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The proposed mechanism for DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferases envisions a key role for a cysteine residue. It is expected to form a covalent link with carbon 6 of the target cytosine, activating the normally inactive carbon 5 for methyl transfer. There is a single conserved cysteine among all DNA (cytosine-5)-methyltransferases making it the candidate nucleophile. We have changed this cysteine to other amino acids for the EcoRII methylase; which methylates the second cytosine in the sequence 5'-CCWGG-3'. Mutants were tested for their methyl transferring ability and for their ability to form covalent complexes with DNA. The latter property was tested indirectly with the use of a genetic assay involving sensitivity of cells to 5-azacytidine. Replacement of the conserved cysteine with glycine, valine, tryptophan or serine led to an apparent loss of methyl transferring ability. Interestingly, cells carrying the mutant with serine did show sensitivity to 5-azacytidine, suggesting the ability to link to DNA. Unexpectedly, substitution of the cysteine with glycine results in the inhibition of cell growth and the mutant allele can be maintained in the cells only when it is poorly expressed. These results suggest that the conserved cysteine in the EcoRII methylase is essential for methylase action and it may play more than one role in it.  相似文献   

The most frequent DNA lesions in mammalian genomes are removed by the base excision repair (BER) via multiple pathways that involve the replacement of one or more nucleotides at the lesion site. The biological consequences of a BER defect are at present largely unknown. We report here that mouse cells defective in the main BER DNA polymerase β (Pol β) display a decreased rate of DNA single-strand breaks (ssb) rejoining after methyl methanesulfonate damage when compared with wild-type cells. In contrast, Pol β seems to be dispensable for hydrogen peroxide-induced DNA ssb repair, which is equally efficient in normal and defective cells. By using an in vitro repair assay on single abasic site-containing circular duplex molecules, we show that the long-patch BER is the predominant repair route in Pol β-null cell extract. Our results strongly suggest that the Pol β-mediated single nucleotide BER is the favorite pathway for repair of N-methylpurines while oxidation-induced ssb, likely arising from oxidized abasic sites, are the substrate for long-patch BER.  相似文献   

To prevent accumulation of mutations, cells respond to DNA lesions by blocking cell cycle progression and initiating DNA repair. Homology-directed repair of DNA breaks requires CtIP-dependent resection of the DNA ends, which is thought to play a key role in activation of ATR (ataxia telangiectasia mutated and Rad3 related) and CHK1 kinases to induce the cell cycle checkpoint. In this paper, we show that CHK1 was rapidly and robustly activated before detectable end resection. Moreover, we show that the key resection factor CtIP was dispensable for initial ATR-CHK1 activation after DNA damage by camptothecin and ionizing radiation. In contrast, we find that DNA end resection was critically required for sustained ATR-CHK1 checkpoint signaling and for maintaining both the intra-S- and G2-phase checkpoints. Consequently, resection-deficient cells entered mitosis with persistent DNA damage. In conclusion, we have uncovered a temporal program of checkpoint activation, where CtIP-dependent DNA end resection is required for sustained checkpoint signaling.  相似文献   

We tested the importance of the aspartate-any residue-aspartate (DXD) motif for the enzymatic activity and nucleotide binding capacity of the Golgi glycosyltransferase GM2 synthase. We prepared point mutations of the motif, which is found in the sequence 352-VLWVDDDFV, and analyzed cells that stably expressed the mutated proteins. Whereas the folding of the mutated proteins was not seriously disrupted as judged by assembly into homodimers, Golgi localization, and secretion of a soluble form of the enzyme, exchange of the highly conserved aspartic acid residues at position 356 or 358 with alanine or asparagine reduced enzyme activity to background levels. In contrast, the D356E and D357N mutations retained weak activity, while the activity of V352A and W354A mutants was 167% and 24% that of wild-type enzyme, respectively. Despite the major effect of the DXD motif on enzymatic activity, nucleotide binding was not altered in the triple mutant D356N/D357N/D358N as revealed by binding to UDP-beads and labeling with the photoaffinity reagent, P(3)-(4-azidoanilido)uridine 5'-triphosphate (AAUTP). In summary, rather than being critical for nucleotide binding, this motif may function during catalysis in GM2 synthase, as has been proposed elsewhere for the SpsA glycosyltransferase based on its crystal structure.  相似文献   

We have examined binding of the CREB B-ZIP protein domain to double-stranded DNA containing a consensus CRE sequence (5′-TGACGTCA-3′), the related PAR, C/EBP and AP-1 sequences and the unrelated SP1 sequence. DNA binding was assayed in the presence or absence of MgCl2 and/or KCl using two methods: circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy and electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA). The CD assay allows us to measure equilibrium binding in solution. Thermal denaturation in 150 mM KCl indicates that the CREB B-ZIP domain binds all the DNA sequences, with highest affinity for the CRE site, followed by the PAR (5′-TAACGTTA-3′), C/EBP (5′-TTGCGCAA-3′) and AP-1 (5′-TGAGTCA-3′) sites. The addition of 10 mM MgCl2 diminished DNA binding to the CRE and PAR DNA sequences and abolished binding to the C/EBP and AP-1 DNA sequences, resulting in more sequence-specific DNA binding. Using ‘standard’ EMSA conditions (0.25× TBE), CREB bound all the DNA sequences examined. The CREB–CRE complex had an apparent Kd of ~300 pM, PAR of ~1 nM, C/EBP and AP-1 of ~3 nM and SP1 of ~30 nM. The addition of 10 mM MgCl2 to the polyacrylamide gel dramatically altered sequence-specific DNA binding. CREB binding affinity for CRE DNA decreased 3-fold, but binding to the other DNA sequences decreased >1000-fold. In the EMSA, addition of 150 mM KCl to the gels had an effect similar to MgCl2. The magnesium concentration needed to prevent non-specific electrostatic interactions between CREB and DNA in solution is in the physiological range and thus changes in magnesium concentration may be a cellular signal that regulates gene expression.  相似文献   

While the consequences of nuclear DNA damage have been well studied, the exact consequences of acute and selective mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) damage are less understood. DNA damaging chemotherapeutic drugs are known to activate p53-dependent apoptosis in response to sustained nuclear DNA damage. While it is recognized that whole-cell exposure to these drugs also damages mtDNA, the specific contribution of mtDNA damage to cellular degeneration is less clear. To examine this, we induced selective mtDNA damage in neuronal axons using microfluidic chambers that allow for the spatial and fluidic isolation of neuronal cell bodies (containing nucleus and mitochondria) from the axons (containing mitochondria). Exposure of the DNA damaging drug cisplatin selectively to only the axons induced mtDNA damage in axonal mitochondria, without nuclear damage. We found that this resulted in the selective degeneration of only the targeted axons that were exposed to DNA damage, where ROS was induced but mitochondria were not permeabilized. mtDNA damage-induced axon degeneration was not mediated by any of the three known axon degeneration pathways: apoptosis, axon pruning, and Wallerian degeneration, as Bax-deficiency, or Casp3-deficiency, or Sarm1-deficiency failed to protect the degenerating axons. Strikingly, p53, which is essential for degeneration after nuclear DNA damage, was also not required for degeneration induced with mtDNA damage. This was most evident when the p53-deficient neurons were globally exposed to cisplatin. While the cell bodies of p53-deficient neurons were protected from degeneration in this context, the axons farthest from the cell bodies still underwent degeneration. These results highlight how whole cell exposure to DNA damage activates two pathways of degeneration; a faster, p53-dependent apoptotic degeneration that is triggered in the cell bodies with nuclear DNA damage, and a slower, p53-independent degeneration that is induced with mtDNA damage.Subject terms: Cell biology, Neuroscience  相似文献   

Yu M  Masker W 《Journal of bacteriology》2001,183(6):1862-1869
An in vitro system based on Escherichia coli infected with bacteriophage T7 was used to test for involvement of host and phage recombination proteins in the repair of double strand breaks in the T7 genome. Double strand breaks were placed in a unique XhoI site located approximately 17% from the left end of the T7 genome. In one assay, repair of these breaks was followed by packaging DNA recovered from repair reactions and determining the yield of infective phage. In a second assay, the product of the reactions was visualized after electrophoresis to estimate the extent to which the double strand breaks had been closed. Earlier work demonstrated that in this system double strand break repair takes place via incorporation of a patch of DNA into a gap formed at the break site. In the present study, it was found that extracts prepared from uninfected E. coli were unable to repair broken T7 genomes in this in vitro system, thus implying that phage rather than host enzymes are the primary participants in the predominant repair mechanism. Extracts prepared from an E. coli recA mutant were as capable of double strand break repair as extracts from a wild-type host, arguing that the E. coli recombinase is not essential to the recombinational events required for double strand break repair. In T7 strand exchange during recombination is mediated by the combined action of the helicase encoded by gene 4 and the annealing function of the gene 2.5 single strand binding protein. Although a deficiency in the gene 2.5 protein blocked double strand break repair, a gene 4 deficiency had no effect. This argues that a strand transfer step is not required during recombinational repair of double strand breaks in T7 but that the ability of the gene 2.5 protein to facilitate annealing of complementary single strands of DNA is critical to repair of double strand breaks in T7.  相似文献   

Dynactin links cytoplasmic dynein and other motors to cargo and is involved in organizing radial microtubule arrays. The largest subunit of dynactin, p150(glued), binds the dynein intermediate chain and has an N-terminal microtubule-binding domain. To examine the role of microtubule binding by p150(glued), we replaced the wild-type p150(glued) in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells with mutant DeltaN-p150 lacking residues 1-200, which is unable to bind microtubules. Cells treated with cytochalasin D were used for analysis of cargo movement along microtubules. Strikingly, although the movement of both membranous organelles and messenger ribonucleoprotein complexes by dynein and kinesin-1 requires dynactin, the substitution of full-length p150(glued) with DeltaN-p150(glued) has no effect on the rate, processivity, or step size of transport. However, truncation of the microtubule-binding domain of p150(glued) has a dramatic effect on cell division, resulting in the generation of multipolar spindles and free microtubule-organizing centers. Thus, dynactin binding to microtubules is required for organizing spindle microtubule arrays but not cargo motility in vivo.  相似文献   

Reelin is a very large secreted glycoprotein essential for correct development of the mammalian brain. It is also implicated in higher functions and diseases of human brain. However, whether or not secretion of Reelin is regulated and how Reelin transmits signals remain largely unknown. Reelin protein is composed of an N-terminal F-spondin-like domain, Reelin repeats, and a short and highly basic C-terminal region (CTR). The primary sequence of CTR is almost completely conserved among vertebrates except fishes, indicating its importance. A prevailing idea regarding the function of CTR is that it is required for the secretion of Reelin, although this remains unproven. Here we aimed to clarify the function of Reelin CTR. Neither deleting most of CTR nor replacing CTR with unrelated amino acids affected secretion efficiency, indicating that CTR is not absolutely required for the secretion of Reelin. We also found that Reelin mutants without CTR were less potent in activating the downstream signaling in cortical neurons. Although these mutants were able to bind to the Reelin receptor ectodomain as efficiently as wild-type Reelin, quite interestingly, their ability to bind to the isolated cell membrane bearing Reelin receptors or receptor-expressing cells (including cortical neurons) was much weaker than that of wild-type Reelin. Therefore, it is concluded that the CTR of Reelin is not essential for its secretion but is required for efficient activation of downstream signaling events, presumably via binding to an unidentified "co-receptor" molecule(s) on the cell membrane.  相似文献   

The HNH motif was originally identified in the subfamily of HNH homing endonucleases, which initiate the process of the insertion of mobile genetic elements into specific sites. Several bacteria toxins, including colicin E7 (ColE7), also contain the 30 amino acid HNH motif in their nuclease domains. In this work, we found that the nuclease domain of ColE7 (nuclease-ColE7) purified from Escherichia coli contains a one-to-one stoichiometry of zinc ion and that this zinc-containing enzyme hydrolyzes DNA without externally added divalent metal ions. The apo-enzyme, in which the indigenous zinc ion was removed from nuclease-ColE7, had no DNase activity. Several divalent metal ions, including Ni2+, Mg2+, Co2+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Cu2+ and Zn2+, re-activated the DNase activity of the apo-enzyme to various degrees, however higher concentrations of zinc ion inhibited this DNase activity. Two charged residues located at positions close to the zinc-binding site were mutated to alanine. The single-site mutants, R538A and E542A, showed reduced DNase activity, whereas the double-point mutant, R538A + E542A, had no observable DNase activity. A gel retardation assay further demonstrated that the nuclease-ColE7 hydrolyzed DNA in the presence of zinc ions, but only bound to DNA in the absence of zinc ions. These results demonstrate that the zinc ion in the HNH motif of nuclease-ColE7 is not required for DNA binding, but is essential for DNA hydrolysis, suggesting that the zinc ion not only stabilizes the folding of the enzyme, but is also likely to be involved in DNA hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Mammalian C-type lectins are calcium-dependent carbohydrate-binding proteins. They serve as cell adhesion molecules in cell-cell interactions, or function as pattern-recognition receptors in innate immunity. Calcium is a direct ligand for carbohydrate binding in mammalian C-type lectins such as mannose-binding proteins and macrophage mannose receptor. In the tobacco hornworm Manduca sexta, a group of lectins named immulectins have been discovered. Each immulectin contains dual carbohydrate-recognition domains. Previously, we showed that immulectin-2 (IML-2) binds to a bacterial lipopolysaccharide, and agglutination of Escherichia coli cells by IML-2 is calcium dependent. In this study, we demonstrated that IML-2 bound to bacterial lipid A, smooth and rough mutants of lipopolysaccharide, lipoteichoic acid and peptidoglycan, as well as to fungal mannan and beta-1, 3-glucan (laminarin and curdlan). Binding of IML-2 to microbial components was calcium independent, and was increased by addition of spermine, a polyamine. In addition, plasma IML-2 bound to mannan-agarose independent of calcium. But trypsin digestion of IML-2 was inhibited in the presence of calcium. Our results suggest that calcium is not required for IML-2 binding but protects IML-2 from trypsin digestion.  相似文献   

In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, chromosome end protection is provided by a heterotrimeric complex composed of Cdc13 in association with the RPA-like proteins Stn1 and Ten1. We report here that the high affinity and specificity of the S. cerevisiae Cdc13 DNA binding domain for single-stranded telomeric DNA are not widely shared by other fungal Cdc13 proteins, suggesting that restriction of this complex to telomeres may be limited to the Saccharomyces clade. We propose that the evolutionarily conserved task of Stn1 and Ten1 (and their associated large subunit) is a genome-wide role in DNA replication rather than a telomere-dedicated activity.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan (HA) synthase (HAS) is a membrane-bound enzyme that utilizes UDP-glucuronic acid (GlcUA) and UDP-GlcNAc to synthesize HA. The HAS from Streptococcus pyogenes (spHAS, 419 amino acids) contains six Cys residues, whereas the enzyme from Streptococcus equisimilis (seHAS, 417 amino acids) contains four Cys residues. These Cys residues of seHAS are highly conserved in all Class I HAS family members. Here we investigated the structural and functional roles of these conserved cysteines in seHAS by using site-directed mutagenesis and sensitivity to sulfhydryl modifying reagents. Both seHAS and spHAS were inhibited by sulfhydryl reagents such as N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) and iodoacetamide in a dose-dependent and time-dependent manner. These inhibition curves were biphasic, indicating the presence of sensitive and insensitive components. After treatment of seHAS with NEM, the V(max) value was decreased approximately 50%, and the K(m) values changed only slightly. All the Cys-to-Ala mutants of seHAS were partially active. The least active single (C226A), double (C226A,C262A), or triple (C226A,C262A,C367A) Cys mutants retained 24, 3.2, and 1.4% activity, respectively, compared with wild-type enzyme. Surprisingly, the V(max) value of the seHAS(cys-null) mutant was approximately 17% of wild-type, although the K(m) values for both substrates were increased 3-6-fold. Cys residues, therefore, are not involved in a critical interaction necessary for either substrate binding or catalysis. However, the distribution of HA products was shifted to a smaller size in approximately 25% of the seHAS Cys mutants, particularly the triple mutants. Mass spectroscopic analysis of wild-type and Cys-null seHAS as well as the labeling of all double Cys-to-Ala mutants with [(14)C]NEM demonstrated that seHAS contains no disulfide bonds. We conclude that the four Cys residues in seHAS are not directly involved in catalysis, but that one or more of these Cys residues are located in or near substrate binding or glycosyltransferase active sites, so that their modification hinders the functions of HAS.  相似文献   

In triosephosphate isomerase, Cys126 is a conserved residue located close to the catalytic glutamate, Glu165. Although it has been mentioned that Cys126 and other nearby residues are required to maintain the active site geometry optimal for catalysis, no evidence supporting this idea has been reported to date. In this work, we studied the catalytic and stability properties of mutants C126A and C126S of Saccharomyces cerevisiae TIM (wtTIM). None of these amino acid replacements induced significant changes in the folding of wtTIM, as indicated by spectroscopic studies. C126S and C126A have K(M) and k(cat) values that are concomitantly reduced by only 4-fold and 1.5-fold, respectively, compared to those of wtTIM; in either case, however, the catalytic efficiency (k(cat)/K(M)) of the enzyme is barely affected. The affinity of mutated TIMs for the competitive inhibitor 2-phosphoglycolate augmented also slightly. In contrast, greater susceptibility to thermal denaturation resulted from mutation of Cys126, especially when it was changed to Ser. By using values of the rate constants for unfolding and refolding, we estimated that, at 25 degrees C, C126A and C126S are less stable than wtTIM by about 5.0 and 9.0 kcal mol(-)(1), respectively. Moreover, either of these mutations slows down the folding rate by a factor of 10 and decreases the recovery of the active enzyme after thermal unfolding. Thus, Cys126 is required for proper stability and efficient folding of TIM rather than for enzymatic catalysis.  相似文献   

Hsp90, a dimeric ATP-dependent molecular chaperone, is required for the folding and activation of numerous essential substrate "client" proteins including nuclear receptors, cell cycle kinases, and telomerase. Fundamental to its mechanism is an ensemble of dramatically different conformational states that result from nucleotide binding and hydrolysis and distinct sets of interdomain interactions. Previous structural and biochemical work identified a conserved arginine residue (R380 in yeast) in the Hsp90 middle domain (MD) that is required for wild type hydrolysis activity in yeast, and hence proposed to be a catalytic residue. As part of our investigations on the origins of species-specific differences in Hsp90 conformational dynamics we probed the role of this MD arginine in bacterial, yeast, and human Hsp90s using a combination of structural and functional approaches. While the R380A mutation compromised ATPase activity in all three homologs, the impact on ATPase activity was both variable and much more modest (2-7 fold) than the mutation of an active site glutamate (40 fold) known to be required for hydrolysis. Single particle electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray scattering revealed that, for all Hsp90s, mutation of this arginine abrogated the ability to form the closed "ATP" conformational state in response to AMPPNP binding. Taken together with previous mutagenesis data exploring intra- and intermonomer interactions, these new data suggest that R380 does not directly participate in the hydrolysis reaction as a catalytic residue, but instead acts as an ATP-sensor to stabilize an NTD-MD conformation required for efficient ATP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

We have used a set of seven temperature-sensitive mutants in the DNA polymerase I gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to investigate the role of DNA polymerase I in various aspects of DNA synthesis in vivo. Previously, we showed that DNA polymerase I is required for mitotic DNA replication. Here we extend our studies to several stages of meiosis and repair of X-ray-induced damage. We find that sporulation is blocked in all of the DNA polymerase temperature-sensitive mutants and that premeiotic DNA replication does not occur. Commitment to meiotic recombination is only 2% of wild-type levels. Thus, DNA polymerase I is essential for these steps. However, repair of X-ray-induced single-strand breaks is not defective in the DNA polymerase temperature-sensitive mutants, and DNA polymerase I is therefore not essential for repair of such lesions. These results suggest that DNA polymerase II or III or both, the two other nuclear yeast DNA polymerases for which roles have not yet been established, carry out repair in the absence of DNA polymerase I, but that DNA polymerase II and III cannot compensate for loss of DNA polymerase I in meiotic replication and recombination. These results do not, however, rule out essential roles for DNA polymerase II or III or both in addition to that for DNA polymerase I.  相似文献   

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