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Adult undergraduate men (n=38) and women (n=33) were categorized as erotica "users" (n=34) and "non-users" (n=37) based on their responses to screening questions and completed computerized delay and probability discounting tasks concerning hypothetical money and erotica. Erotica users discounted the value of erotica similarly to money on three of the four erotica tasks; erotica non-users discounted the value of money consistent with erotica users, but not the value of erotica. Erotica users were disproportionately male, scored higher on several psychometric measures of sexuality-related constructs, and exhibited more impulsive choice patterns on the delay discounting for money task than erotica non-users did. These findings suggest that discounting processes generalize to erotic outcomes for some individuals.  相似文献   

Several variants in the methods used to estimate delay discounting (DD) have been associated with within-subject differences in degree of DD. This study compared variants in the order of presentation of reward and delay values during assessment of DD of hypothetical cash. Participants were randomly assigned to one of two groups. For one group, the immediate reward values were presented in Ascending order and for the other, they were presented in Descending order. In addition, all participants completed a DD task with the reward values presented in a Random order. Degree of DD, calculated as area under the curve (AUC), was similar between the Ascending and Descending procedures, and was significantly higher with the Random procedure. Within-subjects AUC were positively correlated. Reaction times within choice trials changed systematically as a function of order of presentation of the immediate rewards, and distance to the indifference point within each delay value. Reaction times appear to parallel the effort involved in making the individual choices. Some procedural variants in the assessment of DD yield differences in behavior during the assessment task that affect the magnitude of the estimated delay discounting. Thus, the absolute magnitude of DD may not be directly comparable between methods.  相似文献   

Procedural variants in estimating delay discounting (DD) have been shown to yield significant within-subject differences in estimated degree of delay discounting as well as variations in the patterns of choice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of subject control over the number of trials in a delay discounting task, on degree of delay discounting. Participants were assessed with two computerized DD assessments: the full-length method presented participants with a fixed set of 240 trials, and the abbreviated task, where once participants had shown indifference between the immediate and delayed rewards, the remaining trials for that delay value were omitted. While the full-length and abbreviated methods did not differentially affect patterns of choice or estimated delay discounting, the order of presentation (ascending or descending) of immediate rewards produced differences in each measure: rate of delay discounting was significantly lower when estimated with the descending sequence; a larger proportion of area under the discounting curve was concentrated around the indifference point trial with the descending sequence; and a lower correlation was observed between estimates obtained across methods with the descending sequence.  相似文献   

Although the extensive lines of research on delay and/or probability discounting have greatly expanded our understanding of human decision-making processes, the relation between these two phenomena remains unclear. For example, some studies have reported robust associations between delay and probability discounting, whereas others have failed to demonstrate a consistent relation between the two. The current study sought to clarify this relation by examining the relation between delay and probability discounting in a large sample of internet users (n = 904) using the Amazon Mechanical Turk (AMT) crowdsourcing service. Because AMT is a novel data collection platform, the findings were validated through the replication of a number of previously established relations (e.g., relations between delay discounting and cigarette smoking status). A small but highly significant positive correlation between delay and probability discounting rates was obtained, and principal component analysis suggested that two (rather than one) components were preferable to account for the variance in both delay and probability discounting. Taken together, these findings suggest that delay and probability discounting may be related, but are not manifestations of a single construct (e.g., impulsivity).  相似文献   

Previously, we (McKerchar et al., 2009) showed that two-parameter hyperboloid models ( [Green and Myerson, 2004] and [Rachlin, 2006]) provide significantly better fits to delay discounting data than simple, one-parameter hyperbolic and exponential models. Here, we extend this effort by comparing fits of the two-parameter hyperboloid models to data from a larger sample of participants (N = 171) who discounted probabilistic as well as delayed rewards. In particular, we examined the effects of amount on the exponents in the two hyperboloid models of delay and probability discounting in order to evaluate key theoretical predictions of the standard psychophysical scaling interpretation of these exponents. Both the Rachlin model and the Green and Myerson model provided very good fits to delay and probability discounting of both small and large amounts at both the group and individual levels (all R2s > .97 at the group level; all median R2s > .92 at the individual level). For delay discounting, the exponent in both models did not vary as a function of delayed amount, consistent with the psychophysical scaling interpretation. For probability discounting, however, the exponent in both models increased as the probabilistic amount increased—a finding inconsistent with the scaling interpretation.  相似文献   

This study describes delay and probability discounting patterns for hypothetical food and money in relation to percent body fat (PBF). Sixty university students completed four computerized discounting tasks in which they were asked to make a series of hypothetical decisions between (a) 10 dollars after one of several different delays (1, 2, 30, 180, and 365 days) or a smaller amount of money available immediately; (b) 10 bites of food after one of several delays (1, 2, 5, 10, and 20 h) or a smaller number of bites available immediately; (c) $10 at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller amount of money to be received for sure; and (d) 10 bites of food at one of several probabilities (0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25, 0.1) or a smaller number of bites to be received for sure. Median indifference points for all participants across each task were well described using the hyperbolic discounting function. Results suggest that percent body fat predicted discounting for hypothetical food, but not money, using regression analyses with the entire sample and when comparing individuals in the high and low quartiles for PBF. None of the other dietary variables (body mass index, subjective hunger, and time since last meal or snack) were related to discounting patterns. This suggests that individuals with high PBF may exhibit heightened sensitivities to delay and probability when making decisions about food.  相似文献   

Procedural variants in estimating delay discounting (DD) have been shown to yield significant differences in estimated degree of DD as well as variations in individual patterns of choice. For example, a recent study found significantly different degrees of DD between groups assessed using either an ascending or descending order of presentation of the immediately available rewards. The purpose of this study was to test for within-subject effects of order of presentation of the immediate rewards in a DD task. In a single session, college students (N = 29) were asked to complete two DD tasks, one with the immediate rewards presented in ascending order and one in descending order. Consistent with previous results, significantly larger mean area under the discounting curve (AUC) was observed when the descending sequence was used compared to the ascending order of presentation; and the correlation between both measurements was moderate. These results suggest that some DD assessment tasks may be sensitive to contextual variables such as order and range of the reward and delay values.  相似文献   

The value of a reinforcer decreases as the time until its receipt increases, a phenomenon referred to as delay discounting. Although delay discounting of non-drug reinforcers has been studied extensively in a number of species, our knowledge of discounting in non-human primates is limited. In the present study, rhesus monkeys were allowed to choose in discrete trials between 0.05% saccharin delivered in different amounts and with different delays. Indifference points were calculated and discounting functions were established. Discounting functions for saccharin were well described by a hyperbolic function. Moreover, the discounting rates for saccharin in all six monkeys were comparable to those of other non-human animals responding for non-drug reinforcers. Also consistent with other studies of non-human animals, changing the amount of a saccharin reinforcer available after a 10-s delay did not affect its relative subjective value. Discounting functions for saccharin were steeper than we found in a previous study with cocaine, raising the possibility that drugs such as cocaine may be discounted less steeply than non-drug reinforcers.  相似文献   

Strain differences in delay discounting using inbred rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A heightened aversion to delayed rewards is associated with substance abuse and numerous other neuropsychiatric disorders. Many of these disorders are heritable, raising the possibility that delay aversion may also have a significant genetic or heritable component. To examine this possibility, we compared delay discounting in six inbred strains of rats (Brown Norway, Copenhagen, Lewis, Fischer, Noble and Wistar Furth) using the adjusting amount procedure, which provides a measure of the subjective value of delayed rewards. The subjective value of rewards decreased as the delay to receipt increased for all strains. However, a main effect of strain and a strain × delay interaction indicated that some strains were more sensitive to the imposition of delays than others. Fitting a hyperbolic discount equation showed significant strain differences in sensitivity to delay ( k ). These data indicate that there are significant strain differences in delay discounting. All strains strongly preferred the 10% sucrose solution (the reinforcer in the delay discounting task) over water and the amount of sucrose consumed was correlated with sensitivity to delay. Locomotor activity was not correlated with delay discounting behavior. Additional research will be required to disentangle genetic influences from maternal effects and to determine how these factors influence the underlying association between heightened delay discounting and neuropsychiatric disorders.  相似文献   

This study examined the contribution of response bias to measures of delay discounting in Long-Evans rats (n = 8) using the adjusting amount procedure. Under this procedure, we assessed preference for 150 μl of 10% sucrose solution delivered following a delay over a variable-amount alternative delivered immediately. Bias was calculated based on relative preference when reinforcers were delivered immediately from both alternatives. We extended this assessment procedure to examine preference when rewards from both alternatives were equally delayed (2, 4, 8, or 16 s) in addition to assessing a traditional delay discounting function. Relative preference was similar across delays and slightly larger than 150 μl. These results indicate that response bias was stable and suggests a relative aversion for the adjusting alternative, which may be due to the variability in reward size associated with that alternative.  相似文献   

Delay discounting describes the decline in the value of a reinforcer as the delay to that reinforcer increases. A review of the available studies revealed that steep delay discounting is positively correlated with problem or pathological gambling. One hypothesis regarding this correlation derives from the discounting equation proposed by Mazur (1989). According to the equation, steeper discounting renders the difference between fixed-delayed rewards and gambling-like variable-delayed rewards larger; with the latter being more valuable. The present study was designed to test this prediction by first assessing rats’ impulsive choices across four delays to a larger-later reinforcer. A second condition quantified strength of preference for mixed- over fixed-delays, with the duration of the latter adjusted between sessions to achieve indifference. Strength of preference for the mixed-delay alternative is given by the fixed delay at indifference (lower fixed-delay values reflect stronger preferences). Percent impulsive choice was not correlated with the value of the fixed delay at indifference and, therefore, the prediction of the hyperbolic model of gambling was not supported. A follow-up assessment revealed a significant decrease in impulsive choice after the second condition. This shift in impulsive choice could underlie the failure to observe the predicted correlation between impulsive choice and degree of preference for mixed- over fixed delays.  相似文献   

Delay discounting is steeper for individuals who drink heavily or are alcohol dependent, but the reasons for this are unclear. Given the substantial genetic component for alcohol dependence it is not unreasonable to ask whether discounting and alcohol dependence have a genetic relationship. For there to be a genetic relationship, delay discounting must have a genetic component (heritability). A review of the human and animal literature suggests that this is the case. Other literature examining whether discounting is a correlated phenotype in individuals who are genetically predisposed to drink (family history positive individuals and selected lines of rats and mice) is mixed, suggesting that networks of genes are critical for the relationship to be seen. The identities of the genes in this network are not yet known, but research examining polymorphisms associated with differences in discounting is beginning to address this issue.  相似文献   

Different procedures are often used across experiments to estimate the degree of delay discounting, a common measure of impulsivity. In all procedures, participants indicate their choice between a reward available immediately and one available after a delay. The present experiment determined whether there are differences in the degree of discounting for a hypothetical $100 produced by a procedure that titrates the immediate amount (titrating sequence procedure) versus a procedure that presents a fixed sequence of immediate amounts (fixed sequence procedure) using a within-subject design. The adult human participants showed no significant differences in degree of discounting between procedures as assessed by a hyperboloid model and the Area Under the Curve. Furthermore, the Area Under the Curve values from the two procedures showed a strong positive correlation. These findings suggest there may be no systematic difference between the degree of delay discounting as estimated by the titrating sequence and fixed sequence procedures. Given the apparent similarities in the results, it appears researchers may be justified in basing their choice of which procedure to use on convenience.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical linkages of adult women's sexual interest and sexual behaviors are relatively well-established, but few data address similar issues in adolescent women. This paper reviews data from published reports of associations of adolescent women's sexual interest and various sexual behaviors. All of the papers reported data collected from a single longitudinal cohort of young women. The primary source of data collection was daily diaries, allowing close temporal pairing of sexual interest with sexual behaviors. Young women's sexual interest on a given day was consistently and independently associated with sexual activity on that day, whether the behavior was first lifetime coitus, coitus, fellatio, cunnilingus, anal intercourse, or coitus during menses. We also found no evidence of influence of hormonal contraceptives on young women's sexual interest. Taken together, these data demonstrate the relevance of sexual interest as a key factor in young women's sexuality and sexual behavior.  相似文献   

Research has generally demonstrated that the discounting of delayed rewards is associated with severity of addictive behaviour. Less clear, however, is the relative strength of the relation for specific addictive behaviours. University students (N = 218) completed a computerized delay discounting task for hypothetical monetary rewards, and gambling, cannabis, and alcohol problem severity was assessed. A multiple regression analysis revealed that while the overall model was significant, only gambling problem severity accounted for delay discounting scores above and beyond cannabis and alcohol problem severity. The results support the hypothesis that delay discounting of hypothetical monetary rewards is more associated with gambling than other addictive behaviour problems, including substance use problems.  相似文献   

Sexual arousal is a construct without a widely shared definition. Historically, sexual arousal has usually referred to a central physiological state, but there has been much less agreement on its relation to motivation, emotion, and - for males - penile erection and ejaculation. Many behavioral and physiological measures have been used as operational definitions of sexual arousal, but the relation of the measure to arousal is often assumed rather than tested. For men, penile erection in the presence of erotic stimuli has been considered the most reliable and valid indicator of sexual arousal. The adoption of analogous criteria is recommended for research on other male mammals in order to establish a minimal basis for inferring that they are sexually aroused. That is, sexual arousal should be inferred only when penile erection is observed in a sexual context. A sexual context is provisionally defined as an environment that tends in most reproductively active males of the species to provoke further sexual stimulation, e.g., copulation or self-stimulation to ejaculation. Erection occurring outside of a sexual context, as during REM sleep or from injection of drugs, is not grounds for inferring arousal. Conversely, males engaging in behavior directed toward estrous females may be sexually motivated, but in the absence of erection, the males should not be assumed to be sexually aroused. Implications of other erection-context interactions are also considered. Adoption of these more conservative criteria for inferring sexual arousal may promote greater precision in identifying the physiological systems mediating this hypothetical construct.  相似文献   

The subjective value of a reward (gain) is related to factors such as its size, the delay to its receipt and the probability of its receipt. We examined whether the subjective value of losses was similarly affected by these factors in 128 adults. Participants chose between immediate/certain gains or losses and larger delayed/probabilistic gains or losses. Rewards of $100 were devalued as a function of their delay (“discounted”) relatively less than $10 gains while probabilistic $100 rewards were discounted relatively more than $10 rewards. However, there was no effect of outcome size on discounting of delayed or probabilistic losses. For delayed outcomes of each size, the degree to which gains were discounted was positively correlated with the degree to which losses were discounted, whereas for probabilistic outcomes, no such correlation was observed. These results suggest that the processes underlying the subjective valuation of losses are different from those underlying the subjective valuation of gains.  相似文献   

Organisms prefer to make their own choices. However, emerging research from behavioral decision making sciences has demonstrated that there are boundaries to the preference for choice. Specifically, many decision makers find an extensive array of choice options to be aversive, often leading to negative emotional states and poor behavioral outcomes. This study examined the degree to which human participants discounted hypothetical rewards that were (a) delayed, (b) probabilistic, and (c) chosen from a large array of options. The present results suggest that the "paradox of choice" effect may be explained within a discounting model for individual patterns of decision making.  相似文献   

有很多观点解释了动物自我理毛的作用。例如,动物通过自我理毛可以清除在与附近的同种异性接触期间传播来的寄生虫,当嗅出同种异性的气味时也可能自我理毛,因为自我理毛是一种动物在逃避还是战斗之间所面临的进退两难选择时表现出来的改向行为。动物可以通过自我理毛缓解紧张,因而是一种缓解冲动的方式。在其它情况下,动物自我理毛可能表示对同种个体的反应,它们在不同场合下普遍存在自我理毛行为,表明这种行为有多种功能。因此,在这篇综述中,作者尽量避免自我理毛具有其它功能的争议,我们无意把自我理毛看成一种仅仅是对焦虑和紧张的反应、降低体温的机制,或者是一种护理体表的行为,我们也感到这种观点没有新意,这种有局限性的观点不支持自我理毛行为具有多种功能。我们在本文中更多关注的是自我理毛的特定背景,即当一个个体遇到同种个体的气味而出现的自我理毛行为[动物学报5l(5):772-779,2005]。  相似文献   

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