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Two new species ofHalicyclops are described from plankton samples taken in two localities in the Amazon River mouth area, State of Pará, Brazil.Halicyclops lindbergi sp.n. resemblesH. hurlberti andH. clarkei from which it differs by a combination of characters in leg 5, the anal pseudoperculum and the caudal rami. The other new species,H. dussarti, is most morphologically similar toH. pilosus, but they are separated by differences in legs 1 and 5 as well as in the ornamentation of the middle caudal setae.  相似文献   

Reid  Janet W. 《Hydrobiologia》1988,167(1):429-434
Yansacyclops ferrarii, new genus, new species (Copepoda: Cyclopoida) is described from the plankton of Rios Guamá and Acará Grande near Belém, State of Pará, Brazil.  相似文献   

A new species of Metapolybia, collected in Pará State, Brazil, by Adolph Ducke, in 1902, is described and comparative remarks are given.  相似文献   

There is very little information available about Culicoides species (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae) in the western Brazilian Amazon. However, studies of the fauna of this region are essential to knowledge of the species and potential vectors within it. Thus, the present study aims to evaluate the abundance, richness and composition of Culicoides species in rural areas in the state of Rondônia, Brazil. Culicoides specimens were collected in forest and pasture environments in the municipality of Porto Velho, using light traps. A total of 1708 individuals (1136 females and 572 males) belonging to 33 species were collected; 28 of these samples represent new records for the state of Rondônia and include the first record of Culicoides contubernalis in Brazil. Culicoides insignis was the most abundant species (86.1%). Species richness was greater in forest areas (32 species, 96.96%), whereas pastures presented the greatest number of Culicoides captured (n = 1540, 90.1%). This study shows that Culicoides populations differ between forest and pasture environments and indicates that the abundance of C. insignis is an important factor in epidemiological vigilance studies in the region.  相似文献   

Length–weight (LWR) and length–length relationships (LLR) are presented for 135 freshwater fish species sampled by several types of fishing gear between April 2012 and July 2014 in the middle and lower Xingu River Basin, northern Brazil. The report represents the first references on LWRs and LLRs for 114 and 119 species, respectively, and also provides a new maximum size for 96 species.  相似文献   

Two additional species of Lessingianthus , L. bakerianus and L. lanuginosus , from the campo cerrado vegetation of central Brazil, are described and illustrated. The first species is characterized by the presence of capitula arranged in groups, nine to 12 florets per head, leaves sessile, oblong to ovate leaf blades with the lower surface densely lanate, sparsely villous on the main veins. It has certain resemblance to L. syncephalus (Sch. Bip. ex Baker) H. Rob. and L. brevipetiolatus (Sch. Bip. ex Baker) H. Rob., which present petiolate leaves and leaf blades lanceolate, cuneate or attenuate at the base. L. lanuginosus is superficially similar to L. buddleiifolius (Mart. ex DC.) H. Rob., but differs in having smooth stems, woolly indumentum, smaller heads and the largest leaves disposed at the middle of the stem.  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 150 , 487–493.  相似文献   

Four new species of the Didymopanax group of Neotropical Schefflera (Araliaceae) from the Brazilian Amazon are here described and illustrated. Two of these are mainly known from the surroundings of Manaus, Amazonas state (Schefflera ciliatifolia and Schefflera umbrosa). The first is distinguished by its ciliate leaflets, while the second is characterized by leaflets varying in shape from trilobed to entire. Schefflera plurifolia is known only from southern Amazonian forests, and is remarkable in its pinnately-compound leaflets. Schefflera dichotoma, only known from the type collected on “campinarana” forests from Upper Rio Negro, at the municipality of São Gabriel da Cachoeira (Amazonas), is characterized by dichotomously branching inflorescences. Comments on the geographic distribution and ecology of the new species are provided, as well as an identification key to the species of the Didymopanax group found in Brazilian Amazonian rainforests and savannas.  相似文献   

Joseph Parker 《ZooKeys》2014,(373):57-66
A new genus and species of the large Neotropical pselaphine tribe Jubini is described from Manaus, Brazil, based on material preserved in the Natural History Museum, London. Morphogenia struhligen. et sp. n. represents the possible sister taxon of the abundant and speciose genus Barrojuba Park, sharing with it the putatively derived condition of anterolaterally shifted vertexal foveae, producing a smoothly convex vertex devoid of fovea or sulci. However, unlike Barrojuba, Morphogenia retains a plesiomorphic antebasal sulcus on the pronotum in both sexes, and additionally lacks elaborate abdominal fovea-like pockets and teeth on the lateral margins of the pronotum that are typical of Barrojuba. The genus is also unusual among jubine genera in lacking the characteristic V- or Y-shaped gular carina. In contrast to the commonly-collected Barrojuba, specimens of Morphogenia are absent in extensive jubine collections housed in museums in the United States, indicating that the new taxon may be relatively scarce or localised.  相似文献   

Length–weight relationships are presented for nine fish species from the floodplain lakes in the Central Amazon (Amazon Basin, Brazil). The parameter slope b values in the length–weight relationships ranged from 2.33 to 3.28 for grouped sexes, and from 2.7 to 3.61 for separated sexes. Differences between sexes were verified in three species. Sizes at first sexual maturation ranged from 9.14 to 23.97. This study provides a new reference for the length–weight relationships of six species.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to address length‐weight relationships (LWRs) in seven ornamental fish species from the Unini River basin—the main tributary of lower Negro River (Brazilian Amazon). Specimens were seasonally sampled by using hand nets and beach seines (mesh size < 1 mm) in five different occasions (August 2009—December 2010). Preserved specimens (initially kept in 10% formalin and transferred to 70% ethanol 10 days later) were measured and weighted in laboratory. The LWR was calculated based on a log‐transformed linear regression. The maximum standard length of each species was different from the ones previously reported at Fishbase. In addition, b values were different from the ones reported for the four species whose data were available in the literature.  相似文献   

Two new species of Pseudancistrus, a genus diagnosed by non-evertible cheek plates and hypertrophied odontodes along the snout margin, are described from two drainages of the Brazilian Shield: Pseudancistrus kayabi from the rio Teles Pires (rio Tapajós basin) and Pseudancistrus asurini from the rio Xingu. The new species are distinguished from congeners (Pseudancistrus barbatus, Pseudancistrus corantijniensis, Pseudancistrus depressus, Pseudancistrus nigrescens, Pseudancistrus reus, and Pseudancistrus zawadzkii) by the coloration pattern. Pseudancistrus kayabi has dark bars on the dorsal and caudal fins which are similar to that of Pseudancistrus reus from the Caroní River, Venezuela. Pseudancistrus asurini is unique among Pseudancistrus in having whitish tips of the dorsal and caudal fins in juveniles to medium-sized adults.  相似文献   

Potamotrygon marquesi, sp. nov., is described and compared with other species of Potamotrygon occurring in the Amazon Basin. The identity of this new species is supported by an extensive external and internal morphological study including coloration pattern, squamation, skeleton and ventral lateral-line canals. Morphometrics and meristics were used to further distinguish P. marquesi from congeners. Potamotrygon marquesi was first considered to fall within the range of variation found in P. motoro. However, even with an extensive variation in coloration observed in P. motoro, this new species presents a series of autapomorphies that confidently distinguishes it from what is understood as the morphological variation found in P. motoro. Additional morphological characters that diagnose P. marquesi include three angular cartilages, asymmetrical star-shaped denticles, a single regular row of spines on tail dorsum, lateral row of caudal spines near the sting insertion, dorsal disc background in beige and grey mixed with shades of grey and bearing open and closed bicolored rings, among others. Although presenting a gap of distribution along the west–east extension of the Amazon Basin, its diagnostic charactistics are consistent in both recorded regions. Our study supports the need for many morphological characters to robustly distinguish members of Potamotrygoninae considering their extremely variable dorsal disc color pattern.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms spend the early life history stages in neuston domain. Although the importance of ichthyoneuston, few studies were developed in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean. Therefore, this study aimed to improve the knowledge on ichthyoneuston of the Brazilian coast analyzing the vertical stratification and horizontal distribution of these organisms. Neuston samples were collected in daylight between 20°S and 23°S from February to April 2009 (late summer/early autumn; rainy season) and from August to September 2009 (late winter/early spring; dry season). Eggs of six taxa were identified: Anguilliformes, Engraulidae, Clupeidae, Synodontidae, Trichiuridae, and Maurolicus stehmanni (Sternoptychidae). The neustonic larval fish assemblage was composed by 40 families and 63 species. Mullidae and Myctophidae larvae were the most abundant in the rainy period while Mullidae and Mugilidae dominated in the dry season. Seasonal and spatial variation of larval fish assemblages in the neuston were structured by oceanographic features. The larval fish abundance on the outer slope stations may have been favored by the advection of an anticyclone that encompassed most of the study region during the cruise periods. In the rainy season, salinity and local depth structured the larval fish assemblage in a cross‐shelf gradient, while in the dry season the larval assemblage was structured around temperature and north‐south gradient. In the dry season, the cross‐shelf gradient was less pronounced mainly because of the low abundance and frequency of mesopelagic larvae. The low frequency and abundance of some species are probably related to the net avoidance of fish larvae during the day or dial vertical migration, as many species migrate to deeper layers during the day and ascend to neuston only at night. Nevertheless, the present study presented baseline information about the seasonal and spatial variation of the neustonic larval fish assemblage influenced by the oceanographic conditions in the Campos Basin. We recommend to additionally collect night samples to decrease larval escapement rates and to compare night versus day catches to further investigate the influence of daily migration in the neustonic larval fish in the area.  相似文献   

Two new species of Parapentaneura Stur, Fittkau et Serrano, 2006 (Diptera: Chironomidae: Tanypodinae) from southeastern Brazil are described and figured as male, pupa and larva: P. brunnescens and P. flavescens. Keys to the males, pupae and larvae of known species of Parapentaneura are provided.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:E6860EBE-B781-4DDA-9650-6E6EA3A0309E  相似文献   

André M. Amorim 《Brittonia》2004,56(2):143-146
Heteropterys andersonii, related to seriesMetallophyllis Nied., is described as new and illustrated.
Resumen   Heteropterys andersonii, relacionada a sérieMetallophyllis Nied., é descrita como nova e ilustrada.

Therodamas tamarae n.sp. is described based on females removed from branchial filaments of Plagioscion squamosissimus (Teleostei, Sciaenidae) caught in a lake near the Araguaia River, State of Goiás, Brazil. The new species shares with Therodamas elongatus (Thatcher, 1986) the same host, a similar reaction from the host to the presence of the parasites, and the same general shape of body; in addition, the two species are from the Amazon basin. On the other hand, it resembles T. fluviatilis Paggi, 1976 in the structure of legs 1 to 4. An identification key for Therodamas species, as well as comments on the distribution of the species, are included.  相似文献   

The tetrapod faunas from the terrestrial Middle–Late Triassic basins of Africa and South America are among the richest in the world, especially in non‐mammalian cynodonts. Despite the great abundance of cynodont specimens found in these basins, there are few known taxa that exhibit interbasinal distributions. Here we describe a new species of traversodontid cynodont of the genus Scalenodon from the Triassic Dinodontosaurus Assemblage Zone of the Santa Maria Supersequence, from the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Scalenodon ribeiroae sp. nov. is based on a partial skull that possesses a combination of features not observed in any other South American traversodontid: ellipsoid upper postcanines with the transverse crest formed by three cusps, lacking a mesiobuccal accessory cusp, and with lingual cusp projected lingually creating a concave lingual surface on the upper postcanines; the paracanine fossa is positioned medially to the upper canine, and jugal lacks a suborbital process. A phylogenetic analysis places the new taxon in a basal position within the Family Traversodontidae, with the African Scalenodon angustifrons as sister‐taxon. The new specimen of Scalenodon represents the first record of this genus outside of the Manda Beds of Tanzania, and reinforces the biostratigraphical and biogeographical connection between Gondwanan Middle–Late Triassic tetrapod faunas. Although recent advances have been made, our current knowledge of these faunas is limited by the lack of absolute dates for most units and by uncertainties in the taxonomy and stratigraphical provenance of key fossils.  相似文献   

Mycodrosophila is a cosmopolitan genus of Drosophilidae that comprises approximately 130 species with mycophagous habitats. In this study, we described a new species of Mycodrosophila based on morphological traits and included details of the male terminalia. The holotype is from Eugênio Lefévre, locality in Campos do Jordão municipality, SP, Brazil, located in the Atlantic rainforest biome and was sampled in the 1930s.  相似文献   

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