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Wu B  Yi S  Fane AG 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(3):2511-2516
Biomass characteristics and membrane performances in the MBRs operated at a high flux of 30 L/m2 h under different SRTs (10, 30 days, and infinity) were monitored. Results showed that more serious cake-fouling happened in the SRT-infinity MBR, which correlated with the activated sludge characteristics such as smaller floc size and greater EPS amount. DGGE analysis indicated that the microbial community shifted in different ways under various SRTs, which also influenced EPS productions in the MBRs. Different microbial communities were developed on the membrane surfaces at various operating stages and SRTs. Possibly, the activated sludge characteristics (such as MLSS concentration, EPS properties) and hydrodynamic conditions influenced by the SRTs were associated with cake layer development and membrane fouling propensity. Insight into the EPS characteristics and deposition behaviors of bacterial flocs will be crucial to explore appropriate biofouling control strategies in MBRs.  相似文献   

Biofilm could be defined as a complex communities of microorganisms seen affixed to surfaces, they form clusters without sticking to any surface and buried firmly in an extracellular matrix (ECM). This matrix is formed by microorganisms in the formation of either extracellular polymeric substances (EPSS) or extracellular polymer. Many reviews have addressed the negative consequences of biofilm production in the food industry, among which we talk about biofilms being responsible for spoilage microorganisms and foodborne pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes, Bacillus cereus etc. These contamination could be linked to biofilms presence in the processing plant. Although researches have tried conferring solutions to these challenges in the food industry, however, in this review we have tried to focus on the positive impact of biofilms formed in the food industry. It is critically expedient while trying to find the solution to the challenges of biofilm in the food industry to develop and give a major focus on the advantages and positive impact biofilm has in the food industry, which has been greatly neglected. Hence in this article, we have highlighted some positive impacts of biofilms formed in the food industry, like enhancing plant health and productivity of food products, as an agent of water and wastewater treatment in the food industry, as a tool in reducing the amount of excess sludge in the wastewater treatment plant. The development of edible biofilms, fermented food products and the production of biodegradable food packaging are also part of biofilms beneficial roles in the food industries.  相似文献   

Wu B  Yi S  Fane AG 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(13):6808-6814
Microbial community developments and biomass characteristics (concentration, particle size, extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), and membrane fouling propensity) were compared when three MBRs were fed with the synthetic wastewater at different organic loadings. Results showed that the bacterial communities dynamically shifted in different ways and the EPS displayed dissimilar profiles under various organic loadings, which were associated with the ratios of food to microorganism and dissolved oxygen levels in the MBRs. The membrane fouling tendency of biomass in the low-loading MBR (0.57 g COD/L day) was insignificantly different from that in the medium-loading MBR (1.14 g COD/L day), which was apparently lower than that in the high-loading MBR (2.28 g COD/L day). The membrane fouling propensity of biomass was strongly correlated with their bound EPS contents, indicating cake layer fouling (i.e., deposition of microbial flocs) was predominant in membrane fouling at a high flux of 30 L/m2 h.  相似文献   

The integrity of biofilms on voice prostheses used to rehabilitate speech in laryngectomized patients causes unwanted increases in airflow resistance, impeding speech. Biofilm integrity is ensured by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS). This study aimed to determine whether synthetic salivary peptides or mucolytics, including N-acetylcysteine and ascorbic acid, influence the integrity of voice prosthetic biofilms. Biofilms were grown on voice prostheses in an artificial throat model and exposed to synthetic salivary peptides, mucolytics and two different antiseptics (chlorhexidine and Triclosan). Synthetic salivary peptides did not reduce the air flow resistance of voice prostheses after biofilm formation. Although both chlorhexidine and Triclosan reduced microbial numbers on the prostheses, only the Triclosan-containing positive control reduced the air flow resistance. Unlike ascorbic acid, the mucolytic N-acetylcysteine removed most EPS from the biofilms and induced a decrease in air flow resistance.  相似文献   


In continuing the investigation of AAA hemodynamics, unsteady flow-induced stresses are presented for pulsatile blood flow through the double-aneurysm model described in Part I. Physiologically realistic aortic blood flow is simulated under pulsatile conditions for the range of time-average Reynolds numbers 50 h Re m h 300. Hemodynamic disturbance is evaluated for a modified set of indicator functions which include wall pressure ( p w ), wall shear stress ( w ), Wall Shear Stress Gradient (WSSG), time-average wall shear stress ( w *), and time-average Wall Shear Stress Gradient WSSG *. At peak flow, the highest shear stress and WSSG levels are obtained at the distal end of both aneurysms, in a pattern similar to that of steady flow. The maximum values of wall shear stresses and wall shear stress gradients are evaluated as a function of the time-average Reynolds number resulting in a fourth order polynomial correlation. A comparison between numerical predictions for steady and pulsatile flow is presented, illustrating the importance of considering time-dependent flow for the evaluation of hemodynamic indicators.  相似文献   

Candida albicans biofilms on most medical devices are exposed to a flow of body fluids that provide water and nutrients to the fungal cells. While Calbicans biofilms grown in vitro under static conditions have been exhaustively studied, the same is not true for biofilms developed under continuous flow of replenishing nutrients. Here, we describe a simple flow biofilm (FB) model that can be built easily with materials commonly available in most microbiological laboratories. We demonstrate that Calbicans biofilms formed using this flow system show increased architectural complexity compared to biofilms grown under static conditions. Calbicans biofilms under continuous medium flow grow rapidly, and by 8 h show characteristics similar to 24 h statically grown biofilms. Biomass measurements and microscopic observations further revealed that after 24 h of incubation, FB was more than twofold thicker than biofilms grown under static conditions. Microscopic analyses revealed that the surface of these biofilms was extremely compact and wrinkled, unlike the open hyphal layer typically seen in 24 h static biofilms. Results of antifungal drug susceptibility tests showed that Calbicans cells in FB exhibited increased resistance to most clinically used antifungal agents.  相似文献   

Tian Y  Chen L  Zhang S  Cao C  Zhang S 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(19):8820-8827
Two submerged membrane bioreactors were operated for a period of 3 months to study the filtration behavior of normal sludge and bulking sludge. Comparison of sludge morphology and bound extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) from the two systems was made to elucidate the different filtration characteristics. Experimental results showed that the membrane fouling behavior induced by bulking sludge was more severe than normal sludge. Concomitantly, the adsorption tests and atomic force microscopy observation confirmed that the EPS properties played an important role in membrane adsorption, eventually causing the different fouling behavior. Correlations between image analysis information and diluted sludge volume index (DSVI) have been identified. The combinations of EFLI/FAI (the ratio between extended filamentous lengths and floc area), from factor and floc elongation related parameters (aspect ratio or roundness) were the preferred input candidates in autoregressive exogenous model to describe the filamentous bulking phenomena, which aided in predicting membrane fouling.  相似文献   

The recognition that ultraviolet radiation has harmful effects on the skin has led to the commercial development of inorganic and synthetic organic UV filters that can reduce the negative effects of exposure to sunlight. In addition, moisturizing chemicals are extensively used in personal care products to improve the ability of skin to retain water. Whilst current UV filter and moisturizing chemicals have clear beneficial qualities, they may also have adverse effects such as contact sensitivity, oestrogenicity and even tumorigenic effects on human skin. Furthermore, the accumulation of these chemicals in the aquatic environment could be potentially harmful. Consequently, there is interest in exploiting safer alternatives derived from biological sources, especially from photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria which have developed mechanisms for coping with high UV irradiation and desiccation. In order to overcome the detrimental effects of UV radiation, these microorganisms produce UV screening compounds such as mycosporine-like amino acids and scytonemin, which are good candidates as alternatives to current synthetic UV filters. In addition, extracellular substances produced by some extremophilic species living in hyper-arid habitats have a high water retention capacity and could be used in cosmetic products as moisturizers. In this review, we present an overview of the literature describing the potential of cyanobacterial metabolites as an alternative source for sunscreens and moisturizers.  相似文献   

Muriel Pacton  G. Gorin  N. Fiet 《Facies》2009,55(3):401-419
Cretaceous oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) were periods of high organic carbon burial corresponding to intervals with excellent organic matter (OM) preservation. This work focuses on the Urbino level, i.e., OAE1b, which is thought to be of regional extent. A detailed microscopical study of OM shows a dominance of microbial activity, characterized by a typical arrangement of exopolymeric substances (EPS) related to microbial mats, bacterial bodies, and some photosynthetic microorganisms, as shown by thylakoids. The latter lived where they have been found, i.e., at the sea bottom, which indicates that OM results from the diagenesis of benthic photosynthetic microbial mats, an interpretation supported through the comparison with a recent analogue. The exceptional preservation of such organic structures in OM points to the joint role of the selective and sorptive preservation pathways. These data and interpretation strongly differ from previous observations in OAE1b equivalents. They suggest that the Urbino level might be an atypical OAE of regional/local extent which was formed within the photic zone.  相似文献   

A review concerning the definition, extraction, characterization, production and functions of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) of microbial aggregates in biological wastewater treatment reactors is given in this paper. EPS are a complex high-molecular-weight mixture of polymers excreted by microorganisms, produced from cell lysis and adsorbed organic matter from wastewater. They are a major component in microbial aggregates for keeping them together in a three-dimensional matrix. Their characteristics (e.g., adsorption abilities, biodegradability and hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity) and the contents of the main components (e.g., carbohydrates, proteins, humic substances and nucleic acids) in EPS are found to crucially affect the properties of microbial aggregates, such as mass transfer, surface characteristics, adsorption ability, stability, the formation of microbial aggregates etc. However, as EPS are very complex, the knowledge regarding EPS is far from complete and much work is still required to fully understand their precise roles in the biological treatment process.  相似文献   

1H NMR relaxometry is applied for the investigation of pore size distributions in geological substrates. The transfer to humous soil samples requires the knowledge of the interplay between soil organic matter, microorganisms and proton relaxation. The goal of this contribution is to give first insights in microbial effects in the 1H NMR relaxation time distribution in the course of hydration of humous soil samples. We observed the development of the transverse relaxation time distribution of the water protons after addition of water to air dried soil samples. Selected samples were treated with cellobiose to enhance microbial activity. Besides the relaxation time distribution, the respiratory activity and the total cell counts were determined as function of hydration time. Microbial respiratory activities were 2–15 times higher in the treated samples and total cell counts increased in all samples from 1×109 to 5×109 cells g−1 during hydration. The results of 1H NMR relaxometry showed tri-, bi- and mono-modal relaxation time distributions and shifts of peak relaxation times towards lower relaxation times of all investigated soil samples during hydration. Furthermore, we found lower relaxation times and merging of peaks in soil samples with higher microbial activity. Dissolution and hydration of cellobiose had no detectable effect on the relaxation time distributions during hydration. We attribute the observed shifts in relaxation time distributions to changes in pore size distribution and changes in spin relaxation mechanisms due to dissolution of organic and inorganic substances (e.g. Fe3+, Mn2+), swelling of soil organic matter (SOM), production and release of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and bacterial association within biofilms.  相似文献   

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