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Proton pumps produce electrical potential differences and differences in pH across the plasma membrane of cells which drive secondary ion transport through sym- and antiporters. We used the patch-clamp technique to characterize an H+-pump in the xylem parenchyma of barley roots. This cell type is of special interest with respect to xylem loading. Since it has been an ongoing debate whether xylem loading is a passive or an active process, the functional characterization of the H+-pump is of major interest in the context of previous work on ion channels through which passive salt efflux into the xylem vessels could occur. Cell-type specific features like its Ca2+ dependence were determined, that are important to interpret its physiological role and eventually to model xylem loading. We conclude that the electrogenic pump in the xylem parenchyma does not participate directly in the transfer of KCl and KNO3 to the xylem but, in combination with short-circuiting conductances, plays a crucial role in controlling xylem unloading and loading through modulation of the voltage difference across the plasma membrane. Here, our recent results on the H+ pump are put in a larger context and open questions are highlighted.Key Words: plant nutrition, H+-ATPase, anion conductance, K+ channel, electrophysiology, signaling networkThe root xylem parenchyma is of major interest with respect to nutrient (and signal) traffic between root and shoot. One of its main functions appears to be xylem loading. However, the cell walls of the vascular tissue provide apoplastic paths between xylem and phloem that represent the upward and downward traffic lanes, allowing nutrient circulation1 (Fig. 1). Therefore mechanisms for ion uptake and for ion release must exist side by side. In the last 15 years major progress has been made in the investigation of transport properties of xylem-parenchyma cells, and both uptake and release channels and transporters were identified. Today, we have good knowledge on the role of K+ and anion conductances in xylem loading with salts.2 Note, that from the functionally well characterized conductances only the molecular structure of K+ channels is known. In contrast, many transporters are identified on the molecular level, but functional data are scarce.Open in a separate windowFigure 1Distribution of tissues in the periphery of the stele. The stippled area marks the region from which early metaxylem protoplasts originated. E, Endodermis with Casparian strip; eMX, ‘early’ metaxylem vessel; IMX, ‘late’ metaxylem vessel; Mph, metaphloem (sieve tube); Pph, protophloem (sieve tube); P, pericycle; Cx, cortex. Symplasmic and apoplasmic transport routes are indicated in red and black, respectively. The Casparian strip prevents apoplastic transport into the stele. Plasmodesmata are shown exemplarily for the indicated symplastic pathway. All cells of the symplast are connected via plasmodesmata. Sites of active uptake into the root symplast and of release into the stelar apoplast are indicated by a black and an orange arrow. Modified from Wegner and Raschke, 1994.3A challenging question to deal with was the dispute about xylem loading with ions being a passive or active process. While it is clear that energy through electrogenic H+ efflux is needed to take up nutrient ions from the soil against their electrochemical gradient into the cortical symplast, it has been a matter of debate if ion release into xylem vessels also is energy-linked or if the electrochemical potentials of ions are raised high enough to allow a thermodynamically passive flux.2,3 The Casparian strip prohibits apoplastic transport of nutrients into the stele and electrically insulates the stelar from the cortical apoplast. Therefore the electrical potential difference of the cells in the xylem parenchyma could be independent from the cortical potential difference but be subject to control, for instance, from the shoot.4 Indeed, evidence points to xylem loading as a second control point in nutrient transfer to the shoot.5,6 The identification and characterization of K+ and anion conductances clearly showed that release of KCl and KNO3 into the xylem can be passive through voltage-dependent ion channels.2,3,79 No need appeared for a pump energizing the transfer of salts to the xylem.However, H+ pumps are ubiquitous. H+-ATPases are encoded by a multigene family and heterologous expression in yeast showed that isoforms have distinct enzymatic properties.10,11 As the example of the amino acid transporter AAP6 from the xylem parenchyma shows, a cell-type specific functional characterization of transporters is essential to draw conclusions on their physiological role. AAP6 is the only member of a multigene family with an affinity for aspartate in the physiologically relevant range. The actual apoplastic concentration of amino acids and the pH will determine what is transported in vivo.12,13 Xylem-parenchyma cells of barley roots were strongly labelled by antibodies against the plasma membrane H+-ATPase.14 In a recent publication in Physiologia Plantarum we report the functional analysis of the electrogenic pump from the plasma membrane of xylem parenchyma from barley roots that was done with the patch-clamp technique after specific isolation of protoplasts from this cell type. It displayed characteristics of an H+-ATPase: current-voltage relationships were characteristic for a ‘rheogenic’ pump15 and currents were stimulated by fusicoccin or by an enlarged transmembrane pH gradient and inhibited by dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD). Importantly, it also showed distinct characteristics. Neither intracellular pH nor the intracellular Ca2+ concentration affected its activity. Noteworthy, K+ and anion conductances from the same cell type are controlled by intracellular [Ca2+]7,9 (Fig. 2). It was proposed that the effect of abscisic acid (ABA) on anion conductances is mediated via an increase in the cytosolic Ca2+ concentration.16 Very likely stelar H+ pumps are stimulated by ABA.17 Thus, a Ca2+ independent control has to be hypothesized in this case.Open in a separate windowFigure 2Control of ion conductances in the plasma membrane of xylem-parenchyma cells. Arrowheads indicate stimulation and bars indicate inhibition by an increase in cytosolic [Ca2+],7,9,16 by ABA,16,17,21 by cytosolic and apoplastic acidification,4,22 by G-proteins23 and by an increase in apoplastic [K+]7 and [NO3].24 Apoplastic [K+] and [NO3] modify the voltage dependence exerting negative feedback on K+ efflux and a positive feedback on NO3 efflux. Abscisic acid has an immediate effect on ion channel activity, most likely via [Ca2+], and causes a change in gene expression as indicated by circles (up) and bars (down). ABA perception is not clear. A Ca2+ influx could occur through a hyperpolarization activated cation conductance (HACC).16,25 Cation transporters are NORC, nonselective cation conductance, KORC, K+-selective outwardly rectifying conductance (=SKOR8), and KIRC, K+-selective inwardly rectifying conductance, and anion conductances with different voltage-dependencies and gating characteristics are X-QUAC, quickly activating anion conductance, X-SLAC, slowly activating anion conductance, and X-IRAC, inwardly rectifying anion channel.2,3,9,16,26 Transported ions and direction of flux are plotted.To date, we know that besides Ca2+ and abscisic acid also the pH, nonhydrolyzable GTP analogs and extracellular NO3 and K+ affect membrane transport capacities of root xylem-parenchyma cells (Fig. 2). Other control mechanisms by metabolites, the redox potential and phytohormones have to be included, especially if they represent signals in xylem loading or root-shoot communication. The composition of the xylem sap changes during the course of a day, depending on nutrient supply and various stresses, and the apoplastic ion concentration is considered to be an important factor in ion circulation.6,18,19 ABA is such a signal. It is known to increase solute accumulation within the root by inhibiting release of ions into the xylem.17 Any change in transport activity has an impact on the membrane potential. This again determines whether salt release or uptake takes place. Passive salt release is restricted to a limited range of membrane potentials in which conductances for anions and cations are active simultaneously, that is with depolarization. Negative membrane voltages will be required for reabsorption of NO3 by a putative NO3/H+-symporter and for the uptake of K+ and amino acids.3,13 As shown in our recent paper, the balance between the activities of the H+-pump and the anion conductances could affect the position between a depolarized and a hyperpolarized state of the parenchymal membrane. Thus, H+ pump activity is crucial in membrane voltage control. Furthermore, the simultaneous activities of H+ pumps and anion conductances make the generation of a high pH gradient possible, whilst maintaining electroneutrality. The proton gradient could be used for ion transport through cotransporters and antiporters as suggested for the loading of borate into the xylem through the boron transporter BOR1.20 So we are on the way to decipher xylem loading in roots and this exciting field will also provide information about small-scale nutrient cycling and root-shoot communication. To determine how the activities of pumps, channels and transporters are adjusted among each other is the next challenge. Further insight has to be obtained by experimentation as well as by biophysical modeling.  相似文献   

体细胞重编程是在特定的条件下使已分化的细胞转变成为另一种细胞.体细胞重编程的方式主要有体细胞核移植技术、细胞融合技术、细胞提取物处理技术及特定转录因子转染技术.现有研究表明,细胞提取物重编程技术在体细胞重编程中发挥着一定的作用,为此,就该技术的最新研究进展和可能机制作一综述.  相似文献   

Akt is a serine/threonine kinase involved in cell proliferation, apoptosis, and glucose metabolism. Akt is differentially activated by growth factors and oxidative stress by sequential phosphorylation of Ser473 by mTORC2 and Thr308 by PDK1. On these bases, we investigated the mechanistic connection of H2O2 yield, mitochondrial activation of Akt1 and cell cycle progression in NIH/3T3 cell line with confocal microscopy, in vivo imaging, and directed mutagenesis. We demonstrate that modulation by H2O2 entails the entrance of cytosolic P-Akt1 Ser473 to mitochondria, where it is further phosphorylated at Thr308 by constitutive PDK1. Phosphorylation of Thr308 in mitochondria determines Akt1 passage to nuclei and triggers genomic post-translational mechanisms for cell proliferation. At high H2O2, Akt1-PDK1 association is disrupted and P-Akt1 Ser473 accumulates in mitochondria in detriment to nuclear translocation; accordingly, Akt1 T308A is retained in mitochondria. Low Akt1 activity increases cytochrome c release to cytosol leading to apoptosis. As assessed by mass spectra, differential H2O2 effects on Akt1-PDK interaction depend on the selective oxidation of Cys310 to sulfenic or cysteic acids. These results indicate that Akt1 intramitochondrial-cycling is central for redox modulation of cell fate.  相似文献   

The early steps of retrovirus replication leading up to provirus establishment are highly dependent on cellular processes and represent a time when the virus is particularly vulnerable to antivirals and host defense mechanisms. However, the roles played by cellular factors are only partially understood. To identify cellular processes that participate in these critical steps, we employed a high volume screening of insertionally mutagenized somatic cells using a murine leukemia virus (MLV) vector. This approach identified a role for 3′-phosphoadenosine 5′-phosphosulfate synthase 1 (PAPSS1), one of two enzymes that synthesize PAPS, the high energy sulfate donor used in all sulfonation reactions catalyzed by cellular sulfotransferases. The role of the cellular sulfonation pathway was confirmed using chemical inhibitors of PAPS synthases and cellular sulfotransferases. The requirement for sulfonation was mapped to a stage during or shortly after MLV provirus establishment and influenced subsequent gene expression from the viral long terminal repeat (LTR) promoter. Infection of cells by an HIV vector was also shown to be highly dependent on the cellular sulfonation pathway. These studies have uncovered a heretofore unknown regulatory step of retroviral replication, have defined a new biological function for sulfonation in nuclear gene expression, and provide a potentially valuable new target for HIV/AIDS therapy.  相似文献   

Containment in cell membranes is essential for all contemporary life, and apparently even the earliest life forms had to be somehow contained. It has been postulated that random enclosure of replicating molecules inside of spontaneously assembled vesicles would have formed the initial cellular ancestors. However, completely random re-formation or division of such primitive vesicles would have abolished the heritability of their contents, nullifying any selective advantage to them. We propose that the containment of the early replicators in membranous vesicles was adopted only after the invention of genetically encoded proteins, and that selective enclosure of target molecules was mediated by specific proteins. A similar containment process is still utilised by various RNA- and retroviruses to isolate their replication complexes from the host’s intracellular environment. Such selective encapsulation would have protected the replicators against competitor and parasitic sequences, and provided a strong positive selection within the replicator communities.  相似文献   

By means of backscattered light from a pointlike source on the pleural surface, we investigated the dynamic behavior of the surface-to-volume ratio (S/V) in excised dog lobes subjected to small volume steps both in and out on both the inflation and deflation limb of standard pressure-volume maneuvers. The technique utilizes the established correlation of the pattern of backscattered light with morphometric mean linear intercept and is suitable for dynamic studies. We hypothesized that 1) there would be a difference in the timing of stress relaxation or recovery between alveolar septa and the fibromuscular tissue in the alveolar duct that would reveal itself as a temporally changing S/V after a step-volume change and 2) that geometric hysteresis (looping of S/V with volume), as seen with large volume excursion histories, would be similarly present in small tidal volume loops. Our experimental results contradicted both hypotheses. In particular, we found virtually no change in S/V after a step-volume change, even in the presence of substantial stress adaptation. In addition, when geometric hysteresis of small loops was present, it was always in the sense opposite to the geometric hysteresis of large loops. We conclude that 1) there is a functional "matching" of the stress-adaptive timing between alveolar septa and ductal mouths and 2) during small volume looping, the stress hysteresis (looping of stress with volume) in the ductal tissue may be larger than that of the septa, including surface tension.  相似文献   

A Step Backward     

目的:在微波辐射下,以顺丁烯二酸酐和苄醇为原料,在复合催化剂对甲苯磺酸-硫脲存在下以甲苯为带水剂一步合成了富马酸二苄酯.方法:通过熔点测定和红外光谱分析对产物进行了结构表征.采用正交试验法研究了反应物的摩尔比、催化剂用量、反应温度、辐射反应时间等对产物收率的影响.结果:实验结果表明,在微波功率为700W,n(顺丁烯二酸酸酐):n(苄醇)=1:5,复合催化剂用量为总投料量的7%,甲苯20mL,一酯化、转化、二酯化的温度分别为140℃、145℃、135℃,回流分水90min的条件下,富马酸二苄酯的收率可达92.50%.结论:采用微波辐射法复合催化合成富马酸二苄酯具有操作简便、反应时间短、产物收率高等特点.  相似文献   

A sharp rise in the electrical conductance of lipid bilayer membranes was observed following the addition of antigen (bovine serum), antibody (rabbit anti-bovine serum), and complement to the neighboring aqueous phases. At low concentrations, step increases in the conductivity occurred which are consistent with the appearance of about 2.2 nm holes in the membrane. Probably attack or lysis of the lipid bilayer by complement is responsible.  相似文献   

体细胞重编程是在特定的条件下使已分化的细胞转变成为另一种细胞.体细胞重编程的方式主要有体细胞核移植技术、细胞融合技术、细胞提取物处理技术及特定转录因子转染技术.现有研究表明,细胞提取物重编程技术在体细胞重编程中发挥着一定的作用,为此,就该技术的最新研究进展和可能机制作一综述.  相似文献   

The relative rates of catabolism of glucose and glucose-6-phosphate by intact-cell suspensions of the meningopneumonitis agent, a member of the psittacosis group (Chlamydia), and the properties of the hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase of these suspensions were investigated. It is proposed that the hexokinase is a host enzyme bound to the surface of the meningopneumonitis cell and that glucose-6-phosphate is the first substrate in the conversion of hexose to pentose to be attacked by enzymes synthesized by the meningopneumonitis agent.  相似文献   

Because tuberculosis is one of the most prevalent and serious infections, countermeasures against it are urgently required. We isolated the antitubercular agents caprazamycins from the culture of an actinomycete strain and created CPZEN-45 as the most promising derivative of the caprazamycins. Herein, we describe the mode of action of CPZEN-45 first against Bacillus subtilis. Unlike the caprazamycins, CPZEN-45 strongly inhibited incorporation of radiolabeled glycerol into growing cultures and showed antibacterial activity against caprazamycin-resistant strains, including a strain overexpressing translocase-I (MraY, involved in the biosynthesis of peptidoglycan), the target of the caprazamycins. By contrast, CPZEN-45 was not effective against a strain overexpressing undecaprenyl-phosphate–GlcNAc-1-phosphate transferase (TagO, involved in the biosynthesis of teichoic acid), and a mutation was found in the tagO gene of the spontaneous CPZEN-45-resistant strain. This suggested that the primary target of CPZEN-45 in B. subtilis is TagO, which is a different target from that of the parent caprazamycins. This suggestion was confirmed by evaluation of the activities of these enzymes. Finally, we showed that CPZEN-45 was effective against WecA (Rv1302, also called Rfe) of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the ortholog of TagO and involved in the biosynthesis of the mycolylarabinogalactan of the cell wall of M. tuberculosis. The outlook for WecA as a promising target for the development of antituberculous drugs as a countermeasure of drug resistant tuberculosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A functional regression model to forecast the cypress pollen concentration during a given time interval, considering the air temperature in a previous interval as the input, is derived by means of a two‐step procedure. This estimation is carried out by functional principal component (FPC) analysis and the residual noise is also modeled by FPC regression, taking as the explicative process the pollen concentration during the earlier interval. The prediction performance is then tested on pollen data series recorded in Granada (Spain) over a period of 10 years.  相似文献   

Summary This paper describes some current work pertaining to transformation of cells by oncogenic viruses. Part I includes: (1) the effect of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) tumor virus (SV40) on the antigenic characteristics of transformed cells; (2) in vitro and in vivo methods of detecting virus-specific surface antigens; (3) the role that the host cell may play in the expression of virus-coded antigens; and (4) the presence of virus-induced antigens as a possible mechanism of the apparent nononcogenicity of certain virus variants. Part II discusses (1) the physicochemical properties of the nucleic acid of a ribonucleic acid (RNA) tumor virus-the Moloney sarcoma-leukemia virus (MSV-MLV) complex —(2) a preliminary analysis of viral RNA replication in cells transformed by MSV-MLV, and (3) application to human tumors. Supported in part by Research Grant CA 04600 and by Research Contract PH 43-68-678 within the Special Virus-Cancer Program, National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health. Recipient of Research Career Development Award 5-K3-CA 38,614 from the National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health  相似文献   

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