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Theoretical studies and a few recent experimental reports suggest that the evolution of diet breadth in herbivorous insects is constrained by a limited neural ability to efficiently process large amounts of information in short periods of time. This neural-constraints hypothesis predicts that generalist herbivores should make slower or poorer decisions than specialists when selecting plants, because generalists must discriminate and decide among stimuli from a wider variety of potential hosts. The present study compares the speed with which host-associated decisions are made in specialist versus generalist populations of the aphid Uroleucon ambrosiae. Populations of U. ambrosiae from eastern North America are highly specific to the host plant Ambrosia trifida (Asteraceae), whereas those from the American southwest also feed on a variety of other taxa from the Asteraceae. Experiments with winged (alate) and wingless (apterous) individuals showed that host-finding, host-selection, host-acceptance, host-sampling and host-settling were more efficiently performed by the eastern specialists. These very consistent results provide evidence that strongly supports the neural-constraints hypothesis.  相似文献   

A new recombinant, human anti-sickling beta-globin polypeptide designated beta(AS3) (betaGly(16) --> Asp/betaGlu(22) --> Ala/betaThr(87) --> Gln) was designed to increase affinity for alpha-globin. The amino acid substitutions at beta22 and beta87 are located at axial and lateral contacts of the sickle hemoglobin (HbS) polymers and strongly inhibit deoxy-HbS polymerization. The beta16 substitution confers the recombinant beta-globin subunit (beta(AS3)) with a competitive advantage over beta(S) for interaction with the alpha-globin polypeptide. Transgenic mouse lines that synthesize high levels of HbAS3 (alpha(2)beta(AS3)(2)) were established, and recombinant HbAS3 was purified from hemolysates and then characterized. HbAS3 binds oxygen cooperatively and has an oxygen affinity that is comparable with fetal hemoglobin. Delay time experiments demonstrate that HbAS3 is a potent inhibitor of HbS polymerization. Subunit competition studies confirm that beta(AS3) has a distinct advantage over beta(S) for dimerization with alpha-globin. When equal amounts of beta(S)- and beta(AS3)-globin monomers compete for limiting alpha-globin chains up to 82% of the tetramers formed is HbAS3. Knock-out transgenic mice that express exclusively human HbAS3 were produced. When these mice were bred with knock-out transgenic sickle mice the beta(AS3) polypeptides corrected all hematological parameters and organ pathology associated with the disease. Expression of beta(AS3)-globin should effectively lower the concentration of HbS in erythrocytes of patients with sickle cell disease, especially in the 30% percent of these individuals who coinherit alpha-thalassemia. Therefore, constructs expressing the beta(AS3)-globin gene may be suitable for future clinical trials for sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Protein domain frequency and distribution among kingdoms was statistically analyzed using the SCOP structural database. It appeared that among chosen protein domains with the best resolution, eukaryotic proteins more often belong to α-helical and β-structural proteins, while proteins of bacterial origin belong to α/β structural class. Statistical analysis of folding rates of 73 proteins with known experimental data revealed that bacterial proteins with simple kinetics (23 proteins) exhibit a higher folding rate compared to eukaryotic proteins with simple folding kinetics (27 proteins). Analysis of protein domain amino acid composition showed that the frequency of amino acid residues in proteins of eukaryotic and bacterial origin is different for proteins with simple and complex folding kinetics.  相似文献   

Sex-linked mammalian sperm proteins evolve faster than autosomal ones   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
X-linked genes can evolve slower or faster depending on whether most recessive, or at least partially recessive alleles are deleterious or beneficial due to their hemizygous expression in males. Molecular studies of X chromosome divergence have provided conflicting evidence for both a higher and lower rate of nucleotide substitution at both synonymous and nonsynonymous sites, depending on the nucleotide sites sampled. Using human and mouse orthologous genes, we tested the hypothesis that genes encoding male-specific sperm proteins are evolving faster on the X chromosome compared with autosomes. X-linked sperm proteins have an average nonsynonymous mutation rate almost twice as high as sperm genes found on autosomes, unlike other tissue-specific genes, where no significant difference in the nonsynonymous mutation rate between the X chromosome and autosomes was found. However, no difference was found in the average synonymous mutation rate of X-linked versus autosomal sperm proteins, which along with corresponding higher values of Ka/Ks in X-linked sperm proteins suggest that differences in selective forces and not mutation rates are the underlying cause of higher X-linked mammalian sperm protein divergence.  相似文献   

Despite a great deal of theoretical attention, we have limited empirical data about how ploidy influences the rate of adaptation. We evolved isogenic haploid and diploid populations of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for 200 generations in seven different environments. We measured the competitive fitness of all ancestral and evolved lines against a common competitor and find that in all seven environments, haploid lines adapted faster than diploids, significantly so in three environments. We apply theory that relates the rates of adaptation and measured effective population sizes to the properties of beneficial mutations. We obtained rough estimates of the average selection coefficients in haploids between 2% and 10% for these first selected mutations. Results were consistent with semi-dominant to dominant mutations in four environments and recessive to additive mutations in two other environments. These results are consistent with theory that predicts haploids should evolve faster than diploids at large population sizes.  相似文献   

Twenty eight patients with hereditary methemoglobinemia have been found and examined. Using the techniques of analytic isoelectrofucossing in polyacrylamide gel and the preparative isoelectrofocussing on a column in sucrose gradient we have managed to disclose an abnormal fraction in hemolysate of the above mentioned patients. It has been proved that the obtained fraction contains hemoglobin valent hybrids, possesses high affinity to oxygen and low cooperativity. Due to the presence of valency hybrids about one-half of the quantity of oxy-Hb fails to participate in the normal function of oxygen delivery, which evidently is the molecular cause of disturbance of oxygen delivery in patients with hereditary enzymopenic methemoglobinemia. This also explains a high degree of cyanosis in them.  相似文献   

Deletions in processed pseudogenes accumulate faster in rodents than in humans   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
Summary The relative rates of point nucleotide substitution and accumulation of gap events (deletions and insertions) were calculated for 22 human and 30 rodent processed pseudogenes. Deletion events not only outnumbered insertions (the ratio being 71 and 31 for human and rodent pseudogenes, respectively), but also the total length of deletions was greater than that of insertions. Compared with their functional homologs, human processed pseudogenes were found to be shorter by about 1.2%, and rodent pseudogenes by about 2.3%. DNA loss from processed pseudogenes through deletion is estimated to be at least seven times faster in rodents than in humans. In comparison with the rate of point substitutions, the abridgment of pseudogenes during evolutionary times is a slow process that probably does not retard the rate of growth of the genome due to the proliferation of processed pseudogenes.  相似文献   

Litterfall and litter decomposition are key elements of nutrient cycling in tropical forests, a process in which decomposer communities such as macro-arthropods play a critical role. Understanding the rate and extent to which ecosystem function and biodiversity recover during succession is useful to managing the growing area of tropical successional forest globally. Using a replicated chronosequence of forest succession (5–15, 15–30, 30–45 years, and primary forest) on abandoned pastures in lowland tropical wet forest, we examined litterfall, litter chemistry, and effects of macro-arthropod exclusion on decomposition of two litter types (primary and 5- to 15-years-old secondary forest). Further, we assessed macro-arthropod diversity and community composition across the chronosequence. Overstory cover, litterfall, and litter nutrients reached levels similar to primary forest within 15–30 years. Young secondary forest litter (5–15 years) had lower initial N and P content, higher C:N, and decayed 60 percent faster than primary forest litter. The presence of macro-arthropods strongly mediated decomposition and nutrient release rates, increasing litter mass loss by 35–44 percent, N released by 53 percent, and P release by 84 percent. Forest age had no effect on soil nutrients, rates of litter decomposition, nutrient release, or macro-arthropod influence. In contrast, abundance and community composition of macro-arthropods remained significantly lower and distinct in all ages of secondary compared with primary forest. Order richness was lower in 5–15 years of secondary compared with primary forest. Our results suggest that in highly productive tropical wet forest, functional recovery of litter dynamics precedes recovery of decomposer community structure and biodiversity.  相似文献   

A bulky platinum triamine complex, [Pt(Me5dien)(NO3)]NO3 (Me5dien = N,N,N′,N′,N′′-pentamethyldiethylenetriamine) has been prepared and reacted in D2O with N-acetylmethionine (N-AcMet) and guanosine 5′-monophosphate (5′-GMP); the reactions have been studied using 1H NMR spectroscopy. Reaction with 5′-GMP leads to two rotamers of [Pt(Me5dien)(5′-GMP-N7)]+. Reaction with N-AcMet leads to formation of [Pt(Me5dien)(N-AcMet-S)]+. When a sample with equimolar mixtures of [Pt(Me5dien)(D2O)]2+, 5′-GMP, and N-AcMet was prepared, [Pt(Me5dien)(5′-GMP-N7)]+ was the dominant product observed throughout the reaction. This selectivity is the opposite of that observed for a similar reaction of [Pt(dien)(D2O)]2+ with 5′-GMP and N-AcMet. To our knowledge, this is the first report of a platinum(II) triamine complex that reacts substantially faster with 5′-GMP than with N-AcMet; the effect is most likely due to steric clashes between the methyl groups of the Me5dien ligand and the N-AcMet.  相似文献   

The kinetics of the reaction of hydroxyurea (HU) with myoglobin (Mb), hemin, sickle cell hemoglobin (HbS), and normal adult hemoglobin (HbA) were determined using optical absorption spectroscopy as a function of time, wavelength, and temperature. Each reaction appeared to follow pseudo-first order kinetics. Electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy (EPR) experiments indicated that each reaction produced an FeNO product. Reactions of hemin and the ferric forms of HbA, HbS, and myoglobin with HU also formed the NO adduct. The formation of methemoglobin and nitric oxide-hemoglobin from these reactions may provide further insight into the mechanism of how HU benefits sickle cell patients.  相似文献   

Many clades that span the marine–freshwater boundary are disproportionately more diverse in the younger, shorter lived, and scarcer freshwater environments than they are in the marine realm. This disparity is thought to be related to differences in diversification rates between marine and freshwater lineages. However, marine and freshwaters are not ecologically homogeneous, so the study of diversification across the salinity divide should also account for other potentially interacting variables. In diatoms, freshwater and substrate‐associated (benthic) lineages are several‐fold more diverse than their marine and suspended (planktonic) counterparts. These imbalances provide an excellent system to understand whether these variables interact with diversification. Using multistate hidden‐state speciation and extinction models, we found that freshwater lineages diversify faster than marine lineages regardless of whether they inhabit the plankton or the benthos. Freshwater lineages also had higher turnover rates (speciation + extinction), suggesting that habitat transitions impact speciation and extinction rates jointly. The plankton–benthos contrast was also consistent with state‐dependent diversification, but with modest differences in diversification and turnover rates. Asymmetric and bidirectional transitions rejected hypotheses about the plankton and freshwaters as absorbing, inescapable habitats. Our results further suggest that the high turnover rate of freshwater diatoms is related to high turnover of freshwater systems themselves.  相似文献   

Combined effects of cumulative nutrient inputs and biogeochemical processes that occur in freshwater under anthropogenic eutrophication could lead to myriad shifts in nitrogen (N):phosphorus (P) stoichiometry in global freshwater ecosystems, but this is not yet well‐assessed. Here we evaluated the characteristics of N and P stoichiometries in bodies of freshwater and their herbaceous macrophytes across human‐impact levels, regions and periods. Freshwater and its macrophytes had higher N and P concentrations and lower N : P ratios in heavily than lightly human‐impacted environments, further evidenced by spatiotemporal comparisons across eutrophication gradients. N and P concentrations in freshwater ecosystems were positively correlated and N : P was negatively correlated with population density in China. These results indicate a faster accumulation of P than N in human‐impacted freshwater ecosystems, which could have large effects on the trophic webs and biogeochemical cycles of estuaries and coastal areas by freshwater loadings, and reinforce the importance of rehabilitating these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Despite much recent interest, it remains unclear what determines the rate of evolution of gene expression. To study this issue we develop a new measure, called "Expression Conservation Index" (ECI), to quantify the degree of tissue-expression conservation between two homologous genes. Applying this measure to a large set of gene expression data from human and mouse, we show that tissue expression tends to evolve rapidly for genes that are expressed in only a limited number of tissues, whereas tissue expression can be conserved for a long time for genes expressed in a large number of tissues. Therefore, expression breadth is an important determinant for evolutionary conservation of tissue expression. In addition, we find a rapid decrease in ECI with the synonymous divergence between duplicate genes, suggesting fast divergence in tissue expression between duplicate genes.  相似文献   

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