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Polar lipids and membrane proteins are major components of biological membranes, both cell membranes and membranes of enveloped viruses. How these two classes of membrane components interact with each other to influence the function of biological membranes is a fundamental question that has attracted intense interest since the origins of the field of membrane studies. One of the most powerful ideas that driven the field is the likelihood that lipids bind to membrane proteins at specific sites, modulating protein structure and function. However only relatively recently has high resolution structure determination of membrane proteins progressed to the point of providing atomic level structure of lipid binding sites on membrane proteins. Analysis of X-ray diffraction, electron crystallography and NMR data over 100 specific lipid binding sites on membrane proteins. These data demonstrate tight lipid binding of both phospholipids and cholesterol to membrane proteins. Membrane lipids bind to membrane proteins by their headgroups, or by their acyl chains, or binding is mediated by the entire lipid molecule. When headgroups bind, binding is stabilized by polar interactions between lipid headgroups and the protein. When acyl chains bind, van der Waals effects dominate as the acyl chains adopt conformations that complement particular sites on the rough protein surface. No generally applicable motifs for binding have yet emerged. Previously published biochemical and biophysical data link this binding with function. This Article is Part of a Special Issue Entitled: Membrane Structure and Function: Relevance in the Cell's Physiology, Pathology and Therapy.  相似文献   

Interactions between GPI-anchored proteins and membrane lipids   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Proteins anchored in membranes by glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) are widely distributed, but the function of this unusual anchor is a puzzle. Recent evidence shows that these proteins can associate with membrane lipids in special ways. One function of GPI anchorage may be to allow proteins to interact with specialized membrane domains.  相似文献   

Polyphenols have been part of human culture for about 6000 years. However, their mode of action in relation to wine tasting while eating is only beginning to be understood. This review, using analytical techniques and physicochemical concepts, attempts to summarize current knowledge and present an integrated view of the complex relationship between tannins, salivary proteins, lipids in food and in oral membranes. The action of tannins on taste sensations and astringency depends on their colloidal state. Although taste sensations are most likely due to interactions with taste receptors, astringency results from strong binding to proline-rich salivary proteins that otherwise lubricate the palate. Tannins disorder non-keratinized mucosa in mouth, possibly perturbing taste receptor function. The 10–15% ethanol present in wines potentiates this action. Cholesterol present in large quantities in keratinized mucosa prevents any disordering action on these oral membranes. Polyphenols bind strongly to the lipid droplets of fatty foods, a situation that reduces the astringency perceived when drinking a tannic wine, the so-called “camembert effect”. Based on binding constants mainly measured by NMR, a comprehensive thermodynamic model of the interrelation between polyphenols, salivary proteins, lipids and taste receptors is presented.  相似文献   

Detergents are indispensable in the isolation of integral membrane proteins from biological membranes to study their intrinsic structural and functional properties. Solubilization involves a number of intermediary states that can be studied by a variety of physicochemical and kinetic methods; it usually starts by destabilization of the lipid component of the membranes, a process that is accompanied by a transition of detergent binding by the membrane from a noncooperative to a cooperative interaction already below the critical micellar concentration (CMC). This leads to the formation of membrane fragments of proteins and lipids with detergent-shielded edges. In the final stage of solubilization membrane proteins are present as protomers, with the membrane inserted sectors covered by detergent. We consider in detail the nature of this interaction and conclude that in general binding as a monolayer ring, rather than as a micelle, is the most probable mechanism. This mode of interaction is supported by neutron diffraction investigations on the disposition of detergent in 3-D crystals of membrane proteins. Finally, we briefly discuss the use of techniques such as analytical ultracentrifugation, size exclusion chromatography, and mass spectrometry relevant for the structural investigation of detergent solubilized membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Biological membranes are composed of a complex mixture of lipids and proteins, and the membrane lipids support several key biophysical functions, in addition to their obvious structural role. Recent results from X-ray crystallography are shedding new light on the precise molecular details of the protein-lipid interface.  相似文献   

Model membranes composed of thion-phosphatidylcholine, cardiolipin, and cytochrome c have been studied by 31P NMR, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, gel filtration, fluorescence, and freeze-fracturing. Covalent binding of oxidized phospholipids to cytochrome c was shown to result in the formation of high-molecular-weight oligomeric complexes via Schiff base formation between a protein molecule and aldehydes produced upon peroxidation of phospholipids. The initial steps of the protein oligomerization lead to the appearance of intramembranous particles (IMPs) of various size and distribution on freeze-fractured faces of these model membranes. In the final phase of the crosslinking between cytochrome c and oxidized products of cardiolipin there is a breakdown of membrane vesicles and formation of globular lipoprotein complexes which are seen as globular particles. It is believed that the covalent linking between the products of phospholipid peroxidation and membrane proteins causes the oligomerization of membrane proteins and structural alteration in the hydrophobic region of other models also and, perhaps, in biological membranes.  相似文献   

Lipid-transfer proteins: Tools for manipulating membrane lipids   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Like other eukaryotic cells, plant cells contain proteins able to bind or to transfer lipids. Since they are able to facilitate movements of various phospholipids between membranes and are also capable of binding fatty acids or acyl-CoAs, they have been termed lipid-transfer proteins (LTP). LTPs are basic proteins containing 90 to 95 residues (molecular mass 9 kDa), eight of them being cysteines found in conserved locations. These proteins have been used to manipulate in vitro the lipid composition of isolated membranes either from plant or mammalian sources. In addition to purified LTPs, recombinant LTPs produced by genes expressed in microorganisms can be used for this purpose. Several genes coding for these proteins have been characterized in various plants with different patterns of expression. However, it remains to be investigated whether these recombinant proteins behave functionally as LTPs. The use of purified or recombinant LTPs is promising for the study of the effect of lipid composition on membrane functional properties.  相似文献   

The activities of integral membrane proteins are often affected by the structures of the lipid molecules that surround them in the membrane. One important parameter is the hydrophobic thickness of the lipid bilayer, defined by the lengths of the lipid fatty acyl chains. Membrane proteins are not rigid entities, and deform to ensure good hydrophobic matching to the surrounding lipid bilayer. The structure of the lipid headgroup region is likely to be important in defining the structures of those parts of a membrane protein that are located in the lipid headgroup region. A number of examples are given where the conformation of the headgroup-embedded region of a membrane protein changes during the reaction cycle of the protein; activities of such proteins might be expected to be particularly sensitive to lipid headgroup structure. Differences in hydrogen bonding potential and hydration between the headgroups of phosphatidycholines and phosphatidylethanolamines could be important factors in determining the effects of these lipids on protein activities, as well as any effects related to the tendency of the phosphatidylethanolamines to form a curved, hexagonal H(II) phase. Effects of lipid structure on protein aggregation and helix-helix interactions are also discussed, as well as the effects of charged lipids on ion concentrations close to the surface of the bilayer. Interpretations of lipid effects in terms of changes in protein volume, lipid free volume, and curvature frustration are also described. Finally, the role of non-annular, or 'co-factor' lipids, tightly bound to membrane proteins, is described.  相似文献   

In this chapter, we discuss methods to measure lateral mobility of membrane lipids and proteins using techniques based on the light microscope. These methods typically sample lateral mobility in very small, micron-sized regions of the membrane so that they can be used to measure diffusion in regions of single cells. The methods are based on fluorescence from the molecules of interest or from light scattered from particles attached to single or small groups of membrane lipids or proteins. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching (FRAP), fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) and Single particle tracking (SPT) are presented in that order. FRAP and FCS methodologies are described for a dedicated wide field microscope although many confocal microscopes now have software permitting these measurement to be made; nevertheless, the principles of the measurement are the same for a wide field or confocal microscope. SPT can be applied to trace the movements of single fluorescent molecules in membranes but this aspect will not be treated in detail.  相似文献   

The compartmental organization of eukaryotic cells has fascinated cell biologists for several decades. Detailed morphological, genetic, and biochemical studies have unraveled astonishingly complex molecular machineries involved in establishing and maintaining organelle identity and cell polarization. Many of the transport steps in the secretory and endocytic pathways are subject to manifold regulatory mechanisms, which in turn are interconnected with a plethora of signaling pathways. It therefore does not seem surprising that the cell biology of intracellular protein and lipid transport continues to thrive. The topics covered at the recent meeting on "Protein Transport in the Secretory Pathway" reflect the enormous complexity of how compartmentalization in eukaryotic cells is achieved.  相似文献   

Phospholipids are essential building blocks of membranes and maintain the membrane permeability barrier of cells and organelles. They provide not only the bilayer matrix in which the functional membrane proteins reside, but they also can play direct roles in many essential cellular processes. In this review, we give an overview of the lipid involvement in protein translocation across and insertion into the Escherichia coli inner membrane. We describe the key and general roles that lipids play in these processes in conjunction with the protein components involved. We focus on the Sec-mediated insertion of leader peptidase. We describe as well the more direct roles that lipids play in insertion of the small coat proteins Pf3 and M13. Finally, we focus on the role of lipids in membrane assembly of oligomeric membrane proteins, using the potassium channel KcsA as model protein. In all cases, the anionic lipids and lipids with small headgroups play important roles in either determining the efficiency of the insertion and assembly process or contributing to the directionality of the insertion process.  相似文献   

The cell membrane serves, at the same time, both as a barrier that segregates as well as a functional layer that facilitates selective communication. It is characterized as much by the complexity of its components as by the myriad of signaling process that it supports. And, herein lays the problems in its study and understanding of its behavior — it has a complex and dynamic nature that is further entangled by the fact that many events are both temporal and transient in their nature. Model membrane systems that bypass cellular complexity and compositional diversity have tremendously accelerated our understanding of the mechanisms and biological consequences of lipid–lipid and protein–lipid interactions. Concurrently, in some cases, the validity and applicability of model membrane systems are tarnished by inherent methodical limitations as well as undefined quality criteria. In this review we introduce membrane model systems widely used to study protein–lipid interactions in the context of key parameters of the membrane that govern lipid availability for peripheral membrane proteins. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled Tools to study lipid functions.  相似文献   

Most integral membrane proteins are cotranslationally inserted into the lipid bilayer. In prokaryotes, membrane insertion of the nascent chain takes place at the plasma membrane, whereas in eukaryotes insertion takes place into the endoplasmatic reticulum. In both kingdoms of life, however, the same membrane that acquaints the newly born membrane protein also synthesizes the bilayer lipids and thus ensures the balanced growth of the membrane as a whole. Recent evidence indicates that the lipid composition of the host membrane can determine the fate of the newborn membrane protein, as it can affect (1) the efficiency of translocation, (2) the topology of the resulting membrane protein, (3) its stability, (4) its assembly into oligomeric complexes, (5) its transport and sorting along the secretory pathway, and (6) its enzymatic activity. The lipid composition of the membrane thus can affect the biogenesis and function of integral membrane proteins at multiple steps along its biogenetic pathway. While understanding this interdependence between bilayer lipids and protein biogenesis is interesting in its own right, careful consideration of a potential host’s membrane lipid composition may also allow optimization of the yield and activity of membrane proteins that are expressed in a heterologous organism. Here, we review and discuss some examples that illustrate the interdependence between bilayer lipids and the biogenesis of integral membrane proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane proteins in a biological membrane are surrounded by a shell or annulus of 'solvent' lipid molecules. These lipid molecules in general interact rather non-specifically with the protein molecules, although a few 'hot-spots' may be present on the protein where anionic lipids bind with high affinity. Because of the low structural specificity of most of the annular sites, the composition of the lipid annulus will be rather similar to the bulk lipid composition of the membrane. The structures of the solvent lipid molecules are important in determining the conformational state of a membrane protein, and hence its activity, through charge and hydrogen bonding interactions between the lipid headgroups and residues in the protein, and through hydrophobic matching between the protein and the surrounding lipid bilayer. Evidence is also accumulating for the presence of 'co-factor' lipid molecules binding with high specificity to membrane proteins, often between transmembrane alpha-helices, and often being essential for activity.  相似文献   

Fluidity is essential for many biological membrane functions. The basis for understanding membrane structure remains the classic Singer‐Nicolson model, in which proteins are embedded within a fluid lipid bilayer and able to diffuse laterally within a sea of lipid. Here we report lipid and protein diffusion in the plasma membrane of live cells of the bacterium Escherichia coli, using Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) and Total Internal Reflection Fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy to measure lateral diffusion coefficients. Lipid and protein mobility within the membrane were probed by visualizing an artificial fluorescent lipid and a simple model membrane protein consisting of a single membrane‐spanning alpha‐helix with a Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) tag on the cytoplasmic side. The effective viscosity of the lipid bilayer is strongly temperature‐dependent, as indicated by changes in the lipid diffusion coefficient. Surprisingly, the mobility of the model protein was unaffected by changes in the effective viscosity of the bulk lipid, and TIRF microscopy indicates that it clusters in segregated, mobile domains. We suggest that this segregation profoundly influences the physical behaviour of the protein in the membrane, with strong implications for bacterial membrane function and bacterial physiology.  相似文献   

Summary Lateral diffusion measurements have been made on lipids and proteins in the plasma membrane of live protoplasts derived from rose (Rosa sp. Paul's Scarlet) suspension-cultured cells. Two different fluorescent lipid probes exhibited markedly different diffusion rates, indicating possible heterogeneity in the lipid domain of the membrane. Membrane proteins were labeled directly with covalently-reactive fluorophores, and factors that might perturb the lateral diffusion of these labeled proteins were investigated. Treatment of the protoplasts with various cytoskeleton-disrupting drugs generally had little effect on protein diffusion, although treatment with oryzalin, a microtubule-disrupting drug, did slightly reduce the mobile fraction of membrane proteins. Elevation of the CaCl2 concentration in the medium from 1 mM to 10 mM significantly reduced the mobile fraction of membrane proteins and also increased the fraction of protoplasts that were able to regenerate cell walls and divide in culture. These results are discussed in relation to reported evidence of lipid domains in the plasma membranes of other cells and protoplasts. The relative importance of lipid domains and membrane-cytoskeleton interaction in governing protein diffusion is considered.Abbreviations D lateral diffusion coefficient - RCA Ricinus communis agglutinin - BPA Bauhinia purpurea agglutinin - DTAF dichlorotriazinylaminofluorescein - FTSC fluorescein-5-thiosemicarbazide - C18-Fl 5-(N-octadecanoyl)aminofluorescein - LY-Chol Lucifer yellow conjugate of cholesterol, i.e., dilithium 4-amino-N-[(-(carbo(5-cho-lesten-3-yl)oxy)hydrazinocarbonyl)amino]-1,8-naphthalimide-3,6-disulfonate - APM amiprophosmethyl - DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - FPR fluorescence photobleaching recovery - sd standard deviation - FRAF fluorescence redistribution after fusion - M mobile fraction  相似文献   

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