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Monkeys have strong abilities to remember the visual properties of potential food sources for survival in the nature. The present study demonstrated the first observations of rhesus monkeys learning to solve complex spatial mazes in which routes were guided by visual cues. Three monkeys were trained in a maze (6 m x 6 m) included of four different mazes. We recorded the cue and cup errors, latencies, and pathway for each trial. The data showed that monkeys learned the target place after three days in the first maze and spent a shorter time in learning the following mazes. The maze was an efficient method to measure the ability and proceeding of spatial memory in monkeys. Moreover, working memory can also be tested by using the maze. MK-801 at 0.02 mg/kg but not at 0.005 mg/kg impaired monkeys' retrieval of spatial memory after they learned all four mazes. The present maze may provide an efficient method to help bridging the gap in cognition between nonhuman primates and humans, and in particular to gain insight into human cognitive function and dysfunction.  相似文献   

Spatial learning and memory of laboratory rodents is often assessed via navigational ability in mazes, most popular of which are the water and dry-land (Barnes) mazes. Improved performance over sessions or trials is thought to reflect learning and memory of the escape cage/platform location. Considered less stressful than water mazes, the Barnes maze is a relatively simple design of a circular platform top with several holes equally spaced around the perimeter edge. All but one of the holes are false-bottomed or blind-ending, while one leads to an escape cage. Mildly aversive stimuli (e.g. bright overhead lights) provide motivation to locate the escape cage. Latency to locate the escape cage can be measured during the session; however, additional endpoints typically require video recording. From those video recordings, use of automated tracking software can generate a variety of endpoints that are similar to those produced in water mazes (e.g. distance traveled, velocity/speed, time spent in the correct quadrant, time spent moving/resting, and confirmation of latency). Type of search strategy (i.e. random, serial, or direct) can be categorized as well. Barnes maze construction and testing methodologies can differ for small rodents, such as mice, and large rodents, such as rats. For example, while extra-maze cues are effective for rats, smaller wild rodents may require intra-maze cues with a visual barrier around the maze. Appropriate stimuli must be identified which motivate the rodent to locate the escape cage. Both Barnes and water mazes can be time consuming as 4-7 test trials are typically required to detect improved learning and memory performance (e.g. shorter latencies or path lengths to locate the escape platform or cage) and/or differences between experimental groups. Even so, the Barnes maze is a widely employed behavioral assessment measuring spatial navigational abilities and their potential disruption by genetic, neurobehavioral manipulations, or drug/ toxicant exposure.  相似文献   

In many animals, behaviours such as territoriality, mate guarding, navigation and food acquisition rely heavily on spatial memory abilities; this has been demonstrated in diverse taxa, from invertebrates to mammals. However, spatial memory ability in squamate reptiles has been seen as possible, at best, or non-existent, at worst. Of the few previous studies testing for spatial memory in squamates, some have found no evidence of spatial memory while two studies have found evidence of spatial memory in snakes, but have been criticized based on methodological issues. We used the Barnes maze, a common paradigm to test spatial memory abilities in mammals, to test for spatial memory abilities in the side-blotched lizard (Uta stansburiana). We found the existence of spatial memory in this species using this spatial task. Thus, our study supports the existence of spatial memory in this squamate reptile species and seeks to parsimoniously align this species with the diverse taxa that demonstrate spatial memory ability.  相似文献   

Fragile X syndrome (FXS) is the most prevalent form of heritable mental retardation. It arises from a mutation in the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome that interferes with expression of fragile X mental retardation protein (FMRP) and leads to a wide range of behavioural and cognitive deficits. Previous studies have shown a deficit in basic visual perceptual processing as well as spatial abilities in FXS. How such a deficit may impact spatial navigation remains unknown. The current study extended previous research by evaluating spatial learning and memory using both virtual and physical versions of Hebb-Williams mazes, which allows for testing of humans and animals under comparable conditions. We compared the performance of individuals affected by FXS to typically developing individuals of equivalent mental age as well as the performance of Fmr1 knockout mice to wild-type control mice on the same maze problems. In human participants, performance of the comparison group improved across trials, showing expected significant decreases in both errors and latency. In contrast, the performance of the fragile X group remained at similar levels across trials. Although wild-type control mice made significantly fewer errors than the Fmr1 knockout mice, latencies were not statistically different between the groups. These findings suggest that affected humans and mice show similar spatial learning deficits attributable to the lack of FMRP. The implications of these data are discussed including the notion that Hebb-Williams mazes may represent a useful tool to examine the impact of pharmacological interventions on mitigating or reversing the symptoms associated with FXS.  相似文献   

Theories of spatial navigation hypothesize that animals use vector or topological information to choose routes, often including detours, to move objects or themselves to goals. We assessed adult capuchin monkeys’ (Cebus apella) navigation through 192 virtual two-dimensional mazes that incorporated detour problems. Six monkeys initially were significantly less likely to choose the correct paths when detours were required than when not. Three of the six monkeys repeatedly practiced the 192 mazes to asymptotic mastery; the other three did not practice the mazes again. In a subsequent transfer test, each monkey made correct choices equivalently often on familiar and novel mazes, which suggests that they used general planning skills for maze navigation. Of the three monkeys that practiced the 192 maze-set repeatedly, one efficiently detoured and the other two significantly improved detouring compared to their initial performance. Two monkeys, contrary to their performance when completing the 192 maze-set for the first time, made correct choices at the same rate as chimpanzees. Some evidence suggested that two monkeys used topological information, but utilization of vector information was obvious for all monkeys. Our findings suggest that the boundaries of any individual's navigational abilities are not predicted by species, but depend on experience.  相似文献   

In a changing environment, learning and memory are essential for an animal''s survival and reproduction. The role played by the environment in shaping learning and memory is now attracting considerable attention. Until now, studies have tended to compare the behaviour of two, or at best a few species but interspecific comparisons can be misleading as many life history variables other than environment may differ between species. Here we report on an experiment designed to determine how learning varies between different populations of the same species, the three-spined stickleback. We found differences between the populations in their ability to solve a spatial task and also in the spatial strategies they used. A second simple learning task showed that these differences were not the result of gross differences in learning ability or adaptation to laboratory conditions. We discuss these results and suggest that the behavioural differences may relate to features of the respective habitats from which the fish were sampled.  相似文献   

Identifying the phenotypes underlying postzygotic reproductive isolation is crucial for fully understanding the evolution and maintenance of species. One potential postzygotic isolating barrier that has rarely been examined is learning and memory ability in hybrids. Learning and memory are important fitness‐related traits, especially in scatter‐hoarding species, where accurate retrieval of hoarded food is vital for winter survival. Here, we test the hypothesis that learning and memory ability can act as a postzygotic isolating barrier by comparing these traits among two scatter‐hoarding songbird species, black‐capped (Poecile atricapillus) and Carolina chickadees (Poecile carolinensis), and their naturally occurring hybrids. In an outdoor aviary setting, we find that hybrid chickadees perform significantly worse on an associative learning spatial task and are worse at solving a novel problem compared to both parental species. Deficiencies in learning and memory abilities could therefore contribute to postzygotic reproductive isolation between chickadee species. Given the importance of learning and memory for fitness, our results suggest that these traits may play an important, but as yet overlooked, role in postzygotic reproductive isolation.  相似文献   

The memory for location of objects, which binds information about objects to discrete positions or spatial contexts of occurrence, is a form of episodic memory particularly sensitive to hippocampal damage. Its early decline is symptomatic for elderly dementia. Substances that selectively reduce α5‐GABAA receptor function are currently developed as potential cognition enhancers for Alzheimer's syndrome and other dementia, consistent with genetic studies implicating these receptors that are highly expressed in hippocampus in learning performance. Here we explored the consequences of reduced GABAAα5‐subunit contents, as occurring in α5(H105R) knock‐in mice, on the memory for location of objects. This required the behavioral characterization of α5(H105R) and wild‐type animals in various tasks examining learning and memory retrieval strategies for objects, locations, contexts and their combinations. In mutants, decreased amounts of α5‐subunits and retained long‐term potentiation in hippocampus were confirmed. They exhibited hyperactivity with conserved circadian rhythm in familiar actimeters, and normal exploration and emotional reactivity in novel places, allocentric spatial guidance, and motor pattern learning acquisition, inhibition and flexibility in T‐ and eight‐arm mazes. Processing of object, position and context memories and object‐guided response learning were spared. Genotype difference in object‐in‐place memory retrieval and in encoding and response learning strategies for object–location combinations manifested as a bias favoring object‐based recognition and guidance strategies over spatial processing of objects in the mutants. These findings identify in α5(H105R) mice a behavioral–cognitive phenotype affecting basal locomotion and the memory for location of objects indicative of hippocampal dysfunction resulting from moderately decreased α5‐subunit contents.  相似文献   

Memory for food caches: not just for retrieval   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Many animals use hoarding as a long-term strategy to ensurea food supply at times of shortage. Hoarders employ strategiesthat enhance their ability to relocate caches such as rememberingwhere caches are located. Long-term scatterhoarders, whose cacheshave potentially high pilferage rates, should also hoard ina way to reduce potential cache pilferers' ability to find caches.Previous studies have demonstrated that this could be achievedby hyperdispersing caches to reduce the foraging efficiencyof pilferers. This study investigates whether coal tits (Parusater) indeed place their caches away from existing ones. Inour experiment, birds hoarded food in 3 conditions: when cachesfrom a previous storage session were still present, when cachesfrom a previous storage session were not present anymore becausethe bird had retrieved them, and when caches from a previousstorage session had been removed by the experimenter. We showthat coal tits hoard away from existing caches and that theydo not use cues from extant caches to do this. This evidenceis consistent with the use of memory for the locations of previouscaches when deciding where to place new caches. This findinghas important implications for our understanding of the selectivepressures that have shaped spatial memory in food-hoarding birds.  相似文献   

  1. Researchers have used multiple methods to understand spatial mapping memory used by arboreal mammals for orientation: the change-point test, measures of path tortuosity, field experiments with feeding platforms, nearest-neighbour feeding tree methods, complex calculations of travel route parameters, and theoretical models.
  2. This literature review provides details of all of these methods, highlights previous results from spatial mapping memory studies, and discusses perspectives for future studies.
  3. Previous studies have shown that various arboreal mammals, mostly in the order Primates, can memorise spatial environments using a cognitive map. Two types of maps are characterised: the topological map, based on landmarks and reused routes, and the Euclidean map, including the ability to create shortcuts by measuring distances and distinguishing between directions. Most of the studies showed that mammals do not travel randomly but, due to the difficulty of determining which spatial map is used, the use of cognitive maps remains hypothetical.
  4. When studying spatial mapping memory, data collection and analysis should account for the species’ characteristics, such as the home-range size, food preferences, and types of movements. The role of sensory cues (visual, auditory, olfactory) is crucial to understanding spatial orientation. The most relevant way to determine how arboreal mammals orientate themselves in space is by using a mix of methods: random theoretical models, collecting data in a controlled environment, measuring different parameters of travel patterns, and considering the use of sensory cues and environmental factors of the study sites.
  5. Research pertaining to spatial mapping memory in arboreal mammals and forest-dwelling mammals is important for understanding cognitive abilities in mammal species, and more studies are needed in mammals of various orders.

Androgens are known to affect cognitive functions via organizational and activational effects. It is unknown whether the effects are mediated via the androgen receptor or after conversion to estradiol with aromatase via estrogen receptors. The aim of our study was to find out whether testosterone affects spatial memory directly or through its metabolite estradiol. Rats were treated with testosterone; with testosterone and the aromatase blocker anastrozole or saline. An 8 radial arm maze was used for testing spatial memory twice daily for 4 days. Each arm was baited with food, and the ability of animals to learn the location of food was assessed. Testosterone treated rats and control rats achieved comparable coefficients of spatial memory, although the plasma levels of testosterone differed markedly. Anastrozole treatment resulted in the worst performance in the maze. The differences between groups did not reach the level of significance. It can be concluded that aromatase and, thus, the conversion of testosterone to estradiol may play a role in spatial memory, as pharmacological blockade of aromatase led to a decrease in maze performace of adult male rats. Detailed molecular mechanisms should be the focus of further studies.  相似文献   

Sex differences are well documented and are conventionally associated with intense sex-specific selection. For example, spatial memory is frequently better in males, presumably due to males' tendency to navigate large spaces to find mates. Alternatively, monogamy (in which sex-specific selection is relatively relaxed) should diminish or eliminate differences in spatial ability and the mechanisms associated with this behavior. Nevertheless, phenotypic differences between monogamous males and females persist, sometimes cryptically. We hypothesize that sex-specific cognitive demands are present in monogamous species that will influence neural and behavioral phenotypes. The effects of these demands should be observable in spatial learning performance and neural structures associated with spatial learning and memory. We analyzed spatial memory performance, hippocampal volume and cell density, and hippocampal oxytocin receptor (OTR) expression in the socially monogamous prairie vole. Compared to females, males performed better in a spatial memory and spatial learning test. Although we found no sex difference in hippocampal volume or cell density, male OTR density was significantly lower than females, suggesting that performance may be regulated by sub-cellular mechanisms within the hippocampus that are less obvious than classic neuroanatomical features. Our results suggest an expanded role for oxytocin beyond facilitating social interactions, which may function in part to integrate social and spatial information.  相似文献   

The role of learning ability as a potentially desirable male trait in sexual selection was investigated in the guppy Poecilia reticulata . Mate preference tests and the rate at which a male learnt two mazes were used to determine whether female preference was related to male learning ability. In addition, male body size and saturation of the orange patches were measured. Female preference was found to be related to rate of learning, such that males that learnt the mazes faster were found to be more attractive to females, but was not found to be related to body size or saturation.  相似文献   

Fluorene is one of the most abundant polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in air and may contribute to the neurobehavioral alterations induced by the environmental exposure of humans to PAHs. Since no data are available on fluorene neurotoxicity, this study was conducted in adult rats to assess the behavioral toxicity of repeated fluorene inhalation exposure. Male rats (n = 18/group) were exposed nose-only to 1.5 or 150 ppb of fluorene 6 hours/day for 14 consecutive days, whereas the control animals were exposed to non-contaminated air. At the end of the exposure, animals were tested for activity and anxiety in an open-field and in an elevated-plus maze, for short-term memory in a Y-maze, and for spatial learning in an eight-arm maze. The results showed that the locomotor activity and the learning performances of the animals were unaffected by fluorene. In parallel, the fluorene-exposed rats showed a lower level of anxiety than controls in the open-field, but not in the elevated-plus maze, which is probably due to a possible difference in the aversive feature of the two mazes. In the same animals, increasing blood and brain levels of fluorene monohydroxylated metabolites (especially the 2-OH fluorene) were detected at both concentrations (1.5 and 150 ppb), demonstrating the exposure of the animals to the pollutant and showing the ability of this compound to be metabolized and to reach the cerebral compartment. The present study highlights the possibility for a 14-day fluorene exposure to induce some specific anxiety-related behavioral disturbances, and argues in favor of the susceptibility of the adult brain when exposed to volatile fluorene.  相似文献   

Species distribution models (SDMs) are frequently used to understand the influence of site properties on species occurrence. For robust model inference, SDMs need to account for the spatial autocorrelation of virtually all species occurrence data. Current methods do not routinely distinguish between extrinsic and intrinsic drivers of spatial autocorrelation, although these may have different implications for conservation. Here, we present and test a method that disentangles extrinsic and intrinsic drivers of spatial autocorrelation using repeated observations of a species. We focus on unknown habitat characteristics and conspecific interactions as extrinsic and intrinsic drivers, respectively. We model the former with spatially correlated random effects and the latter with an autocovariate, such that the spatially correlated random effects are constant across the repeated observations whereas the autocovariate may change. We tested the performance of our model on virtual species data and applied it to observations of the corncrake Crex crex in the Netherlands. Applying our model to virtual species data revealed that it was well able to distinguish between the two different drivers of spatial autocorrelation, outperforming models with no or a single component for spatial autocorrelation. This finding was independent of the direction of the conspecific interactions (i.e. conspecific attraction versus competitive exclusion). The simulations confirmed that the ability of our model to disentangle both drivers of autocorrelation depends on repeated observations. In the case study, we discovered that the corncrake has a stronger response to habitat characteristics compared to a model that did not include spatially correlated random effects, whereas conspecific interactions appeared to be less important. This implies that future conservation efforts should primarily focus on maximizing habitat availability. Our study shows how to systematically disentangle extrinsic and intrinsic drivers of spatial autocorrelation. The method we propose can help to correctly identify the main drivers of species distributions.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical studies suggest that the distribution of species in space has important implications for the conservation of communities in fragmented landscapes. Facilitation and dispersal are the primary mechanisms responsible for the formation of spatial patterns. Furthermore, disruptions in the formation of patterns arise after degradation, which can serve as an early indicator of stress in plant communities. Spatial dispersal ability and pattern formation were evaluated in 53 linear transects of 500 m in length within 14 fragments of natural vegetation within a matrix of abandoned crop fields in Cabo de Gata National Park, Almería, Spain. Fragments were classified into three size classes (< 300, 300–900, and > 900 ha). Fragment connectivity was quantified using the distances between fragments. Spatial dispersal ability was quantified for the 187 species recorded in the study. Species with restricted dispersal had the highest degree of long‐range spatial autocorrelation and, species that disperse by biotic vectors (e.g. vertebrates), the lowest. In addition, species most susceptible to fragmentation are vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, which declined in abundance and was associated with loss of spatial organization in the smallest fragments. It is postulated that the positive feedback between abundance of recruitment and vertebrate visits influences the colonization and persistence of vertebrate‐dispersed shrubs, explaining its abundance in large fragments. Indeed, fragments lower than a certain threshold reduced spatial organization not only in shrubs with biotic dispersal, but also in species with abiotic dispersal (mainly wind) and with restricted dispersal. Fragments lower than a certain threshold may be vulnerable to a cascade of species loss because of reduced recruitment, establishment and patch biomass as a result of natural senescence, finally breaking up facilitative plant interactions. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 935–947.  相似文献   

Process diagrams are important tools in biology for explaining processes such as protein synthesis, compound cycles and the like. The aim of the present study was to measure the ability to solve process-diagram problems in biology and its relationship with prior knowledge, spatial ability and working memory. For this purpose, we developed a test that represents process diagrams and adjacent tasks used in secondary education biology. Results show that the ability to solve process-diagram problems is correlated to prior knowledge, spatial abilities and visuospatial working memory capacity. A difference in impact of spatial skills was demonstrated for the level of cognitive demand when solving process-diagram problems.  相似文献   

Conjugated equine estrogen (CEE) is the most commonly prescribed estrogen therapy, and is the estrogen used in the Women's Health Initiative study. While in-vitro studies suggest that CEE is neuroprotective, no study has evaluated CEE's effects on a cognitive battery and brain immunohistochemistry in an animal model. The current experiment tested whether CEE impacted: I) spatial learning, reference memory, working memory and long-term retention, as well as ability to handle mnemonic delay and interference challenges; and, II) the cholinergic system, via pharmacological challenge during memory testing and ChAT-immunoreactive cell counts in the basal forebrain. Middle-aged ovariectomized (Ovx) rats received chronic cyclic injections of either Oil (vehicle), CEE-Low (10 μg), CEE-Medium (20 μg) or CEE-High (30 μg) treatment. Relative to the Oil group, all three CEE groups showed less overnight forgetting on the spatial reference memory task, and the CEE-High group had enhanced platform localization during the probe trial. All CEE groups exhibited enhanced learning on the spatial working memory task, and CEE dose-dependently protected against scopolamine-induced amnesia with every rat receiving the highest CEE dose maintaining zero errors after scopolamine challenge. CEE also increased number of ChAT-immunoreactive neurons in the vertical diagonal band of the basal forebrain. Neither the ability to remember after a delay nor interference, nor long-term retention, was influenced by the CEE regimen used in this study. These findings are similar to those reported previously for 17 β-estradiol, and suggest that CEE can provide cognitive benefits on spatial learning, reference and working memory, possibly through cholinergic mechanisms.  相似文献   

The development of spontaneous stationary vegetative patterns in an arid isotropic homogeneous environment is investigated by means of various weakly nonlinear stability analyses applied to the appropriate governing equation for this phenomenon. In particular, that process can be represented by a fourth-order partial differential time-evolution logistic equation for the total plant biomass per unit area divided by the carrying capacity of its territory and defined on an unbounded flat spatial domain. Those patterns that consist of parallel stripes, labyrinth-like mazes, rhombic arrays of rectangular patches, and hexagonal distributions of spots or gaps are generated by the balance between the effects of short-range facilitation and long-range competition. Then those theoretical predictions are compared with both relevant observational evidence and existing numerical simulations as well as placed in the context of the results from some recent nonlinear pattern formation studies.  相似文献   

The development of spontaneous stationary vegetative patterns in an arid isotropic homogeneous environment is investigated by means of various weakly nonlinear stability analyses applied to the appropriate governing equation for this phenomenon. In particular, that process can be represented by a fourth-order partial differential time-evolution logistic equation for the total plant biomass per unit area divided by the carrying capacity of its territory and defined on an unbounded flat spatial domain. Those patterns that consist of parallel stripes, labyrinth-like mazes, rhombic arrays of rectangular patches, and hexagonal distributions of spots or gaps are generated by the balance between the effects of short-range facilitation and long-range competition. Then those theoretical predictions are compared with both relevant observational evidence and existing numerical simulations as well as placed in the context of the results from some recent nonlinear pattern formation studies.  相似文献   

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