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Michel J. F., Lancaster M. B. and Hong C. 1978. The length of Ostertagia ostertagi in populations of uniform age. International Journal for Parasitology8: 437–441. The conclusion that, in calves exposed to daily infection with larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi, adult worms are constantly lost and replaced was based, in part, on the observation that the length of the worms present decreased with time. The underlying assumption that worms do not shrink was examined in an experiment in which groups of calves received 8300, 25,000 and 75,000 larvae respectively in a single occasion and were killed at various times between the 20th and 132nd day thereafter.The length of the worms was inversely related to the initial worm burden but as worm burdens declined the worms did not grow. Instead, in the groups that received 25,000 and 75,000 larvae, decreases in worm length of 7% and 8% respectively were seen when most of the worms had been lost. Although it appears very probable that this was due to the more rapid loss of large worms than of small, the point could not be conclusively demonstrated.  相似文献   

Aphanoascus spp. are keratinophylic fungi occasionally described as etiological agents of tinea-like dermatomycoses. The goal of this work was to immunochemically characterize somatic and metabolic soluble antigens prepared from 4 species of Aphanoascus. Electrophoresis in SDS-PAGE gel and immunoblotting with sera from rabbits experimentally immunized with both somatic and metabolic antigens have shown a similar pattern among the species analyzed. However, some differences were noted between the species of Aphanoascus. These results suggest the existence of species-specific antigens. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The duration of the egg stage at constant temperature showed a decrease with increasing constant temperature up to 30°; above this, there was a slight increase in the duration and a decrease in survival. Regularly changing temperature had a slight but significant retarding effect on egg duration in one experiment but in the second, there was no significant effect. In two experiments in which there were two sudden changes of temperature in the same direction, there was no significant effect. The duration of the larval stages from hatching up to the third stage showed a decline with increasing constant temperature up to 25°. Survival was poor at 30°. The larvae were fed on E. coli cultures. In the regularly changing experiments on the larvae one showed a slight retardation and the second an acceleration in development. Both were significant (P < .05). In the experiments in which temperature changed in two sudden jumps in the same direction, one showed a slight acceleration and the other showed no effect. It is concluded that the effects of changing temperature while significant are probably not large enought to be of significance in nature. Newly hatched and third stage larvae grown at constant temperatures showed a tendency to be longer at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

Lysates of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes were able to hydrolyze casein (Km = 2.5 mg/ml) as well as bovine and human hemoglobins (Km = 12.2 mg/ml); there was optimum activity was around pH 7.0. The proteinase activity detected with these substrates was enhanced by sodium diaminotetraacetate (EDTA) and reducing agents (SO2?3, mercaptoethanol, cysteine) and was inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents, thus suggesting an SH-dependent enzyme. Purification (60×) of the proteinase was carried out as follows: (1) precipitation at ?20 C, pH 4.5, with 80% acetone, (2) gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, (3) affinity chromatography on Sepharose 4B covalently linked to p-aminophenyl mercuric acetate. Only a single component (with an estimated molecular weight of 60,000) was detected in purified preparations by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, in addition to the major component identified as a proteinase, crossed immunoelectrophoresis experiments indicated the presence of at least three other antigens that apparently were devoid of proteinase activity. Optimum pH activity of the purified preparations was around pH 6.0 for casein and pH 3.0 for hemoglobins, but these activities probably are due to the one enzyme since they were altered identically by the same agents.  相似文献   

Merozoite surface proteins are thought to play an important role during the invasion of red blood cells by merozoites. In this article the strategies for the chromatographic isolation and for the functional and molecular characterisation of isolated antigens from freshly harvested Plasmodium falciparum merozoites from cultures are described.  相似文献   

Specific and cross-reactive antigens were defined in four species of Entamoeba: invadens, moshkovskii, Laredo and histolytica strains HM1, HM3, HM38 and HK9. Among these species extensive common reactivities were observed by immunoblot. Eight E. histolytica antigenic markers were revealed after blocking common specificities with antigens of other Entamoeba species. A monoclonal antibody (mAb) defined two protein markers of E. histolytica, M, 29 and 25 kDa. The four strains of E. histolytica, which varied in virulence as determined by the development of liver abscesses in hamsters, showed the same antigenic patterns with the mAb and with polyclonal antibodies.  相似文献   

Very little biochemical work has been done on plant cell tubulin. In this study, tubulin was isolated from sperm cell flagella from the fern Marsilea vestita. Electrophoresis of reduced and carboxymethylated Marsilea tubulin on three different gel systems revealed that Marsilea tubulin consisted of α- and β-bands, as do the better-known animal and protist tubulins. Comparison of the electrophoretic mobilities of Marsilea, Aspergillus, Chlamydomonas and bovine tubulin showed that Marsilea tubulin's behavior is unique but is most like that of Chlamydomonas. The effects in vivo of tubulin-specific drugs were also examined. Mitosis of Marsilea microspores was sensitive to colchicine, podophyllotoxin and vinblastine, at concentrations higher than those necessary to obtain comparable effects in animal cells, but equivalent to those which block mitosis in Chlamydomonas. In addition, all three drugs, depending on the stage at which they were administered, either prevented flagellar growth or caused formation of abnormal flagella. It thus appears that Marsilea has microtubules similar in many ways to the better characterized animal microtubules but also demonstrating unique characteristics.  相似文献   

Functional antigens of Trichuris muris. The stimulation of immunity by vaccination of mice with somatic antigen preparations. International Journal for Parasitology 3: 711–715. Vaccination of mice with somatic antigens of Trichuris muris in Freund's incomplete adjuvant stimulated a high degree of protective immunity and brought about a marked reduction (up to 92 per cent) of larval burdens after infection. Soluble antigens from the anterior (oesophageal) region of adult worms were shown to be most effective in stimulation of immunity, although protection was apparent following vaccination with antigens prepared from the posterior regions of adult worms and from whole larval worms. It is suggested that the functional antigens of the anterior region may originate in the stichosome cells.  相似文献   

三七是我国的名贵药材,但由于连作障碍发生严重,因此土壤中自毒物质的积累成为导致三七连作障碍发生的主要原因之一。生物降解土壤中的自毒物质是缓解连作障碍的有效措施,为筛选并利用降解菌使土壤中皂苷类自毒物质快速消减,该研究以皂苷类自毒物质为筛选靶标,采用富集和驯化策略,从连作三七根际土壤中分离、筛选三七皂苷类自毒物质降解细菌,结合16S rRNA基因测序对高活性菌株进行分类鉴定,并对筛选得到的高活性菌株SC3的降解特性进行了研究。结果表明:(1)从三七根际土壤中成功分离出8株潜在自毒物质降解细菌,初筛评价结果显示SC3菌株对三七总皂苷的降解率最高,达87.42%。(2)通过16S rRNA基因序列分析,编号SC3的高活性菌株被鉴定为寡养单胞菌属(Stenotrophomonas)细菌。(3)在相同培养条件下,菌株SC3对单体皂苷Rb1的降解效果强于对Rg1的降解。(4)在液体培养条件下,底物浓度、接种量和培养温度均会显著影响SC3菌株对单体皂苷Rb1的降解效果。综上表明,采用富集和驯化策略可以有效筛选自毒物质降解细菌,SC3菌株具有消除连作土壤中皂苷类自毒物质的潜力。该研究结果为连作土壤修复提供了生物资源,并为今后深入研究皂苷降解机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

为了获得适于三叶木通遗传多样性和遗传结构研究的微卫星分子标记,该研究采用磁珠富集法构建了三叶木通微卫星富集文库。结果表明:在150个阳性克隆中发现了70个微卫星位点,富集效率为46.67%,其中含双碱基重复单元的序列占比为79.37%,三碱基和四碱基重复含有量较少。共设计引物63对,其中筛选出16对高多态引物,对1个三叶木通自然居群48个个体进行了遗传分析,结果显示位点的等位基因数为10~22个,观察杂合度和期望杂合度分别为0.370~0.792和0.724~0.936,多态性信息指数为0.725~0.919,表明以上引物均为高多态性引物。其中,12个位点偏离哈迪-温伯格平衡,呈现出纯合子过剩状态,这可能与哑等位基因和其它因素有关。综上结果表明,该研究所开发的16对引物能够用于三叶木通遗传多样性和遗传结构评价工作。  相似文献   

Human SSX was first identified as the gene involved in the t(X;18) translocation in synovial sarcoma. SSX is a multigene family, with 9 complete genes on chromosome Xp11. Normally expressed almost exclusively in testis, SSX mRNA is expressed in various human tumors, defining SSX as a cancer/testis antigen. We have now cloned the mouse ortholog of SSX. Mouse SSX genes can be divided into Ssxa and Ssxb subfamilies based on sequence homology. Ssxa has only one member, whereas 12 Ssxb genes, Ssxb1 to Ssxb12, were identified by cDNA cloning from mouse testis and mouse tumors. Both Ssxa and Ssxb are located on chromosome X and show tissue-restricted mRNA expression to testis among normal tissues. All putative human and mouse SSX proteins share conserved KRAB and SSX-RD domains. Mouse tumors were found to express some, but not all, Ssxb genes, similar to the SSX activation in human tumors.  相似文献   

锁阳和肉苁蓉都是中医药里重要的补益类药材,但由于过度采挖和采挖方式不当,目前它们的野生资源已濒临枯竭。肉苁蓉和锁阳分别是我国濒危和易危珍稀植物,研究二者寄生方式的特点与区别不仅可以促进锁阳和肉苁蓉的人工栽培,从而使野生药材得到一定的保护,而且对了解寄生植物在荒漠地区等极端严酷环境中的适应机制具有重要的生态学意义。该研究采用形态学观察结合常规石蜡切片法,对锁阳和肉苁蓉分别在各自寄主植物上的寄生方式进行了研究。结果表明:(1)锁阳的营养繁殖体在寄主植物根部呈串状分布,与寄主植物的连接方式属于非末端寄生;锁阳的吸器侵入寄主根系韧皮部和木质部的一部分区域,但是韧皮部和木质部大部分区域未被锁阳吸器占据,即有部分营养物质被锁阳“截取”。(2)肉苁蓉在其肉质茎基部长出新的芽体,与寄主植物的连接方式属于末端寄生;肉苁蓉的吸器侵入寄主根韧皮部和木质部全部区域。因此,锁阳寄生后,被寄生的寄主根依然能够向前生长,具有正常的功能;肉苁蓉寄生后,寄生点的寄主根失去根系的正常功能,成为一个为肉苁蓉生长发育提供营养物质的“输送通道( Transport channel)”。  相似文献   

陈莹  徐平  戴二黑  张瑶 《微生物学报》2023,63(8):2948-2966
结核病(tuberculosis, TB)是由结核分枝杆菌(Mycobacterium tuberculosis, MTB)感染引起的慢性传染病,是仅次于正在暴发的新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)的第二大单一感染致死病因。COVID-19的大流行对TB的诊断及治疗造成了破坏性的影响,全球实现终结TB目标的进展偏离了轨道。因此,早诊断、早治疗依然是防控TB蔓延的关键。TB精准诊断一直受MTB抗原特异性、检测技术特异性和灵敏度的影响,因此亟需挖掘高特异性新抗原、开发新检测技术。随着蛋白质基因组学(proteogenomics)和质谱技术的快速发展,从临床体液、组织样本中高效、精准靶向检测MTB特异性已知、甚至新抗原的表达,以及监测治疗过程中的抗原表达量的动态变化,是TB诊断及治疗的发展趋势。在MTB标准菌株H37Rv的4 008个注释基因中(NC_000 962.3, NCBI),国内外报道的已注释抗原虽有140多个,但仅有极少的抗原应用于TB的筛查及辅助诊断,离世界卫生组织(World Health Organization, WHO)的诊断标准尚远。本文通过对MTB已报道抗原以及基...  相似文献   

Studies were carried out to determine the time of appearance, frequency, titre and specificity of lymphocytotoxic antibodies in the plasma of parous Hereford cattle. Cytotoxic antibody was first detected in a small proportion (3162 = 4.8 % ) of primigravid cattle during the last third of pregnancy. Titres were low (neat or 1 in 2) at this time and decreased in one animal so that antibodies were not detectable in samples obtained on the day of calving or 9 days beforehand.
Following parturition, the proportion of primiparous cattle producing lymphocytotoxic antibodies increased markedly and reached a maximum value (8/19 = 42.1 %) during the third month post partum. Antibody levels also rose over the same period. An increase in the parity of the dam also resulted in an increase in the proportion of cattle with lymphocytotoxic plasma. These antibodies appeared earlier in pregnancy, were at a higher titre and had a wider specificity than those found in primigravida.
Non-foetally stimulated antibody was detected in 4 cattle. In one plasma sample, lymphocytotoxic activity was present prior to mating, and in the 3 others it was not directed against cells from either the bull to which the dam was mated or the calf produced by the sire and dam.  相似文献   

Summary. BOLA workshop antigens W6 and W11 were inherited together in a small number of crossbred Charolais cattle.  相似文献   

Promastigotes and amastigotes of Leishmania tropica were surface-radioiodinated using the lactoperoxidase technique. Detergent lysates of the labeled organisms were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Analysis of radioiodinated promastigote membrane proteins revealed six major and some minor acidic polypeptides. Analysis of the amastigote membrane proteins revealed six major proteins, mostly acidic, and some poorly resolved basic proteins. Four of the major membrane proteins appeared to be common to the two parasitic forms (Mr 67,000, Mr 50,000, Mr 68,000, and Mr 80,000). These polypeptides were recognized by antipromastigote antibodies as well as antibodies from CBA/H mice that had recovered from infection. Peptide mapping confirmed their homology in the two parasite forms. One polypeptide appeared to be specific for the promastigote (Mr 50,000) and two polypeptides appeared to be specific for the amastigote form of the parasite (Mr 94,000 and Mr 43,000).  相似文献   

Naegleria fowleri, a free-living amoeba-flagellate responsible for primary amoebic meningoencephalitis in man, was observed to cap and internalize surface-bound antibody. These results suggest that the ability of N. fowleri to remove antibody from its surface may allow the amoeba to resist the action of the host's immune system.  相似文献   

The essential trace element, nickel, is readily taken up by plants. The biochemical properties of the nickel complex in intrinsically labeled potato and alfalfa were compared and contrasted to ionic nickel. Potato and alfalfa exhibit a similar in vivo nickel complex. The approximate mol wt is 2200–2400 daltons. The complex has a lower polarity than thoes ionic nickel. The majority of the complex is a cationic species with a minor anionic species. This is confirmed with electrophoresis, ion exchange chromatography and the two nickel conplexes' affinity for cationic and anionic resins. Protein does not appear to be associated with either complex.  相似文献   

The SLC14A1 gene, which encodes the important Kidd blood group antigens, has not been systematically?analyzed at the molecular level in Chinese individuals. In this study, SLC14A1 genetic polymorphism was examined in Chinese individuals with Jk(a+b-), Jk(a+b+), and Jk(a-b+) expression. The Kidd phenotype was determined for 146 specimens using monoclonal anti-Jka and -Jkb antibodies. From these, 87 specimens were Jk(a-b+), 21 were Jk(a+b-), and 38 were Jk(a+b+). According to the Kidd phenotype results, 20 specimens were randomly selected from each group, i.e., Jk(a-b+), Jk(a+b-), and Jk(a+b+), for the molecular analyses of exons 3 to 11 of the SLC14A1 gene. Novel alleles were detected in the SLC14A1 gene, including IVS3-106A, IVS3-99A, exon3 130G, IVS4-299G, IVS4-293G, IVS4+211C, IVS4 +230C, exon6 499A, exon6 588A, IVS7-68T, IVS9+244G, and IVS10-153T, indicating that the locus harbored significant polymorphism. We also showed that IVS4-299, IVS7-68, and IVS10-153 were novel SNPs absolutely associated with exon 8 nt. 838. The minor allele frequencies were all greater than 10% and all SNPs in the Chinese population showed Vel antigen expression on RBC membranes. We identified 12 SNPs in the SLC14A1 gene in the Chinese population, IVS3-106A, IVS3-99A, exon3 130G, IVS4-299G, IVS4-293G, IVS4+211C, IVS4 +230C, exon6 499A, exon6 588A, IVS7-68T, IVS9+244G, and IVS10-153T. Our results also indicated that three novel SNPs produced Jka and Jkb antigens in Chinese individuals.  相似文献   

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