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The laboratory is engaged in morphomechanics—the study of self-organization of mechanical forces that create the shape and structure of the embryonic primordia. As part of its work, the laboratory described pulsating modes of mechanical stresses in hydroids, identified and mapped mechanical stresses in the tissues of amphibian embryos, and studied morphogenetic reorganization caused by the relaxation and reorientation of tensions. The role of mechanical stresses in maintaining the orderly architectonics of the embryo is shown. Mechano-dependent genes are detected. Microstrains of embryonic tissues and stress gradients associated with them are described. A model of hyper-recovery of mechanical stresses as a possible driving force of morphogenesis is proposed.  相似文献   

With the help of a suction manometric device, the relation between the deformation of Xenonus laevis embryo at the gastrula and neurula stages and the value of the applied force has been studied. Stiffness modules of embryonic tissues were in the order of several dozens of Pascal and they were inversely proportional during deformation from 40 to 20%. At the gastrula stage, a uniform or an increasing rate of expansion of the embryo body in the suction capillary with the diameter of approximately half that of the embryo was observed for 30 min after the action of the suction forces. The length of the stretched portion of the embryo correlates with the value of its deformation at the first minute. As a result of the expansion, the total body surface area of the deformed embryo increases more than twice compared to intact embryos. After expelling the embryo from the capillary, its surface reduced and the deformation became smoothened within 5 min, which indicates the existence of tensional force in the expanded embryo. These data confirm that, at the embryo gastrula stage, external mechanical forces do not only passively deform the embryo but also initiate the active expansion of the embryo which takes place at zero external force and overcomes the tensional resistance of tissues. The mechanism of active expansion and its link with the processes of normal morphogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The chicken embryo is a classical animal model for studying normal embryonic and fetal development and for xenotransplantation experiments to study the behavior of cells in a standardized in vivo environment. The main advantages of the chicken embryo include low cost, high accessibility, ease of surgical manipulation and lack of a fully developed immune system. Xenotransplantation into chicken embryos can provide valuable information about cell proliferation, differentiation and behavior, the responses of cells to signals in defined embryonic tissue niches, and tumorigenic potential. Transplanting cells into chicken embryos can also be a step towards transplantation experiments in other animal models. Recently the chicken embryo has been used to evaluate the neurogenic potential of human stem and progenitor cells following implantation into neural anlage1-6. In this video we document the entire procedure for transplanting human stem cells into the developing central nervous system of the chicken embryo. The procedure starts with incubation of fertilized eggs until embryos of the desired age have developed. The eggshell is then opened, and the embryo contrasted by injecting dye between the embryo and the yolk. Small lesions are made in the neural tube using microsurgery, creating a regenerative site for cell deposition that promotes subsequent integration into the host tissue. We demonstrate injections of human stem cells into such lesions made in the part of the neural tube that forms the hindbrain and the spinal cord, and into the lumen of the part of the neural tube that forms the brain. Systemic injections into extraembryonic veins and arteries are also demonstrated as an alternative way to deliver cells to vascularized tissues including the central nervous system. Finally we show how to remove the embryo from the egg after several days of further development and how to dissect the spinal cord free for subsequent physiological, histological or biochemical analyses.  相似文献   

The discovery by Hans Spemann of the “organizer” tissue and its ability to induce the formation of the amphibian embryo’s neural tube inspired leading embryologists to attempt to elucidate embryonic induction’s underlying mechanisms. Since then several studies have described several developmental model system to better understand the role of specific signaling molecules, the interplay of different signals and tissue interactions in regulating tissue induction and patterning events. Different groups of workers set out to subject embryonic amphibian tissues and inductive adult organs to various extraction methods in the hope that the active agents could be isolated and chemically identified. In addition, a large number of well characterized chemical compounds were tested.  相似文献   

The way in which the tooth is intruded into its socket has been investigated using monkeys (Macaca irus). There are two stages to the intrusion of the tooth up to a force of about 4N. Both stages are characterized by a parabolic relationship between force and intrusion with a discontinuity occurring within the force range 0.5–0.8 N. The initial part of the intrusion is due to compression of cellular components and blood vessels and the flow of tissue fluids. For forces above the discontinuity, the collagen fibre network has been orientated and is also taking a part in transmitting force to the alveolus. Rapid application of force results in less movement of the tooth than when the force is applied gradually. It may well be that tthe rapid movement causes blood and extracellular fluids to be trapped whereas slower movement permits the fluids to move.  相似文献   

Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, is an essential process for the elimination of unnecessary cells during embryonic development, tissue homeostasis, and certain pathological conditions. Recently, an active mechanical function of apoptosis called apoptotic force has been demonstrated during a tissue fusion process of Drosophila embryogenesis. The mechanical force produced during apoptosis is used not only to force dying cells out from tissues in order to keep tissue integrity, but also to change the morphology of neighboring cells to fill the space originally occupied by the dying cell. Furthermore, the occurrence of apoptosis correlates with tissue movement and tension of the tissue. This finding suggests that apoptotic forces might be harnessed throughout cell death-related morphogenesis; however, this concept remains to be fully investigated. While the investigation of this active mechanical function of apoptosis has just begun, here we summarize the current understandings of this novel function of apoptosis, and discuss some possible developmental processes in which apoptosis may play a mechanical role. The concept of apoptotic force prompts a necessity to rethink the role of programmed cell death during morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Cek9 is a receptor tyrosine kinase of the Eph subfamily for which only a partial cDNA sequence was known (Sajjadi, F.G., and E.B. Pasquale. 1993. Oncogene. 8:1807-1813). We have obtained the entire cDNA sequence and identified a variant form of Cek9 that lacks a signal peptide. We subsequently examined the spatio-temporal expression and tyrosine phosphorylation of Cek9 in the chicken embryo by using specific antibodies. At embryonic day 2, Cek9 immunoreactivity is concentrated in the eye, the brain, the posterior region of the neural tube, and the most recently formed somites. Later in development, Cek9 expression is widespread but particularly prominent in neural tissues. In the developing visual system, Cek9 is highly concentrated in areas containing retinal ganglion cell axons, suggesting a role in regulating their outgrowth to the optic tectum. Unlike other Eph-related receptors, Cek9 is substantially phosphorylated on tyrosine in many tissues at various developmental stages. Since autophosphorylation of receptor protein-tyrosine kinases typically correlates with increased enzymatic activity, this suggests that Cek9 plays an active role in embryonic signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Application of phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C to early tailbud stage axolotl embryos reveals that a specific subset of morphogenetic movements requires glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)-linked cell-surface proteins. These include pronephric duct extension, "gill bulge" formation, and embryonic elongation along the anteroposterior axis. The work of Kitchin (1949, J. Exp. Zool. 112, 393-416) led to the conclusion that extension of the notochord provided the motive force driving anteroposterior stretching in axolotl embryos, elongation of other tissues being a passive response. We therefore conjectured that axial mesoderm cells might display the GPI-linked proteins required for elongation of the embryo. However, we show here that removal of most of the neural plate and axial and paraxial mesoderm prior to neural tube closure does not prevent elongation of ventrolateral tissues. Tissue-extirpation and tissue-marking experiments indicate that elongation of the ventral trunk occurs via active, directed tissue rearrangements within the endoderm, directed by signals emanating from the blastopore region. Extension of both dorsal and ventral tissues requires GPI-linked proteins. We conclude that elongation of axolotl embryos requires active cell rearrangements within ventral as well as axial tissues. The fact that both types of elongation are prevented by removal of GPI-linked proteins implies that they share a common molecular mechanism.  相似文献   

The article provides a biomechanical analysis of ventral furrow formation in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo. Ventral furrow formation is the first large-scale morphogenetic movement in the fly embryo. It involves deformation of a uniform cellular monolayer formed following cellularisation, and has therefore long been used as a simple system in which to explore the role of mechanics in force generation. Here we use a quantitative framework to carry out a systematic perturbation analysis to determine the role of each of the active forces observed. The analysis confirms that ventral furrow invagination arises from a combination of apical constriction and apical-basal shortening forces in the mesoderm, together with a combination of ectodermal forces. We show that the mesodermal forces are crucial for invagination: the loss of apical constriction leads to a loss of the furrow, while the mesodermal radial shortening forces are the primary cause of the internalisation of the future mesoderm as the furrow rises. Ectodermal forces play a minor but significant role in furrow formation: without ectodermal forces the furrow is slower to form, does not close properly and has an aberrant morphology. Nevertheless, despite changes in the active mesodermal and ectodermal forces lead to changes in the timing and extent of furrow, invagination is eventually achieved in most cases, implying that the system is robust to perturbation and therefore over-determined.  相似文献   

Frozen tissue sections of developing axolotl embryos were labeled by indirect immunofluorescence with anti-alpha-MSH. Anti-MSH immunoreactivity is first detectable in embryos when neural crest cells are migrating from the neural tube. Antibody labeling is visible around the lateral and ventral edges of the neural tube and in the embryonic ectoderm. As development progresses, the amount of labeling increases greatly, particularly in developing ectoderm. Western blots of soluble proteins extracted from various developmental stages of axolotl embryo ectoderm reveal that MSH activity is associated directly with several high molecular weight components that may be part of the embryonic extracellular matrix. Thus, we suggest that melanotropin activity is present in embryonic axolotl skin, is associated with the extracellular matrix, and is thereby in a position to play a supportive and/or directive role in the establishment of embryonic pigment patterns.  相似文献   

pp60c-src Kinase is in chick and human embryonic tissues   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
The normal cellular protein pp60c-src is a tyrosine-specific protein kinase that is homologous to the transforming protein of Rous sarcoma virus (RSV) but its function is unknown. The expression of pp60c-src in chick and human embryonic tissues was monitored by the immune complex protein kinase assay, Western transfer analysis, and immunocytochemical staining at the light microscope level. pp60c-src kinase was expressed in the head and trunk regions of the chick embryo at all stages of development examined; however, expression increased significantly during the major period of organogenesis (Hamburger and Hamilton stages 21 to 32). Western transfer analysis showed that the amount of pp60c-src protein increased in parallel with the increase in kinase activity. Highest levels of pp60c-src kinase were present in the neural tube, brain, and heart of the stage 32 chick embryo. Lower levels of activity were found in eye, limb bud, and liver. Immunocytochemical staining of the neural tube region and heart of the chick confirmed the results of biochemical analysis and showed immunoreactive pp60c-src distributed throughout the neural tube and heart. The distribution of pp60c-src kinase in human fetal tissues was similar to that in the chick embryo; elevated levels of pp60c-src kinase were present in cerebral cortex, spinal cord, and heart, but all other tissues examined expressed some pp60c-src kinase. The results of our studies suggest that pp60c-src plays a fundamental role in an aspect of cellular metabolism that is particularly important in electrogenic tissues.  相似文献   

Retinoids constitute a group of active compounds known as vitamin A. Apart from an unquestionable function in adults, retinoids also play a profound role in many events during embryonic development for instancje in axial patterning and organogenesis. Retinoic acid is the most active biological form of vitamin A. Its signaling both in adults and during embryonic development occurs at different levels through interaction with specific proteins and nuclear receptors. Retinoic acid signaling in heart development occurs mostly via interaction with secondary heart field cells by restricting their spatial expansion and controlling proper addition of these cells to the cardiac tube. This signal requires precise level of local retinoic acid, excess or insufficiency of which causes various malformations of the embryo and embryonic heart. Although retinoid signaling in the developing heart is a highly significant developmental factor, it is not yet fully understood. The following review summarises recent developments regarding this subject.  相似文献   

Dynamic mechanical processes shape the embryo and organs during development. Little is understood about the basic physics of these processes, what forces are generated, or how tissues resist or guide those forces during morphogenesis. This review offers an outline of some of the basic principles of biomechanics, provides working examples of biomechanical analyses of developing embryos, and reviews the role of structural proteins in establishing and maintaining the mechanical properties of embryonic tissues. Drawing on examples we highlight the importance of investigating mechanics at multiple scales from milliseconds to hours and from individual molecules to whole embryos. Lastly, we pose a series of questions that will need to be addressed if we are to understand the larger integration of molecular and physical mechanical processes during morphogenesis and organogenesis.  相似文献   

Residual deformation of fragments of the embryonic tissues preserved after relaxation of the stretching force serve as a criterion of active redistribution of their cells caused by this stretching. We measured residual deformations of the Xenopus laevis ventral and dorsal ectoderm at the early gastrula and lateral ectoderm at the late gastrula-early neurula after stretching of varying time and force. While the samples responded to moderate (up to 40%) short-term stretching as elastic bodies (residual deformations were absent), residual deformation appeared in the early gastrula tissues after 30-60-min stretching, which were more pronounced in the ventral tissues than in the dorsal ones. On the contrary, a contractile reaction developed in the late gastrula-early neurula tissues in response to 60-min stretching, which almost relaxed residual deformation within 20 min after unloading. A conclusion was drawn that gastrulation and neurulation proceed under the conditions of relaxing and nonrelaxing mechanical tensions, respectively. Mechanical bases and morphogenetic role of the described reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

The murine visceral endoderm is an extraembryonic cell layer that appears prior to gastrulation and performs critical functions during embryogenesis. The traditional role ascribed to the visceral endoderm entails nutrient uptake and transport. Besides synthesizing a number of specialized proteins that facilitate uptake, digestion, and secretion of nutrients, the extraembryonic visceral endoderm coordinates blood cell differentiation and vessel formation in the adjoining mesoderm, thereby facilitating efficient exchange of nutrients and gases between the mother and embryo. Recent studies suggest that in addition to this nutrient exchange function the visceral endoderm overlying the egg cylinder stage embryo plays an active role in guiding early development. Cells in the anterior visceral endoderm function as an early organizer. Prior to formation of the primitive streak, these cells express specific gene products that specify the fate of underlying embryonic tissues. In this review we highlight recent investigations demonstrating this dual role for visceral endoderm as a provider of both nutrients and developmental cues for the early embryo.  相似文献   

Residual deformation of fragments of the embryonic tissues preserved after relaxation of the stretching force serve as a criterion of active redistribution of their cells caused by this stretching. We measured residual deformations of the Xenopus laevis ventral and dorsal ectoderm at the early gastrula and lateral ectoderm at the late gastrula-early neurula after stretching of varying time and force. While the samples responded to moderate (up to 40%) short-term stretching as elastic bodies (residual deformations were absent), residual deformation appeared in the early gastrula tissues after 30–60-min stretching, which were more pronounced in the ventral tissues than in the dorsal ones. On the contrary, a contractile reaction developed in the late gastrula-early neurula tissues in response to 60-min stretching, which almost relaxed residual deformation within 20 min after unloading. A conclusion was drawn that gastrulation and neurulation proceed under the conditions of relaxing and nonrelaxing mechanical tensions, respectively. Mechanical bases and morphogenetic role of the described reactions is discussed.  相似文献   

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