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Four pigeons were previously trained [Lazareva, O.F., Freiburger, K.L., Wasserman, E.A., 2004. Pigeons concurrently categorize photographs at both basic and superordinate levels. Psychon. Bull. Rev. 11, 1111-1117] to classify color photographs into either their proper basic-level category (cars, chairs, flowers, or people) or a superordinate-level category (nominally natural or artificial). In Experiment 1, the same pigeons were shown either reflected or inverted versions of the training stimuli. Reflection had no effect on pigeons' classification behavior, whereas inversion impaired discrimination of all stimulus categories, except flowers, on the basic-level and superordinate-level tasks. Pixel matching analysis revealed that pattern matching played at most a minor role in the birds' categorization behavior. In Experiment 2, the pigeons were shown test stimuli that were either blurred or quartered and scrambled. Blurring impaired discrimination of cars, but had no effect on discrimination of people and flowers; scrambling impaired discrimination of people and flowers leaving discrimination of cars and chairs unaffected. These results suggest that categorization of flowers and people may be controlled primarily by the overall shape of the object rather than by local features, whereas categorization of cars and chairs may rely primarily on local features rather than the overall shape of the object.  相似文献   



Since the pioneering study by Rosch and colleagues in the 70s, it is commonly agreed that basic level perceptual categories (dog, chair…) are accessed faster than superordinate ones (animal, furniture…). Nevertheless, the speed at which objects presented in natural images can be processed in a rapid go/no-go visual superordinate categorization task has challenged this “basic level advantage”.

Principal Findings

Using the same task, we compared human processing speed when categorizing natural scenes as containing either an animal (superordinate level), or a specific animal (bird or dog, basic level). Human subjects require an additional 40–65 ms to decide whether an animal is a bird or a dog and most errors are induced by non-target animals. Indeed, processing time is tightly linked with the type of non-targets objects. Without any exemplar of the same superordinate category to ignore, the basic level category is accessed as fast as the superordinate category, whereas the presence of animal non-targets induces both an increase in reaction time and a decrease in accuracy.

Conclusions and Significance

These results support the parallel distributed processing theory (PDP) and might reconciliate controversial studies recently published. The visual system can quickly access a coarse/abstract visual representation that allows fast decision for superordinate categorization of objects but additional time-consuming visual analysis would be necessary for a decision at the basic level based on more detailed representations.  相似文献   

Categorization and categorical perception have been extensively studied, mainly in vision and audition. In the haptic domain, our ability to categorize objects has also been demonstrated in earlier studies. Here we show for the first time that categorical perception also occurs in haptic shape perception. We generated a continuum of complex shapes by morphing between two volumetric objects. Using similarity ratings and multidimensional scaling we ensured that participants could haptically discriminate all objects equally. Next, we performed classification and discrimination tasks. After a short training with the two shape categories, both tasks revealed categorical perception effects. Training leads to between-category expansion resulting in higher discriminability of physical differences between pairs of stimuli straddling the category boundary. Thus, even brief training can alter haptic representations of shape. This suggests that the weights attached to various haptic shape features can be changed dynamically in response to top-down information about class membership.  相似文献   

It is widely agreed that in object categorization bottom-up and top-down influences interact. How top-down processes affect categorization has been primarily investigated in isolation, with only one higher level process at a time being manipulated. Here, we investigate the combination of different top-down influences (by varying the level of category, the animacy and the background of the object) and their effect on rapid object categorization. Subjects participated in a two-alternative forced choice rapid categorization task, while we measured accuracy and reaction times. Subjects had to categorize objects on the superordinate, basic or subordinate level. Objects belonged to the category animal or vehicle and each object was presented on a gray, congruent (upright) or incongruent (inverted) background. The results show that each top-down manipulation impacts object categorization and that they interact strongly. The best categorization was achieved on the superordinate level, providing no advantage for basic level in rapid categorization. Categorization between vehicles was faster than between animals on the basic level and vice versa on the subordinate level. Objects in homogenous gray background (context) yielded better overall performance than objects embedded in complex scenes, an effect most prominent on the subordinate level. An inverted background had no negative effect on object categorization compared to upright scenes. These results show how different top-down manipulations, such as category level, category type and background information, are related. We discuss the implications of top-down interactions on the interpretation of categorization results.  相似文献   

Theoretical accounts as well as behavioral studies reporting animacy effects offer inconsistent and sometimes contradictory results. A possible explanation for these inconsistencies may be inadvertent biases in the stimuli selected for test – with category-specific effects driven by characteristics of test stimuli other than animacy per se. In this study, we pit animacy against feature structure (intra-item variability), in a picture-word matching task. For unimpaired adults, regardless of whether objects were from animate (mammals; insects) or inanimate (clothes; musical instruments) superordinate categories, participants were faster to match basic level labels with objects from categories with low intra-item variability (mammals; clothes) than from categories with high intra-item variability (insects; instruments). Thus, pitting animacy against variability allowed us to clarify that observable differences in processing speed between animals and instruments are systematically driven by the intra-item variability of the superordinate categories, and not by animacy itself.  相似文献   

Plasticity is often thought to accelerate trait evolution and speciation. For example, plasticity in birdsong may partially explain why clades of song learners are more diverse than related clades with innate song. This “song learning” hypothesis predicts that (1) differences in song traits evolve faster in song learners, and (2) behavioral discrimination against allopatric song (a proxy for premating reproductive isolation) evolves faster in song learners. We tested these predictions by analyzing acoustic traits and conducting playback experiments in allopatric Central American sister pairs of song learning oscines (N = 42) and nonlearning suboscines (N = 27). We found that nonlearners evolved mean acoustic differences slightly faster than did leaners, and that the mean evolutionary rate of song discrimination was 4.3 times faster in nonlearners than in learners. These unexpected results may be a consequence of significantly greater variability in song traits in song learners (by 54–79%) that requires song‐learning oscines to evolve greater absolute differences in song before achieving the same level of behavioral song discrimination as nonlearning suboscines. This points to “a downside of learning” for the evolution of species discrimination, and represents an important example of plasticity reducing the rate of evolution and diversification by increasing variability.  相似文献   

Researchers trained 24 black-capped (Poecile atricapillus) and 12 mountain (P. gambeli) chickadees in an operant conditioning task to determine if they use open-ended categorization to classify "chick-a-dee" calls, and whether black-capped chickadees that had experience with mountain chick-a-dee calls (sympatric group) would perform this task differently than inexperienced black-capped chickadees (allopatric group). All experimental birds learned to discriminate between species' call categories faster than within a category (Experiment 1), and subsequently classified novel and original between-category chick-a-dee calls in Experiments 2 and 3 following a change in the category contingency. These results suggest that regardless of previous experience, black-capped and mountain chickadees classify their own and the other species' calls into two distinct, yet open-ended, species-level categories.  相似文献   

The human visual system imposes discrete perceptual categories on the continuous input space that is represented by the ratios of excitations of the cones in the retina. Is discrimination enhanced at the boundaries between perceptual hues, in the way that discrimination may be enhanced at the boundaries between speech sounds in hearing? In the chromaticity diagram, the locus of unique green separates colours that appear yellowish from those that appear bluish. Using a two-alternative spatial forced choice and an adapting field equivalent to the Daylight Illuminant D65, we measured chromatic discrimination along lines orthogonal to the locus of unique green. In experimental runs interleaved with these performance measurements, we obtained estimates of the phenomenological boundary from the same observers. No enhancement of objectively measured discrimination was observed at the category boundary between yellowish and bluish hues. Instead, thresholds were minimal at chromaticities where the ratio of long-wave to middle-wave cone excitation was the same as that for the background adapting field.  相似文献   

Photographs, especially of humans, are widely used as stimuli in behavioural research with pigeons. Despite their abundant use, it is not clear to what extent pigeons perceive photographs as representing three-dimensional objects. To address this question, we trained 16 pigeons to identify individual, real-life humans. This discrimination depended primarily on visual cues from the heads of the persons. Subsequently, the pigeons were shown photographs of these individuals to test for transfer to a two-dimensional representation. Successful identification of a three-dimensional person did not facilitate learning of the corresponding photographs. These results demonstrate limitations of cross-recognition of complex objects and their photographs in pigeons.  相似文献   

Humans and animals readily generalize previously learned knowledge to new situations. Determining similarity is critical for assigning category membership to a novel stimulus. We tested the hypothesis that category membership is initially encoded by the similarity of the activity pattern evoked by a novel stimulus to the patterns from known categories. We provide behavioral and neurophysiological evidence that activity patterns in primary auditory cortex contain sufficient information to explain behavioral categorization of novel speech sounds by rats. Our results suggest that category membership might be encoded by the similarity of the activity pattern evoked by a novel speech sound to the patterns evoked by known sounds. Categorization based on featureless pattern matching may represent a general neural mechanism for ensuring accurate generalization across sensory and cognitive systems.  相似文献   

A set of computerized tasks was used to investigate sex differences in the speed and accuracy of emotion recognition in 62 men and women of reproductive age. Evolutionary theories have posited that female superiority in the perception of emotion might arise from women's near-universal responsibility for child-rearing. Two variants of the child-rearing hypothesis predict either across-the-board female superiority in the discrimination of emotional expressions (“attachment promotion” hypothesis) or a female superiority that is restricted to expressions of negative emotion (“fitness threat” hypothesis). Therefore, we sought to evaluate whether the expression of the sex difference is influenced by the valence of the emotional signal (Positive or Negative). The results showed that women were faster than men at recognizing both positive and negative emotions from facial cues, supporting the attachment promotion hypothesis. Support for the fitness threat hypothesis also was found, in that the sex difference was accentuated for negative emotions. There was no evidence that the female superiority was learned through previous childcare experience or that it was derived from a sex difference in simple perceptual speed. The results suggest that evolved mechanisms, not domain-general learning, underlie the sex difference in recognition of facial emotions.  相似文献   

Four male Long-Evans rats were trained to discriminate between synthetic vowel sounds using a GO/NOGO response choice task. The vowels were characterized by an increase in fundamental frequency correlated with an upward shift in formant frequencies. In an initial phase we trained the subjects to discriminate between two vowel categories using two exemplars from each category. In a subsequent phase the ability of the rats to generalize the discrimination between the two categories was tested. To test whether rats might exploit the fact that attributes of training stimuli covaried, we used non-standard stimuli with a reversed relation between fundamental frequency and formants. The overall results demonstrate that rats are able to generalize the discrimination to new instances of the same vowels. We present evidence that the performance of the subjects depended on the relation between fundamental and formant frequencies that they had previously been exposed to. Simple simulation results with artificial neural networks could reproduce most of the behavioral results and support the hypothesis that equivalence classes for vowels are associated with an experience-driven process based on general properties of peripheral auditory coding mixed with elementary learning mechanisms. These results suggest that rats use spectral and temporal cues similarly to humans despite differences in basic auditory capabilities.  相似文献   

Categorization is a fundamental cognitive function that organizes our experiences into meaningful “chunks.” This category knowledge can then be generalized to novel stimuli and situations. Multiple clinical populations, including people with Parkinson's disease, amnesia, autism, ADHD and schizophrenia, have impairments in the acquisition and use of categories. Although rodent research is well suited for examining the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive functions, many rodent cognitive tasks have limited translational value. To bridge this gap, we use touchscreens to permit greater flexibility in stimulus presentation and task design, track key dependent measures, and minimize experimenter involvement. Touchscreens offer a valuable tool for creating rodent cognitive tasks that are directly comparable to tasks used with humans. Touchscreen tasks are also readily used with cutting-edge neuroscientific methods that are difficult to do in humans such as optogenetics, chemogenetics, neurophysiology and calcium imaging (using miniscopes). In this review, we show advantages of touchscreen-based tasks for studying category learning in rats. We also address multiple factors for consideration when designing category learning tasks, including the limitations of the rodent visual system, experimental design, and analysis strategies.  相似文献   

This study examined time‐of‐day associative learning to either spatial or feature information in homing pigeons in an open‐field, laboratory setting. Homing pigeons are well known for their navigational abilities and generally have been shown to rely more heavily on spatial than nonspatial cues in recognizing a goal. However, during goal localization, homing pigeons also successfully use nonspatial, feature information. Homing pigeons were divided into two groups and were trained to locate two time‐of‐day dependent, food reward sites using either discriminative spatial or feature information. Because of the importance of the hippocampus in controlling avian memory, we hypothesized that homing pigeons trained with spatial cues would be superior in learning the time‐of‐day discrimination compared to the pigeons trained with feature cues. Indeed, homing pigeons that were trained with spatial information outperformed the pigeons trained with feature information in learning the time‐of‐day discrimination task.  相似文献   

The validity of the species category (rank) as a distinct level of biological organization has been questioned. Phenetic, cohesion and monophyletic species concepts do not delimit species-level taxa that are qualitatively distinct from lower or higher taxa: all organisms throughout the tree of life exhibit varying degrees of similarity, cohesion, and monophyly. In contrast, interbreeding concepts delimit species-level taxa characterized by a phenomenon (regular gene flow) not found in higher taxa, making the species category a distinct level of biological organization. Only interbreeding concepts delimit species-level taxa that are all comparable according to a biologically meaningful criterion and qualitatively distinct from entities assigned to other taxonomic categories. Consistent application of interbreeding concepts can result in counterintuitive taxonomies--e.g. many wide polytypic species in plants and narrow cryptic species in animals. However, far from being problematic, such differences are biologically illuminating--reflecting differing barriers to gene flow in different clades. Empirical problems with interbreeding concepts exist, but many of these also apply to other species concepts, whereas others are not as severe as some have argued. A monistic view of species using interbreeding concepts will encounter strong historical inertia, but can save the species category from redundancy with other categories, and thus justify continued recognition of the species category.  相似文献   

The cognitive and neural mechanisms for recognizing and categorizing behavior are not well understood in non-human animals. In the current experiments, pigeons and humans learned to categorize two non-repeating, complex human behaviors (“martial arts” vs. “Indian dance”). Using multiple video exemplars of a digital human model, pigeons discriminated these behaviors in a go/no-go task and humans in a choice task. Experiment 1 found that pigeons already experienced with discriminating the locomotive actions of digital animals acquired the discrimination more rapidly when action information was available than when only pose information was available. Experiments 2 and 3 found this same dynamic superiority effect with naïve pigeons and human participants. Both species used the same combination of immediately available static pose information and more slowly perceived dynamic action cues to discriminate the behavioral categories. Theories based on generalized visual mechanisms, as opposed to embodied, species-specific action networks, offer a parsimonious account of how these different animals recognize behavior across and within species.  相似文献   

基于特征属性的中国自然保护区分类体系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于114个自然保护区典型样本的特征属性,采用聚类分析方法建立了新的中国自然保护区分类体系.结果表明:与现行的国家分类标准相比,新的分类体系更具简明性和实用性;同时,新体系中的C1、C2、C3、C4类型分别与世界自然保护联盟(IUCN)分类体系中的Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅳ、Ⅴ类保护区相对应.新体系保持了分类标准和尺度的一致性,一定程度上避免了主观分类的偏差,为中国自然保护区的分类提供了量化依据.  相似文献   

Using a simultaneous discrimination procedure it was shown that pigeons were capable of learning to discriminate 100 different black and white visual patterns from a further 625 similar stimuli, where responses to the former were rewarded and responses to the latter were not rewarded. Tests in which novel stimuli replaced either the rewarded or nonrewarded stimuli showed that the pigeons had not only learned about the 100 positive stimuli but also about the 625 negative stimuli. The fact that novel stimuli enhanced discrimination performance when they replaced the many negative stimuli indicated that the pigeons had categorized the stimuli into two classes, familiar and less familiar. Long-term retention was examined after a 6-month interval. To begin with it seemed poor but a recognition test performed after the subjects had been retrained with a subset of the stimuli after an interval of 7 months confirmed that pigeons are capable of retaining in memory several 100 visual items over an extended period. It is proposed that the initial retrieval weakness was due to a forgetting of the contingencies between stimulus categories and response outcomes. Further tests involving variously modified stimuli indicated that while stimulus size variations had a negative effect on performance, orientation changes did not interfere with recognition, supporting the view that small visual stimuli are memorized by pigeons largely free of orientation labels. The experiment generally confirms that pigeons have the capacity of storing information about a large number of visual stimuli over long periods of time.  相似文献   

Recent evidence indicates that pigeons can readily learn visual discriminations based on both absolute and relational stimulus factors. To examine how these two types of control function in their non-dominant auditory modality, we tested four pigeons in a go/no-go sequential auditory discrimination in which both absolute and relational cues were redundantly available. In this task, sequences of different sounds created from one set of pitches were reinforced, while different sequences created from another set of pitches and any same sequences made from either set of pitches were not. Across three experiments, we independently varied the relative discriminability of the absolute and relational components. The pigeons were consistently and primarily controlled by the absolute fundamental pitch of our notes in all of the experiments, although this was influenced by the range and arrangement of the pitches used in each set. A majority of the pigeons also demonstrated relational control when this component was made more salient. The more robust control exhibited by absolute factors is consistent with the comparative hypothesis that birds in general may have a well-developed aptitude for processing absolute pitch in many auditory settings. The relational control is consistent with our recent evidence of same/different auditory learning by pigeons.  相似文献   

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