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中国6株狂犬病病毒街毒株全基因组测序与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验研究中对分离于中国的6株狂犬病病毒街毒株进行了全基因组测序,对基因组的5个结构基因(N、P、M、G和L)的核苷酸和推断的氨基酸序列以及非编码区序列进行了分析与比较,并与来自GenBank的40株毒株从全基因组水平进行了分子进化分析。所测6株中国狂犬病病毒街毒株的全基因组核苷酸序列长度介于11 907 nt(CQ92)和11 924 nt(SH06和gg4)之间,基因组结构相同,用全基因组和不同的结构基因构建的进化树拓扑结构相似,基因组3′和5′末端高度保守而且末端11个核苷酸互补配对,5个结构基因的保守性依次是NLMGP,核苷酸同源性的最小值依次分别是81.9%、81.7%、80.7%、78.3%和76.7%。  相似文献   

本文对我国首株与手足口病相关的柯萨奇病毒B5(01/CVB5/SD/CHN/09,CVB5/09)进行了基因组测序并与现有的相关序列进行了比较和进化分析。CVB5/09基因组长7399nt,共编码氨基酸2185aa,与现有的CVB5基因组核酸序列相似性在80.6%~85.3%之间,氨基酸序列相似性在96.1%~96.9%。进化分析发现,利用不同的基因组片段P1、P2和P3区构建的进化树中,CVB5/09分别处在不同的进化分支上,不同基因组片段有着不同的进化速率。Simplot相似性分析没有发现基因组有明显的重组发生。本文完成了我国第1株柯萨奇病毒B5全基因组序列的测定,通过与其它相关病毒的比较分析深入了解其遗传特征,以期为手足口病的流行病学调查和预防控制提供有价值的信息。  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒属病毒的分子生物学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯Y病毒属(Potyvirus)是种类最多的一类植物病毒,现在国际病毒分类委员会(ICTV)承认的成员有168种。它们的病毒粒子都是弯曲线状的,长度在680-900nm,在植物细胞内可以形成圆柱形(风轮状)内含体或卷旋状内含体。基因组为正义单链RNA,翻译时先翻译成多聚蛋白(polyprotein)。本属病毒可由蚜虫传播。Riechmann等曾在1992年介绍过其基因组结构、基因组表达等方面的进展,本文主要介绍1992年以后的研究进展。1基因组结构与功能马铃薯Y病毒属的基因组为正单链RNA,约10,000个核着酸,5’.端具有病毒基因组连接蛋白(VPg)…  相似文献   

貉源阿留申病毒(Raccoon dog and arctic fox amdoparvovirus,RFAV)是自然感染貉和蓝狐的新种阿留申病毒(Amdoparvovirus),为测序RFAV全基因组序列,预测分析RFAV末端发夹结构序列分子特征。本研究采用分段克隆成功获得3株长4832nt、4827nt、4830nt的RFAV全基因组序列,分别命名为RFAV-Y9J、RFAV-RD15、RFAV-HS-R,利用在线软件预测RFAV末端序列二级结构,并与水貂阿留申病毒(AMDV)末端序列进行同源性比对。结果显示阿留申病毒种间、种内3’末端基因组序列保守性强,均存在116nt的Y型发夹结构;RFAV-Y9J与RFAV-RD15毒株5′末端分别存在310nt、305nt的U型发夹结构,RFAV和AMDV种内5′末端基因组序列保守性强,而种间5′末端基因组序列有较大变异。本研究首次完整测序了RFAV的3′和5′末端序列,为其他种阿留申病毒的末端序列扩增提供一种有效方法,为构建RFAV的全基因组序列感染性克隆奠定了基础。  相似文献   

为了解我国现流行的F基因型腮腺炎病毒全基因组的基因特征,本研究选择对腮腺炎病毒F基因型参考株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]进行全基因组测序,结合其它来自于GenBank的腮腺炎病毒全基因组序列,共同分析我国流行的F基因型腮腺炎病毒的全基因组特征及其与现有疫苗株的遗传差异及抗原位点变异情况。通过研究发现,和腮腺炎病毒其它基因型相比,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]全基因组核苷酸差异在3.8%~6.5%之间,其中与A基因型(疫苗株)差异最大,与B和N基因型差异最小。腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]和疫苗株在全基因组序列上分别存在26个和25个N-糖基化位点,和疫苗株相比,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]在HN蛋白上第464~466氨基酸位点上增加了一个N-糖基化位点,而其它基因型的腮腺炎病毒在这个位点上也均为N-糖基化位点。另外,腮腺炎毒株MuVi/Shandong.CHN/4.05[F]和疫苗株在其它已知的抗原相关位点上也存在着氨基酸变异。我国现流行的腮腺炎流行株与腮腺炎病毒其它基因型及疫苗株之间在全基因组上已存在较大的差异,提示需进一步加强对国内现有腮腺炎流行株与疫苗株之间的遗传变异分析,系统评价当前疫苗的免疫保护效果。  相似文献   

草原毛虫(Gynaephora ruergensis Chou et yin)是我国高原牧草中的一种有害害虫。草原毛虫核型多角体病毒新分离株(EupsNPV-Gr)具有典型的杆状病毒特征,呈单粒包埋型病毒粒子,ODV颗粒呈不规则的多边形,直径为1.0μm~1.35μm。EupsNPV-Gr能有效杀灭草原毛虫幼虫,它对草原毛虫的半致死浓度LC50为4×104PIB/mL,是一种理想的生物防治剂。本研究对第一个EupsNPV-Gr基因组进行了测序和鉴定。EupsNPV-Gr基因组全长140684bp,包含134个开放阅读框。它与茶毛虫核型多角体病毒(EupsNPV)关系最为密切,序列同源性高达99%。系统进化分析表明,EupsNPV-Gr属于杆状病毒科alpha杆状病毒属,根据公认的种属划分标准,EupsNPV-Gr是EupsNPV的一个株系。新报道的基因组为研究该物种毒力的分子机制提供了基础。  相似文献   

测定浙江地区狂犬病病毒分离株(鼬獾和犬)全基因组序列,从分子水平对病毒进行遗传变异特征分析,了解狂犬病病毒在浙江的流行和变异情况以及目前浙江流行株的遗传学背景,以丰富中国狂犬病病毒街毒流行株的全基因组信息。脑内接种1~2日乳鼠分离狂犬病病毒,RT-PCR反应测定浙江地区狂犬病病毒分离株全基因组核苷酸序列,并进行编码蛋白和序列相似性比较及种系发生分析。测序获得狂犬病病毒浙江淳安鼬獾分离株F02、F04和松阳犬分离株D01、D02全基因组核苷酸序列信息:基因组全长11 923和11 925 nts,前导序列Leader长58nts,5个ORF为:NP(1 353 nts);PP(894 nts);MP(609 nts);GP(1 575 nts);LP(6 386 nts),N-P-M-G间隔序列长2、5、5 nts;G-L基因间的伪基因Ψ长423 nts;Trailer尾长70 nts。核酸BLAST及多重序列比对分析显示浙江地区4个狂犬病病毒分离株的全基因组序列的组成和结构符合弹状病毒科狂犬病病毒属的特征;中国毒株之间特别是浙江同种动物狂犬病病毒之间各个基因区域核苷酸与氨基酸序列相似性最高,浙江病毒全基因组序列编码蛋白氨基酸序列相似性高于核苷酸序列相似性,说明蛋白质编码基因的核苷酸变异大多属于同义突变;浙江病毒负链RNA基因组5个基因编码氨基酸的长度没有变异,5个编码蛋白仅表现较少的序列变化;浙江病毒与本研究选择的代表性引用街毒株或者来自街毒的减毒株的变异位点和变异类型相似,多重序列相似性的比较和种系发生分析显示所分离的狂犬病病毒浙江街毒株均属于基因1型,具有较独特的中国地域性特点,故本研究中的浙江地区分离株极有可能是自然界中固有的街毒株。  相似文献   

为了探究一例福建省检出的HAstV-5型星状病毒2013/Fuzhou/85毒株基因组分子结构特点,本研究采用PCR分段扩增、测序、拼接的方法,获得2013/Fuzhou/85毒株基因组序列全长6 803bp:5’端和3’端均有85bp非编码区;中间3个开放阅读框:ORF1a长2 802bp(86~2 887nt),编码非结构蛋白丝氨酸蛋白酶;ORF1b长1 548bp(2 827~4 374nt),编码非结构蛋白RNA聚合酶;ORF2长2 352bp(4 367~6 718nt),编码结构蛋白衣壳蛋白前体。目前,GenBank中仅有两株HAstV-5型星状病毒全基因组序列:中国辽宁毒株(JQ403108)和巴西哥亚尼亚毒株(DQ028633),2013/Fuzhou/85毒株和中国辽宁毒株核苷酸相似度最高,达94.4%。对该HAstV-5型星状病毒3个开放阅读框分别构建系统进化树,发现ORF1a与HAstV-1(JF327666)相似度最高,ORF1b和ORF2与HAstV-5(JQ403108)相似度最高,提示其有可能存在重组,用Simplot软件进行重组分析,重组位点位于2 741bp,在ORF1a和ORF1b重叠区的上游。本研究中对2013/Fuzhou/85毒株的全基因组测序和重组分析,可以为星状病毒的重组和遗传进化规律研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Dengue virus (DENV) infections represent a significant concern for public health worldwide, being considered as the most prevalent arthropod-borne virus regarding the number of reported cases. In this study, we report the complete genome sequencing of a DENV serotype 4 isolate, genotype II, obtained in the city of Manaus, directly from the serum sample, applying Ion Torrent sequencing technology. The use of a massive sequencing technology allowed the detection of two variable sites, one in the coding region for the viral envelope protein and the other in the nonstructural 1 coding region within viral populations.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of a new potato virus X (PVX) strain Tula isolated by us has been determined. Based on comparison of the PVX Tula nucleotide sequence with the sequences of 12 other PVX strains, this strain was assigned to the European cluster of PVX strains. Phylogenetic analysis revealed the same phylogeny for both full genome sequences and nucleotide sequences of polymerase and coat protein genes, suggesting that the PVX evolution did not involve recombination between different strains. The full-size cDNA copy of the PVX Tula genome was cloned and the accumulation of the viral coat protein in infected Nicotiana benthamiana was shown to be about twofold higher than for the PVX strain UK3. Based on the PVX Tula genome, a new vector which contained the target gene instead of the removed triple transport gene block and the coat protein gene has been constructed for expression of target proteins in plants. The productivity of the new vector was about 1.5-2-fold higher than the productivity of the vector of the same structure based on the standard PVX strain genome. The new viral vector can be used for superproduction of recombinant proteins in plants.  相似文献   

Borna disease virus (BoDV), a prototype of mammalian bornavirus, is a non‐segmented, negative strand RNA virus that often causes severe neurological disorders in infected animals, including horses and sheep. Unique among animal RNA viruses, BoDV transcribes and replicates non‐cytopathically in the cell nucleus, leading to establishment of long‐lasting persistent infection. This striking feature of BoDV indicates its potential as an RNA virus vector system. It has previously been demonstrated by our team that recombinant BoDV (rBoDV) lacking an envelope glycoprotein (G ) gene develops persistent infections in transduced cells without loss of the viral genome. In this study, a novel non‐transmissive rBoDV, rBoDV ΔMG, which lacks both matrix (M ) and G genes in the genome, is reported. rBoDV‐ΔMG expressing green fluorescence protein (GFP), rBoDV ΔMG‐GFP, was efficiently generated in Vero/MG cells stably expressing both BoDV M and G proteins. Infection with rBoDV ΔMG‐GFP was persistently maintained in the parent Vero cells without propagation within cell culture. The optimal ratio of M and G for efficient viral particle production by transient transfection of M and G expression plasmids into cells persistently infected with rBoDV ΔMG‐GFP was also demonstrated. These findings indicate that the rBoDV ΔMG‐based BoDV vector may provide an extremely safe virus vector system and could be a novel strategy for investigating the function of M and G proteins and the host range of bornaviruses.

【目的】测定一株A型口蹄疫流行毒株的全基因组序列,并构建其全长感染性克隆。【方法】参照已公布的A型口蹄疫病毒序列设计引物,将分离的口蹄疫病毒株A/Sea-97/CHA/2014全基因组分为4个重叠的片段进行RT-PCR扩增,并对其进行序列测定与分析。利用酶切连接法将4个基因片段依次克隆至p Blue Script SKhdv载体中,构建该流行毒株的全长c DNA克隆p QAHN。pQAHN经NotⅠ线性化后转染表达T7 RNA聚合酶的BSR/T7细胞,拯救病毒。【结果】口蹄疫病毒全基因组序列测定结果表明该毒株基因组全长8 171 bp[不包括poly(C)区段和poly(A)尾巴],开放阅读框为6 996 bp,编码2 332个氨基酸,5′和3′非编码区分别为1 091 bp和95 bp。VP1系统发生树分析表明该毒株与A/GDMM/CHA/2013毒株亲缘关系最近,相似性为99.1%。线化全长质粒转染BSR/T7细胞68 h后可观察到典型的细胞病变。拯救病毒的间接免疫荧光、RT-PCR和序列测定结果表明成功拯救出了具有感染性的FMDV。拯救病毒与亲本病毒的噬斑表型及生长曲线试验表明二者具有相似的生长表型和增殖能力。【结论】该研究为我国口蹄疫病原生态分布、分子流行病学调查以及A型FMD新型疫苗的研究提供了有益的材料。  相似文献   

The complete genome sequence of the garlic latent virus (GLV) has been determined. The whole GLV genome consists of 8,353 nucleotides, excluding the 3'-end poly(A)+ tail, and contains six open-reading frames (ORFs). Putative proteins that were encoded by the reading frames contain the motifs that were conserved in carlavirus-specific RNA replicases, NTP-dependent DNA helicases, two viral membrane-bound proteins, a viral coat protein, and a zinc-finger. Overall, the GLV genome shows structural features that are common in carlaviruses. An in vitro translation analysis revealed that the zinc-finger protein is not produced as a transframe protein with the coat protein by ribosomal frameshifting. A Northern blot analysis showed that GLV-specific probes hybridized to garlic leaf RNA fragments of about 2.6 and 1.5 kb long, in addition to the 8.5 kb whole genome. The two subgenomic RNAs might be encapsidated into smaller viral particles. In garlic plants, 700 nm long flexuous rod-shaped virus particles were observed in the immunoelectron microscopy using polyclonal antibodies against the GLV coat proteins.  相似文献   

Recently developed vector systems based on Borna disease virus (BDV) hold promise as platforms for efficient and stable gene delivery to the central nervous system (CNS). However, because it currently takes several weeks to rescue recombinant BDV (rBDV), an improved rescue procedure would enhance the utility of this system. Heat stress reportedly enhances the rescue efficiency of other recombinant viruses. Here, heat stress was demonstrated to increase the amount of BDV genome in persistently BDV‐infected cells without obvious cytotoxicity. Further analyses suggested that the effect of heat stress on BDV infection is not caused by an increase in the activity of BDV polymerase. More cells in which BDV replication occurs were obtained in the initial phase of rBDV rescue by using heat stress than when it was not used. Thus, heat stress is a useful improvement on the published rescue procedure for rBDV. The present findings may accelerate the practical use of BDV vector systems in basic science and the clinic and thus enable broader adoption of this viral vector, which is uniquely suited for gene delivery to the CNS.  相似文献   

Cesariella graeca gen. sp. nov. is described to accommodate a new species of the Laboulbeniales (Fungi, Ascomycota) parasitic on the endogean ground beetles Reicheadella aetolica and R. bischoffi (Coleoptera, Carabidae) from Greece. Cesariella is distinguished from the allied genus Laboulbenia by the presence of two cells borne on the inner side of cell III, and by the presence of a conspicuous remnant of the spore apex protruding laterally near the base of the appendage.  相似文献   

Strain G5T gen. nov., sp. nov. is the type strain of Gorillibacterium massiliense, a newly proposed genus within the family Paenibacillaceae. This strain, whose genome is described here, was isolated in France from a stool sample of a wild Gorilla gorilla subsp. gorilla from Cameroon. G. massiliense is a facultatively anaerobic, Gram negative rod. Here we describe the features of this bacterium, together with the complete genome sequence and annotation. The 5,546,433 bp long genome (1 chromosome but no plasmid) contains 5,145 protein-coding and 76 RNA genes, including 69 tRNA genes.  相似文献   

新城疫病毒是理想的新型活病毒疫苗载体,具有巨大的优势和应用前景。采用生产实践中广泛应用、免疫效果良好的NDV LaSota弱毒疫苗株,建立了反向遗传操作系统。在此基础上,进一步构建了表达绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)的重组NDV基因组cDNA克隆,成功救获了重组病毒rLaSota-EGFP,病毒F1代尿囊病毒液按1×104EID50接种9~10日龄SPF鸡胚尿囊腔,接种后分别于24h、48h、72h及96h收获尿囊液,检测平均HA滴度分别为28、210.3、211.3和211,每mL尿囊液病毒量EID50分别为108.64、109.22、109.21和109.64,重组病毒与亲本株生长滴度在相近时间达到峰值,生长动力学特性与亲本株无明显差异。各代次重组病毒按1×106EID50病毒量接种9~10日龄SPF鸡胚,96h内完全不致死鸡胚。救获重组病毒保持了LaSota弱毒疫苗亲本毒株对鸡胚良好的高滴度生长适应和低致病特性,并且鸡胚连续传9代次仍保持GFP的稳定表达及生物学特性不变。重组病毒rLaSota-EGFP的成功救获为开展新城疫病毒活载体疫苗研制提供了可行的技术平台。  相似文献   

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