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Five cases with small supernumerary ring chromosomes are characterized at the molecular level. Routine chromosome banding analysis was insufficient for identification of the ring chromosomes, and none of them was DA/DAPI positive. Fluorescence in situ hybridization utilizing repetitive centromeric probes for all chromosomes has determined that one of these five ring chromosomes originates in each of chromosomes 4, 7, 8, 9, and 20. Chromosome painting with chromosome-specific libraries has confirmed this and excluded the involvement of additional chromosomes in the rearrangements.  相似文献   

A small supernumerary marker chromosome (SMC) was observed in a girl with severe developmental delay. Her dysmorphism included prominent forehead, hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissures, low-set/large ears, and flat nasal bridge with anteverted nares. This case also presented hypotonia, hypermobility of joints, congenital heart defect, umbilical hernia, failure to thrive, and seizures. The SMC originated from the distal region of Xp as identified by FISH with multiple DNA probes. Staining with antibodies to Centromere Protein C (CENP-C) demonstrated a neocentromere, while FISH with an alpha-satellite DNA probe showed no hybridization to the SMC. A karyotype was described as 47,XX,+neo(X)(pter-->p22.31::p22.31-->pter), indicating a partial tetrasomy of Xp22.31-->pter. This karyotype represents a functional trisomy for Xp22.31-->pter and a functional tetrasomy for the pseudoautosomal region given that there is no X-inactivation center in the marker chromosome. The SMC was further characterized by microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) as a duplicated DNA fragment of approximately 13 megabase pairs containing about 100 genes. We have described here a new neocentromere with discussion of its clinical significance.  相似文献   

The finding of a supernumerary marker chromosome in amniotic fluid cells poses a considerable counseling dilemma. In 6,500 cases referred to our laboratory over a 4 1/2-year period, eight such cases were identified (0.123% of all cases). In five of the eight cases, a diagnosis of true mosaicism between cells with 46 and 47 chromosomes was made. In the remaining three cases, the marker was present in 100% of the cells. In three cases, the marker was determined to be familial in nature with mosaicism present in the parents of two of these cases. Detailed cytogenetic findings for each case are provided. In no cases were abnormalities noted in either abortuses or live borns. The high incidence of mosaicism in these cases seems to indicate a propensity for supernumerary chromosomes to be lost. Familial markers may not be passed on for many generations, and they may arise as new mutations relatively frequently. There is an urgent need for more information on the risks associated with the prenatal detection of supernumerary chromosomes. We recommend that in considering the implications of the prenatal detection of marker chromosomes cases be considered in at least four distinct groups: type 1--familial and nonmosaic; type 2--familial with mosaicism in either the amniotic fluid cells, a parent, or both; type 3--de novo markers and nonmosaic; and type 4--de novo with mosaicism present in the amniotic fluid cells.  相似文献   

The interpretation of the significance of marker chromosomes, which can be encountered at prenatal diagnosis, is extremely problematic. Various factors contribute to the difficulty of clarifying the phenotypic risks of supernumerary marker chromosomes, including differences in the size, structure, and origin of marker chromosomes, as well as the occurrence of multiple marker chromosomes of different origin in the same proband. Research on marker chromosomes is currently in a data-accumulation phase. We report the presence of two marker chromosomes, originating from chromosomes 6 and 11, in a child with developmental delay and craniofacial dysmorphism and discuss the related literature.  相似文献   

We report a 21-year-old patient with a de novo mosaic, analphoid ring of chromosome 15q22.2-->q24.1. The clinical features of this patient are mild and include tall stature, obesity, striae distensae in the hypogastrium, malocclusion and bilateral gynecomastia with scarce glandular tissue. M-FISH and FISH using a chromosome 15 painting probe indicated that the ring is of chromosome 15 origin. Further CGH analysis and FISH with the PML locus-specific probe demonstrated that the extra material derived from the medial part of the long arm of chromosome 15, including two bands, q22 and q23. Additionally, FISH with BAC probes specific for 15q allowed for a localization of the breakpoints at 15q22.2 and 15q24.1, distal to clones RP11-30M4 and RP11-500O23 respectively. We discuss the relationship between the patient's genotype and phenotype comparing it to reported cases of trisomy of medial 15q.  相似文献   

There are only about 30 commercially available cell lines which include small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC). As approximately 2.5 million people worldwide are carriers of an sSMC, this small number of immortalized cell lines is hard to understand. sSMC cell lines provide practically unlimited material for continuing studies e.g. to learn more about marker chromosome formation, or karyotypic evolution. To obtain information about their genetic content, in the present study we analyzed by FISH and multicolor-FISH approaches 19 sSMC cell lines obtained from the European Collection of Cell Cultures (ECACC). Microdissection and reverse painting, (sub-) centromere-specific multicolor-FISH (sub-)cenM-FISH, multicolor banding (MCB) and selected locus-specific FISH probes were applied. Thus, we were able to characterize comprehensively 14 out of 19 sSMC carrying cell lines; in the remaining five cases an sSMC could not be detected. Surprisingly, in six of the nine cell lines with sSMC previously characterized for their chromosomal origin by others, those results had to be revised. This has impact on the conclusions of previous studies, e.g. for uniparental disomy (UPD) in connection with sSMC.  相似文献   

The identification of flow-sorted chromosomes is a very important tool for checking the purity of the fractions obtained. An easy and reproducible method for obtaining G-banded chromosomes with good resolution of bands is described. Also, we are able to show that the percentage of chromosomes which can be clearly distinguished by this procedure depends to a large extent on the duration of mitotic arrest. In particular when sorting chromosomes from human-rodent hybrid cell lines, the possibility of using in situ hybridization in addition to conventional staining techniques to characterize the chromosomes can help overcome the problem of highly condensed chromosomes and chromosomal fragments of unknown origin, which cannot be identified otherwise. Thus, we have developed an in situ hybridization technique, based on biotin-labelled human genomic DNA, which allows a clear distinction between human and rodent chromosomal material to be made.  相似文献   

Seventeen patients presenting with either de novo or familial supernumerary marker (mar) 15 chromosomes were shown by fluorescent in situ hybridization techniques (FISH) to have markers derived from and composed entirely of chromosome 15 material. Using a combination of conventional cytogenetics, FISH, Southern blotting and multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) methods, it was possible to sub-classify the 17 mar(15)s into six distinct morphological and molecular groups. Analysis of DNA and metaphase spreads from the probands and their parents using probes and primers from the pericentromeric and Prader-Willi/Angelman syndromes critical regions (PWS/AS), clearly differentiated between marker 15 s which included the PWS/AS critical regions and those which did not. A direct correlation between the presence of the PWS/AS region in the mar(15) and severe mental retardation was observed. Based on these results, a system of classification of supernumerary marker 15 chromosomes is proposed.  相似文献   

Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) are a morphologically heterogeneous group of additional structurally abnormal chromosomes that cannot be identified unambiguously by conventional banding techniques alone. Molecular cytogenetic methods enable detailed characterization of sSMCs; however, in many cases interpretation of their clinical significance is problematic. The aim of our study was to characterize precisely sSMCs identified in three patients with dysmorphic features, psychomotor retardation and multiple congenital anomalies. We also attempted to correlate the patients' genotypes with phenotypes by inclusion of data from the literature. The sSMCs were initially detected by G-banding analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes in these patients and were subsequently characterized using multicolor fluorescence in situ hybridization (M-FISH), (sub)centromere-specific multicolor FISH (cenM-FISH, subcenM-FISH), and multicolor banding (MCB) techniques. Additionally, the sSMCs in two patients were also studied by hybridization to whole-genome bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) arrays (array-CGH) to map the breakpoints on a single BAC clone level. In all three patients, the chromosome origin, structure, and euchromatin content of the sSMCs were determined. In patient RS, only a neocentric r(2)(q35q36) was identified. It is a second neocentric sSMC(2) in the literature and the first marker chromosome derived from the terminal part of 2q. In the other two patients, two sSMCs were found, as M-FISH detected additional sSMCs that could not be characterized in G-banding analysis. In patient MK, each of four cell lines contained der(4)(:p11.1-->q12:) accompanied by a sSMC(18): r(18)(:p11.2-->q11.1::p11.2-->q11.1:), inv dup(18)(:p11.1-->q11.1::q11.1-->p11.1:), or der(18) (:p11.2-->q11.1::q11.1-->p11.1:). In patient NP, with clinical features of trisomy 8p, three sSMCs were characterized: r(8)(:p12-->q11.1::q11.1-->p21:) der(8) (:p11.22-->q11.1::q11.1-->p21::p21-->p11.22:) and der(21)(:p11.1-->q21.3:). The BAC array results confirmed the molecular cytogenetic results and refined the breakpoints to the single BAC clone resolution. However, the complex mosaic structure of the marker chromosomes derived from chromosomes 8 and 18 could only be identified by molecular cytogenetic methods. This study confirms the usefulness of multicolor FISH combined with whole-genome arrays for comprehensive analyses of marker chromosomes.  相似文献   

Supernumerary (B) chromosomes and small aberrant chromosomes were detected in Lilium hybrids and characterized through genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) and florescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Two small, supernumerary or B chromosomes were detected as extra chromosomes in a tetraploid plant derived from chromosome doubling of a hybrid (2n = 2x = 24) between a cultivar of the Longiflorum (L) and the Trumpet (T) group. When this tetraploid LLTT hybrid was crossed with a triploid LLO hybrid (O = Oriental), the B chromosome was transmitted to 73.4 % of the progenies. Based on GISH and FISH characterization, it was shown that the B chromosome consisted of two identical arms, with 5S rDNA hybridizing to the majority of it, which were flanked by normal telomeres, suggesting that this is an isochromosome. In another population, which is a backcross progeny between a F1 hybrid of Longiflorum × Asiatic (LA) and its Asiatic parent, the former produced functional 2n gametes which resulted in a triploid LAA progeny (2n = 3x = 36), in which three exceptional plants possessed 35 normal chromosomes and a small aberrant chromosome instead of the expected normal number of 36. In all three cases, the small aberrant chromosomes were isochromosomes which had obviously originated during the first backcross generation. These three chromosomes showed normal telomeres and mitosis. In addition, one of the new generated chromosomes possessed two 45S rDNA sites in the proximal positions. These new arisen isochromosomes were proposed to originate from centric breakage and fusion of two short arms of the missing chromosome in three genotypes, respectively, based on the comparison of arm lengths as well as rDNA loci. Their relevance to the origin of Bs is discussed.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic analysis in peripheral blood lymphocytes of a 50-year-old female with tongue cancer showed the presence of one to three copies of a small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) in a mosaic state. Family studies also revealed the marker in mosaic form in four (age <29 years) of eleven clinically normal individuals studied from her family of 16 individuals spanning three generations. Due to the extremely small size of the marker chromosome, identification by classical cytogenetics was not informative. Multicolor FISH followed by whole chromosome painting identified the marker as a derivative of chromosome 21. This is the first report of sSMC21 in an adult-onset tongue cancer patient and some of her family members with no clinical symptoms.  相似文献   

Marker chromosomes contain potentially valuable information about breakpoints in cancer. However, routine banding procedures, by themselves, provide only limited information about the identity of marker chromosomes. In this study, the use of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with chromosome-specific centromeric probes and whole-chromosome-specific DNA libraries greatly enhanced the identification of 10 marker chromosomes in the primary prostatic cancer cell line PPC-1. Centromeric probes for chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 12, and 17 and whole-chromosome paint libraries for chromosomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, and 12, in conjunction with analysis of G-banded metaphases, allowed the major portion(s) of these 10 PPC-1 marker chromosomes to be defined. The results increase the number of identifiable chromosomal breakpoints in this cell line from 9 to 28 sites.  相似文献   

Summary Seven dicentric bisatellited marker chromosomes, ascertained at amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, and in blood from an abnormal liveborn were characterized cytogenetically. All seven markers demonstrated brilliant bands by the DA/DAPI technique corresponding to C-band positive regions. Although some dicentric DA/DAPI-positive bisatellited markers have been identified as inverted duplicated 15s, recent literature has suggested that DA/DAPI lacks specificity for chromosome 15. Our evaluation of DA/DAPI-positive bisatellited marker chromosomes by in situ hybridization shows that some originate from chromosome 15 whereas DA/DAPI negative bisatellited markers may not be derived from 15. The morphological variations noted in our studies are discussed with respect to nomenclature.  相似文献   

We describe a female patient with a small supernumerary marker chromosome (sSMC) present in mosaic and characterized in detail by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using all 24 human whole chromosome painting probes, multicolor banding (MCB) and subcentromere specific multicolor FISH (subcenM-FISH). The sSMC was demonstrated to be derived from chromosome 5 and the karyotype of our patient was as follows: 47,XX,+mar.ish r(5)(::p13.2 approximately p13.3-->q11.2::) [60%]/46,XX [40%]. Partial trisomy for the proximal 5p and q chromosomal regions is a rare event. A critical region exists at 5p13 for the phenotype associated with duplication 5p. As far as we know, eight similar cases have been published up to now. We describe a new case which, to our knowledge, is the first characterized in such detail. The role of uniparental disomy (UPD) in cases of SMC is also discussed.  相似文献   

Vundinti BR  Korgaonkar S  Ghosh K 《Gene》2012,498(1):128-130
Small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMCs) are a heterogeneous group with regards to their clinical effects as well as their chromosomal origin and their shape. The sSMCs are associated with mental retardation and dysmorphic features. Multiple sSMCs are rarely reported. We report four sSMCs in a case of dysmorphic features and intellectual disabilities. Among the four sSMCs, one sSMC confirmed to be chromosome 5 derived sSMC using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and spectral karyotyping (SKY). The sSMCs were de novo originated as parental chromosomal analysis revealed normal karyotypes. The sSMC derived from chromosome 5 might be associated with mental retardation and dysmorphic features in the present case. However the remaining three sSMCs might have originated from repetitive sequences of chromosomes.  相似文献   

It is well known that chromosome in situ hybridization allows the unequivocal identification of targeted human somatic chromosomes. Different fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) techniques have been developed throughout the years and, following the mitotic studies, meiotic analyses have been performed using these different techniques. The introduction of M-FISH techniques to the analysis of meiotic cells has allowed the study of meiotic processes for every individual human chromosome. In this paper, we review the different FISH and M-FISH techniques that have been used on human meiotic cells in both men and women.  相似文献   

Conventional karyotyping of Hodgkin's disease (HD) has until now yielded only limited insight into karyotypic characteristics of this discase. For this reason, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) using alphasatellite chromosome-specific probes was applied to paraffin sections of HD tumors in order to verify numerical aberrations suggested to be specific for HD in the literature. The FISH technique was combined with immunohistochemical detection of the CD30 antigen to allow easier identification of the Reed-Sternberg and Hodgkin (RS&H) cells. The number of specific FISH signals per nucleus was determined both in CD30-positive RS&H cells as well as in non-malignant bystander cells in order to assess differences in the signal distribution. Contrasted with normal lymphoid cells, the tumor cells in HD were found to be polysomic for at least one of the chromosomes analyzed (1,2,4, and 8). The technique described is a reliable method for confirmation of results obtained from conventional cytogenetics, which is especially suited for archival material or samples not containing dividing cells.  相似文献   

RFLP analyses were performed on wheat-Aegilops uniaristata Vis. addition and translocation lines to confirm the identity of added N-genome chromosomes. Complete 1N, 3N, 4N, 5N and 7N chromosome additions were identified, while the complete long arm and only part of the short arm was identified for chromosome 2N. There were no wheat-like 4/5 and 4/7 translocations in the Ae. uniaristata chromosomes. Chromosome 3N carried an asymmetric pericentric inversion, and the translocation line was a product of centric fusion between the long arms of chromosomes 3B and 3N. Chromosome-specific RAPD and microsatellite markers were also identified for all the added Ae. uniaristata chromosomes available in this set of addition lines. A new genomic in situ hybridization protocol combining pre-annealing of probe and blocking DNA and prehybridization with blocking DNA was developed to differentiate the very closely related genomes of Ae. uniaristata and wheat. Hybridization sites for the repetitive DNA sequences pAs1, pSc119.2 and pTa71 were identified on the N-genome chromosomes of Ae. uniaristata using the fluorescent in situ hybridization technique. Results showed deviation from the previously published ideogram of this species. A new ideogram, which shows the hybridization sites for the above sequences, was produced in which the chromosomes are arranged according to their homoeologous group. Received: 23 April 1999 / Accepted: 6 August 1999  相似文献   

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