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Protein expression patterns were compared in a Japan and Taiwan population of Haliotis diversicolor and in a hybrid between them using 2DE and MALDI‐TOF‐TOF analyses. Using the software PDQuest, 924 ± 7 protein spots were detected in the Japan population (RR), 861 ± 11 in the Taiwan population (TT), and 882 ± 9 in the F1 hybrid (TR). RR and TR were clustered together, but the distance between RR and TT was the maximum using hierarchical cluster analysis. A total of 46 gel spots were identified and a total of 15 spots matched with abalone proteins (a 33.6% identification rate). Hybrid exhibiting additivity or overdominance accounted for 73.9% of these 46 identified proteins. The 46 differentially expressed proteins were shown to be involved in major biological processes, including muscle contraction and regulation, energy metabolism, and stress response. The proteins involved in energy metabolism included adenosine triphosphate (ATP) synthase β subunit, fructose 1, 6‐bisphosphate aldolase, triosephosphate isomerase, enolase, arginine kinase, and tauropine dehydrogenase. These proteins exhibited additivity in their offspring. The proteins involved in stress responses included HSP Hsp70 (exhibiting overdominance in the offspring) and Cu/Zn‐superoxide dismutase (exhibiting additivity). These results suggested that proteomic approach is suitable for analysis of heterosis and functional prediction of abalone hybridization.  相似文献   

Repeated exposure to drugs of abuse causes time-dependent neuroadaptive changes in the mesocorticolimbic system of the brain that are considered to underlie the expression of major behavioral characteristics of drug addiction. We used a 2-D gel-based proteomics approach to examine morphine-induced temporal changes in protein expression and/or PTM in the nucleus accumbens (NAc) of morphine-sensitized rats. Rats were pretreated with saline [1 mL/kg subcutaneously (s.c.)] or morphine (10 mg/kg, s.c.) once daily for 14 days and the animals were decapitated 1 day later. The NAc was extracted and proteins resolved by 2-DE. Several protein functional groups were found to be regulated in the morphine-treated group, representing cytoskeletal proteins, proteins involved in neurotransmission, enzymes involved in energy metabolism and protein degradation, and a protein that regulates translation.  相似文献   

Zou Q  Yan X  Li B  Zeng X  Zhou J  Zhang J 《Proteomics》2006,6(6):1848-1855
Vibrio cholerae can be differentiated into epidemic and non-epidemic strains by sorbitol fermentation speed, but little research has been done on its mechanisms. In this study, we investigated differential protein expression of the two strains in response to sorbitol metabolism. V. cholerae strains were cultured in media with and without sorbitol, respectively. Proteins were separated by 2-DE, and those that showed different expression in the two media were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. Fifteen proteins in epidemic strains and 11 proteins in non-epidemic strains showed a different expression in sorbitol medium. Among them, 4 proteins were common to epidemic and non-epidemic strains. Gene sequence analysis showed that some mutations occurred in these proteins between the two strains. Potential functions of these proteins included sugar uptake, amino acid uptake, electron transport, sulfate and thiosulfate transport.  相似文献   

Maslinic acid (MA) is a pentacyclic triterpene used as a feed additive to stimulate growth, protein‐turnover rates, and hyperplasia in fish. To further our understanding of cellular mechanisms underlying the action of MA, we have used 2‐DE coupled with MS to identify proteins differentially expressed in the livers of juvenile gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) grown under fish‐farm conditions and fed with a 100 mg/kg MA‐enriched diet (MA100). After the comparison of the protein profiles from MA100 fed fish and from control, 49 protein spots were found to be altered in abundance (≥2‐fold). Analysis by MALDI‐TOF/TOF allowed the unambiguous identification of 29 spots, corresponding to 19 different proteins. These proteins were: phosphoglucomutase, phosphoglucose isomerase, S‐adenosyl methionine‐dependent methyltransferase class I, aldehyde dehydrogenase, catalase, 6‐phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, fumarylacetoacetate hydrolase, 4‐hydroxyphenylpyruvic dioxygenase, methylmalonate‐semialdehyde dehydrogenase, lysozyme, urate oxidase, elongation factor 2, 60 kDa heat‐shock protein, 58 kDa glucose‐regulated protein, cytokeratin E7, type‐II keratin, intermediate filament proteins, 17‐β‐hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 4, and kinase suppressor of Ras1. Western blot analysis of kinase suppressor of Ras1, glucose 6‐phosphate dehydrogenase, elongation factor 2, 60 kDa heat‐shock protein, and catalase supported the proteome evidence. Based on the changes found in the protein‐expression levels of these proteins, we proposed a cellular‐signalling pathway to explain the hepatic‐cell response to the intake of a diet containing MA.  相似文献   

This study describes the identification of outer membrane proteins (OMPs) of the bacterial pathogen Pasteurella multocida and an analysis of how the expression of these proteins changes during infection of the natural host. We analysed the sarcosine-insoluble membrane fractions, which are highly enriched for OMPs, from bacteria grown under a range of conditions. Initially, the OMP-containing fractions were resolved by 2-DE and the proteins identified by MALDI-TOF MS. In addition, the OMP-containing fractions were separated by 1-D SDS-PAGE and protein identifications were made using nano LC MS/MS. Using these two methods a total of 35 proteins was identified from samples obtained from organisms grown in rich culture medium. Six of the proteins were identified only by 2-DE MALDI-TOF MS, whilst 17 proteins were identified only by 1-D LC MS/MS. We then analysed the OMPs from P. multocida which had been isolated from the bloodstream of infected chickens (a natural host) or grown in iron-depleted medium. Three proteins were found to be significantly up-regulated during growth in vivo and one of these (Pm0803) was also up-regulated during growth in iron-depleted medium. After bioinformatic analysis of the protein matches, it was predicted that over one third of the combined OMPs predicted by the bioinformatics sub-cellular localisation tools PSORTB and Proteome Analyst, had been identified during this study. This is the first comprehensive proteomic analysis of the P. multocida outer membrane and the first proteomic analysis of how a bacterial pathogen modifies its outer membrane proteome during infection.  相似文献   

Zhang X  Shi L  Shu S  Wang Y  Zhao K  Xu N  Liu S  Roepstorff P 《Proteomics》2007,7(14):2340-2349
An improved method for sample preparation for MALDI-MS and MS/MS using AnchorChip targets is presented. The method, termed the SMW method (sample, matrix wash), results in better sensitivity for peptide mass fingerprinting as well as for sequencing by MS/MS than previously published methods. The method allows up-concentration and desalting directly on the mass spectrometric target and should be amenable for automation. A draw back caused by extensive oxidation of methionine and tryptophan in the SMW method can be alleviated by the addition of n-octyl glucopyranoside and DTT to the sample solution. The method was validated for protein identification from a 2-DE based liver proteome study. The SMW method resulted in identification of many more proteins and in most cases with a better score than the previously published methods.  相似文献   

The structure, function, and physico-chemical properties of many proteins are determined by PTM, being glycosylation the most complex. This study describes how a combination of typical proteomics methods (2-DE) combines with glycomics strategies (HPLC, MALDI-TOF-MS, exoglycosidases sequencing) to yield comprehensive data about single spot-microheterogeneity, providing meaningful information for the detection of disease markers, pharmaceutical industry, antidoping control, etc. Recombinant erythropoietin and its hyperglycosylated analogue darbepoetin-alpha were chosen as showcases because of their relevance in these fields and the analytical challenge they represent. The combined approach yielded good results in terms of sample complexity (mixture glycoforms), reproducibility, sensitivity ( approximately 25 pmoles of glycoprotein/spot), and identification of the underlying protein. Heterogeneity was present in all spots but with a clear tendency; spots proximal to the anode contained the highest amount of tetra-antennary tetra-sialylated glycans, whereas the opposite occurred for spots proximal to the cathode with the majority of the structures being undersialylated. Spot microheterogeneity proved a consequence of the multiple glycosylation sites as they contributed directly to the number of possibilities to account for a discrete charge in a single spot. The interest of this combined glycoproteomics method resides in the efficiency for detecting and quantifying subtle dissimilarities originated from altered ratios of identical glycans including N-acetyl-lactosamine repeats, acetylation, or antigenic epitopes, that do not significantly contribute to the electrophoretic mobility, but affect the glycan microheterogeneity and the potential underlying related functionality.  相似文献   

Wang Y  Yang L  Xu H  Li Q  Ma Z  Chu C 《Proteomics》2005,5(17):4496-4503
Scab, caused by Fusarium graminearum, is a serious spike disease in wheat. To identify proteins in resistant wheat cultivar Wangshuibai induced by F. graminearum infection, proteins extracted from spikes 6, 12 and 24 h after inoculation were separated by 2-DE. Thirty protein spots showing 3-fold change in abundance when compared with treatment without inoculation were characterized by MALDI-TOF MS and matched to proteins by querying the mass spectra in protein databases or the Triticeae EST translation database. Based on their volume profiles, these proteins were classified into four categories. The first one fell off rapidly at the initial inoculation and then rose at 12 or 24 hai, the second one decreased considerably after inoculation and remained at low level, the third one rose at the initial inoculation and then declined at 12 or 24 hai, the forth one showed steady increase after inoculation and maintained at a high level. Many of the proteins identified in the first two categories are related to carbon metabolism and photosynthesis. While most of proteins identified in the last two categories are related to stress defense of plants, indicating that proteins associated with the defense reactions were activated or translated shortly after inoculation.  相似文献   

Franco CF  Santos R  Coelho AV 《Proteomics》2011,11(7):1359-1364
We describe the first proteomic characterization of the radial nerve cord (RNC) of an echinoderm, the sea star Marthasterias glacialis. The combination of 2-DE with MS (MALDI-TOF/TOF) resulted in the identification of 286 proteins in the RNC. Additionally, 158 proteins were identified in the synaptosomal membranes enriched fraction after 1-DE separation. The 2-DE RNC reference map is available via the WORLD-2DPAGE Portal (http://www.expasy.ch/world-2dpage/) along with the associated protein identification data which are also available in the PRIDE database. The identified proteins constitute the first high-throughput evidence that seems to indicate that echinoderms nervous transmission relies primarily on chemical synapses which is similar to the synaptic activity in adult mammal's spinal cord. Furthermore, several homologous proteins known to participate in the regeneration events of other organisms were also identified, and thus can be used as targets for future studies aiming to understand the poorly uncharacterized regeneration capability of echinoderms. This "echinoderm missing link" is also a contribution to unravel the mystery of deuterostomian CNS evolution.  相似文献   

Franco CF  Santos R  Coelho AV 《Proteomics》2011,11(17):3587-3592
Sea star coelomic fluid is in contact with all internal organs, carrying signaling molecules and a large population of circulating cells, the coelomocytes. These cells, also known as echinoderm blood cells, are responsible for the innate immune responses and are also known to have an important role in the first stage of regeneration, i.e. wound closure, necessary to prevent disruption of the body fluid balance and to limit the invasion of pathogens. This study focuses on the proteome characterization of these multifunctional cells. The identification of 358 proteins was achieved using a combination of two techniques for protein separation (1-D SDS-PAGE followed by nanoLC and 2-D SDS-PAGE) and MALDI-TOF/TOF MS for protein identification. To our knowledge, the present report represents the first comprehensive list of sea star coelomocyte proteins, constituting an important database to validate many echinoderm-predicted proteins. Evidence for new pathways in these particular echinoderm cells are also described, and thus representing a valuable resource to stimulate future studies aiming to unravel the homology with vertebrate immune cells and particularly the origins of the immune system itself.  相似文献   

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. It is characterized by abdominal pain and changes in bowel habits. Various studies have investigated the pathophysiologic processes underlying IBS, but the mechanism remains poorly understood. In the present study, we established an IBS model and identified differentially expressed proteins in colon tissue of IBS rats compared with healthy controls by 2‐D gel electrophoresis, MALDI‐TOF‐MS, and Western blot analysis. Our results showed that 13 of the 1396 protein spots on 2‐D gel were differently expressed between the IBS and control groups. Ontological analysis of these proteins revealed primary roles in catalytic activity (protein disulfide‐isomerase A3, glyoxalase I, cathepsin S, α‐enolase), structural support (cytokeratin 8), antioxidant activity (peroxiredoxin‐6), protein binding (transgelin, serpin peptidase inhibitor B5), and signal transduction (40S ribosomal protein SA). Protein disulfide‐isomerase A3 and cytokeratin 8 overexpression in IBS were confirmed by Western blot. The findings indicate that multiple proteins are involved in IBS processes that influence intestinal tract immunity, inflammation, and nerve regulation. Our study provides useful candidate genes and proteins for further investigation.  相似文献   

The development of the testis is essential for maturation of male mammals. A complete understanding of proteins expressed in the testis will provide biological information on many reproductive dysfunctions in males. The purposes of this study were to apply a proteomic approach to investigating protein composition and to establish a 2-D PAGE reference map for porcine testis proteins. MALDI-TOF MS was performed for protein identification. When 1 mg of total proteins was assayed by 2-D PAGE and stained with colloidal CBB, more than 400 proteins with a pI of pH 3-10 and M(r) of 10-200 kDa could be detected. Protein expression varied among individuals, with CV between 4.7 and 131.5%. A total of 447 protein spots were excised for identification, among which 337 spots were identified by searching the mass spectra against the NCBInr database. Identification of the remaining 110 spots was unsuccessful. A 2-D PAGE-based porcine testis protein database has been constructed on the basis of the results and will be published on the WWW. This database should be valuable for investigating the developmental biology and pathology of porcine testis.  相似文献   

Lee TR  Huang SH  Lee CC  Lee HY  Chan HT  Lin KS  Chan HL  Lyu PC 《Proteomics》2012,12(11):1875-1878
Drosophila melanogaster has been used as a genetic model organism to understand the fundamental molecular mechanisms in human biology including memory formation that has been reported involving protein synthesis and/or post-translational modification. In this study, we employed a proteomic platform based on fluorescent 2DE and MALDI-TOF MS to build a standard D. melanogaster head proteome map for proteome-proteome comparison. In order to facilitate the comparison, an interactive database has been constructed for systematically integrating and analyzing the proteomes from different conditions and further implicated to study human diseases related to D. melanogaster model. In summary, the fundamental head proteomic database and bioinformatic analysis will be useful for further elucidating the biological mechanisms such as memory formation and neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The discovery of novel biomarkers by means of advanced detection tools based on proteomic analysis technologies necessitates the development of improved diagnostic methods for application in clinical routine. On the basis of three different application examples, this review presents the limitations of conventional routine diagnostic assays and illustrates the advantages of immunoaffinity enrichment combined with MALDI‐TOF MS. Applying this approach increases the specificity of the analysis supporting a better diagnostic recognition, sensitivity, and differentiation of certain diseases. The use of MALDI‐TOF MS as detection method facilitates the identification of modified peptides and proteins providing additional information. Further, employing respective internal standard peptides allows for relative and absolute quantitation which is mandatory in the clinical context. Although MALDI‐TOF MS is not yet established for clinical routine diagnostics this technology has a high potential for improvement of clinical diagnostics and monitoring therapeutic efficacy.  相似文献   

Following the concept of whole organism, we have extracted total protein from the Bombyx mori for the identification and analysis of HSPs. Expression of 90 kDa HSP in first, second and third instars, 84 kDa in fourth instar and 90‐, 84‐, 62‐, 60‐, 52‐ and 33‐kDa HSPs in fifth instar larvae of tropical polyvoltine and bivoltine silkworm strains were obvious. Further, we have combined single and 2‐DE with MALDI‐TOF for analysis of BmHSPs. Ninety kilodalton band excised from 1‐DE gel was identified as HSP83 by MALDI‐TOF‐MS. The immunoblot analysis confirmed the expression of HSP90 in all the instars larvae of B. mori. Heat shock‐induced protein spots were excised from 2‐DE gels for MALDI‐TOF‐MS analysis. The Mascot search results are for HSP68, HSC70‐1 and HSP70Ba in Pure Mysore, and major HSP70Bbb, HSP68, HSC‐3 and HSP83 in NB4D2. Multiple sequence alignment explicit the variations in amino acid sequence between Pure Mysore and NB4D2. Notably, the PMF of spot 2 matched the coding sequence of B. mori and its gene annotation was determined on chromosome 9. With this novel approach, expression of BmHSP90 was confirmed in all the instars and uncovered isoforms of BmHSP70, which provided unequivocal insight to analyze and understand the biological significance in B. mori.  相似文献   

Visceral leishmaniasis (VL) caused by Leishmania donovani is a major parasitic disease prevalent in endemic regions of Bihar in India. In the absence of good chemotherapeutic options, there is a need to develop an effective vaccine against VL which should be dependent on the generation of a T helper type 1 (Th1) immune response. We have shown that soluble proteins from promastigote of a new clinical isolate of L. donovani (2001) ranging from 68 to 97.4 kDa (F2 fraction), induce Th1 responses in the peripheral blood mononuclear cells of cured Leishmania patients and hamsters and also showed significant prophylactic potential. To understand the nature of F2 proteins, it was further characterized using 2-DE, MALDI-TOF and MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS. In all, 63 spots were cut from a CBB stained gel for analysis and data was retrieved for 52 spots. A total of 33 proteins were identified including six hypothetical/unknown proteins. Major immunostimulatory proteins were identified as elongation factor-2, p45, heat shock protein (HSP)70, HSP83, aldolase, enolase, triosephosphate isomerase, protein disulfideisomerase and calreticulin. This study substantiates the usefulness of proteomics in characterizing a complex protein fraction (F2) map of soluble L. donovani promastigote antigen identified as Th1 stimulatory for its potential as vaccine targets against VL.  相似文献   

Huang SY  Lin JH  Chen YH  Chuang CK  Chiu YF  Chen MY  Chen HH  Lee WC 《Proteomics》2006,6(7):2217-2224
Serum is believed to harbor thousands of distinct proteins that are either actively secreted or leak from various blood cells or tissues. Exploring protein composition in serum may accelerate the discovery of novel protein biomarkers for specific economic traits in livestock species. This study analyzed serum protein composition to establish a 2-DE reference map, and monitored protein dynamics of single-comb White Leghorn hens at 8, 19 and 23 weeks after hatching. A total of 119 CBB-stained and 315 silver-stained serum protein spots were analyzed by MALDI-TOF MS. Of these, 98 CBB-stained and 94 silver-stained protein spots were significantly matched to existing chicken proteins. The identified spots represented 30 distinctive proteins in the serum of laying hens. To compare protein expression during development, expression levels of 47 protein spots were quantified by relative spot volume with Melanie 3 software. Ten protein spots increased and 3 protein spots decreased as hen age increased. Previous research has suggested that some of these proteins play critical roles in egg production. The differentially expressed proteins with unknown identities will be valuable candidates for further explorations of their roles in egg production of laying hens.  相似文献   

Royal jelly contains numerous components, including proteins. Major royal jelly protein (MRJP) 1 is the most abundant protein among the soluble royal jelly proteins. In its physiological state, MRJP 1 exists as a monomer and/or oligomer. This study focuses the molecular characteristics and functions of MRJP 1 oligomer. MRJP 1 oligomer purified using HPLC techniques was subjected to the following analyses. The molecular weight of MRJP 1 oligomer was found to be 290 kDa using blue native‐PAGE. MRJP 1 oligomer was separated into 55 and 5 kDa spots on 2‐D blue native/SDS‐PAGE. The 55 kDa protein was identified as MRJP 1 monomer by proteome analysis, whereas the 5 kDa protein was identified as Apisimin by N‐terminal amino acid sequencing, and this protein may function as a subunit‐joining protein within MRJP 1 oligomer. We also found that the oligomeric form included noncovalent bonds and was stable under heat treatment at 56°C. Furthermore, MRJP 1 oligomer dose dependently enhanced and sustained cell proliferation in the human lymphoid cell line Jurkat. In conclusion, MRJP 1 oligomer is a heat‐resistant protein comprising MRJP 1 monomer and Apisimin, and has cell proliferation activity. These findings will contribute to further studies analyzing the effects of MRJP 1 in humans.  相似文献   

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