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Intensity fluctuation autocorrelation functions of laser light scattered by actively contracting muscle were measured at points in the scattered field. They were reproducible and showed characteristics which depended on the physiological state of the muscle and the parameters of the scattering geometry. The autocorrelation functions had large amplitudes and decay rates that varied significantly with the phase of the contraction-relaxation cycle. The dependence of the autocorrelation function on scattering geometry indicated many elements with diameters on the order of 0.5 mum (presumed to be myofibrillar sarcomeres or their A bands or I bands) undergo independent random changes in their axial positions and their internal distribution of optical polarizability during the plateau of an isometric tetanus. The experimental results are interpreted in terms of a model in which most of the scattering elements in isometrically contracting muscle have random fluctuating axial velocities of average magnitude 20 nm/ms that persist for a few milliseconds at least. In addition to these axial motions there are local fluctuations in polarizability. Similar intensity fluctuation autocorrelation functions were observed throughout the active state on two muscle preparations, whole sartorius muscle and small bundles of single fibers (three to eight) of semitendinosus muscle. These results imply that the tension developed during an isometric tetanus contains a fluctuating component as well as a constant component.  相似文献   

Frog myosin is a labile molecule, undergoing irreversible aggregation and rapid loss of ATPase; however, a procedure is described which provides highly purified myosin, with stable solubility and enzymatic properties, from skeletal muscle of Rana catesbeiana. Frog myosin contains heavy chains and light chains 1, 2, and 3. Light chain 3 is present in excess over light chain 1, and light chain 2 may occur as either, or both, of 2 closely migrating bands. On two-dimensional electrophoresis, light chain 1 generates an isoelectric component with pK 5.60; light chain 2 generates a complex pattern with 3 or 4 major components; and light chain 3 generates 2 major components with pK 5.00 and 4.92. The same subunit composition is obtained for frogs acclimated at 25 and 5 degrees C; however, proteolytic artifacts may occur in myosin preparations purified in the absence of protease inhibitors, especially in warm-acclimated frogs.  相似文献   

Structural changes in smooth muscle cells during isotonic contraction   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Summary Smooth muscle cells of the guinea-pig taenia coli were studied in light and electron microscopy, in condition of mild stretch or of isotonic contraction. During contraction the cells increase in transverse sectional area and their packing density passes from 94,000 · mm-2 to 18,000 · mm-2. The percentage increase in transverse sectional area of the taenia is approximately the same as the percentage decrease in length. Measurements of cell transverse sectional area suggest that the individual cells shorten and fatten more than the taenia as a whole. Whereas stretched muscle cells run parallel to each other and show a fairly smooth surface, isotonically contracted cells are twisted and entwine around each other. Their surfaces are covered with myriad processes and folds. Longitudinal, transverse or oblique stripes are seen in light microscopy in the contracted muscle cells and it is suggested that they are related to the characteristics of the cell surface. In electron microscopy a complex pattern of interdigitating finger-like and laminar processes is observed. Caveolae are mainly found on the evaginated parts of the cell surface, dense patches are mainly (but not always) found on the invaginated parts. Desmosome-like attachments between contracted cells are frequent. The collagen fibrils run approximately parallel to the stretched muscle cells; on the other hand, they run obliquely and transversely around the isotonically contracted cells.This work is supported by the Medical Research Council. I thank Miss E.M. Franke and Mr S.J. Sarsfield for excellent technical assistance  相似文献   

Changes in the x-ray diffraction pattern from a frog skeletal muscle were recorded after a quick release or stretch, which was completed within one millisecond, at a time resolution of 0.53 ms using the high-flux beamline at the SPring-8 third-generation synchrotron radiation facility. Reversibility of the effects of the length changes was checked by quickly restoring the muscle length. Intensities of seven reflections were measured. A large, instantaneous intensity drop of a layer line at an axial spacing of 1/10.3 nm(-1) after a quick release and stretch, and its partial recovery by reversal of the length change, indicate a conformational change of myosin heads that are attached to actin. Intensity changes on the 14.5-nm myosin layer line suggest that the attached heads alter their radial mass distribution upon filament sliding. Intensity changes of the myosin reflections at 1/21.5 and 1/7.2 nm(-1) are not readily explained by a simple axial swing of cross-bridges. Intensity changes of the actin-based layer lines at 1/36 and 1/5.9 nm(-1) are not explained by it either, suggesting a structural change in actin molecules.  相似文献   

The myosin essential light chain (ELC) is a structural component of the actomyosin cross-bridge, but its function is poorly understood, especially the role of the cardiac specific N-terminal extension in modulating actomyosin interaction. Here, we generated transgenic (Tg) mice expressing the A57G (alanine to glycine) mutation in the cardiac ELC known to cause familial hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (FHC). The function of the ELC N-terminal extension was investigated with the Tg-Δ43 mouse model, whose myocardium expresses a truncated ELC. Low-angle X-ray diffraction studies on papillary muscle fibers in rigor revealed a decreased interfilament spacing (≈ 1.5 nm) and no alterations in cross-bridge mass distribution in Tg-A57G mice compared to Tg-WT, expressing the full-length nonmutated ELC. The truncation mutation showed a 1.3-fold increase in I(1,1)/I(1,0), indicating a shift of cross-bridge mass from the thick filament backbone toward the thin filaments. Mechanical studies demonstrated increased stiffness in Tg-A57G muscle fibers compared to Tg-WT or Tg-Δ43. The equilibrium constant for the cross-bridge force generation step was smallest in Tg-Δ43. These results support an important role for the N-terminal ELC extension in prepositioning the cross-bridge for optimal force production. Subtle changes in the ELC sequence were sufficient to alter cross-bridge properties and lead to pathological phenotypes.  相似文献   

The pattern given by contracting frog muscle can be followed with high time resolution using synchrotron radiation as a high-intensity X-ray source. We have studied the behaviour of the second actin layer-line (axial spacing of approximately 179 A) at an off-meridional spacing of approximately 0.023 A-1, a region of the diagram that is sensitive to the position of tropomyosin in the thin filaments. In confirmation of earlier work, we find that there is a substantial increase in the intensity of this part of the pattern during contraction. We find that the reflection reaches half its final intensity about 17 milliseconds after the stimulus at 6 degrees C. The changes in the equatorial reflections, which arise from movement of crossbridges towards the thin filaments, occur with a delay of about 12 to 17 milliseconds relative to this change in the actin pattern. In over-stretched muscle, where thick and thin filaments no longer overlap, the changes in the actin second layer-line still take place upon stimulation with a time course and intensity similar to that observed at full overlap. This indicates that tropomyosin movement, in response to calcium binding to troponin, is the first structural step in muscular contraction, and is the prerequisite for myosin binding. A change in intensity similar to that found in contracting muscle is seen in rigor, where tropomyosin is probably locked in the active position. During relaxation the earlier stages in the decrease in intensity of the second actin layer-line take place significantly sooner after the last stimulus than tension decay. In over-stretched muscles the intensity decay is appreciably faster than in the same muscles at rest length, where attached crossbridges may interfere with the return of tropomyosin to its resting position.  相似文献   

Yagi N  Iwamoto H  Inoue K 《Biophysical journal》2006,91(11):4110-4120
Structural changes in the myosin cross-bridges were studied by small-angle x-ray diffraction at a time resolution of 0.53 ms. A frog sartorius muscle, which was electrically stimulated to induce isometric contraction, was released by approximately 1% in 1 ms, and then its length was decreased to allow steady shortening with tension of approximately 30% of the isometric level. Intensity of all reflections reached a constant level in 5-8 ms. Intensity of the 7.2-nm meridional reflection and the (1,0) sampling spot of the 14.5-nm layer line increased after the initial release but returned to the isometric level during steady shortening. The 21.5-nm meridional reflection showed fast and slow components of intensity increase. The intensity of the 10.3-nm layer line, which arises from myosin heads attached to actin, decreased to a steady level in 2 ms, whereas other reflections took longer, 5-20 ms. The results show that myosin heads adapt quickly to an altered level of tension, and that there is a distinct structural state just after a quick release.  相似文献   

An antibody was developed against a 23-kDa fragment of myosin which contains a part of the ATP-binding site, and applied to skinned muscle fibers. The antibody abolished active tension generation of the fibers, but did not block their assumption of a rigor state nor their release from this state by ATP. The primary amino acid sequence of the antigenic site on the fragment was found to be the region containing residues 77-80. This sequence region is predicted to have interesting secondary structures, and is distinct from the proposed ATP-binding site. We discuss the possibility that the region is responsible for the energy-transducing step in muscle contraction.  相似文献   

The speed of muscle contraction is related to body size; muscles in larger species contract at slower rates. Since contraction speed is a property of the myosin isoform expressed in a muscle, we investigated how sequence changes in a range of muscle myosin II isoforms enable this slower rate of muscle contraction. We considered 798 sequences from 13 mammalian myosin II isoforms to identify any adaptation to increasing body mass. We identified a correlation between body mass and sequence divergence for the motor domain of the 4 major adult myosin II isoforms (β/Type I, IIa, IIb, and IIx), suggesting that these isoforms have adapted to increasing body mass. In contrast, the non-muscle and developmental isoforms show no correlation of sequence divergence with body mass. Analysis of the motor domain sequence of β-myosin (predominant myosin in Type I/slow and cardiac muscle) from 67 mammals from 2 distinct clades identifies 16 sites, out of 800, associated with body mass (padj < 0.05) but not with the clade (padj > 0.05). Both clades change the same small set of amino acids, in the same order from small to large mammals, suggesting a limited number of ways in which contraction velocity can be successfully manipulated. To test this relationship, the 9 sites that differ between human and rat were mutated in the human β-myosin to match the rat sequence. Biochemical analysis revealed that the rat–human β-myosin chimera functioned like the native rat myosin with a 2-fold increase in both motility and in the rate of ADP release from the actin–myosin crossbridge (the step that limits contraction velocity). Thus, these sequence changes indicate adaptation of β-myosin as species mass increased to enable a reduced contraction velocity and heart rate.

Heart and skeletal muscles of larger mammals contract more slowly than smaller ones. This study identifies amino acid changes in myosin isoforms that correlate with species size; mutating the residues in human β-myosin to match the rat sequence at these positions increased its in vitro velocity to that of the rat protein.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy has been used to study the structural changes that occur in the myosin filaments of tarantula striated muscle when they are phosphorylated. Myosin filaments in muscle homogenates maintained in relaxing conditions (ATP, EGTA) are found to have nonphosphorylated regulatory light chains as shown by urea/glycerol gel electrophoresis and [32P]phosphate autoradiography. Negative staining reveals an ordered, helical arrangement of crossbridges in these filaments, in which the heads from axially neighboring myosin molecules appear to interact with each other. When the free Ca2+ concentration in a homogenate is raised to 10(-4) M, or when a Ca2+-insensitive myosin light chain kinase is added at low Ca2+ (10(-8) M), the regulatory light chains of myosin become rapidly phosphorylated. Phosphorylation is accompanied by potentiation of the actin activation of the myosin Mg-ATPase activity and by loss of order of the helical crossbridge arrangement characteristic of the relaxed filament. We suggest that in the relaxed state, when the regulatory light chains are not phosphorylated, the myosin heads are held down on the filament backbone by head-head interactions or by interactions of the heads with the filament backbone. Phosphorylation of the light chains may alter these interactions so that the crossbridges become more loosely associated with the filament backbone giving rise to the observed changes and facilitating crossbridge interaction with actin.  相似文献   

Exogenous ATP causes the contraction of intact fibroblasts in vitro   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The contraction of intact fibroblasts was investigated in vitro. The addition of ATP to the cells lead to a rapid, reversible reduction of cell area, which appeared to be a contraction. The change of cell area was measured using image analysis. ATP (15 mM) elicited the maximal contraction, with a 50% reduction in area achieved within 90 s. Adenosine was a partial agonist for the contraction. The contraction was dependent on control of the environmental calcium; cells in a calcium- and magnesium-free environment underwent spontaneous contraction. Replenishing the calcium and magnesium lead to stability of the cells. Since fibroblast contraction is involved in wound healing at many sites in the body, this system provides a physiological model for the direct investigation of fibroblasts with intact cell membranes, and allows for the testing of drugs which may influence wound healing in vivo.  相似文献   

Nonuniform volume changes during muscle contraction.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We measured dynamic changes in volume during contraction of live, intact frog skeletal muscle fibers through a high-speed, intensified, digital-imaging microscope. Optical cross-sections along the axis of resting cells were scanned and compared with sections during the plateau of isometric tetanic contractions. Contraction caused an increase in volume of the central third of a cell when axial force was maximum and constant and the central segment was stationary or lengthened slightly. But changes were unequal along a cell and not predicted by a cell's resting area or shape (circularity). Rapid local adjustments in the cytoskeletal evidently keep forces in equilibrium during contraction of living skeletal muscle. These results also show that optical signals may be distorted by nonuniform volume changes during contraction.  相似文献   

The 20,000-dalton myosin light chain of intact pig carotid arteries was found to be rapidly labeled when the arterial muscle was incubated in physiological salt solution at 37 degrees C containing [32P]orthophosphate. Light chain phosphorylation in the intact muscle had a marked requirement for Ca2+ and was dependent upon the passive tension applied to the muscle. Norepinephrine- or KCl-induced contractures were associated with concomitant increases in light chain phosphorylation.  相似文献   

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