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Two related protein complexes, cohesin and condensin, are essential for separating identical copies of the genome into daughter cells during cell division. Cohesin glues replicated sister chromatids together until they split at anaphase, whereas condensin reorganizes chromosomes into their highly compact mitotic structure. Unexpectedly, mutations in the subunits of these complexes have been uncovered in genetic screens that target completely different processes. Exciting new evidence is emerging that cohesin and condensin influence crucial processes during interphase, and unforeseen aspects of mitosis. Each complex can perform several roles, and individual subunits can associate with different sets of proteins to achieve diverse functions, including the regulation of gene expression, DNA repair, cell-cycle checkpoints and centromere organization.  相似文献   

The reversible condensation of chromosomes during cell division remains a classic problem in cell biology. Condensation requires the condensin complex in certain experimental systems, but not in many others. Anaphase chromosome segregation almost always fails in condensin-depleted cells, leading to the formation of prominent chromatin bridges and cytokinesis failure. Here, live-cell analysis of chicken DT40 cells bearing a conditional knockout of condensin subunit SMC2 revealed that condensin-depleted chromosomes abruptly lose their compact architecture during anaphase and form massive chromatin bridges. The compact chromosome structure can be preserved and anaphase chromosome segregation rescued by preventing the targeting subunit Repo-Man from recruiting protein phosphatase 1 (PP1) to chromatin at anaphase onset. This study identifies an activity critical for mitotic chromosome structure that is inactivated by Repo-Man-PP1 during anaphase. This activity, provisionally termed 'regulator of chromosome architecture' (RCA), cooperates with condensin to preserve the characteristic chromosome architecture during mitosis.  相似文献   

Chromosome shaping and individualization are necessary requisites to warrant the correct segregation of genomes in either mitotic or meiotic cell divisions. These processes are mainly prompted in vertebrates by three multiprotein complexes termed cohesin and condensin I and II. In the present study we have analyzed by immunostaining the appearance and subcellular distribution of condensin I in mouse mitotic and meiotic chromosomes. Our results demonstrate that in either mitotically or meiotically dividing cells, condensin I is loaded onto chromosomes by prometaphase. Condensin I is detectable as a fuzzy axial structure running inside chromatids of condensed chromosomes. The distribution of condensin I along the chromosome length is not uniform, since it preferentially accumulates close to the chromosome ends. Interestingly, these round accumulations found at the condensin I axes termini colocalized with telomere complexes. Additionally, we present the relative distribution of the condensin I and cohesin complexes in metaphase I bivalents. All these new data have allowed us to propose a comprehensive model for meiotic chromosome structure.  相似文献   

染色体的形成是细胞周期的重要事件,然而有关染色体构筑动力学的分子机制仍未阐明。近年来对染色体浓缩素的分离与研究,为认识DNA浓缩和染色体构建机制提供了重要的线索,是细胞生物学研究领域的里程碑。现对浓缩素的发现过程,浓缩素在有丝分裂和减数分裂中的作用,浓缩素与黏着素的关系,浓缩素参与基因调节等方面进行综述,为相关领域的研究者提供参考。  相似文献   

The heteropentameric condensin complexes have been shown to participate in mitotic chromosome condensation and to be required for unperturbed chromatid segregation in nuclear divisions. Vertebrates have two condensin complexes, condensin I and condensin II, which contain the same structural maintenance of chromosomes (SMC) subunits SMC2 and SMC4, but differ in their composition of non–SMC subunits. While a clear biochemical and functional distinction between condensin I and condensin II has been established in vertebrates, the situation in Drosophila melanogaster is less defined. Since Drosophila lacks a clear homolog for the condensin II–specific subunit Cap-G2, the condensin I subunit Cap-G has been hypothesized to be part of both complexes. In vivo microscopy revealed that a functional Cap-G-EGFP variant shows a distinct nuclear enrichment during interphase, which is reminiscent of condensin II localization in vertebrates and contrasts with the cytoplasmic enrichment observed for the other EGFP-fused condensin I subunits. However, we show that this nuclear localization is dispensable for Cap-G chromatin association, for its assembly into the condensin I complex and, importantly, for development into a viable and fertile adult animal. Immunoprecipitation analyses and complex formation studies provide evidence that Cap-G does not associate with condensin II–specific subunits, while it can be readily detected in complexes with condensin I–specific proteins in vitro and in vivo. Mass-spectrometric analyses of proteins associated with the condensin II–specific subunit Cap-H2 not only fail to identify Cap-G but also the other known condensin II–specific homolog Cap-D3. As condensin II–specific subunits are also not found associated with SMC2, our results question the existence of a soluble condensin II complex in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Dosage compensation is an essential process that equalizes X-linked gene dosage

between the sexes. In the worm Caenorhabditis elegans, a complex of proteins called the dosage

compensation complex (DCC) binds both X chromosomes in hermaphrodites to downregulate

gene expression two-fold and hence to reduce X-linked gene expression levels equal to that in

males. Five subunits of the DCC form the condensin IDC complex, a homolog of the

evolutionarily conserved condensin complex required for chromosome segregation and

compaction during mitosis and meiosis. How related complexes can perform such diverse

functions remains a mystery. Nevertheless, it is believed that the mitotic and interphase functions

of condensin are mechanistically related, and understanding one process will reveal new insights

into the other. We discuss how during worm dosage compensation a condensin-mediated

function may guide the organization of the interphase chromatin fibers, leading to the formation

of a repressive nuclear compartment.  相似文献   

During mitosis, condensin is responsible for folding chromatin fibers into highly compact chromosomes, ensuring the faithful segregation of replicated chromosomes into daughter cells after each cell division. Our laboratory has unexpectedly found that condensin is capable of compacting DNA during the interphase: upon nutrient starvation, condensin is loaded to the rDNA array, leading to DNA condensation in this region. This subchromosomal DNA condensation appears to protect the integrity of the rDNA array. These observations provide the first microscopic evidence of DNA compaction by condensin outside mitosis. In addition, they show that condensin is also highly regulated during the interphase.  相似文献   

When chromosomes are aligned and bioriented at metaphase, the elastic stretch of centromeric chromatin opposes pulling forces exerted on sister kinetochores by the mitotic spindle. Here we show that condensin ATPase activity is an important regulator of centromere stiffness and function. Condensin depletion decreases the stiffness of centromeric chromatin by 50% when pulling forces are applied to kinetochores. However, condensin is dispensable for the normal level of compaction (rest length) of centromeres, which probably depends on other factors that control higher-order chromatin folding. Kinetochores also do not require condensin for their structure or motility. Loss of stiffness caused by condensin-depletion produces abnormal uncoordinated sister kinetochore movements, leads to an increase in Mad2(+) kinetochores near the metaphase plate and delays anaphase onset.  相似文献   

M T Hamblin  C F Aquadro 《Genetics》1999,153(2):859-869
The relationship between rates of recombination and DNA sequence polymorphism was analyzed for the second chromosome of Drosophila pseudoobscura. We constructed integrated genetic and physical maps of this chromosome using molecular markers at 10 loci spanning most of its physical length. The total length of the map was 128.2 cM, almost twice that of the homologous chromosome arm (3R) in D. melanogaster. There appears to be very little centromeric suppression of recombination, and rates of recombination are quite uniform across most of the chromosome. Levels of sequence variation (theta(W), based on the number of segregating sites) at seven loci (tropomyosin 1, Rhodopsin 3, Rhodopsin 1, bicoid, Xanthine dehydrogenase, Myosin light chain 1, and ribosomal protein 49) varied from 0.0036 to 0.0167. Generally consistent with earlier studies, the average estimate of theta(W) at total sites is 1.5-fold higher than that in D. melanogaster, while average theta(W) at silent sites is almost 3-fold higher. These estimates of variation were analyzed in the context of a background selection model under the same parameters of mutation rate and selection as have been proposed for D. melanogaster. It is likely that a significant fraction of the higher level of sequence variation in D. pseudoobscura can be explained by differences in regional rates of recombination rather than a larger species-level effective population size. However, the distribution of variation among synonymous, nonsynonymous, and noncoding sites appears to be quite different between the species, making direct comparisons of neutral variation, and hence inferences about effective population size, difficult. Tajima's D statistics for 6 out of the 7 loci surveyed are negative, suggesting that D. pseudoobscura may have experienced a rapid population expansion in the recent past or, alternatively, that slightly deleterious mutations constitute an important component of standing variation in this species.  相似文献   

Pairing of the sex chromosomes during mammalian meiosis is characterized by the formation of a unique heterochromatin structure at the XY body. The mechanisms underlying the formation of this nuclear domain are reportedly highly conserved from marsupials to mammals. In this study, we demonstrate that in contrast to all eutherian species studied to date, partial synapsis of the heterologous sex chromosomes during pachytene stage in the horse is not associated with the formation of a typical macrochromatin domain at the XY body. While phosphorylated histone H2AX (γH2AX) and macroH2A1.2 are present as a diffuse signal over the entire macrochromatin domain in mouse pachytene spermatocytes, γH2AX, macroH2A1.2, and the cohesin subunit SMC3 are preferentially enriched at meiotic sex chromosome cores in equine spermatocytes. Moreover, although several histone modifications associated with this nuclear domain in the mouse such as H3K4me2 and ubH2A are conspicuously absent in the equine XY body, prominent RNA polymerase II foci persist at the sex chromosomes. Thus, the localization of key marker proteins and histone modifications associated with the XY body in the horse differs significantly from all other mammalian systems described. These results demonstrate that the epigenetic landscape and heterochromatinization of the equine XY body might be regulated by alternative mechanisms and that some features of XY body formation may be evolutionary divergent in the domestic horse. We propose equine spermatogenesis as a unique model system for the study of the regulatory networks leading to the epigenetic control of gene expression during XY body formation.  相似文献   

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