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The cytokine hormone prolactin has a vast number of diverse functions. Unfortunately, it also exhibits tumor growth promoting properties, which makes the development of prolactin receptor antagonists a priority. Prolactin binds to its cognate receptor with much lower affinity at low pH than at physiological pH and since the extracellular environment around solid tumors often is acidic, it is desirable to develop antagonists that have improved binding affinity at low pH. The pKa value of a histidine side chain is ~6.8 making histidine residues obvious candidates for examination. From evaluation of known molecular structures of human prolactin, of the prolactin receptor and of different complexes of the two, three histidine residues in the hormone–receptor binding site 1 were selected for mutational studies. We analyzed 10 variants by circular dichroism spectroscopy, affinity and thermodynamic characterization of receptor binding by isothermal titration calorimetry combined with in vitro bioactivity in living cells. Histidine residue 27 was recognized as a central hot spot for pH sensitivity and conservative substitutions at this site resulted in strong receptor binding at low pH. Pure antagonists were developed earlier and the histidine mutations were introduced within such background. The antagonistic properties were maintained and the high affinity at low pH conserved. The implications of these findings may open new areas of research in the field of prolactin cancer biology. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The hepatitis C virus (HCV) nonstructural protein 3 (NS3) protease is responsible for the processing of the non‐structural region of the viral precursor polyprotein in infected hepatic cells. HCV NS3 is a zinc‐dependent serine protease. The zinc ion, which is bound far away from the active site and considered to have a structural role, is essential for the structural integrity of the protein; furthermore, the ion is required for the hydrolytic activity. Consequently, the NS3 zinc binding site has been considered for a long time as a possible target for drug discovery. As a first step towards this goal, the energetics of the NS3‐zinc interaction and its effect on the NS3 conformation must be established and discussed. The thermodynamic characterization of zinc binding to NS3 protease by isothermal titration calorimetry and spectroscopy is presented here. Spectroscopic and calorimetric results suggest that a considerable conformational change in the protein is coupled to zinc binding. The energetics of the conformational change is comparable to that of the folding of a protein of similar size. Therefore, zinc binding to NS3 protease can be considered as a “folding by binding” event. Proteins 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The rational designing of binding abilities in proteins requires an understanding of the relationship between structure and thermodynamics. However, our knowledge of the molecular origin of high‐affinity binding of ligands to proteins is still limited; such is the case for l ‐lysine–l ‐arginine–l ‐ornithine periplasmic binding protein (LAOBP), a periplasmic binding protein from Salmonella typhimurium that binds to l ‐arginine, l ‐lysine, and l ‐ornithine with nanomolar affinity and to l ‐histidine with micromolar affinity. Structural studies indicate that ligand binding induces a large conformational change in LAOBP. In this work, we studied the thermodynamics of l ‐histidine and l ‐arginine binding to LAOBP by isothermal titration calorimetry. For both ligands, the affinity is enthalpically driven, with a binding ΔCp of ~?300 cal mol?1 K?1, most of which arises from the burial of protein nonpolar surfaces that accompanies the conformational change. Osmotic stress measurements revealed that several water molecules become sequestered upon complex formation. In addition, LAOBP prefers positively charged ligands in their side chain. An energetic analysis shows that the protein acquires a thermodynamically equivalent state with both ligands. The 1000‐fold higher affinity of LAOBP for l ‐arginine as compared with l ‐histidine is mainly of enthalpic origin and can be ascribed to the formation of an extra pair of hydrogen bonds. Periplasmic binding proteins have evolved diverse energetic strategies for ligand recognition. STM4351, another arginine binding protein from Salmonella, shows an entropy‐driven micromolar affinity toward l ‐arginine. In contrast, our data show that LAOBP achieves nanomolar affinity for the same ligand through enthalpy optimization. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The triggering of Ca2+ signaling pathways relies on Ca2+/Mg2+ specificity of proteins mediating these pathways. Two homologous milk Ca2+‐binding proteins, bovine α‐lactalbumin (bLA) and equine lysozyme (EQL), were analyzed using the simplest “four‐state” scheme of metal‐ and temperature‐induced structural changes in a protein. The association of Ca2+/Mg2+ by native proteins is entropy‐driven. Both proteins exhibit strong temperature dependences of apparent affinities to Ca2+ and Mg2+, due to low thermal stabilities of their apo‐forms and relatively high unfavorable enthalpies of Mg2+ association. The ratios of their apparent affinities to Ca2+ and Mg2+, being unusually high at low temperatures (5.3–6.5 orders of magnitude), reach the values inherent to classical EF‐hand motifs at physiological temperatures. The comparison of phase diagrams predicted within the model of competitive Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding with experimental data strongly suggests that the association of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions with bLA is a competitive process, whereas the primary Mg2+ site of EQL is different from its Ca2+‐binding site. The later conclusion is corroborated by qualitatively different molar ellipticity changes in near‐UV region accompanying Mg2+ and Ca2+ association. The Ca2+/Mg2+ selectivity of Mg2+‐site of EQL is below an order of magnitude. EQL exhibits a distinct Mg2+‐specific site, probably arising as an adaptation to the extracellular environment. Proteins 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Grb7 is a member of the Grb7 family of proteins, which also includes Grb10 and Grb14. All three proteins have been found to be overexpressed in certain cancers and cancer cell lines. In particular, Grb7 (along with the receptor tyrosine kinase erbB2) is overexpressed in 20-30% of breast cancers. In general, growth factor receptor bound (Grb) proteins bind to activated membrane-bound receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs; e.g., the epidermal growth factor receptor, EGFR) through their Src homology 2 (SH2) domains. In particular, Grb7 binds to erbB2 (a.k.a. EGFR2) and may be involved in cell signaling pathways that promote the formation of metastases and inflammatory responses. In previous studies, we reported the solution structure and the backbone relaxation behavior of the Grb7-SH2/erbB2 peptide complex. In this study, isothermal titration calorimetry studies have been completed by measuring the thermodynamic binding parameters of several phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated peptides representative of natural Grb7 receptor ligands as well as ligands developed through combinatorial peptide screening methods. The entirety of these calorimetric studies is interpreted in an effort to describe the specific ligand binding characteristics of the Grb7 protein.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E (apoE) associates with lipoproteins and mediates their interaction with members of the LDL receptor family. ApoE exists as three common isoforms that have important distinct functional and biological properties. Two apoE isoforms, apoE3 and apoE4, are recognized by the LDL receptor, whereas apoE2 binds poorly to this receptor and is associated with type III hyperlipidemia. In addition, the apoE4 isoform is associated with the common late-onset familial and sporadic forms of Alzheimer's disease. Although the interaction of apoE with the LDL receptor is well characterized, the specificity of other members of this receptor family for apoE is poorly understood. In the current investigation, we have characterized the binding of apoE to the VLDL receptor and the LDL receptor-related protein (LRP). Our results indicate that like the LDL receptor, LRP prefers lipid-bound forms of apoE, but in contrast to the LDL receptor, both LRP and the VLDL receptor recognize all apoE isoforms. Interestingly, the VLDL receptor does not require the association of apoE with lipid for optimal recognition and avidly binds lipid-free apoE. It is likely that this receptor-dependent specificity for various apoE isoforms and for lipid-free versus lipid-bound forms of apoE is physiologically significant and is connected to distinct functions for these receptors.  相似文献   

Perlecan is a major heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycan in the arterial wall. Previous studies have linked it to atherosclerosis. Perlecan contains a core protein and three HS side chains. Its core protein has five domains (DI–DV) with disparate structures and DII is highly homologous to the ligand-binding portion of LDL receptor (LDLR). The functional significance of this domain has been unknown. Here, we show that perlecan DII interacts with LDL. Importantly, the interaction largely relies on O-linked glycans that are only present in the secreted DII. Among the five repeat units of DII, most of the glycosylation sites are from the second unit, which is highly divergent and rich in serine and threonine, but has no cysteine residues. Interestingly, most of the glycans are capped by the negatively charged sialic acids, which are critical for LDL binding. We further demonstrate an additive effect of HS and DII on LDL binding. Unlike LDLR, which directs LDL uptake through endocytosis, this study uncovers a novel feature of the perlecan LDLR-like DII in receptor-mediated lipoprotein retention, which depends on its glycosylation. Thus, perlecan glycosylation may play a role in the early LDL retention during the development of atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Human EFHC1 is a member of the EF-hand superfamily of Ca2+-binding proteins with three DM10 domains of unclear function. Point mutations in the EFHC1 gene are related to juvenile myoclonic epilepsy, a fairly common idiopathic generalized epilepsy. Here, we report the first structural and thermodynamic analyses of the EFHC1C-terminus (residues 403-640; named EFHC1C), comprising the last DM10 domain and the EF-hand motif. Circular dichroism spectroscopy revealed that the secondary structure of EFHC1C is composed by 34% of α-helices and 17% of β-strands. Size exclusion chromatography and mass spectrometry showed that under oxidizing condition EFHC1C dimerizes through the formation of disulfide bond. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis of peptides generated by trypsin digestion suggests that the Cys575 is involved in intermolecular S-S bond. In addition, DTNB assay showed that each reduced EFHC1C molecule has one accessible free thiol. Isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) showed that while the interaction between Ca2+ and EFHC1C is enthalpically driven (ΔH = −58.6 to −67 kJ/mol and TΔS = −22.5 to −31 kJ/mol) the interaction between Mg2+ and EFHC1C involves an entropic gain, and is ∼5 times less enthalpically favorable (ΔH = −11.7 to −14 kJ/mol and TΔS = 21.9 to 19 kJ/mol) than for Ca2+ binding. It was also found that under reducing condition Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions bind to EFHC1C in a 1/1 molar ratio, while under oxidizing condition this ratio is reduced, showing that EFHC1C dimerization blocks Ca2+ and Mg2+ binding.  相似文献   

Thoppil AA  Sharma R  Kishore N 《Biopolymers》2008,89(10):831-840
Binding of the antibiotic drug carbenicillin to bovine serum albumin (BSA) has been studied using isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) in combination with fluorescence and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopies. The thermodynamic parameters of binding have been evaluated as a function of temperature, ionic strength, and in the presence of anionic, cationic and nonionic surfactants, tetrabutylammonium bromide, and sucrose. The values of van't Hoff enthalpy do not agree with the calorimetric enthalpy indicating conformational changes in the protein upon drug binding. These observations are supported by the intrinsic fluorescence and CD spectroscopic measurements. A reduction in the binding affinity of carbenicillin to BSA is observed with increase in ionic strength of the solution, thereby suggesting, prevailing of electrostatic interactions in the binding process. The involvement of hydrophobic interactions in the binding of the drug to the protein is also indicated by a slight reduction in binding constant in the presence of tetrabutylammonium bromide. The experiments in the presence of sucrose suggest that hydrogen bonding is perhaps not dominant in the binding. The anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) is observed to completely interfere in the ionic interactions in addition to its partial denaturing capacity. However, the presence of cationic surfactant hexadecyl trimethylammonium bromide (HTAB) and nonionic surfactant Triton-X 100 induce a slight reduction in the values of binding affinity. These calorimetric and spectroscopic results, provide quantitative information on the binding of carbenicillin to BSA and suggests that the binding is dominated by electrostatic interactions with contribution from hydrophobic interactions. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 89: 831-840, 2008.This article was originally published online as an accepted preprint. The "Published Online" date corresponds to the preprint version. You can request a copy of the preprint by emailing the Biopolymers editorial office at biopolymers@wiley.com.  相似文献   

Sac7d is a hyperthermophile chromatin protein which binds non-specifically to the minor groove of duplex DNA and induces a sharp kink of 66 degrees with intercalation of valine and methionine side-chains. We have utilized the thermal stability of Sac7d and the lack of sequence specificity to define the thermodynamics of DNA binding over a wide temperature range. The binding affinity for poly(dGdC) was moderate at 25 degrees C (Ka = 3.5(+/-1.6) x 10(6) M(-1)) and increased by nearly an order of magnitude from 10 degrees C to 80 degrees C. The enthalpy of binding was unfavorable at 25 degrees C, and decreased linearly from 5 degrees C to 60 degrees C. A positive binding heat at 25 degrees C is attributed in part to the energy of distorting DNA, and ensures that the temperature of maximal binding affinity (75.1+/-5.6 degrees C) is near the growth temperature of Sulfolobus acidocaldarius. Truncation of the two intercalating residues to alanine led to a decreased ability to bend and unwind DNA at 25 degrees C with a small decrease in binding affinity. The energy gained from intercalation is slightly greater than the free energy penalty of bending duplex DNA. Surprisingly, reduced distortion from the double alanine substitution did not lead to a significant decrease in the heat of binding at 25 degrees C. In addition, an anomalous positive DeltaCp of binding was observed for the double alanine mutant protein which could not be explained by the change in polar and apolar accessible surface areas. Both the larger than expected binding enthalpy and the positive heat capacity can be explained by a temperature dependent structural transition in the protein-DNA complex with a Tm of 15-20 degrees C and a DeltaH of 15 kcal/mol. Data are discussed which indicate that the endothermic transition in the complex is consistent with DNA distortion.  相似文献   

Calcium regulation in melanocytes affects numerous biological pathways including protecting the redox balance in the cell and regulating the supply of substrate, l ‐tyrosine, for melanogenesis. The pigment contained in the melanocytes, melanin, has been implicated in maintaining calcium homeostasis in the cell and is known to be involved with calcium ion regulation in the inner ear. Herein, the association constant for Ca2+ binding to Sepia melanin is determined by isothermal titration calorimetry to be 3.3 (±0.2) × 103/M. This value is comparable with other well‐established intracellular calcium‐binding proteins that serve to buffer calcium concentrations, lending further support to the hypothesis that melanosomes serve as intracellular mediators of calcium homeostasis in melanocytes. Using this binding constant and the data from a fluorescent Ca2+ displacement assay, the pKa of the carboxyl group coordinated to Ca2+ is determined to be 3.1 ± 0.1.  相似文献   

The market for commercially available isothermal titration calorimeters continues to grow as new applications and methodologies are developed. Concomitantly the number of users (and abusers) increases dramatically, resulting in a steady increase in the number of publications in which isothermal titration calorimetry (ITC) plays a role. In the present review, we will focus on areas where ITC is making a significant contribution and will highlight some interesting applications of the technique. This overview of papers published in 2004 also discusses current issues of interest in the development of ITC as a tool of choice in the determination of the thermodynamics of molecular recognition and interaction.  相似文献   

Luque I  Freire E 《Proteins》2002,49(2):181-190
A major goal in ligand and drug design is the optimization of the binding affinity of selected lead molecules. However, the binding affinity is defined by the free energy of binding, which, in turn, is determined by the enthalpy and entropy changes. Because the binding enthalpy is the term that predominantly reflects the strength of the interactions of the ligand with its target relative to those with the solvent, it is desirable to develop ways of predicting enthalpy changes from structural considerations. The application of structure/enthalpy correlations derived from protein stability data has yielded inconsistent results when applied to small ligands of pharmaceutical interest (MW < 800). Here we present a first attempt at an empirical parameterization of the binding enthalpy for small ligands in terms of structural information. We find that at least three terms need to be considered: (1) the intrinsic enthalpy change that reflects the nature of the interactions between ligand, target, and solvent; (2) the enthalpy associated with any possible conformational change in the protein or ligand upon binding; and, (3) the enthalpy associated with protonation/deprotonation events, if present. As in the case of protein stability, the intrinsic binding enthalpy scales with changes in solvent accessible surface areas. However, an accurate estimation of the intrinsic binding enthalpy requires explicit consideration of long-lived water molecules at the binding interface. The best statistical structure/enthalpy correlation is obtained when buried water molecules within 5-7 A of the ligand are included in the calculations. For all seven protein systems considered (HIV-1 protease, dihydrodipicolinate reductase, Rnase T1, streptavidin, pp60c-Src SH2 domain, Hsp90 molecular chaperone, and bovine beta-trypsin) the binding enthalpy of 25 small molecular weight peptide and nonpeptide ligands can be accounted for with a standard error of +/-0.3 kcal x mol(-1).  相似文献   

The binding of Ca2+ to porcine pancreatic phospholipase A2 was studied by batch microcalorimetry. Enthalpies of binding at 25 degrees C were determined as a function of Ca2+ concentration in buffered solutions at pH 8.0 using both the Tris-HCl and Hepes-NaOH buffer systems. The calorimetric results indicate that protons are released on calcium binding and that in addition to the binding of the active-site calcium, there appears to be weak binding of a second Ca2+. Results from potentiometric titrations indicate that this proton release on binding Ca2+ arises from a change in pK of a histidine(s) functional group. The thermodynamic functions delta G0, delta H0 and delta S0 for calcium binding to phospholipase A2 have been determined. These results are compared with literature data for Ca2+ complex formation with some small molecules and also the protein troponin-C.  相似文献   

Domain motions are central to the biological functions of many proteins. The energetics of the motions, however, is often difficult to characterize when motions are coupled with the ligand binding. Here, we determined the thermodynamic parameters of individual domain motions and ligand binding of enzyme I (EI) using strategic domain-deletion mutants that selectively removed particular motions. Upon ligand binding, EI employs two large-scale domain motions, the hinge motion and the swivel motion, to switch between conformational states of distinct domain−domain orientations. Calorimetric analysis of the EI mutants separated the free energy changes of the binding and motions, demonstrating that the unfavorable hinge motion (ΔG = 1.5 kcal mol−1) was driven by the favorable swivel motion (ΔG = −5.2 kcal mol−1). The large free energy differences could be explained by the physicochemical nature of the domain interfaces associated with the motions; the hinge motion employed much narrower interface than the swivel motion without any hydrogen bonds or salt bridges. The small heat capacity further suggested that the packing of the domain interfaces associated with the hinge motion was less compact than that commonly observed in proteins. Lastly, thermodynamic analysis of phosphorylated EI suggests that the domain motions are regulated by the ligand binding and the phosphorylation states. Taken together, the thermodynamic dissection approach illustrates how multiple motions and ligand binding are energetically connected during the functional cycle of EI.  相似文献   

Uptake of low density lipoproteins (LDL) by their receptor, LDLR, is the primary mechanism by which cells incorporate cholesterol from plasma. Mutations in LDLR lead to familial hypercholesterolemia, a common disease affecting 1 in 500 of the human population. LDLR is a modular protein that uses several small repeats to bind LDL. The repeats contain around 40 residues, including three disulfide bonds and a calcium ion. Repeat 5 (LR5) is critical for LDL and beta-migrating very low density lipoprotein binding. Based on the crystal structure of LDLR at endosomal pH (but close to extracellular calcium concentration), LR5 has been proposed to bind to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) precursor domain of LDLR in the endosome, thus releasing the LDL particles previously bound in extracellular conditions. We report here the conformational stability of LR5 as a function of temperature and calcium concentration under both extracellular and endosomal pH conditions. The repeat was very stable when it bore a bound calcium ion but was severely destabilized in the absence of calcium and even further destabilized at acidic versus neutral pH. The temperature and calcium concentration dependence of LR5 stability clearly indicate that under endosomal conditions the unfolded conformation of the repeat is largely dominant. We thus propose a new mechanism for LDL release in the endosome in which calcium depletion and decreased stability at acidic pH drives LR5 unfolding, which triggers LDL release from the receptor. Subsequent binding of LR5 to the EGF precursor domain, if it takes place at low calcium concentrations, would contribute to a further shifting of the equilibrium toward dissociation.  相似文献   

8‐Anilino‐1‐naphthalenesulfonic acid (ANS) is a popular fluorescence probe, broadly used for the analysis of proteins, but the nature of its interaction with proteins and the high increase in the fluorescence intensity that takes place upon such process are still unclear. In the last few years, isothermal titration calorimetry has been used to characterize the nature of the interaction of this dye with proteins. The analysis of the binding isotherms of these studies has not considered the dimerization equilibrium of ANS, which is pH dependent, and it can result in serious errors in the data analysis. In the present work we have developed a suitable data analysis by which this process is taken into account. To study the binding of the dye to proteins at different pH values, we have used the Abl‐SH3 domain. Our results suggest that at pH 3 and 5, where the dimerization of the ANS is important, electrostatic interactions are significant for the binding of ANS to the Abl‐SH3 domain. However, at pH 7, ANS behaves mostly as monomer and the interaction with the protein is mainly hydrophobic. The pH dependent behavior of the ANS binding to proteins can be explained in terms of ionization states of both, the protein and the ANS. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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