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Nodulation is the temporally and quantitatively most important cellular defense response to bacterial, fungal and some viral infections in insects. We tested the hypothesis that prostaglandins and other eicosanoids are responsible for mediating nodulation reactions to bacterial infection in larvae of the blowfly Chrysomya megacephala. Third-instar larvae treated with Ureaplasma urealyticum formed nodules in a challenge dose-dependent manner. Nodulation was evoked shortly after injection and reached a maximum of approximately 25 nodules/larva within 8 h. Larvae treated with the glucocorticoid, dexamethasone and the cyclooxygenase inhibitors, indomethacin and piroxicam were impaired in their ability to form nodules following U. urealyticum infection. The number of nodules decreased with increasing doses of piroxicam. Contrarily, treating larvae with the lipooxygenase inhibitor, esculetin, and the dual cyclooxygenase/lipooxygenase inhibitor, phenidone did not influence nodulation reactions to infection. Supplying dexamethasone-treated larvae with the eicosanoid precursor, arachidonic acid, reversed the inhibitory effect of dexamethasone on nodulation. We infer from these results that eicosanoids mediate nodulation reactions to infection of a bacterial species that lacks cell walls in larvae of the blowfly, C. megacephala.  相似文献   

Trehalose levels in the thoraces of honey bees did not change significantly during the first 2–4 min of flight. This effect was seen both for bees flown shortly after removal from the hive and for bees which were flown after a 2 hr starvation period. There was also no detectable activation of the trehalose in isolated mitochondria from bees flown for periods of up to 2 min. However, the glucose content of the thoraces of bees flown shortly after removal from the hive dropped dramatically during the first 15 sec of flight. There was no evidence of a transient increase in the glucose content in the thorax at any of the times studied as would be expected if trehalose were hydrolized. The drop in glucose content at early times of flight was not detected if the bees were starved for 2 hr before flight was started. The changes in fructose content of the thoraces with time were similar to those observed for glucose, but were not statistically significant due to variation among individual bees. The sucrose content of bee thoraces varied greatly and no meaningful conclusions could be reached about how it changed as a function of time of flight.  相似文献   

Correct identification of the microsporidia, Nosema apis and Nosema ceranae, is key to the study and control of Nosema disease of honey bees (Apis mellifera). A rapid DNA extraction method combined with multiplex PCR to amplify the 16S rRNA gene with species-specific primers was compared with a previously published assay requiring spore-germination buffer and a DNA extraction kit. When the spore germination-extraction kit method was used, 10 or more bees were required to detect the pathogens, whereas the new extraction method made it possible to detect the pathogens in single bees. Approx. 4-8 times better detection of N. ceranae was found with the new method compared to the spore germination-extraction kit method. In addition, the time and cost required to process samples was lower with the proposed method compared to using a kit. Using the new DNA extraction method, a spore quantification procedure was developed using a triplex PCR involving co-amplifying the N. apis and N. ceranae 16S rRNA gene with the ribosomal protein gene, RpS5, from the honey bee. The accuracy of this semi-quantitative PCR was determined by comparing the relative band intensities to the number of spores per bee determined by microscopy for 23 samples, and a high correlation (R2 = 0.95) was observed. This method of Nosema spore quantification revealed that spore numbers as low as 100 spores/bee could be detected by PCR. The new semi-quantitative triplex PCR assay is more sensitive, economical, rapid, simple, and reliable than previously published standard PCR-based methods for detection of Nosema and will be useful in laboratories where real-time PCR is not available.  相似文献   

Deformed wing virus (DWV) in western honey bees (Apis mellifera) often remains asymptomatic in workers and drones, and symptoms have never been described from queens. However, intense infections linked to parasitism by the mite Varroa destructor can cause worker wing deformity and death within 67 h of emergence. Ten workers (eight with deformed wings and two with normal wings) and three drones (two with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Nova Scotia, Canada, and two newly-emerged queens (one with deformed wings and one with normal wings) from two colonies infected with V. destructor from Prince Edward Island, Canada, were genetically analyzed for DWV. We detected DWV in all workers and drones, regardless of wing morphology, but only in the deformed-winged queen. This is the first report of DWV from Atlantic Canada and the first detection of a symptomatic queen with DWV from anywhere.  相似文献   

Nodulation is the quantitatively predominant insect cellular immune function activated in response to bacterial, fungal and some viral infections. We posed the hypothesis that parasitoid insects express melanotic nodulation reactions to viral challenge and that eicosanoids mediate these reactions. Treating fifth-instar larvae of the ichneumonid endoparasitoid Pimpla turionellae with Bovine Herpes Simplex Virus-1 (BHSV-1) induced nodulation reactions in a challenge dose-dependent manner. Experimental larvae treated with the cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin, the lipoxygenase inhibitor, esculetin, and the phospholipase A2 inhibitor, dexamethasone, resulted in severely impaired nodulation reactions to our standard BHSV-1 challenge dose. The immunoinhibitory influence of dexamethasone was reversed in larvae reared on culture medium amended with arachidonic acid, the fatty acid precursor of eicosanoid biosynthesis. Larvae that had been reared on media amended with indomethacin, esculetin, or dexamethasone were also compromised in their nodulation reactions to viral challenge. The influence of the orally administered pharmaceutical was expressed in a dose-dependent manner. Finally, wasp larvae reared in the presence of indomethacin and dexamethasone expressed significantly decreased levels of phenoloxidase activity in response to viral challenge. These findings draw attention to the idea that endoparasitoid insects express cellular immune reactions to viral challenge; they also support our hypothesis that eicosanoids mediate nodulation reactions to viral challenge in these highly specialized insects.  相似文献   

Elucidating the mechanisms by which honey bees process pollen vs. protein supplements are important in the generation of artificial diets needed to sustain managed honeybees. We measured the effects of diet on protein concentration, hypopharyngeal gland development and virus titers in worker honey bees fed either pollen, a protein supplement (MegaBee), or a protein-free diet of sugar syrup. Workers consumed more pollen than protein supplement, but protein amounts and size of hypopharyngeal gland acini did not differ between the two feeding treatments. Bees fed sugar syrup alone had lower protein concentrations and smaller hypopharyngeal glands compared with the other feeding treatments especially as the bees aged. Deformed wing virus was detected in workers at the start of a trial. The virus concentrations increased as bees aged and were highest in those fed sugar syrup and lowest in bees fed pollen. Overall results suggest a connection between diet, protein levels and immune response and indicate that colony losses might be reduced by alleviating protein stress through supplemental feeding.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that juvenile hormone (JH) titers increase as adult worker honey bees age and treatments with JH, JH analogs and JH mimics induce precocious foraging. Larvae from genotypes exhibiting faster adult behavioral development had significantly higher levels of juvenile hormone during the 2nd and 3rd larval instar. It is known that highly increased JH during this period causes the totipotent female larvae to differentiate into a queen. We treated third instar larvae with JH to test the hypothesis that this time period may be a developmental critical period for organizational effects of JH on brain and behavior also in the worker caste, such that JH treatment at a lower level than required to produce queens will speed adult behavioral development in workers. Larval JH treatment did not influence adult worker behavioral development. However, it made pre-adult development more queen-like in two ways: treated larvae were capped sooner by adult bees, and emerged from pupation earlier. These results suggest that some aspects of honey bee behavioral development may be relatively insensitive to pre-adult perturbation. These results also suggest JH titer may be connected to cues perceived by the adult bees indicating larval readiness for pupation resulting in adult bee cell capping behavior.  相似文献   

Abstract  Nodulation is the predominant cellular defense reaction to bacterial challenges in insects. In this study, third instar larvae of Chrysomya megacephala were injected with bacteria, Escherichia coli K 12 (106 CFU/mL, 2 μL), immediately prior to injection of inhibitors of eicosanoid biosynthesis, which sharply reduced nodulation response. Test larvae were treated with specific inhibitors of phospholipase A2 (dexamethasone), cyclo-oxygenase (indomethacin, ibuprofen and piroxicam), dual cyclo-oxygenase/lipoxygenase (phenidone) and lipoxygenase (esculetin) and these reduced nodulation except esculetin. The influence of bacteria was obvious within 2 h of injection (5 nodules/larva), and increased to a maximum after 8 h (with 15 nodules/larva), and then significantly reduced over 24 h (9 nodules/larva). The inhibitory influence of dexamethasone was apparent within 2 h of injection (4 vs. 5 nodules/larva), and nodulation was significantly reduced, compared to control, over 24 h (5 vs. 8 nodules/larva). Increased dosages of ibuprofen, indomethacin, piroxicam and phenidone led to decreased numbers of nodules. Nodules continued to exist during the pupal stage. However, the effects of dexamethasone were reversed by treating bacteria-injected insects with an eicosanoid-precursor polyunsaturated fatty acid, arachidonic acid. These findings approved our view that eicosanoid can mediate cellular defense mechanisms in response to bacterial infections in another Dipteran insect C. megacephala .  相似文献   

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