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Eye camouflage and false eyespots: chaetodontid responses to predators   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Synopsis The roles of eye camouflage and eyespots are examined within the genusChaetodon as are the various theories explaining the evolutionary significance of the brilliant colors. While eye camouflage is not common among reef fishes, 91% of the 90 species ofChaetodon, have eyemasks (82) or black heads (4). Eye camouflage occurs concomitantly with diurnal false eyespots in 45.5% (41 of 90) of the species. Diurnal false eyespots serve to misdirect attacks by predators and/or to advertise unpalatability. False eyespots are located on areas of the body which allow escape and survival following an attack. Data suggesting that predators learn about the undesirability of butterflyfishes are presented. Butterflyfishes are inactive at night, forage during the day and spawn at dusk. It is unlikely that nocturnal color changes are useful in conspecific interactions and are therefore believed to provide visual cues to potential predators. Nocturnal eyespots probably function to intimidate potential predators but could also remind them of unpalatability. The aggression release hypothesis (Lorenz 1962, 1966) to explain the brilliant coloration of chaetodontids is not supported because butterflyfish coloration changes and few species are territorial. The species recognition hypothesis (Zumpe 1965) is not supported by results of field experiments. The disruptive coloration hypothesis (Longley 1917) is rejected as a general explanation for poster coloration but does explain the prevalence of eyebars ofChaetodon spp. The aposematic hypothesis (Gosline 1965) is supported by morphology, behavior, a lack of predation and field observations. The possibility of Mullerian mimicry is suggested. It is concluded that the primary selective force behind chaetodontid coloration, particularly eyespots, has been predation and color patterns have evolved to minimize this threat.  相似文献   

False alarms, arising from a variety of sources, are the greatest remaining obstacle to development of an automated prescreening system for gynecologic cytology. This paper describes two correlation systems under development at the University of Rochester and discusses their utilization in the study of false alarms in slit-scan cytofluorometry. Both systems permit imaging of objects in flow and correlation between images and corresponding slit-scan contours. Correlation systems will permit a detailed study of false alarm causes and aid in the search for new features to assist in their recognition.  相似文献   

In group‐foraging species with no alarm signals, the sudden departure of neighbours can be used to inform the rest of the group about the detection of a threat. However, sudden departures are ambiguous because they can be triggered by factors unrelated to predator detection. We evaluated how animals react to the sudden departure of neighbours in groups of foraging house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We focussed on false alarms that occurred for no apparent reasons to us because predation attempts were not frequent. Three factors can explain how the sudden departure of a neighbour can influence reaction times, namely group size, the distance between neighbours, and predation risk. We predicted reaction times to be longer in larger groups where individual vigilance levels are low, and when group members are further apart and cannot easily monitor each other. In addition, we expected reaction times to be longer when predation risk is lower. Departures that are more temporally clumped are also expected to be less ambiguous and should trigger faster reaction times. Our results show that sparrows reacted faster, not more slowly, to the sudden departures of neighbours in larger groups, and, as predicted, more slowly when neighbours were more distant from each other. Reaction times were longer in one of the two study years in which predation risk was deemed lower. Sparrows reacted more quickly when earlier departures were more temporally clumped. The results thus provided partial support for the predictions, and future work is needed to assess how individuals react to fleeing responses by their neighbours in species with no alarm signals.  相似文献   

Colour and colour patterns seem to be especially important visual warning signals for predators, which might have innate or learned ability to avoid aposematic prey. To test the importance of larval colour pattern of the aposematic ladybird Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), an invasive alien species in Europe, we presented the plasticine models of aposematic larvae to wild and naïve birds. We studied the attacks on aposematic larvae of various patterns and colours in nature and in an outdoor aviary. The larvae were cryptic (green), aposematic (resembling those of the H. axyridis larvae), and semi-aposematic (i.e., black but missing the typical orange patches of H. axyridis larvae). We detected attacks on 71 larvae out of 450 (i.e., 2.6% daily predation). Twenty-nine attacks were made by birds, 37 by arthropods, and five by gastropods. Wild birds attacked green and black larvae significantly more often than aposematic larvae. Colour did not have an effect on attacks by arthropods. The experiment with naïve birds was conducted in an outdoor aviary, where naïve great tits, Parus major L., were offered the same artificial larvae as in the first experiment. In total, 57 of 90 exposed larvae were attacked by birds (i.e., 28% daily predation), and green larvae were attacked significantly more than the aposematic larvae (but not more than black larvae). Our results imply that aposematic larvae of H. axyridis are more than 12× less likely to be predated by birds than green larvae in nature. The aposematic pattern represented a more effective signal than the semi-aposematic signal. The ability to reject aposematic prey seemed to be innate in our birds.  相似文献   

Population divergence in antipredator defence and behaviour occurs rapidly and repeatedly. Genetic differences, phenotypic plasticity or parental effects may all contribute to divergence, but the relative importance of each of these mechanisms remains unknown. We exposed juveniles to parents and predators to measure how induced changes contribute to shoaling behaviour differences between two threespine stickleback species (benthics and limnetics: Gasterosteus spp). We found that limnetics increased shoaling in response to predator attacks, whereas benthics did not alter their behaviour. Care by limnetic fathers led to increased shoaling in both limnetic and benthic offspring. Shoaling helps limnetics avoid trout and avian predation; our results suggest that this adaptive behaviour is the result of a combination of paternal effects, predator-induced plasticity and genetic differences between species. These results suggest that plasticity substantially contributes to the rapid divergence in shoaling behaviour across the post-Pleistocene radiation of sticklebacks.  相似文献   

Björn Lardner 《Oikos》2000,88(1):169-180
Amphibian larvae often face two major sources of mortality: pond desiccation and predation. Tadpoles of seven anuran species with different preferences for type of breeding habitat, on a hydroperiod scale, were tested for responses to the presence of predators by raising them experimentally in the presence and absence of a separately caged invertebrate predator that was fed on conspecific tadpoles. The species typically breeding in temporary or semi-permanent ponds ( Rana temporaria , Rana arvalis , Rana dalmatina and Hyla arborea ) – where invertebrate predator populations are predicted to vary considerably spatiotemporally – all showed marked induced increases in tail fin depth in response to predator presence. These species also tended to respond by reduced growth rates. The representative of the most ephemeral habitats, Bufo calamita , did not respond in any of these traits. Its congeneric, Bufo bufo , a toxic inhabitant of permanent ponds and lakes, tended to respond to predator presence by reducing its growth rate, though not by a tail depth increase. I argue that the rather poor swimming performance in Bufo tadpoles may opt for defences other than locomotor ability. The palatable, permanent pond species Pelobates fuscus did not alter either its growth rate or tail morphology. Possible explanations for this result are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the interactive effects of predators and trematodes on Rana sybatica and Rana clamitans larvae. We hypothesized that exposure to predators would increase tadpole susceptibility to trematode infection, by reducing tadpole activity and thereby increasing time spent on the bottom. We further hypothesized that the tadpoles would experience reduced rates of growth and development in the presence of either predators or parasites, and that predator presence would stimulate both species to develop larger tails and smaller bodies. Rana clamilans and R. sybatica reduced their activity in the presence of both predators and trematode cercariae. In the longer running R. clamitans experiment, predator-exposed tadpoles developed significantly shallower tails and wider bodies, while trematode infection had no effect on growth, development, or shape. Most significantly, we found that extended exposure to caged fish predators made R. clamitans tadpoles more susceptible to trematode infection. A possible mechanism for this increased vulnerability is that reduced activity in the presence of predators increases tadpoles' proximity to cercariae. Our study suggests that various factors that decrease tadpole activity–predator presence, trematode cercariae and certain pesticides–may act synergistically to negatively impact tadpole populations.  相似文献   

The chemosensory responses of the fry of the Midas cichlid, Cichlasoma citrinellum (Pisces: Cichlidae), were tested in a Y-maze during their first 11 days of free-swimming. Fry preferred all conspecific females to blank water but did not distinguish between their own mother, another mother or a non-parental, adult female. Fry preferred females to males. Similar results were obtained for males. Fry preferred their siblings and (unrelated) juveniles to blank water. However, while they failed to show a preference between siblings and their mother, they preferred their mother to juveniles. Fry were able to any of three heterospecifics (C. managuense, C. nigrofasciatum and the allopatric Sarotherodon mossambicus). The chemosensory responses demonstrated in the Y-maze are hypothesized to aid the fry in staying near the centre of the guarded territory and away from predators, particularly under murky or nocturnal conditions.  相似文献   

Conservation of rare species and ecosystem biodiversity should not lead to conflicts. However, situations may arise when the management of focal species places non-target species at risk. In the Willamette Valley of western Oregon, USA, eradication of a naturally hybridizing Grindelia integrifolia × Grindelia nana (Asteraceae) population from a wildlife refuge to preserve genetically “pure” populations of endemic G. integrifolia populations to the North, eliminated a dominant, late-summer, flowering plant from the plant community. While this decision undoubtedly arose from good intentions, the hybrid Grindelia was the sole pollen resource for the last known population (numbered in 100s prior to Grindelia removal) of an endemic solitary bee, Melissodes pullatella (Anthophoridae), a rare wetland butterfly, Lycaena xanthoides (Lycaenidae), and very likely additional pollinators. Approximately 15 years after the removal of Grindelia from the wildlife refuge, we found several small populations of M. pullatella (<20 individuals sighted) about 70 km to the south of the refuge in hybrid Grindelia-dominated remnant and restored wetlands. We present this case study to highlight the loss of local biodiversity that can accompany single species driven ecosystem management. We hope that land managers will consider not only the preservation of the formally recognized rare species in their conservation strategy but also the impacts of management practices on site biodiversity.  相似文献   

We conducted three replicated field experiments to test the population response of two ecologically-divergent wolf spider species ( Hogna helluo and Pardosa milvina ) to three correlates of landscape fragmentation: area reduction, spatial subdivision, and increased edge to core ratio. We selected these two species because they differ in vagility and habitat selectivity. Hogna helluo is relatively large, averse to disturbed substrata, and has poor colonization abilities. Conversely, Pardosa is small, vagile, and will use barren, disturbed areas. In a test for the effect of area reduction on populations of the two wolf spiders, we destroyed 0%, 20% or 80% of randomly selected habitat islands in replicated experimental landscapes. We found that population densities of Hogna declined significantly, even at the lowest level of area reduction (20%), and that there was an increase in numbers of Pardosa . In a test for the response to an increase in landscape subdivision, we created four levels of habitat fragmentation in replicate plots. We found a significant decline in Hogna populations with increasing fragmentation. Pardosa populations did not respond to the fragmentation. In the third experiment we kept landscape area and subdivision constant, but manipulated the edge-to-core ratio. We found that populations of Hogna declined sharply with increasing edge, and that populations of Pardosa did not respond. These two syntopic wolf spiders have distinctly different responses to landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   

Urbanization is a key global driver in the modification of land use and has been linked to population declines even in widespread and relatively common species. Cities comprise a complex assortment of habitat types yet we know relatively little about the effects of their composition and spatial configuration on species distribution. Although many bat species exploit human resources, the majority of species are negatively impacted by urbanization. Here, we use data from the National Bat Monitoring Programme, a long‐running citizen science scheme, to assess how two cryptic European bat species respond to the urban landscape. A total of 124 × 1 km2 sites throughout Britain were surveyed. The landscape surrounding each site was mapped and classified into discrete biotope types (e.g., woodland). Generalized linear models were used to assess differences in the response to the urban environment between the two species, and which landscape factors were associated with the distributions of P. pipistrellus and P. pygmaeus. The relative prevalence of P. pygmaeus compared to P. pipistrellus was greater in urban landscapes with a higher density of rivers and lakes, whereas P. pipistrellus was frequently detected in landscapes comprising a high proportion of green space (e.g., parklands). Although P. pipistrellus is thought to be well adapted to the urban landscape, we found a strong negative response to urbanization at a relatively local scale (1 km), whilst P. pygmaeus was detected more regularly in wooded urban landscapes containing freshwater. These results show differential habitat use at a landscape scale of two morphologically similar species, indicating that cryptic species may respond differently to anthropogenic disturbance. Even species considered relatively common and well adapted to the urban landscape may respond negatively to the built environment highlighting the future challenges involved in maintaining biodiversity within an increasingly urbanized world.  相似文献   

One aspect of plant defense is the production of constitutive secondary compounds that confer toxicity on herbivores and pathogens. The purpose of this study was to compare patterns of plant tissue toxicity across gradients of irradiance and nutrient content. We measured the potential toxicity (1/LC50) of extracts of six species of herbaceous Asteraceae grown under controlled conditions of temperature (25 degrees C), humidity (80%), photoperiod (16 h/day), in a range of concentrations of a modified Hoagland hydroponic solution (full-strength, 1/5 dilute, 1/10 dilute, and 1/50 dilute) and under two different light intensities (250 and 125 micromol/m2/s). The plants grew from seed for 42 days post-germination, and randomly chosen plants were harvested each 7 days. We did a general measure of potential phytochemical toxicity using an alcohol extraction of secondary compounds followed by brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) bioassay. Contrary to the carbon/nutrient balance hypothesis, tissue toxicity generally increased with decreasing irradiance and nutrient levels, so that plants whose growth was most restricted had tissues that were most toxic, although there were species-specific differences in this trend.  相似文献   

The ecological impact of an invasive species can depend on the behavioural responses of native fauna to the invader. For example, the greatest risk posed by invasive cane toads (Rhinella marina Bufonidae) in tropical Australia is lethal poisoning of predators that attempt to eat a toad; and thus, a predator's response to a toad determines its vulnerability. We conducted standardized laboratory trials on recently captured (toad‐naïve) predatory snakes and lizards, in advance of the toad invasion front as it progressed through tropical Australia. Responses to a live edible‐sized toad differed strongly among squamate species. We recorded attacks (and hence, predator mortality) in scincid, agamid and varanid lizards, and in elapid, colubrid and pythonid snakes. Larger‐bodied predators were at greater risk, and some groups (elapid snakes and varanid lizards) were especially vulnerable. However, feeding responses differed among species within families and within genera. Some taxa (notably, many scincid and agamid lizards) do not attack toads; and many colubrid snakes either do not consume toads, or are physiologically resistant to the toad's toxins. Intraspecific variation in responses means that even in taxa that apparently are unaffected by toad invasion at the population level, some individual predators nonetheless may be fatally poisoned by invasive cane toads.  相似文献   

Theoretical models predict that a delayed density-dependent mortality factor with a time lag of ca 9 months is able to drive 3–5-yr population cycles of northern voles. We studied numerical responses of predators in western Finland during 1986–92, in an area with 3-yr population cycles of voles. Abundances of small mammals were monitored in several farmland areas (each 3 km2) by snap-trapping in April, June, August, and October (only in 1986–90), and the abundances of avian, mammalian, and reptilian predators by visual censuses during trapping occasions. The 3-yr cycle studied was a cycle of Microtus voles (field vole M. agrestis and sibling vole M. rossiaemeridionalis ) and their small-sized predators (small mustelids and vole-eating birds of prey). The numerical responses of both migratory avian predators and small mustelids to changes in vole densities were more alike than different. In late summer (August), the time lag in the numerical response of all main predators was short (0–4 months), whereas longer time lags prevailed from spring to early summer. The length of the time lag in spring appeared to be related to the length of the winter, which indicates that strong seasonality may create longer time lags to the numerical response of predators at northern latitudes than at more southern latitudes. Our results suggest that, from spring to early summer, predation by migratory avian predators may act in concordance with mustelid predation to produce the long time lag necessary to drive the 3-yr cycle of voles, whereas almost direct density-dependent predation by all major predators in late summer may dampen spatial variation in prey densities.  相似文献   

Two or more competing predators can coexist using a single homogeneous prey species if the system containing all three undergoes internally generated fluctuations in density. However, the dynamics of species that coexist via this mechanism have not been extensively explored. Here, we examine both the nature of the dynamics and the responses of the mean densities of each predator to mortality imposed upon it or its competitor. The analysis of dynamics uncovers several previously undescribed behaviors for this model, including chaotic fluctuations, and long-term transients that differ significantly from the ultimate patterns of fluctuations. The limiting dynamics of the system can be loosely classified as synchronous cycles, asynchronous cycles, and chaotic dynamics. Synchronous cycles are simple limit cycles with highly positively correlated densities of the two predator species. Asynchronous cycles are limit cycles, frequently of complex form, including a significant period during which prey density is nearly constant while one predator gradually, monotonically replaces the other. Chaotic dynamics are aperiodic and generally have intermediate correlations between predator densities. Continuous changes in density-independent mortality rates often lead to abrupt transitions in mean population sizes, and increases in the mortality rate of one predator may decrease the population size of the competing predator. Similarly, increases in the immigration rate of one predator may decrease its own density and increase the density of the other predator. Proportional changes in one predator's birth and death rate functions can have significant effects on the dynamics and mean densities of both predator species. All of these responses to environmental change differ from those observed when competitors coexist stably as the result of resource (prey) partitioning. The patterns described here occur in many other competition models in which there are cycles and differences in the linearity of the responses of consumers to their resources.  相似文献   

One important impact of invasive species may be to modify the behaviour of native taxa. For example, the invasion of highly toxic cane toads (Bufo marinus) kills many anurophagous native predators, but other predators learn to recognize and avoid the toxic invader. We exposed native fish (northern trout gudgeons, Mogurnda mogurnda) and Dahl's aquatic frogs (Litoria dahlii) to cane toad tadpoles, then monitored the predator's responses during subsequent trials. Both the frogs and fish initially attacked toad tadpoles, but rapidly learned not to do so. Fish and adult frogs retained their aversion for at least a week, whereas recently metamorphosed frogs did not. Clearly, the spread of cane toads through tropical Australia can modify feeding responses of native aquatic predators. For predators capable of rapid avoidance learning, the primary impact of cane toads may be on foraging behaviour rather than mortality.  相似文献   

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