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The crystal structures of two oligopeptides containing di-n-propylglycine (Dpg) residues, Boc-Gly-Dpg-Gly-Leu-OMe (1) and Boc-Val-Ala-Leu-Dpg-Val-Ala-Leu-Val-Ala-Leu-Dpg-Val-Ala-Leu-OMe (2) are presented. Peptide 1 adopts a type I'beta-turn conformation with Dpg(2)-Gly(3) at the corner positions. The 14-residue peptide 2 crystallizes with two molecules in the asymmetric unit, both of which adopt alpha-helical conformations stabilized by 11 successive 5 --> 1 hydrogen bonds. In addition, a single 4 --> 1 hydrogen bond is also observed at the N-terminus. All five Dpg residues adopt backbone torsion angles (phi, psi) in the helical region of conformational space. Evaluation of the available structural data on Dpg peptides confirm the correlation between backbone bond angle N-C(alpha)-C' (tau) and the observed backbone phi,psi values. For tau > 106 degrees, helices are observed, while fully extended structures are characterized by tau < 106 degrees. The mean tau values for extended and folded conformations for the Dpg residue are 103.6 degrees +/- 1.7 degrees and 109.9 degrees +/- 2.6 degrees, respectively.  相似文献   

Riboswitches are RNA molecules that regulate gene expression using conformation change, affected by binding of small molecule ligands. Although a number of ligand‐bound aptamer complex structures have been solved, it is important to know ligand‐free conformations of the aptamers in order to understand the mechanism of specific binding by ligands. In this paper, we use dynamics simulations on a series of models to characterize the ligand‐free and ligand‐bound aptamer domain of the c‐di‐GMP class I (GEMM‐I) riboswitch. The results revealed that the ligand‐free aptamer has a stable state with a folded P2 and P3 helix, an unfolded P1 helix and open binding pocket. The first Mg ions binding to the aptamer is structurally favorable for the successive c‐di‐GMP binding. The P1 helix forms when c‐di‐GMP is successive bound. Three key junctions J1/2, J2/3 and J1/3 in the GEMM‐I riboswitch contributing to the formation of P1 helix have been found. The binding of the c‐di‐GMP ligand to the GEMM‐I riboswitch induces the riboswitch's regulation through the direct allosteric communication network in GEMM‐I riboswitch from the c‐di‐GMP binding sites in the J1/2 and J1/3 junctions to the P1 helix, the indirect ones from those in the J2/3 and P2 communicating to P1 helix via the J1/2 and J1/3 media.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the triple‐helical peptide (Pro‐Hyp‐Gly)3‐Pro‐Arg‐Gly‐(Pro‐Hyp‐Gly)4 (POG3‐PRG‐POG4) was determined at 1.45 Å resolution. POG3‐PRG‐POG4 was designed to permit investigation of the side‐chain conformation of the Arg residues in a triple‐helical structure. Because of the alternative structure of one of three Arg residues, four side‐chain conformations were observed in an asymmetric unit. Among them, three adopt a ttg?t conformation and the other adopts a tg?g?t conformation. A statistical analysis of 80 Arg residues in various triple‐helical peptides showed that, unlike those in globular proteins, they preferentially adopt a tt conformation for χ1 and χ2, as observed in POG3‐PRG‐POG4. This conformation permits van der Waals contacts between the side‐chain atoms of Arg and the main‐chain atoms of the adjacent strand in the same molecule. Unlike many other host–guest peptides, in which there is a significant difference between the helical twists in the guest and the host peptides, POG3‐PRG‐POG4 shows a marked difference between the helical twists in the N‐terminal peptide and those in the C‐terminal peptide, separated near the Arg residue. This suggested that the unique side‐chain conformation of the Arg residue affects not only the conformation of the guest peptide, but also the conformation of the peptide away from the Arg residue. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 101: 1000–1009, 2014.  相似文献   

We have examined the circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectra of a long neurotoxin, alpha-bungarotoxin, over a wide range of pH values and temperatures, and under high salt conditions. The observations are interpreted partly in terms of the known crystal structure of this polypeptide. We support earlier findings of a greater degree of beta-sheet structure in solution than has been reported by X-ray crystallography and, importantly, the invariant residue associated with neurotoxicity, Trp29, is shown to be in a similar environment to that found in alpha-cobratoxin and LS III from Laticauda semifasciata. The implications of this observation for structure/function relationships are outlined.  相似文献   

Two series of dehydropeptides of the general formulae Boc-Gly-X-Phe-p-NA, Boc-Gly-Gly-X-Phe-p-NA, Gly-X-Gly-Phe-p-NA.TFA, and Boc-Gly-X-Gly-Phe-p-NA, with X = Delta(Z)Phe and DeltaAla, were studied with NMR in DMSO and CDCl(3)-DMSO, and with CD in MeOH, MeCN, and TFE. The NMR spectra measured in DMSO suggest that peptides with the DeltaPhe residue next to Phe are folded whereas peptides with Gly between DeltaPhe and Phe are less ordered. NMR spectra of DeltaAla-containing peptides indicate that these peptides are flexible and their conformational equilibria are populated by many different conformations. The CD spectra show that conformational properties of the peptides studied are distinctly influenced by a mutual position of the dehydroamino acid residue and the p-NA group. They indicate that all dehydropeptides with the DeltaPhe residue, Boc-Gly-DeltaAla-Phe-p-NA, and Boc-Gly-Gly-DeltaAla-Phe-p-NA adopt ordered conformations in all solvents studied, presumably of the beta-turn type. The last two peptides exhibit surprising chiroptical properties. Their spectra show exciton coupling-like couplets in the region of the p-NA group absorption. This shape of CD spectra suggests a rigid, chiral conformation with a fixed disposition of the p-NA group. The CD spectra indicate that Boc-Gly-DeltaAla-Gly-Phe-p-NA and Gly-DeltaAla-Gly-Phe-p-NA.TFA are unordered, independently of the solvent.  相似文献   

Protein folding problem remains a formidable challenge as main chain, side chain and solvent interactions remain entangled and have been difficult to resolve. Alanine‐based short peptides are promising models to dissect protein folding initiation and propagation structurally as well as energetically. The effect of N‐terminal diproline and charged side chains is assessed on the stabilization of helical conformation in alanine‐based short peptides using circular dichroism (CD) with water and methanol as solvent. A1 (Ac–Pro–Pro–Ala–Lys–Ala–Lys–Ala–Lys–Ala–NH2) is designed to assess the effect of N‐terminal homochiral diproline and lysine side chains to induce helical conformation. A2 (Ac–Pro–Pro–Glu–Glu–Ala–Ala–Lys–Lys–Ala–NH2) and A3 (Ac–d Pro–Pro–Glu–Glu–Ala–Ala–Lys–Lys–Ala–NH2) with N‐terminal homochiral and heterochiral diproline, respectively, are designed to assess the effect of Glu...Lys (i , i  + 4) salt bridge interactions on the stabilization of helical conformation. The CD spectra of A1 , A2 and A3 in water manifest different amplitudes of the observed polyproline II (PPII) signals, which indicate different conformational distributions of the polypeptide structure. The strong effect of solvent substitution from water to methanol is observed for the peptides, and CD spectra in methanol evidence A2 and A3 as helical folds. Temperature‐dependent CD spectra of A1 and A2 in water depict an isodichroic point reflecting coexistence of two conformations, PPII and β‐strand conformation, which is consistent with the previous studies. The results illuminate the effect of N‐terminal diproline and charged side chains in dictating the preferences for extended‐β, semi‐extended PPII and helical conformation in alanine‐based short peptides. The results of the present study will enhance our understanding on stabilization of helical conformation in short peptides and hence aid in the design of novel peptides with helical structures. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report for the first time a hydrolysis mechanism of the cyclic dimeric guanosine monophosphate (c‐di‐GMP) by the EAL domain phosphodiesterases as revealed by molecular simulations. A model system for the enzyme‐substrate complex was prepared on the base of the crystal structure of the EAL domain from the BlrP1 protein complexed with c‐di‐GMP. The nucleophilic hydroxide generated from the bridging water molecule appeared in a favorable position for attack on the phosphorus atom of c‐di‐GMP. The most difficult task was to find a pathway for a proton transfer to the O3' atom of c‐di‐GMP to promote the O3'? P bond cleavage. We show that the hydrogen bond network extended over the chain of water molecules in the enzyme active site and the Glu359 and Asp303 side chains provides the relevant proton wires. The suggested mechanism is consistent with the structural, mutagenesis, and kinetic experimental studies on the EAL domain phosphodiesterases. Proteins 2016; 84:1670–1680. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are components of the innate immune system and may be potential alternatives to conventional antibiotics because they exhibit broad‐spectrum antimicrobial activity. The AMP cecropin P1 (CP1), isolated from nematodes found in the stomachs of pigs, is known to exhibit antimicrobial activity against Gram‐negative bacteria. In this study, we investigated the interaction between CP1 and lipopolysaccharide (LPS), which is the main component of the outer membrane of Gram‐negative bacteria, using circular dichroism (CD) and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). CD results showed that CP1 formed an α‐helical structure in a solution containing LPS. For NMR experiments, we expressed 15N‐labeled and 13C‐labeled CP1 in bacterial cells and successfully assigned almost all backbone and side‐chain proton resonance peaks of CP1 in water for transferred nuclear Overhauser effect (Tr‐NOE) experiments in LPS. We performed 15N‐edited and 13C‐edited Tr‐NOE spectroscopy for CP1 bound to LPS. Tr‐NOE peaks were observed at the only C‐terminal region of CP1 in LPS. The results of structure calculation indicated that the C‐terminal region (Lys15–Gly29) formed the well‐defined α‐helical structure in LPS. Finally, the docking study revealed that Lys15/Lys16 interacted with phosphate at glucosamine I via an electrostatic interaction and that Ile22/Ile26 was in close proximity with the acyl chain of lipid A. Copyright © 2016 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Modeling, mutagenesis, and kinetic studies have demonstrated that the substrate‐binding site of cytochrome P450 is composed of multiple interactive regions that are capable of simultaneously binding two or more xenobiotics. Substrate molecules can interact with each other after docking. Thus, substrates can compete for the activated oxygen–ferrous complex or alter the spatial orientation of other molecules. Cytochrome P450 is a unique enzyme that produces n‐heptane metabolites of different oxidation states. Metabolism of n‐heptane was investigated with rat liver microsomes and a reconstituted rat liver system. Ethanol, n‐propanol, and n‐butanol molecules interacted with the n‐heptane molecule and resulted in cytochrome P450 spectral changes as well as alterations in the n‐heptane metabolic profile. The observed modifications in the biotransformation of n‐heptane indicated that there are three distinct pathways for oxidation of n‐heptane to heptanols, heptanones, and one‐side oxygen‐oriented heptanediones. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Biochem Mol Toxicol 23:287–294, 2009; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/jbt.20291  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms are multicellular aggregates encased in an extracellular matrix mainly composed of exopolysaccharides (EPSs), protein and nucleic acids, which determines the architecture of the biofilm. Erwinia amylovora Ea1189 forms a biofilm inside the xylem of its host, which results in vessel plugging and water transport impairment. The production of the EPSs amylovoran and levan is critical for the formation of a mature biofilm. In addition, cyclic dimeric GMP (c‐di‐GMP) has been reported to positively regulate amylovoran biosynthesis and biofilm formation in E. amylovora Ea1189. In this study, we demonstrate that cellulose is synthesized by E. amylovora Ea1189 and is a major modulator of the three‐dimensional characteristics of biofilms formed by this bacterium, and also contributes to virulence during systemic host invasion. In addition, we demonstrate that the activation of cellulose biosynthesis in E. amylovora is a c‐di‐GMP‐dependent process, through allosteric binding to the cellulose catalytic subunit BcsA. We also report that the endoglucanase BcsZ is a key player in c‐di‐GMP activation of cellulose biosynthesis. Our results provide evidence of the complex composition of the extracellular matrix produced by E. amylovora and the implications of cellulose biosynthesis in shaping the architecture of the biofilm and in the expression of one of the main virulence phenotypes of this pathogen.  相似文献   

The sulfated fucan from the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus is composed of the repetitive sequence [‐3)‐α‐l ‐Fucp‐4( )‐(1‐3)‐α‐l ‐Fucp‐2,4‐di( )‐(1‐3)‐α‐l ‐Fucp‐2( )‐(1‐3)‐α‐l ‐Fucp‐2( )‐(1‐]n. Conformation (of rings and chains) and dynamics of this tetrasaccharide‐repeating sulfated fucan substituted by Na+, Ca2+, and Li+ as counterions have been examined through experiments of liquid‐state nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Scalar coupling and nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE)‐based data have confirmed that all composing units occur as 1C4 chair conformer regardless of the cation type, unit position within the repeating sequence, and sulfation type. Chain conformation determined by NOE signal pattern assisted by molecular modeling for a theoretical octasaccharide has shown a similar linear 3D structure for the three differently substituted forms. Data derived from spin‐relaxation measurements have indicated a contribution of counterion type to dynamics. The calcium‐based preparation has shown the highest mobility while the sodiated one showed the lowest mobility. The set of results from this work suggests that counterion type can affect the physicochemical properties of the structurally well‐defined sulfated fucan. The counterion effect seems to impact more on the structural mobility than on average conformation of the studied sulfated glycan in solution.  相似文献   

Helices are important structural/recognition elements in proteins and peptides. Stability and conformational differences between helices composed of α‐ and β‐amino acids as scaffolds for mimicry of helix recognition has become a theme in medicinal chemistry. Furthermore, helices formed by β‐amino acids are experimentally more stable than those formed by α‐amino acids. This is paradoxical because the larger sizes of the hydrogen‐bonding rings required by the extra methylene groups should lead to entropic destabilization. In this study, molecular dynamics simulations using the second‐generation force field, AMOEBA (Ponder, J.W., et al., Current status of the AMOEBA polarizable force field. J Phys Chem B, 2010. 114 (8): p. 2549–64.) explored the stability and hydrogen‐bonding patterns of capped oligo‐β‐alanine, oligoalanine, and oligoglycine dodecamers in water. The MD simulations showed that oligo‐β‐alanine has strong acceptor+2 hydrogen bonds, but surprisingly did not contain a large content of 312‐helical structures, possibly due to the sparse distribution of the 312‐helical structure and other structures with acceptor+2 hydrogen bonds. On the other hand, despite its backbone flexibility, the β‐alanine dodecamer had more stable and persistent <3.0 Å hydrogen bonds. Its structure was dominated more by multicentered hydrogen bonds than either oligoglycine or oligoalanine helices. The 31 (PII) helical structure, prevalent in oligoglycine and oligoalanine, does not appear to be stable in oligo‐β‐alanine indicating its competition with other structures (stacking structure as indicated by MD analyses). These differences are among the factors that shape helical structural preferences and the relative stabilities of these three oligopeptides. Proteins 2014; 82:3043–3061. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Microfluorometric recordings showed that the inhibitory neurotransmitters γ‐aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glycine activated transient increases in the intracellular Cl concentration in neurons of the inferior colliculus (IC) from acutely isolated slices of the rat auditory midbrain. Current recordings in gramicidin‐perforated patch mode disclosed that GABA and glycine mainly evoked inward or biphasic currents. These currents were dependent on HCO and characterized by a continuous shift of their reversal potential (EGABA/gly) in the positive direction. In HCO‐buffered saline, GABA and glycine could also evoke an increase in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration. Ca2+ transients occurred only with large depolarizations and were blocked by Cd2+, suggesting an activation of voltage‐gated Ca2+ channels. However, in the absence of HCO, only a small rise, if any, in the intracellular Ca2+ concentration could be evoked by GABA or glycine. We suggest that the activation of GABAA or glycine receptors results in an acute accumulation of Cl that is enhanced by the depolarization owing to HCO efflux, thus shifting EGABA/gly to more positive values. A subsequent activation of these receptors would result in a strenghtened depolarization and an enlarged Ca2+ influx that might play a role in the stabilization of inhibitory synapses in the auditory pathway. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 40: 386–396, 1999  相似文献   

De novo design of peptides and proteins has recently surfaced as an approach for investigating protein structure and function. This approach vitally tests our knowledge of protein folding and function, while also laying the groundwork for the fabrication of proteins with properties not precedented in nature. The success relies heavily on the ability to design relatively short peptides that can espouse stable secondary structures. To this end, substitution with α,β‐didehydroamino acids, especially α,β‐didehydrophenylalanine (ΔzPhe), comes in use for spawning well‐defined structural motifs. Introduction of ΔPhe induces β‐bends in small and 310‐helices in longer peptide sequences. The present work aims to investigate the effect of nature and the number of amino acids interspersed between two ΔPhe residues in two model undecapeptides, Ac‐Gly‐Ala‐ΔPhe‐Ile‐Val‐ΔPhe‐Ile‐Val‐ΔPhe‐Ala‐Gly‐NH2 (I) and Boc‐Val‐ΔPhe‐Phe‐Ala‐Phe‐ΔPhe‐Phe‐Leu‐Ala‐ΔPhe‐Gly‐OMe (II). Peptide I was synthesized using solid‐phase chemistry and characterized using circular dichroism spectroscopy. Peptide II was synthesized using solution‐phase chemistry and characterized using circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Peptide I was designed to examine the effect of incorporating β‐strand‐favoring residues like valine and isoleucine as spacers between two ΔPhe residues on the final conformation of the resulting peptide. Circular dichroism studies on this peptide have shown the existence of a 310‐helical conformation. Peptide II possesses three amino acids as spacers between ΔPhe residues and has been reported to adopt a mixed 310/α‐helical conformation using circular dichroism and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy studies. Copyright © 2011 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Long‐chain polyunsaturated n‐3 fatty acids (n‐3 LCPUFAs) have hypolipidemic effects and modulate intermediary metabolism to prevent or reverse insulin resistance in a way that is not completely elucidated. Here, effects of these fatty acids on the lipid profile, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK) activity, lipid synthesis from glucose in epididymal adipose tissue (Ep‐AT) and liver were investigated. Male rats were fed a high‐sucrose diet (SU diet), containing either sunflower oil or a mixture of sunflower and fish oil (SU–FO diet), and the control group was fed a standard diet. After 13 weeks, liver, adipose tissue and blood were harvested and analysed. The dietary n‐3 LCPUFAs prevented sucrose‐induced increase in adiposity and serum free fat acids, serum and hepatic triacylglycerol and insulin levels. Furthermore, these n‐3 LCPUFAs decreased lipid synthesis from glucose and increased PEPCK activity in the Ep‐AT of rats fed the SU–FO diet compared to those fed the SU diet, besides reducing lipid synthesis from glucose in hepatic tissue. Thus, the inclusion of n‐3 LCPUFAs in the diet may be beneficial for the prevention or attenuation of dyslipidemia and insulin resistance, and for reducing the risk of related chronic diseases. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Inhibitory glycine receptor (GlyR) subunits undergo developmental regulation, but the molecular mechanisms of GlyR regulation in developing neurons are little understood. Using RT‐PCR, we investigated the regulation of GlyR α‐subunit splice forms during the development of the spinal cord of the rat. Experiments to compare the amounts of mRNA for two known splice variants of the GlyR α2 subunit, α2A and α2B, in the developing rat spinal cord revealed the presence of an additional, novel variant that lacked any exon 3, herein named “α2N.” Examination of the RNA from spinal cords of different‐aged rats showed a dramatic down‐regulation of α2N during prenatal development: α2N mRNA formed a significant portion of the α2 subunit pool at E14, but its relative level was reduced by 85% by birth and was undetectable in adults. Two proteins previously implicated in regulating the splicing of GlyR α2 pre‐mRNA, the neurooncological ventral antigen‐1 (Nova‐1) and the brain isoform of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (brPTB), underwent small changes over the same period that did not correlate directly with the changes in the level of α2N, calling into question their involvement in the developmental regulation of α2N. However, treatment of spinal cord neurons in culture with antisense oligonucleotides designed selectively to knock down one of three Nova‐1 variants significantly altered the relative level of GlyR α2N, showing that Nova‐1 isoforms can regulate GlyR α2 pre‐mRNA splicing in developing neurons. These results provide evidence for a novel splice variant of the GlyR α2 subunit that undergoes dramatic developmental regulation, reveal the expression profiles of Nova‐1 and brPTB in the developing spinal cord, and suggest that Nova‐1 plays a role in regulating GlyR α2N in developing neurons. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 52: 156–165, 2002  相似文献   

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