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The caa3-oxidase from Thermus thermophilus has been studied with a combined electrochemical, UV/VIS and Fourier-transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopic approach. In this oxidase the electron donor, cytochrome c, is covalently bound to subunit II of the cytochrome c oxidase. Oxidative electrochemical redox titrations in the visible spectral range yielded a midpoint potential of -0.01 +/- 0.01 V (vs. Ag/AgCl/3m KCl, 0.218 V vs. SHE') for the heme c. This potential differs for about 50 mV from the midpoint potential of isolated cytochrome c, indicating the possible shifts of the cytochrome c potential when bound to cytochrome c oxidase. For the signals where the hemes a and a3 contribute, three potentials, = -0.075 V +/- 0.01 V, Em2 = 0.04 V +/- 0.01 V and Em3 = 0.17 V +/- 0.02 V (0.133, 0.248 and 0.378 V vs. SHE', respectively) could be obtained. Potential titrations after addition of the inhibitor cyanide yielded a midpoint potential of -0.22 V +/- 0.01 V for heme a3-CN- and of Em2 = 0.00 V +/- 0.02 V and Em3 = 0.17 V +/- 0.02 V for heme a (-0.012 V, 0.208 V and 0.378 V vs. SHE', respectively). The three phases of the potential-dependent development of the difference signals can be attributed to the cooperativity between the hemes a, a3 and the CuB center, showing typical behavior for cytochrome c oxidases. A stronger cooperativity of CuB is discussed to reflect the modulation of the enzyme to the different key residues involved in proton pumping. We thus studied the FT-IR spectroscopic properties of this enzyme to identify alternative protonatable sites. The vibrational modes of a protonated aspartic or glutamic acid at 1714 cm-1 concomitant with the reduced form of the protein can be identified, a mode which is not present for other cytochrome c oxidases. Furthermore modes at positions characteristic for tyrosine vibrations have been identified. Electrochemically induced FT-IR difference spectra after inhibition of the sample with cyanide allows assigning the formyl signals upon characteristic shifts of the nu(C=O) modes, which reflect the high degree of similarity of heme a3 to other typical heme copper oxidases. A comparison with previously studied cytochrome c oxidases is presented and on this basis the contributions of the reorganization of the polypeptide backbone, of individual amino acids and of the hemes c, a and a3 upon electron transfer to/from the redox active centers discussed.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the oxidation of fully-reduced ba(3) cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus by oxygen were followed by time-resolved optical spectroscopy and electrometry. Four catalytic intermediates were resolved during this reaction. The chemical nature and the spectral properties of three intermediates (compounds A, P and O) reproduce the general features of aa(3)-type oxidases. However the F intermediate in ba(3) oxidase has a spectrum identical to the P state. This indicates that the proton taken up during the P-->F transition does not reside in the binuclear site but is rather transferred to the covalently cross-linked tyrosine near that site. The total charge translocation associated with the F-->O transition in ba(3) oxidase is close to that observed during the F-->O transition in the aa(3) oxidases. However, the P(R)-->F transition is characterized by significantly lower charge translocation, which probably reflects the overall lower measured pumping efficiency during multiple turnovers.  相似文献   

The respiratory heme-copper oxidases catalyze reduction of O(2) to H(2)O, linking this process to transmembrane proton pumping. These oxidases have been classified according to the architecture, location and number of proton pathways. Most structural and functional studies to date have been performed on the A-class oxidases, which includes those that are found in the inner mitochondrial membrane and bacteria such as Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Paracoccus denitrificans (aa(3)-type oxidases in these bacteria). These oxidases pump protons with a stoichiometry of one proton per electron transferred to the catalytic site. The bacterial A-class oxidases use two proton pathways (denoted by letters D and K, respectively), for the transfer of protons to the catalytic site, and protons that are pumped across the membrane. The B-type oxidases such as, for example, the ba(3) oxidase from Thermus thermophilus, pump protons with a lower stoichiometry of 0.5 H(+)/electron and use only one proton pathway for the transfer of all protons. This pathway overlaps in space with the K pathway in the A class oxidases without showing any sequence homology though. Here, we review the functional properties of the A- and the B-class ba(3) oxidases with a focus on mechanisms of proton transfer and pumping.  相似文献   

The respiratory heme-copper oxidases catalyze reduction of O2 to H2O, linking this process to transmembrane proton pumping. These oxidases have been classified according to the architecture, location and number of proton pathways. Most structural and functional studies to date have been performed on the A-class oxidases, which includes those that are found in the inner mitochondrial membrane and bacteria such as Rhodobacter sphaeroides and Paracoccus denitrificans (aa3-type oxidases in these bacteria). These oxidases pump protons with a stoichiometry of one proton per electron transferred to the catalytic site. The bacterial A-class oxidases use two proton pathways (denoted by letters D and K, respectively), for the transfer of protons to the catalytic site, and protons that are pumped across the membrane. The B-type oxidases such as, for example, the ba3 oxidase from Thermus thermophilus, pump protons with a lower stoichiometry of 0.5 H+/electron and use only one proton pathway for the transfer of all protons. This pathway overlaps in space with the K pathway in the A class oxidases without showing any sequence homology though. Here, we review the functional properties of the A- and the B-class ba3 oxidases with a focus on mechanisms of proton transfer and pumping. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Respiratory Oxidases.  相似文献   

Ligand trajectories trapped within a docking site or within an internal cavity near the active site of proteins are important issues toward the elucidation of the mechanism of reaction of such complex systems, in which activity requires the shuttling of oriented ligands to and from their active site. The ligand motion within ba3-cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus has been investigated by measuring time-resolved step-scan Fourier transform infrared difference spectra of photodissociated CO from heme a3 at ambient temperature. Upon photodissociation, 15-20% of the CO is not covalently attached to CuB but is trapped within a docking site near the ring A of heme a3 propionate. Two trajectories of CO that are distinguished spectroscopically and kinetically (vCO = 2131 cm-1, td = 10-35 micros and vCO = 2146 cm-1, td = 85 micros) are observed. At later times (td = 110 micros) the docking site reorganizes about the CO and quickly establishes an energetic barrier that facilitates equilibration of the ligand with the protein solvent. The time-dependent shift of the CO trajectories we observe is attributed to a conformational motion of the docking site surrounding the ligand. The implications of these results with respect to the ability of the docking site to constrain ligand orientation and the reaction dynamics of the docking site are discussed herein.  相似文献   

The bax-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus is known as a two subunit enzyme. Deduced from the crystal structure of this enzyme, we discovered the presence of an additional transmembrane helix "subunit IIa" spanning the membrane. The hydrophobic N-terminally blocked protein was isolated in high yield using high-performance liquid chromatography. Its complete amino acid sequence was determined by a combination of automated Edman degradation of both the deformylated and the cyanogen bromide cleaved protein and automated C-terminal sequencing of the native protein. The molecular mass of 3,794 Da as determined by MALDI-MS and by ESI requires the N-terminal methionine to be formylated and is in good agreement with the value calculated from the formylmethionine containing sequence (3,766.5 Da + 28 Da = 3,794.5 Da). This subunit consits of 34 residues forming one helix across the membrane (Lys5-Ala34), which corresponds in space to the first transmembrane helix of subunit II of the cytochrome c oxidases from Paracoccus denitrificans and bovine heart, however, with opposite polarity. It is 35% identical to subunit IV of the ba3-cytochrome oxidase from Natronobacterium pharaonis. The open reading frame encoding this new subunit IIa (cbaD) is located upstream of cbaB in the same operon as the genes for subunit I (cbaA) and subunit II (cbaB).  相似文献   

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and step-scan time-resolved FTIR difference spectra are reported for the [carbonmonoxy]cytochrome caa(3) from Thermus thermophilus. A major C-O mode of heme a(3) at 1958 cm(-1) and two minor modes at 1967 and 1975 cm(-1) (7:1:1) have been identified at room temperature and remained unchanged in H(2)O/D(2)O exchange. The observed C-O frequencies are 10 cm(-1) higher than those obtained previously at 21 K (Einarsdóttir, O., Killough, P. M., Fee, J. A., and Woodruff, W. H. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 2405-2408). The time-resolved FTIR data indicate that the transient Cu(B)(1+)-CO complex is formed at room temperature as revealed by the CO stretching mode at 2062 cm(-1). Therefore, the caa(3) enzyme is the only documented member of the heme-copper superfamily whose binuclear center consists of an a(3)-type heme of a beta-form and a Cu(B) atom of an alpha-form. These results illustrate that the properties of the binuclear center in other oxidases resulting in the alpha-form are not required for enzymatic activity. Dissociation of the transient Cu(B)(1+)-CO complex is biphasic. The rate of decay is 2.3 x 10(4) s(-1) (fast phase, 35%) and 36.3 s(-1) (slow phase, 65%). The observed rate of rebinding to heme a(3) is 34.1 s(-1). The implications of these results with respect to the molecular motions that are general to the photodynamics of the binuclear center in heme-copper oxidases are discussed.  相似文献   

The fundamental chemistry underpinning aerobic life on Earth involves reduction of dioxygen to water with concomitant proton translocation. This process is catalyzed by members of the heme-copper oxidase (HCO) superfamily. Despite the availability of crystal structures for all types of HCO, the mode of action for this enzyme is not understood at the atomic level, namely how vectorial H+ and e- transport are coupled. Toward addressing this problem, we report wild type and A120F mutant structures of the ba3-type cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus at 1.8 Å resolution. The enzyme has been crystallized from the lipidic cubic phase, which mimics the biological membrane environment. The structures reveal 20 ordered lipid molecules that occupy binding sites on the protein surface or mediate crystal packing interfaces. The interior of the protein encloses 53 water molecules, including 3 trapped in the designated K-path of proton transfer and 8 in a cluster seen also in A-type enzymes that likely functions in egress of product water and proton translocation. The hydrophobic O2-uptake channel, connecting the active site to the lipid bilayer, contains a single water molecule nearest the CuB atom but otherwise exhibits no residual electron density. The active site contains strong electron density for a pair of bonded atoms bridging the heme Fea3 and CuB atoms that is best modeled as peroxide. The structure of ba3-oxidase reveals new information about the positioning of the enzyme within the membrane and the nature of its interactions with lipid molecules. The atomic resolution details provide insight into the mechanisms of electron transfer, oxygen diffusion into the active site, reduction of oxygen to water, and pumping of protons across the membrane. The development of a robust system for production of ba3-oxidase crystals diffracting to high resolution, together with an established expression system for generating mutants, opens the door for systematic structure-function studies.  相似文献   

The structure of the CuA-containing, extracellular domain of Thermus thermophilus ba3-type cytochrome c oxidase has been determined to 1.6 A resolution using multiple X-ray wavelength anomalous dispersion (MAD). The Cu2S2 cluster forms a planar rhombus with a copper-copper distance of 2.51 +/- 0.03 A. X-ray absorption fine-structure (EXAFS) studies show that this distance is unchanged by crystallization. The CuA center is asymmetrical; one copper is tetrahedrally coordinated to two bridging cysteine thiolates, one histidine nitrogen and one methionine sulfur, while the other is trigonally coordinated by the two cysteine thiolates and a histidine nitrogen. Combined sequence-structure alignment of amino acid sequences reveals conserved interactions between cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II.  相似文献   

Cytochrome ba(3) (ba(3)) of Thermus thermophilus (T. thermophilus) is a member of the heme-copper oxidase family, which has a binuclear catalytic center comprised of a heme (heme a(3)) and a copper (Cu(B)). The heme-copper oxidases generally catalyze the four electron reduction of molecular oxygen in a sequence involving several intermediates. We have investigated the reaction of the fully reduced ba(3) with O(2) using stopped-flow techniques. Transient visible absorption spectra indicated that a fraction of the enzyme decayed to the oxidized state within the dead time (~1ms) of the stopped-flow instrument, while the remaining amount was in a reduced state that decayed slowly (k=400s(-1)) to the oxidized state without accumulation of detectable intermediates. Furthermore, no accumulation of intermediate species at 1ms was detected in time resolved resonance Raman measurements of the reaction. These findings suggest that O(2) binds rapidly to heme a(3) in one fraction of the enzyme and progresses to the oxidized state. In the other fraction of the enzyme, O(2) binds transiently to a trap, likely Cu(B), prior to its migration to heme a(3) for the oxidative reaction, highlighting the critical role of Cu(B) in regulating the oxygen reaction kinetics in the oxidase superfamily.  相似文献   

Heme-copper oxidases are membrane-bound proteins that catalyze the reduction of O(2) to H(2)O, a highly exergonic reaction. Part of the free energy of this reaction is used for pumping of protons across the membrane. The ba(3) oxidase from Thermus thermophilus presumably uses a single proton pathway for the transfer of substrate protons used during O(2) reduction as well as for the transfer of the protons that are pumped across the membrane. The pumping stoichiometry (0.5 H(+)/electron) is lower than that of most other (mitochondrial-like) oxidases characterized to date (1?H(+)/electron). We studied the pH dependence and deuterium isotope effect of the kinetics of electron and proton transfer reactions in the ba(3) oxidase. The results from these studies suggest that the movement of protons to the catalytic site and movement to a site located some distance from the catalytic site [proposed to be a "proton-loading site" (PLS) for pumped protons] are separated in time, which allows individual investigation of these reactions. A scenario in which the uptake and release of a pumped proton occurs upon every second transfer of an electron to the catalytic site would explain the decreased proton pumping stoichiometry compared to that of mitochondrial-like oxidases.  相似文献   

Cytochrome c oxidase is a respiratory enzyme catalysing the energy-conserving reduction of molecular oxygen to water. The crystal structure of the ba(3)-cytochrome c oxidase from Thermus thermophilus has been determined to 2.4 A resolution using multiple anomalous dispersion (MAD) phasing and led to the discovery of a novel subunit IIa. A structure-based sequence alignment of this phylogenetically very distant oxidase with the other structurally known cytochrome oxidases leads to the identification of sequence motifs and residues that seem to be indispensable for the function of the haem copper oxidases, e.g. a new electron transfer pathway leading directly from Cu(A) to Cu(B). Specific features of the ba(3)-oxidase include an extended oxygen input channel, which leads directly to the active site, the presence of only one oxygen atom (O(2-), OH(-) or H(2)O) as bridging ligand at the active site and the mainly hydrophobic character of the interactions that stabilize the electron transfer complex between this oxidase and its substrate cytochrome c. New aspects of the proton pumping mechanism could be identified.  相似文献   

The hydrophobically guided complex formation between the Cu(A) fragment from Thermus thermophilus ba(3) terminal oxidase and its electron transfer substrate, cytochrome c(552), was investigated electrochemically. In the presence of the purified Cu(A) fragment, a clear downshift of the c(552) redox potential from 171 to 111mV±10mV vs SHE' was found. Interestingly, this potential change fully matches complex formation with this electron acceptor site in other oxidases guided by electrostatic or covalent interactions. Redox induced FTIR difference spectra revealed conformational changes associated with complex formation and indicated the involvement of heme propionates. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012).  相似文献   

We report the first evidence for the existence of the equilibrium Cu(B)1+-CO species of CO-bound reduced cytochrome ba(3) from Thermus thermophilus at room temperature. The frequency of the C-O stretching mode of Cu(B)1+-CO is located at 2053 cm(-1) and remains unchanged in H(2)O/D(2)O exchanges and, between pD 5.5 and 9.7, indicating that the chemical environment does not alter the protonation state of the Cu(B) histidine ligands. The data and conclusions reported here are in contrast to the changes in protonation state of Cu(B)-His-290, reported recently (Das, T. K., Tomson, F. K., Gennis, R. B., Gordon, M., and Rousseau, D. L. (2001) Biophys. J. 80, 2039-2045 and Das, T. P., Gomes, C. M., Teixeira, M., and Rousseau, D. L. (1999) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A. 96, 9591-9596). The time-resolved step-scan FTIR difference spectra indicate that the rate of decay of the transient Cu(B)1+-CO complex is 34.5 s(-1) and rebinding to heme a(3) occurs with k(2) = 28.6 s(-1). The rate of decay of the transient Cu(B)1+-CO complex displays a similar time constant as the absorption changes at 1694(+)/1706(-), attributed to perturbation of the heme a(3) propionates (COOH). The nu(C-O) of the transient Cu(B)1+-CO species is the same as that of the equilibrium Cu(B)1+-CO species and remains unchanged in the pD range 5.5-9.7 indicating that no structural change takes place at Cu(B) between these states. The implications of these results with respect to proton pathways in heme-copper oxidases are discussed.  相似文献   

 The electrochemistry of a water-soluble fragment from the CuA domain of Thermus thermophilus cytochrome ba 3 has been investigated. At 25  °C, CuA exhibits a reversible reduction at a pyridine-4-aldehydesemicarbazone-modified gold electrode (0.1 M Tris, pH 8) with E° = 0.24 V vs NHE. Thermodynamic parameters for the [Cu(Cys)2Cu]+/0 electrode reaction were determined by variable-temperature electrochemistry (ΔS°rc = –5.4(12) eu, ΔS° = –21.0(12) eu, ΔH° = –11.9(4) kcal/mol;ΔG° = –5.6 (11) kcal/mol). The relatively small reaction entropy is consistent with a low reorganization energy for [Cu(Cys)2Cu]+/0 electron transfer. An irreversible oxidation of [Cu(Cys)2Cu]+ at 1 V vs NHE confirms that the CuII:CuII state of CuA is significantly destabilized relative to the CuII state of analogous blue-copper proteins. Received: 3 June 1996 / Accepted: 26 August 1996  相似文献   

Elucidating the properties of the heme Fe-Cu(B) binuclear center and the dynamics of the protein response in cytochrome c oxidase is crucial to understanding not only the dioxygen activation and bond cleavage by the enzyme but also the events related to the release of the produced water molecules. The time-resolved step-scan FTIR difference spectra show the ν(7a)(CO) of the protonated form of Tyr residues at 1247 cm(-1) and that of the deprotonated form at 1301 cm(-1). By monitoring the intensity changes of the 1247 and 1301 cm(-1) modes as a function of pH, we measured a pK(a) of 7.8 for the observed tyrosine. The FTIR spectral changes associated with the tyrosine do not belong to Tyr-237 but are attributed to the highly conserved in heme-copper oxidases Tyr-136 and/or Tyr-133 residue (Koutsoupakis, K., Stavrakis, S., Pinakoulaki, E., Soulimane, T., and Varotsis, C. (2002) J. Biol. Chem. 277, 32860-32866). The oxygenation of CO by the mixed-valence form of the enzyme revealed the formation of the ~607 nm P (Fe(IV)=O) species in the pH 6-9 range and the return to the oxidized form without the formation of the 580 nm F form. The data indicate that Tyr-237 is not involved in the proton transfer pathway in the oxygenation of CO by the mixed-valence form of the enzyme. The implication of these results with respect to the role of Tyr-136 and Tyr-133 in proton transfer/gating along with heme a(3) ring D propionate-H(2)O-ring A propionate-Asp-372 site to the exit/output proton channel (H(2)O pool) is discussed.  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectrum of the binuclear CuA center in the water-soluble subunit II fragment from cytochrome ba3 of Thermus thermophilus was recorded at 3.93, 9.45, and 34.03 GHz, and the EPR parameters were determined by computer simulations. The frequency and M1 dependence of the linewidth was discussed in terms of g strain superimposed on a correlation between the A and g values. The g values were found to be gx = 1.996, gy = 2.011, gz = 2.187, and the two Cu ions contribute nearly equally to the hyperfine structure, with magnitude of Ax magnitude of approximately 15 G, magnitude of Ay magnitude = 29 G, and magnitude of Az magnitude of = 28.5 G (65Cu). Theoretical CNDO/S calculations, based on the x-ray structure of the Paracoccus denitrificans enzyme, yield a singly occupied antibonding orbital in which each Cu is pi*-bonded to one S and sigma*-bonded to the other. In contrast to the equal spin distribution suggested by the EPR simulations, the calculated contributions from the Cu ions differ by a factor of 2. However, only small changes in the ligand geometry are needed to reproduce the experimental results.  相似文献   

The hydrophobically guided complex formation between the CuA fragment from Thermus thermophilus ba3 terminal oxidase and its electron transfer substrate, cytochrome c552, was investigated electrochemically. In the presence of the purified CuA fragment, a clear downshift of the c552 redox potential from 171 to 111 mV ± 10 mV vs SHE′ was found. Interestingly, this potential change fully matches complex formation with this electron acceptor site in other oxidases guided by electrostatic or covalent interactions. Redox induced FTIR difference spectra revealed conformational changes associated with complex formation and indicated the involvement of heme propionates. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: 17th European Bioenergetics Conference (EBEC 2012).  相似文献   

Seven years into the completion of the genome sequencing projects of the thermophilic bacterium Thermus thermophilus strains HB8 and HB27, many questions remain on its bioenergetic mechanisms. A key fact that is occasionally overlooked is that oxygen has a very limited solubility in water at high temperatures. The HB8 strain is a facultative anaerobe whereas its relative HB27 is strictly aerobic. This has been attributed to the absence of nitrate respiration genes from the HB27 genome that are carried on a mobilizable but highly-unstable plasmid. In T. thermophilus, the nitrate respiration complements the primary aerobic respiration. It is widely known that many organisms encode multiple biochemically-redundant components of the respiratory complexes. In this minireview, the presence of the two cytochrome c oxidases (CcO) in T. thermophilus, the ba(3)- and caa(3)-types, is outlined along with functional considerations. We argue for the distinct evolutionary histories of these two CcO including their respective genetic and molecular organizations, with the caa(3)-oxidase subunits having been initially 'fused'. Coupled with sequence analysis, the ba(3)-oxidase crystal structure has provided evolutionary and functional information; for example, its subunit I is more closely related to archaeal sequences than bacterial and the substrate-enzyme interaction is hydrophobic as the elevated growth temperature weakens the electrostatic interactions common in mesophiles. Discussion on the role of cofactors in intra- and intermolecular electron transfer and proton pumping mechanism is also included.  相似文献   

The complete understanding of a molecular mechanism of action requires the thermodynamic and kinetic characterization of different states and intermediates. Cytochrome c oxidase reduces O2 to H2O, a reaction coupled to proton translocation across the membrane. Therefore, it is necessary to undertake a thorough characterization of the reduced form of the enzyme and the determination of the electron transfer processes and pathways between the redox-active centers. In this study Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) and time-resolved step-scan FTIR spectroscopy have been applied to study the fully reduced and mixed valence states of cytochrome ba3 from Thermus thermophilus. We used as probe carbon monoxide (CO) to characterize both thermodynamically and kinetically the cytochrome ba3-CO complex in the 5.25–10.10 pH/pD range and to study the reverse intramolecular electron transfer initiated by the photolysis of CO in the two-electron reduced form. The time-resolved step-scan FTIR data revealed no pH/pD dependence in both the decay of the transient CuB1+-CO complex and rebinding to heme a3 rates, suggesting that no structural change takes place in the vicinity of the binuclear center. Surprisingly, photodissociation of CO from the mixed valence form of the enzyme does not lead to reverse electron transfer from the reduced heme a3 to the oxidized low-spin heme b, as observed in all the other aa3 and bo3 oxidases previously examined. The heme b-heme a3 electron transfer is guaranteed, and therefore, there is no need for structural rearrangements and complex synchronized cooperativities. Comparison among the available structures of ba3- and aa3-cytochrome c oxidases identifies possible active pathways involved in the electron transfer processes and key structural elements that contribute to the different behavior observed in cytochrome ba3.  相似文献   

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