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The lack of diagnostic traits in sibling species means that great quantities of biogeographical and ecological data held in museum collections cannot be utilized effectively, leading to underestimates of biodiversity. In this study we applied neural networks (NN) and canonical variates analyses (CVA) to landmark measurements on the skulls of the West African species Taterillus arenarius , T. petteri , T. gracilis and T. pygargus in an attempt to discriminate species previously identified unambiguously from their karyotypes. Among suggested differences, the relationship between inflation of the tympanic bullae and lower population density is discussed. Cross-validated classification rates did not exceed 73%. Two hypotheses are proposed to explain such high phenotypic similarity: morphological plasticity limited by environmental constraints and the possibility that speciation has been too recent to allow significant morphological divergence.  © 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 77 , 319−327.  相似文献   

West African gerbils of the genus Taterillus constitute a complex of seven sibling species distributed from sudano-guinean to saharo-sahelian regions. They display radically rearranged karyotypes despite low genic divergence and a very recent differentiation, that is, within the last 0.4 Myr for the six most derived species. We here provide a comparison of the seven specific karyotypes and perform a cladistic analysis using chromosomal rearrangements character states. When a posteriori polarized mutations were mapped onto the phylogenetic tree, 38 rearrangements were identified as fixed during the evolution of these rodents. This makes Taterillus one of the most striking examples of accelerated chromosomal evolution within placental mammals. Taking into account the types of chromosomal changes involved, divergence times between lineages, genetic distances, as well as reassessed geographic distributions, we suggest that (1) speciation in West African Taterillus was driven by chromosomal changes, and (2) the paleoclimatic oscillations of the Sahara desert have played a major role in their evolution. In particular, elevated plasticity of the Taterillus genome, as suggested by the patterns observed for some repetitive elements, would have led to a higher probability of mutation. We hypothesize that the process underpinning cladogenesis most probably involved highly underdominant genomic rearrangements that were fixed following pronounced populational bottlenecks resulting from drastic climatic and subsequent environmental changes. Major African rivers formed significant barriers to dispersal, limiting expansion during the more moist and so favorable periods. This scenario would explain the current parapatric species distributions and their relationship to the West African hydrographic features.  相似文献   

The African gerbils of the genus Tatera are widespread and abundant throughout sub-Saharan Africa. There is still today a certain controversy concerning the taxonomy of these rodents and very few attempts have been made to assess their systematic relationships. The present paper introduces findings based on the partial sequences of cytochrome b (495 bp) and the 16S rRNA (469 bp) mitochondrial genes of six (T. robusta, T. nigricauda, T. vicina, T. leucogaster, T. valida, and T. kempi) species together with two additional taxa. We also report the karyotypes of T. vicina and T. leucogaster. We propose that T. vicina should be considered as a valid species and show the monophyly of the robusta species group, with the exclusion of T. leucogaster. Our results show there is a different chromosomal evolutionary pattern within the two major lineages, which is recognizable through molecular phylogenetics. One is characterized by karyotype stability and the other by a considerable number of chromosomal rearrangements. The lineage divergence coincides with the formation of the East African Rift. The processes that led to the origin of the East African species seem to be related to the subsequent climatic changes, which caused cyclic contraction and expansion of the savannah biomes. Furthermore, geological activities that characterized East Africa during Plio-Pleistocene may also have contributed to lineage divergence.  相似文献   

Although they represent a quarter of the mammalian species, the evolutionary relationships among as well as within, the main murid lineages are still controversial. The subfamily Gerbillinae is no exception as previous studies based on morphological, karyotypical, and allozyme characters are highly incongruent. Here, we present the first molecular phylogeny for gerbils based on cytochrome b and 12S rRNA mitochondrial genes. Results are largely congruent between the two genes as well as with the concatenated data set with most of the nodes being well-supported. Based on the topologies retrieved here, we (1) propose the identification of three main clades, (2) support the split of Tatera genus into an Asian and an African group, the latter including Gerbillurus species, and (3) provide some evidence towards the inaccuracy of subgeneric divisions within both Gerbillus and Meriones. In addition, the sharp contrast between the genetic characters and morphological data sets suggest high levels of convergence, probably as a result of strong environmental constraints imposed on these rodents adapted to arid and semi-arid regions. Finally, molecular datings for the various cladogenetic events are in good agreement with the known gerbilline fossil record and support an African origin with subsequent migrations to Asia.  相似文献   

The sex chromosomes of the partly sympatric species of gerbils Gerbillus pyramidum and G. gerbillus (Mammalia: Gerbillinae) were investigated by a variety of light- and electron-microscope methods, including DNA replication banding and synaptonemal complex (SC) techniques. The sex-chromosome mechanism of G. pyramidum is of the maleXY:femaleXX type, whereas that of G. gerbillus is of the less common maleXY1Y2:femaleXX system. The results include the demonstration that the X chromosomes of both species are compound. One segment is added to the X chromosome of G. pyramidum, leading to an increase in length from the standard 5% to approximately 7.3%, whereas two different extra segments increase the length of the X chromosome of G. gerbillus to approximately 11% of the length of the haploid genome. In both cases the extra material is autosomal and is also represented in the respective Y chromosomes. Classifying heterochromatin by the variation in staining quality was helpful in elucidating the possible origin of the different chromosome segments, including the pericentromeric regions. Observations on meiotic chromosome pairing and chiasma formation have confirmed the homologies established by band comparisons. The occurrence of chiasmata between the sex chromosomes supports the autosomal origin of the pairing segments. These and other findings have been interpreted in the framework of a multistep evolutionary model. This sequence starts from a hypothetical pair of sex chromosomes, the X element of which amounts to 5% of the haploid genome, and leads through three translocations involving two pairs of autosomes and one pericentric inversion to the most complex situation of this series, manifested in G. gerbillus. The adaptive value, if any, of autosome incorporation into the sex chromosomes repeatedly occurring here is unknown. It is, however, a remarkable fact that in one species, G. gerbillus, the complex sex-chromosome constitution is conserved over vast geographic distances, and in the other, G. pyramidum, the compound X and Y chromosomes withstand change in the face of extreme autosome restructuring.  相似文献   

A new Tubariomyces species from Italy, T. similis, is described and illustrated. It is phenotypically very close to T. hygrophoroides but, based on a combined ITS-LSU rDNA analysis, phylogenetically distinct.  相似文献   

Lungworms from the genus Rhabdias are common parasites of amphibians and reptiles distributed worldwide. To assess the diversity of Rhabdias spp., we performed molecular analyses of 35 specimens sampled in different regions of Brazil. Molecular analyses were based on the internal transcribed spacer (ITS), large subunit (28S) ribosomal and the cytochrome oxidase I (COI) mitochondrial genes. DNA sequence divergence was compared among ribosomal and mitochondrial genes, analyses using the general mixed Yule‐coalescent (GMYC) method based on the COI gene were used to identify possible cryptic diversity, and phylogenetic analyses using concatenated ITS and 28S ribosomal genes were used to test the monophyly of Rhabdiasidae. We revealed five morphospecies: R. cf. stenocephala, R. breviensis, R. pseudosphaerocephala and two new species, Rhabdias sp.4 and Rhabdias sp.5. DNA sequence levels of divergence among genes ITS, 28S and COI were compared, and the efficiency of the molecular markers to identify species (ITS and COI) and lineages (COI) was tested. GMYC was assigned to 17 well‐supported clades (i.e., 17 species), and cryptic diversity was detected in the Neotropical region as evidenced by the multiple lineages in R. breviensis and R. pseudosphaerocephala. In addition, our results suggest evidence for host–parasite cophylogeny in the R. pseudosphaerocephala complex and dispersal events among their populations. Phylogenetic analyses supported the monophyly of Rhabdiasidae and improved the resolution of main clades. Rhabdias breviensis is closely related to Rhabdias cf. africanus, Rhabdias cf. stenocephala, R. pseudosphaerocephala, Rhabdias sp.4 and Rhabdias sp.5 grouping together in a main clade with Neotropical‐related species. The large geographical distribution appeared to be a phylogenetic pattern among the species of Rhabdias from the neotropics.  相似文献   

Size and shape changes in the skull of the genus Gerbillus were investigated using geometric morphometrics. Six species from Tunisia were studied (G. gerbillus, G. campestris, G. nanus, G. tarabuli, G. simoni and G. latastei). Statistical analyses of shape variability allowed us to discriminate three morphological groups which are congruent with the three groups suggested by previous morphological and molecular studies. However, our results contrast with previous molecular investigations. In fact, according to results obtained by the use of principal component analysis, canonical variate analysis and UPGMA, we found a higher degree of divergence between the subgenus Dipodillus and the other two subgenera Gerbillus and Hendecapleura. This fact suggests that the morphometric differences observed among species within the genus Gerbillus are not mainly related to phylogeny. To reconciliate the molecular and morphological approaches, we propose a hypothesis of differential rates of phenotypic evolution in the genus Gerbillus. In this view, the species belonging to the subgenus Dipodillus evolved apomorphic features of the skull likely related to a higher degree of habitat specialization. By contrast, the more generalist Gerbillus and Hendecapleura subgenera show less differentiated plesiomorphic morphology.  相似文献   

Modern mole voles of the genus Ellobius are characterized by species-specific features of autosomes and sex chromosomes. Owing to the use of the Zoo-FISH method, the nomenclature of chromosomes was refined and nonhomologous Robertsonian translocations indistinguishable by G-staining were identified for Ellobius tancrei, which is a species with a wide chromosome variation of the Robertsonian type. The electron-microscopic analysis of synaptonemal complexes in F1 hybrids of forms with 2n = 50 and 2n = 48 revealed the formation of a closed SC-pentavalent composed of three metacentrics with monobrachial homology and two acrocentrics. Segregation of chromosomes of such complex systems is impeded by disturbances in the nucleus architecture leding to the formation of unbalanced gametes and to a dramatic reduction in fertility of hybrids. Our data support the hypothesis that the formation of monobrachial homologous metacentric chromosomes can be considered as a way of chromosomal speciation.  相似文献   

Genetic variation was studied using protein electrophoresis of 28–38 gene loci in 1347 specimens of Apodemus agrar-ius, A. peninsulae, A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. alpicola, A. uralensis, A . cf. hyrcanicus, A. hermonensis, A. m. mystacinus and A. m. epimelas , representing 121 populations from Europe, the Middle East, and North Africa. Mean values of heterozygosity per locus for each species ranged from 0.02 to 0.04. Mean values of Nel's genetic distance ( D ) between the taxa ranged from 0.06 (between A. flavicollis and A. alpicola) to 1.34 (between A. uralensis and A. agrarius ). The highest values of D were found between A. agrarius and other Apodemus species (0.62-1.34). These values correspond to those generally observed between genera in small mammals. Our data show that A. agrarius and A. peninsulae are sister species, well-differentiated from other taxa. High genetic distance between A. m. mystacinus and A. m. epimelas leads us to consider them distinct species and sister taxa to other Western Palaearctic species of the subgenus Sylvaemus . The data also suggest a recent separation of members of the latter group from a common ancestor, and subsequent rapid radiation, making it difficult to infer phylogenetic relationships. Some taxonomic implications of the results are discussed further.© 2002 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2002, 75 , 395–419.  相似文献   

Modern mole voles of the genus Ellobius are characterized by species-specific features of autosomes and sex chromosomes. Owing to the use of the Zoo-FISH method, the nomenclature of chromosomes was refined and nonhomologous Robertsonian translocations indistinguishable by G-staining were identified for Ellobius tancrei, which is a species with a wide chromosome variation of the Robertsonian type. The electron-microscopic analysis of synaptonemal complexes in F1 hybrids of forms with 2n = 50 and 2n = 48 revealed the formation of a closed SC-pentavalent composed of three metacentrics with monobrachial homology and two acrocentrics. Segregation of chromosomes of such complex systems is impeded by disturbances in the nucleus architecture leading to the formation of unbalanced gametes and to a dramatic reduction in fertility of hybrids. Our data support the hypothesis that the formation of monobrachial homologous metacentric chromosomes can be considered as a way of chromosomal speciation.  相似文献   

Early taxonomic investigations associated the genus Scotinomys with South American akodontine rodents, but more recent morphological analyses based in large part on the glans penis have linked brown mice with North American peromyscines, specifically the genus Baiomys. Differentially stained chromosomal preparations of S. xerampelinus were compared with other cricetine taxa. Chromosomally, golden mice (Ochrotomys) were found to be most similar to Scotinomys, this association based on two apparent synapomorphic G-banded chromosomes. The majority of banded chromosomes possessed by Scotinomys were found to be either uniquely derived or to appear unaltered, and therefore presumably ancestral, when compared to the G-band patterns of other cricetids. These results fail to support the morphological hypotheses that closely unite Scotinomys with Baiomys, and instead support a hypothesis that treats Scotinomys, Ochrotomys, and perhaps Baiomys as a rather loosely associated assemblage of genera that are phylogenetically intermediate between the relatively complex pene, primarily South American cricetine rodents and the more simple pene North American neotomine-peromyscines.  相似文献   

Methodological improvements now allow routine analyses of highly degraded DNA samples as found in museum specimens. Using these methods could be useful in studying such groups as rodents of the genus Gerbillus for which i) the taxonomy is still highly debated, ii) collection of fresh specimens may prove difficult. Here we address precise taxonomic questions using a small portion of the cytochrome b gene obtained from 45 dry skin/skull museum samples (from 1913 to 1974) originating from two African and three Asian countries. The specimens were labelled Gerbillus gerbillus, Gerbillus andersoni, Gerbillus nanus, Gerbillus amoenus, Gerbillus perpallidus and Gerbillus pyramidum, and molecular results mostly confirmed these assignations. The close relationship between Gerbillus nanus (Asian origin) and Gerbillus amoenus (African origin) confirmed that they represent vicariant sibling species which differentiated in allopatry on either side of the Red Sea. In the closely related Gerbillus perpallidus and Gerbillus pyramidum, specimens considered as belonging to one Gerbillus pyramidum subspecies (Gerbillus pyramidum floweri) appeared closer to Gerbillus perpallidus suggesting that they (Gerbillus pyramidum floweri and Gerbillus perpallidus) may represent a unique species, distributed on both sides of the Nile River, for which the correct name should be Gerbillus floweri. Furthermore, the three other Gerbillus pyramidum subspecies grouped together with no apparent genetic structure suggesting that they may not yet represent genetically differentiated lineages. This study confirms the importance of using these methods on museum samples, which can open new perspectives in this particular group as well as in other groups of interest.  相似文献   

To increase our understanding of the speciation process occurred in the sibling species Graomys griseoflavus and Graomys centralis, a phylogeographic study was conducted based on sequences of a hypervariable segment of the mtDNA D‐loop region. The resulting haplotype phylogenetic network showed two well‐defined clusters, one for each species. The clusters were connected by two haplotypes from localities that are almost 300 km apart, one situated in the Monte eco‐region and the other, in the Chaco. This result is in agreement with a previous hypothesis about the geographical context in which the cladogenetic process occurred. A divergence time of 0.15–0.28 million years was estimated, which is consistent with a process of recent speciation. An amova test confirmed that at present gene flow between species does not exist. The mismatch distribution analyses suggest that the geographical and demographic expansion undergone by the species is related to the climatic events that occurred in the region during the Quaternary.  相似文献   

Multimammate rats (genus Mastomys) are abundant in many regions throughout sub-Saharan Africa, and are of high economical and sanitary importance as agricultural pests as well as reservoir/vectors of human diseases. In pest management and in epidemiological studies, unequivocal species identification of individuals collected in the field is crucial. However, the discrimination among most of the Mastomys species is often difficult, if not impossible, on the basis of external characters. Karyology provides unambiguous specific assignations, but is not suitable for population studies involving large numbers of individuals because it requires fresh material and/or quick transfer from the field to the laboratory. The purpose of this study was to search for molecular markers allowing a clear discrimination of field collected individuals on the basis of ethanol-preserved samples. Using sequences of the cytochrome b region of mitochondrial DNA, two molecular tests based on species-specific primers (test 1) and restriction sites generating species-specific profiles (test 2), were designed and evaluated for species identification on a large number of karyotypically or electrophoretically unambiguously determined individuals. The tests clearly discriminate the four most widespread species. They are easy to perform on a small piece of ear or tail taken from live animals, and can probably be adapted to identify museum specimens.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to identify sibling species within the Brachionus plicatilis complex (Rotifera). Allozyme and morphological data for nine strains from all over the world are provided. Although the analysis of morphological data classified individuals from nine strains into two groups, cluster analysis using genetic distance data obtained from allozyme data revealed at least three groups. A male choice design is described for the first time in rotifers and was used to test for male mating preferences among sympatric strains belonging to three distinct species. The results suggest that the B. plicatilis complex is actually composed of more than three sibling species.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Megabraula gen.n. is erected for two new species, M.antecessor and M.onerosa , both found coinhabiting nests of Apis laboriosa in Nepal. Because of their many modifications, the features that distinguish Braula , the other genus in the family, and Braulidae in general are revised. Braulid biology is reviewed, particularly the adaptations involved with the origin of and progressive specialization to commensalism with honey bees.  相似文献   

A new genus of Gliridae, Simplomys gen. nov. is proposed. It contains glirids with a simplified dental pattern from the European Early and Middle Miocene. Simplomys gen. nov. includes several species originally described as Pseudodryomys such as Simplomys simplicidens, Simplomys robustus, Simplomys julii, and Simplomys aljaphi. In addition, a new species, Simplomys meulenorum sp. nov. , is proposed from the Spanish Miocene. The species of this genus share not only a very reduced and simplified dental morphology, but also unique dental proportions that clearly separate them from any other genera of Gliridae. Simplomys gen. nov. is recorded in most of the fossil faunas from the Early and Middle Miocene of the Iberian Peninsula, and shows the maximum diversity in this area during Mammal Neogene Zones MN 3 and MN 4. The genus has been also recorded in other European countries such as France, Germany, and Switzerland, conferring to this very characteristic taxon an important role for biochronological correlations within the European continent. © 2009 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2009, 157 , 622–652.  相似文献   

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