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Mass spectrometry coupled to high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC-MS) is evolving more quickly than ever. A wide range of different instrument types and experimental setups are commonly used. Modern instruments acquire huge amounts of data, thus requiring tools for an efficient and automated data analysis. Most existing software for analyzing HPLC-MS data is monolithic and tailored toward a specific application. A more flexible alternative consists of pipeline-based tool kits allowing the construction of custom analysis workflows from small building blocks, e.g., the Trans Proteomics Pipeline (TPP) or The OpenMS Proteomics Pipeline (TOPP). One drawback, however, is the hurdle of setting up complex workflows using command line tools. We present TOPPAS, The OpenMS Proteomics Pipeline ASsistant, a graphical user interface (GUI) for rapid composition of HPLC-MS analysis workflows. Workflow construction reduces to simple drag-and-drop of analysis tools and adding connections in between. Integration of external tools into these workflows is possible as well. Once workflows have been developed, they can be deployed in other workflow management systems or batch processing systems in a fully automated fashion. The implementation is portable and has been tested under Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. TOPPAS is open-source software and available free of charge at http://www.OpenMS.de/TOPPAS .  相似文献   

A recent trend in computational methods for annotation of protein function is that many prediction tools are combined in complex workflows and pipelines to facilitate the analysis of feature combinations, for example, the entire repertoire of kinase-binding motifs in the human proteome.  相似文献   

The recent improvements in mass spectrometry instruments and new analytical methods are increasing the intersection between proteomics and big data science. In addition, bioinformatics analysis is becoming increasingly complex and convoluted, involving multiple algorithms and tools. A wide variety of methods and software tools have been developed for computational proteomics and metabolomics during recent years, and this trend is likely to continue. However, most of the computational proteomics and metabolomics tools are designed as single‐tiered software application where the analytics tasks cannot be distributed, limiting the scalability and reproducibility of the data analysis. In this paper the key steps of metabolomics and proteomics data processing, including the main tools and software used to perform the data analysis, are summarized. The combination of software containers with workflows environments for large‐scale metabolomics and proteomics analysis is discussed. Finally, a new approach for reproducible and large‐scale data analysis based on BioContainers and two of the most popular workflow environments, Galaxy and Nextflow, is introduced to the proteomics and metabolomics communities.  相似文献   



Quantitative proteomics holds great promise for identifying proteins that are differentially abundant between populations representing different physiological or disease states. A range of computational tools is now available for both isotopically labeled and label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) based quantitative proteomics. However, they are generally not comparable to each other in terms of functionality, user interfaces, information input/output, and do not readily facilitate appropriate statistical data analysis. These limitations, along with the array of choices, present a daunting prospect for biologists, and other researchers not trained in bioinformatics, who wish to use LC-MS-based quantitative proteomics.


We have developed Corra, a computational framework and tools for discovery-based LC-MS proteomics. Corra extends and adapts existing algorithms used for LC-MS-based proteomics, and statistical algorithms, originally developed for microarray data analyses, appropriate for LC-MS data analysis. Corra also adapts software engineering technologies (e.g. Google Web Toolkit, distributed processing) so that computationally intense data processing and statistical analyses can run on a remote server, while the user controls and manages the process from their own computer via a simple web interface. Corra also allows the user to output significantly differentially abundant LC-MS-detected peptide features in a form compatible with subsequent sequence identification via tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). We present two case studies to illustrate the application of Corra to commonly performed LC-MS-based biological workflows: a pilot biomarker discovery study of glycoproteins isolated from human plasma samples relevant to type 2 diabetes, and a study in yeast to identify in vivo targets of the protein kinase Ark1 via phosphopeptide profiling.


The Corra computational framework leverages computational innovation to enable biologists or other researchers to process, analyze and visualize LC-MS data with what would otherwise be a complex and not user-friendly suite of tools. Corra enables appropriate statistical analyses, with controlled false-discovery rates, ultimately to inform subsequent targeted identification of differentially abundant peptides by MS/MS. For the user not trained in bioinformatics, Corra represents a complete, customizable, free and open source computational platform enabling LC-MS-based proteomic workflows, and as such, addresses an unmet need in the LC-MS proteomics field.  相似文献   

Nowadays, the field of proteomics encompasses various techniques for the analysis of the entirety of proteins in biological samples. Not only 2D electrophoresis as the primary method, but also MS‐based workflows and bioinformatic tools are being increasingly applied. In particular, research in microbiology was significantly influenced by proteomics during the last few decades. Hence, this review presents results of proteomic studies carried out in areas, such as fundamental microbiological research and biotechnology. In addition, the emerging field of metaproteomics is addressed because high‐throughput genome sequencing and high‐performance MS facilitate the access to such complex samples from microbial communities as found in sludge from wastewater treatment plants and biogas plants. Both current technical limitations and new concepts in this growing and important area are discussed. Moreover, it was convincingly shown that future prospective applications of proteomics in technical and environmental microbiology might also be closely connected with other Omics approaches as well as bioinformatics for systems biology studies.  相似文献   



In mass spectrometry-based proteomics, XML formats such as mzML and mzXML provide an open and standardized way to store and exchange the raw data (spectra and chromatograms) of mass spectrometric experiments. These file formats are being used by a multitude of open-source and cross-platform tools which allow the proteomics community to access algorithms in a vendor-independent fashion and perform transparent and reproducible data analysis. Recent improvements in mass spectrometry instrumentation have increased the data size produced in a single LC-MS/MS measurement and put substantial strain on open-source tools, particularly those that are not equipped to deal with XML data files that reach dozens of gigabytes in size.


Here we present a fast and versatile parsing library for mass spectrometric XML formats available in C++ and Python, based on the mature OpenMS software framework. Our library implements an API for obtaining spectra and chromatograms under memory constraints using random access or sequential access functions, allowing users to process datasets that are much larger than system memory. For fast access to the raw data structures, small XML files can also be completely loaded into memory. In addition, we have improved the parsing speed of the core mzML module by over 4-fold (compared to OpenMS 1.11), making our library suitable for a wide variety of algorithms that need fast access to dozens of gigabytes of raw mass spectrometric data.


Our C++ and Python implementations are available for the Linux, Mac, and Windows operating systems. All proposed modifications to the OpenMS code have been merged into the OpenMS mainline codebase and are available to the community at https://github.com/OpenMS/OpenMS.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The large amount of data produced by proteomics experiments requires effective bioinformatics tools for the integration of data management and data analysis. Here we introduce a suite of tools developed at Vanderbilt University to support production proteomics. We present the Backup Utility Service tool for automated instrument file backup and the ScanSifter tool for data conversion. We also describe a queuing system to coordinate identification pipelines and the File Collector tool for batch copying analytical results. These tools are individually useful but collectively reinforce each other. They are particularly valuable for proteomics core facilities or research institutions that need to manage multiple mass spectrometers. With minor changes, they could support other types of biomolecular resource facilities.  相似文献   

Recently, dramatic progress has been achieved in expanding the sensitivity, resolution, mass accuracy, and scan rate of mass spectrometers able to fragment and identify peptides through MS/MS. Unfortunately, this enhanced ability to acquire proteomic data has not been accompanied by a concomitant increase in the availability of flexible tools allowing users to rapidly assimilate, explore, and analyze this data and adapt to various experimental workflows with minimal user intervention. Here we fill this critical gap by providing a flexible relational database called PeptideDepot for organization of expansive proteomic data sets, collation of proteomic data with available protein information resources, and visual comparison of multiple quantitative proteomic experiments. Our software design, built upon the synergistic combination of a MySQL database for safe warehousing of proteomic data with a FileMaker‐driven graphical user interface for flexible adaptation to diverse workflows, enables proteomic end‐users to directly tailor the presentation of proteomic data to the unique analysis requirements of the individual proteomics lab. PeptideDepot may be deployed as an independent software tool or integrated directly with our high throughput autonomous proteomic pipeline used in the automated acquisition and post‐acquisition analysis of proteomic data.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances have made it possible to identify and quantify thousands of proteins in a single proteomics experiment. As a result of these developments, the analysis of data has become the bottleneck of proteomics experiment. To provide the proteomics community with a user-friendly platform for comprehensive analysis, inspection and visualization of quantitative proteomics data we developed the Graphical Proteomics Data Explorer (GProX)(1). The program requires no special bioinformatics training, as all functions of GProX are accessible within its graphical user-friendly interface which will be intuitive to most users. Basic features facilitate the uncomplicated management and organization of large data sets and complex experimental setups as well as the inspection and graphical plotting of quantitative data. These are complemented by readily available high-level analysis options such as database querying, clustering based on abundance ratios, feature enrichment tests for e.g. GO terms and pathway analysis tools. A number of plotting options for visualization of quantitative proteomics data is available and most analysis functions in GProX create customizable high quality graphical displays in both vector and bitmap formats. The generic import requirements allow data originating from essentially all mass spectrometry platforms, quantitation strategies and software to be analyzed in the program. GProX represents a powerful approach to proteomics data analysis providing proteomics experimenters with a toolbox for bioinformatics analysis of quantitative proteomics data. The program is released as open-source and can be freely downloaded from the project webpage at http://gprox.sourceforge.net.  相似文献   

Microscopy images are rich in information about the dynamic relationships among biological structures. However, extracting this complex information can be challenging, especially when biological structures are closely packed, distinguished by texture rather than intensity, and/or low intensity relative to the background. By learning from large amounts of annotated data, deep learning can accomplish several previously intractable bioimage analysis tasks. Until the past few years, however, most deep-learning workflows required significant computational expertise to be applied. Here, we survey several new open-source software tools that aim to make deep-learning–based image segmentation accessible to biologists with limited computational experience. These tools take many different forms, such as web apps, plug-ins for existing imaging analysis software, and preconfigured interactive notebooks and pipelines. In addition to surveying these tools, we overview several challenges that remain in the field. We hope to expand awareness of the powerful deep-learning tools available to biologists for image analysis.  相似文献   



There is a significant demand for creating pipelines or workflows in the life science discipline that chain a number of discrete compute and data intensive analysis tasks into sophisticated analysis procedures. This need has led to the development of general as well as domain-specific workflow environments that are either complex desktop applications or Internet-based applications. Complexities can arise when configuring these applications in heterogeneous compute and storage environments if the execution and data access models are not designed appropriately. These complexities manifest themselves through limited access to available HPC resources, significant overhead required to configure tools and inability for users to simply manage files across heterogenous HPC storage infrastructure.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of peptides from tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data represents a critical aspect of proteomics. Today, tandem MS analysis is often performed by only using a single identification program achieving identification rates between 10-50% (Elias and Gygi, 2007). Beside the development of new analysis tools, recent publications describe also the pipelining of different search programs to increase the identification rate (Hartler et al., 2007; Keller et al., 2005). The Swiss Protein Identification Toolbox (swissPIT) follows this approach, but goes a step further by providing the user an expandable multi-tool platform capable of executing workflows to analyze tandem MS-based data. One of the major problems in proteomics is the absent of standardized workflows to analyze the produced data. This includes the pre-processing part as well as the final identification of peptides and proteins. The main idea of swissPIT is not only the usage of different identification tool in parallel, but also the meaningful concatenation of different identification strategies at the same time. The swissPIT is open source software but we also provide a user-friendly web platform, which demonstrates the capabilities of our software and which is available at http://swisspit.cscs.ch upon request for account.  相似文献   

pyOpenMS is an open‐source, Python‐based interface to the C++ OpenMS library, providing facile access to a feature‐rich, open‐source algorithm library for MS‐based proteomics analysis. It contains Python bindings that allow raw access to the data structures and algorithms implemented in OpenMS, specifically those for file access (mzXML, mzML, TraML, mzIdentML among others), basic signal processing (smoothing, filtering, de‐isotoping, and peak‐picking) and complex data analysis (including label‐free, SILAC, iTRAQ, and SWATH analysis tools). pyOpenMS thus allows fast prototyping and efficient workflow development in a fully interactive manner (using the interactive Python interpreter) and is also ideally suited for researchers not proficient in C++. In addition, our code to wrap a complex C++ library is completely open‐source, allowing other projects to create similar bindings with ease. The pyOpenMS framework is freely available at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyopenms while the autowrap tool to create Cython code automatically is available at https://pypi.python.org/pypi/autowrap (both released under the 3‐clause BSD licence).  相似文献   

Since their origins in academic endeavours in the 1970s, computational analysis tools have matured into a number of established commercial packages that underpin research in expression proteomics. In this paper we describe the image analysis pipeline for the established 2-DE technique of protein separation, and by first covering signal analysis for MS, we also explain the current image analysis workflow for the emerging high-throughput 'shotgun' proteomics platform of LC coupled to MS (LC/MS). The bioinformatics challenges for both methods are illustrated and compared, whereas existing commercial and academic packages and their workflows are described from both a user's and a technical perspective. Attention is given to the importance of sound statistical treatment of the resultant quantifications in the search for differential expression. Despite wide availability of proteomics software, a number of challenges have yet to be overcome regarding algorithm accuracy, objectivity and automation, generally due to deterministic spot-centric approaches that discard information early in the pipeline, propagating errors. We review recent advances in signal and image analysis algorithms in 2-DE, MS, LC/MS and Imaging MS. Particular attention is given to wavelet techniques, automated image-based alignment and differential analysis in 2-DE, Bayesian peak mixture models, and functional mixed modelling in MS, and group-wise consensus alignment methods for LC/MS.  相似文献   

Performing a well thought‐out proteomics data analysis can be a daunting task, especially for newcomers to the field. Even researchers experienced in the proteomics field can find it challenging to follow existing publication guidelines for MS‐based protein identification and characterization in detail. One of the primary goals of bioinformatics is to enable any researcher to interpret the vast amounts of data generated in modern biology, by providing user‐friendly and robust end‐user applications, clear documentation, and corresponding teaching materials. In that spirit, we here present an extensive tutorial for peptide and protein identification, available at http://compomics.com/bioinformatics‐for‐proteomics . The material is completely based on freely available and open‐source tools, and has already been used and refined at numerous international courses over the past 3 years. During this time, it has demonstrated its ability to allow even complete beginners to intuitively conduct advanced bioinformatics workflows, interpret the results, and understand their context. This tutorial is thus aimed at fully empowering users, by removing black boxes in the proteomics informatics pipeline.  相似文献   

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