon信息指数(I)分别为0.2947和0.4355。居群间的遗传分化系数(GST)达0.4349。结果表明:滇牡丹遗传多样性水平较高,居群间遗传分化较大。结合以前的研究结果,对滇牡丹的现状进行评估的结果显示,滇牡丹并不濒危。  相似文献   

Population genetic structure is determined both by current processes and historical events. Current processes include gene flow, which is largely influenced by the migration capacity of a species. Historical events are, for example, glaciation periods, which have had a major impact on the distribution of many species. Species with a low capacity or tendency to move about or disperse often exhibit clear spatial genetic structures, whereas mobile species mostly show less spatial genetic differentiation. In this paper we report on the genetic structure of a small, wingless arthropod species (Orchesella cincta: Collembola) in Europe. For this purpose we used mtDNA COII sequences and AFLP markers. We show that large genetic differences exist between populations of O. cincta, as expected from O. cincta's winglessness and sedentary lifestyle. Despite the fact that most variability was observed within populations (59%), a highly significant amount of AFLP variation (25%) was observed between populations from northwestern Europe, central Europe and Italy. This suggests that gene flow among regions is extremely low, which is additionally supported by the lack of shared mtDNA alleles between regions. Based on the genetic variation and sequence differences observed we conclude that the subdivision occurred long before the last glaciation periods. Although the populations still interbreed in the lab, we assume that in the long term the genetic isolation of these regions may lead to speciation processes.  相似文献   

中华结缕草遗传分化的RAPD分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
李亚  佟海英 《广西植物》2004,24(4):345-349,366
中华结缕草 (ZoysiasinicaHance.)在我国是分布于东部沿海地区的一个受威胁禾草 ,形态上还有一个分布在海边的变种 ,长花中华结缕草 (Z .sinicavar.nipponicaOhwri)。采用 1 0条随机引物对采自我国不同地区 7个居群的 1 0 5个个体进行了RAPD扩增 ,对结果的AMOVA分析表明 ,中华结缕草组间遗传分化不显著 ,遗传变异只占总变异的 4.84% ,居群间遗传变异占总遗传变异的 2 4.71 % ,出现了显著的遗传分化 ,大部分变异存在于居群内部 ,占总变异的 70 .44%。不同数据处理方法得到了类似的结果 ,都支持哈迪 -温伯格平衡的假设。其中宁国汪溪居群和射阳海边居群变异最大 ,歙县新安江居群遗传变异最小。考虑到中华结缕草遗传结构和变异的这些特性 ,在取样策略、保护和育种方法上 ,都应该以群居为主 ,同时兼顾主要的异地居群  相似文献   

中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙基于mtDNA控制区序列的种群遗传结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张雄飞  周开亚  常青 《遗传学报》2004,31(11):1232-1240
用分子遗传数据研究了黑斑侧褶蛙 (Pelophylaxnigromaculata)种群的遗传结构和分化。标本采自中国大陆的 12个地点 ,每个种群测定 10只或少于 10只蛙的mtDNA控制区 5′端 6 85bp的序列。 112只蛙的序列经比对后 ,共发现 111个变异位点 ,定义了 6 7种单元型 ,其中 7种单元型为地方种群间共享单元型 ,多数单元型为地方种群内特有。 12个地方种群合并成一个大种群分析时表明 ,中国大陆黑斑侧褶蛙的线粒体单元型多样性相当高 (h=0 98± 0 0 0 5 ) ,总体核苷酸多样性也较高 (π =0 0 30 3± 0 0 0 2 9)。这样高的单元型多样性和核苷酸多样性与黑斑侧褶蛙作为古北界和东洋界的广布种、种群大是相应的。基于最大简约法的单元型系统发生树和基于邻接法的地方种群系统发生分析中 ,吉林通化和辽宁辽阳种群与中国大陆其他地方种群构成姐妹群。分子变异分析表明 ,吉林和辽宁种群代表的吉辽组和其余 10个地方种群代表的综合组间出现了显著的种群分化 (Φ CT=0 80 9,P <0 0 0 1) ,各地方种群间成对的FST及种群间的核苷酸歧异度也均表明两者之间出现了显著的遗传分化。吉辽组与综合组间的遗传分化最可能的原因就是受第四纪冰川的影响  相似文献   

Genotype data from 14 microsatellite markers were used to assess the genetic diversity and differentiation of four guanaco populations from Argentine Patagonia. These animals were recently captured in the wild and maintained in semi-captivity for fibre production. Considerable genetic diversity in these populations was suggested by the finding of a total of 162 alleles, an average mean number of alleles per locus ranging from 6.50 to 8.19, and H(e) values ranging from 0.66 to 0.74. Assessment of population differentiation showed moderate but significant values of F(ST)=0.071 (P=0.000) and R(ST)=0.083 (P=0.000). An amova test showed that the genetic variation among populations was 5.6% while within populations it was 94.4%. A number of 6.6 migrants per generation may support these results. Unambiguous individual assignment to original populations was obtained for the Pilcaniyeu, Las Heras and La Esperanza populations. The erroneous assignment of 18.75% Rio Mayo individuals to the Las Heras population can be explained by the low genetic differentiation found between these two populations. Thirty-nine of 56 loci per population combinations were in Hardy--Weinberg disequilibrium because of guanaco heterozygote deficiency, which may be explained by population subdivision. The high level of genetic diversity of the guanacos analysed here indicates that the Patagonian guanaco constitutes an important genetic resource for conservation or economic utilization programmes.  相似文献   

云南地方鸡种的遗传多样性及其与中国家鸡起源的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
胡文平 《生物多样性》1999,7(4):285-290
云南地方鸡种在生境、形态外貌、细胞遗传和血液蛋白等方面均表现出多样性,但mtDNA的遗传变异单一。云南地方鸡种有其独特的基因类型,由于所处的特殊地理位置和生态条件差异,形成了与我国其它鸡种相对独立的鸡种。从血液蛋白、细胞遗传和mtDNA等方面进一步证明红色原鸡为家鸡的祖先。云南可能是中国家鸡的起源中心之一。  相似文献   

采用RAPD技术对江西省井冈山5个血水草种群进行了遗传多样性研究。从50条随机引物中筛选出16条随机引物对血水草的90个个体进行了扩增,共得到180条可统计条带,其中156条为多态带,占总条带数的85.56%。根据Shannon指数和Nei’s遗传分化指数分析显示5个种群间的遗传多样性为31.50%、遗传分化系数为0.302 9,表明血水草大部分遗传变异存在于种群内,少部分存在种群间。血水草的基因流(Nm)为1.150 8。采用算数平均数的非加权成组配对法(UPMGA)对Nei’s的一致度进行的聚类分析结果显示梨坪种群和水口种群的遗传距离最近(0.120 9),茨坪种群和荆竹山种群的遗传距离最远(0.234 9)。Mantel相关性分析结果显示血水草种群间的遗传距离不仅与海拔梯度有关,还与其生境有关。  相似文献   

云芝菌株遗传多样性的ISSR分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
来自全国的34株野生菌株经形态学特征和结合ITS序列鉴定为云芝。采用ISSR标记技术对34株野生云芝菌株进行遗传多样性分析。从20条引物中筛选出7条ISSR引物,扩增得到95个扩增位点,其中多态性位点88个。多态性位点占92.6%,表明ISSR标记的多态性非常高。基于ISSR条带构建亲缘关系树状图,其中遗传变异系数范围为0.58-0.91。34个云芝菌株在相似系数0.60时分为4个类群,不同菌株的遗传差异性与地理分布有一定联系。  相似文献   

It has been shown that the polymorphisms of Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene are associated with susceptibility to several disorders including hyperhomocysteinemia, vascular disease, birth defect, and certain cancers, and exhibit great diversities among various populations. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of two common non-synonymous single nucleotide polymorphisms (i.e., C677T and A1298C) at MTHFR gene in 13 Chinese populations. A total of 1015 healthy individuals from 13 populations distributed widely from north to south in China were studied. DNA samples were isolated from peripheral blood samples and genotyped using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. For C677T polymorphism, the frequency in Chinese of CC homozygous was 42.4%; CT heterozygous was 49.8%; and TT homozygous was 7.9%. For A1298C, AA homozygous was 39.2%; AC heterozygous was 38.6%; and CC homozygous was 22.2%. The allelic frequency of 677T and 1298C was 32.8 and 41.5%, respectively, and each allele frequency had significant variance in 13 Chinese populations. The frequency of the 677T allele among southern populations was 30.7% compared to 38.0% among northeastern and 30.5% among northwestern populations. The difference was statistically significant (p < 0.01). The frequency of 1298C mutation in southerns was 58.9% whereas in northeasterns it was 24.0% and 37.6% in northwesterns. This was also statistically significant (p < 0.01). The MTHFR C677T and A1298C sites were in linkage disequilibrium in the Chinese population revealed by our data.  相似文献   

Otiorhynchus alpicola Boh. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is distributed on high mountains of central, southern and south-eastern Europe. On the Balkan peninsula, this species is patchily distributed on mountain peaks at heights over 1800 m. To examine the organization of isoenzyme variation of the ten sexual (diploid) populations, starch gel electrophoresis of enzymes was used. The average heterozygosity over 14 gene loci was 0.11. For diploid O. alpicola, F-statistics were used to assess population heterogeneity and substructuring. The data indicate that, compared with other insects, this high-altitude weevil species is genetically very differentiated (the average F ST= 0.35). In addition, gene-flow among populations was extremely low (the estimates of Nem from Wright's F ST and Slatkin private-allele methods were 0.47 and 0.83, respectively). Pairwise linkage disequilibrium (LD) parameters were estimated from zygotic frequencies using Burrows' method. The average rate of significant LD in analysed populations of O. alpicola was about 27%. The pattern of LD over the diploid populations indicates that stochastic factors might be a primary cause of the observed multilocus associations.  相似文献   

Cao Q  Lu BR  Xia H  Rong J  Sala F  Spada A  Grassi F 《Annals of botany》2006,98(6):1241-1252
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) is one of the most notorious weeds occurring in rice-planting areas worldwide. The objectives of this study are to determine the genetic diversity and differentiation of weedy rice populations from Liaoning Province in North-eastern China and to explore the possible origin of these weedy populations by comparing their genetic relationships with rice varieties (O. sativa) and wild rice (O. rufipogon) from different sources. METHODS: Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to estimate the genetic diversity of 30 weedy rice populations from Liaoning, each containing about 30 individuals, selected rice varieties and wild O. rufipogon. Genetic differentiation and the relationships of weedy rice populations were analysed using cluster analysis (UPGMA) and principle component analysis (PCA). KEY RESULTS: The overall genetic diversity of weedy rice populations from Liaoning was relatively high (H(e) = 0.313, I = 0.572), with about 35 % of the genetic variation found among regions. The Liaoning weedy rice populations were closely related to rice varieties from Liaoning and japonica varieties from other regions but distantly related to indica rice varieties and wild O. rufipogon. CONCLUSIONS: Weedy rice populations from Liaoning are considerably variable genetically and most probably originated from Liaoning rice varieties by mutation and intervarietal hybrids. Recent changes in farming practices and cultivation methods along with less weed management may have promoted the re-emergence and divergence of weedy rice in North-eastern China.  相似文献   

Weedy rice (WR, Oryza sativa L. f. spontanea) is a noxious agricultural weed, infesting rice fields worldwide and causing tremendous yield losses of cultivated rice. However, little is known about the relationship between genetic diversity and distribution of WR populations across a wide latitudinal gradient, in addition to its reasons for genetic differentiation. To determine the distribution of genetic diversity and differentiation, we analyzed 20 WR populations collected from wide geographic ranges of rice-planting regions across Northeast, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces of China, and Sri Lanka, based on 20 simple sequence repeat loci. Our results indicated a significant negative correlation (R = 0.84, P < 0.01) between genetic diversity and latitudinal locations of WR populations. The Mantel test (R2 = 0.49, P < 0.01) showed distinct groupings of WR populations from different rice-planting regions, fitting an isolation-by-distance pattern. In addition, the STRUCTURE analysis and principal coordinates (PCoA) analysis indicated considerable genetic differentiation of WR from different rice-planting regions, which was associated with the types of co-occurring rice cultivars. We conclude based on the above results that WR genetic diversity is affected by the latitudes where WR populations are located. The genetic differentiation of WR populations is determined by their spatial distances and co-occurring rice cultivars. Such a pattern of genetic diversity and differentiation across different regions may facilitate the design of effective WR control, in addition to understanding adaptive evolution of this weed.  相似文献   

同域分布的近缘物种常常发生杂交而导致种间基因渐渗, 从而对相关物种的自然居群遗传结构产生重要影响, 近缘种间的杂交渐渗已成为进化生物学和保护生物学关注的热点。本研究采用8对cpSSR引物对我国西部高原台地向中东部丘陵平原过渡地带同域重叠分布的猕猴桃属(Actinidia)7个物种的自然居群遗传多样性、居群遗传结构和同域分布种间遗传分化进行了检测。结果表明: (1)在6个多态性位点检测到18个等位基因形成的42个单倍型, 尽管各单倍型间显示了复杂的网状进化关系, 但还是具有明显的物种特异性; (2)各物种有丰富的cpSSR遗传多样性, 但种间存在较大差异, 绵毛猕猴桃(Actinidia fulvicoma var. lanata)的遗传多样性水平最高(P = 62.50%, hT = 0.173, HT = 0.897), 美味猕猴桃(A. deliciosa)的最低(P = 37.5%, hT = 0.041, HT = 0.516); (3)尽管不同物种的居群分化程度存在较大差异, 但种内居群间存在明显分化(GST为0.319–0.780, FST为0.401–0.695), 居群间的基因流不足(Nm为0.219–0.747<1); 其中以美味猕猴桃的居群遗传分化度最高(GST = 0.780, FST = 0.695); (4)遗传分化系数GST(unordered alleles)与NST(ordered alleles)无显著差异, 揭示本研究的大多数猕猴桃属物种不存在系统地理结构, 与用Mantel检验得出的居群遗传距离和地理距离不存在显著性相关的结果一致; (5)除了中华/美味猕猴桃复合体(A. chinensis / A. deliciosa complex)的湖北五峰(HW)和广西资源(GZ)两个同域复合居群外, 同域分布的物种间遗传分化强烈(FST为0.476–0.990), 与UPGMA聚类时多数居群按各自物种聚类的结果一致。进一步分析表明, 中华/美味猕猴桃复合体近缘种间存在明显的共祖多态性和杂交渐渗现象, 近缘种植株分布的交错程度以及是否存在亚居群结构对杂交渐渗存在着重要影响。亲缘关系较远的物种间杂交渐渗事件稀少, 但存在个别同塑事件。本研究结果有助于进一步了解猕猴桃属植物自然居群cpDNA的遗传特性和渐渗杂交进化模式, 为我国猕猴桃野生种质资源保育及可持续开发利用提供基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   

为从分子水平上对我国双峰驼(Camelus bactrianus)群体的遗传多样性、群体间遗传关系、群体遗传分化及近交情况进行全面、系统地研究,为双峰驼种质资源保护和新品种培育提供基础数据,本文利用18对微卫星引物,分析了我国9个双峰驼群体和1个蒙古双峰驼群体的遗传多样性和遗传关系。结果显示:10个群体均具有较高的遗传多样性,共检测到242个等位基因,平均等位基因数为13.44,平均有效等位基因数为4.18,平均观察杂合度(Ho)为0.5528。10个群体间存在显著的遗传分化,有9.6%的遗传变异来自群体间,90.4%的遗传变异来自群体内部的个体间。聚类分析、主成分分析和群体遗传结构分析结果都表明10个群体被分成2个明显的分支,新疆4个群体单独聚为一类,剩下的6个群体聚为一类。这一结果可能与它们的地理分布和群体间的地理屏障有关。  相似文献   

Melanocortin-1 receptor gene variants in four Chinese ethnic populations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
INTRODUCTIONThe variation in human hall and skin color in~ geographic regions of the world is the result Of differences in two Principal forms Of melanin,the red-yellow phaeomelalilns and the bldebrowneUmelanins, which are present in the epidermallayer of hUman skin and hair[1, 2]. The type ofmelanin Produced is under the control of two genes,identified initially by the mouse mutation, extension and agouti. The eXtension gene is expressedin melanocytes, Producillg the melanocyte stimul…  相似文献   

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