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The complete DNA sequence of the human polyomavirus AS virus (ASV) is presented. Although ASV can be differentiated antigenically from the other human polyomaviruses (BK and JC viruses), it shares 94.9% homology at the nucleotide level with the Dunlop strain of BK virus. Differences found in ASV relative to BK virus include the absence of tandem repeats in its regulatory region, the deletion of 32 nucleotides in the late mRNA leader region (altering the initiation codon for the agnoprotein), the presence of a cluster of base pair substitutions within the coding region of the major capsid protein, VP1, and the absence of 4 amino acids in the carboxy-terminal region of the early protein, T antigen. The 43 nucleotides deleted in the Dunlop strain of BK virus relative to the Gardner prototype strain of BK virus are present in ASV. Possible reasons for the distinct antigenicity of the ASV capsid, given the high degree of nucleotide homology with BK virus, are discussed. To reflect the high degree of sequence homology between ASV and BK virus, we suggest ASV be renamed BKV(AS).  相似文献   

The prevalance and distribution of BK virus antibody in women during pregnancy and the occurrence of transplacental transmission of BK virus was determined by measurement of IgM antibody in the serum. Sera were collected from 63 nonpregnant women, 71 women who had experienced spontaneous abortion, 80 in the first trimester of pregnancy and the same 80 at delivery. Umbilical cord blood was also taken at delivery. Hemagglutination inhibition (HI) tests for BK virus used the micromethod of Gardner. Results indicate that a significant level of HI antibody was present in 70% of sera from all 4 experimental groups. This showed that BK virus infection was not limited to cases of spontaneous abortion. Of the 80 pregnant mothers, 6 showed a 4-fold or greater HI antibody seroconversion to BK virus after delivery. Of these 6 seroconversion patients, sensitive antibody was detected in 3 umbilical cords. Umbilical cords of those without seroconversion had no sensitive antibody. As evidenced by 2-NE-sensitive antibody, BK virus infections were also recognized in 6 of 71 women who aborted, 4 of 80 in the first trimester of pregnancy and 2 collected after delivery. The 2-ME-sensitive antibody was not found in any of 63 samples from nonpregnant women. Data indicate that 2-ME-sensitive antibody was present only in sera of women during pregnancy and after abortion. It may be possible that BK virus persists in a latent form in many healthy women and becomes activated during pregnancy.  相似文献   

The biological properties of the HMV-1 virus, spontaneously released from a human X C57BL/6 mouse hybrid cell line, were similar to those of RadLV, the prototype B-tropic virus of C57BL/6 mice. Both viruses replicated on B-type mouse cells and in the wild mouse cell line SC-1. The plaque-forming abilities of the two viruses were relatively low, but gradually increased after passage in new host cells. Both viruses were neutralized by AKR antisera but not by FMR antisera. HMV-1 virus could rescue the defective sarcoma genome from S+H- mouse cells. The pseudotype sarcoma virus so produced was deficient in "helper virus" activity. Newborn mice inoculated with HMV-1 virus remained tumor-free over a 1-yr observation period.  相似文献   

Functional role of BK virus tumor antigens in transformation.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
H Nakshatri  M M Pater    A Pater 《Journal of virology》1988,62(12):4613-4621
We have examined the role of the human papovavirus BK virus (BKV) tumor (T) antigen(s) in the maintenance of transformation and have identified the domain of T antigen essential for transformation. BKV-transformed BHK 21 and NIH 3T3 cells expressing antisense T-antigen RNA lose their ability to grow in soft agar, indicating the need for the continued expression of T antigen for the maintenance of the transformed phenotype. Experiments using translation termination linker insertion and deletion mutagenesis of BKV T antigen demonstrate that amino acids 356 to 384 are essential for transformation. Although BKV T antigen shares 100, 95, and 82% amino acid homology with that of simian virus 40 (SV40) for the nuclear localization signal, p53-binding domain, and DNA-binding domain, respectively, the transformation domains of BKV and SV40 T antigens share only 54% homology. Also, BKV T antigen lacks a substantial portion of the ATPase domain of SV40, and our results indicate the dispensability of the remaining portion for transformation by this protein. We suggest that the differences in the amino acids in the identified transformation domains together with the differences in the ATPase domains may account for the differences in the transformation potentials of the two proteins.  相似文献   

High-level and stable production of a protein of interest is one of the most important parameters when considering the development of an efficient vector system for heterologous gene expression. In order to achieve this goal, we have used episomal vector elements derived from Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) or BK virus (BKV) in combination with the strictly regulated interferon-inducible Mx promoter.Here we demonstrate that EBV-derived vectors replicate efficiently in all cell lines tested (i.e. HEK293, HeLaH21 and Vero), yielding stable transfectants with a high, inducible expression level and almost no background. In contrast, BKV-derived vectors are much more restricted to particular cell types and hampered by DNA rearrangements, which is a serious drawback for use over a longer timespan.  相似文献   

Rasheed rat sarcoma virus (RaSV) has been shown to code for a protein of 29,000 Mr not present in replication-competent rat type C helper virus (RaLV)-infected cells. This protein is a fused gene product consisting of a portion of the RaLV p15 gag protein and the transformation-specific 21,000 Mr (p21) ras protein, which is also found in Harvey murine sarcoma virus. We now report the molecular cloning of both the SD-1 (Sprague-Dawley) strain of RaLV and the transforming ras sequences of RaSV. Heteroduplex analysis of these cloned DNAs demonstrated that the RaSV ras gene (v-Ra-ras) was inserted into the rat type C viral genome with a small deletion of RaLV genetic information in the 5' region of the gag gene and that the v-Ra-ras gene (0.72 kilobase pair) is homologous to and colinear with the p21 ras gene of Harvey murine sarcoma virus (v-Ha-ras). Restriction enzyme mapping confirmed the homology demonstrated by heteroduplex mapping, showing strong site conservation of restriction endonucleases known to cleave v-Ha-ras. Cloned v-Ra-ras DNA transformed NIH 3T3 cells, inducing the synthesis of the p29 RaSVgag-ras protein.  相似文献   

A new isolation procedure for Kalata polypeptides from the tropical plant Oldenlandia affinis DC is described. Fractions were screened by thin-layer chromatography, and Van Urk positive fractions were tested for oxytocic activity in estrogenized rat uteri. By using this procedure, we were able to isolate and characterize three macrocyclic polypeptides with uterine activity. Their amino acid sequence and biological effects have been analyzed, and their NMR spectra were compared with those of the earlier ones. All three peptides showed hemolytic activity on human blood, and were tested for antibiotic effect against E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Hemophilus influenzae.  相似文献   

The monomer form of BK virus (BKV) tumor antigen (T Ag) was immunoprecipitated from extracts of BKV-transformed cells and had a molecular weight of approximately 113,000. This compared with 97,000 for the molecular weight of either BKV or simian virus 40 (SV40) T Ag from lytically infected cells. The SV40 and BKV T Ag's from productively infected cells were compared by examining their methionine-labeled tryptic peptides. Out of a total of 20 SV40-and 21 BKV-specific peptides, there were seven pairs of similar peptides on the basis of ion-exchange chromatography, These coeluting peptides contained approximately 25 to 30% of the total methionine radioactivity. Similar results were obtained when the tryptic peptides of SV40 T Ag from lytically infected cells were compared with those of BKV T Ag from virally transformed cells.  相似文献   

381 enterobacterial strains isolated from patients with acute enteric diseases were studied. Of these, 279 strains, as well as 20 strains isolated from 50 healthy children, were studied for the presence of adhesins, hemolysins and catalase. The comparison of the hemagglutinating activity of enterobacteria isolated from sick and healthy children revealed no essential differences between them. 15.8% of enterobacterial strains isolated from sick children possessed hemolytic activity, while strains isolated from healthy children did not induce the hemolysis of erythrocytes. All enterobacterial strains isolated from patients with acute enteric diseases were multi-resistant to antibiotics. A multitude of different antibiograms was obtained, most of them occurring only once. In 1985 the number of multiresistant (i. e. resistant to 11 and more antibiotics) strains dropped from 61% to 26..9% in comparison with 1981.  相似文献   

BK polyomavirus (BKV) is ubiquitous in human populations, infecting children asymptomatically and then persisting in the kidney, in which it can cause nephropathy in renal transplant patients. BKV isolates are classified into four subtypes (I-IV) using serological or genotyping methods, and subtype I is further divided into four subgroups, Ia, Ib-1, Ib-2, and Ic, based on DNA sequence variations. To clarify whether there is an association between BK virus lineages and human populations, we examined BKV-positive urine samples collected from immunocompetent individuals at various locations in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Partial BKV DNA sequences (n=299) in these samples were determined and subjected to phylogenetic and single nucleotide polymorphism analysis to classify BKV isolates around the world. The validity of the classification was confirmed by analyses based on complete BKV DNA sequences. Subtype I was the major subtype throughout the studied regions, and subtype IV was prevalent only in Asia and Europe. Subtype-I subgroups showed close relationships to major geographical areas. It has recently been shown that JC virus (a human polyomavirus closely related to BKV) co-evolved with human populations, and the present study thus suggests that host-linked evolution is the general mode of polyomavirus evolution. Additionally, our results indicate certain unique aspects of the relationship between BKV and humans.  相似文献   

A method for the isolation of vacuoles based on polybase induced lysis of protoplasts of the cell wall deficient Neurospora crassa slime variant is described. Isolated vacuoles are characterized by 12 to 50 times increased specific activities of several hydrolases as compared with the total homogenate of protoplasts. Total -amino nitrogen, arginine, and polyphosphate are also greatly enriched in these vacuoles. Vacuoles are equipped with a permease for the transport of basic amino acids across the tonoplast.Non-Standard Abbreviation DEAE-dextran diethylaminoethyl-dextran  相似文献   

Polyomaviruses such as the BK virus (BKV), JC virus (JCV) and SV40, as well as the human papillomaviruses (HPV) are frequently detected throughout human populations, causing subclinical persistent infections and inducing oncogenesis in human and other cell lines. To test the involvement of these viruses in prostate tumorigenesis, we investigated the prevalence of BKV, JCV and HPV in a series of human prostatic malignancies. Forty-two samples of diagnosed prostatic malignancies were tested using standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR) protocols. Differentiation between BKV and JCV among the polyomavirus-positive samples was achieved after sequencing analysis of the PCR products. Reconstitution of BKV in vitro was performed and indirect immunofluorescence for the large T-antigen of the virus was applied to confirm the production of progeny virus. Detection and typing of HPV was carried out by PCR. The overall prevalence of polyomaviruses was 19% in the prostate cancer cases. Sequencing analysis of the polyomavirus-positive specimens revealed the presence of BKV in all samples. Reconstitution of the BKV from the BKV-positive prostate samples was successfully achieved in cell culture and progeny viral particles were obtained, confirming the presence of the virus in the human biopsies. HPV was detected in 4.8% of the samples, however, no HPV-11, HPV-16, HPV-18 or HPV-33 types were identified. BKV was frequently detected and could play a relevant role in the development and progression of human prostate cancer, whereas HPV does not seem to be implicated in this type of human neoplasia.  相似文献   

Nine different strains of mycobacteria grown on media deficient in iron all produced mycobactins. Most strains produced one mycobactin in great preponderance. Mycobacteria from clearly distinct taxonomic groups gave mycobactins differing in the structure of their nuclei. One group of taxonomically related mycobacteria produced mycobactins having the same nucleus but with different distributions of side chains within the homologous mixtures. Simple methods are described for identifying mycobactins on a small scale; these may be of value in classifying mycobacteria. Structures are proposed for mycobactin A from Mycobacterium aurum, mycobactin R from M. terrae, mycobactin F, produced together with mycobactin H by M. fortuitum, and mycobactins M and N from M. marinum. The first three of these differ from known mycobactins in details of substitution and configuration of asymmetric centres in the nucleus. Mycobactins M and N are substantially different, having only small acyl groups (acetyl and propionyl respectively) at the hydroxamic acid centre of the mycobactic acid moiety. Both are homologous mixtures having long-chain saturated 3-hydroxy-2-methyl acid fragments in the cobactin moiety. All mycobactins so far isolated promote almost maximal growth of M. johnei at 30ng./ml. in liquid medium. The activity of some mycobactins extends to much lower concentrations, mycobactin S showing significant growth promotion at 0.3ng./ml. Mycobactin M or N in combination with mycobactins having a long side chain in the mycobactic acid moiety exerts a mutually antagonistic effect on the growth of M. johnei, the mixture giving less growth than either mycobactin separately. Mycobactin M also decreases the growth of M. kansasii and M. tuberculosis on liquid media. These antagonistic effects are probably caused by a lengthening of the lag phase.  相似文献   

A colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) has been partially purified and concentrated from mouse yolk sac-conditioned medium (YSCM). M-CSF appeared to preferentially stimulate CBA bone marrow granulocyte-macrophage progenitor cells (GM-CFC) to differentiate to form macrophage colonies in semisolid agar cultures. By comparison, colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) from mouse lung-conditioned medium (MLCM) stimulated the formation of granulocytic, mixed granulocytic-macrophage, and pure macrophage colonies. Mixing experiments indicated that both M-CSF and GM-CSF stimulated all of the GM-CFC but that the smaller CFC were more sensitive to GM-CSF and that the larger CFC were more sensitive to M-CSF. Almost all developing "clones" stimulated initially with M-CSF continued to develop when transferred to cultures containing GM-CSF. In the converse situation, only 50% of GM-CSF prestimulated "clones" survived when transferred to cultures containing M-CSF. All clones initially stimulated by M-CSF or transferred to cultures stimulated by M-CSF contained macrophages after 7 days of culture. These results suggest that there is a population of cells (GM-CFC) that are capable of differentiating to form both granulocytes and macrophages, but, once these cells are activated by a specific CSF (e.g. M-CSF), they are committed to a particular differentiation pathway. The pattern of CFC differentiation was not directly related to the rate of proliferation: cultures maximally stimulated by M-CSF produced mostly macrophage colonies, but the presence of small amounts of GM-CSF produced granulocytic cells in 30% of the colonies. Gel filtration, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate, and affinity chromatography with concanavalin A-Sepharose indicated that M-CSF from yolk sacs was a glycoprotein with an apparent molecular weight of 60,000. There was some heterogeneity of the carbohydrate portion of the molecule as evidenced by chromatography on concanavalin A-Sepharose.  相似文献   

Glutathione reductase from human erythrocytes exists predominatly as an entity of 100 000 molecular weight under various conditions of pH and ionic strength. The S20,W of 5.5 S and D20W of 50 mum2/s correlate with the molecular weight determined by sedimentation equilibrium. The homogeneity of this species is primarily dependent on the presence of thiols and secondarily on high concentrations of salt. The amino-acid composition of the enzyme shows similarities both with glutathione reductases from other sources and with lipoamide dehydrogenase. From the flavin content and dodecylsulphate-polyacrylamide electrophoresis it is inferred that the native enzyme is a dimer composed of similar subunits of 50 000 molecular weight. In the absence of thiols, glutathione reductase shows a tendency to form tetramers and larger aggregates. Although these larger species are also catalytically active, under cellular conditions the presence of its product, reduced glutathione, should maintain the enzyme as the dimeric entity.  相似文献   

Survivin gene and its two alternatively spliced variants, survivin-2 B and survivin- Delta Ex3 gene were cloned from human breast cancer cell lines B-cap37 firstly. A new gene designated as survivin-image (SI) was cloned from above cell lines, which has not been reported yet to clone from any cell lines. It was found that the novel gene 507 bp comprises partial survivin gene (345 bp), partial image gene (155 bp) of eye cancer and other insertion of 7 bp by analyzing with a series of recent bioinformatics software at the level of nucleotide and protein deduced. Predicted 3-D structures of the new molecule showed greatly similar to that of survivin in N-terminal containing BIR by homology modeling. These results suggested SI gene (GenBank accession No.AY830084) might be a novel alternatively spliced isoforms of the survivin gene involved in other functional significances related to tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

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