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Introduction – Isodon nervosa is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine including diterpenoids, phenolic acids, triterpenoids and volatile oil. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of multi‐components is important for its quality control. Objective – To establish a liquid chromatography–electrospray ionisation–mass spectrometry method for simultaneous analysis of 20 bioactive constituents of Isodon nervosa in different places of China and different parts of this herb. Methodology – The optimal chromatographic conditions were achieved on a C18 column (250 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm) with with linear gradient elution with 0.1% aqueous formic acid : methanol containing 0.1% formic acid at a flow‐rate of 0.7 mL/min in 15 min. The identification and quantification of those analytes were achieved on a hybrid quadrupole linear ion trap mass spectrometer. Multiple‐reaction monitoring scanning was employed for quantification with switching electrospray ion source polarity between positive and negative modes in a single run. Full validation of the method was carried out (linearity, precision, accuracy, limit of detection and limit of quantification). Results – The results indicated that the method was simple, rapid, specific and reliable. The proposed method was successfully applied for the qualitative and quantitative analysis of 20 chemical compositions in Isodon nervosa samples. Conclusion – Twenty chemical compositions in 21 batches of wild and cultivated Isodon nervosa samples from different sources had great variation in the contents. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The present study describes a confirmatory method for the quantitative determination in hair of the most common corticosteroids illegaly used as doping agents by athletes. Corticosteroids are extracted from 50 mg of powdered hairs by methanolic extraction follows by a solid-phase extraction on C18 cartridge. After extraction, the dried residue is reconstituted with 50 μl acetonitrile and injected in a liquid chromatograph. Liquid chromatography separation is performed on a reversed-phase C18 column with a binary gradient of formiate buffer pH 3-acetonitrile as mobile phase. Detection is performed with an electrospray ionization mass spectrometer in negative ion and selected-ion monitoring mode. The limits of sensitivity achieved is 0.1 ng/mg in hair. Application to hair sample collected during an antidoping control and comparison to results obtain on urines, collected on the same athletes at the same time, shows the interest and the complementarity of both matrices. Hair analysis could allow the detection of corticosteroids on a large period preceding the control, and the detection of natural corticosteroids administered as pro-drug, like hydrocortisone acetate.  相似文献   

Cell wall localized heterogeneous polyesters are widespread in land plants. The composition of these polyesters, such as cutin, suberin, or more plant‐specific forms such as the flax seed coat lignan macromolecule, can be determined after total hydrolysis of the ester linkages. The main bottleneck in the structural characterization of these macromolecules, however, resides in the determination of the higher order monomer sequences. Partial hydrolysates of the polyesters release a complex mixture of fragments of different lengths, each present in low abundance and therefore are challenging to structurally characterize. Here, a method is presented by which liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC‐MS) profiles of such partial hydrolysates are searched for pairs of related fragments. LC‐MS peaks that show a mass difference corresponding to the addition of one or more macromolecule monomers were connected in a network. Starting from the lowest molecular weight peaks in the network, the annotation of the connections as the addition of one or more polyester monomers allows the prediction of consecutive and increasingly complex adjacent peaks. Multi‐stage MS (MSn) experiments further helped to reject, corroborate, and sometimes refine the structures predicted by the network. As a proof of concept, this procedure was applied to partial hydrolysates of the flax seed coat lignan macromolecule, and allowed to characterize 120 distinct oligo‐esters, consisting of up to six monomers, and containing monomers and linkages for which incorporation in the lignan macromolecule had not been described before. These results showed the capacity of the approach to advance the structural elucidation of complex plant polyesters.  相似文献   

Owing to its high temporal sensitivity, saliva has distinct advantages for measuring steroids, compared with other noninvasive samples such as urine and feces. Here, we report the validity of assaying salivary cortisol (C) and testosterone (T) using liquid chromatography‐tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS) in captive male chimpanzees, Pan troglodytes. For both the C and T concentrations, we found positive relationships between saliva and plasma. The concentrations of C and T in saliva showed clear patterns of diurnal fluctuation, whereas those in urine and feces did not. These results suggest that the salivary steroid concentrations can be regarded as good indicators of circulating steroid levels. We also developed and validated an efficient method for collecting saliva samples from cotton rope. Although rope includes inherent steroid‐like compounds and may affect the accuracy of steroid measurements, our rope‐washing procedures effectively removed intrinsic steroidal materials. There was a significant association between the C and T concentrations measured from saliva collected from rope licked by the chimpanzees and those measured from saliva collected directly from the mouth. Salivary T values estimated by LC/MS‐MS were similar to those measured by radioimmunoassay. The results indicate the usefulness of saliva as a noninvasive steroid measure and that steroids in the saliva of chimpanzees can be accurately measured by LC‐MS/MS. Am. J. Primatol. 71:696–706, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid method for the identification of Vinca alkaloids from a crude extract of Catharanthus roseus G. Don (Apocynaceae) by direct-injection electrospray ionisation (ESI) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) has been developed. The alkaloids vindoline, vindolidine, vincristine and vinblastine were evaluated in a commercial extract of C. roseus using this method. Catharanthine and its isomers 19S-vindolinine and vindolinine were detected in the commercial product by direct injection ESI/MS/MS and confirmed by preparation and by HPLC-ESI/MS. For the characterisation of different fragment fingerprints, ESI/MS/MS is a sensitive, rapid and convenient technique by which to identify some constituents in complex and mixed plant extracts.  相似文献   

Karlodinium veneficum is a cosmopolitan dinoflagellate with a worldwide distribution in mesohaline temperate waters. The toxins from K. veneficum, or karlotoxins (KmTxs), which have been implicated in fish kill events, have been purified from monoalgal cultures, and shown to possess hemolytic, cytotoxic and ichthyotoxic activities. Three karlotoxins (KmTx 1–1, KmTx 1–3 and KmTx 2) have been isolated from two different North American strains of K. veneficum and characterized using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS). KmTx 1 karlotoxins have a UV absorption maximum (λmax 225 nm) at lower wavelengths than KmTx 2 karlotoxins (λmax 235 nm). The exact masses and predicted empirical formulae for the karlotoxins (KmTx 1–1, 1308.8210, C67H120O24; KmTx 1–3, 1322.8637, and C69H126O23; KmTx 2, 1344.7938, C67H121ClO24) were determined using high resolution mass spectrometry. Although the individual toxins produce a single peak in reverse phase high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), MS revealed congeners co-eluting within each peak. These congeners could be separated under normal phase chromatography and revealed a single hydroxylation being responsible for the mass differences. Multistage MS (MSn) showed that the three KmTxs and their congeners share a large portion of their structures including an identical 907 amu core fragment.

These data were used to develop a quantitative LC–MS assay for karlotoxins from cultures and environmental samples. The sensitivity afforded by MS detection compared to UV absorbance allowed toxin quantification at 0.2 ng when injected on column. Aqueous solutions of karlotoxins were found to quantitatively adsorb to PTFE and nylon membrane filters. Aliquots from whole cultures or environmental samples could be concentrated and desalted by adsorption to PTFE syringe filters and karlotoxins eluted with methanol for analysis by LC–MS. This simplified solid phase cleanup afforded new data indicating that each karlotoxin may also exist as sulfated derivatives and also provided a rapid detection method for karlotoxin from environmental samples and whole cultures.  相似文献   

A rapid liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry (LC–ES-MS) assay for the determination of flunarizine (FZ) in rat brain has been developed. A C18 column and an isocratic elution were employed for the separation. Using post-column split, 64% of the eluent was introduced into the ES-MS system for detection. The [M+H]+ (m/z 406) and a fragmented ion (m/z 203) were detected using selected ion monitoring. The linear range of this assay was good, ranging from 0.05 to 5 μM (r2=0.99). The intra- and inter-day precisions showed relative standard deviations ranging from 1.4% to 2.0% and 1.3% to 2.9%, respectively. The application of this newly developed method was demonstrated by examining the pharmacokinetics of FZ in rat brain.  相似文献   

A sensitive and very specific method, using liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometry (LC–ES-MS), was developed for the determination of epirubicin, doxorubicin, daunorubicin, idarubicin and the respective active metabolites of the last three, namely doxorubicinol, daunorubicinol and idarubicinol in human serum, using aclarubicin as internal standard. Once thawed, 0.5-ml serum samples underwent an automated solid-phase extraction, using C18 Bond Elut cartridges (Varian) and a Zymark Rapid-Trace robot. After elution of the compounds with chloroform–2-propanol (4:1, v/v) and evaporation, the residue was reconstituted with a mixture of 5 mM ammonium formate buffer (pH 4.5)–acetonitrile (60:40, v/v). The chromatographic separation was performed using a Symmetry C18, 3.5 μm (150×1 mm I.D.) reversed-phase column, and a mixture of 5 mM ammonium formate buffer (pH 3)–acetonitrile (70:30, v/v) as mobile phase, delivered at 50 μl/min. The compounds were detected in the selected ion monitoring mode using, as quantitation ions, m/z 291 for idarubicin and idarubicinol, m/z 321 for daunorubicin and daunorubicinol, m/z 361 for epirubicin and doxorubicin, m/z 363 for doxorubicinol and m/z 812 for aclarubicin (I.S.). Extraction recovery was between 71 and 105% depending on compounds and concentration. The limit of detection was 0.5 ng/ml for daunorubicin and idarubicinol, 1 ng/ml for doxorubicin, epirubicin and idarubicin, 2 ng/ml for daunorubicinol and 2.5 ng/ml for doxorubicinol. The limit of quantitation (LOQ) was 2.5 ng/ml for doxorubicin, epirubicin and daunorubicinol, and 5 ng/ml for daunorubicin, idarubicin, doxorubicinol and idarubicinol. Linearity was verified from these LOQs up to 2000 ng/ml for the parent drugs (r≥0.992) and 200 ng/ml for the active metabolites (r≥0.985). Above LOQ, the within-day and between-day precision relative standard deviation values were all less than 15%. This assay was applied successfully to the analysis of human serum samples collected in patients administered doxorubicin or daunorubicin intravenously. This method is rapid, reliable, allows an easy sample preparation owing to the automated extraction and a high selectivity owing to MS detection.  相似文献   

A rapid and accurate reversed-phase liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS) method has been developed and validated for the quantitative determination of five flavonoid glycosides, icariin, epimedin A, epimedin B, epimedin C and hyperin in Herba Epimedii. Chromatographic separations were performed using a C(18) narrow-bore HPLC column; a mixture of an aqueous solution of ammonium formate (pH 4.0) and acetonitrile was used as the mobile phase, with compounds detected in the positive ion mode with multiple-reaction monitoring using a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with an electrospray ionisation interface. This method for the determination of the reported flavonoid glycosides was accurate and reproducible, with a lower limit of quantication of 0.5 microg/mL. The standard calibration curves for the above-mentioned compounds were linear (r(2) > 0.998) over the concentration range 0.5-10.0 microg/mL. The relative standard deviations for intra- and inter-day precision over the concentration range for the flavonoid glycosides were lower than 7.8% with accuracy between 90.1 and 111.0%. The established method was successfully applied to the quality assessment of samples of Herba Epimedii collected from Korea and China.  相似文献   

A tryptic digest generated from Xenopus laevis fertilized embryos was fractionated by RPLC. One set of 30 fractions was analyzed by 100‐min CZE‐ESI‐MS/MS separations (50 h total instrument time), and a second set of 15 fractions was analyzed by 3‐h UPLC‐ESI‐MS/MS separations (45 h total instrument time). CZE‐MS/MS produced 70% as many protein IDs (4134 versus 5787) and 60% as many peptide IDs (22 535 versus 36 848) as UPLC‐MS/MS with similar instrument time (50 h versus 45 h) but with 50 times smaller total consumed sample amount (1.5 μg versus 75 μg). Surprisingly, CZE generated peaks that were 25% more intense than UPLC for peptides that were identified by both techniques, despite the 50‐fold lower loading amount; this high sensitivity reflects the efficient ionization produced by the electrokinetically pumped nanospray interface used in CZE. This report is the first comparison of CZE‐MS/MS and UPLC‐MS/MS for large‐scale eukaryotic proteomic analysis. The numbers of protein and peptide identifications produced by CZE‐ESI‐MS/MS approach those produced by UPLC‐MS/MS, but with nearly two orders of magnitude lower sample amounts.  相似文献   

A rapid, sensitive and specific high-performance liquid chromatography–electrospray tandem mass spectrometric method has been developed for the determination of gestrinone (R 2323) in human serum using mifepristone (RU 486) as an internal standard. R 2323 was extracted from human serum by an ether extraction procedure. Multiple reaction monitoring was used to detect R 2323 and RU 486. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 3.5–177 ng/ml (r2≥0.99) with the limitation of detection of 0.8 ng/ml. The intra-day precision and accuracy, expressed as C.V. and RE, ranged from 2.3–13.7 to −4.8–3.0%. The inter-day precision and accuracy ranged from 5.5–14.8 to −6.7–3.1%. The mean recovery was 91.0% for R 2323, and 90.6% for the internal standard. The method was successfully applied to the pharmacokinetic study of R 2323.  相似文献   

After intake of food or herbal medicinal products containing quercetin glycosides, the systemic availability of the genuine glycoside, as well as the systemic occurrence of the aglycone or conjugates of this polyphenol has been a matter of dispute. Consequently, we designed this study to develop a reliable method for determination of quercetin and its metabolites. Following consumption of fried onions five different glucuronides of quercetin could be identified in human plasma samples by means of HPLC–UV–MS/MS. Selective determination of the target compounds was achieved by simultaneous UV (254 nm) and MS/MS detection with selected reaction monitoring experiments using positive mode electrospray ionisation. In contrast, neither the free flavonol nor the genuine glycoside could be detected in plasma. Identification of the quercetin glucuronides detected in vivo was confirmed by comparison with authentic reference compounds synthesised enzymatically using glucuronyl transferase from rabbit liver.  相似文献   

During senescence, chlorophyll is broken down to a set of structurally similar, but distinct linear tetrapyrrolic compounds termed phyllobilins. Structure identification of phyllobilins from over a dozen plant species revealed that modifications at different peripheral positions may cause complex phyllobilin composition in a given species. For example, in Arabidopsis thaliana wild‐type, eight different phyllobilins have structurally been characterized to date. Accurate phyllobilin identification and quantification, which classically have been performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and UV/vis detection, are, however, hampered because of their similar physiochemical properties and vastly differing abundances in plant extracts. Here we established a rapid method for phyllobilin identification and quantification that couples ultra‐HPLC with high‐resolution/high‐precision tandem mass spectrometry. Using Arabidopsis wild‐type and mutant lines that are deficient in specific phyllobilin‐modifying reactions, we identified a total of 16 phyllobilins, among them two that have not been described before in Arabidopsis. The single and collision‐induced dissociation tandem mass spectrometry data of all 16 Arabidopsis phyllobilins were collected in a mass spectrometry library, which is available to the scientific community. The library allows rapid detection and quantification of phyllobilins within and across Arabidopsis genotypes and we demonstrate its potential use for high‐throughput approaches and genome‐wide association studies in chlorophyll breakdown. By extending the library with phyllobilin data from other plant species in the future, we aim providing a tool for chlorophyll metabolite analysis as a measure of senescence for practical applications, such as post‐harvest quality control.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography coupled to atmospheric pressure ionization–electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (API–ESI–MS) was investigated for the analysis of corticosterone metabolites; their characterization was obtained by combining the separation on Zorbax Eclipse XDB C18 column (eluted with a methanol–water–acetic acid gradient) with identification using positive ion mode API–ESI–MS and selected ion analysis. The applicability of this method was verified by monitoring the activity of steroid converting enzymes (20β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase and 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase) in avian intestines.  相似文献   

A HPLC–MS procedure for the sensitive and specific analysis of the black tea flavonoid theaflavin in human plasma and urine was developed. Levels were measured after enzymatic deconjugation, extraction into ethyl acetate, and separation by HPLC, using tandem mass spectrometry as a detecting system. Two healthy volunteers consumed 700 mg theaflavins, equivalent to about 30 cups of black tea. The maximum concentration detected in blood plasma was 1.0 μg l−1 in a sample collected after 2 h. The concentration in urine also peaked after 2 h at 4.2 μg l−1. Hence, only minute amounts of theaflavins can be detected in plasma and urine samples of healthy volunteers after ingestion.  相似文献   

The beta-carboline alkaloids harmane (1) and norharmane (2) were isolated from fruiting bodies of Hygrophorus eburneus (Bull.) Fr. as well as brunnein A (3) from Hygrophorus hyacinthinus Quél. (Tricholomataceae, Agaricales) for the first time. Their occurrence within the genus was investigated using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionisation tandem mass spectrometric methods, especially by selected reaction monitoring. Based on these results their chemotaxonomical relevance is discussed.  相似文献   

We developed a sensitive and specific semi-automated liquid chromatography–electrospray mass spectrometric (HPLC–ESI-MS) assay for the simultaneous quantification of sirolimus and ciclosporin in blood. Following a simple protein precipitation step, the supernatants were injected into the HPLC system and extracted on-line. After column switching, the analytes were backflushed from the extraction column onto the analytical narrow-bore column and eluted into the ESI-MS system. The assay was linear from 0.4 to 100 μg/l sirolimus and from 2 to 1500 μg/l ciclosporin. The mean recoveries of sirolimus and ciclosporin were 98 and 96%, respectively. The mean interday precision/accuracy was 8.6%/−4.8% for sirolimus and 9.3%/−2.9% for ciclosporin.  相似文献   

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