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Shifts in the psychometric function in the Free Operant Psychophysical Procedure (FOPP) have traditionally been explained by suggesting the pacemaker rate is proportional to the reinforcement rate (Behavioral Theory of Timing; BeT), or by direct associative competition between the two responses (Learning to Time; LeT). The application of these models assumes that the stimulus onset is the relevant time marker. Head-entries were reinforced in the second half of a stimulus (s1) and in the first half of a different stimulus (s2). During extinction, response times shifted earlier in s2 only, contrary to BeT. Competition between responses is an unlikely cause of the shift, contrary to LeT. We found a single-cycle correlation between the last food delivery and the time the rat stopped responding on s2. This correlation was also present in FOPP data. These results are consistent with the interpretation that the reinforcer, more than the stimulus onset, acted as the relevant time marker on this task.  相似文献   

Pollen viability is commonly assessed by fluorochromatic reaction (FCR) because of the high correlation between positive fluorescence of the pollen grains and their ability to germinate. One of the advantages of this method is its simplicity. An experiment to test FCR analysis for reproducibility, however, showed that results are affected by subjectivity. There is little consistency between analysts, and assessment by the same analyst may differ for the same pollen sample image examined at different times. These problems were solved by a computerized image analysis system that provides a method for classifying positive and negative fluorescent pollen and automatic counting of the grains in each class. The computerized image analysis system does not change the biochemistry of the FCR test, but avoids some experimental errors owing to the subjectivity of the analyst. Microscope images of the pollen after FCR were digitized and later analyzed by specially designed software, "Plant Meter." This software deletes the dark background of the image to isolate the grains, and subsequently counts positive and negative fluorescent pollen grains. An experiment was carried out to validate software output and it showed reliable results. Moreover, the software is user friendly and very little training is necessary for analysts to achieve reliable results.  相似文献   

When a population budget must be obtained from censuses based on replicated, sacrificed cultures, it is difficult to obtain estimates of transition probabilities and of the errors of such estimates, because there is no logical basis for pairing successive census counts. In a study of this nature estimating a population budget of immature stages of the housefly, the problem was solved by a randomization treatment of the original census results obtained at two densities. One hundred randomly generated census matrices over all census times for each density were smoothed to remove the effects of sampling error and a population budget constructed according to defined rules. Transition probabilities computed from the population budget were plotted on triangular coordinate paper and mean probabilities, 95% confidence regions for these means, and 95% equal frequency ellipses computed. All computations and the graphing of the results were carried out on a digital computer. The computer program, available from the authors, is written in FORTRAN IV and could be easily modified for similar studies.  相似文献   

Surveillance data for communicable nosocomial pathogens usually consist of short time series of low-numbered counts of infected patients. These often show overdispersion and autocorrelation. To date, almost all analyses of such data have ignored the communicable nature of the organisms and have used methods appropriate only for independent outcomes. Inferences that depend on such analyses cannot be considered reliable when patient-to-patient transmission is important. We propose a new method for analysing these data based on a mechanistic model of the epidemic process. Since important nosocomial pathogens are often carried asymptomatically with overt infection developing in only a proportion of patients, the epidemic process is usually only partially observed by routine surveillance data. We therefore develop a 'structured' hidden Markov model where the underlying Markov chain is generated by a simple transmission model. We apply both structured and standard (unstructured) hidden Markov models to time series for three important pathogens. We find that both methods can offer marked improvements over currently used approaches when nosocomial spread is important. Compared to the standard hidden Markov model, the new approach is more parsimonious, is more biologically plausible, and allows key epidemiological parameters to be estimated.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种磁铁控制高频心脏起搏频率的设计方法。这种起搏器的刺激频率可高达 4 92ppm ,而且脉冲输出频率可根据需要用磁铁从 2 31~ 4 92ppm加以调控。因为起搏器主要用于动物实验 ,所以起搏器的体积较小 ,只有 9mm× 36mm× 4 0mm ,重量也只有 2 0g左右 ,而使用寿命却在半年以上  相似文献   

This paper presents a Bayesian analysis of a time series of counts to assess its dependence on an explanatory variable. The time series represented is the incidence of the infectious disease ESBL-producing Klebsiella pneumoniae in an Australian hospital and the explanatory variable is the number of grams of antibiotic (third generation) cephalosporin used during that time. We demonstrate that there is a statistically significant relationship between disease occurrence and use of the antibiotic, lagged by three months. The model used is a parameter-driven model in the form of a generalized linear mixed model. Comparison of models is made in terms of mean square error.  相似文献   

Apical ballooning is a cardiac syndrome (Takotsubo Cardiomyopathy) described as a typical form of acute transient left ventricular dysfunction. While its onset has often been associated with emotionally or physically stressful situations, it has an overall favorable prognosis. We describe here a case of transient apical ballooning following permanent pacemaker implantation.  相似文献   

The categorical data set is an important data class in experimental biology and contains data separable into several mutually exclusive categories. Unlike measurement of a continuous variable, categorical data cannot be analyzed with methods such as the Student's t-test. Thus, these data require a different method of analysis to aid in interpretation. In this article, we will review issues related to categorical data, such as how to plot them in a graph, how to integrate results from different experiments, how to calculate the error bar/region, and how to perform significance tests. In addition, we illustrate analysis of categorical data using experimental results from developmental biology and virology studies.  相似文献   

The certainty of judgment (or self-confidence) has been traditionally studied in relation with the accuracy. However, from an observer''s viewpoint, certainty may be more closely related to the consistency of judgment than to its accuracy: consistent judgments are objectively certain in the sense that any external observer can rely on these judgments to happen. The regions of certain vs. uncertain judgment were determined in a categorical rating experiment. The participants rated the size of visual objects on a 5-point scale. There was no feedback so that there were no constraints of accuracy. Individual data was examined, and the ratings were characterized by their frequency distributions (or categories). The main result was that the individual categories always presented a core of certainty where judgment was totally consistent, and large peripheries where judgment was inconsistent. In addition, the geometry of cores and boundaries exhibited several phenomena compatible with the literature on visual categorical judgment. The ubiquitous presence of cores in absence of accuracy constraints provided insights about objective certainty that may complement the literature on subjective certainty (self-confidence) and the accuracy of judgment.  相似文献   

Structural and functional substrates of orientation processing in monkeys have been clarified. However, orientation perception in monkeys has not been fully studied. In this study, the cognitive mechanism that controls monkeys' perception of orientation was evaluated. After the monkeys were trained to discriminate between a cardinal and an oblique orientation (e.g., 0 degrees and 30 degrees), their perceptual mechanisms underlying orientation discrimination were tested by using six orientations, ranging from 0 degrees to 150 degrees, including ones used in the discrimination training. Generalization tests showed that the monkeys who were trained with cardinal orientations (e.g., 0 degrees) as positive stimuli generalized their responses to the other cardinal orientation (e.g., 90 degrees). Similarly, the monkeys who were trained with oblique orientations (e.g., 30 degrees) as positive stimuli generalized their responses to all other oblique orientations (e.g., 60 degrees, 120 degrees, and 150 degrees). These findings indicated that the monkeys abstracted the quality of the cardinal/oblique category from the physical features of orientation stimuli although they were not trained to do so. Such an abstraction also suggested a discrepancy between a continuously and orderly arranged cortical map and a discontinuously categorized perception of orientation. The present findings provide insight into the learning-correlated plasticity of cortical orientation preference.  相似文献   

We investigate the effect of spatial categories on visual perception. In three experiments, participants made same/different judgments on pairs of simultaneously presented dot-cross configurations. For different trials, the position of the dot within each cross could differ with respect to either categorical spatial relations (the dots occupied different quadrants) or coordinate spatial relations (the dots occupied different positions within the same quadrant). The dot-cross configurations also varied in how readily the dot position could be lexicalized. In harder-to-name trials, crosses formed a “+” shape such that each quadrant was associated with two discrete lexicalized spatial categories (e.g., “above” and “left”). In easier-to-name trials, both crosses were rotated 45° to form an “×” shape such that quadrants were unambiguously associated with a single lexicalized spatial category (e.g., “above” or “left”). In Experiment 1, participants were more accurate when discriminating categorical information between easier-to-name categories and more accurate at discriminating coordinate spatial information within harder-to-name categories. Subsequent experiments attempted to down-regulate or up-regulate the involvement of language in task performance. Results from Experiment 2 (verbal interference) and Experiment 3 (verbal training) suggest that the observed spatial relation type-by-nameability interaction is resistant to online language manipulations previously shown to affect color and object-based perceptual processing. The results across all three experiments suggest that robust biases in the visual perception of spatial relations correlate with patterns of lexicalization, but do not appear to be modulated by language online.  相似文献   

In studies of the formation of artificial concepts, it was discovered that examples expressing the central tendency of a concept were learned by heart much more rapidly and more simply than others. This phenomenon, which was dubbed "the phenomenon of typicality," subsequently became a frequent object of attention of investigators of memory, particularly of those working on problems of the organization of knowledge. The effects of typicality in processes of verification of categorical relations have been the most frequently studied.  相似文献   


An algorithm for model selection in discrimination with categorical variables is presented. It is based on four models applied hierarchically and linked with a build-up procedure of feature-selection. The choice of models and features is ensured by a consequent cross-validation. Results of an application in medical diagnostics are described.  相似文献   

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