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The essential‐oil composition of six native populations of Sideritis scardica from Bulgaria was studied by GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. Altogether, 37 components, representing 73.1 to 79.2% of the total oil content were identified. Among them, α‐pinene (4.4–25.1%), β‐pinene (2.8–18.0%), oct‐1‐en‐3‐ol (2.3–8.0%), phenylacetaldehyde (0.5–9.5%), β‐bisabolene (1.3–11.0%), benzyl benzoate (1.1–14.3%), and m‐camphorene ( 1 ; 0.3–12.4%) were the main compounds. All samples were characterized by low contents of oxygenated mono‐ and sesquiterpenes (≤1.6 and 2.3%, resp.). Principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis (CA) showed a significant variability in the chemical composition of the studied samples as well as a correlation between the oil profiles and the ecological conditions of the natural habitats of S. scardica.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the essential oils isolated from the aerial parts of Senecio vulgaris plants collected in 30 Corsican localities was characterized using GC‐FID and GC/MS analyses. Altogether, 54 components, which accounted for 95.2% of the total oil composition, were identified in the 30 essential‐oil samples. The main compounds were α‐humulene ( 1 ; 57.3%), (E)‐β‐caryophyllene ( 2 ; 5.6%), terpinolene ( 3 ; 5.3%), ar‐curcumene ( 4 ; 4.3%), and geranyl linalool ( 5 ; 3.4%). The chemical composition of the essential oils obtained from separate organs and during the complete vegetative cycle of the plants were also studied, to gain more knowledge about the plant ecology. The production of monoterpene hydrocarbons, especially terpinolene, seems to be implicated in the plant‐flowering process and, indirectly, in the dispersal of this weed species. Comparison of the present results with the literature highlighted the originality of the Corsican S. vulgaris essential oils and indicated that α‐humulene might be used as taxonomical marker for the future classification of the Senecio genus. A study of the chemical variability of the 30 S. vulgaris essential oils using statistical analysis allowed the discrimination of two main clusters according to the soil nature of the sample locations. These results confirmed that there is a relation between the soil nature, the chemical composition of the essential oils, and morphological plant characteristics. Moreover, they are of interest for commercial producers of essential oil in selecting the most appropriate plants.  相似文献   

The chemical composition of the essential oils of Satureja horvatii Šilić from two natural habitats (Mt. Orjen and Mt. Lovćen in Montenegro) and from cultivated plants (Belgrade, Serbia) were characterized. For the latter, plants from the locus classicus, i.e., Orjenske Lokve (Mt. Orjen), were transferred to Belgrade and, after three years of cultivation, the chemical composition of their essential oils at different phenological stages was analyzed. The essential oils were obtained from the aerial parts of the plants by hydrodistillation and analyzed by GC and GC/MS. The yields and chemical compositions of the S. horvatii oils showed significant differences between the plants collected in the natural habitats and those from cultivation, as well as between the plants at different phenological stages. In the populations from the natural habitats, growing in Mediterranean conditions, the most abundant oil constituents were the phenols thymol (63.7% in the samples from Mt. Orjen) or carvacrol (68.1% in the samples from Mt. Lovćen), while the oils from the cultivated plants (Belgrade), growing in continental conditions, were dominated by linalool (up to 65.8 and 55.9% in average). The basic characteristics of the essential oil from plants at the early phenological stage (before flowering) were high percentages of linalool (37.4%), thymol (27.3%), and carvacrol (12.2%). At the stage of flowering, the percentage of linalool (56.6–57.5%) increased, while those of thymol (15.5–15.8%) and carvacrol (1.4–1.5%) significantly decreased. The essential oil of plants in the full stage of fruiting was characterized by the domination of linalool (58.4 and 65.8%) and lower percentages of thymol (7.6 and 1.3%) and carvacrol (0.7 and 0.1%). In conclusion, the oil composition of S. horvatii was found to depend on the pedoclimatic conditions of the habitat and the phenological stage of the plants.  相似文献   

Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of five species of the genus Eucalyptus L' Hér ., viz., E. dundasii Maiden , E. globulus Labill ., E. kitsoniana Maiden , E. leucoxylon F. Muell ., and E. populifolia Hook ., harvested from Jbel Abderrahman arboreta (region of Nabeul, northeast of Tunisia) in April 2006, afforded essential oils in yields varying from 0.9±0.3 to 3.8±0.6%, dependent on the species. E. globulus and E. Kitsoniana provided the highest and the lowest percentage of essential oil amongst the species examined, respectively. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 127 compounds, representing 93.8 to 98.7% of the total oil composition. The contents of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were 1,8‐cineole ( 2 ; 4.7–59.2%), followed by α‐pinene ( 1 ; 1.9–23.6%), trans‐pinocarveol ( 6 ; 3.5–21.6%), globulol ( 8 ; 4.3–12.8%), p‐cymene ( 3 ; 0.5–6.7%), α‐terpineol (1.5–4.5%), borneol (0.2–4.4%), pinocarvone (1.1–3.8%), aromadendrene (1.4–3.4%), isospathulenol (0.0–1.9%), fenchol ( 4 ; 0.1–2.5%), limonene (1.0–2.4%), epiglobulol (0.6–2.1%), viridiflorol ( 9 ; 0.8–1.8%), and spathulenol (0.1–1.6%). E. leucoxylon was the richest species in 2 . Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (HCA) separated the five Eucalyptus leaf essential oils into four groups, each constituting a chemotype.  相似文献   

Leaves of seven species of the genus Eucalyptus L'Hér., viz., E. cladocalyx F. Muell., E. citriodora Hook., E. diversicolor F. Muell., E. fasciculosa F. Muell., E. grandis W. Hill, E. ovata Labill., and E. botryoides Sm., were harvested from Zerniza arboreta (region of Sejnene, northwest of Tunisia) in June 2007. Of the latter species, leaves were collected from trees having two origins, Morocco and Italy. Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves provided essential oils in yields varying from 0.4±0.0 to 3.3±0.1%, according to the species. E. citriodora had the highest mean percentage of essential oil amongst the species examined, whereas the lowest one was obtained for E. botryoides originating from Morocco. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 140 compounds, representing 92.5 to 99.4% of the total oil composition. The contents of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were 1,8-cineole (2), followed by α-pinene (1), p-cymene, borneol, α-terpineol, cryptone, spathulenol, trans-pinocarveol (4), bicyclogermacrene (5), caryophyllene oxide, and β-phellandrene. Principal components analysis and hierarchical cluster analysis separated the eight Eucalyptus leaf essential oils into five groups, each constituting a chemotype.  相似文献   

Satureja khuzistanica is an endemic herb growing wild in Iran with interesting pharmacological and biological properties. Here, as an initial step of the domestication process, the variability of phytochemical and morphological traits among 69 individuals of eight natural populations of the plant was studied. The investigated characteristics were the essential oil content and composition, the rosmarinic acid (RA) content, and the leaf and flower morphologies. The Abdanan and Kaver populations showed the highest oil contents. The characterization by GC-FID and GC/MS analyses of the oils revealed that all 69 sampled individuals had carvacrol as the main component with very high contents (89.59-95.41%). The content of RA of the MeOH extracts of S. khuzistanica showed a high level of variability (coefficient of variation (CV) 50.0%) ranging from 0.59% (w/w) in the Paalam population to 1.81% (w/w) in the Abdanan population. The peduncle length and the leaf surface area (CVs of 47.39 and 47.21%, resp.) were the most variable morphological characteristics among the examined populations. The high level of phytochemical and morphological variability among the studied populations suggests a breeding approach during the domestication, to gain new, promising, and homogenous cultivars, attractive for the industry and agriculture.  相似文献   

The composition of 48 samples of essential oil isolated from the wood of Cedrus atlantica growing in Corsica was investigated by GC (in combination with retention indices), GC/MS, and (13) C-NMR. Twenty-three compounds accounting for 73.9-96.0% of the oil composition were identified. The oils consisted mainly of monoterpene hydrocarbons and sesquiterpenes, in particular α-pinene (5; up to 79.4%), himachalol (4; up to 66.2%), β-pinene (up to 21.4%), β-himachalene (2; up to 19.3%), γ-himachalene (3; up to 11.0%), and α-himachalene (1; up to 10.9%). The 48 oil compositions were submitted to k-means partitioning and principal-component analysis, which allowed the distinction of two groups within the oil samples. The composition of Group I (44% of the samples) was dominated by 5, while the samples of Group II (56% of the samples) contained mainly 4.  相似文献   

To evaluate the chemotaxonomic significance of the essential oils of 23 populations of 18 Iranian Ferula species, the chemical composition of the oils was investigated by GC/FID and GC/MS. Altogether, 84 constituents, representing 81.3-99.7% of the total composition of the oils, have been identified. The composition of six species of the genus, i.e., F. oopoda, F. foetida, F. behboudiana, F. diversivittata, F. galbaniflua, and F. hezarlalehzarica, has been reported for the first time. The main constituents identified were α-terpinyl acetate (73.3%), 2,3,4-trimethylthiophene (2; 49.0%), sabinene (75.3%), verbenone (5; 69.4%), β-pinene (59.0-66.3%), and (Z)-β-ocimene (41.7%). Cluster analysis (CA) of the percentage content of the essential oil components of the Ferula species resulted in the characterization of four groups, i.e., taxa containing either i) monoterpene hydrocarbons, ii) oxygenated monoterpenes, iii) organosulfur compounds, or iv) monoterpene, sesquiterpene, and aliphatic hydrocarbons as the principal classes of compounds. Based on the results obtained, the chemical independence of F. hirtella from F. szowitsiana and of F. galbaniflua from F. gummosa at the specific level was concluded and their positions as distinct species were confirmed. The chemotaxonomic relationships among the representatives of the genus Ferula have been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The needle‐terpene profiles of two natural Pinus heldreichii populations from Mts. O?ljak and Gali?ica (Scardo‐Pindic mountain system) were analyzed. Among the 68 detected compounds, 66 were identified. The dominant constituents were germacrene D (28.7%), limonene (27.1%), and α‐pinene (16.2%). β‐Caryophyllene (6.9%), β‐pinene (5.2%), β‐myrcene (2.3%), pimaric acid (2.0%), α‐humulene (1.2%), and seven additional components were found to be present in medium‐to‐high amounts (0.5–10%). Although the general needle‐terpene profile of the population from Gali?ica was similar to those of the populations from Lov?en, Zeletin, Bjelasica, and Zlatibor‐Pe?ter (belonging to the Dinaric Alps), the principle‐component analysis (PCA) of seven terpenes (β‐myrcene, limonene, β‐elemene, β‐caryophyllene, α‐humulene, δ‐cadinene, and germacrene D‐4‐ol) in 121 tree samples suggested a partial divergence in the needle‐terpene profiles between the populations from the Scardo‐Pindic mountain system and the Dinaric Alps. According to previously reported data, the P. heldreichii samples from the Balkan‐Rhodope mountains lack β‐caryophyllene and germacrene D, but contain γ‐muurolene in their terpene profile. Differences in the terpene composition between populations growing in the three above‐mentioned mountain systems were compared and discussed.  相似文献   

The needle‐terpene profiles of two natural Pinus peuce populations from the Scardo‐Pindic mountain system (Mt. O?ljak and Mt. Pelister) were analyzed. Among the 90 detected compounds, 87 were identified. The dominant constituents were α‐pinene (45.5%), germacrene D (11.1%), β‐pinene (10.8%), and camphene (10.3%). The following eight additional components were found to be present in medium‐to‐high amounts (0.5–10%): bornyl acetate (5.0%), β‐phellandrene (3.4%), β‐caryophyllene (2.9%), β‐myrcene (0.9%), germacrene D‐4‐ol (0.9%), tricyclene (0.7%), (E)‐hex‐2‐enal (0.7%), and bicyclogermacrene (0.6%). Although the general needle‐terpene profiles of the populations from Mt. O?ljak and Mt. Pelister were found to be similar to those of the populations from Zeletin, Sjekirica, and Mokra Gora (Dinaric Alps), principle component analysis (PCA) of eight terpenes (α‐pinene, β‐myrcene, α‐terpinolene, bornyl acetate, α‐terpinyl acetate, β‐caryophyllene, transβ‐farnesene, and germacrene D) in 139 tree samples suggested a divergence between the two population groups, i.e., the samples from the Scardo‐Pindic mountain system and those from the Dinaric Alps. Genetic analysis of the β‐pinene content demonstrated a partial divergence between the two geographical groups. The profiles of both population groups differed from those published for populations from the Balkan‐Rhodope mountains system (literature results), which were characterized by high contents of bornyl acetate and citronellol (Greek populations) or δ‐car‐3‐ene (Bulgarian populations).  相似文献   

Chiliadenus iphionoides (Asteraceae), a shrub endemic to the Mediterranean region and widespread throughout Israel, is used in the traditional eastern Mediterranean medicine. Although recent research confirmed its pharmacological potential, C. iphionoides essential oil has not been adequately characterized chemically. Essential-oil samples were collected from representative wild populations throughout Israel and characterized by GC/MS analysis. Considerable interpopulation variation was found for the composition of the essential oils. Multivariate analysis showed a significant correlation between the chemical composition and the geographic location, with three main chemotypes identified.  相似文献   

The essential oils of 25 populations of Dalmatian sage (Salvia officinalis L.) from nine Balkan countries, including 17 indigenous populations (representing almost the entire native distribution area) and eight non‐indigenous (cultivated or naturalized) populations were analyzed. Their essential‐oil yield ranged from 0.25 to 3.48%. Within the total of 80 detected compounds, ten (β‐pinene, 1,8‐cineole, cis‐thujone, trans‐thujone, camphor, borneol, trans‐caryophyllene, α‐humulene, viridiflorol, and manool) represented 42.60 to 85.70% of the components in the analyzed essential oils. Strong positive correlations were observed between the contents of trans‐caryophyllene and α‐humulene, α‐humulene and viridiflorol, and viridiflorol and manool. Principal component analysis (PCA) on the basis of the contents of the ten main compounds showed that four principal components had an eigenvalue greater than 1 and explained 79.87% of the total variation. Performing cluster analysis (CA), the sage populations could be grouped into four distinct chemotypes (AD). The essential oils of 14 out of the 25 populations of Dalmatian sage belonged to Chemotype A and were rich in cis‐thujone and camphor, with low contents of trans‐thujone. The correlation between the essential‐oil composition and geographic variables of the indigenous populations was not significant; hence, the similarities in the essential‐oil profile among populations could not be explained by the physical proximity of the populations. Additionally, the southeastern populations tended to have higher EO yields than the northwestern ones.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of the essential oils of seven natural populations of Seseli rigidum were analyzed. The essential‐oil yield ranged from 0.16 to 2.09%. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that there were no statistically significant differences in the mean essential‐oil yields between the populations, and no significant influence of the climate or soil type on the oil yield was observed. In all 67 analyzed samples, the polyacetylene falcarinol was the main compound, followed by octanal, methyl linoleate, α‐muurolene, 3‐butylphthalide, falcarinone, muurola‐4,10(14)‐dien‐1β‐ol, β‐sesquiphellandrene, salvial‐4(14)‐en‐1‐one, δ‐amorphene, spathulenol, and isospathulenol. The principal component analysis (PCA), the canonical discriminant analysis (CDA), and the cluster analysis (CA) revealed differentiation between the populations based on the climate. Three groups of populations were formed; the first group was composed of samples growing in regions with a humid climate, with oils having high falcarinol and low sesquiterpene contents, and the second and third groups comprised samples exposed to semi‐arid climate, with oils characterized by a lower falcarinol and higher α‐muurolene, δ‐amorphene, β‐sesquiphellandrene, and salvial‐4(14)‐en‐1‐one contents. The semi‐arid populations were divided into two groups, which were distinguished based on the oil contents of sesquiterpenes, falcarinone, and 3‐butylphthalide. On the other hand, no clear separation between populations based on the different soil types could be observed.  相似文献   

Essential oils were extracted from leaves of eight taxa of the genus Angophora, and then analysed. As expected the individual components of these oils were essentially the same as those found in the Eucalyptus species of our earlier studies (Bignell et al., 1997b. Flavour Fragrance J. 12, 423-432). In addition, as is also the case with the bloodwood eucalypts, only relatively low yields of oil were obtained. In all cases the Cineole component was extremely small, but the oils of six of the eight contained very large concentrations of the sesquiterpene Bicyclogermacrene. A table of the 52 major oil components is included. Principal components analysis (PCA) was performed on the gas chromatograms (GC) of the essential oils and the resulting scores plots compared with the cladistic classification of Thiele and Ladiges (1988). Cladistics 4, 23–42). Because of the close relationship between genus Angophora and Eucalyptus ‘subgenus’ Corymbia, the GC data for the eight Angophora taxa were combined with corresponding data for eleven randomly chosen taxa from ‘subgenus’ Corymbia (Bignell et al., 1996b, Flavour Fragrance J. 11, 339–347; 1997a, Flavour Fragnance J. 12, 277–284) and a PCA performed on the total system.  相似文献   

The volatile compositions of hydrodistilled essential oils in the flower heads of Chrysanthemum indicum L. from eight populations in China were analyzed by GC/MS. A total of 169 compounds representing 88.79-99.53% of the oils were identified, and some remarkable differences were found in the constituent percentages of the eight populations. The predominant components of the essential oils were 1,8-cineole (0.62-7.34%), (+)-(1R,4R)-camphor (0.17-27.56%), caryophyllene oxide (0.54-5.8%), β-phellandrene (0.72-1.87%), (-)-(1S,2R,4S)-borneol acetate (0.33-8.46%), 2-methyl-6-(p-tolyl)hept-2-ene (0.3-8.6%), 4,6,6-trimethylbicyclo[3.1.1]hept-3-en-2-yl acetate (0.17-26.48%), and hexadecanoic acid (0.72-15.97%). The chemotaxonomic value of the essential-oil compositions was discussed according to the results of cluster analysis (CA) and principal-component analysis (PCA). The eight populations were divided into five groups as different chemotypes (Groups A-E), and the scores together with the loadings revealed clearly different chemical properties of each population. In conclusion, GC/MS in combination with chemometric techniques provided a flexible and reliable method for characterizing the essential oils of different populations of C. indicum L.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and antioxidant properties of the essential oil and EtOH extract of immortelle (Helichrysum italicum (Roth) G.Don subsp. italicum, Asteraceae) collected in Montenegro were evaluated. The essential oil was characterized by GC/MS analysis, and the content of total phenolics and flavonoids in the EtOH extract was determined using the Folin? Ciocalteu reagent. The free‐radical‐scavenging capacity (RSC) of both the essential oil and the EtOH extract was assessed with the 2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐pycrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. Moreover, the inhibition of hydroxyl radical (.OH) generation by the EtOH extract of immortelle was evaluated for the first time here. Neryl acetate (28.2%) and γ‐curcumene (18.8%) were the main compounds in the essential oil, followed by neryl propionate (9.1%) and ar‐curcumene (8.3%). The chemical composition of the oils of the examined and additional 16 selected Helichrysum italicum taxa described in literature were compared using principal component (PCA) and cluster (CA) analyses. The results of the statistical analyses implied the occurrence of at least four different main and three subchemotypes of essential oils. Considering the antioxidant properties, the EtOH extract of immortelle exhibited similar potential as propyl gallate and quercetin, while the essential oil exhibited relatively weak DPPH.‐scavenging capacity.  相似文献   

Hydrodistillation of the dried leaves of 13 species of the genus Eucalyptus L' Hér ., viz., E. bicostata Maiden, Blakely & Simmonds , E. cinerea F. Muell . ex Benth ., E. exerta F. Muell ., E. gigantea Hook . f ., E. gunnii Hook . f ., E. macarthurii Deane & Maiden ., E. macrorrhyncha F. Muell ., E. maidenii F. Muell ., E. odorata Behr ., E. pauciflora Sieber ex Sprengel , E. sideroxylon A. Cunn . ex Woolls , E. tereticornis Sm ., and E. viminalis Labill ., harvested from Souinet arboreta (region of Ain Draaham, north of Tunisia) in June 2006, afforded essential oils in yields varying from 0.5±0.2 to 3.9±0.4%, dependent on the species. E. cinerea and E. exerta provided the highest and the lowest percentage of essential oil amongst all the species examined, respectively. Analysis by GC (RI) and GC/MS allowed the identification of 142 components, representing 81.5 to 98.9% of the total oil. The contents of the different samples varied according to the species. The main components were 1,8‐cineole ( 1 ), followed by cryptone, spathulenol ( 4 ), p‐cymene ( 2 ), viridiflorol ( 6 ), globulol ( 7 ), β‐eudesmol, α‐terpineol ( 5 ), limonene ( 8 ), D ‐piperitone, α‐pinene ( 3 ), cuminal, and γ‐eudesmol. The principal component and the hierarchical cluster analyses separated the 13 Eucalyptus leaf essential oils into three groups, each constituting a chemotype.  相似文献   

Composition of the essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis of ten populations from the Balkan Peninsula were determined by GC/FID and GC/MS. The main constituents were 1,8‐cineole, camphor, α‐pinene, and borneol. Multivariate statistical analysis (UPGMA cluster analysis and principal‐component analysis (PCA)) revealed two major types of rosemary oil, i.e., 1,8‐cineole and camphor‐type, and two intermediate types, i.e., camphor/1,8‐cineole/borneol type and 1,8‐cineole/camphor type. The regression analyses (simple linear regression and stepwise multiple regression) have shown that, with respect to basic geographic, orographic, and 19 bioclimatic characteristics of each population, bioclimatic factor temperature of habitat represented the dominant abiogenetic factor, which, in chemical sense, led to differentiation of populations in the studied region. Also, the regression analysis have shown that some constituents of essential oils are independent of any single bioclimatic factors. However, some constituents display statistically significant correlations with some abiotic factors.  相似文献   

The chemical compositions of 25 Corsican Limbarda crithmoides ssp. longifolia essential oils were investigated for the first time using GC‐FID, GC/MS, and NMR analyses. Altogether, 65 compounds were identified, accounting for 90.0–99.3% of the total oil compositions. The main components were p‐cymene ( 1 ; 15.1–34.6%), 3‐methoxy‐p‐cymenene ( 4 ; 11.8–28.5%), 2,5‐dimethoxy‐p‐cymenene ( 5 ; 5.9–16.4%), thymol methyl ether ( 6 ; 1.3–14.9%), α‐phellandrene ( 2 ; 0.9–11.9%), and α‐pinene ( 3 ; 0.2–13.4%). The chemical variability of the Corsican oil samples was studied using multivariate statistical analysis, which allowed the discrimination of two main clusters. A direct correlation between the water salinities of the plant locations and the chemical compositions of the L. crithmoides essential oils was evidenced. Indeed, essential oils rich in 1 (30.4–34.6%) were found in samples growing in the wetlands of the southern oriental coast, which exhibit high salinity levels (24.4±0.2–33.9±0.2 ppt), and essential oils with lower contents of 1 (15.1–27.3%) were isolated form samples growing in the wetlands of northern Corsica, which exhibit lower salinity levels (10.90±0.20–15.47±0.15 ppt). The antioxidant potential of L. crithmoides essential oil was also investigated, by assessing the DPPH.‐ and ABTS.+‐scavenging activities and the reducing power of ferric ions, and was found to be interesting. Moreover, using bioassay‐guided fractionation of the essential oil, a higher antioxidant activity was obtained for the oxygenated fraction and both ester and alcohol subfractions.  相似文献   

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