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Isolation of bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutator mutants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
More than 20 new bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase mutants have been isolated by a procedure designed to select mutants with high spontaneous mutation rates. Some of the mutants produce the highest mutation frequencies that have been observed in T4 thus far. The design of the selection procedure allows for the isolation of mutator mutants that preferentially induce certain types of replication errors, and some of the mutator mutants have mutational specificities different from wild-type. The new mutants are clustered at just two sites in the DNA polymerase gene, and this result confirms an earlier observation.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta (Pol delta) from Saccharomyces cerevisiae consists of three subunits, Pol3 (125 kDa), Pol31 (55 kDa), and Pol32 (40 kDa), present at a 1:1:1 stoichiometry in purified preparations. Previously, based on gel filtration studies of Pol delta, we suggested that the enzyme may be a dimer of catalytic cores, with dimerization mediated by the Pol32 subunit (Burgers, P. M., and Gerik, K. J. (1998) J. Biol. Chem. 273, 19756-19762). We now report on extensive gel filtration, glycerol gradient sedimentation, and analytical equilibrium centrifugation studies of Pol delta and of several subassemblies of Pol delta. The hydrodynamic parameters of these assemblies indicate that (i) Pol32 is a rod-shaped protein with a frictional ratio f/f(0) = 2.22; (ii) any complex containing Pol32 also has an extremely asymmetric shape; (iii) the results of these studies are independent of concentration (varied between 0.1-20 microm); (iv) all complexes are monomeric under the conditions studied (up to 20 microm). Moreover, a two-hybrid analysis of the Pol32 subunit did not detect a Pol32-Pol32 interaction in vivo. Therefore, we conclude that the assembly structure of Pol delta is that of a monomer.  相似文献   

Proofreading DNA polymerases share common short peptide motifs that bind Mg(2+) in the exonuclease active center; however, hydrolysis rates are not the same for all of the enzymes, which indicates that there are functional and likely structural differences outside of the conserved residues. Since structural information is available for only a few proofreading DNA polymerases, we developed a genetic selection method to identify mutant alleles of the POL3 gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which encode DNA polymerase delta mutants that replicate DNA with reduced fidelity. The selection procedure is based on genetic methods used to identify "mutator" DNA polymerases in bacteriophage T4. New yeast DNA polymerase delta mutants were identified, but some mutants expected from studies of the phage T4 DNA polymerase were not detected. This would indicate that there may be important differences in the proofreading pathways catalyzed by the two DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

The ambient temperature is a drawback in industrial ethanol production in Jaffna due to heat killing of yeast during fermentation. Thus a search was initiated for thermotolerant organisms suitable for fermentation in hot climates. The screening of the best wild-type organisms was undertaken as the first step. Thermotolerant strains were selected from environments where there are chances of organisms being exposed to high temperature. The samples were enriched and screened for thermotolerant organisms which survived at 45 °C for 15 h. Among the yeast strains selected from different sources, thermotolerant strains with the capacity to withstand 45 °C for 15 h were found in samples collected from the compost heap and distillery environments. Three colonies from the distillery environment were selected for further studies and named p1, p2 and p3. Exponential phase (18 h) cultures of p1, p2 and p3 were subjected to 15 temperature treatment cycles (at 50 °C each for 3 h) and thermally adapted strains pt1, pt2 and pt3 were obtained, showing 100, 30 and 20% viability at 50 °C for 30 min respectively. The initial round of thermal adaptation cycles increased the duration of 100% viability from 20 h (p1) to 68 h (pt1) when incubated at 40 °C. Very little benefit was obtained when pt1 was treated with u.v. and ethyl methanesulphonate. The selected strain was identified and designated as Saccharomyces cerevisiae S1. The ethanol produced from 100 g glucose l–1 by S. cerevisiae S1 was 46 g l–1 (36 h), 38 g l–1 (48 h) and 26 g l–1 (48 h) at 40, 43 and 45 °C respectively in rich nutrient medium.  相似文献   

Three independent, recessive, temperature-sensitive (Ts-) conditional lethal mutations in the largest subunit of Saccharomyces cerevisiae RNA polymerase II (RNAP II) have been isolated after replacement of a portion of the wild-type gene (RPO21) by a mutagenized fragment of the cloned gene. Measurements of cell growth, viability, and total RNA and protein synthesis showed that rpo21-1, rpo21-2, and rpo21-3 mutations caused a slow shutoff of RNAP II activity in cells shifted to the nonpermissive temperature (39 degrees C). Each mutant displayed a distinct phenotype, and one of the mutant enzymes (rpo21-1) was completely deficient in RNAP II activity in vitro. RNAP I and RNAP III in vitro activities were not affected. These results were consistent with the notion that the genetic lesions affect RNAP II assembly or holoenzyme stability. DNA sequencing revealed that in each case the mutations involved nonconservative amino acid substitutions, resulting in charge changes. The lesions harbored by all three rpo21 Ts- alleles lie in DNA sequence domains that are highly conserved among genes that encode the largest subunits of RNAP from a variety of eucaryotes; one mutation lies in a possible Zn2+ binding domain.  相似文献   

To probe Pol ζ functions in vivo via its error signature, here we report the properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pol ζ in which phenyalanine was substituted for the conserved Leu-979 in the catalytic (Rev3) subunit. We show that purified L979F Pol ζ is 30% as active as wild-type Pol ζ when replicating undamaged DNA. L979F Pol ζ shares with wild-type Pol ζ the ability to perform moderately processive DNA synthesis. When copying undamaged DNA, L979F Pol ζ is error-prone compared to wild-type Pol ζ, providing a biochemical rationale for the observed mutator phenotype of rev3-L979F yeast strains. Errors generated by L979F Pol ζ in vitro include single-base insertions, deletions and substitutions, with the highest error rates involving stable misincorporation of dAMP and dGMP. L979F Pol ζ also generates multiple errors in close proximity to each other. The frequency of these events far exceeds that expected for independent single changes, indicating that the first error increases the probability of additional errors within 10 nucleotides. Thus L979F Pol ζ, and perhaps wild-type Pol ζ, which also generates clustered mutations at a lower but significant rate, performs short patches of processive, error-prone DNA synthesis. This may explain the origin of some multiple clustered mutations observed in vivo.  相似文献   

We propose that a beta-turn-beta structure, which plays a critical role in exonucleolytic proofreading in the bacteriophage T4 DNA polymerase, is also present in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae DNA pol delta. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to test this proposal by introducing a mutation into the yeast POL3 gene in the region that encodes the putative beta-turn-beta structure. The mutant DNA pol delta has a serine substitution in place of glycine at position 447. DNA replication fidelity of the G447S-DNA pol delta was determined in vivo by using reversion and forward assays. An antimutator phenotype for frameshift mutations in short homopolymeric tracts was observed for the G447S-DNA pol delta in the absence of postreplication mismatch repair, which was produced by inactivation of the MSH2 gene. Because the G447S substitution reduced frameshift but not base substitution mutagenesis, some aspect of DNA polymerase proofreading appears to contribute to production of frameshifts. Possible roles of DNA polymerase proofreading in frameshift mutagenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

Defective DNA replication can result in substantial increases in the level of genome instability. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the pol3-t allele confers a defect in the catalytic subunit of replicative DNA polymerase delta that results in increased rates of mutagenesis, recombination, and chromosome loss, perhaps by increasing the rate of replicative polymerase failure. The translesion polymerases Pol eta, Pol zeta, and Rev1 are part of a suite of factors in yeast that can act at sites of replicative polymerase failure. While mutants defective in the translesion polymerases alone displayed few defects, loss of Rev1 was found to suppress the increased rates of spontaneous mutation, recombination, and chromosome loss observed in pol3-t mutants. These results suggest that Rev1 may be involved in facilitating mutagenic and recombinagenic responses to the failure of Pol delta. Genome stability, therefore, may reflect a dynamic relationship between primary and auxiliary DNA polymerases.  相似文献   

The structure of the multisubunit yeast DNA polymerase epsilon (Pol epsilon) was determined to 20-A resolution using cryo-EM and single-particle image analysis. A globular domain comprising the catalytic Pol2 subunit is flexibly connected to an extended structure formed by subunits Dpb2, Dpb3 and Dpb4. Consistent with the reported involvement of the latter in interaction with nucleic acids, the Dpb portion of the structure directly faces a single cleft in the Pol2 subunit that seems wide enough to accommodate double-stranded DNA. Primer-extension experiments reveal that Pol epsilon processivity requires a minimum length of primer-template duplex that corresponds to the dimensions of the extended Dpb structure. Together, these observations suggest a mechanism for interaction of Pol epsilon with DNA that might explain how the structure of the enzyme contributes to its intrinsic processivity.  相似文献   

Glutathione-deficient (gsh-) mutants of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated after UV treatment using MNNG as selective agent. For genetic and biochemical characterization 5 mutant strains were chosen which exhibited considerably decreased residual GSH contents varying from 2 to 6% of the wild-type levels. All 5 isolates showed a 2:2 segregation of the gsh-:GSH+ phenotypes alluding to a monogenic recessive mutation. Complementation analysis indicates that all gsh- mutants belong to one complementation group.  相似文献   

Cellular vanadium metabolism was studied in Saccharomyces cerevisiae by isolating and characterizing vanadate [VO4(3-), V(V)]-resistant mutants. Vanadate growth inhibition was reversed by the removal of the vanadate from the medium, and vanadate resistance was found to be a recessive trait. Vanadate-resistant mutants isolated from glucose-grown cells were divided into five complementation classes containing more than one mutant. Among the vanadate-resistant mutants isolated in maltose medium, the majority of mutants were found in only two complementation groups. Three of the classes of vanadate-resistant mutants were resistant to 2.5 mM vanadate but sensitive to 5.0 mM vanadate in liquid media. Two classes of vanadate-resistant mutants were resistant to growth in media containing up to 5.0 mM vanadate. Electron spin resonance studies showed that representative strains of the vanadate-resistant complementation classes contained more cell-associated vanadyl [VO2+, V(IV)] than the parental strains. 51 Vanadium nuclear magnetic resonance studies showed that one of the vanadate resonances previously associated with cell toxicity (G. R. Willsky, D. A. White, and B. C. McCabe, J. Biol. Chem. 259:13273-132812, 1984) did not accumulate in the resistant strains compared with the sensitive strain. The amount of vanadate remaining in the media after growth was larger for the sensitive strain than for the vanadate-resistant strains. All of the strains were able to accumulate phosphate, vanadate, and vanadyl.  相似文献   

Mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae were isolated which have decreased ability to hydrolyze leucine beta-naphthylamide, a chromogenic substrate for amino-peptidases. The mutations were shown by starch gel electrophoresis to affect one of four different aminopeptidases. Mutations affecting a given enzyme belong to a single complementation group. The four genes were symbolized lap1, lap2, lap3, and lap4, and the corresponding enzymes LAPI, LAPII, LAPIII, and LAPIV. Both lap1 and lap4 were mapped to the left arm of chromosome XI, and lap3 was mapped to the left arm of chromosome XIV. Strains which possessed only one of the four leucine aminopeptidases (LAPs) were constructed. Crude extracts from these strains were used to study the properties of the individual enzymes. Dialysis against EDTA greatly reduced the activity of all the LAPs except for LAPIII. Of the cations tested, Co2+ was the most effective in restoring activity. LAPIV was the only LAP reactivated by Zn2+. LAPI was purified 331-fold and LAPII was purified 126-fold from cell homogenates. Both of the purified enzymes had strong activity on dipeptides and tripeptides. The activity levels of the LAPs are strongly dependent on growth stage in batch culture, with the highest levels in early-stationary phase. Strains lacking all four LAPs have slightly lower growth rates than wild-type strains. The ability of leucine auxotrophs to grow on dipeptides and tripeptides containing leucine is not impaired in strains lacking all four LAPs.  相似文献   

Mitochondria-mediated nuclear mutator phenotype in Saccharomyces cerevisiae   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae as a model organism, we analyzed the consequences of disrupting mitochondrial function on mutagenesis of the nuclear genome. We measured the frequency of canavanine-resistant colonies as a measure of nuclear mutator phenotype. Our data suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction leads to a nuclear mutator phenotype (i) when oxidative phosphorylation is blocked in wild-type yeast at mitochondrial complex III by antimycin A and (ii) in mutant strains lacking the entire mitochondrial genome (rho0) or those with deleted mitochondrial DNA (rho). The nuclear mutation frequencies obtained for antimycin A-treated cells as well as for rho and rho0 cells were ~2- to 3-fold higher compared to untreated control and wild-type cells, respectively. Blockage of oxidative phosphorylation by antimycin A treatment led to increased intracellular levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). In contrast, inactivation of mitochondrial activity (rho and rho0) led to decreased intracellular levels of ROS. We also demonstrate that in rho0 cells the REV1, REV3 and REV7 gene products, all implicated in error-prone translesion DNA synthesis (TLS), mediate mutagenesis in the nuclear genome. However, TLS was not involved in nuclear DNA mutagenesis caused by inhibition of mitochondrial function by antimycin A. Together, our data suggest that mitochondrial dysfunction is mutagenic and multiple pathways are involved in this nuclear mutator phenotype.  相似文献   

The herbicide Metolachlor (-chloroacetamide group) inhibits the growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on complete, minimal, and non-fermentative media. Spontaneous and induced resistant mutants showed monogenic segregation patterns. Among the resistant clones, 70% were recessives, 16.4% were partially dominants and 13.4% were dominants. The spontaneous partially dominant mutation Mtc1 was mapped on linkage group XV at 33.3cM from ade2 and 31.7cM from his3, in a region that is characterized by the presence of several resistant genes. The recessive mutation mtc2 was located on chromosome IV. Although all the mutants had the ability to grow in the presence of the herbicide, they remained affected in their respiration efficiency, indicating two different mechanism of action of Metholachor on yeast cells.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase delta (pol delta) is a high fidelity eukaryotic enzyme that participates in DNA repair and is essential for DNA replication. Toward the goal of dissecting its multiple biological functions, here we describe the biochemical properties of Saccharomyces cerevisiae pol delta with a methionine replacing conserved leucine 612 at the polymerase active site. Compared with wild type pol delta, L612M pol delta has normal processivity and slightly higher polymerase specific activity. L612M pol delta also has normal 3' exonuclease activity, yet it is impaired in partitioning mismatches to the exonuclease active site, thereby reducing DNA synthesis fidelity. Error rates in vitro for L612M pol delta are elevated for both base substitutions and single base deletions but in a highly biased manner. For each of the six possible pairs of reciprocal mismatches that could arise during replication of complementary DNA strands to account for any particular base substitution in vivo (e.g. T-dGMP or A-dCMP for T to C transitions), L612M pol delta error rates are substantially higher for one mismatch than the other. These results provide a biochemical explanation for our observation, which confirms earlier genetic studies, that a haploid pol3-L612M S. cerevisiae strain has an elevated spontaneous mutation rate that is likely due to reduced replication fidelity in vivo.  相似文献   

Li L  Murphy KM  Kanevets U  Reha-Krantz LJ 《Genetics》2005,170(2):569-580
A mutant allele (pol3-L612M) of the DNA polymerase delta gene in Saccharomyces cerevisiae that confers sensitivity to the antiviral drug phosphonoacetic acid (PAA) was constructed. We report that PAA-sensitivity tagging DNA polymerases is a useful method for selectively and reversibly inhibiting one type of DNA polymerase. Our initial studies reveal that replication by the L612M-DNA pol delta requires Rad27 flap endonuclease activity since the pol3-L612M strain is not viable in the absence of RAD27 function. The L612M-DNA pol delta also strongly depends on mismatch repair (MMR). Reduced viability is observed in the absence of any of the core MMR proteins-Msh2, Mlh1, or Pms1-and severe sensitivity to PAA is observed in the absence of the core proteins Msh6 or Exo1, but not Msh3. We propose that pol3-L612M cells need the Rad27 flap endonuclease and MMR complexes composed of Msh2/Msh6, Mlh1/Pms1, and Exo1 for correct processing of Okazaki fragments.  相似文献   

Although mammals encode multiple family X DNA polymerases implicated in DNA repair, Saccharomyces cerevisiae has only one, DNA polymerase IV (pol IV). To better understand the repair functions of pol IV, here we characterize its biochemical properties. Like mammalian pol beta and pol lambda, but not pol mu, pol IV has intrinsic 5'-2-deoxyribose-5-phosphate lyase activity. Pol IV has low processivity and can fill short gaps in DNA. Unlike the case with pol beta and pol lambda, the gap-filling activity of pol IV is not enhanced by a 5'-phosphate on the downstream primer but is stimulated by a 5'-terminal synthetic abasic site. Pol IV incorporates rNTPs into DNA with an unusually high efficiency relative to dNTPs, a property in common with pol mu but not pol beta or pol lambda. Finally, pol IV is highly inaccurate, with an unusual error specificity indicating the ability to extend primer termini with limited homology. These properties are consistent with a possible role for pol IV in base excision repair and with its known role in non-homologous end joining of double strand breaks, perhaps including those with damaged ends.  相似文献   

A Blank  L A Loeb 《Biochemistry》1991,30(32):8092-8096
DNA polymerase III of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been reported to be encoded at the CDC2 locus based on two observations. First, the CDC2 gene has homology to known DNA polymerase genes [Boulet et al. (1989) EMBO J. 8, 1849-1854], and second, the mutants cdc2-1 and cdc2-2 yield little or no DNA polymerase III activity in vitro [Boulet et al. (1989); Sitney et al. (1989) Cell 56, 599-605]. We describe here the isolation of temperature-sensitive DNA polymerase III from cdc2-2 strains. Our results provide direct experimental confirmation of the previously inferred gene/enzyme relationship and verify the conclusion that DNA polymerase III is required to replicate the genome. We isolated DNA polymerase III from two cdc2-2 strains, one containing the wild-type allele for DNA polymerase I (CDC17) and the other a mutant DNA polymerase I allele (cdc17-1). Yields from cdc2-2 cells of both DNA polymerase III activity and an associated 3'-5'-exonuclease activity [exonuclease III; Bauer et al. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 917-924] were decreased relative to yields from CDC2 cells. DNA polymerase III activity from cdc2-2 strains is thermolabile, displaying at least a 4-fold reduction in half-life at 44 degrees C. The activity is also labile at 37 degrees C, a temperature which is restrictive for growth of cdc2-2 but not CDC2 strains. At 23 degrees C, a temperature which is permissive for growth of both cdc2-2 and CDC2 strains, the mutant and wild-type DNA polymerase III activities display equal stability. These observations provide a demonstrable biochemical basis for the thermosensitive phenotype of cdc2-2 cells.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase beta is one of the smallest known eukaryotic DNA polymerases. This polymerase has been very well characterized in vitro, but its functional role in vivo has yet to be determined. Using a novel competition assay in Escherichia coli, we isolated two DNA polymerase beta dominant negative mutants. When we overexpressed the dominant negative mutant proteins in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cells became sensitive to methyl methanesulfonate. Interestingly, overexpression of the same polymerase beta mutant proteins did not confer sensitivity to UV damage, strongly suggesting that the mutant proteins interfere with the process of base excision repair but not nucleotide excision repair in S. cerevisiae. Our data implicate a role for polymerase IV, the S. cerevisiae polymerase beta homolog, in base excision repair in S. cerevisiae.  相似文献   

Maloisel L  Bhargava J  Roeder GS 《Genetics》2004,167(3):1133-1142
A screen for mutants of budding yeast defective in meiotic gene conversion identified a novel allele of the POL3 gene. POL3 encodes the catalytic subunit of DNA polymerase delta, an essential DNA polymerase involved in genomic DNA replication. The new allele, pol3-ct, specifies a protein missing the last four amino acids. pol3-ct shows little or no defect in DNA replication, but displays a reduction in the length of meiotic gene conversion tracts and a decrease in crossing over. We propose a model in which DNA synthesis determines the length of strand exchange intermediates and influences their resolution toward crossing over.  相似文献   

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