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The ATR (ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated) and rad3-related) checkpoint kinase is considered critical for signalling DNA replication stress and its dysfunction can lead to the neurodevelopmental disorder, ATR-Seckel syndrome. To understand how ATR functions during neurogenesis, we conditionally deleted Atr broadly throughout the murine nervous system, or in a restricted manner in the dorsal telencephalon. Unexpectedly, in both scenarios, Atr loss impacted neurogenesis relatively late during neural development involving only certain progenitor populations. Whereas the Atr-deficient embryonic cerebellar external germinal layer underwent p53- (and p16(Ink4a/Arf))-independent proliferation arrest, other brain regions suffered apoptosis that was partially p53 dependent. In contrast to other organs, in the nervous system, p53 loss did not worsen the outcome of Atr inactivation. Coincident inactivation of Atm also did not affect the phenotype after Atr deletion, supporting non-overlapping physiological roles for these related DNA damage-response kinases in the brain. Rather than an essential general role in preventing replication stress, our data indicate that ATR functions to monitor genomic integrity in a selective spatiotemporal manner during neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Neural stem cells (NSCs) are pluripotent stem cells with the potential to differentiate into a variety of nerve cells. NSCs are susceptible to both intracellular and extracellular insults, thus causing DNA damage. Extracellular insults include ultraviolet, ionizing radiation, base analogs, modifiers, alkyl agents and others, while intracellular factors include Reactive oxygen species (ROS) radicals produced by mitochondria, mismatches that occur during DNA replication, deamination of bases, loss of bases, and more. When encountered with DNA damage, cells typically employ three coping strategies: DNA repair, damage tolerance, and apoptosis. NSCs, like many other stem cells, have the ability to divide, differentiate, and repair DNA damage to prevent mutations from being passed down to the next generation. However, when DNA damage accumulates over time, it will lead to a series of alterations in the metabolism of cells, which will cause cellular ageing. The ageing and exhaustion of neural stem cell will have serious effects on the body, such as neurodegenerative diseases. The purpose of this review is to examine the processes by which DNA damage leads to NSCs ageing and the mechanisms of DNA repair in NSCs.  相似文献   

Intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) affects approximately 10% of human pregnancies globally and has immediate and life‐long consequences for offspring health. However, the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis of IUGR and its association with later health and disease outcomes are poorly understood. To address these knowledge gaps, the use of experimental animals is critically important. Since the 50's different environmental, pharmacological, and surgical manipulations have been performed in the rabbit to improve our knowledge of the control of fetal growth, fetal responses to IUGR, and mechanisms by which offspring may be programmed by an adverse gestational environment. The purpose of this review is therefore to summarize the utility of the rabbit as a model for IUGR research. It first summarizes the knowledge of prenatal and postnatal development in the rabbit and how these events relate to developmental milestones in humans. It then describes the methods used to induce IUGR in rabbits and the knowledge gained about the mechanisms determining prenatal and postnatal outcomes of the offspring. Finally, it discusses the application of state of the art approaches in the rabbit, including high‐resolution ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging, and gene targeting, to gain a deeper integrative understanding of the physiological and molecular events governing the development of IUGR. Overall, we hope to engage and inspire investigators to employ the rabbit as a model organism when studying pregnancy physiology so that we may advance our understanding of mechanisms underlying IUGR and its consequences in humans and other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells maintain the mature tissues of metazoans. They do so by reproducing in such a way that their progeny either differentiate, and thus contribute functionally to a tissue, or remain uncommitted and replenish the stem cell pool. Because ageing manifests as a general decline in tissue function, diminished stem cell-mediated tissue maintenance may contribute to age-related pathologies. Accordingly, the mechanisms by which stem cell regenerative potential is sustained, and the extent to which these mechanisms fail with age, are fundamental determinants of tissue ageing. Here, we explore the mechanisms of asymmetric division that account for the sustained fitness of adult stem cells and the tissues that comprise them. In particular, we summarize the theory and experimental evidence underlying non-random chromosome segregation-a mitotic asymmetry arising from the unequal partitioning of chromosomes according to the age of their template DNA strands. Additionally, we consider the possible consequences of non-random chromosome segregation, especially as they relate to both replicative and chronological ageing in stem cells. While biased segregation of chromosomes may sustain stem cell replicative potential by compartmentalizing the errors derived from DNA synthesis, it might also contribute to the accrual of replication-independent DNA damage in stem cells and thus hasten chronological ageing.  相似文献   

It has been noted for quite some time that DNA methylation levels decline with age. The significance of this change remained unknown until it became possible to measure methylation status of specific sites on the DNA. It was observed that while the methylation of some sites does indeed decrease with age, that of others increase or remain unchanged. The application of machine learning methods to these quantitative changes in multiple sites, allowed the generation of a highly accurate estimator of age, called the epigenetic clock. The application of this clock on large human epidemiological data sets revealed that discordance between the predicted (epigenetic age) and chronological age is associated with many age-related pathologies, particularly when the former is greater than the latter. The epigenetic clock clearly captures to some degree, biological features that accompany the ageing process. Despite the ever-increasing scope of pathologies that are found to be associated with accelerated epigenetic ageing, the basic principles that underlie the ticking of the clock remain elusive. Here, we describe the known molecular and cellular attributes of the clock and consider their properties, and proffer opinions as to how they may be connected and what might be the underlying mechanism. Emerging from these considerations is the inescapable view that epigenetic ageing begins from very early moments after the embryonic stem cell stage and continues un-interrupted through the entire life-course. This appears to be a consequence of processes that are necessary for the development of the organism from conception and to maintain it thereafter through homeostasis. Hence, while the speed of ageing can, and is affected by external factors, the essence of the ageing process itself is an integral part of, and the consequence of the development of life.Impact statementThe field of epigenetic ageing is relatively new, and the speed of its expansion presents a challenge in keeping abreast with new discoveries and their implications. Several reviews have already addressed the great number of pathologies, health conditions, life-style, and external stressors that are associated with changes to the rate of epigenetic ageing. While these associations highlight and affirm the ability of epigenetic clock to capture biologically meaningful changes associated with age, they do not inform us about the underlying mechanisms. In this very early period since the development of the clock, there have been rather limited experimental research that are aimed at uncovering the mechanism. Hence, the perspective that we proffer is derived from available but nevertheless limited lines of evidence that together provide a seemingly coherent narrative that can be tested. This, we believe would be helpful towards uncovering the workings of the epigenetic clock.  相似文献   

During S-phase, the genome is extremely vulnerable and the progression of replication forks is often threatened by exogenous and endogenous challenges. When replication fork progression is halted, the intra S-phase checkpoint is activated to promote structural stability of stalled forks, preventing the dissociation of replisome components. This ensures the rapid resumption of replication following DNA repair. Failure in protecting and/or restarting the stalled forks contributes to alterations of the genome. Several human genetic diseases coupled to an increased cancer predisposition are caused by mutations in genes involved in safeguarding genome integrity during DNA replication. Both the ATR (ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related protein) kinase and the Replication pausing complex (RPC) components Tipin, Tim1 and Claspin play key roles in activating the intra S-phase checkpoint and in stabilizing the stalled replication forks. Here, we discuss the specific contribution of these factors in preserving fork structure and ensuring accurate completion of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Bloom's syndrome (BS), a disorder associated with genomic instability and cancer predisposition, results from defects in the Bloom's helicase (BLM) protein. In BS cells, chromosomal abnormalities such as sister chromatid exchanges occur at highly elevated rates. Using Xenopus egg extracts, we have studied Xenopus BLM (Xblm) during both unperturbed and disrupted DNA replication cycles. Xblm binds to replicating chromatin and becomes highly phosphorylated in the presence of DNA replication blocks. This phosphorylation depends on Xenopus ATR (Xatr) and Xenopus Rad17 (Xrad17), but not Claspin. Xblm and Xenopus topoisomerase IIIalpha (Xtop3alpha) interact in a regulated manner and associate with replicating chromatin interdependently. Immunodepletion of Xblm from egg extracts results in accumulation of chromosomal DNA breaks during both normal and perturbed DNA replication cycles. Disruption of the interaction between Xblm and Xtop3alpha has similar effects. The occurrence of DNA damage in the absence of Xblm, even without any exogenous insult to the DNA, may help to explain the genesis of chromosomal defects in BS cells.  相似文献   

The ATM and ATR kinases function at the apex of checkpoint signaling pathways. These kinases share significant sequence similarity, phosphorylate many of the same substrates, and have overlapping roles in initiating cell cycle checkpoints. However, they sense DNA damage through distinct mechanisms. ATR primarily senses single stranded DNA (ssDNA) through its interaction with ATRIP, and ATM senses double strand breaks through its interaction with Nbs1. We determined that the N-terminus of ATR contains a domain that binds ATRIP. Attaching this domain to ATM allowed the fusion protein (ATM*) to bind ATRIP and associate with RPA-coated ssDNA. ATM* also gained the ability to localize efficiently to stalled replication forks as well as double strand breaks. Despite having normal kinase activity when tested in vitro and being phosphorylated on S1981 in vivo, ATM* is defective in checkpoint signaling and does not complement cellular deficiencies in either ATM or ATR. These data indicate that the N-terminus of ATR is sufficient to bind ATRIP and to promote localization to sites of replication stress.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are believed to be involved in human ageing. Whilst it is clear that various mitochondrial DNA mutations do accumulate in human tissues with age, whether or not they interfere with respiratory chain function is uncertain. We question the results of previous studies which have measured respiratory chain function in human skeletal muscle with age. Whilst cytochrome c oxidase deficient fibres are a real finding in skeletal muscle, the contribution of mitochondrial DNA mutations to human ageing is still controversial. Our results show for mitochondria to be involved in ageing then it must be through a more subtle mechanism than a global decline in respiratory chain function. (Mol Cell Biochem 174: 325–328, 1997)  相似文献   

Cell division cycle 5‐like protein (Cdc5L) is a core component of the putative E3 ubiquitin ligase complex containing Prp19/Pso4, Plrg1 and Spf27. This complex has been shown to have a role in pre‐messenger RNA splicing from yeast to humans; however, more recent studies have described a function for this complex in the cellular response to DNA damage. Here, we show that Cdc5L interacts physically with the cell‐cycle checkpoint kinase ataxia‐telangiectasia and Rad3‐related (ATR). Depletion of Cdc5L by RNA‐mediated interference methods results in a defective S‐phase cell‐cycle checkpoint and cellular sensitivity in response to replication‐fork blocking agents. Furthermore, we show that Cdc5L is required for the activation of downstream effectors or mediators of ATR checkpoint function such as checkpoint kinase 1 (Chk1), cell cycle checkpoint protein Rad 17 (Rad17) and Fanconi anaemia complementation group D2 protein (FancD2). In addition, we have mapped the ATR‐binding region in Cdc5L and show that a deletion mutant that is unable to interact with ATR is defective in the rescue of the checkpoint deficiency in Cdc5L‐depleted cells. These findings show a new function for Cdc5L in the regulation of the ATR‐mediated cell‐cycle checkpoint in response to genotoxic agents.  相似文献   

检验点激酶1(checkpointkinase1,Chk1)为一种进化保守的蛋白激酶,是细胞检验点的转导因子。当电离辐射、紫外线等引起细胞DNA损伤或者DNA复制叉停滞时Chk1活化,诱导细胞产生细胞周期阻滞、DNA修复或细胞凋亡等特征。现对Chk1的结构、功能以及病毒通过Chk1调控宿主细胞周期等方面进行简述。  相似文献   

Ageing is a sophisticated process, accompanied by reduction in general physiological capacity and increase in mortality and death, stemming from damage accumulation over time. Various signaling pathways are known to be involved in the functional decrease in various organs in ageing humans. One of the most prominent pathways is DNA damage response (DDR), which is responsible for maintenance of the genomic integrity and stability. Insufficient or dysfunctional DDR signaling and the subsequent accumulation of potential DNA lesions are associated with the initiation/progression of various human pathologies including ageing. As a tumor suppressor gene, with critical functions in the ageing process, p53 is considered as a DDR centerpiece. In this review, we aim to discuss the interactions between p53 and DDR signaling and their contributions in ageing.  相似文献   

The protein kinases ataxia‐telangiectasia mutated (ATM) and ATM‐Rad3 related (ATR) are activated in response to DNA damage, genotoxic stress and virus infections. Here we show that during infection with wild‐type adenovirus, ATR and its cofactors RPA32, ATRIP and TopBP1 accumulate at viral replication centres, but there is minimal ATR activation. We show that the Mre11/Rad50/Nbs1 (MRN) complex is recruited to viral centres only during infection with adenoviruses lacking the early region E4 and ATR signaling is activated. This suggests a novel requirement for the MRN complex in ATR activation during virus infection, which is independent of Mre11 nuclease activity and recruitment of RPA/ATR/ATRIP/TopBP1. Unlike other damage scenarios, we found that ATM and ATR signaling are not dependent on each other during infection. We identify a region of the viral E4orf3 protein responsible for immobilization of the MRN complex and show that this prevents ATR signaling during adenovirus infection. We propose that immobilization of the MRN damage sensor by E4orf3 protein prevents recognition of viral genomes and blocks detrimental aspects of checkpoint signaling during virus infection.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated whether DL-alpha-lipoic acid (LA) supplementation could have prooxidant or antioxidant effects on oxidative protein damage parameters such as protein carbonyl (PCO), nitrotyrosine (NT), advanced oxidation protein products (AOPP), and protein thiol (P-SH), as well as oxidative stress parameters such as total thiol (T-SH), non-protein thiol (Np-SH), and lipid hydroperoxide (LHP) in the brain and the skeletal muscle tissue of aged rats. PCO, and NT levels were increased, AOPP and P-SH levels were not changed in the brain tissue of aged rats given LA supplementation. On the other hand, TSH, Np-SH, and LHP levels were decreased in the brain tissue of aged rats given LA supplementation. The levels of the same parameters were not significantly different in the skeletal muscle tissue of aged rats given LA supplementation. The increased levels of protein oxidation markers such as PCO, and NT in the brain tissue of LA-supplemented aged rats compared with non-supplemented aged rats may suggest that oxidative protein damage is increased in LA-supplemented aged rats. We assume that an explanation for our findings regarding LA supplementation on protein oxidation markers in the brain tissue of aged rats may be due to the prooxidant effects of LA. Depending on post-mitotic tissue type and dosage of LA, the prooxidant effects of LA supplementation, should be considered in future studies.  相似文献   

A plethora of clinically distinct human disorders exist whose underlying cause is a defect in the response to or repair of DNA damage. The clinical spectrum of these conditions provides evidence for the role of the DNA damage response (DDR) in mediating diverse processes such as genomic stability, immune system function and normal human development. Cell lines from these disorders provide a valuable resource to help dissect the consequences of compromised DDR at the molecular level. Here we will discuss some well known, less well known and ‘novel’ DDR defective disorders with particular reference to the functional interplay between the DNA damage response and cell cycle checkpoints. We will describe recent advances in further delineating the genetic basis of Seckel syndrome and microcephalic osteodysplastic primordial dwarfism type II, which have shed more light on the interplay between the DDR, cycle progression and centrosomes. We will also overview recent developments concerning haploinsufficiency of DDR components and their association with certain genomic disorders such as Miller–Dieker lissencephaly syndrome and Williams–Beuren syndrome. Finally, we will discuss how defects in the DDR result in some unexpected clinical features before describing how the nature of a DDR defect impacts on the management and treatment of individuals with these conditions.  相似文献   

细胞DNA损伤检控点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
细胞周期检控点是维持细胞基因组稳定性的一个重要机制,主要包括。DNA损伤检控点、DNA复制检控点和纺锤体组装检控点。其中DNA损伤检控点能检测细胞在生命活动过程中出现的DNA损伤并引发细胞周期阻滞,为修复损伤提供足够的时间,以保证细胞遗传的稳定性。有关DNA损伤检控点的研究近年来已经取得了突破性进展,现简要介绍近年来在DNA损伤检控点研究中的一些新进展。  相似文献   

An efficient, accurate, and timely DNA damage response (DDR) is crucial for the maintenance of genome integrity. Here, we report that ten‐eleven translocation dioxygenase (TET) 3‐mediated conversion of 5‐methylcytosine (5mC) to 5‐hydroxymethylcytosine (5hmC) in response to ATR‐dependent DDR regulates DNA repair. ATR‐dependent DDR leads to dynamic changes in 5hmC levels and TET3 enzymatic activity. We show that TET3 is an ATR kinase target that oxidizes DNA during ATR‐dependent DNA damage repair. Modulation of TET3 expression and activity affects DNA damage signaling and DNA repair and consequently cell death. Our results provide novel insight into ATR‐mediated DDR, in which TET3‐mediated DNA demethylation is crucial for efficient DNA repair and maintenance of genome stability.  相似文献   

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