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Summary Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) is a neurosecretory peptide that induces melanin concentration within teleost melanophores. Here, we characterized MCH-like substance in the rat brain by both an in vitro fish-scale melanophore bioassay and a radioimmunoassay with a salmon MCH antiserum that is directed toward the carboxy-terminus and requires the cyclic configuration for recognition. Furthermore, subcellular localization of the MCH in the rat brain was examined by immunocytochemistry using electron microscopy. We confirmed that MCH-immunoreactivity and MCH-bioactivity were present together in the same effluent fractions of the rat hypothalamic extracts by reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). At electron microscopic level, MCH-immunoreactivity was located specifically in secretory granules in MCH-positive cell bodies confined to the hypothalamus with their neuronal processes projecting widely in the rat brain. Although full characterization of substance must await its isolation, our results strongly support the notion that rat MCH-like substance may be homologous but not identical to salmon MCH, and simultaneously may serve some neurotransmitter and/or neuromodulator role in the brain of the rat.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the possible effect of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) on learning and memory by using the one-trial step-down inhibitory avoidance test in rats. The peptide was infused into hippocampus, amygdala, and entorhinal cortex. MCH caused retrograde facilitation when given at 0 or 4 h post-training into hippocampus, but only at 0 h into amygdala. From these results, it seems that MCH modulates memory early after training by acting on both the amygdala and hippocampus and, 4 h after training, on the hippocampus.  相似文献   

A number of cyclic and linear fragments and analogues of MCH were synthesized and their biological potencies tested using the isolated carp scale melanophore assay. In this system, the cyclic portion MCH(5–14) exhibited only 0.1% bioactivity, which was markedly enhanced by the addition of the exocyclic sequences MCH(15–17) and MCH(1–4). The exocyclic sequence itself, MCH(1–4, 15–17), had minimal activity, however. Substitution of Tyr11 with phenylalanine reduced the potency of the ring structure MCH(5–14) by about 4-fold. Substitution of Gly8 with D-alanine reduced the potency of MCH(5–14) 16-fold, while both substitutions together caused a still more marked reduction (200-fold) in bioactivity. Linearized fragments of MCH, extending from MCH(15–17) to [Cys(Acm)5,14]MCH(1–17), showed a progressive increase in potency. The linearized forms of MCH, MCH(5–17) and MCH(5–14), were approximately 100-fold or less potent than their cyclic forms. The significant increases in bioactivity produced by the addition of the C- and N-terminal exocyclic sequence even to these linearized forms further emphasizes the importance of these regions for interaction at the receptor site.  相似文献   

Compounds containing 2-arybenzimidazole ring systems linked to arylpiperidines were synthesized and evaluated as MCH-R1 antagonists. The results of structure-activity relationship studies led to the identification of compound 4c as a potent MCH-R1 antagonist (IC50 = 1 nM). This compound also has good metabolic stability, and favorable pharmacokinetic and brain penetration properties. However 4c was found to be potent inhibitor of the hERG potassium channel.  相似文献   

Summary Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) has been purified from the chum salmon pituitary. Its complete amino acid sequence has recently been established. To identify the precise site of origin of MCH, immunostaining was performed in the brain and pituitary gland of the chum salmon and the rainbow trout using a highly sensitive and specific antiserum raised against synthetic MCH. In these two salmonid species immunoreactivity for MCH was detected in neurons and neuronal processes in the pars lateralis of the nucleus lateralis tuberis (NLT) in the basal hypothalamus. Numerous positive-staining processes of these MCH-neurons project to the pituitary gland, extending into neurohypophysial tissues within the pars intermedia and, to a lesser extent, into the pars distalis. No pituitary cells showed cross-reactivity. These results suggest that MCH is biosynthesized in the neurons of the NLT/pars lateralis and released in the neurohypophysis. On the other hand, prominent but less numerous MCH-positive processes could be traced to the pretectal area in which projection of both optic and pineal fibers has been detected using tracers. This observation suggests that the synthesis and/or release of MCH might be under the influence of either of these photosensory neurons. Moreover, the existence of an extrahypothalamic projection from MCH-positive neurons suggests that, in addition to melanin-concentration, MCH might be involved in other neuronal functions, perhaps serving as neuromodulator in the brain.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the histological basis of color metamorphosis in the polychromatic Midas cichlid, Cichlasoma citrinellum. Eight percent of the individuals in a natural population transform from gray with black markings to orange, simultaneously losing their ability to adjust coloration in response to background and social context. This trait is inherited. Light- and electron microscopy revealed that this transformation is a two-step process. First, the melanophores die, then macrophage-like cells remove the debris. As a result of this initial process, the underlying xanthophores become visible, producing the orange coloration. A similar process may occur in individuals that further transform to white, or go directly from gray to white.  相似文献   

Pavlos Pissios   《Peptides》2009,30(11):2040
Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) has attracted considerable attention because of its effects on food intake and body weight and the MCH receptor (MCHR1) remains one of the viable targets for obesity therapy. This review summarizes the literature examining the effects of MCH on body weight, food intake and energy expenditure in rodent models, and the central sites where MCH acts in regulating energy homeostasis. Emphasis is given on the discrepancies between the genetic and pharmacologic models of MCHR1 inactivation. We propose some solutions to resolve these discrepancies and discuss some future directions in MCH research.  相似文献   

Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) influences feeding behavior in the goldfish and exerts an anorexigenic action in goldfish brain, unlike its orexigenic action in mammals. Despite a growing body of knowledge concerning MCH function in mammals, the role of MCH in appetite has not yet been well studied in fish. The aim of the present study was to investigate the involvement of endogenous MCH in the feeding behavior of the goldfish. We examined the distribution of MCH-like immunoreactivity (MCH-LI) in the goldfish brain and the effect of feeding status upon this distribution. Neuronal cell bodies containing MCH-LI were localized specifically to four areas of the hypothalamus. Nerve fibers with MCH-LI were found mainly in the neurohypophysis, with a few in the telencephalon, mesencephalon, and diencephalon. The number of neuronal cell bodies containing MCH-LI in the dorsal area adjoining the lateral recess of the third ventricle in the posterior and inferior lobes of the hypothalamus showed a significant decrease in fasted fish compared with that in normally fed fish, although other areas showed no evident differences. We also administered an antiserum against fish MCH (anti-MCH serum) by ICV injection and examined its immunoneutralizing effect on food intake by using an automatic monitoring system. Cumulative food intake was significantly increased by ICV injection of the anti-MCH serum. These results indicate that MCH potentially functions as an anorexigenic neuropeptide in the goldfish brain, and that the further study of the evolutionary background of the MCH system and its role in appetite is warranted. This work was supported by Grants-in-Aid from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science, and Technology of Japan (K.M. and A.T.) and by a research grant from the Toyama Marine Biotechnology Association (K.M.).  相似文献   

Summary The change in distribution of melanophores from stage 28+ (uniform melanophore pattern) to stage 34 (banded melanophore pattern) and the participation of xanthophores in these changes has been investigated inTriturus alpestris embryos by studying the social behaviour of single cells. While melanophores are clearly visible from outside the embryo at stage 28+, xanthophores cannot be recognized from the outside until after stage 34. In ultrathin sections of stage 34 embryos, xanthophores are observed alternating with melanophores in a zonal distribution (Epperlein 1982). Using detached pieces of dorsolateral trunk skin, which retain their chromatophores after detachment, the entire distribution of melanophores and xanthophores can be visualized in a scanning electron microscope (SEM). In ambiguous cases (early stages), cells were reprocessed for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and the presence of the characteristic pigment organelles was assessed. In addition, xanthophores were specifically identified by pteridine fluorescence with dilute ammonia. Pteridines were also identified chromatographically in skin homogenates. The combination of these methods allowed precise identification and quantitative determination of melanophores and xanthophores. Both cell types were present as codistributed, biochemically differentiated cells at stage 28+. Changes in the pattern up to stage 34 were due to the rearrangement at the epidermal-mesodermal interface of a relatively fixed number of melanophores which became preferentially localised at the dorsal somite edge and at the lateral plate mesoderm, and to the distribution of an increasing number of xanthophores to subepidermal locations in the dorsal fin and between the melanophore bands. Concomitant was an increase in the thickness of the epidermal basement membrane and a change in shape of chromatophores from elongate via stellate to rosette shaped, which may be correlated with a shift from migratory to sessile phases.  相似文献   

Melanoma is the most aggressive skin cancer. Its aggressiveness is most commonly attributed to ERK pathway mutations leading to constitutive signaling. Though initial tumor regression results from targeting this pathway, resistance often emerges. Interestingly, interrogation of the NCI-60 database indicates high growth hormone receptor (GHR) expression in melanoma cell lines. To further characterize melanoma, we tested responsiveness to human growth hormone (GH). GH treatment resulted in GHR signaling and increased invasion and migration, which was inhibited by a GHR monoclonal antibody (mAb) antagonist in WM35, SK-MEL 5, SK-MEL 28 and SK-MEL 119 cell lines. We also detected GH in the conditioned medium (CM) of human melanoma cell lines. GHR, JAK2 and STAT5 were basally phosphorylated in these cell lines, consistent with autocrine/paracrine GH production. Together, our results suggest that melanomas are enriched in GHR and produce GH that acts in an autocrine/paracrine manner. We suggest that GHR may constitute a therapeutic target in melanoma.  相似文献   

Neurons that utilize melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) as neuromodulator are located in the lateral hypothalamus and incerto-hypothalamic area. These neurons project throughout the central nervous system and play a role in sleep regulation. With the hypothesis that the MCHergic system function would be modified by the time of the day as well as by disruptions of the sleep-wake cycle, we quantified in rats the concentration of MCH in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), the expression of the MCH precursor (Pmch) gene in the hypothalamus, and the expression of the MCH receptor 1 (Mchr1) gene in the frontal cortex and hippocampus. These analyses were performed during paradoxical sleep deprivation (by a modified multiple platform technique), paradoxical sleep rebound and chronic sleep restriction, both at the end of the active (dark) phase (lights were turned on at Zeitgeber time zero, ZT0) and during the inactive (light) phase (ZT8).We observed that in control condition (waking and sleep ad libitum), Mchr1 gene expression was larger at ZT8 (when sleep predominates) than at ZT0, both in frontal cortex and hippocampus.In addition, compared to control, disturbances of the sleep–wake cycle produced the following effects: paradoxical sleep deprivation for 96 and 120 h reduced the expression of Mchr1 gene in frontal cortex at ZT0. Sleep rebound that followed 96 h of paradoxical sleep deprivation increased the MCH concentration in the CSF also at ZT0. Twenty-one days of sleep restriction produced a significant increment in MCH CSF levels at ZT8. Finally, sleep disruptions unveiled day/night differences in MCH CSF levels and in Pmch gene expression that were not observed in control (undisturbed) conditions.In conclusion, the time of the day and sleep disruptions produced subtle modifications in the physiology of the MCHergic system.  相似文献   

In arthropods, mature females under certain conditions produce and release encysted gastrula embryos that enter diapause, a state of obligate dormancy. The process is presumably regulated by diapause hormone (DH) and diapause hormone receptor (DHR) that were identified in the silkworm, Bombyx mori and other insects. However, the molecular structure and function of DHR in crustaceans remains unknown. Here, a DHR-like gene from parthenogenetic Artemia (Ar-DHR) was isolated and sequenced. The cDNA sequence consists of 1410 bp with a 1260-bp open reading frame encoding a protein consisting of 420 amino acid residues. The results of real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) and Western blot analysis showed that the mRNA and protein of Ar-DHR were mainly expressed at the diapause stage. Furthermore, we found that Ar-DHR was located on the cell membrane of the pre-diapause cyst but in the cytoplasm of the diapause cyst by analysis of immunofluorescence. In vivo knockdown of Ar-DHR by RNA interference (RNAi) and antiserum neutralization consistently inhibited diapause cysts formation. The results indicated that Ar-DHR plays an important role in the induction and maintenance of embryonic diapause in Artemia. Thus, our findings provide an insight into the regulation of diapause formation in Artemia and the function of Ar-DHR.  相似文献   


Melanin‐concentrating hormone (MCH) is a neuropeptide occurring in all vertebrates and some invertebrates and is now known to stimulate pigment aggregation in teleost melanophores and food‐intake in mammals. Whereas the two MCH receptor subtypes hitherto cloned, MCH‐R1 and MCH‐R2, are thought to mediate mainly the central effects of MCH, the MCH‐R on pigment cells has not yet been identified, although in some studies MCH‐R1 was reported to be expressed by human melanocytes and melanoma cells. Here we present data of a structure‐activity study in which 12 MCH peptides were tested on rat MCH‐R1 and mouse B16 melanoma cell MCH‐R, by comparing receptor binding affinities and biological activities. For receptor binding analysis with HEK‐293 cells expressing rat MCH‐R1 (SLC‐1), the radioligand was [125I]–[Tyr13]‐MCH with the natural sequence. For B16 cells (F1 and G4F sublines) expressing B16 MCH‐R, the analog [125I]–[D‐Phe13, Tyr19]‐MCH served as radioligand. The bioassay used for MCH‐R1 was intracellular Ca2+ mobilization quantified with the FLIPR instrument, whereas for B16 MCH‐R the signal determined was MAP kinase activation. Our data show that some of the peptides displayed a similar relative increase or decrase of potency in both cell types tested. For example, linear MCH with Ser residues at positions 7 and 16 was almost inactive whereas a slight increase in side‐chain hydrophilicity at residues 4 and 8, or truncation of MCH at the N‐terminus by two residues hardly changed binding affinity or bioactivity. On the other hand, salmonic MCH which also lacks the first two residues of the mammalian sequence but in addition has different residues at positions 4, 5, 9, and 18 exhibited a 5‐ to 10‐fold lower binding activity than MCH in both cell systems. A striking difference in ligand recognition between MCH‐R1 and B16 MCH‐R was however observed with modifications at position 13 of MCH: whereas L‐Phe13 in [Phe13, Tyr19]‐MCH was well tolerated by both MCH‐R1 and B16 MCH‐R, change of configuration to D‐Phe13 in [D‐Phe13, Tyr19]‐MCH or [D‐Phe13]‐MCH led to a complete loss of biological activity and to a 5‐ to 10‐fold lower binding activity with MCH‐R1. By contrast, the D‐Phe13 residue increased the affinity of [D‐Phe13, Tyr19]‐MCH to B16 MCH‐R about 10‐fold and elicited MAP kinase activation as observed with [Phe13, Tyr19]‐MCH or MCH. These data demonstrate that ligand recognition by B16 MCH‐R differs from that of MCH‐R1 in several respects, indicating that the B16 MCH‐R represents an MCH‐R subtype different from MCH‐R1.  相似文献   

Melanin-concentrating hormone (MCH) was first discovered in the pituitary gland of the chum salmon for its role in the regulation of skin pallor. Currently, MCH is known to be present in the brains of organisms ranging from fish to mammals. MCH has been suggested to be conserved principally as a central neuromodulator or neurotransmitter in the brain. Indeed, MCH is considered to regulate food intake in mammals. In this review, profiles of MCH in the brain and pituitary gland of teleost fishes are described, focusing on the involvement of MCH in background color adaptation and in food intake regulation.  相似文献   

目的:本实验主要探究nesfatin-1对胃运动和胃酸分泌的影响,以及弓状核(ARC)-下丘脑外侧区(LHA)nesfatin-1神经通路在该过程中的作用。方法:采用逆行追踪和免疫组织化学染色实验观察ARC-LHA nesfatin-1神经通路的构成;在体胃运动实验观察nesfatin-1对胃运动的影响以电刺激ARC对胃运动的影响;采用幽门结扎法测量胃液和胃酸分泌量。结果:LHA微量注射nesfatin-1抑制胃运动和胃酸分泌,但是预先注射黑色素浓集激素(MCH)受体拮抗剂PMC-3881-PI减弱nesfatin-1对胃运动和胃酸分泌的抑制作用。电刺激ARC后,胃收缩幅度和频率显著增强,胃酸分泌明显增多。nesfatin-1抗体或PMC-3881-PI对电刺激ARC诱导的胃运动没有显著影响,但是能够改变电刺激ARC诱导的胃酸分泌。结论:ARC-LHA间nesfafin-1通路可调控大鼠胃运动和胃酸分泌,并且黑色素浓集激素也参与调节该过程。  相似文献   

Summary Alterations in cell shape of the light-sensitive chromatophores of the sea urchin Centrostephanus longispinus were studied by scanning- and transmission electron microscopy. Transition of the aggregated to the dispersed state is accompanied by incorporation of vesicles into the membrane of the pigment cell. During dispersion a system of microtubules originating from centriole-like structures is established throughout the stellate cell. Within restricted areas of the cell, cytoplasmic differentiation and condensation is found. The possible functional significance of the findings is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

We have undertaken comparative studies of the number and phenotypes of erythrocytes in the peripheral blood of red crucian carp (RCC), blunt snout bream (BSB), and their hybrids, including triploids, tetraploids, and pentaploids. The results indicate that the mean nuclear volume of erythrocytes in peripheral blood increases regularly with increasing ploidy. Furthermore, many more mature erythrocytes have a dumbbell nucleus in the peripheral blood of polyploid hybrids compared with their diploid parents. With the increase in ploidy level, the percentage of such erythrocytes increases. The polyploid hybrids also have a large number of erythrocytes with abnormal shapes. For example, round and tear-shaped erythrocytes have been observed in the peripheral blood of polyploid hybrids. Since the erythrocytes in polyploid hybrids with their larger volume and lower specific surface area are unfavorable for the conveyance of oxygen, morphological variations of erythrocytes might improve defective blood circulation. This research was supported by the National Natural Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (grant no. 30725028), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (grant nos. 30330480 and 30571444), National Basic Research Program (grant no. 2007CB109206), and Key Project of Hunan Province (grant no. 2006NK2008).  相似文献   

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