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This paper reports the chromosome numbers and karyotype analysis of Speirantha gardenii, which is endemic to China. The material was collected from Huang Shan, Anhui. It is a diploid species. Its somatic chromosome is 2n=38=22m+6sm+10st. The 9th pair is submedian centromere chromosomes, but it has two constrictions. The secondary constriction is on the short arm near centromere. Of the 19 chromosome pairs,secondary constriction is present only in this pair.  相似文献   

1植物名称高斑叶兰[Goodyera procera(Ker- Gaw1.)Hook.]。2材料类别茎段。3培养条件(1)芽诱导培养基:MS 6-BA 0.5 mg·L~(-1)(单位下同) NAA 0.05;(2)增殖培养基:1/ 2 MS 6-BA 2.0 NAA 0.2 100 g·L~(-1)椰汁:(3)生根培养基:1/2Ms IBA 1.0 NAA 0.5 0.5 g·L~(-1)活性  相似文献   

One new triterpenoid saponin, named piptadeniaoside (1), along with two known saponins (23) have been isolated from the stem bark of Piptadeniastrum africanum. After previous isolation of flavone derivatives from this plant, new phytochemical investigations were performed for its saponin content. Their structures were established by direct interpretation of their spectral data, mainly HRESIMS, 1D NMR (1H, 13C NMR, DEPT) and 2D NMR (COSY, NOESY, HSQC and HMBC), and by comparison with the literature data.  相似文献   

樟科柔毛润楠正确名称的考订   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在确认润楠属(Machilus Nees)应作为一独立属后,根据《国际植物命名法规》,恢复柔毛润楠的正确名称应为Machilus villosa(Roxb.)Hook.f.  相似文献   

The geographical limits of Nothofagus cunninghamii are highly correlated with climate and appear to be more or less in equilibrium with the climate of the present century in all but one of the areas of its present range. It is suggested that suitable climates for the species occur in the highlands of northeastern Victoria and southern New South Wales, beyond its present range, and it is possible that it occurred within the predicted area prior to the last ice age. It is suggested that populations of N. cunninghamii along the northeastern edge of its present range in the Central Highlands of Victoria may be migrating northeast along a narrow corridor of apparently suitable climate to re-occupy the postulated former range. The rate of migration would be expected to be extremely slow because of the poor dispersal ability of the species and the adverse impact of recurrent fires.  相似文献   

Tripterygium wilfordii Hook.f., known as Leigongteng (Thunder God Vine) in traditional Chinese medicine, has attracted much attention for its applications in relieving autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus, and for treating cancer. Molecular analyses of the ITS and 5S rDNA sequences indicate that T. hypoglaucum and T. doianum are not distinct from T. wilfordii, while T. regelii should be recognized as a separate species. The results also demonstrate potential value of rDNA sequence data in forensic detection of adulterants derived from Celastrusangulatus in commercial samples of Leigongteng.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungHerrn ProfessorStubbe in Dankbarkeit zum 60. Geburstag.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die beiden auf verschiedenen Hydrophiliden lebenden Sauginfusorien Discophrya speciosa Lachmann und D. guilcherae Matthes beherbergen in ihrem Endoplasma zahllose Bakterien. Die gram-negativen Keime sind häufig paarweise aneinandergelagert und an ihren freien Enden zumeist zugespitzt. Auf der Oberfläche gallertiger Nährböden wachsen sie als runde, glänzende Kolonien von intensiv gelber Farbe. Auch extreme Schleimbildung tritt auf. Während die aus den Wirten direkt freigesetzten Stäbchen unbeweglich sind, zeigen die kultivierten Keime peritriche Begeißelung und Beweglichkeit. Aus dem reichen Material wurden zwei Stämme ausgewählt (A 1=D. speciosa, A 2=D. guilcherae), die zwar Größendifferenzen zeigen, aber in ihren biochemischen Leistungen (Bunte Reihe) völlig übereinstimmen. Die identischen Keime gehören dem. Genus Flavobacterium an. Wir nennen den neuen Organismus Flavobacterium buchneri n. sp. Der obligate Charakter der Besiedlung zwingt zur Annahme eines symbiontischen Verhältnisses zwischen den Partnern. Die biochemischen Befunde geben leider keinen Hinweis für das Motiv der Symbiose. Es ist wohl im ernährungsphysiologischen Bereich zu suchen. Da D. speciosa und D. guilcherae eng miteinander verwandt sind, darf man annehmen, daß bereits ihre Stammform mit unserem Flavobacterium in Symbiose lebte. Bei deren Erstbesiedlung müssen die Keime mit dem Beuteplasma in das räuberische Sauginfusor gelangt sein. Die Weitergabe der Symbionten an die Nachkommenschaft ist durch den Knospungsmodus zwangsläufig gewährleistet.
Summary The two infusorian Suctoria Discophrya speciosa Lachmann and D. guilcherae Matthes, which live on various Hydrophilidae, contain numerous bacteria in their endoplasm. The gram-negative bacteria frequently arrange themselves in pairs with their free ends, in the majority of cases, tapered to points. They grow on the surface of the gelatinous culture medium as round shiny colonies which have an intense yellow color. An extreme formation of slime also occurs. The rods which are liberated from the host directly are non-motile while the cultivated bacteria show peritrich flagellation and motility. Two strains were selected from an abundance of material (A 1=D. speciosa and A 2=D. guilcherae) and they showed size differences; however, they were completely identical in their biochemical behavior. The identical bacteria belong to the genus Flavobacterium. We have named the new organism Flavobacterium buchneri n. sp. The obligate character of the infection forces us to assume that a symbiotic relationship exists between the partners. Unfortunately, the biochemical findings give no indication for the motive of the symbiosis. One probably has to look for the reason in the sphere of nutrition physiology. Since D. speciosa and D. guilcherae are closely related one may assume that their primitive ancestor already had a symbiotic relationship with our Flavobacterium. By the preceding we mean that the first infection takes place or occurs when the infusorian Suctoria suck the plasma and bacteria from the prey. The continuation of the symbiosis in the progeny is inevitably guaranted through the method of budding.

杉木败育种子及其涩粒物质的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杉木种子的涩粒(败育种子)约占种子数的30—70%,涩粒率高是杉木种子发芽率低的根本原因之一。试验表明,立地条件、授粉方式、胚胎发育、光照、涩粒物质及母株的遗传性等都与涩粒的形成有着密切关系。涩粒物质的成分很复杂,其中含萜类物质。还含有多种矿质元素。通过采取多种综合措施,可以有效地提高种子的质量,较大幅度地降低涩粒率。  相似文献   

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