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A single intracardial injection of streptozotocin produced a significant increase in rat hypothalamic noradrenaline while no changes were observed in the olfactory tubercles. The parenteral administration of a single dose of insulin decreased rat hypothalamic noradrenaline; the effect had a rapid onset and lasted for at least six hours. Similar noradrenaline reductions were observed in the olfactory tubercles but in this tissue the depletion started later and recovered earlier. In addition, in olfactory tubercles after insulin injection, tyrosine level and dopamine metabolism were increased. The results show that the increases in hypothalamic NA observed in streptozotocin diabetic rats are counteracted by insulin administration and possibly the consequence of changes in noradrenaline turnover.  相似文献   

Transection (axotomy) of the dorsal tegmental noradrenaline bundle in the neonatal stage leads to a permanent degeneration of noradrenaline nerve terminal projections distal to the lesion (e.g. in the neocortex), while projections proximal to the lesion increase their nerve terminal density (e.g. in the cerebellum). These structural changes are reflected by marked reductions and elevations respectively of the endogenous noradrenaline levels, [3H]-noradrenaline uptake in vitro and nerve density as demonstrated by fluorescence histochemistry. Intracisternal administration of substance P after the transection did not alter these noradrenaline parameters in the neocortex, whereas dose-dependent and significant increases were found in the cerebellum and pons-medulla. The results indicate that substance P may have a growth-stimulatory effect on damaged locus coeruleus noradrenaline neurons in the CNS during ontogeny.  相似文献   

Summary.  The effect of dietary sulfur amino acids on the taurine content of rat blood and tissues was investigated. Three types of diet were prepared for this study: a low-taurine diet (LTD), normal taurine diet (NTD; LTD + 0.5% Met), and high-taurine diet (HTD; LTD + 0.5% Met + 3% taurine). These diets had no differing effect on the growth of the rats. The concentration of taurine in the blood from the HTD- and NTD-fed rats was respectively 1,200% and 200% more than that from LTD-. In such rat tissues as the liver, the taurine content was significantly affected by dietary sulfur amino acids, resulting in a higher content with HTD and lower content with LTD. However, little or no effect on taurine content was apparent in the heart or eye. The activity for taurine uptake by the small intestine was not affected by dietary sulfur amino acids. The expression level of taurine transporter mRNA was altered only in the kidney under these dietary conditions: a higher expression level with LTD and lower expression level with HTD. Received January 8, 2002 Accepted January 18, 2002 Published online August 20, 2002 Authors' address: Dr. Hideo Satsu, Laboratory of Food Chemistry, Department of Applied Biological Chemistry, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, The University of Tokyo, 1-1-1 Yayoi, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan, Fax: +81-3-5841-8026 E-mail: asatsu@mail.ecc.u-tokyo.ac.jp Abbreviations: HTD, high-taurine diet; NTD, normal taurine diet; LTD, low-taurine diet; TAUT, taurine transporter; CSA, cysteine sulfinate; CDO, cysteine dioxygenase; CSAD, cysteine sulfinate decarboxylase; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; DIDS, 4,4′-diisothiocyanostilbene-2′,2′-disulfonic acid  相似文献   

The effect of adrenalectomy on catecholamine content in the diencephalon and the rest of the brain of male and female rats during the post-natal period was studied. Seven days after adrenalectomy, there is no change in noradrenaline or dopamine content. However, the dopamine levels of both the diencephalon and the rest of the brain decrease with age between days 45 and 60, while noradrenaline content in the diencephalon and the rest of the brain remained unchanged. Thus adrenalectomy significantly affected the developmental pattern of brain dopamine.  相似文献   

M J Kubek  A Sattin 《Life sciences》1984,34(12):1149-1152
Five grand-mal seizures were electrically induced in rats on alternate days. Forty-eight hours following the last seizure, TRH was quantitated in extracts of anterior cortex, hippocampus, striatum, thalamus plus midbrain, and hypothalamus. When compared to sham treated controls, TRH was found to be elevated 5-fold in the hippocampus and 2-fold in the striatum with no changes observed in the remaining regions. Since the time chosen for analysis excludes acute post-ictal effects, these results draw attention to a prolonged alteration of TRH levels in specific brain regions in an animal model of electroconvulsive treatment.  相似文献   

Content was compared of noradrenaline (NA) and serotonine (5-OT) in the right and left halves of the rats brain in norm, at elaboration of defensive conditioned reflexes of two-ways avoidance (CRTWA) and at administration of neuropeptides influencing the learning and memory--dezglycilargininvasopressin (DG-AVP), ACTH4-7 pro-gli-pro and dalargin. The conducted studies showed that in control animals the content of NA in the cortex of the right hemisphere was significantly higher than in the cortex of the left one. For the content of 5-OT in symmetric brain parts no significant differences were revealed. Under the elaboration of CRTWA the asymmetry of NA content was not eliminated. Systemic administration of DG-AVP, ACTG4-7 pro-gli-pro and dalargin practically did not change the content of 5-OT, but reduced the content of NA in the cortex and the rest of the brain, and the content of NA in the right and left cortex was equalized. The obtained data point to the asymmetric character of neuropeptides action and to greater resistance of 5-OT-ergic brain system to functional load and to administration of peptides in comparison with NA-ergic system.  相似文献   

In totally hepatectomized rats supported by infusion of glucose, the concentrations of many amino acids in plasma and brain rose progressively over time, while the brain levels of norepinephrine decreased. Infusion of a solution containing glucose, leucine, isoleucine, and valine after hepatectomy greatly reduced the accumulation of other essential amino acids in plasma and brain. However, the decrease in brain norepinephrine content was not significantly affected by this infusion, suggesting that high brain concentrations of monoamine precursor amino acids are not the primary cause of norepinephrine depletion after hepatectomy.  相似文献   

In potassium-depolarized synaptosomes Ca2+ inhibited oxidation of pyruvate (30%) and decreased the level of acetyl-CoA in intrasynaptosomal mitochondria (32%). On the other hand, Ca2+ facilitated provision of acetyl-CoA to synaptoplasm, since under these condition no change of synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA and twofold stimulation of acetylcholine synthesis were found. However, in Ca2+-activated synaptosomes both synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA and acetylcholine synthesis were suppressed by 1 mM (–)hydroxycitrate by 27 and 29%, respectively. It was not the case in resting synaptosomes. Dichloroacetate (0.05 mM) partially reversed the inhibitory effect of Ca2+ on pyruvate metabolism in synaptosomes and whole brain mitochondria. In Ca2+-stimulated synaptosomes, the dichloroacetate overcame suppressive effects of (–)hydroxycitrate on the level of synaptoplasmic acetyl-CoA and acetylcholine synthesis, but not on citrate clevage. It is concluded that dichloroacetate may improve the metabolism of acetylcholine in activated cholinergic terminals by increasing the production of acetyl-CoA in mitochondria and increasing its provision through the mitochondrial membrane to synaptoplasm by the transport system, independent of the ATP-citrate lyase pathway.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of repeated elevation of sympathetic activity on the postnatal development of the noradrenaline content of tissues of the albino rat. Between the ages of 15 and 29 days, young rats were forced to swim in water heated to 25 degrees C, 3 X 30 min on weekdays and 1 X 30 min on Saturdays and Sundays. At 30, 45 and 65 days, the noradrenaline content of the tissues was determined spectrofluorometricaLly by the trihydroxyindole method. The noradrenaline content of the heart of trained rats was higher than in the controls in all the given age groups and the size of the absolute difference rose with advancing age. The noradrenaline content of the spleen developed similarly. Repeated exercise did not lead to an increase in the noradrenaline content of skeletal muscle. The results show that the repeated elevation of the activity of sympathetic adrenergic neurones which occurs in young rats during exercise is a long-term factor stimulating the development of sympathetic innervation of the heart and spleen. The development of the neurones innervating skeletal muscle was not stimulated, probably because the activity of these neurones is not increased by stress.  相似文献   

Effect of high arsenic content in drinking water on rat brain.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
The permissible limit of arsenic content in drinking water is 0.05 ppm, whereas, in many parts of West Bengal the arsenic level in drinking water is 0.1 ppm, frequently 0.3 ppm and even 3.0 ppm, though rarely. In order to assess possible risk to brain function by drinking such water, rats were given arsenic mixed in drinking water at the above four concentrations for 40 days. There was increased lipid peroxidation at all doses of arsenic, including the 'permissible limit', decrease in glutathione level, superoxide dismutase and glutathione reductase activities, indicating the free-radical-mediated degeneration of brain.  相似文献   

The incorporation of [3H]phenylalanine, [3H]tyrosine, and [3H]tryptophan into protein and amino acyl–tRNA was studied in cell-free preparations from rat brain. Tyrosine and tryptophan inhibited the incorporation of phenylalanine into protein, and tyrosine inhibited the incorporation of phenylalanine and tryptophan into amino acyl–tRNAs. In most cases, homogentisate, phenylpyruvate, and phenyllactate inhibited the incorporation of phenylalanine, tyrosine, and tryptophan into protein and amino acyl–tRNAs, and the incorporation of phenylalanine into polyphenylalanine. All other protein amino acids, and phenylacetate, salicylate, and benzoate were wholly ineffectual. The results suggest that the formation of amino acyl–tRNAs may have been the step which was affected most by the inhibitors. The incorporation data at different concentrations of the aromatic amino acids were fitted to the simple Michaelis equation. Homogentisate and phenylpyruvate generally tended to reduce both Km and V in the incorporation of aromatic amino acids into protein and amino acyl-tRNAs, even if V decreased more than Km.  相似文献   

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