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Most specimens of Eunapius fraqilis in Gallup Pond (Connecticut) apparently formed gemmules in September and then died. The gemmules were initially in a protracted diapause which was gradually broken during the winter. They germinated in the pond between late March and late April. Gemmules collected during the fall did not germinate during four months when they were kept at 20°C. Other gemmules from the same collections, which were kept at 5°C for several months before they were placed at 20°C, exhibited good germination. Finally, gemmules that did not germinate following a cold treatment could be activated by drying them at 20°C for seven days and then maintaining them in pond water at 20°C. These results suggest that low temperature and desiccation are effective in breaking gemmule diapause of Eunapius fraqilis.  相似文献   

The cytology and cytochemistry of gemule formation in the freshwater sponge Eunapius fragilis (Leidy) is investigated. The aggregation of ameboid cells which initiates gemmulation is composed of three distinct cell types, two of these fitting the morphological criteria of the archeocyte class. The third cell type, the granular cell, is a differentiated cell type which undergoes cytolysis during gem-mule coat synthesis. Following early polarisation of the aggregate into an internal reproductive area and a peripheral coat region, a structurally and chemically heterogeneous gemmule coat is synthesis-ed. The coat is formed through secretory activities involving several cell types including, possibly, the internal endothelium. The coat is composed of "collagenous" fibers embedded in a matrix of varying degrees of density–showing close structural and cytochemical similarities to vertebrate chondroid tissue. Vitelline platelets of thesocytes of E. fragilis do not cytochemically resemble any previously reported vitelline inclusions from other sponges. Outer valves of the platelets contain components stained by basic dyes at acidic pH which are not extracted by RNase. Distinct differences in developmental processes and morphological–including cytochemical–characteristics of gemmules of different spongillid species are apparent.  相似文献   

Freshwater sponges of the family Spongillidae reproduce sexually through formation of a parenchymula larva. The cytochemical characteristics of parenchymula larval metamorphosis — beginning with the blastula and terminating with the motile escape stage — for the spongillid Eunapius fragilis (Leidy) have been defined using both absorption and fluorescent cytochemical methods, particularly those demonstrating protein end-groups. Morphogenesis of the parenchymula larva of E. fragilis involves the interrelated processes of cytodifferentiation and mobilization of reserve materials. Larval development has been categorized into five stages, from blastula (stage I) through the escape stage (stage V). Parenchymula development is characterized by morphogenetic precocity, a fact influencing the rate of mobilization of cytoplasmic reserves, cytodifferentiation, and the fate of individual cell types. With attainment of the stage V parenchymula, the larva is, essentially, a mobile adult sponge exhibiting flagellated chambers, canal systems, a well defined connective tissue stroma, a diverse cell population consisting of specialized elements and a totipotent archeocyte reserve, and a terminal epitheliocyte line. The present study recognizes differences in development within the spongillids as well as within more remote poriferan taxa — emphasizing the need for detiled understanding of particular processes in individual species before proposing major generalizations about development in this ancient but evolutionally specialized group.  相似文献   

We report results of a field test of the predator avoidance hypothesis as an explanation of the adaptive significance of diel vertical migration in zooplankton. We determined the vertical distribution and diel migration of the planktonic copepod Acartia hudsonica, concurrently with the abundance of pelagic fish, transparency and thermal stratification of the water column, on six cruises over a one year period in a temperate marine lagoon (Jakles Lagoon, San Juan Island, Washington, USA). Striking seasonal variability was observed in all biological and environmental variables. Linear regressions of the strength of diel vertical migration in A. hudsonica on these environmental variables resulted in only one statistically significant relationship, that between copepod diel vertical migration and predator abundance. These results, together with those of previous studies, point to diel vertical migration as a widespread behavioral response of planktonic prey to the presence of their predators.  相似文献   

中红侧沟茧蜂滞育诱导和滞育茧的冷藏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中红侧沟茧蜂Microplitis mediator (Haliday)是夜蛾科害虫低龄幼虫的重要寄生蜂。田间实验表明,在冀中地区秋季田间条件下,当日平均气温为21.5℃、日平均光照时间为12 h 33 min时,少数个体进入滞育;当气温降至17.9℃以下、日光照时间缩短到11 h 45 min以下时,全部个体进入滞育。室内模拟实验结果表明,在17~26℃、光照时间10~14 h范围内,随着温度的降低和光照时间的缩短,滞育率明显提高。高温能抵消短光照对滞育诱导的影响,在26℃下,短光照不能诱导滞育。因此,低温和短光照是诱导该种天敌昆虫滞育的主要因子。中红侧沟茧蜂感受滞育信号的敏感期为低龄幼虫期,以预蛹(茧)进入滞育。低龄幼虫感受滞育信号以后,需要在滞育环境中发育到老熟幼虫才能全部进入滞育。将室内诱导的滞育茧在4℃左右环境条件下冷藏240天,成蜂的羽化率和寄生能力与没有冷藏的非滞育茧差异不显著;冷藏300天,滞育茧仍有81.4%可以正常羽化。本项研究结果为中红侧沟茧蜂的规模化、标准化生产提供了科学的依据。  相似文献   

Diapause survival and post-diapause performance (i.e., if a queen starts to lay eggs) of in total 2210 bumblebee queens (Bombus terrestris) were measured under different diapause regimes: 5 temperatures (–5, 0, 5, 10 and 15 °C) in combination with 5 durations of exposure (1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 months).The results show that weight at the start of diapause determines to a large extent whether a queen will be able to survive diapause. Queens with a wet weight below 0.6 g prior to diapause did not survive, but for those queens exceeding this threshold a higher pre- diapause weight did not increase their post-diapause performance.There was no effect of temperature on diapause survival; 76% of the variance in survival could be explained by the duration of the treatment. Neither temperature nor duration of exposure had an effect on post-diapause performance. The preoviposition period of the queens that laid eggs was also determined. The preoviposition period was affected by both temperature and duration of exposure: the preoviposition period decreased with decreasing temperature but also with increasing duration of the treatment.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Gemmules of Ephydatia mülleri can withstand exposure to temperatures down to −80°C for 63 days without loss of hatchability.

2. 2.|Hatching is slowed following exposure to temperatures below −27°C.

3. 3.|There is a slight but significant relationship between gemmule size and the time to hatch.

4. 4.|This species can withstand long-term exposure to winter air temperatures occurring within its known geographic range.

Author Keywords: Porifera; Spongillidae; sponge; freshwater sponge; Ephydatia mülleri; gemmule; hatching; low temperature; cold exposure  相似文献   

Diapause and cold tolerance are essential for temperate insects to pass the winter, with the mechanisms controlling these two traits varying considerably among insects. In the present study, diapause and cold tolerance are compared among three Leptopilina species: Leptopilina japonica Novkovi? & Kimura, Leptopilina victoriae Nordlander and Leptopilina ryukyuensis Novkovi? & Kimura, all larval parasitoids of frugivorous drosophilid flies, with the aim of understanding their climatic adaptations. The first species is divided into the temperate (Leptopilina japonica japonica) and subtropical subspecies (Leptopilina japonica formosana), and the latter two species are distributed in the tropical and subtropical regions. The temperate subspecies of L. japonica enters prepupal diapause at low temperatures (15 or 18 °C), irrespective of photoperiod, and some individuals enter diapause when exposed to 0 °C for 1 or 2 day(s) or when placed at low humidity. Leptopilina victoriae also shows signs of diapause initiation at 15 °C, although L. ryukyuensis and L. j. formosana from the subtropical regions do not. Preimaginal viability at low temperature (13, 14 or 15 °C) is usually lower in L. victoriae from the tropical regions compared with L. japonica or L. ryukyuensis from the temperate or subtropical regions. Diapausing prepupae of the temperate subspecies appear to be cold tolerant. However, the cold tolerance of nondiapausing prepupae, pupae and adult females varies little among the tropical, subtropical and temperate species or subspecies, and adult males of the temperate subspecies of L. japonica are less cold tolerant than those of the tropical or subtropical species or subspecies. Cold tolerance may be unnecessary, except for diapausing individuals of the temperate species, because nondiapausing individuals appear in warmer seasons.  相似文献   

中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育的关系   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对自然条件下中华通草蛉成虫越冬体色变化与滞育关系的系统研究表明,成虫在越冬过程中都经历了一个较明显的体色变化过程,主要表现在体躯底色从绿色到土黄色及体背面滞育斑由褐色到红褐色的改变,据此将成虫体色分成5个级别,在越冬过程中约80%个体体色经历了在生殖型体色(1级)和滞育型体色(4,5级)之间的明显变化,约有20%个体体色维持在2、3级,在越冬前,成虫滞育斑出现后其卵巢不再发育或者发育受抑而逐渐停止发育,滞育斑的出现是成虫开始滞育的重要标志;越冬后,随着成虫体色由滞育型向生殖型的转变,当大多数个体体色变为3级以下时,卵巢开始发育,这些结果说明,中华通草蛉越冬成虫体色的变化是其滞育越冬的一个重要形态指标,越冬前后体色的改变,标志着成虫滞育的开始和结束。  相似文献   

Abstract In order to elucidate the mechanism regulating its seasonal life cycle, the photoperiodic response of Achaearanea tepidariorum has been analysed. Nymphal development was faster in long-day and slower in short-day photoperiods. The combined action of low temperature, poor food supply and short daylength induced diapause at an earlier developmental stage than short days alone. Thus, photoperiod is a primary factor inducing nymphal diapause, but the diapausing instar is influenced by both temperature and food supply. Hibernating nymphs became unresponsive to photoperiod in late December. After hibernation, however, sensitivity was restored and the nymphs remained sensitive to photoperiod throughout their life. This spider could also enter an imaginal or reproductive diapause. Photoperiod was again a primary inducing factor and temperature modified the photoperiodic response to some extent. The induction of the reproductive diapause was almost temperature-compensated whereas development was not. So the involvement of a photoperiodic counter system was suggested. Irrespective of whether the nymph had experienced diapause or not, the imaginal diapause was induced in response to a short-day photoperiod after adult moult. Based on these observations, the seasonal life cycle and the adaptive significance of nymphal and imaginal diapause are discussed.  相似文献   

The freshwater sponge Eunapius carteri (Porifera: Demospongiae: Spongillidae), a resident of Indian freshwater ecosystems, has pharmaceutical and ecological potential, but there is inadequate information on its cellular spectrum and cell-mediated immune responses. Microscopical analysis revealed the existence of eight distinct cellular variants, i.e. blast-like cells, choanocytes, small amoebocytes, granular cells, pinacocytes, large amoebocytes, archaeocytes and sclerocytes. The cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation and flow cytometry and used for a morphofunctional analysis. We investigated the phagocytic efficiency of E. carteri cells under the challenge of yeast particles in vitro and spectrophotometrically quantified the generation of cytotoxic molecules (superoxide anions and nitric oxide) in different isolated cellular fractions. The two cell separating technologies did not yield any significant differences in the major findings on morphology, phagocytic response and generation of superoxide anions and nitric oxide. Archaeocytes, granular cells and large amoebocytes were identified as chief phagocytes with a high phagocytic potential as recorded by light microscopy. Archaeocytes were the principal generators of superoxide anions, whereas nitric oxide was recorded in the fractions rich in archaeocytes and large amoebocytes. The present investigation thus provides useful information regarding cellular variation, cytotoxic status and innate phagocytic response of the cells of E. carteri, a common but less studied sponge of India.  相似文献   

为了阐明环境因子对草地螟阿格姬蜂Agrypon flexorium (Thunberg)滞育诱导作用, 测定了5个光周期和4个温度处理对阿格姬蜂的滞育诱导和该蜂感受光周期的敏感虫态以及不同时间段低温贮藏对滞育虫茧的影响。结果表明: 在17~23℃、 光照时间10~14 h范围内, 随着温度的降低和光照时间的缩短, 滞育率明显提高。高温能抵消短光照对滞育诱导的影响, 在26℃下, 短光照不能诱导滞育。因此, 低温和短光照是诱导草地螟阿格姬蜂滞育的主要因子。草地螟阿格姬蜂感受滞育信号的敏感虫态为卵和1龄幼虫。卵和1龄幼虫感受滞育信号以后, 需要在滞育环境中发育到老熟幼虫才能全部进入滞育。将室内诱导的滞育茧在4℃左右环境条件下冷藏80 d, 成蜂的羽化率和寄生能力与没有冷藏的非滞育茧差异不显著, 冷藏120 d, 滞育茧仍有71.7%可以正常羽化。结果说明,可在17℃,光周期8L∶16D条件下对寄生后3 d内的草地螟Loxostege sticticalis幼虫进行滞育诱导, 滞育后的虫茧最佳贮藏时间为80 d, 不宜超过120 d。本研究为室内扩繁、 防止蜂源退化、 控制寄生蜂发育时间以便适时释放提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

It is known that the low temperature is the most important factor inducing the pre-pupal diapause in Trichogramma species. The position of the thermosensitive period over the life cycle and temporal variation of the degree of responsiveness were investigated in T. embryophagum Htg. by transferring pre-imaginal stages between 'neutral' temperature of 15°C and 'diapause-inducing' temperature of 10°C. Our experiments showed that 6 days long exposure at 10°C significantly increased the percentage of diapausing pre-pupae when started during rather large part of development: from embryo up to early pre-pupa. The highest thermosensitivity was recorded during the embryo and the larval stages, with some decrease during the hatching period. Treatments with shorter cold exposures (2–3 days) gave similar results. Even 24 h long exposure at 10°C increased the percentage of diapausing pre-pupae when applied during egg or early larval stage. Being started at the same stage of development, longer cold exposures caused stronger increase in the percentage of diapausing individuals. The experiments did not reveal any significant daily changes in thermosensitivity: at 12 : 12 h light : dark, larvae subjected to the low temperature during six photophases showed practically the same percentage of diapausing individuals as those subjected to the low temperature during six scotophases, and as those subjected to the 3 days long uninterrupted cold exposure. Hence, in natural conditions even occasional short-term cold periods could be accumulated.  相似文献   

大猿叶虫哈尔滨种群的滞育诱导研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文研究了光周期、温度和食料对大猿叶虫Colaphellus bowringi Baly哈尔滨种群滞育诱导的影响。结果表明,在恒温20~30℃范围内,大猿叶虫哈尔滨种群滞育率为91.8%~100%,未见明显的光周期诱导反应,但温度对其滞育诱导具有一定的作用,高温可使少部分大猿叶虫继续发育而不滞育。在平均25℃的温周期与光周期L12∶D12条件下,其滞育诱导差异不显著。大猿叶虫取食白菜、油菜、雪里蕻、萝卜和独荇菜5种食料,在25℃滞育率为89.5%~100%;在28℃滞育率为76.9%~100%,食料种类对大猿叶虫哈尔滨种群滞育诱导差异显著,其中,取食独荇菜滞育率最低,取食萝卜滞育率最高。  相似文献   

根据外部形态学和小坚果表皮的微形态学资料,研究了囊状嵩草及其相关类群的分类。在这一 群植物中,有13个相关的学名。根据以前学者用于区别这些植物的形态性状,无法清楚地将它们划分 开。因此作者深入地研究了有关植物的89号200多份标本,重新评价了形态性状的分类学意义。为了 更深入地理解这类植物的分类,应用扫描电子显微镜对其小坚果表皮的微形态进行了研究。根据研究 的结果,确认了囊状嵩草Kobresia fragilis和弧形嵩草K.curvata,其他名称做为囊状嵩草的异名,K.clar- keana、K.clarkeana var.megalantha和K.curticeps var.gyirongensis被处理为囊状嵩草的新异名。弧形嵩 草从形态学和微形态学两个方面都明显不同于囊状嵩草。研究中还发现囊状嵩草的一号标本采自甘肃的碌曲,是其分布的省级新记录。  相似文献   

白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育诱导及滞育后发育   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
孙守慧  赵利伟  祁金玉 《昆虫学报》2009,52(12):1307-1311
本研究针对人工繁育白蛾周氏啮小蜂Chouioia cunea Yang过程中出现的小蜂滞育现象, 对其滞育诱导的光周期反应及敏感光照虫态进行了调查。结果表明: 沈阳地区的白蛾周氏啮小蜂属长日照型昆虫, 以老熟幼虫进入滞育状态, 但在不同的温度条件下诱导滞育的临界光周期不同, 在18℃时诱导滞育的临界光周期处于13L∶11D和14L∶10D之间; 在21℃和24℃时诱导滞育的临界光周期变短, 处于12L∶12D和13L∶11D之间。白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育诱导的敏感光照虫态为幼虫期, 且以幼虫的后期最为敏感, 但整个幼虫期接受短光照对滞育的形成更为有利。通过观察白蛾周氏啮小蜂滞育后在18℃, 21℃, 24℃和30℃的恒温条件下的发育历期, 由最小二乘法计算出白蛾周氏啮小蜂老熟幼虫滞育后发育起点温度和有效积温分别为14.60±0.31℃和209.38±8.72日·度。这些结果可为进一步研究白蛾周氏啮小蜂的种蜂长期保存技术和指导商品蜂生产, 正确把握放蜂时机提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The classification of Kobresia fragilis C. B. Clarke and related taxa were studied based on gross morphology and nutlet epidermal micromorphology. About 13 names have been involved in the species group. They could not be clearly defined using the morphological characters employed by previous authors. Thus, more than 200 sheets of 89 specimens of related taxa were studied thoroughly, and the taxonomic significance of morpbological characters was re-evaluated. In order to further understand the classification of K. fragilis and its allies, micromorphology of nutlet epidermis of these taxa was observed under scanning electron microscope. Based on the results, K. curvata C. B. Clarke and K. fragilis were recognized. Other names were treated as synonymies of K. fragilis. K. clarkeana (Kükenthal) Kükenthal, K. clarkeana var. megalantha Kükenthal and K. curticeps (C. B. Clarke) Kükenthal var. gyirongensis Y. C. Yang were reduced to new synonymies of K. fragilis. K. curvata was distinct from K. fragilis on both morphological and micromorphological basis. One specimen of K. fragilis collected from Luqu, Gansu, China, represents anew distribution record of this species in Gansu.  相似文献   

Extrinsic control of developmental diapause in nymphs of prostriate ticks of the subgenus Ixodes sensu stricto (Ixodes ricinus and Ixodes persulcatus from Eurasia and Ixodes scapularis from North America) appears to be based on a complex two-step photoperiodic reaction of a short-day/long-day type. Diapause control in the subgenus Afrixodes (the South African tick Ixodes rubicundus) appears to be based on a simple long-day reaction. The option between non-diapause development and diapausing arrest in engorged nymphs is determined by both pre- and post-feeding photoperiodic regimes. Consequently diapausing arrest in engorged nymphs of Ixodes sensu stricto can be induced either by a short-day (after their engorgement) or by a long-day regime (in unfed nymphs), while active, non-diapause development is possible only when the short-day pre-feeding regime is followed by a long-day post-feeding regime. The photoperiodic response in I. (Afrixodes) rubicundus nymphs seems to be of the long-day type both before and after feeding. Consequently this non-diapause development is enabled by a long-day regime, while diapause is induced by a short-day regime of exposure. Nevertheless, there are some indications that the control of nymphal diapause in the latter species is also of a complex nature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

苹果蠹蛾是苹果、梨等仁果类果树上的重要害虫,也是重要的入侵害虫。其具有寄主广泛、适生性强、蛀果为害等特点,一旦侵入很难彻底根除。老熟幼虫脱果后寻找隐蔽场所滞育的习性是其适应不利环境和维持种群繁衍的重要生存策略。本文就苹果蠹蛾幼虫滞育的诱导和终止因素、滞育场所的选取及聚集习性、滞育幼虫对环境的适应能力及内在生理生化特性以及针对滞育幼虫的防治技术等研究进行了综述,为探明苹果蠹蛾的灾变机理、预测预报和防治提供依据。  相似文献   

Peter Dalin 《Insect Science》2011,18(4):443-450
Abstract The leaf beetle Phratora vulgatissima (Linnaeus 1758) is commonly univoltine in south‐central Sweden but may sometimes initiate a partial second generation. The current study was set out to investigate under what abiotic conditions the beetles initiate a second generation. Using climate chamber experiments, the beetles were shown to have a facultative reproductive diapause induced by declining day‐length. The critical day‐length (CDL) for diapause induction was estimated to be 18 h and 10 min. In the field, first‐generation beetles developing to adulthood before August in 2009 became reproductively active and produced a second generation, but most individuals emerged later and were in reproductive diapause. P. vulgatissima overwinter as adults and diapause was shown to be maintained until mid‐winter in 2008/2009. The cumulative temperature requirement for oviposition after diapause termination was estimated to be 222 day‐degrees with a 5.5°C temperature threshold. Three different day‐degree models that were developed to predict the phenology of female oviposition in the spring were validated by comparing model results with field data on the timing of oviposition in previous years. The study suggests that P. vulgatissima may initiate a second generation in Sweden if development of the first generation is completed before August. Warmer spring and summer temperatures due to ongoing climate change may cause advanced insect phenology and faster completion of insect life‐cycles at northern latitudes, which will affect the proportion of insects that initiate a second generation.  相似文献   

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