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Autoaggression and stereotypies in individually housed cynomolgus monkeys were compared in a standard primate cage and an enriched playpen environment. Stereotypy and autoaggression were markedly reduced in the playpen, but reappeared on return to the home cage. Some of the various activities available in the playpen but not others engaged the animals' attention.  相似文献   

Zoo‐housed bears are prone to exhibiting stereotypic behaviors, generally considered indicators of negative welfare. We explored the effects of a variable‐time feeding enrichment schedule on behavioral indicators of welfare in four bear species at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. We distributed the diets of eight bears in one of five enrichment items, for two consecutive days each, and monitored behavior throughout the day. In Experiment 1, we compared variable‐time to fixed‐time presentation of enrichment over two, 10‐day periods. Overall, bears performed more exploratory behavior when enriched (p < 0.0001). Furthermore, variable‐time enrichment was associated with a greater increase in exploratory behavior than fixed‐time enrichment when compared to baseline (p < 0.001). Both fixed‐time (punadjusted <0.05, padjusted = 0.07) and variable‐schedule (punadjusted <0.05, padjusted = 0.09) enrichment were also associated with similar decreases in abnormal behavior compared to baseline. For Experiment 2, we tested habituation to enrichment over 30 days using multiple items and a semi‐variable presentation schedule. Again during the enrichment period, bears exhibited increased exploratory behavior (p < 0.0001) and decreased abnormal behaviors compared to baseline (punadjusted = 0.05, padjusted = 0.09). We observed no habituation during the 30‐day sustained enrichment period for these behaviors. Collectively, these results suggest that daily, variable‐schedule feeding enrichment, with intermittent presentation of unique enrichment items, increases behavioral indicators of positive welfare and decreases behavioral indicators of negative welfare.  相似文献   

Although traditional feeding regimens for captive animals were focused on meeting physiological needs to assure good health, more recently emphasis has also been placed on non‐nutritive aspects of feeding. The provision of foraging materials to diversify feeding behavior is a common practice in zoos but selective consumption of foraging enrichment items over more balanced “chow” diets could lead to nutrient imbalance. One alternative is to provide balanced diets in a contrafreeloading paradigm. Contrafreeloading occurs when animals choose resources that require effort to exploit when identical resources are freely available. To investigate contrafreeloading and its potential as a theoretical foundation for foraging enrichment, we conducted two experiments with captive grizzly bears (Ursus arctos horribilis). In Experiment 1, bears were presented with five foraging choices simultaneously: apples, apples in ice, salmon, salmon in ice, and plain ice under two levels of food restriction. Two measures of contrafreeloading were considered: weight of earned food consumed and time spent working for earned food. More free than earned food was eaten, with only two bears consuming food extracted from ice, but all bears spent more time manipulating ice containing salmon or apples than plain ice regardless of level of food restriction. In Experiment 2, food‐restricted bears were presented with three foraging choices simultaneously: apples, apples inside a box, and an empty box. Although they ate more free than earned food, five bears consumed food from boxes and all spent more time manipulating boxes containing apples than empty boxes. Our findings support the provision of contrafreeloading opportunities as a foraging enrichment strategy for captive wildlife. Zoo Biol 29:484–502, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Environmental enrichment is an important tool utilized to improve animal welfare in zoological institutions through opportunity for mental and physical stimulation. Many past studies have focused on the impact enrichment has on animal behavior; however, none have conducted preference assessments on enrichment items to examine the relationship between animals' preferences and interaction with enrichment over a 24-hr period. Ten-minute free operant, paired-choice preference assessments were implemented in Study 1 to determine the enrichment preferences of African lions (N = 3). Following Study 1, Study 2 was conducted, which examined the behavior of African lions with enrichment items over the course of 30, 24-hr trials to evaluate the relationship between preferences established in Study 1 and long-term interaction with the enrichment. Generalized estimating equations revealed a statistically significant relationship between the percentage of time the enrichment was approached first and the average duration of interaction in Study 1 to the total duration of interaction and the percent of hours interacted with the item in Study 2. Additionally, the first 2 min of the preference data resulted in comparable statistically significant findings, demonstrating shorter preference assessments can produce similar results. The results support our prediction that preference assessments can be used to estimate the amount of interaction with enrichment over the course of time, with preferred items being interacted with more frequently and in longer duration. Information gained from this study suggests preference assessments can be a time and cost-effective tool to evaluate enrichment preference and predicted efficacy.  相似文献   

Due to primate adaptations for sociality, captive rhesus macaques have optimal welfare and utility as a biomedical model when they can be maintained in outdoor social groups. As a despotic species; however, aggression can result in costly injuries and may result in temporary or permanent removal of specific individuals from social housing. Enrichment items, such as toys, climbing structures, and foraging material, are employed to keep captive animals occupied. We hypothesized that produce enrichment that requires more processing to extract may reduce socially‐derived injuries by keeping animals occupied. We tested the effects of additional weekly produce (corn‐in‐husk, whole melon, or whole squash) on trauma incidence in an outdoor social group of rhesus macaques across two distinct seasons (mating and birthing seasons) at the California National Primate Research Center. Aggression and status behavioral data, food resource use and proximity, and trauma incidence were collected over two 16‐week periods, with eight control and treatment conditions alternating biweekly. Mixed‐effects regression modeling was used to determine the best predictors of trauma risk and severe aggression at the group level and at an individual level. We found that food resource use was an important predictor of trauma risk at both group and individual levels; greater use of food resources reduced trauma risk. Produce enrichment did not; however, reduce severe aggression. We suggest that other captive social groups of rhesus macaques with high levels of trauma may benefit from supplemental produce enrichment that increases animal engagement with food resources.  相似文献   

Summary Crystalloids were found in Sertoli cells of the testis of the three-toed sloth by examination at the lightand electron-microscopic levels. Needle-, or spindle-shaped crystalloids, varying in length, were located in the basal part of the Sertoli cells. They consisted of bundles of filaments each measuring ~ 11 nm in diameter. Several filaments were packed hexagonally to form a bundle. The center-to-center distance between individual filaments of a bundle was ~ 17 nm. Periodical lateral projections emanated from the filaments. Cross sections of crystalloids showed that the projections radiated from each filament in three directions, forming an equilateral triangle with a side length of ~ 15 nm. Scattered polyribosomes were found between and around the bundles.  相似文献   

The repetitive licking of nonfood substrates is a common stereotypic behavior in captive giraffes. In this study we attempted to reduce stereotypic licking in a Masai giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis tippelskirchi) by applying a bitter chemical (marketed as a taste deterrent to prevent the unwanted licking and chewing of substrates) to the areas of the fence licked most frequently by the giraffe. We hypothesized that this treatment would reduce stereotypic licking. However, there were no significant overall changes in stereotypic licking following treatment with the chemical spray. Although licking of the treated area was observed to decrease, the behavior increased in nontreated areas. These results suggest that the underlying motivation driving the behavior was not affected by the aversive stimulus. Because stereotypic licking in giraffes may be based on a motivation to use their tongues in foraging, more effective techniques for reducing stereotypic fence‐licking in giraffes may include increasing feeding duration by increasing the quantity, processing time, or distribution range of food. Zoo Biol 22:601–607, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Stereotypic behavior is exhibited by a wide range of captive animals. Its association with hormones, especially elevated cortisol level and lack of naturalistic stimuli in the environment, has been little studied. This study hypothesizes that stereotypic behavior is caused by stress due to lack of appropriate, naturalistic stimuli in the environment. Using four adult pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) in the Beijing Zoo from March–July in 2003, we tested the following predictions: 1) stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level will not change associated with the progress of reproductive state; 2) there is a positive correlation between the occurrence of stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level; and 3) environmental enrichment by adding a naturalistic stimulus will reduce both stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level. We did not find any significant differences in the occurrence of stereotypic behavior and fecal cortisol level but did find a significant difference in the total time engaged in displaying the stereotypic behavior among the three estrous periods. The level of stereotypic behavior was correlated with elevated fecal cortisol level. Enrichment simply by adding a naturalistic stimulus did not show significant effects on stereotypic behavior, or on fecal cortisol level. Our results supported the second prediction, but did not completely support the first and the third ones perhaps because of the small sample size. Additionally, our results showed that stereotypic behavior might be a response to a heightened level of cortisol. Zoo Biol 0:1–15, 2006. © 2006 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this pilot study was to investigate the effects of commercially applied environmental enrichments on behavior and lameness in broilers. Two consecutive flocks of broilers were observed at 16 days and 30 days of age to investigate differences between enriched (peat, bales of lucerne hay, and elevated platforms) and control birds with regards to behavioral activities and lameness. More running (p < .001), worm running (p = .006), play fighting (p = .015), dust bathing (p = .009), and ground pecking while standing (p < .001) were observed at 16 days than at 30 days. Across both ages, enriched birds showed more wing flapping (p = .016), wing stretching (p = .002), body shaking (p = .002), ground scratching (p < .001), and ground pecking while standing (p < .001) and lying (p = .003) compared with control birds. Even when no enrichments were close, enriched birds showed more body shaking (p = .008) and ground pecking while standing (p < 0.001) and lying (p = .010) than birds in comparable locations in control pens. There was a tendency for a lower gait score (i.e., reduced lameness) with the enriched treatment (p = .077). In conclusion, enriched birds showed higher levels of several activities compared with control birds, and demonstrated higher levels in areas where no enrichments were present.  相似文献   

Browsing enrichment may aid in developing species-specific behaviors for giraffes managed in zoos as a means of improving animal welfare. By nature, giraffes are tree-feeding animals, including tree bark, but the extent of food other than leaves as a form of browsing enrichment has not been well investigated. Therefore, to investigate the effectiveness of non-leaf foraging, three giraffes at the Kyoto City Zoo in Japan were observed for 228 h from May 2019 to February 2020. In conjunction with behavioral instantaneous sampling, tree use (landscape tree or enrichment branch) and plant part (leaves, twigs, or barks) were recorded by the 1-0 sampling method. There was no significant change in the foraging behavior on the leaves of enriched branches, nor was there any significant change in the foraging behavior of the giraffes, except for one animal in the deciduous phase. No significant changes were observed in rumination or other behaviors between the two phases. Although vegetation foraging behavior significantly decreased, except for one animal, dry hay foraging behavior significantly increased in all the animals during the deciduous phase. Some individuals also showed a significant increase in the foraging behavior for non-leafy parts of the enrichment branches (twigs and bark) during the deciduous phase. This suggests that in some tree species, giraffes forage on the bark and twigs to compensate for the loss of leaves during the deciduous phase, similar to feeding on hay or hay cubes as a substitute for tree leaves.  相似文献   

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