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Secondary compounds in nectar may play a decisive role in determining the spectrum of floral visitors on plants. Flowers of the African coral tree Erythrina caffra are visited mainly by generalist passerine nectarivores, such as weavers and bulbuls. As the nectar of this species tastes very bitter to humans, it was hypothesized that secondary compounds may repel sunbirds and honeybees which are common in the same habitats yet seldom consume the nectar. We conducted choice tests using fresh nectar and both sucrose and hexose (glucose/fructose) solutions of the same concentration as the nectar. White-bellied Sunbirds (Cinnyris talatala) were repelled by nectar of both E. caffra and a related species Erythrina lysistemon, but Dark-capped Bulbuls (Pycnonotus tricolor) did not discriminate between the Erythrina nectar and control sugar solution in terms of amounts consumed. Honeybees (Apis mellifera scutellata) probed exposed droplets of E. caffra nectar and a control sugar solution at the same rate, suggesting that there is no volatile deterrent, but they immediately withdrew their proboscis far more often from the droplets of Erythrina nectar than they did from the sugar solution, suggesting that they find Erythrina nectar distasteful. These results contribute to a growing awareness that non-sugar components of nectar can play important functional roles in plant pollination systems.  相似文献   

In Utricularia, the flower spur is a nectary and in this organ, nectar is produced and stored. This study aimed to examine the structure of the nectary trichomes in four Utricularia species (Utricularia vulgaris L., U. australis R.Br., U. bremii Heer and U. foliosa L.) from the generic section Utricularia. We have investigated whether species with different spur morphology had similar spur anatomy and nectary trichome structure. In Utricularia flowers, nectar is produced by spur capitate trichomes (sessile or stalked). Our results showed that regardless of the various spur morphology, trichomes have similar architecture and ultrastructure. Head cells of these trichomes are transfer cells with an eccrine nectar secretion. Examined species differed in the micromorphology of papillae in spurs. The fly Eristalis tenax was found to be a pollinator of U. vulgaris. Small Halictidae bees seem to be pollinators of U. foliosa.  相似文献   

Long corollas are a classical example of nectar barriers, because they prevent undesired visitors from consuming the reward intended for more effective pollinators. As the investment in nectar barriers increases, flower attractiveness and nectar rewards may also increase to maintain loyal visitation of most effective pollinators; and flowers may become more prone to nectar robbing. We evaluated the effect of nectar barriers (corolla tube length), two related traits (nectar volume and upper lip size) and the associated risk of nectar robbing, on the fecundity of Lonicera implexa plants from three populations differing in the abundance of its most efficient pollinator, the hummingbird hawkmoth Macroglossum stellatarum. Corolla tube length varied most among individuals within populations (45–46 % of total variance) and inflorescences within individuals (23–32 %), and showed little variation among populations (0.2–11 %). Longer corolla tubes were always associated with larger nectar volumes and larger upper lips, although the strength of the relationships varied across populations and years. Robbing frequency increased with corolla tube length, decreased with nectar volume and upper lip size, and its weak effects on fecundity were predominantly positive. Plant fecundity peaked at two different optima: long corollas with little nectar and short corollas with abundant nectar. However, the exact shape of the interaction between corolla length and nectar volume, as well as the combination of traits showing the highest fecundity, differed between populations and years. This variation could be explained by among-population differences in pollinator assemblages, and inter-annual changes in resources dedicated to reproduction. Our study shows that large nectar volumes can modulate the effect of corolla length as a nectar barrier, and that the combination of these two traits that maximises fecundity may be related to the identity of pollinators within each population.  相似文献   

We investigated flowering phenology, pollinator visitation and visitor community composition in communities of self-incompatible sympatric Primula species in a high-elevation Himalayan ecosystem. Within the tight constraints imposed by short growing seasons in such ecosystems, interactions among co-occurring plants for pollinators may vary from competition to facilitation, depending on the specifics of the system. We found that pollinator community composition changed with elevation in this system: lepidopterans were the dominant visitors at lower elevations (2200–3000 masl), bees (other than bumblebees) dominated at mid-elevations (3000–3800 masl) and bumblebees dominated at higher elevations (3800–4600 masl). However, within an elevation zone, there were no significant differences in pollinators amongst co-occurring Primula species. At a focal study site where multiple Primula species co-occurred, our results showed that even while the overall flowering periods of these species broadly overlapped, the peak flowering periods of different Primula species were temporally segregated. Upon further inferring the nature of interaction amongst co-flowering Primula species, we found that plots with higher Primula diversity (≥?2 species) and density (80–100 individuals) experienced significantly higher pollinator visitation, compared with plots with single species and low flower densities (40–50 individuals). Our results suggest that in this community of sympatric, self-incompatible Primula species, a broadly aggregated, synchronous floral display of multiple species results in pollinator facilitation by attracting a greater number of pollinator visitors. Within this broadly synchronous display, the temporal segregation of peak flowering period of individual species may reduce competition for pollinators and limit heterospecific pollen transfer.  相似文献   

Studies of the floral biology of the buriti palm, Mauritia flexuosa, have presented conflicting results with respect to the mechanism of pollination, indicating either cantharophily or anemophily. To resolve this question, the floral biology of M. flexuosa was studied in a coastal restinga environment in northeastern Brazil. The reproductive system was studied experimentally, and floral visitors were collected by bagging inflorescences. In this environment, M. flexuosa, a dioecious species, has several gender-specific floral features that function to attract pollinators, especially beetles. The male flowers produce large amounts of pollen as a reward, and male and female inflorescences produce similar odors that attract pollinators to female flowers, which offer only a nectar secretion as a reward. When feeding on the female flowers, the visitors frequently come into contact with the stigmata. To increase the chances of pollination, the female flowers persist longer than the male ones, and the viability of the pollen grain is very high. A curculionid beetle species of the genus Grasidius was found to be an effective pollinator. We suspect that wind also contributes to the pollination of M. flexuosa in the study area, but in a relatively minor way.  相似文献   

Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell.) Brenan (Leguminosae-Mimosoideae) is a widely-distributed tree in seasonally dry tropical forests of South America that was classified previously as lacking nectaries. However, some studies have stated that its flowers produce nectar, while others analyzed the composition of unifloral honey produced from A. colubrina flowers, raising the question about nectar production in the species. We studied the pollination and reproductive biology of A. colubrina var. cebil (Griseb.) Altschul in a natural population in the Caatinga, northeastern Brazil. Reproductive phenology, sexual system, floral biology, resource, and pollinators were investigated. We analyzed the breeding system through controlled pollinations for addressing its dependence on pollen vectors for reproduction. Anadenanthera colubrina flowered in the dry season, flower heads are heteromorphic, with staminate flowers at the base and perfect flowers at the apex of the inflorescence, characterizing andromonoecy. Anthesis is diurnal. We observed small drops of nectar at the apex of the petals of some flowers per inflorescence. Together with observations on flower visitor behavior and histochemical tests, we propose that A. colubrina produces floral nectar at the apex of the corolla, characterizing a substitutive nectary (sensu Vogel). This is the first record of substitutive nectary in the Mimosoideae and the first record of andromonoecy in the genus. Bees were the main pollinators (higher frequency), although other insects such as wasps, butterflies, and small beetles were also observed collecting nectar and/or pollen. The species is self-incompatible, thus depending on insect pollen vectors, mainly bees, for reproduction.  相似文献   

Management of semi-natural grasslands should be based on the requirements of plants as well as their pollinators since conditions beneficial for plants are not necessarily beneficial for their pollinators and vice versa. The factors affecting the reproductive success (fruit set) of Platanthera bifolia and Platanthera chlorantha and their pollinators in agricultural landscape and woodlands were studied. In the years 2014–2016, we observed and caught moths during the flowering period of Platanthera species (late June–mid July) in four pure P. bifolia, five pure P. chlorantha and nine mixed populations under management or no management in Estonia. We determined pollinator species richness, pollinator abundance, fruit set and visibility of Platanthera plants in each population. We found that pollinator assemblages of P. bifolia and P. chlorantha did not differ between managed and unmanaged sites. Pollinator abundance had an effect on the fruit set of P. bifolia but not on that of P. chlorantha. Presence or absence of management, visibility of plants and rarefied pollinator species richness did not affect the fruit set of either plant species. Pollinator abundance was significantly higher in unmanaged populations of both plant species but rarefied pollinator species richness was higher only in unmanaged populations of P. chlorantha. Based on our findings the recommendations for management of semi-natural grasslands are to promote larger landscape diversity for the benefit of moth abundance by leaving unmanaged patches in different parts of a grassland in different years and rotational and post-fruiting management for higher reproductive success of orchids.  相似文献   

The rewarding orchid Epipactis flava was studied in NW Thailand. Its flowers were visited by a wide range of insects, most of which served as pollinators. The most frequent pollen bearers were (in decreasing order): the cricket Homoeoxipha lycoides, stingless bees of the Tetragonula testaceitarsis/hirashimai complex, hoverflies of subfam. Syrphinae, the wasp Polybioides gracilis and sweat bees of subfam. Halictinae. We found no evidence of a link between the rheophytic habit of E. flava and its pollinator fauna. Whereas most pollinators visited the flowers to feed on nectar, females of Episyrphus alternans (Syrphidae: Syrphinae) were observed to oviposit despite the absence of prey for their young. Hence, we suggest that dual pollination systems contribute to the opportunist strategy of E. flava, and we discuss, in a phylogenetic framework, how the strategy fits in with those previously reported for Epipactis sect. Arthrochilium. The elastic attachment of the epichile (a universal trait in sect. Arthrochilium) was found to promote outcrossing, and we hypothesize that loss of the elastic hinge has provided a key innovation facilitating recurrent evolution of obligate autogamy in sect. Epipactis (which is nested in sect. Arthrochilium).  相似文献   

Artibeus jamaicensis is a medium-sized frugivorous microchiropteran bat that complements its diet with nectar and pollen during the dry season. We investigated which species of pollen are carried by A. jamaicensis in order to determine its potential role as a plant pollinator in the northern Yucatan Peninsula. We collected pollen from the fur of 192 individuals throughout the year from April 2004 to March 2005. We recorded pollen from nine plant species of eight families and found five unidentified pollen types, with the highest pollen species richness recorded in June. A. jamaicensis moved pollen of Erythrina standleyana and Mimosa bahamensis, which have not hitherto been reported as visited by this species. The most abundant pollen in the samples was found to be that of three tree species: Ceiba pentandra, C. aesculifolia and Lysiloma latisiliquum. Very few samples contained pollen in the rainy season, when the bats fed mainly on fruits. A. jamaicensis can fly several kilometres among foraging locations and dispersed large amounts of pollen from tree species growing near cenotes as well as those not present at cenotes but occurring in other forest fragments, highlighting its importance as a pollen vector among forest fragments in the largely deforested landscape of the Yucatan Peninsula, helping to reduce the negative effects of forest fragmentation. Ceiba appears to benefit from the role of A. jamaicensis as a pollen vector, and the species play an important ecological role in the Yucatán landscape, supplying shade, nectar and fruit for wildlife.  相似文献   

Members of Oncidiinae are widely known for their interactions with oil-collecting bees that explore lipophilic secretions on flowers. They may also be pollinated through food deception and the offering of nectar. Although data on breeding systems are available for many Oncidiinae orchids, little is known about the reproductive strategies in Rodriguezia, a neotropical genus of ca. 55 species. In this paper, we explore the reproductive biology of two species of Rodriguezia with distinctive morphologies: R. decora and R. lanceolata. Floral features, spectral reflectance, pollinators and pollination mechanisms, and breeding systems were studied. Both species are scentless and produce nectar as a reward. Floral nectar is secreted by a gland at the base of the labellum and stored into the sepaline spur. Rodriguezia decora reflects mainly in the blue and red regions of the light spectrum, while R. lanceolata reflects in the red region. Rodriguezia decora is exclusively visited and pollinated by butterflies, while Trochilidae hummingbirds are the pollinators of R. lanceolata. Pollinaria attach to the upper third of the proboscis of butterflies (R. decora), and to the bill of hummingbirds (R. lanceolata), during the collection of nectar from the spur. Both Rodriguezia species are self-sterile. Flower features and floral reflectance support the occurrence of psychophily in R. decora and ornithophily in R. lanceolata.  相似文献   

Many recent studies have suggested that the majority of animal-pollinated plants have a higher diversity of pollinators than that expected according to their pollination syndrome. This broad generalization, often based on pollination web data, has been challenged by the fact that some floral visitors recorded in pollination webs are ineffective pollinators. To contribute to this debate, and to obtain a contrast between visitors and pollinators, we studied insect and bird visitors to virgin flowers of Hypoestes aristata in the Bamenda Highlands, Cameroon. We observed the flowers and their visitors for 2-h periods and measured the seed production as a metric of reproductive success. We determined the effects of individual visitors using 2 statistical models, single-visit data that were gathered for more frequent visitor species, and frequency data. This approach enabled us to determine the positive as well as neutral or negative impact of visitors on H. aristata’s reproductive success. We found that (i) this plant is not generalized but rather specialized; although we recorded 15 morphotaxa of visitors, only 3 large bee species seemed to be important pollinators; (ii) the carpenter bee Xylocopa cf. inconstans was both the most frequent and the most effective pollinator; (iii) the honey bee Apis mellifera acted as a nectar thief with apparent negative effects on the plant reproduction; and (iv) the close relationship between H. aristata and carpenter bees was in agreement with the large-bee pollination syndrome of this plant. Our results highlight the need for studies detecting the roles of individual visitors. We showed that such an approach is necessary to evaluate the pollination syndrome hypothesis and create relevant evolutionary and ecological hypotheses.  相似文献   

Ecological dominance in ants is often fuelled by carbohydrate intake. Most studies have focused on the importance of invasive ant mutualistic associations with trophobionts whereas few studies have investigated the importance of floral nectar on invasion success. In this study, utilisation of temporarily available floral nectar by the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, was compared to that of the dominant native ant, Anoplolepis custodiens, within the Cape Floristic Region (CFR), a biodiversity hotspot. The effect of these two focal ant species on species composition and abundance of ground foraging ants as well as floral arthropod visitors in inflorescences of Proteacea species was assessed. Foraging activity, and trophic ecology inferred from the abundance of natural stable isotopes of Carbon (δ13C) and Nitrogen (δ15N), and the ratio of Carbon to Nitrogen (C:N) were compared between the two ant species during three flowering periods. Linepithema humile significantly reduced the abundance and species diversity of both above-ground and floral arthropod species abundance and composition. Linepithema humile increased its foraging activity with increasing nectar availability, switching its diet to a more herbivorous one. Anoplolepis custodiens did not respond as effectively to increasing floral nectar or negatively impact floral arthropod visitors. This study showed that the availability of floral nectar and ability of L. humile to more effectively utilise this temporarily available resource than native ants, can contribute significantly to the further spread and persistence of L. humile in natural environments in the CFR.  相似文献   

Bees and their host flower populations were studied by identifying pollen to species or genus, from trap nests where bees were reared. Rare plant species in bee diets, and disturbance regimes, have not previously been researched and are emphasized here. Two focal bee groups with one species each (Megachilidae and Apidae) were studied in a 500,000-ha tropical reserve in the Yucatán Peninsula nine complete years. The number of rare or major pollen species in nests had no statistical correlation; thus, rare pollen analysis complements study of major brood provisions. We found most nests (87 % Megachile zaptlana, 93 % Centris analis) contained rare pollen; only 12 % of the 438 nests contained major pollen alone. Rare pollen sometimes indicated an energy source rather than a scarce protein resource. Trichome nectar of Cydista, along with Ipomoea and Caesalpinia, were nectar sources. Malpighiaceae, despite lacking nectar, often provided the complete Centris diet. Considering rare pollen, only Centris responded to drought, or competition from immigrant honeybees. Neither bee responded to hurricanes. Drought years coincided with low bee populations; Centris nests contained more rare species then. After feral Africanized honeybees colonized, Centris had more major species and fewer rare. Some herbarium vouchers from the study area contained exotic pollen, demonstrating in situ floral contamination and ecological generalization by bees, but this rarely occurred in plants found among the bee diets. Megachile and Centris responded differently to competition and resource scarcity, and plausibly evolved under different disturbance regimes, yet appeared well adapted to hurricane disturbance.  相似文献   

Although mutualism between ants and flowering plants is wide spread, ant pollination has not evolved as a major pollination syndrome. So far ant pollination has been reported largely in herbaceous species, growing in warm and dry habitats. While studying pollination ecology of Syzygium species (Myrtaceae), growing in tropical forests of the Western Ghats, India, we observed one of the ant species, Technomyrmex albipes, to be the dominant floral visitor in S. occidentale (Bourd.) Chithra among a range of other insect (species of Xylocopa and Trigona, and Apis cerana) and bird visitors. We studied the role of ant species in pollination when compared to other floral visitors. The fruit set in flowers exclusively visited by T. albipes was significantly higher than those visited by any other visitor. The day and night exclusive pollination experiments allowing only T. albipes indicated diel pollination by T. albipes, which was the only active flower visitor during the night. The breeding system of the species was studied through controlled pollinations. The species is partially self-compatible and exhibits considerable autogamy.  相似文献   

Males of solitary bees usually spend the night out of the nests. In the middle or late afternoon, they stop the patrolling behavior and move on to their sleeping places. Usually, they hang with the mandibles on small branches of the vegetation or stay inside flowers until the next day. We report the sleeping places of males of four Tapinotaspidini species on flowers of six plant species of four families. Flowers of three Iridaceae species were the most sought by males, especially flowers of Sisyrinchium scariosum which show high synchrony between anthesis and activity period of Lanthanomelissa discrepans males. Moreover, S. scariosum flowers are the most visited by females of L. discrepans which are the main pollinators; however, the role of the males as pollinators is unclear. Similar situation is evident for the interaction between males of Arhysoceble picta and Cuphea glutinosa (Lythraceae), where the males take nectar and may act as pollinators, like their females. We believe the plants are indirectly benefited by these interactions through the maintenance of the male populations of the pollinator bee species.  相似文献   

Floral rewards do not only attract pollinators, but also herbivores and their predators. Ants are attracted by extrafloral nectaries (EFNs), situated near flowers, and may interfere with the efficiency and behaviour of pollinators. We tested the hypothesis that the impacts of ant–pollinator interactions in plant–pollinator systems are dependent on (1) the seasonal activity of EFNs, which increase ant abundance closer to flowers; (2) consequently, an ant effect, where ants decrease the temporal niche overlap of bees due to predator avoidance; and (3) ant density, where higher densities may negatively affect plant–pollinator interactions and plant performance. We studied two ant–plant–pollinator systems based on Banisteriopsis campestris and Banisteriopsis malifolia plant species. The periods of high ant abundance coincided with plant species blooming. The presence of ants around flowers reduced the visitation rates of the smaller bees and the temporal niche overlap between bee species was not higher than randomly expected when ants had free access. Additionally, we observed variable ant effects on fruit set and duration of bee visits to both Malpighiaceae species when ant density was experimentally kept constant on branches, especially on B. campestris. Our goal was to show the dual role of ant density effects, especially because the different outcomes are not commonly observed in the same plant species. We believe that reduced temporal niche overlap between floral visitors due to ant presence provides an opportunity for smaller bees to improve compatible pollination behaviour. Additionally, we concluded that ant density had variable effects on floral visitor behaviours and plant reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Nectar is the most common floral pollinator reward. In dichogamous species, floral nectar production rates can differ between sexual phases. We studied the structure of nectaries located on the stylopodium and nectar production in protandrous umbellifer Angelica sylvestris. Our study species produced nectar in both floral sexual phases. Nectar sugar concentration was low (on average 22 ± 11 %, mean ± SD) and the nectar hexose rich and composed of sucrose, glucose, fructose and a small amount of amino acids, including β-alanine, a non-protein amino acid. Although nectar composition and sugar concentration varied little between floral sexual phases, nectar production showed a threefold reduction during the stigma receptive period. This is in contrast to other studies of Apiaceae that have reported female-biased nectar production, but in the direction predicted by plant sexual selection theory, suggesting that in pollen-unlimited species, floral rewards mainly enhance male reproductive success. The structure of the nectary was similar at the two sexual stages investigated, and composed of a secretory epidermis and several layers of nectariferous and subsecretory parenchyma. The nectary cells were small, had large nuclei, numerous small vacuoles and dense, intensely staining cytoplasm with abundant endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and secretory vesicles. They contained abundant resin-like material that may potentially act as defence against microbes. Starch was rarely observed in the nectary cells, occurring predominantly at the female stage and mainly in guard and parenchyma cells in close proximity to stomata, and in subsecretory parenchyma. The main route of nectar release in A. sylvestris seems to be via modified stomata.  相似文献   

Ficus (Moraceae) is a keystone group in tropical and subtropical forests with remarkable diversity of species and taxonomical challenges as a consequence of fig–pollinator coevolution. Ficus subsect. Frutescentiae includes about 30 species that are predominantly shrubs or small trees with Terminalia branching. Many of these species are difficult to delimit morphologically, and the group includes a tangle of uncertain taxa and incorrectly applied names. We conducted a phylogenetic analysis with internal and external transcribed spacer data (ITS and ETS) and data from 18 polymorphic microsatellite loci to evaluate the species status of the most perplexing members of this subsection. The results confirm the monophyly of subsect. Frutescentiae, with F. pedunculosa as sister to the rest. The F. erecta complex comprises approximately 17 taxa: F. erecta, F. abelii, F. boninsimae, F. nishimurae, F. iidaiana, F. gasparriniana var. laceratifolia, F. gasparriniana var. viridescens, F. pyriformis, F. stenophylla, F. fusuiensis, F. fengkaiensis, F. sinociliata, F. tannoensis, F. vaccinioides, F. formosana, F. pandurata, and F. periptera. The last five of these were supported as good species, while the others were not well supported by the present evidence. Evidence also supported the status of the non-F. erecta complex species including. F. pedunculosa, F. ischnopoda, F. heteromorpha, and F. variolosa. Ficus filicauda and F. neriifolia are possibly conspecific. The species status of F. potingensis should be restored and it should be treated as a member of section Eriosycea. Identification of the remaining taxa (F. gasparriniana var. esquirolii, F. ruyuanensis, F. daimingshanensis, F. chapaensis, F. changii, F. trivia, and F. tuphapensis) and their relationships to the F. erecta complex were not clarified. As a whole, only ten species in this subsection are confirmed, one is excluded, one is synonymous, and the others are either unresolved or short of samples. There appears to be a consistent genetic background among these unresolved groups, which suggests that repeated hybridization (as a result of pollinator host shifts) has filled up the interspecific gaps during the fig–pollinator coevolution process.  相似文献   

Positive species interactions are ubiquitous in natural communities. However, positive species interactions are often overlooked or undetected because they tend to be more context dependent—that is, outcomes of interactions may change from positive to neutral/negative, depending on the ecological contexts in which these take place. It was recently shown that the pitchers of the carnivorous plant, Nepenthes gracilis, trapped more ant prey when found in close proximity to a congener, N. rafflesiana. As pitchers usually succeed in trapping only a fraction of all pitcher visitors, it was proposed that N. rafflesiana feeds ant colonies in its immediate vicinity with its copious nectar secretions. We tested this hypothesis using ex situ experiments. Philidris sp., Crematogaster treubi, and C. ferrarii colonies were reared in the presence or absence of N. rafflesiana plants in enclosed terraria. As such an interaction has the potential of being context dependent, the interaction was tested under high and low feeding conditions. Low feeding conditions resulted in strong declines in ant colony health, but this was mitigated by the presence of N. rafflesiana, although N. rafflesiana had no significant effect on ant colony health under high feeding conditions. This was observed even though pitchers of N. rafflesiana trapped large numbers of ant workers. Our results show that prey facilitation by a predator is possible, at least in eusocial insects like ants, and that prey facilitation conforms to the central prediction of the stress gradient hypothesis in being more positive at higher stress (lower resource) levels.  相似文献   

While interactions between invaders and resident species have received a great deal of attention recently, the role of mutualists in facilitating or constraining invasions is rarely considered. We investigated the reproductive ecology of two closely related, woody legumes, Cytisus scoparius (Scotch broom) and Genista monspessulana (French broom), invading the same sites. Both species are considered noxious non-native weeds in California, and are considered to be ecologically similar, but Genista has much smaller flowers than Cytisus. Neither species showed appreciable levels of autogamous selfing. When experimentally self-pollinated, Genista demonstrated less depression of fruit set and seed set relative to outcrossed flowers than did Cytisus. At two sites on the Marin peninsula, Calif., Genista flowers were consistently less likely to be pollinated than Cytisus flowers. Genista was significantly pollen limited at both sites, while Cytisus was pollen limited at only the site with lower visitation rates. In the three populations with demonstrable pollen limitation, we found a significant relationship between fruit production and natural pollinator visitation at the level of the individual plant. However, we did not find that overall patterns of fecundity were strongly predicted by differences in pollen limitation between species or between sites. While a previous study found a tight link between patterns of pollinator visitation and patterns of reproduction in Cytisus in Washington State, we conclude that a more complex and variable environment (in terms of resources, herbivores, and florivores) on the Marin Peninsula de-coupled the relationship between pollinators and fruit production in these invaders. Our results suggest that the role of mutualisms in promoting or constraining invasions is likely to vary considerably among invaded communities.  相似文献   

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